Script For Teaching Children About Mindset

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Mindset: The Psychology of Learning and Achievement

Script to support powerpoint presentation for use with young

people (secondary school pupils and students)
Introductory note
We have not numbered the slides so that you can remove slides if you wish and
still be able to use the script. We have identified where there is a 'Potential
Discussion Point'. These are slides (and on occasions, suggested exercises)
which you can use to involve the audience in discussion/activities. You can easily
remove these slides if you simply want to present the material without discussion.
Or you can move these slides to the end of the presentation and use them later.
We have split the presentation into modules but you can easily remove these if
you like and make it into one seamless presentation.

Module 1
Slide: Module 1: Mindsets
Introduces the title of this module: Mindset
Slide: Born Smart?
Introduces a key question at the heart of the mindset discussion: are people born
smart? The mindset theory challenges this question. This question should get
your audience thinking about what they believe about this issue.
Slide: What well be looking at
Continues with questioning are people born smart? On this slide there are four
questions directly related to this question. The last question introduces the
alternative argument do talents, abilities and intelligence grow from experience?

Slide: Importance of development

This slide follows on from the last question in the last slide, by introducing the
idea that people grow and develop.
Slide: So are we born
This slide asks the audience to think about whether people are born good at
maths or acting and so on.

Slides: Was Einstein born through to Was Justin born

These slides are of famous people who we know to have been very successful.
They continue with the same type of questioning as before e.g. was Einstein
born a genius?

Slide: What can we learn about learning from animals?

This slide introduces the question how can science begin to answer whether
people are born smart or not? During this presentation there will be a build up of
scientific evidence. This slide begins the investigation by looking at studies which
have been done with animals. This is because we can learn a lot about humans
by studying the brains of animals.
Slide: Ratty intellect
This slide details an experiment which has been carried out with rats. This
research studied the effect of the environment on the rats brains. In this study
two groups of rats were put in one of two environments: boring or stimulating.
Slide: Rat results
Those in the stimulating environment did better on ratty intelligence tests (finding
their way in a maze) and had heavier brains that those in the boring environment.
What this shows is that doing things has an effect on the brain and behaviour.
Even very old rats improved.
Slide: What do you think? Potential discussion point
This slide brings us back to the question Are our abilities determined from birth?
You could ask the audience, or get a discussion going, about whether they think

that tests such as IQ tests measure something stable, and whether people can
predict what someone else will do based on these tests?
Slide: People have increased their IQ
Over the last 50 years peoples IQ has risen, by around 30 points. The
environment is full of many more opportunities for different experiences. Just like
the rat in the exciting cage, humans have got more intelligent.
Slide: Two beliefs about intelligence
This cartoon introduces Carol Dwecks theory to the audience. In simple terms
Carol Dweck says that there are two beliefs about intelligence: fixed vs. growth.
These are belief systems which shape how people view ability. People adopting a
fixed belief think that intelligence is carved in stone: something stable and
unchangeable. Individuals adopting a growth mindset believe that intelligence is
malleable e.g. people can get better at things. One mindset allows ALL people to
grow and develop (growth) and the other doesnt (fixed).
Slide: Fixed mindset
This slide summarises fixed mindset beliefs. People holding these beliefs think
that intelligent people should not have to work hard it should come naturally.
They also believe that you can measure potential. For example, IQ tests or
exams measure something permanent about the person. Because the person
with a fixed mindset doesnt believe in the ability to grow and develop they often
dont stretch themselves and do not value effort.
Slide: Growth mindset
This slide sets out the growth mindset. People adopting a growth mindset believe
that intelligence is malleable. People endorsing a growth mindset believe that
learning requires hard work and effort and that peoples potential cannot be
measured. For example: receiving an A in a test only means that I worked hard
and used the correct strategies. These people believe that ALL individuals learn
and grow. Because they believe in their own and other peoples potential they
tend to give constructive feedback to help others learn.
Slide: Thinking about mindset
This slide contains some points you can make to the students about what we
have learnt about the mindsets so far. People can begin to NOTICE and observe

the mindset they adopt. This means that people can CHOOSE to adopt a growth

Module 2
Slide: Module 2: The brain
Slide: Facts about the brain
This slide contains some facts about the brain. This will introduce students to the
brain and what it does.
Slide: (Picture of the brain)
This slide introduces the main areas of the brain: frontal, parietal, occipital and
temporal lobes. Each lobe helps us to carry out specific functions e.g. to see,
hear, feel and so on. For each of the areas discussed we have a right and a left
lobe which are joined together by a bundle of nerves. The next four slides give
some detail about what each of the four lobes help us do.
Slide: The frontal lobe
This slide gives some facts about the frontal lobes. The frontal lobes are the most
recently evolved area of the brain. They deal with higher cognitive functions such
as reasoning, planning and speech. They are also involved with processing
emotions and movements.
Slide: The parietal lobe
The parietal lobes are less well understood than the other lobes. Despite this, we
know that this lobe is concerned with touch, pressure, temperature and pain.
Slide: The temporal lobe
This slide gives some facts about the temporal lobes. The temporal lobes are
concerned with sound and hearing. When we hear a sound, the auditory cortex in
the temporal lobe, processes that information. The temporal lobes also deal with
Slide: The occipital lobe
The occipital lobe is used for seeing. If part of this area is damaged a person
loses the ability to process what they see.

Slide: All of the lobes and all their functions

This slide rounds up why we have talked at length about the brain. All of these
areas help us to do things in the world like playing instruments or riding bikes. It
allows us to plan and reason. It also allows us to remember things.
Slide: Homunculus
This slide introduces a specific area in our brain. This area represents the parts
of our bodies we use when we move. It is called the motor cortex and is located
in the frontal lobes. There is also a part of our brain which represents the things
we feel. This is called the somatosensory cortex (located in the parietal lobe).
The picture on this slide shows the motor cortex. As you can see the tummy and
the back are very small. This is because we dont use them very often. In this
model the hands are very big and so is the mouth. This is because we use them
more often (think of a baby who explores his/her world with the mouth). Our
model of sensory function shows how hands and mouth are very sensitive.
Slide: Brain space
This slide shows a slice of the brain, which contains the motor cortex. This
image demonstrates that the body does not occupy an equal amount of the brain.
For example, the hand occupies much more than the arm. This is because we
use our hands more often than our arms. These areas get bigger the more we
use them. For example, a musician will have a bigger area which represents the
Slide: Sound centre
This slide follows on from the last point made in the previous slide. Brain imaging
studies have shown that playing music makes the auditory centres of the brain
grow. Musicians have a bigger auditory cortex than non-musicians.
Slide: Neurons
This slide illustrates how the brain DOES grow. For example, when we think a
thought, talk to someone or practice an instrument our brain communicates this
message. It does this through tiny cells called neurons, of which we have around
100 billion. Neurons are made of an axon and a dendrite. The messages arrive
via the dendrites and leave via the axon. The message is then passed through a
gap between two neurons to another dendrite. This process is known as synaptic

transmission. The main message on this slide is that cells communicate

information to each other when we do things, feel things and see things.
Slide: Neurons pass information through connections
This slide shows how the cells communicate to each other: from the axon to the
dendrites, via a small gap between the cells called a synapse.
Slide: Learning helps our neurons grow
This slide shows that when we learn things, this happens through neurons
communicating with one another.
Slide: People with large auditory
This slide talks more specifically about how learning an instrument can actually
increase the size of that area of the brain, by making lots of connections.
Slide: What about your brain? Potential discussion point
This slide asks the audience to reflect on their learning and to imagine the
connections they make as they learn, and to identify what they would like to learn
more of.

Module 3
Slide: Module 3: Fail your way to success
Title slide for module 3.
Slides: Lance Armstrong through to Walt Disney
These slides give examples of very successful people who have failed, and
overcome the failure. This is important because Carol Dwecks work suggests
that people can learn to adopt a growth mindset through exposure to role models.
Slide: Different ways people view failure
This slide encourages the audience to think about how people fail. It then
answers the question with views from both growth and fixed mindset. People
endorsing a growth mindset value learning and see failure as a learning
opportunity. People endorsing a fixed mindset view it as confirmation that they
are not smart.

Slide: Why do people have different views of failure

This slide specifically addresses the question why do people have a different
view of failure? by showing that people create different goals for their learning.
Some (those with a growth mindset) create learning goals. People with learning
goals value learning. This means that they see failure as part of the learning
process. Others (those with a fixed mindset) create performance goals. People
who hold performance goals value looking intelligent. They believe failure is not
part of the learning process as it makes them look stupid.
Slide: Think of a time when you didnt enjoy Potential discussion point
This slide encourages students to reflect upon their own experience by looking at
what goals they held at particular times. This encourages them to NOTICE their
goals and subsequent behaviour. Sometimes we set goals which we are not even
aware of. The idea here is to encourage them to think about how this might have
got in the way of their success. This will then help them to think about what they
might do next time.
Slide: Write down the benefits Potential discussion point
This slide has an exercise which follows on from the last slide. It asks students to
write down the benefits of adopting learning goals. You could use some
collaborative learning techniques to encourage groups to discuss this and write
down e.g. pair share

Module 4
Slide: Module 4: How people cope with failure
Title slide for module 4.
Slide: Response to failure
In the last module we looked at peoples VIEW of failure: some people see it as a
chance to learn and other see it as an opportunity to prove themselves. Which
view depends upon which goal they set. This slide looks at how people COPE
with failure. There are two responses to failure. The first leads some people to
blame themselves, feel depressed and give up trying. The second response
leads people to increase effort and motivation and keep going in the face of

Slide: Helpless response

This slide goes into more detail about the first response mentioned in the last
slide. This is the helpless response. People displaying the helpless response may
often be labelled lazy because they appear to be unmotivated. However Carol
Dweck has shown that people endorsing a fixed mindset will tend to display the
lazy characteristics. This is because they have a fixed view of their ability. They
may say to themselves things such as whats the point?, Ill never get it anyway
or Im stupid. These harsh statements make people feel depressed because
they, erroneously, believe that there is nothing they can do in the face of failure.
They are less likely to persevere and put effort in if they believe that they cant do
it, or wont get it.
Slide: Mastery response
This slide gives some of the characteristics of a mastery response to failure.
People with a growth mindset tend to adopt learning goals. This means that when
they face challenges and setbacks they tend to look for the learning. They also
factor in many things when faced with failure. They are unlikely to blame
themselves for the failure and will say things like: I didnt work hard enough or
the exam was beyond what I can do at the moment or Ill get there eventually
with hard work and effort. Because they explain the cause of events this way,
they are less likely to respond to failure by feeling down or anxious. It is true that
they may not like the fact that they have failed, but they can see a way out and do
not blame their intellect. This means that they will engage with the problem, look
for new ways to do things and try harder when things get tough.
Slide: 50/50
This is to emphasise that both responses are normal, however one is more
helpful than the other.
Slide: Brain imaging and response
This slide gives some scientific back up to the helpless and mastery responses
seen in people with fixed vs. growth mindsets. Using non invasive brain imaging
machines, researchers have shown that the activity in the brain, for people with a
fixed mindset and people with a growth mindset, is different when they fail. Those
with a fixed mindset pay attention to how they feel and ignore learning
information. People with a growth mindset pay attention to the learning
information. After failure those with a growth mindset tend to do better on retests

because they have learnt the information. A key point is that the people are
equally able; the only thing that differed was the mindset they adopted. By
changing your mindset you can change the response in your brain.
Slide: Write down on a piece of paper 3 benefits of displaying a mastery
response through to Michael Jordans coach said Potential discussion
These slides contain a class exercise which aims to get people thinking about
their response to failure.
Slide: Do you avoid or give up on Potential discussion point
This slide is encouraging students to look at their behaviour.
Slide: Next time you get feedback or marks Potential discussion point
This slide follows on from the last slide and encourages students to think about
what they can learn from the feedback they get.
Slide: What do you believe about effort? Potential discussion point
This slide introduces another very important part of Carol Dwecks theory. This is
students beliefs about effort. Carol Dweck has discovered that people with a
fixed mindset often avoided opportunities to improve their skills and abilities
because they didn't expect effort would make any difference and that having to
put effort into something only proved that they weren't good at it in the first place.
Self-confidence in this mindset is fragile and requires constant success and
praise to maintain it. People with a growth mindset see effort as a necessary part
of success. You cannot succeed without hard work and effort.
Slide: Think about your hero Potential discussion point
This slide is an exercise which uses role models to look at the value of effort.
Ask students to think about their heroes. This should be someone who has, what
they believe to be, extraordinary abilities. For example, this could be a parent, an
academic, a singer or a writer. Ask them to think about whether this person made
these achievements without effort? You could ask students to feedback,
encouraging them to look for effort and hard work, or move on to the next slide
Slide: Now go and find out the truth Potential discussion point
This could be a class exercise. Ask the students to take their hero and find out
about the effort it took them to reach their accomplishments. This could be done
through interviewing, reading about or observing the person.
Slide: Mindset tips

This slide has some tips from this module. Go through each one and reflect back
on what has been learnt.

Module 5
Slide: Module 5: Mindset rsum and discussion
Title for module 5.
Slide: 2 Mindsets recap
This slide provides a recap of what people with a fixed mindset and a growth
mindset believe about their intelligence. It provides a recap of the main points.
You may want to add in more as you are going through each list.
(The following slides are part of the same exercise which is a chance to see what
people have learned) All potential discussion points
Slide: Write down 3 things you know about a growth
This exercise asks students to think about the growth mindset and write about
three things they know about it. For this exercise you will need post it notes, or
bits of card. Give each student three bits of card, to write a point on each one.
Give them a few minutes to think before writing down their answers. Ask students
to give their bits of paper to you, or to put them in a pile on the table. Keep these
on your desk until you get to slide picture the brain forming Alternatively you
could ask students to put their responses on the wall.
Slide: Write down 3 things you know about a fixed
This exercise is the same as before except you are asking students to think
about a fixed mindset and write down three points. For this exercise you may
want to give the students different coloured card, or different colored pens. The
reason for this is that you want to separate the growth responses from the fixed
responses when you come to the next slide.
Slide: Now stick these on the wall in 2 separate
If you have not already asked students to put their responses on the wall then do
so in two different categories: growth and fixed. Then talk about the results,
correcting and explaining their answers. It is best to talk generally and not ask
people specifically about their own answers.
Slide: In groups I want you to discuss the benefits of a growth
This slide contains an exercise which asks people to discuss a growth mindset.
You may like to use a cooperative learning technique
( such as a pair share or jigsaw
( and ask the groups
to feedback to you about the growth mindset.


Slide: Picture the brain forming new connections

This slide was added in order to emphasis the point (which some students may
have made during their feedback for the previous slide) which is that the brain
makes new connections each time something new is learned.
Slide: Is there something in your past which you think measured you?
Here is a thought exercise for the students, which asks them to focus on the
growth mindset perspective in relation to a previous experience.
Slide: What did you learn from this experience?
This slide follows on from the last one. Once the students have thought about
what they have learnt from the experience you could ask them to write it down.
This is so that they strengthen the memory and the relation of the growth mindset
to their experience.
Slide: Is there something that you always wanted to do
This slide asks people to think about something that they always wanted to do but
were afraid to do it. You might like to use a goals tool (see the appendix in the
general script for this tool) to help them with the plan.
Slide: (Different subjects)
This slide links to the previous one. It gives some ideas of subjects people may
want to work on.
Slide: People are born with
This slide illustrates that we are ALL born with a love of learning and that a fixed
mindset can undo this.

Slide: Mindset tips

This slide has a summary of key points. You may want to add more or elaborate
on these ones.
Slide: Fixed mindset
This slide provides a summary of the main points relating to a fixed mindset.


Slide: Growth mindset

This slide provides a summary of the main points relating to a growth mindset.

The Centre would like to thank the Scottish Government for their support in
helping to produce this resource.


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