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Scholarship Notification

No. 18/DTE /MCM/2014/109

Date: 02.07.2014

Government of India is offering the Merit cum Means Based Scholarship for students pursuing
Professional and Technical courses for the economically weaker and meritorious students belonging to
Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Parsi and Jain minority communities.
Applications are invited only through Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) for
Fresh/Renewal Scholarship for academic year 2014-2015.
Eligibility Criteria :
1. Applicant should be resident of Maharashtra State.
2. Admission to the course should be through Common Entrance Test or obtained minimum 50 %
marks at qualifying examination.
3. Applicant should not avail any other scholarship / stipend.
4. The total annual income of family/guardian should not be more than 2.50 Lakhs.
5. 30 % seats are reserved for girls.
Documents to be attached with application form :
1. One Copy of passport size photograph with signature pasted on Application form.
2. Attested certificates of educational qualification (S.S.C. Onwards).
3. Income and minority declaration - affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper and income certificate from
the employer, if any.
4. Proof of permanent residence.
For renewal of scholarship Upload the required pages of filled printed application form/documents
as per the online instruction that will come before finalizing the application form.
Courses for Scholarship (details list available on :
The professional and Technical courses Degree in Engineering/Technology UG & PG ( B.E. / B. Tech/
M. E. / M. Tech), Cement Technology, Fashion Technology, Pharmacy ( B. Pharm / M. Pharm),
Architecture & Town Planning ( UG & PG), Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Applied Art &
Craft ( UG & PG), MCA, MBA/MMS, Health Science Courses, Law (LLB/LLM), Veterinary Sciences and
Animal Husbandry, CA , ICWAI, CS etc.
Scholarship Amount:

Type of Financial Assistance

Maintenance Allowance
(For 10 months only)
Course Fee*


The rate of scholarship will be as under :

Rate for hostler
Rate for Day Scholar
Rs.10,000/- per annum
Rs.5,000/- per annum.
(Rs.1000 p.m.)
(Rs.500 p.m.)
Rs.20,000/- per annum or Actual
Rs.20,000/- per annum or Actual
whichever is less
whichever is less

* Full course fee will be reimbursed for eligible institutions listed at Annexure-III (available on

Submission of Application Form for Fresh / Renewal Scholarship by student :

The eligible aspiring students shall fill the online application form under Merit cum Means Scholarship
a. The Fresh student should register the name on the website, fill the information online, The OSMS
shall generate the Temporary Application ID for the Fresh student, by using this Id fill the online
application form , select the Institute (if not in list then contact to the Principal for institute
registration) and fill all the information carefully.
b. The Renewal student (Eligible student whose scholarship is sanctioned in previous year) can renew
the scholarship by filling the online application form by using the generated permanent ID /by
filling basic information of the year-2013-14. Renewal Student has to upload the required pages of
printed application form/document as per the online instruction that will come at the time of
finalizing the application form.
After filling the Fresh/Renewal online application form, Student has to verify the complete filled data
and finalize & submit it to the Institutes. The student cant update the data, once the form is Online
finalize & submitted.
Student has to insure that his/her application form is scrutinized by the institute. Student can check
the status of his/her application form through Feedback / Search option given on website. Only
Online Scrutinized Application Form by the institute will be considered for Scholarship.
Procedure for forwarding Online application by Institutes registered under Maharashtra State:
The registered institute (list is given on should scrutinize (Select/Reject)
the online filled application form through OSMS by their login Id and password. Forward the hard copy
of only Fresh ( not Renewal ) online scrutinized application forms with due signature and stamp along
with attested Xerox copy of necessary documents of :
a. Maharashtra state students to the concern (As per the Institute District) Regional Office of the
Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai and
b. Other than Maharashtra State students to the concern Nodal office (list is provided on website) of the
home state of student.
c. Maharashtra State student studying in other state should also forward the hardcopy of the Online
scrutinized application form by the institute to the concern (As per the Permanent District of Candidate)
Regional Office of the Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai ( Address of Regional Offices with
covered District is given on website - /
At the time of Online Scrutiny, Institute has to insure that there should not be any duplication of the
same accepted candidate.
All institutes have to keep one Xerox copy of online filled Application Form (only fresh) along with
submitted documents of candidates for further demanding if necessary.
Registration of Maharashtra State Institute for Merit cum Means Based Scholarship:
The approved institutes of Maharashtra State whose names are not in registered institute list (Registered
Institute list is provided on, under Merit cum Means scholarship) can
register their institute name by submitting the information shown in a table given below to Nodal office,
Directorate of technical Education, Mumbai. After registration Institute will get the Login Id and
Password on mobile no. /E-mail Id through SMS/MAIL.
Information of the Institute for Merit cum Means Based Online Registration of Institute on the letter head of the Institute











For the Registered Institutes who forgot their Password :

a. The already registered institute who forgot their password can request for the OTP No. (One Time
Password) by filling Email_Id and Mobile No. on the website. If filled Email_Id and Mobile No.
matches with already registered Email_Id and Mobile No., they will get OTP through SMS/mail.
By using the OTP No. they can login once and can filled new password.
b. The already registered institute who forgot / wants to change the registered Email_Id /Mob.No.,
by forwarding the request with the required information shown in table given below to Nodal
office, Directorate of technical Education, Mumbai. After submitting/registered by this office, they
can request for OTP No. by filling the new submitted/registered Email_Id and Mob. No. Through
Information of Institute for changing already registered Email_Id / Mob.No.on the letter head of the Institute







Once the OTP No. is generated by the system, Institute cant request for other OTP No. without using the
generated OTP No. Generated OTP No. is forwarded through SMS/Mail on registered mobile no./ EmailId
Schedule of Activities for Fresh /Renewal Application form-Year 2014-15
OSMS- Fresh / Renewal Scholarship-2014-15
Sr. No.


Last date for submission of online

applications for scholarship by students

Last Date
30th September, 2014

Last date for submission of duly signed

printed version of online applications by
students to respective Institutes

10th October, 2014

15 November, 2014
Student has to Upload the
required pages of filled
printed application form
/documents as per the
online instruction that will
come before finalizing the
application form.

Last date for scrutiny of online

applications by Institutes on
* 20th October, 2014
* 25th November, 2014
Last date for submission of hard copy of
Application forms by the institutes in
22nd October, 2014
---------Maharashtra to concern Regional Office.
Any changes will be displayed under Timeline Activities on website-

* Note: The Online submitted Application form will be Escalated (Automatic Pulled) after 30 days (from the
date of Online submission by the candidates) to next level. Institute has to do Online Scrutiny (Select/Reject)
before Escalation of Application form. All received Escalated Online Application form / Not Scrutinized at
State Level will be rejected and no correspondence will be done in this case by this Nodal office.
Scholarship disbursement :
The scholarship shall be transferred in candidates own account; hence the students should fill the valid
bank details (Bank name, IFSC Code (11 digit-having first four alphabet digit) of that bank branch,
Account No.) carefully because no one can EDIT/Update after online finalizing the application form by

the student.
The student should have insured before filling the account no. in application form.
a. Name on account no. is same as per the candidate name in scholarship application form.
b. Bank account no. should not be stopped / closed before transferring the scholarship amount.
c. Bank account no. is operative.
d. Bank account no. has no any fixed credit limit (i.e. sanctioned scholarship amount can be
permissible to credit in account )
e. Bank account no. is not an NRI account /Loan account.
f. Bank account no. has no Minor /Major status issue. [ If candidate age is below 18 year (Minor) at
the time of opening of the bank account and at the time of disbursement of scholarship amount age
will above 18 year (Major) then account should be Major in bank (i.e. if age crossed 18 years
,candidate has to make status of account as Major in bank)]

It is Instructed to all concern Institute that institute has to provide all necessary assistance to the
students and their parents for ensuring more effective implementation of the scheme.

After sanction of scholarship amount if it cant be transferred in submitted account no. in such case
scholarship amount may be surrendered to Government.

Important Notification / Advertisement of Directorate of Technical Education about Merit cum

Means Based Scholarship of Government of India will be displayed on

(Dr. Subhash Mahajan)

Nodal Officer cum
Director, Technical Education, Mumbai (M.S.)

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