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PERFORMANCE FORMULAS FOR CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSORS First Edition by Leon Sapiro Solar Turbines A Caterpillar Company Solar Tursines incorporated San Diego, CA 92186-5376Dedicated to my sons Daniel and Eddy.Preface _ The formulas in this book were collected and used during more than thirty years of work in the area of aerodynamic design and performance analysis of centrifugal compressors. | hope this material will benefit my colleagues, young engineers just entering this field, and users involved in the selection, purchase, and testing of centrifugal compressors. Readers should realize this book is a collection of practical interpretations and more complex formulas. While these interpretations retain meaningful accuracy, more rigorous calculations should be considered when performing sensitive calculations, such as those involved in performance guarantees. For example, real equations of state rather than the ideal gas laws should be applied in cases requiring greater accuracy. However, even among the real equations of state, answers may not be coincident, with some being more accurate than others depending on the particular combination of gases and operating conditions. In summary, the basis of the formulas, their interpretations, and information contained herein should always be considered, verified, and reviewed to ensure accuracy. 1am very grateful to Mary Pengilly for her patience and enthusiasm during the many months of typing this material, despite my frequent additions and corrections; to Solar Turbines Incorporated for publishing this book; and especially to Mike Haak, director of Gas Compressor Business at Solar Turbines Incorporated, for his continuous encouragement to publish this book. Leon Sapiro January 1997Contents Nomenclature Suffixes . Nomenclature Section 1 Equivalences between English, Metric and S.1. Units Section 2 Basic Equivalences 24 Pressure Equivalences .... 2:2 Mass Flow Equivalences ... 2:3 Volume Flow Equivalences 2:3 Head Equivalences 2:3 Work Equivalences 24 Power Equivalences 25 Temperature Equivalences . 25 Gravity Acceleration Equivalences 26 Viscosity Equivalences 26 Gas Constant Equivalences 26 Typical Performance Data in English, Metric and SI. Units ......... er Gas Properties Section 3 Specific Gravity ...... beeeerees 3-4 Gas Constant ....... ponogeacanononos : 34 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat... ee ae Temperature and Pressure Critical Temperature and Pressure ..... os Pseudo Critical Temperature and Pressure . 33 Reduced Pressure and Temperature ... Specific Heat and Specific Heat Ratio Specific Heat at Constant Pressure . we OS Ideal Molal Specific Heat at Constant Pressure wee OT Isentropic Exponent and Specific Heat Ratio . 38 Specific Heat Ratio at Inlet and Outlet .... 3-8 Approximate Formula for kay and kp) of Hydrocarbons 39 iiiGas Properties (Contd.) Equations of State and Compressibility Factor Ideal Equation of State - Perfect Gases Real Equation of State - Real Gases Different Real Equations of State .......... Compressibility Factor A Peng-Robinson Equation of State . Acentric Factor . . Curves of Z as a Function of Pr and Tr Supercompressibility Factor Density .. Gas Mixture Gas Properties .. Ambient Air Humid Air : Physical Properties of Water Vapor Pressure at 100°F . Dew Point.............5 ponaco Partial Pressure of Constituent on Gas Mixture . Gases for Closed Loop Tests 91% to 100% Pure CO,.......... Mixtures of Helium and Nitrogen . . Mixtures of Nitrogen and CO, ... Typical Composition of NaturalGas .. Conditions and Flow Section 4 Conditions Standard Conditions . 44 Normal Conditions 244 Standard and Normal Values .. 242 Flow Mass Flow . Volume Flow Standard Flow seceeee . Normal Flow ...... rer Flow Measurement Discharge Coefficients for Flow Measurement . Venturi Measurement of Flow . Orifice Measurement of Flow Flow Measurement References for Exact Calculation os ws mo pp ep iConditions and Flow (Contd.) Flow (Contd.) Flow Measuring Approach for Axial-Entry Compressors With Static Pressure Differential between Suction Flange and Impeller Eye . Inlet Flow Coefficient ..... . Outlet Volume Flow and Volume Flow Coefficient 24-19 Compressor Volume Ratio 2449 Head, Pressure and Efficiency Section 5 Euler's Equation ........ Beano veces SA Slip Factor ........0eceeeeeeee ee 5:2 Pressure Pressure Ratio 5-4 Reaction ... 5-6 Head Isentropic (Adiabatic) Head ......... ceeeeree ee 57 Polytropic Head : 514 Isentropic Exponent 5-13 Polytropic Exponent 5-14 isentropic Head Coefficient ........ veer BAZ Polytropic Head Coefficient ............. seven SAD Pressure Coefficient ...... vote e eee ee eee 5-20 Efficiency Isentropic (Adiabatic) Efficiency ......... +522 Polytropic Efficiency fase nn gn60n0n00600000 5-25 Conversion of Polytropic Eificiency to isentropic, and Vice Versa... . 0... .0e- eee eee . 5:27 Procedure of Computer Program to Calculate Head and Efficiency .........---0e ee ee eee eee tees 5-28 Power and Heat Load Power Aerodynamic (Gas) Power ............. Compressor Horsepower (Shaft or Brake Horsepower) Horsepower Lost in Bearings and Seals : Required Driver Horsepower . Torque ...... 2-2-2222 sense Required Torque during Compressor Operation... 6-7Power and Heat Load (Contd.) Heat Load Actual Temperature Rise ....... -. 68 Temperature Ratio . -.6-9 Work Factor...... - 6-10 ‘Amount of Heat Produced by the Compressor ("Heat Load") ....... 000s eee e ee eee eee . 6-12 Power Corresponding to the Heat Load aes 612 Heat Losses through the Casing . 613, Power Lost by Casing Heat Losses 614 Efficiency Reduction due to Heat Losses . . . 6-14 Head Flow eee Line Section 7 Flow Range ee : Surge Margin ..... 0... 222-0020 Surge Flow o Effect of Early Surge on Surge Margin Turndown ...... Head Rise to Surge Fan Law or Affinity Laws. Mach Number, Reynolds Number and Specific Speed Section 8 Speed of Sound (Sonic Velocity) ....... 6.6.6 eee cere neers 8-1 Mach Number Mach Number ............ Compressible Flow Relations Machine Mach Number sees Relative Mach Number at Inducer Tip . Reynolds Number Reynolds Number ........ : Pressure Losses due to Friction . Skin Friction Coefficient . . 8-2 186 8-11 Absolute (Dynamic) Viscosity Approximate Formulas for K1 and K2 8-12 Kinematic Viscosity ...... 8-13 Machine Reynolds Number . 8-14 Increase in Efficiency (and Head) in the Field versus on Ambient Air, due to Reynolds Number Effect ....... 8-15 vi rec pa pt pr me tyMach Number, Reynolds Number and Specific Speed (Contd.) Specific Speed Specific Speed . Non-Dimensional Spé Non-Dimensional Specific Speed as a Function OF O, ANG Vga vee cece eee e eee ee cence Dimensional Specific Speed as a Function Of O, and Visor - Bonbo5o Specific Diameter Axial Thrust, Recirculation, and Rotating Stall Apeliiuct en eee ee Required input Data for Axial Thrust Recirculation through Balance Piston... Rotating Stall ee Velocity and Dynamic Pressure at the Compressor Flanges Velocity at the Compressor Flanges .......... Dynamic Pressure (Velocity Pressure) at Compressor Flanges ..... en Equivalent Speeds Equivalent Speed to Produce Same Mach Number Equivalent Speed to Produce Same Density Ratio Equivalent Speed to Produce Same Pressure Ratio vii 8-19 8-20 8-21 Section 9 ot 9-2 , 93 Bbppae 93 Section 11 144 sees 11-2Factory Test Section 12 Horsepower Required for Air Test of Gas Compressors as a Function of Field Horsepower ...............4 2124 Corresponding Suction Pressure for Given Power, Head and Flow .. : 212-3 Required Speed for a Given Pressure Ratio 112-4 Effect on Efficiency When Scaling Up an Impeller 12-5 ASME PTC-10 (1965), Table 1. 12-8 ASME PTC-10 (1965), Table 2 . 12-9 ASME PTC-10 (1965), Table 3 Pe teal) ASME PTC-10 (1965), Table 4 crs Amount of Heat to Be Removed in the Closed Loop Heat Exchangers . 12-12 Total Cost of Fuel to Runa Test . 12-13 Gas Turbine Engine Section 13 Barometric Pressure as a Function of Elevation 13-1 Thermal Efficiency .............055 Heat Rate : Specific Fuel Consumption Index viii 13-2 13-3 = 13-3 Section 14 pm pC ae me ptCFM LHV Mcp MMSCFO. Section 1 Nomenclature Nomenclature Area Speed of Sound Blade Width Brake Horsepower British Thermal Units Radial Clearance Absolute Velocity Calorie : Friction Coefficient Cubic Feet per Minute : Specific Heat at Constant Pressure : Radial Component of Absolute Velocity Tangential Component of Absolute Velocity Specific Heat at Constant Volume ‘Steam Horsepower (France, Latin America) : Diameter : Non-Dimensional Specific Diameter Diameter : Specific Diameter Supercompressibility Factor Gravity Acceleration Gallons per Minute : Enthalpy : Head : Heat Rate : Power Mechanical Equivalent of Heat : Joules : Specific Heat Ratio or Isentropic Exponent : Kilo (Thousand) Viscosity Constant : Degrees Kelvin Kilojoule Kilonewton Kilowatt 2 Neperian Logarithm Length : Lower Heating Value 2 Specific Humidity : Mass Flow : Molal Specific Heat at Constant Pressure Millions of Standard Cubic Feet per day 14Muy Mw a Nam nmed nmé/h nm°/min nm’/s sor SCFM SFC 8.6. Sil S.M. sm? smd smi/hr sm®/min sms : Mach Number : Machine Mach Number Molecular Weight Polytropic Exponent Impeller Rotational Speed (rpm) Newton x Meters = Joule Normal Cubic Meters, per Day Normal Cubic Meters, per Hour Normal Cubic Meters, per Minute Normal Cubic Meters, per Second Normal Flow Specific Speed Static Pressure Total Pressure Pascal : Partial Pressure of Water Vapor Critical Pressure Pseudo Critical Pressure Pseudo Critical Temperature Reduced Pressure Saturated Vapor Pressure Steam Horsepower (Germany) Work Factor Amount of Heat Dynamic Pressure Volume Flow Radius Gas Constant Degree Rankine Radius Reynolds Number Machine Reynolds Number Relative Humidity Shaft Horsepower Entropy Standard Cubic Feet Standard Cubic Feet per Minute Specific Fuel Consumption Specitic Gravity Standard International Surge Margin Standard Cubic Meters Standard Cubic Meters per Day Standard Cubic Meters per Hour ‘Standard Cubic Meters per Minute Standard Cubic Meters per Second Standard Flow Static Temperature Total Temperature Torque Critical Temperature Reduced Temperature “mec | MRA obs ho] om pm peli ms pa {u v v Vn mid Vn mi/h Vn m®/min Vn mis NNN
2 + 0.0457697 (r)"* - 0.133185 (1)! 347156.47 Fp = 160.8 - 7.22 S.G. ~ Kp Kp = Mc - 0.392 Mn r Mc = mol percent of CO, = Mn = mol percent of No Tyg. = (T + 460) x F;] - 460 F Fe 226.29 7" 99.15 + 211.9 x SG - K, . K, = Mc + 1.681 x Mn . P: gauge pressure, psig _ T:_ flowing temperature, °F o= (b+ vor BT" [ b= Qaramxn? iE 54m x me 2m x n t E: Linearly interpolated from Table 4 of the A.G.A. Manual E (up to 2750 psig and above 80°F: E » 0.99) £ § f r z Ez £ i E 3.18Density: p Density is the weight of the unit of volume. It is the inverse of the specific volume. P PRK TRE English Units: Px = 2.699 x ————— ei * ox p= 60M/Q where: (Ib,,/ft?); P (psia); T (°R) ; M (Ib/sec); Q (CFM) Metric Units: p = 3416 x Px SG xz ———————— MW x P = 11.79 x MWxP ° “TRE p= M/Q where: p (kg/m®); P (kg/em?); T (°K); M (kg/s); Q (ms) tIbi ft? = 16.02 kg /m> 1 kg/m? = 0.08242 Ib I ft? g S.L. Units: Px SG, = 3.483 x ————— p23. xz p = 0.1202 x MW x P xz where: p (kg/m’); P (kPa); T(°K) 319Gas Mixture (MW pug = ECV, MWY) E(%eV, x Mop.) Pa aceite E(%V, x Mep,) - 1.989 (PCT) ig = 2% V, x Te,) (PCP) my = E(% V, x Po;) (S.G.) mig = (MW) pig | 28.964 3-20 Per mye pe —Gas Properties symbol] Gas | SG. | ker| kerr| Pop | poT | viscasmy | psia en | Kixto"| 2 Tien Iwetnane | ossa [1are| 120| ora1 | a2 | 153 | 279 2 leat, _lethane | 1.090 | 1.107 | 1.198] 7098 | 500 | 1.58 a lev lerepane [use [1196 [ 1082] e174 | cca | 154 | 4 |C.H,. iso-Butane | 2.007 | 1.132 4.090] 529.1 734.6 1.44 | SICH, |Neuane | 2007 | 1.162] 1.126| ss07 | 7659 | 144 clot, Ilso-Pentanel 2.401 | 1390 | 1250| 4004 | e207 | 141 Tle, [NPentane | 201 | 156] 1g41| se9s | ess | 138 a ICH. [wtexane | 2975 | 1065| 1.010| 359 | orga | 139 olen, [NHeptane | 3459 | 1058 | 1.040] 068 | ovzs | 129 | 902 70 GH, [n-octane | acee | 1.000| 1.094 62.1 | 10234 | 125 | es | 11 1GH,[NNonane | 4425 | 1.019 1.091] 320 | wo7o2 | 122 | eee 12 lout, |N-Decane | 4912 | 1090] 1027| 2000 | site [tse | or Tis lows vlemyene | osee | r2s1| s1re| 7008 | soa2 | 128] 19 ta lee lPropiene | 1453 | 11s7| 1.111] e670 | osz2 | tsa | 542 751K, Teydrogen | 0070 [1404] 1993] 1908 | 602 | tor | ver 16 |NO, {Air 1009 | 1395] 1395 sto | 234 | 228 a7 [N,_[Nivogen | os67 | 1400] 1.396] aaz0 | zeza | 216 | 196 18 {co |caron | oge7 | 1.401] 1.398) so70 | 2304 aie] 196 {Monoxide | | qo |60, Jeatnon | 1520 | 1298/1248] vos | sar | 242] «20 Dioxide 20 [o, |Oxygen_ 4.105 | 1.405, 3.401 730.4 277.9 257, 198 21 |S (Hydrogen | 1.17 | 12005| 1205 12962 | orca | 219) 907 Sulfide ~_| 22|s0, | Sultur par |1set| err] 1499 | 7753 243 | 640 Dioxide 1 : 23 |H,0 [Water oe | 1310] 3t98@ | 11649 285 | 1185 | vapor 24 |98%C0, [o6% Pure | 1502 | 1205] 1248) 10802 | S408 242 | 420 Commercial | co, | Zi [ne [Metum | 0198 | 1065 | 1685] ceo | ose | 26 | ie ze leit [Freon tt | 474 | taie| 1.103) 63s_| eaat | 27 | see a7 le-i2[reon 2 | 417 | 1193] 1.100] _se7_| ose | ase | or za lrze|rreon22 | 296 [rset] 141] 7219 | cos | 201 | 548 2a [era [Freon tia | 50 | 1.075| 1.062] 47s | 751 | 225 | ozo 20 | Typicat | o.oo | ta01| 1206/71 | aso | =149 | -554 I Natural Gas | | | 3-21Gas Properties (conta) 3:22 ry ] MePexr MCP vr | CPeoe | CP awe Symbol! Gas mw | Btulb.mol"R | Btulb.mol"R| Buib’R| Buib°R| | or or or or Calkg.mol.°K | CaV/kg.mol°k| Cal/kg.°K|Cavkg.°K| EF i[cH, __[Memane 16.082 34nd 10.08 oseas | 0.6240 2H, [ethane 30.068 12.17 16.34 oaoa7 | osass| F alcH, [Propane 44.094 1688 23.56 0.3828 | 0.5343 alc, |iso-Butane | 58.120 22.18 310 oseti | 0.5353 SICH [N-Butane | 58.120 22.38 soso | oses: | oss7| aC, _|tso-Pentane | 72.146 27.18 seis _| 0376s | oszes) 7c, —_[NPentane | 72.146 2761 36.12 oss | ose] | alc, _\NHeane | 06.172 22.78, 45a6_| ose0a | o.5a6 ac. [Nteptane | 100.198 | 37.00 $2.60 | 0.3693. 0.5250 ‘cH, —[Wcctane [114290] 4260 cose | cara | osasa] ‘ilo InsNonene | 120.260/ _aa.27 e618 | 03769 | 0.5160 12iCH» — [N-Decane | 142.200 53.02 760 | os7as | oseso| F Ettylene | 28058 10.02 vata] ossva | oases] _. Propylene | 42.084 14.69 1999 | osao1 | 0.4727 Hyerogen | 2016 6.856 eo77_| 3401 | 3.461 : Ait 28.964 6.951 7033 | 02400 | o2aaa| Nitrogen 28.016 6.954 6908 | 0242 | 0.2498 Caron | 28010 6957 7008 | ozeee | o2soe] Ba Monoxide 1ac0, [Carbon 4010 3.608 voos | os7e | ones) E Dioxide | | zdlo, oxygen 32,000 8997 722 | o2te7 | ozco| ails (Hydrogen | 94.076 3.081 ass | o2a7s | 0.2509 Sule rE 280, [Sutur 64.059 | 9.398 1053 onase | 0.1648 __[pioxide | | | vapor | 2al96%C0, [9% Pure | 43.71 | Ez Commercial | | 25|He [etm — 4.003 29 | z alr-i1 [Freon tt | 1979 1201 Z Faz [Freon 12 1208 30.1368 22 [Freon 22 883 2213 t 2ole-114 [Freon t14 | 1709 20.1410 30 TypealNat | 17.38 E | GasMW cp k gJ.Cp u v Ambient Air 28.964; S.G. = 1.00 0.0763 Ib/it? (60 °F) 0.0735 Ib/ft® (80 °F) 0.2430 Btu/b°R 1.395 6082 ft/sec® °R 0.0180 centipoises = 121 x 10” Ib/sec ft 1.635 x 10“ ft/sec vnnud At high temperature (900 °R): k Cp u = 1.33 0.2760 Btu/lb °R 0.027 centipoises = 187 x 10” Ib/sec ft 3:23Humid Air MW Humid Air MW Dry Air S.Grrumis aie * MW Humid Air=MW Dry Air x %Volume+MW Water Vaporx% Volume MW Dry Air = 28.964 MW Water Vapor = 18.016 Example: % Water Vapor: 2.25% (0.0225) % Dry Air: 97.75% (0.9775) MW Humid Air = 28.964 x 0.9775 + 18,016 x 0.0225 MW Humid Air = 28.718 % Volume Water Vapor 00- % Volume Dry Air P,- Vapor Pressure at Proper Relative Humidity P, % Volume Dry Air= R.H. (Relative Humidity): From airport, at given time Vapor Pressure at 100% R.H. and T, (From Tables: 0.710 psia for 90°F; 0.460 psia for 77°F) Vapor Pressure at Proper R.H.= Vapor Pressure at 100% A.H.xALH. P,: Barometric Pressure (psi) If given in in. Hg, multiply by conversion factor, as a function of T: At 50°F: 0.4903 70°F: 0.4893 90°F: 0.4883 Relative Humidity: R.H (if there is 100% relative humidity: R.H. = 1.0 Partial Pressure of water vapor: Pa At the dry-bulb temperature For example, for 80°F: Pa = 0.5069 3-24 od “Specific Humidity: m Pounds of water vapor per pound of dry air. From chart of saturated air, for dry-bulb temperature versus absolute pressure. For example, for 80°F and 14,70 psia: m = 0.023 Saturated vapor pressure: Ps Ps = Pax RH. For example: for Pa = 0.5069 and R. H .= 1.0: Ps = 0.5069 Physical Properties of Water Density: e 62.43 Ib/ft® (at 0°C; ice) e 59.83 Ib/ft® (at 100°C; boiling) 1 fe = 7.48 gallons 1 gallon = 0.1337 ft? igallonmin = 2.228x10%ft/sec = 0.138 Ib/sec 1 Ib/sec = 7.239 gpm gt 1 Mol Fraction 1 Ib/MMSCF/47483 _ gpm x Head (psia) ae) 17144 Vapor Pressure at 100°F _ Ata specified temperature, a pure liquid can exist in equilibrium contact ‘ with its vapor at only one pressure, its vapor pressure. Pr Methane = 9000 psia E Ethane = 900 psia Propane = ‘190 psia ¥ Iso-Butane = 72.2 psia N-Butane = 51.6psia _ Iso-Pentane = 20.44 psia N-Pentane 15.57 psia . N-Hexane 4.96 psia Fs N-Heptane 1.62 psia N-Octane 0.537 psia N-Nonane 0.179 psia N-Decane 0.0597 psia z . F Dew Point _ If the gas mixture is cooled under constant total pressure, the partial - pressures remain constant until a temperature is reached at which condensation of water vapor begins. This condensation temperature is the dew point. It is the saturation temperature, or boiling point, = corresponding to the actual vapor pressure. . i i E Ez £ £ t E. oa + 3-26Partial Pressure of Constituent on a Gas Mixture “Partial Pressure" is the pressure that the constituent would have if occupying the total volume V. W, x R, xT Py P= py * Py * Py + ~ Pro W=W, + Wy + Wy +. W, where: p;: partial pressure of constituent #1 W: weight of constituent #1 R,: gas constant of constituent #1 T: temperature V: total volume P: total pressure of the mixture W: total weight of the mixture mixture SG, Example: S.G mixture = 1.2398 ; S.G. CO, = 1.520; P = 325 psia; % Mo! CO, = 67% =0.67 Py, = 925 x 0.67 x 12888 = 178 psia partial pressure of CO, in the gas mixture : 178 psia 3.27Gases for Closed Loop Tests 91% to 100% Pure CO, % CO, | SG. Kore Koon PCP PCT =| = ae = pala R 400 1.520 iad uel meme 1071 547.6 aeao9) 1.515 eV Zoe ea | een hos 7 eel | O66 544.2 98 7.509 1.295__| 1.248 1060 540.8 [97 7.504 ee 1055 587.5 96 1.498_| 1.297 1.250 joas | 584.4 95 | 1493 | 1.298 4.251 1043 530.8 [94 | 1.489 1.298 | 1.251 roar | 529.0 oa] tar | 1.299 1252 10375275 92 “4404 | _1.209 1.252 1032 525.8 a | 1481 1.300 1.253 1080 524.0 Mixtures of Helium and Nitrogen Weight | og. | Ker Kor POP PeT || Volume of He - (psia) (CR) of He PureN, |] 0.967 | 1.940 1.396 492.9) 237.3 0% 1% 917 | 1.409 1.408 458 213 6.61% 2% 0.865 1.419 1.415, 432 200 12.51% 3% 0820 | 1.428 1.424 409, 188 17.81% 4% 0778 | 1.438, 1.433 388, 178 22.60% 5% o7aa | 1.447 1.442 368 168 26.92% 6% ort | 1.456 1.451 350 160 30.88% 7% oat | 1.463, 1.458 334 152 34.50% 8% 0.653 | 1.470 1.466 318 145 37.83% 9% 0.628 | 1.477 1.473 304 138 40.90% to% |] 0604 | 1.484 1.479 291 132 43.75% 11% 0.583, 1.490 1.486 279 126 46.38% 12% |] 0562 | 1.496 1.492 268 124 48.83% Pure || 0554 | 1376 7246 673.1 3431 Methane 13% || osaa | 1.502 7-498 2574 116 B1.12% ia% |) see | 1.507 1.503 247. 1114 15% |] 0509 | 1513 11508 238.4 107.0 || 55.26% 20% ff o4ao | 1.536 11532 199.9 88.6 || 63.63% 30% ff os45 | 1570 1.588 1477 63.75 || 75.00% 40% ff o2e4 | 1595 11593 114.0 47.65 || 82.35% PureHe lotsa | 1665 1.665 33.00 3.00 100% 3.2 8 “ Too men wtMixtures of Nitrogen and CO, Weight of | Weight] SG. | Keg Kor | POP, psia | PCT, N, of CO, | | 0% 700% | 1.52 | 1294] 1.246] 1071.3 547.6 10% | 90% | 1.464 1.302 5141 20% | 80% | 1.409 4311 | 480.8 ase | vee [ae] ats rer 30% | 70% | 1.954 1.320 L478 40% 60% | 1.299 1.829 415.4 50% 50% | 1.243 1.339 362.7 60% 40% | 1.188 1350] 1319| 7286 350.7 7o% | 30% | 1.193 1.361 1335/6698 319.0 75% | 25% | 1.108 vae7|vaaa[ eas | 903.4 20% | 20% | 1.078 1373) 1.353] 6107 2878 go% | 10% | 1.022 raes| 1974] seis | 2572 voo% | om | over| 1999/1006] 4924 | 2272 | ‘ion of Natural Gas Typical Compos Methane 87.76% MW. =18.016 Ethane 7.62% SG. = 0.622 Propane 1.52% — Keg = 1.292 Iso-Butane 0.07% — Kyyy = 1.224 N-Butane 0.09% Cp = 0.487 Btu/lb°F Nitrogen tes 2.52% — Coggy = 0.603 Btuilb?F Carbon Dioxide ..... 0.40% | PCP = 671.5 psia [PS aeeesocones (reo lee 5 Ceo Lower Calorific Value: 964.5 Btu/ft® Lower Calorific Value: 20247 Btu/Ib Lower Calorific Stoich. Value: 1257.9 Btu/lb 3:29Section 4 Conditions and Flow Conditions Standard Conditions Standard flow, SQ, indicates what the inlet volume flow of the compressor would be if the inlet conditions (T, and P ) were standard. However, those "standard" conditions vary slightly with the source. Usually they correspond to 60°F (15 °C) and barometric pressure (14.70 psia) English Units (U.S. System): 60°F and 14.70 psia G.P.S.A. and Solar 60°F and 14.73 psia AGA. S.l. System Units: 45°C (89°F) and 1 atm = 760 mm Hg (14.70 psia) Solar; U.N. Commission for Europe (Holland) Normal Conditions In the metric system, in addition to "standard’ conditions, “normal” conditions are used; they correspond to freezing temperature (0 °C = 32 °F) and barometric pressure (760 mm Hg = 14.70 psia). The flow at normal conditions (normal flow) is indicated by NQ. English Units (U.S. System): 32°F and 14.70 psia Solar S.1. System Units: 0°C (92°F) and 760 mm Hg (14.70 psia) International Gas Union (Solar) 44Standard and Normal Values (Standard Conditions: 59°F and 14.70 psia) 1 MMSCFD = 28260 sm‘/d = 28260 Vn mid 41177 sm*/hr 1177 Vn mn = 19.62 smi/min 19.62 Vn m/min = 0.927 smi/s 0.327 Vn m/s (Normal Conditions: 32°F and 14.70 psia) 1 MMSCFD = 26790 nmiid = 1116 nm*/hr = 18.60 am‘/min = 0.310 nmi/s 1MMSCFD — = 28.77 THOU m'/d_ (20°C = 68°F and | ata = 14.22 psia; Russia) 1MMSCFD —-= 0.9784 MMSCFD - LA (Louisiana) 1MMSCFD = 694.4 SCFM MMSCGFO is defined for 60°F and 14.70 psia. Then: 1MMSCFD — = 28.32 THOU m’/d_ (Same P and 7) 41 tb-moWhr = 6.326 SCFM 4 Ib-mothr = 0,009109 MMSCFD 1MMSCFD — = 109.8 Ib-mol/hr 1 smiid = 3.539 x 10° MMSCFD (60°F and 14.70 psia) 1 smY/hr = 0.008496 MMSCFO 1 sm*/min = 0.05097 MMSCFD- 1 smiis = 3.058 MMSCFD 1 nmid = 3.733 x 10 MMSCFD (60°F and 14.70 psia) 1 nthe = 0,0008959 MMSCFD 1 nm®/min = 0.05375 MMSCFD 1 amis = 3.225 MMSCFD 1nmi/s = 2239.6 SCFM smd (15°C = 59°F and 1 atm = 14.70 psia: Standard Conditions) amt ( 0°C = 32°F and 1 atm = 14.70 psia: Normal Conditions) 1 nmiid = 1.055 smi/d “1 | sey pb oH pe pe eee er “inFlow Mass Flow: M For a compressor handling a given volume flow, the mass flow varies with the density. M = Q, x, English Units: Q, * Py 60 M = 0.8836 x SQ x S.G. P, x 8G. x Q, M = 0.04498 x Z,xT, P, M = 0.00008423 x %, x D,,? x Nx — x where: M (Ib/sec); Q, (CFM); p, (Ib/tt’); P, (psia); T, (°R); SQ (MMSCFD); Dio (in.); N (rpm) P, x SG. x Q, M = 341.6 x Z, xT; M = 1.418 x10 x $.G. x SQ M = 1.496 x10" x $.G. x NQ P M = 14.05 x 0 x Dy? x Nx Sx SE where: M (kg/s); Q, (m/s); ©; (kg/m?); P, (kg/em*); T, (°K); Dio (m); N (rpm); SQ (sm*/d); NQ (nm*/d) 43S.1. Units: P, x SG x Q, M = 3.483 x 2x P, M = 0.1482 x ©, x Do x Nx a x 3& qt Zz, where M (ka/s); Q, (ms); P, (KPa); T, (°K); Dig (m); N (rpm) 44 ee pt 7Volume Flow: Q For a given mass flow, the volume flow is inversely proportional to the density. English Units: a, = 60x Py Q, = 0.3272 ©, x Dy? x Us Dee Q, = 0.001428 ©, x D,,° x N ee Q, = 19.64 x Sax 1* where: Q, (CFM); M (Ib/sec); P, (ib/tt?); T, (°R); P, (psia); HP (hp); D,, (inches); U,, (ft/sec); N (rpm); SQ (MMSCFD); k = kz, Metric Units: Q, = 0.002927 M Ger Q, = 0.04112 ®, x (Dip)? x N Tx Z, Q, = 4.151 x 10% x 2%“ x sa P, 45SA. x NQ T, x Z, Q, = 4378 x 10° x 1%“ P, where: Q, (m°/s); M (kg/s); ©, (kg/m®); T, (°K); P, (kg/em’); Day (mm); N (rpm); SQ (sm*/d); NQ (nm*/d) Units: Q, = 0.2870 x Q, = 4.070 x 10% Q, = 4.293 x 10° x x NQ Tx Z, P, 04112 x ©, x (Dy) x N {othe Ccelieineta ane eee eee cena ee eeeeee| where: Q, (m/s); M (kg/s);T, (°K); P; (kPa); Diy (m) SQ (sm*/d); NQ (nm*/d) 1 kPa = 0.010 bara 1 bara = 100 kPa Be L i i r z z £ I EStandard Flow: SQ The standard flow represents the volume flow that the compressor would be handling if, instead of the actual P, and T,, it were operating at standard conditions (14.70 psia and 60°F in English units, or the equivalent to 14.70 psia and 59°F in S.1. units). English Units: SQ = 7.270 x 10° x 0, x Dy? x 22% ew" T, * Z, M = 1.132 — eo S.G. sa = 0.05001 x SF = 0 x AXP 7, xz, where: SQ (MMSCFD); Q, (CFM); M (Ib/sec); P, (psia); T, (°R); N (rpm); D,, (inches) 4 MMCFD = 694.4 CFM 1CFM —— = 0.001440 MMCFD Metric Units: Q, x P, SQ = 24.10 x 108 x ——* TZ, Nx P, e x10° x (Diy)? | SQ = 991.0 x10? x (Dy)? * FF SQ = 7.084 x 10% x —M_ SG where: SQ (sm*%/d); Q,(m%s); P, (kg/em’); T, (°K) Dy, (m); N (rpm); M (kg/s) 47S.1. Units: 6 xP SQ = 24.58 x to 1% xz . t SQ = 1.011 x 10° x 0, x Dye x N*Pi & © TZ, ———— r SQ = 7.054 x tot x ~ SG where: 7 : SQ (sm*/d); Q,(m"/s); P, (bara); T, (°K); Dig (rm); N (rpm); M (kg/s) 1kPa = 0.010 bara E 1bara = 100 kPa F i £E z i Ez z Ez Zz ¥ r E 48Normal Flow The normal flow represents the volume flow that the compressor would be handling i, instead of the actual P, and T,, it were operating at normal conditions (14.70 psia and 32°F in the metric or S.I. units) Metric Units: Qa, xP, T,xZ, a NQ = 22.84 x 10° x Nx P, NQ = 939.2 x 10° x , x (Dio)? x —— Tx Z, NQ = 66.85 x 10° x 8G. ee where: NQ (nm‘/d); Q,(m*Vs); P, (kg/cm*); T, (°K); Ds, (rm); N (rpm); M (kg/s) ‘S.1. Units: Q, xP, NQ = 23.30 x 10° : Tz Nx P, NQ = 958.0 x 10° x , x (Diy)? x x * Op) * oF NQ = 66.85 x 10° x SG where: NQ (nm*/d); Q, (m/s); P; (bara); T, (°K); Dy. (m); N (rpm); M (kg/s) 49Flow Measurement M(Ibisec) = = x din) x Cx Fx Fax Yax JOP (in.H,0) xp (Ib/ft®) a M(|b/sec) =0.1638 d*(in)x Cx Fx Fax vax,| SG, | APlin.H,O)x P(psia) Zz TPR) M(Ib/sec) «0.8628 d°(in) x Cx Fx Fax Yax SS where: C: Discharge Coefficient: 0.62 for orifice 0.99 for venturi and nozzles 6: d/D 1 F: Velocity of Approach Factor = fy ye [3] to account for sudden expansion (For venturi = 1.0) Fa: Factor to account for the thermal expansion of primary element 1.0) Ya: Adiabatic expansion factor ‘AP (in. H,O): corresponds to 68°F For Orifice: C xF xFa = 0.62 x AP, kx P. pod - (0.41 + 0.35 x BY) x 440 "1 7y a om me pee ?For Venturi: Cx Fx Fa = 0.985 Py - APv (eae For For Open Loop Test (ambient air): k = 1.395 Pano re YaDischarge Coefficients for Flow Measurement For Orifice: -0.5959-0.03126#"-0. ssc oeepn| 22" oon tr 0.0397 ap? i & For Flange Taps: , _, 1.0 __25.4 a D(in.) D(mm) r For Radius Taps: 1,-1.0; L, = 05 = For Pipe Taps: 1,=2.5; Ly = 8.0 For Comer Taps: L,= L,-0 eo i B D : VxDxp _ Rey = 7 ; ee Also: Re, = 1528 x M (biseo) D (in) x g xp ((bsecift®) ES For Nozzles: If Re > 2x 10% C = 0.994 L ape If Re <2 x 10% C = 0.9965 - 0.00653 x B°S x JAZ L Re, For Venturi Nozzle: i = 0.9858 - 0.1968*° Q For Venturies: i IfRe > 2x 10° = 0.984 cL If Re <2x 10% c= 1.0103 - 272 (in Re,)> ' For Bellmouth Venturi; no upstream duct: }j If Re > 2 x 10% C = 0.993 . IfRe <2x 10% c= 1.01671 - 1488 (in Re,)° 442Venturi Measurement of Flow Assuming C x F x Fa = 0.985 M (Ibisec) ~ 0.1614 x dv*(in) x Ya x Ss. G ,, [Pv (inH,0) x Pripsia) Tv CA) x M (Ibisec) = 0.8498 x dv*(in) x Ya x Ss. G ,. [BPv (ps) x Puipsia) Tv (?A) x For Ambient Air and Belimouth Venturi: S.G. = 1.0; Z, = 1.0; Pv= Pani Tv = Tan q, Q, (CFM) = 3.588 x dv*(in) x Ya x — x i APY (in. HO) xPyng(PS) Tone °F ‘ame qT, Q, (CFM) = 18.89 x dv*(in) x Yax x 1 APY (psi) x Pamo(PS!) 5 ‘ame A)Orifice Measurement of Flow Assuming C x F x Fax Ya= 0.62 3 es M (Ibisec) = 0.1016x——2)__ 5, | SE AP, (in. HO) x Poy (psia) Lor Ty (A) 2 fap, (psi xP, (psia) M (ibisec) « 0.8849x 22) ‘APor (ist) x Pe (Pals) ( d, Tor PRY 1 { 2 Vo, 2 (AP. UnHg)xP,(psia) M (Ibisec) = 0.3741 x Sein) SG. | BPoy (in-Ha)x Pepsi) d, \* Zo To(°R) +(e ( oa 2 : M (bisee) = 0.1492 x 2 SG. , | APorlKing OM x Pe (Psia) d,, \* Z TPR) 1-{ Se x| Zz. nC Q, (CFM = 1x x CA) SM (Ib/seo) 0045 ” SG” P, (psia) Q, (CFM) = 2.258 Q, (CFM) = 11.89 :o oF = 0d ma L E i Er z z £ t2 2 AP, (in.H,0)=0. 1961 OMA, a ea tf aim) 7,.0A)) “| H Priel I Q,2 (CFM, { din) 7 5 | | i, AP,{psi)= 3.495 x M? (Ib/sec) x ae AP,,(psi) = 7.073% 10°°x Flange Taps Radius Taps" (Vena Cantracta Taps) (VO, =0.4-100) Comer Taps “Pipe Taps: 2-1/2 0 and 8D 0.23 - 0.80 Figure 4-1. Orifices 415Flow Measurement References for Exact Calculation "y ASME PTC - 19.5, Chapter 4, "Flow Measurement" Part Il of Fluid Meter (1971) A.G.A. REPORT NO. 3 (ANSI/API 2530) “Orifice Metering of Natural Gas F (1978) r ISO 5167 "Measurement of Fluid Flow by Means of Orifice Plates, - Nozzles and Venturi Tubes Inserted in Circular Cross-section Conduits Running Full" (1980) G.P.S.A. ENGINEERING DATA BOOK, Volume |, Section 3 Gas : Measurements (1987) 7 : ¥ L £ E i i iz z g IFlow Measuring Approach for Axial-Entry Compressors with Static Pressure Differential between Suction Flange and Impeller Eye 2gxRxZ xT, | eee es 7 APs = Puange ~ Peye ye 7g Ore ~ Dur) AP,, = const. x ( $s ) x @ const. is proportional to ( 1)2 1+ \2] Fo) “(Foal | and should be determined during factory test. common piot in this case is a map of Pio P, versus a, - |S: | with the test data falling on a straight Ax Ty line.Inlet Flow Coefficient The inlet volume flow is conventionally non-dimensionalized by referring it to a fictitious flow corresponding to the impeller velocity passing through the projected frontal area of the impeller. =) Q, ®, 2 x Dox U, is uy, «BON af 60 English Units: o, ~ 700.3, % (Di D,, (inches) Q; (CFM) N (rpm) Metric Units: 0.006755 , % (Dip) N o, = Q, (m/min) or: a, o, = 2432, N (Dro)? Q, (ms) te wep { mame eee fe omOutlet Volume Flow and Volume Flow Coefficient (TIT,) & (2/25) Q,= a,x (P,IP;) 4 (ll) x (Zl2,) ‘ (P,IP,) 1+ Myg? x (Ket) x 1+ 0.5002 x Wisay X Mun? (K-1) Compressor Volume Ratio The compressor volume ratio is the inverse of the density ratio. From the polytropic change of state: P x v? = constant and p= tivSection 5 Head, Pressure and Efficiency Euler's Equation Figure 5-1. Impeller Velocity TrianglesSlip Factor Slip" is the deviation of the flow from the blade direction, near the impeller exit, due to the rotation. It reduces the tangential component of the absolute velocity and, thus, the head. "Slip factor” is the ratio between the actual tangential component of absolute velocity and the theoretical one. Figure 5-2. Slip Factor Cu, Czy, G, x sin =, I, ~ 0, x 008 «, x cotan By B,: blade outlet angle (from tangential direction) «;: flow outlet angle (from radial direction) B,: outlet angle of the relative velocity W, 1, sotan Bi, oO tans, “ 4 “mm wa bp re pee pag peeWiesner's formula: (sin B (Zp o=t- B, (degrees, from tangential) Z,: number of impeller blades Example: 2°; Z, = 16 blades 0.882 This formula is applicable up to the limit of blade solidity: ne 1 8.16 sin B, Int 2 es For impellers with mean radius ratios exceeding this limit: a Sine o=|1-| Vt Fl} fy) -] 2 (Z,)°7° T= Ele References: ASME Paper 66-WAJFE-18: "A Review of Slip Factors for Centrifugal Impellers," by Wiesner. ASME Paper 67-WA/GT-10: "On the Slip Factor of Centrifugal and Mixed Flow Impellers," by Sakai, Fujie, Watanabe, et al. 534 Pressure + Pressure Ratio For the same head, the pressure ratio varies with the gas properties. The heavier the gas, the higher the pressure ratio. ~ im Me English Units: zh. P, L Hon X $.G. 53.35 x Z,, x Ty fa | fe asa lS) ipalag ii z eT eee (eer Mi ed pe Di? x N? x $.G. 1) Ss OU Bee 10a Ui ea mney | la Z, xT, K 1 + 0.5002 W, 1, 4 aan x My? SE x (Ket p+ 21:962 x HP x Nao * (K-1) is T, x Z,,x SQXK where: H (,/Ib,,); T, (°R); P, (psia); Q, (CFM); D,, (inches); N (rpm); SQ (MMSCFD); HP (hp) ep E- 54Metric Units: Sul. 1 + Non % 29.27 x Z,, x Hooy x $.G. ir 2/1 + 245.7 x 10? x HP x Nisan X (K-1 T, x Z,, x kx SQ 1 + 232.9 x 10° x HP x Neon X (K-1) T, x Z,, x kx NQ 1+ P, 29.27 x Z,, x P, Han % SG. At K qh where: SQ (sm*/d); NQ (nm*/d) Units: H (,/kg,)s Ts (°K); Ps (kg/om®); Q, (m*/s);_N (rpm); Py Hyon * 8.G. (<1) aon P, 0.287 x Z,, x T, P, ae HP =f + 0.010 x 41 x S x P, . Pp, where: H (kJ/kg); P, (bara)Reaction The reaction indicates the percentage of compressor available dynamic pressure that is converted into static pressure in the impeller. Reaction - Pio Ps P,P, -P, Reaction = Pie P,- Py SS (from radial) 180° Reaction = 0.47 + P, Pep = P, { Reaction x (2 -4 56 tee eal OO ete ee 7Head Isentropic (Adiabatic) Head: H.,.,, Isentropic head represents the energy input required by an isentropic (reversible adiabatic) compressor handling the same gas at the same inlet pressure and temperature and delivering it at the same outlet préssure. Haan = Hacwai * Misen A, isan = 2% % Nisan Neoy ENTHALPY, h ENTROPY, S Figure 5-3. Isentropic versus Actual Compressor ProcessEnglish Units: Hae = 778.3 x Op x BTy, X Nigon ie a) & Hyson = 778.3 x Cp x T, x [(Po/P,) * -1 & et Han = AX Zy, x Lx T, x [(PIP)) © H1 i kt et Aggy = 2338 x 2% KE x 7, x (PIP) © A SG. kt 53.35 k - Hoon = “Se % Za * Gy % ATi * Nisan b at F x (PIP) © 1 Hyson = 0.01554 x Wizgn X Us? . Hogan = 2-959 x 10°7 X ison % N? x Dig? BS rc oo—rs hon #550 x sta * HPaen L ™ £E H.. = 33,000 x ser * HPawe = x ee * Tse lsen = 33; aaaror rk x Ty Maan X HP aero r iggy = 12,214 x <1 % 1 Dseo * sore P, x Q,x SG Ez HP sors * Hayy = 622.5 x [Pawo * Msn z a 8G. x SQ z£ where: H (ft. Ib,/lb,,); Cp (Btu/lb,,.°R); R (, b,,°R); M (Ib/sec); i Q, (CFM); SQ (MMSCFD); T (°R);_ U,, (ft/sec), N (rpm); 7 D,, (inches); HP (hp); 9, (Ibvft®); P, (psia); k= Key E 58Metric Units: Hyon = 426.8 x Cp x ATy, X Nisen Hon = 426.8 x Cp x T, x |(P,/P,) © Bee Hzen = 10,000 x — x = ao & , ~ Visa * Uroe =e 19.61 Wagon % Dug? x N? Hagen = — 2 se 7154 ee 102 ee HP, Hon = 102 x eee ™ TF swe 2, x Q, a Z, x T,X Nise HP sore Higoq = 0.2986 x 11 se see P, x Q,x 8G. where: Hyon (-kQ,/KQq); Cp (kCal/kg,..°K); R (,/kg,..°K); T (°K); Uy (m/s); Dp (m);_N (rpm); k = k,,; , (kg/m); Q, (m*/s); HP pero (KW); P, (kg/em*) 59Sil. Uni lean * CP X AToy X Nisan Pp AA Hayy * AX Zyy X GA XT, x (PIP) F -1 Hon = 2282 x 2,, x Ox T, x lee ¥ | SG. kt Higeg = 2282 x 2, x Ho x AT x Mhsen : SG. kA Visan ® Uno? Can aeons 2001 Hyggn = 1-370 10° X Wigag % Dag? x NF Hen = CP XT, x |(Pe/P,) © where: H gen (kd/kg); Cp (kd/kg.°K); R (kd/kg. °K); T (°K); Usp (MM/S); Dig (Mm); N (rpm); k = Kay my “| of ' ae) repr peep !Polytropic Head Polytropic head represents the energy input required by a reversible polytropic compressor for the same inlet and outlet conditions. H, faewai * Npoy Han Hoy Tison * Apoyy English Units: Hpoy = 778.3 x Cp x ATy, X Moy nt (P, IP)” ~ yey AX Z, x xT, 1 2 01554 x Wray, x Uys 7 2x D2 Hpoy = 2.959 x 10°? x Wooy x N? x Dl 53.35 n a | Hyoy = 1x BE x 2, x
» SEE x 2, x Bx A Toa % Nooy 0.0004998 x Wooy X Uy? yay = 1.370 x 10° x Waoy x Dig? x NB where: (kJ/kg); T (°K); Usp (m/s); Dy, (m); N(rpm) Hoo 512 “om 4 [ove per i L i i cr E iL Z£ I EIsentropic Exponent: k For ideal gases the isentropic exponent, k, is equal to the specific heat ratio, which is defined as the ratio between the specific heat at constant pressure, Cp, and the specific heat at constant volume, Cv. For ideal gases, the isentropic exponent, k, is a function of temperature only, and is referred to as Kies. However, for real gases, itis also a function of pressure. The same applies to Cp, which for ideal gases is referred to as Cp,. For real gases, it is also a function of pressure. k= Cpi Ov 5.03 Er op = cr, + (358 Tr, Zz, k, Cp, = Rx Zeal ‘aaa Py = Fx SH x ( z Ta - 510 Key —§ So * (Keo ~ Kao) Kisses = Keo 350 keg = 1.335 ~ 0.018648 (MW - 15)°7 Ky = 1.270 - 0.018017 (MW - 15)°°° Pr = P! PCP Tr = Ti PCT 0.188 Zaoai = 1 + ~( Presi = Pony! POP = 14.701 POP 1,986 x Z Cv = Gp, - 1986 %2 v= OPy - Tay aT, 221+ | 0.188 _ 0.468 _ 0.887 € x Pr Tr, Te TR 513Polytropic Exponent: n The polytropic exponent 'n" is the exponent that directly relates the actual temperature rise to the pressure rise: b.(2\F & Ty, r Itis a function of the gas properties and the efficiency of the ~ compression process. in(T,IT)) n— In(P,/P,) : ¥ nm i iG 17) - _ n/t ai (P,/P,) i Also: - fa at. _k ry 1 Noy L E i r zr £ £ i a iFor real gases: n= or: However, according to Class Ill of ASME PTC-10: oe Y¥- m(1= X) n= where: or: Tee eee x, KU Npoy and, applying Redlich-Kwong's equation: B A 25A/1- 5) -B)1+5- [:- 3) -e(1+ 3-24) X= Z (8Z - 2) - B( + BHA Z(8Z - 2) +2A -a(2- 24. aa] Z(8Z-2)-B(1+B)+Awhere A = 0.42748 x FE x —1_ Tr” arp 8 = 0.08664 x 2 Tr pr= | POP Tre PoT Table 4 of ASME PTC-10 (1965) shows the maximum and minimum values of X and Y for a given pressure ratio and maximum ratio of Krad Kmans Permissible for Class Il tests (to consider the gas close enough to an ideal gas). 0 bk L E i i Ez £E £ iIsentropic Head Coefficient The isentropic head is non-dimensionalized by referring it to. a hypothetical dynamic head corresponding to the impeller tip velocity. English Unit: H, Wisen = a lip! 29 Cp x ATay X Dison gyn = 50087 x 22% Tar * Maen Uy y, wn = 50087 x Cp x —t x he ar S|4 2 2H, Wigan = ( 1838)? xe Hien Dip NB son Wisgn = 3.379 x 10° x ——2 N? x Dig? en (ease 5896 6 Za (A «Tx a SG. ket Hisen Waar = 64.34 Vip where: H (ftlb,/lb,); T (°R); Cp (Btu/lb,,°R); Dj, (inches); N (rpm); U,, (ft/sec); k =Metric Units: 8371 x Op x ATa: X Non Uy? Ween = Hoon Wren = 19.61 « 8 ho yw, (32) D, Ween = (a5 Pfu x (4) xTx heey | Dx) * Sa “let u where: Hee, (M.Kg,/Kg,); Dyp (Mm); N (rpm); Uy, (m/s); Cp (kCal’kg°k); T (°K) S.. Units: Hisen Vigor = 122049 x 882 Use where: Hson (kU/kg); Dip (Mm); N (rPM); Use (m/s) “~My a | mm pee etThe Polytropic Head Coefficient polytropic head is non-dimensionalized by referring it toa hypothetical dynamic head corresponding to the impeller tip velocity. English Units: Met pay = 2H coy iyil2g Yooy = 64.34 x <2 H, wy = 3.379 x 10° x2 pw NP x Di? 457.6 where: H (,/lb,,); Uy, (ft/sec*); N (rpm); D,, (in.) ric Units: H, - Ww Vgoy = 19.61 TE 2 cf errr CS Om SG. where: Hoey (M.KG1/KGmi Dro (Tn); N (rpm); Usp (m/s)S. |. Units: H, Wooy = 122049 —2% Ug? 854.4\2 Aya Vooy -{ ) x Hooty LP Ne where: Heyy (kd/kg); Dy, (m); N (rpm); Uy, (m/s) Pressure Coefficient Some manufacturers use the "pressure coefficient" instead of the “polytropic head coefficient.” The definition is similar but refers to an average value of all the stages. The polytropic head is non- dimensionalized by referring it to a hypothetical dynamic head corresponding to the impeller tip velocity, which is twice the value used in the definition of head coefficient: English Units: Hoy. pe (Uyz/g) * No. of sigs y= 2247 % Hoy No. of sigs x Ug? ? x No. of stgs H, w= 1.690 x 108 x ———* ____ N? x Djgz x No. of sigs Z, i ot be ae «( x i—_x|p,/p,) -1 SG." \n-t) No. of sigs where H (ft Ib,/Ib,,); Usa(fUsec); g = (82.17 ft/sec”); N (rpm); Dyp(in.) 5-20 1 my “a wep 1 mom mm pe pt "- oye 1Metric Units: Hoy p = 9.81 —_— oy ___ Uy? x No. of sigs (sees . Hoy Dy N? x No. of stgs ) pie leases Z, v-[ osee- | x» Ze ( No. of sigs Dip * N, mt where: Hyoy (-kg,/KGn); Dig (Mm); N (rpm); Upg(rm/s) S.1. Units: Hoo Ug? * No. of sigs p= 61024 x Hoty eee N? x No. of sts where: Hoy (ku/kg); Dap (rm); N (rpm); Usp (m/s) 5-21Efficiency Isentropic (Adiabatic) Efficiency The isentropic efficiency, usually called adiabatic efficiency, represents the ratio between the isentropic head and the actual head produced by the compressor. English Units: - MX Asoo "seo = S50 x HP aan Miser * Fisen = 0.004364 H, ison = 0.001607 x SQ x S.G. x —"_ HP, = Visen * Ug? "een ~ 59087 x Cp x AT where: M (lb/sec); Hgen (,/Ib,); T, (°R) P, (psia); HP (hp); Q, (CFM) SQ (MMSCFD); Cp (Btu/b,,’R) 5-22 feed ee tees ae mmm pt orMetric Units: - MX Hisen "sen ~ T02 x AP, Haan * S-G. (K-1) New” 5937 x Z,, x Kx ATyy _ 3.349 x P, x Q, X Hon X SG. a Z, x T,X HP aero aon = 98.03 x PL% HP, x A 1 1, BG. SQx 8G. _Hisen = SQx SG. , Nise 7.193 x 10° HP aero _ NOx SG. 6.818 x 10° HPaero Miser where: HP seco (KW); Py (kg/cm); Hoon (M.KG)/KGmn)s Q, (mis); N (rpm); T (°K); Dj, (in.); M (kg/s); SQ (sm*/d); NQ (nm*/d) 5-23S.1. Units: Units - MX Hien ° HP, Nison exis GaGa) Neen” 0287 x Zyy X KX AToy 3.483 x Py XQ X Hon X SG. ic Z, XT, X HP seo P,x Q, x HP, n, ake sen za Neon = 1-962 x 10°7 x qT where: HP ser (KW); P; (KPa); Hyon (Ku/kg); Q, (m*%s); N (rpm); T (°K); Dyp (in.); M (kg/s) 5-24 re oe am BFPolytropic Efficiency Polytropic efficiency represent the ratio between the polytropic head and the actual head produced by the compressor. Some manufacturers refer to it as the "hydraulic efficiency,” with the symbol Nya For a perfect gas "poy where: _“n" is given by: English Units: : M x H, 92 "B50 X HP oro H, Npoy = 0.001607 x SQ x S.G. x oe 5:25one Wray % Use? ‘poy “80057 x Cp x AT,, where: M (Ibq/sec); Hy (Ftlb,/Ib,,); T; (°R) P, (psia); HP (hp); Q, (CFM) $Q (MSCFD); Cp (Btu/b,,°R) Metric Units: ~ MX Hpoy "oo ~ 0B x HP son i __ Hoy X SG. (k-1) Noov" 39.07 x Z, x kx AT 3.349 x P, XQ, X Hyyy x SG "roy * Z, xT, X HP re Py Ngoy = 1.925 x 10% x = x ncn eee _ 8Qx 8.6. Mooy. 7.193 x 10° HP sero Noo Now = NOX SG x Hoy poy 6.818 x 10° HP, where: HP goo (KW); P, (kg/om’); Hpoy (M.KGi/KGn); Q, (m/s);_N (rpm); T PK); Dip (in.); M (ka/s); SQ (sm’/d); NQ (nm*/d) [a ep mt psy = £ £ i E x Zz £ ES.l. Units: pee Mx H, tena pOy, “eoy * Ap, Hay * S-G. (K-1) "oov" O 287 x Z, x kx AT, 3.483 x P, x Q, X Hyyy x 8.G. ae Z, xT; X HPaaro er, P, Ox ¥ = 1.962 x 10°? x + x x er x D8 x NB "rey 7% AP cons ie * where: HP geo (KW); P, (KPa); Hoey (kd/kg), Q, (ms); 'N (rpm); T (°K); Duy (in.);, M (kg/s) Conversion of Polytropic Efficiency to Isentropic and Vice Versa 5.27Procedure of Computer Program to Calculate Head and Efficiency - Head is given by the difference of enthalpies between exit point 2 and QE inlet point 1 & P ¥ % _ 1 a a Pamb : : Figure 5-4. Enthalpies between Exit Point 2 and Inlet Point 1. Ef Hycruay = (he ~ 4) x J he + (Ma Ay) & fig Ma = f° (CP)ituy % OT A zg The ideal values of Cp: (CP).zea OF CP,, at inlet and exit are obtained i by linear interpolation between the values of (CP,)zoxr and (CP) soo i iy E z Kegre ANd Ksoo.e are input data. £ This assumption of linear variation of ideal Cp (at ambient pressure) with temperature is correct for hydrocarbons up to C,aHps. i om> = = - a x 4 ) XA xT,=A xT, x ee xR xT,=R xT, xf: = » x |S au Using the Redlich-Kwong equation of state: eel gl Rx TH, A 2, Ah) 2 (z,-1)- 1.5 xin] - Rx T;, B, Zz where: A, B and Z are obtained from the Redlich—Kwong equation of state: An Bly, 9.42788 Tr ira 8 = = x 0.08664 Tr SZ? + [A- (1+ B)x B]xZ-AxB-O0 Variation of Entropy P. ‘amb rg Figure 5-5. Entropy between Inlet and Outlet 5-29(S, - S,) = (S, - Sa) + (Sa Ss) + (Se - S2) 5-89 > J eae x oF i (2) (a) P, Ah S, - S,) = In| - in(®) (Ss; ) = in Rx In () Pr a - Fa) ,(_ah_) _ (Se sy -( 2) (44), In (0) The In of the fugacity ® is given by: In(@) = (Z-1) in (Z-B) - 4 x wo(s + 4) The Ty gon is calculated by trial and error by producing (S; - S2) = 0. Token 6 used for calculating (hy gen-h;) and thus Haan. Se eee Nisan = lacual a also: k ax (A) x ite - 12) Lo Point "3" corresponds to P, and entropy S. 5-30 “am rc] 9 rm -— oom oeSection 6 Power and Heat Load Power Aerodynamic (Gas) Power The aerodynamic power required by the compressor, which does not include the internal mechanical losses, such as for bearings and seals, is given by: HP yore = Hgas = MX Hct aro = Has English Units: Mx H, HP yery = ee 550 X Nson pp, = 21X21 * Hass a0 “33,000 * Nien ®, 1X Vien SG. Z HP, = 3.456 x 10° x Nisan ox, P, HP yy = 3-456 x 10° x SE% Sao x SG. x D8 x NI x = Zz iB Torque x @ eer 550 = 9.520 x 10° x Torque x N P, = 4.363 x 10° x otHP yyy = 4-164 x 107 x 0% ae qh 2x US x Dy x Us’ ny P, x Q, x Haan X SG. Z, xT, x Nisan Lo ert OO HP 579 = 8.187 x 10°° x P, x Q, x Hyoy x S.C. 2, x Th X Npoy HP yo = 8.187 x 10° x P. = 4969 x 102 x 1% x Npoty 8.4.x $2, Hosen 6225 son HP aero ~ _ $.G.x SQ HP yorq = 0.09700 x HP yar | x 22x x Tix Ze 5 | sa Po B ‘1 . k vere 11.66 kt} igen s -| where: HP (hp); M (Ib/seo); H (,/Ib,); SQ (MMSCFD); T, (°R); P, (Ibitt); Q, (CFM); P, (psia); Dy, (inches); Uy, (H¥sec); N (rpm); Torque (ft-lb); @ (1/sec) 62 " >more a peor = £ z rc rE z Ez £ i EMetric Units: 102 HP ygg = Tome x N 1948 HP gyro = 1-925 x 10° 29 x Di x NP HP yo = 1.925 x 10° x 1 x DyS x NE sax 7.193 x 10° Nisen HP, 63cae $Qx 8.6. Mpoy 7.193 x 108 — Nooy NQ x $.G_ , Hison HP yore = 6.818 x 10° Nison where: HP aero (KW); P, (kg/om’); H (; Q; (m°%s); N (rpm); T (°K); Dj, (m); M (kg/s); p; (kg/m*); SQ (sm°/d); NQ (nm/d) Units: MX Hen HP yg = Miser HP yam) = By XQ, x Nisen HP, 1.962 x 10°77 x © 2 Ty; where: HP a. (kW); H (ku/kg); M (kg/s); 9; (kg/m’); Q, (m/s); P, (kPa) T, (°K); Dy, (m); N (rpm); SQ (sm*/d); NQ (nm*/d) 64 1a mre tJ (J) lo ro ee pet alCompressor Horsepower (Shaft or Brake Horsepower) It is the amount of power required at the shaft of the compressor. Ameen = 0-98 It could also be expressed as a function of N raised to an exponent that ranges from 2.5 to 3.0. Horsepower Lost in Bearings and Seals (Measured by amount and temperature difference of oil) English Units: MX BT 3 % CDay X J HP nag = &——— ‘mech 550 Lo HP neon = © 1.4145 x Mx AT.) X CPoy HP recy = 2 14145 x Poy X Qyy X CPoy X AToy 0.13368 60 Quy (CFM) = x gpm HP ech = £ 0.0808 x (gpm) 94 X (Tour Tubs oi or seal oi where: M (Ib/sec); AT (°R); Cp (Btu/lb. °R); 0, (= 57 Ib/ft*); Qyy (CFM); gpm (gallons/minute); HP (hp) Homer = HP sero * HP mech i 65Required Driver Horsepower It is amount of power required at the driver to rotate the compressor. HP, HP, HP driver = —7E = gearbox Anzcn ~ 0.98 Ngearor ~ 0.96 - 0.98 Torque Torque = HP @ English Units: Nmacn % "gearbox Torque = 63025 ie Po HP. Torque = 5252 —— fe N Ld 66 (,) (ftb) " a am on wore \ om pe epRequired Torque during Compressor Operation English Units: T = SSOHP - 5962 HP o N ee ee ee A. At Constant Head: P, x 8.6. x Hon 2x7; po CCU T = 0.430 x a T = const. x — Nisen B. At Constant Throttle Position: ©,, W; and n: constants x SG. Q, T = 0.430 x tA x <2 x Hon 2x7, X Msn N Q, T = const. x — x Hyon N 67Heat Load Actual Temperature Rise The temperature rise, produced by the impeller, is given by: PIP, At « 7, x LPP Miser AT, Hoo = then _ x BOR & Zu, % Maan Tay = Mun? x 9x (K-41) English Units: AT, 21 = 5.546 x 109 x Dy? x N? x S& x | £1) x Zw k ison Dy? x N? AT;, = 7.607 x 107° x 2 xax S.G. x (k-1) x gx Dy? x N? ATz, = 1.109 x 10° x ZK a _ YW, AT, = 0,0002913 x 22 x 4) x 8 x Uy? Z, Ke)” Ts Hisan * S.G. x (K-1 ATy + tla # 8.G. x 1 53.35 x Zy, x KX Neen where: AT (°F or °R); Dy (inches); N (rpm); U,, (f/sec); Cp (Btu/lb°R); 4 (work factor); Hen (ft.lby/Ib.,) £ 1 * wa wom ow re eeMetric Units: ae 4) ¥ AT, = 4.776 x 10°° x Dy? x N? x oa 7 (4) Tae peter ge eee op _ x 8.6. x (K-1) © 29.27 x Zy, KX Nison ATey where: AT, (°K); Dap (m); N(rpm); Cp (kCal/kg°K); Hison (M-KQVKGn) Units: Haan X 9.G. x (K-1 ATy, = 3.484 x Flaan % SG. (K-1) Zs KX Algor where: ATs, (°K); Hen (Kkd/kQ) Temperature Ratio 2 = 1 + Mug? x 4X (hay -1) 69Work Factor Work factor, or actual head coefficient, q, relates the isentropic (polytropic) head coefficient to the isentropic (polytropic) efficiency. itis a non-dimensional value of the actual head by referring it to twice the hypothetical head corresponding to the impeller tip velocity. There is a discrepancy between this definition and the one for isentropic or polytropic head coefficient because it uses twice the hypothetical head corresponding to the impeller tip velocity. This definition originated in the industry using radial bladed impellers, which then would produce typical isentropic and polytropic head coefficient values around 1.0, while using backward-bent bladed impellers would be around 0.5. In the gas compressor industry, which uses backward-bent bladed impellers, in order to maintain those values around 1.0, the hypothetical head is defined as (U,,)*/2g instead of (U,,)%/9- English Units: q = 92.17 x — Ung? * Mison gq = 1.689 x 10° x ———"___ Dig? x N? x Mson AT, 21.315 x 10° x SB x =H Dye NP 610 oy “| pare : v7 ot myAT 1 D2 x NP ene a ecient nee ee) q = 9.018 x 107 x 2 x SG. where: H (ftlby/b,,); Us, (f¥sec); Cp (Btu/lb°R); AT (°F); Dy (inches); N (rpm) Metric Units: q = 9.805 x —— Usp" * Mien A, Hen q = 3577 x ———" ___ Dy? x N? X Nisen a aT, q = 1.527 x 10° x G2 x = 2 Dye NB mee Zu, * KX BToy S.G. x (k-1) x Dy? x N? Po q = 1.047 x 108 x where: H (; Usp (mm/s); Cp (kCal/kg°K); AT (°R); Dig (rm); N (rpm) SL. Units: Hison 2 lio’ * ison Le q = 1000 x Hson q = 3.648 x 10° x ——_"__ Dig? x NX Nien en, where: H (kJ/kg); Usp (m/s); Dyp (m); N (rpm)Amount of Heat Produced by the Compressor ("Heat Load") English Units: {q (Btu/sec); M (Ib/sec); Cp (Btu/b*R); AT (°R) Metric Units: q(kCal/s); M (kg/s); Cp (kCalkg°K); AT (°K) Power Corresponding to the Heat Load HP =Jxq i English Units: His Uritss HP = 1.415 q kid: HP (hp; q (Btu/sec) Metric Units: ric Uris HP = 5.615 q HP (KW); q (kCal/s) vo fm rm mm oiHeat Losses through the Casing There is a certain amount of heat that is lost through the casing to the atmosphere by convection and radiation. o—+| o arrrrrrTTTTn oo Figure 6-1. Heat Losses through the Casing Q = (h, + h,) x Ao x (t, - t) AoznxDxb+2x ix DP he = 0.18 x (t, ~ t,)"? hr = F, ta pa (4 - T) hr = 0.173 x 10° x (> Th) where: Q: Heat (Btu/hr) hz Natural convection coefficient (Btu/hr ft? °F) Radiation coefficient (Btu/hr ft? °F) Ao: Outer surface area (ft*) Surface temperature (°F) t: Ambient temperature (°F) View factor = 1.0 in this case Net interchange factor. In this case = £, = 1.0 (max) 6: — Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 0.1713 x 10 Btu/hr ft? °R* Ty: ts (°F) + 459.7 Tx ta(°F) + 459.7Power Lost by Casing Heat Losses English Units: HP. yxQ 550 x 3600 Le Efficiency Reduction due to Heat Losses H, (arcu * Meenas * Sag Woe Redes ‘sen * 3600 x M Power lost by casing heat losses (hp) 778.3 |b f/Btu Heat lost through casing (Btu/hr) Mass flow (Ib/sec) Isentropic head (ft Ib,/lb,) 614 i rw z£ tr r z x z z i ESection 7 Head Flow Speed Line Flow Range 2% crore Flow Range = 1 surge Q, Flow Range = —2 Q, 18 Ce Surge Margin sm = Qisssin = eosion 1 surge Surge Flow Q surge = % cesin X (1-0 - SM) Q, 6 = 4x (1.0 - SM)HEAD, H igen VOLUME FLOW, Oy Figure 7-1. Flow Range, Surge Margin, Surge Fiow, Turndown and Head Rise to Surge Effect of Early Surge on Surge Margin If (& example : X = 1 2) surge = As surge * X "9 ge * 10% higher flow Then SM" = 1.0 - X (1.0 - SM) For example, if surge occurred at 10% higher flow (X = 1.10) and original surge margin was 0.30: Then: SM" = 1,0 - 1.10 (1.0 - 0.30) SM" = 0.23 72 = £ £ £ E E z £ i ETurndown Similar to "surge margin", but instead of corresponding to constant speed, it refers to constant head (or constant pressure ratio). Turndown = Head Rise to Surge “Head rise to surge’ is the percentage ratio between the head at surge and the head at the design point, at constant speed. Hen 8 _ 4 Head rise to surge = leon A Fan Law or Affinity Laws According to the Fan or Affinity Laws, the flow is linear function of speed, while head is quadratic function. Therefore, power is cubic function of speed. HP Soro (4) HP, This law corresponds to single stages operating at low speed and pressure ratio, For multistages or high speed, the effect of Mach number ‘on stage matching can be significant. In those cases, the validity of the Fan Laws restricted to a certain range of speeds above and below the tested speed. 73Section 8 Mach Number, Reynolds Number and Specific Speed Speed of Sound (Sonic Velocity) The speed of sound through a gas increases with the temperature and decreases with the molecular weight (specific gravity) of the gas. a=ykxP/p a=ykxRxZxt English Units: kKxZxt a= 41.43 SG. where: a (ft/sec); t (°R) Metric Units: kxZxt a= 16.94 where: a (m/s); t (°K) BtMach Number Mach Number Mach number is the ratio between the gas velocity and the speed of sound in the gas at the same conditions of pressure and temperature. My = wl< a=ykxRxZxt For a pipe: Q (dype)® V = Const. 1 x Const. 2 x Q M, » Sens 2x (ype)? x VEX ZX t1S.G. . 1 = 3.056; const. 2 = 0.07377; Q (CFM); ripe (in.); t (°R); V (ft/sec) Metric or S.1. Units: Const. 1 = 1.273; const. 2 = 0.07514; Q (m/s); dys (m); t (°K); V (m/s) Compressible Flow Relations 82 ” ee = z i rr z E £ £ i E83Machine Mach Number Although the compressor Mach number, or machine Mach Number, Min, does not agree with the true definition of Mach number, it is easily calculated and is an index of the actual values of Mach number inside the impeller. U, YU, M, = —2 = —2— "a Kx Ax T, English Units: D, My, = 0.0001053 x ——2 SG. where: Ds, (in.); N (rpm); T; (°R) Metric Units: My, = 0.008090 x where: Dyp (m); N (rpm); T, (°R) a4 {pes mo pe 4uM toh ook os My =0.9 08 or oa 8 S08 2 ost z osb o4 ‘oor oa 308 00 INLET FLOW COEFFICIENT.©; seam 1.00 My=0s = 0.90 [~ = 08 9 I 07 2 LZ <8 arb B oso 2 Bosof MN | 040 L 1 L oor 008 308 008 FLOW COEFFICIENT, © Figure 8-1. Typical Effect of Mach Number on Stage Performance 85Relative Mach Number at Inducer Tip The highest value of gas Mach number occurs at the tip of the impeller inlet (inducer tip). This is a consequence of having at that point the highest relative velocity W J 86 “ [| = £ ' rr z z z £ iWe Usecnarior Type "1" (positive prewhirl) Type "2" (zero prewhirl) = {UR + Ont W, = (U,, > Guy? > OF Type "3" (negative prewhirl) 8,: prewhirl t= 7, - (G4) English Units: Metric Units: es xZ, xt, SG. a, = 16.94 x —_—— C? x S.G. x (k,-1) 874.1 x Z, xk, bod To he M,., maximum should be smaller than 0.85 Atthe design point: My,. s 0.75 a7Reynolds Number Reynolds Number u Reynolds number represents the relationship between the inertia forces and the viscosity forces acting on the flow. Ez Re ~ velocity x dimension ¥ ‘kinematic viscosity = Re ~ velocity x dimension x density . absolute viscosity : £ Pressure Losses due to Friction i ‘The pressure losses due to friction are a function of the rotor geometric i proportions, of the friction coefficient (C,) and of the dynamic pressure (q):_ = AP = qx C,x —_ength__ hyrdaulic radius a v2 es ex g- FS L Lo? nn Ae ee eee ena £ a p x V2/2 hydraulic radius £ In English and Metric units, the formula of the dynamic pressure “g” E uses as denominator the value of “2g” instead of "2." Ez £ i E sv 1 a8Skin Fi ion Coefficient The friction coefficient, C,, is a function of Reynolds number. In a laminar regime of fluid flow, the friction coefficient is an inverse function of the Reynolds number's square root, or rather an inverse linear function. In a turbulent regime of fluid flow, which is the usual flow regime in centrifugal compressors, the friction coefficient is an inverse function of the fifth or seventh root of the Reynolds number: Laminar flow: G, = constant x 1, or + Turbulent flow: C, = constant x Re= The formulas assume a hydraulically smooth surface. In reality, another parameter has to be considered as affecting the pressure losses, and that is the surface finish. 125 rms (cast) _250 cms (machined) clgas ai 4 80100 200 400 600 1000 SURE INLET PRESSURE, ( 10 50 Re/ Re ambient air ee Figure 8-3. Predicted Reduction in Skin Friction Coefficient when Handling Natural Gas instead of Ambient AirPrandtl-Schlichting (21.16 of Reference) Smooth flat plate at zero incidence: C, = 0.455 x (log Re) ?** Schultz-Grunow (21.19) Smooth flat plate at zero incidence: C, = 0.427 x (log Re- 0.407)" 2° Prandtl (21.11) Turbulent flow, smooth flat plate: G, = 0.074 x (A,)" for 5 x 10° < A, < 107 Blasius (20.5) Turbulent flow through smooth pipes: ©, = 0.079 x Re“™* Reference: "Boundary Layer Theory’, by Schlichting * For compressor skin-friction loss calculations, Leon Sapiro modified that formula to: CG, = 0.046 x Re” "8 my “a mre oe ee ve Cn i! myAbsolute (Dynamic) Viscosity Sutherland's formula: (From Chemical Engineer's Handbook, McGraw Hill, N.¥., 1950, p 370) 2 = Kix : t+ 2 Le OS 372 t+ k2 Ib.secht? gxp-gxKix lb/ft. sec where: tis the static temperature rather than the absolute temp. T. For compressor calculations of Reynolds number, use: 18 PL oe Ib/ft.sec. gxurg Tok ee TibisecR = 0.000672 centipoise = 1.488 kg/sm 488 Pals centipoise = 1488 Ib/sectt 2214 kg/sm = 2214 Pals 1 kg/ssm 672 Ibisec.t = 0,0004516 centipoise Pals 1 kPals 4516 centipoise Example: Propane : KT = 1.54 x 10°° ; K2 = 541; T, = 90°F = 550 °R 15 gx p = 82.17 x 1.54 x 10° x 550 550 + 541 gx p = 5.86 x 10° Ibiftsec gx p= 5:86%10" - 0.00872 centipoise 0.000672 Methane: ALGO °F:gxp =7.3x 108 lbisec. .0108 centipoise At80 °Figxp = 7.5 x 10° Ib/sec. ).0112 centipoise At127°F:gxp_ = 8.1 x 10* Ib/sec 0120 centipoise Ethane: AL60 °F:gxp =6.2x 10° Ib/sec. ft = 0.0093 centipoise At80 °F:gxp =6.4x 10° Ib/sec. ft 0096 centipoise At127 °F: gxp =7.0x 10° Ib/sec. ft = 0.0104 centipoise Propane: At60 °Fi:gxp =5.5 x 10° Ib/sec. .0083 centipoise At80 °F:gxp 8 x 10° Ib/sec. 0086 centipoise AL127°F:gxp =6.2x 10° lb/sec. .0093 centipoise Nitrogen: 6 x 10° Ib/sec. ft At 100°F:gxp = = 0.0173 centipoise ettEnglish Units: Gas Ki k2 Air 2.22 x 108 180 Oxygen 2.57 x 10° 198 Nitrogen 2.16 x 10% 184 Water Vapor 2.85 x 10% 1185 Carbon Dioxide 2.42 x 10° 420 Carbon Monoxide 2.18 x 10° 196 Hydrogen 1.01 x 102 127 Methane 1.53 x 10° 279 Ethane 1.58 x 10° 448 Propane 1.54 x 10° 541 Benzene 1.61 x 10° 726 Freon 12 2.31 x 10° 870 Ammonia 2.40 x 10° 849 Helium 2.36 x 10° 176 Approximate Formulas for K1 and K2 ‘| pcp__\°"" KI = 1.41 x 10% (MW x | —~—__ * ( 4.70 x PC ) - pcp__\°"" Ki = 7.59 x 10° (SG. x | ~~ = * * ( 14.70 x sai) K2 = 0.825 PCT 812 ¥ Sp mm ep am = Zz i rr rr zE Ez z I EKinematic Viscosity Kinematic viscosity is defined as the ratio between the absolute viscosity and the density. pip English Units: Z, x Kix Te? u = 11.92 x ———_—___—__ SG. x P, x (T, + K2) where: v (ft/sec); P, (psia); T; (°R) Example: P,= 400 psia; Z, = 0.95; S.G. = 0.6; T, = 550°R; methane (K1 = 1.53 x 10° and K2 = 279) Then: 0.95 x 1.53 x 10 x (550)°° u = 11.92 x 0.6 x 400 x (550 + 279) ee u = 6.178 x 10° ft/sec In metric units, the kinematic viscosity is given in m’/s or in stokes. 1 ft/sec 929.0 cm/s =0.0929 m/s = 929 stokes 1 mis 0.76 ft/sec = 10,000 stokes 1stoke = 0.0001 m/s_ = 1 cm/s = 0.001076 ft/secMachine Reynolds Number Compressor Reynolds number, or machine Reynolds number, Re,,, is a reference value used as an index of the true Reynolds number through the compressor. —— Re, = Uin% bro uy English Units: | pet ete ae ” 12 4, a re, « tnx Pw 12 u, ee fo, - DX big ® NX Pr x 8.6. iu 1019 x p, x T, x Z, Le Ee SF where: Us, = _ Impeller blade tip velocity (ttsec) bj = _ Impeller tip width (inches) P; = Inlet density (Ib/ft*) u, = _ Inlet absolute viscosity (Ib/ft.sec) v, Inlet kinematic viscosity (ft/sec) Ifit is a multistage compressor, b,, refers to the first impeller. Other codes than ASME PTC-10, like the German code VDI -2045, use Dip instead of By a4 14 al “| a pe ee ee alIncrease in Efficiency (and Head) in the Field versus on Ambient Air, due to Reynolds Number Effect 1 = (Misondgae _ (AP oa! Qs) ane T= Mason)ae AP rar /Qar Ratio of total losses per inlet dynamic head: (AP tai! Gas _ (APrcvai! Wai English Units: % oy NS = 384.5 x —— If NS > 120, assume NS = 120 and: SE eee C Tiss = 1.00189 x (Re z95/ Reg, f a for 1 < (Rey, / RE,,) = 10: Dn Liss. 9,90103427 + | Mt aie gas! Rai, for 10 < (Resa. / Ra.) = $20: Crest _ 5.19808 x 10-4 ~ -0.0181871 fae (Rezas/ Fear) for 20 < (Re gas / Rea.) = <80: Gems . 9.85 for (Re,.,/Re,,) <80 Cra B15Fea _ Nowe y Pros, Tian, Zur Boar y 5G. Fes, Nar Pian Tig Zam iow ery Boas = 32.17 x K1 x = a Ki = 141 x 10° x ( 1545 x 8.6 53.35 K2 = 0.825 x PCT English Units: Hay = 121 x 10°7 Ib/sec. ft (at ambient conditions) Reference: ASME Paper No. 73-GT-31: "Preliminary Staging Selection for Gas Turbine Driven Gas Compressors," by L. Sapiro, and Solar Report -5502: "Reynolds Number Factor to Account for Effect on Compressor Performance (Head and Efficiency),” May 1981, by L. Sapiro. 816 ame mmm me ee [mom rmSpecific Speed Specific Speed Specific speed is a convenient term to classify impellers on the basis of performance and proportions, regardless of actual size or speed. English Units: NS; N (rpm); Q,’ (ft/sec); H (ft.lbyIb,,) Metric Units: NS; N (rpm); Q, (mi/min), H (,) S.1. Units: NS; N (rpm); Q," (m*/s); H (ku/kg) Example: N = 10,000 rpm Q, = 6000 CFM 00 ft/sec = 2.832 m/s =169.9m*/min Hen = 10,000 ftlb, b,, = 3048,, = 29.89 kJ/kg English Units: 12 Ng = 10,000 x 100)" - 100 (10,000)** NS = 100 optimum value: 80 - 100 Metric Units: Ns = 10,000 x 2882)" - (3048) NS = 41 optimum value: 33 - 41 S.1. Units: Ns = 10,000 x 2:882)"" «1316 (29.89)°75 NS = 1316 817Non-Dimensional Specific Speed =i ng - N., —(Q0" _ 60 (9 x Hsen)** or eee eee (const. x Higgn)** English Units: N (rpm); Q," (ft/sec); Hien (ft-lb, /b,,); g = 32.17 f¥sec’; const. = 810.5 Metric Units: N (rpm); Q,° (m/s); Hyon (m-kg,/kg,,) 9 = 9.807 m/s*; const. = 332.6 S.1. Units: N (rpm); Q,’ (m*/s); Hiseq (kd/kg) g = 9-807 m/s, const. = 10675 Example: Same example as before English Units: Ng = 19,000 t/min (100 ft/sec)" 60 sec/min (32.17 filsec? x 10,000 f)** NS = 0.123 Metric Units: ng = 19.000 i/min (2.832 m°/sec)"™ 60secimin 9.81 msec? x 3048, m.kgy!KGn) NS = 0.123 optimum: 0.100 - 0.125 ¥ a) ee ee ot 1S.L. Units: _ 10,000 x (2.832)? “40675 x (29.89) NS = 0.123 There is another definition which uses angular velocity w instead of rotational speed N. NS In that case: 2 ns « 222) (9 x Hisen)** 2nN 60 ye ng - Nx Gn)" (const. x Hygon)** The constants are smaller than the previous ones by a factor of 2n = 6.2832. Then, the optimum value for radial compressors ranges from 0.6 to 0.8. For mixed flow compressors, it could range from 1.0 to 2.0. Non-Dimensional Specific Speed as a Function of , and Wi, we NS = 0.473 Example: ©, = 0.0721; Wan = 1.044 (0.0721)"2 (1.044)94 NS = 0.473 x NS = 0.123Dimensional Specific Speed as a Function of ®, and Vicon English Units: se uM NS = 384.5 Example: @, = 0.0721; Woon = 1.044 5 x (0.0721)? NS = 384. (1.044) NS = 100 Metric Units: NS = 157.8 x we (0.0721)"? NS (1.044) 157.8 x NS = 41 (0.0721)? (1.044) NS = 5065 x NS = 1317 8.20 ¥ mee me my omSpecific Diameter Specific diameter is a parameter that was used by Dr. Eric Balje to complement the specific speed. Since compressors of similar design geometry, having the same NS and DS values, are similar in flow mechanism, it follows that they have the same efficiency as long as Re, and My, are neglected. (ft) (ft.) Non-dimensionally: ds = DS x gi* with the optimum value being close to 3.0. Figure 8-4 shows the combination of specific speed and specific diameter for peak efficiency on single-stage compressors. eatFigure 8-4. n.d, Diagram for Single-Stage Compressors (trom Fig.3.7 of "Turbomachines: A Guide to Design, Selection and Theory," by O.E. Balje, 1981, John Wiley & Sons) 8.22 1 4 om Fe oo) i pa at me ee rs}Section 9 Axial Thrust, Recirculation and Rotating Stall Axial Thrust For double shrouded impellers: Foot = Faas * Fat Faxat = Foack ~ Firat ~ Fine stave ~ Fine amamic English Units: Assuming 58% reaction and Nenpted ov Face ~ Front = (Ae ~ Aasn) * Price * E 20% | 0.58% W559 Us x2gxJx CpxTn, 0.64igan% Ur | et Us re 2gxJx Cpx 8gxAXT, Dover ae X US, | Fit state ~ (Az ~ Aap) % Pings X | 1 -=———*’ 25 —— ir ste * ( ve 2g x AX Tiige X COS? Oey, For zero prewhirl: COS? Oyu = 1.0 : ax Ue OX RX Tage inet ayname = (Ag ~ Agn) X Pace * Fa Bcb of BP wpe 2sZeernouseons qs 1 13. 0.64 Wisgn XU? Proten on. Poswwnse*|" “Gx Gp x Towmaon where: Frasaz? Force due to the static pressure at the impeller eye. vegans: Force due to the change of momentum in the impeller channels fa Force due to the balance piston AP Bal. - suction = 20 psi Required Input Data for Axial Thrust . Impeller Tip Diameter Dip (in) Impeller Eye Outside Diameter =D, ~—(in.) Axis Diameter D., (in) . Specific Gravity S.G Compressibility Factor Zz Specific Heat Ratio k . Mass-Flow Ww _({b/sec) . Speed N (rpm) . Head Coefficient Ween . Stage Inlet Total Pressure Py, (psia) Stage Inlet Total Temperature T. CR) Stage Adiabatic Efficiency Never Stage Prewhirl Gn (°) we Plip 11 Pe Pt Phront——, Pa ~ -Poack 02 Ptront Poack *Viniet | Pinter o> nes cet oO FRONT BACK’ Donat SIDE SIDE _ Figure 9-1. Axial Thrust Reference: Solar Report T-3931: “Centrifugal Compressor Axial Thrust on the Impeller," May 1968, by L. Sapiro “axial Thrust" is a subroutine in Solar Computer Program YP954. 92 ee ee ry re pe i peRecirculation through Balance Piston For a given balance piston configuration, the amount of mass-flow recirculating is directly proportional to the overall pressure ratio and inversely proportional to the inlet volume flow. As a consequence, a compressor of many stages, using impellers of the smallest size and specific speed type experience the highest percentage of recirculation. w, oak Wain (PL/Pa) TxZ, 1 x ES x Tae 5G = Constant x ¢ x where: Wax! Amount of mass flow recirculating Wan: Mass flow measured outside the compressor cc Radial clearance of the balance piston labyrinth seal Rotating Stall The critical flow angle at vaneless diffuser inlet, below which there is rotating stall, is a function of by. Rotating Stall 004 0.08 0x2 0.16 bye Figure 9-2. Critical Inlet Flow Angle versus Non-Dimensional Diffuser Width (Based on Figure 35, VKI Technical Note 145: "Rotating Stall in Vaneless Diffusers of Centrifugal Compressors," by R. Van Den Braembussche) 93Section 10 Velocity and Dynamic Pressure at the Compressor Flanges Velocity at the Compressor Flanges we Q 1X (Drange English Units: v = 3.056 x —2 2 range) where: Vv (fv/sec) * Q (CFM) * Drange (in-)* : at inlet or outlet Metric Units or S.1. Units: Q V = 1.273 x a Dare where: v (mis) Q (m%¥s) * Daarge — (™) : at inlet or outlet Q, x (Ty/T,) x (ZZ) : (BIB)English Units: Dynamic Pressure (Velocity Pressure) at the Compressor Flanges ox v2 i723 q- Oe 2x RxZxT OT 16 x Px Q? 9° Tex ZxTX Onange)® oxve 9 = 9265 ee eee ee x V? x SG. 3433 x Zx T q ———————— Px Q?x 8G. 367.6 x Zx TX (Drange)! where: q (psi) * P (psia) * T CR) * pe (bit) * v (ft/sec) * Q (CFM) * Drange (iN.) 7 : at inlet or outlet 10-2 7 ; Mp ee pa ee ro pe mpMetric Units: _ px V2 7 * "496200 Px V2x 8G. = 0.001741 x ————_———— q = 0.001741 x PX 2 q = 0.002821 x P*S.G.x Zx TX (Onan where: q (kg/cm?) * P (kg/om?) * T (eK) * © (kg/m*) * Vv (mis) * Q (ms) * Drange (m) —* at inlet or outlet S.1. Units: a - ox? 9 * “3000 g- LAS x VE 574.5 x TX Z 5 Px SG. x Q? 354.5 x Tx ZX (Dpango)* where: q (kPa) * P (kPa) * L CK) ot 2 (kg/m) * Vv (mis) * fe} (ms) * Daange (mM) * *: at inlet or outletSection 11 Equivalent Speeds Equivalent Speed to Produce Same Mach Number N, = N, x For an Air Test, if inlet temperature is 70°F = 21°C: English Units: T, air = 70°F = 529.7°R = 294.3°K k, air = 1.395; Z, air = 1.0 SG tors Kyou * Z rts * Torts Metric Units: N, S.G.tois Keto * Zrto1a * ToreEquivalent Speed to Produce Same Density Ratio SG Zara Men (ne), Tes \ Z, =) Tyee | av. gas (Pa! Prdrest = fet ae For the same density ratio: Class Il of ASME PTC-10: k "how te * ( i) oi k xfA] a Moy test ( al test rest = Class Ill of ASME PTC-10: Class III of ASME PIG 1 Yaest ~ Trost * (1 * Xeost) Prost * where: X and Y are obtained from Figures 2 and 3 of "The Polytropic ‘Analysis of Centrifugal Compressors," by J.M. Schultz, Trans. ASME, Series A, Vol. 84, Jan. 1962, pp. 69-82 and April, 1962, p. 222. Tolerance of values of X and Y is shown in Table 4 of ASME PTC-10. 4 ‘amor } req py met a pi ee paEquivalent Speed to Produce Same Pressure Ratio English Units: Wagon * Dig? x Np x SG. (13425) x 2, x (Ts Ween X Dig? x S.G.g (134257 x Z,,, * (Te N= where: N (rpm); Dy, (in.); T; (°R) Metric Units or S.1. Units: Wison X Oye? x NG x S.G., + ten Sp * OS (457.6? x 2, * (Ts Wison * Dig? x 8.G.n (457.6)? x Zy.. * (Te where: N (rpm); Dip (m); T; (°K) 11-3Section 12 Factory Test Horsepower Required for Air Test of Gas Compressors as a Function of Field Horsepower If the test is conducted on ambient air (14.70 psia = 1.033 kg/om? = 101.3 kPa = 1.013 bara) at approximately 70°F (530°R = 294.4°K) and at the same ®, (or Q,/N) value as in the field: Z, (AP yeodae sandr (sto) 2 p xe -( Ae a CFP yers\iow (Yaar) Msandar SG," (Ny For English Units: Const. 14.70/530 For Metric Units: Const. .033/294.4 For S.1. Units: Const. 1 = 101.3/294.4 or 1.013/294.4 if P,, is given in kPa or in bara If the matching would be similar (W,, = W, & Nay = n,) . then: (HP awodar ed (AP ewa)iog SG If the air test is conducted at an equivalent speed for same Mach number, Since: Ny where: Tarp = 530°R or 294.4°K| Then: es where: Pym, = 14.70 psia = 1.033 kg/cm? = 101.03 kPa=1.013 bara = For values of ambient pressure and inlet temperature other than the ‘ones shown, replace them in the formula. (HP sero) ¥ (Ue corner) ag) ere Ameer. Ninocn, = 0-98 If the compressor is tested at a lower speed than the equivalent one: Nii, test J 7 Nay equi £ i E z E z Z i E 122Corresponding Suction Pressure for Given Power, Head and Flow English Units: HP x Nison X Z, isan nna 2010 x P, = 2.891 x 10" x Ox Vn SG” DS x NP where: P, (psia); HP (hp); Q, (CFM); T, (°R); Dj, (inches); N (rpm) Metric Units: Si. P, = 0.01020 x (= kK ae ©, x Yoon SG. Die x NF where: P, (kg/cm?); HP (kW); Q, (ms); T, (°K); Dip (m); N (rpm) Units: 2 HP, on * 2, Pax (2) aero X Pison % ax [2)"> x Lay Py son Z.xT, HP axe P, = 5097 x 10° _*" __ x xT see OxW, SG Dex NP where P, (kPa); HP (kW); Q, (ms); T, (°K); Dy, (mm); N (rpm) 123Required Speed for a Given Pressure Ratio English Units: 13427 pe | ea ca Dip P, Woon * SG. x (k-1) where: Hen (ft-lb/1b,,); Dy, (inches); T, (°R); N (rpm) Metric Units: N = 8458 ,, | Heso DW ison x ee Wiggn & SG. X (1) Zy XT Xk Pe P, where: Hen (M-KGUKGn); Dip (Mm); Ts (°K) S.1. Units: H, ty = 8544 | Hon Din ison where: Hoon (Kd/kg); Duy (™) [pepe roe ee wey ptEffect on Efficiency When Scaling Up an Impeller Rutschi's Formula: a . 3.15 (Dinory * 2.54)'® Po Moody's Formula: Deron Mscato = 1 ~ (1 ~ Meng.) (Fee Dip scat Pfleiderer's Formula: 1 - facsle feria a po (Din scar * 2-54)'* f= German Standard DIN-1944's Formula: N, D, ot Neale = 1 - (1- OX «(2 x a " ~ Necate Ot scaio, enone eens ao (Dn sea * 25.4)" 70 we (Dip ong, * 25:4)'* Long 125Sapiro's Formula: 120 pse-(1-8) ‘pS ose (1- ws) (Miser) scaw= 1-(1 “tne recae _ focaia Chong oe feega ANd fyyg: From Figure 12-1 as a function of Re and (e/d) RMS te (ks/d)qq = 1.6 x 10° x RMS = 125 (typical) (Re)ceg, assumed: > 9 x 10° (KS/d)scae = (KS!) iq / Scale Factor orig D, Scale Factor = Dv) ong. (Dep) seas Necaia (Re) sca = (Fe) ong. | ae * [Orpdors Nova. 126 “pe mors jt pat be bel OO od ™ wa$ ssannonoy ann 23998 6888 8 8 Ey & 0002 ooo! 000,05 ‘0991 18 4 05} cap ey ae ry 003] 0! 3,4 - 2@ poxs hl-yuatovs nous Figure 12-1. Skin Friction Factor as a Function of Reynolds Number and Relative Roughness (Reproduced from TRANS. of the ASME, November 1944, page 671, by L.F. Moody) 12-7 = Reu vo, V REYNOLDS NUMBER ReASME PTC-10 (1965), Table 1 Allowable Departure from Specified Operating Conditions for Class | Test £ (See Pars. 3.03, 3.04, 3.05) E Variable symbol | Unit | Departure (1) ¥ 4) = (a) Inlet pressure p | psia 5 2) (b) Inlet temperature i R 8 (2) i (©) Specific gravity of gas G | ratio 2 @ (d) Speed N ‘pm 2 = E (e) Capacity 4 cfm 4 @) (f) Cooling temperature difference - oF 5 (4) iL (g)_ Cooling water flow rate = pm 3 = i (1) Departures are based on the specified value where pressures and temperatures are absolute. (2) The combined effect of items (a), (b) and (c) shall not produce more than 8 per cent departure in inlet gas density. (3) See Par. 3.13 for limitations on range of capacity. (4) Difference is defined as inlet gas temperature minus inlet cooling water temperature. ee ee eee 128ASME PTC — 10 (1965), Table 2 Allowable Fluctuation of Test Readings During a Test Run for All Tests - Class |, Il and Ill (See Pars. 3.03, 3.04, 3.05) Measurement Symbol [unit | riuctuation (1) Inlet pressure B, psia 2% Inlet temperature T R 0.5% (2) Discharge pressure Pa psia 2% Nozzle differential pressure Pi- Pe psi 2% Nozzle temperature Ty, R 0.5% Speed N pm 0.5% Torque r Ib-ft 1.0% Electric motor input - kW 1.0% Specific gravity test gas G ratio 0.25% Cooling water inlet temperature - F 3F (2) Cooling water flow rate - gpm 2% Line voltage = volts, 2% (1) (2) Pressure and temperature fluctuation for the gas expressed as per cent of average absolute values. Temperature fluctuation for the water is deviation from average in °F. Values do not apply for power measurements by heat balance or heat ‘exchanger methods. (see paragraphs 4.43 and 4.47) 129ASME PTC - 10 (1965), Table 3 Allowable Departure from Specified Design Parameters for Class Il and Class Ill Tests (See Pars. 3.03, 3.04, 3.05) Variable Symbol Range of Test Values Limits - % of Design Value Volume ratio Capacity-speed ratio Machine Mach Number 0100.8 Above 0.8 Machine Reynolds Number where the design value is Below 200,000 Centrifugal Above 200,000 Centritugal Below 100,000 Axial Compressor Above 100,000 Axial Compressor Mechanical losses shall not exceed 10 per cent of the total shaft power input at test conditions. 45 Re * Minimum allowable test Machine Reynolds Number is 180,000 ** Minimum allowable test Machine Reynolds Number is 90,000 12-10 i "mrt £ Z i E z £ z I iASME PTC - 10 (1965), Table 4 Departure of Gas Properties from Perfect Gas Laws of Test and Specified Gas - Permissible for Class Il Tests (See Pars. 3.03, 3.04, 3.05) Maximum Maximum Minimum Ratio Compressibility Compressibility one kmax* Functions Functions jatio ‘i kmin y 14 4.42 0.925 2 1.10 0.964 4 1.09 0.982 8 1,08 0.988 16 1.07 0.991 32 1,06 0.993, When these limits are exceeded by either the test gas of the specified gas at any state point along the compression path, the methods described for computing Class Ill tests shall be used. (See Pars. 3.03, and 5.01). “Maximum and Minimum values of k over either test or specified range of conditions. x T(e “4 y-2 | vor), v Sp), 12-11Amount of Heat to Be Removed in the 5 12-12 Closed Loop Heat Exchangers r Is equal to the heat load produced by the compressor. Er q = Mx Cp, x AT, =z English Units: ¥ see 7 Zean e bo xk =0. ake i Ops = 0.0686 x =a ¥ where: M (Ib/sec); P, (psia); Q, (CFM); T, (°R); Cp, (Btu/lb °R) i z Metric Units: M = 3416 x 2X SEXO : zal 7 Cp, = 0.0686 x —2*% _ = SG. x (KN) £ where: M (kg/s); P, (kg/cm?); Q, (m*%s); T, (°K); CPs (kCal/kgn, °K) i S.. Units: M = 3.403 x 2% SG % x “ Z xT, r z Cp, = 0.2871 x —2* S.G. x (k-1) £ where: M (kg/s); P, (kPa); Q, (m*%s); T1 (°K); Cp, (J/kg °K) & £ rE iTotal Cost of Fuel to Run a Test Knowing that the test will be using certain driver with about 90% of its maximum power and that the test will involve certain number of hours: Tota) Gost - HEX 2544 BUIAP-H cost po 100,000 Bt x N2-of Hours inert Day Example: Driver: Centaur of 3500 hp. Cost of 100,000 Btu of gas: $0.45 Duration of test: 6 hours/day Engine thermal efficiency: 27% _ 3500 x 2544 0.45 Total Cost x 0.27 100,000 Total Cost = $890/ day 1243Section 13 Gas Turbine Engine Barometric Pressure as a Function of Elevation (U.S. Standard Atmosphere) Elevation, ft. | Pressure, psia oO 14.696 4000 14.173 2000 13.664 3000 13.171 4000 12,692 5000 12.228 6000 11.770 7000 11.340 8000 10.916 9000 10.505 10,000 10.106 CORRECTION FACTOR, 6 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 Site Barometric Pressure ‘Sea Level Barometric Pressure ° 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 ELEVATION ABOVE SEA LEVEL, m Figure 13-1. Elevation Correction Factor 13-4 3000 Pags203MThermal Efficiency CLE ‘SFC x Heating Value English Units: Const. 1 = 2544 HR: Heat Rate (Btw/hp-hr) LHV: Lower Heating Value for Natural Gas = 20,610 BTU/Ib = 940 Btu/SCF for Diesel Oil= 18,380 Btu/lb SFC: Specific Fuel Consumption Metric Unit: Const. 1 = 859.9 HR: Heat Rate (kCal/kW-h) LHV: Lower Heating Value for Natural Gas = 11,450 kCal/kg for Diesel Oil= 10,211 kCal/kg SFC: Specific Fuel Consumption 13-2 E ¥ epee So em pp”Heat Rate where: HR: — Heat Rate (Btu/hp-hr) or (kCal/KW-h) Qa: Amount of heat supplied to the unit (Btu/hr) or kCal/h) HP: — Power Output (hp) or (kW) Qa = Qh x LHV where: Qh: Fuel Consumption (SCF/hr) or (SCM/h) LHV: Lower Heating Value (Btu/lb) or (kCal/kg) HA = Gx LAV HP SFC = Gh HP Specific Fuel Consumption (Ib/hp-hr) or kg/kW-h) SCF: Standard Cubic Feet SCM: Standard Cubic Meters HP = SFC x LHV Specific Fuel Consumption src - HR LHV where: SFC: (lb/hp-hr) or (kg/KW-h) HR: — (Btu/hp-hr) or (kCa/kg) LHV: — (Btu/lb) or (kCal/kg) 13-3Section 14 Index A Absolute Viscosity Acentric Factor .. . 8-11; 8-12 3-13 Actual Temperature Rise tiie. 68; 6-9 Adiabatic Efficiency + 5:22 to 5-24 Adiabatic Head ........ . 5-7 to 5-10 Aerodynamic Power 6-1 to 6-4 Affinity Laws ...... 73 Air: Ambient Air 3-23 Humid Air . 13-24 ASME PTC-10 (1 965) Tables 12-8 to 12-11 Axial insets eee 2 9-1; 9-2 B Basic Equivalences between English, Metric and S.l. Units Barometric Pressure as a Function of Elevation Brake|Moreapowers seer . c Carbon Dioxide: CO, Properties for Closed Loop Test . CO, Mixture with Nitrogen Casing Heat Losses Composition of Natural Gas (Typical) Compressibility Factor .... . 7 Compressibility Factor Tables . Compressible Flow Relations Compressor Horsepower Cpmpressor Volume Ratio . Computer Program Procedure to Calculate Head . 3-28 3-29 6-13 3-29 3-10 to 3-13, 3-14 to 3-16 and Efficiency 5-28 to 5-30 Computer Program of Entropy .. 5-30 to 5-31 Conversion of Polytropic Efficiency to Isentropic and Vice Versa... 5-27 Corresponding Suction Pressure for Given Power, Head and Flow | 12-3 Critical Pressure . . .33 Critical Temperature 33 141D Density Dew Point .... : Dimensional Specific Speed . Discharge Coefficients .... : Dynamic Pressure at Compressor Flanges : Dynamic Viscosity ..... Driver Horsepower . E Efficiency: Adiabatic Efficiency ......... 02.0000 . 5-230 5-25 Computer Calculation Procedure for Efficiency . 5-29 Conversion of Poltropic to Isentropic Efficiency and Vice Versa . - 5-28 Gearbox Efficiency . 65 Increase of Etfciency in the Field versus Ambient Air due to Reynolds Number Effect . . 8-15; 8-16 isentropic Efficiency + 5-23 to 5-25 Mechanical Efficiency .... voce 5 Polytropic Efficiency "5:25 to 5-26 13-2 Thermal Efficiency... Reduction of Efficiency due to Heat Losses Effect on Efficiency When Scaling Up an Impeller Effect of Early Surge on Surge Margin . .. Effect of Mach Number on Stage Performance . Equivalences between English, Metric and S.. Units. Equivalences of: Gas Constant .... Gravity Acceleration Head . : Mass Flow Power . Pressure Temperature Viscosity .. Volume Flow Work . Equivalent Speed to Produce Same Mach Number - Equivalent Speed to Produce Same Density Ratio . Equivalent Speed to Produce Same Pressure Ratio Euler's Equation ........ = : “| mW Fe | pp meee ee |F Fan Law . 2.738 Flow Measurement - 4-10; 4-11 Flow Measurement Approach for Axial-Entry Compressors 2417 Flow Measurement References oer 4-16 Flow Range ........ Friction Losses . Friction Coefficient Friction Factor as a Funetion of Reynolds No. and Relative Roughness ..........0.0-0e0eceeece ee eeee teens 12-7 uel Costto\nunia (celeste ieee eer 42-43 G Gas Constant. .....2.0-0..sseceeeeeeeeeeen et neneeee tenes 3-4 Gaconteniequvelnces = et ee ee 26 Gas Mixture .. vie 8-20 Gas Power ... 6-1 to 6-4 Gas Properties .. . 3-21; 3-22 Gas Properties of Ambient Air » 3-23 Gases for Closed Loop Tests . . . 3-28 Gearbox Efficiency ........-.. 6-5 Gravity Acceleration Equivalences . 2-6 H Head: Adiabatic Head ............-2.-05 5-7 to 5-10 Computer Calculation Procedure for Head « . 5-29 Equivalences for Head ............ 2-3 Increase in Head in the Field versus Ambient Air due to Reynolds Number Effect . . 8-15; 8-16 Isentropic Head Coefficient . 5-17; 5-18 Polytropic Head Coefficient 5-19 Head Rise to Surge nS Isentropic Head . 5-7 to 5-10 Polytropic Head . . B14; 512 + 3-28 Helium (Mixture with Nitrogen) . Heat: ‘Amount to Be Removed in the Closed Loop Heat Exchangers ... 12-1 Heat Load of the Compressor . 641 Heat Loss through the Casing. 2612 Heat Rate ...... 213-3 14.3Horsepower: Compressor Horsepower. Brake Horsepower Horsepower Lost in Bearings and Seals . : Horsepower Required for Air Test as a Function of Field Horsepower : Horsepower Required from Driver Shaft Horsepower . Humid Air ....... I Ideal Equation of State (Perfect Gases) Ideal Molal Specific Heat at Constant Pressure Inlet Flow Coefficient Input Data Requirement for Axial Thrust Isentropic Efficiency .... . Isentropic Efficiency Conversion to Poitronic Efficiency 5.23 t0 5-25 5-28 Isentropic Exponent ..... 3-8 Isentropic Exponent Formulas . vee 5-13 Isentropic Head ......... : + 517 to 5-10 Isentropic Head Coefficient 2 517; 5-18 K Kinematic Viscosity... . - 8-13 M Mach Number ..... - 82 Machine Mach Number... . 2 Bd 8-14 Machine Reynolds Number .. see oe Mass Flow ........+-55 . . 4-3; 4-4 Mass Flow Equivalences 2-3 Mechanical Efficiency .. ... 65 Mechanical Equivalent of Heat . 23-2 Measurement of flow... 4-10; 4-11 Discharge Coefficients 412 Measurement with Orifice 414 Measurement with Venturi 4413 Mixtures of Helium and Nitrogen for Closed Loop Test . . 3-28 Mixtures of Nitrogen and CO, for Closed Loop Test . 3-29 37 Molal Specific Heat (Ideal) at Constant Pressure . . 14-4 [os pope mm epee wy ttN Natural Gas Composition (Typical) ....... 0.0.02 0e essere ees 3-29 Nitrogen: Mixture with CO, . - 3-29 Mixture with Helium . 3-28 Nomenclature 1-4 “8-18 to 8-19 44 4-9 42 Non-Dimensional Specific Speed Normal Conditions . Normal Flow ..... Normal Values ° Orifice Measurement of Flow . . - 4-14; 4-15 Outlet Flow 4-19 Pp Partial Pressure of Constituent on a Gas Mixture . 3-27 PerfectGases .... . Physical Properties of Water . Polytropic Efficiency . Polytropic Exponent . Polytropic Head... Polytropic Head Coefficient Power Corresponding to the Heat Load Power Equivalences ..........++ Power Lost by Casing Heat Losses . Pressure Equivalences ... Pressure Coefficient Pressure Losses due to Friction Pressure Ratio . . Procedure to Calculate Head as a Function of Enthalpy . Procedure to Calculate Variation of Entropy ...-. Pseudo Critical Pressure .. Pseudo Critical Temperature - + 5-26 to 5-28 + 5-14 to 5-16 «5-11; 5-12 + 5-19; 5-20 5-29; 5-80 5-90; 5-31 ree BS 3-3 R Reaction ........ 600s eee eee eee Real Equation of State (Real Gases) Real Equations of State (Different Types) . Recirculation through Balance Piston. Reduced Pressure . . Reduced Temperature .... . 5-6 3-9 -.99 or . 3-4 3-4Relative Mach Number at Inducer Tip . Required Compressor Horsepower . Required Input Data ..........06+5 : Required Speed for a Given Pressure Ratio. Required Torque during Compressor Operation Reynolds Number . Rotating Stall ........ s = Shaft Horsepower . . ac50 . bees Skin Friction Coefficient. . Skin Friction Factor as a Function of Reynolds Number and Relative Roughness . Slip Factor .... Sonic Velocity . .. Specific Diameter Specific Fuel Consumption . Specific Gravity Specific Heat at Constant Pressure . Specific Heat at Ks. and Kao Of Hydrocarbons Specific Heat Ratio Specific Heat Ratio at Inlet and Outlet . Specific Speed Speed of Sound . Standard Conditions . Standard Flow .. Standard Values . Suffixes .... Supercompressibility Factor . Surge Flow . : Surge Margin . wos am oe it T Tables of Z as a Function of Pr and Tr Temperature Equivalences Temperature Ratio... Temperature Rise . Thermal Efficiency Torque .. Tumdown . . Typical Compo: Typical Composition of Natural Gas . Typical Performance Data in Metric and English Units. 3-14 to 3-16 22-5 6-9 6-8; 6-9 13-2 as) Ere. 3-30 3-29 27 “mm Pe "Vv Vapor Pressure .....-..---2-++55 Velocity at the Compressor Flanges Velocity Pressure at the Compressor Flanges coneee Venturi Measurement of Flow .....-....+-+2+-55 Viscosity: Absolute Viscosity Dynamic Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity . Approximate Formulas for Kt and K2 . Viscosity Equivalences .. Volume Flow Volume Flow Coefficient . . . Volume Flow (Outlet) ...... Volume Flow Equivalences Volume Ratio . WwW Water ........0-+ Work Equivalences wees . Work Factor... cece eee eee 3-25
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