First Level of Assessment

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I. Presence of Health threats, Health deficits, Foreseeable crisis/ stress points

of the family.

A. Health Threats (Color the applicable vertical scrolls)

Family history of hereditary diseases

Specify disease/s: Hypertension

Family size beyond family resources

Threats of cross-infection from a communicable disease

Specify disease/s: cough and colds, fever

Inappropriate immunization status especially of children:

Poor environmental situation

Inadequate living space

Inadequate personal belongings/utensils

Lack of food storage

Polluted water supply

Presence of breeding places of insects and rodents

Improper refuse disposal

Improper drainage system

Poor ventilation and lightning

Noise pollution

Unsanitary food handling and preparation

Others, please specify: ____________________________

Inherent personality characteristics

Short temper

Others, please specify: _______________________________

Inappropriate role consumption

Child assuming mother’s role

Others, please specify: _______________________________

Accident hazards

Broken stairs

Pointed sharp objects

Poison and medicines improperly kept

Fire hazards

Fall hazards

Others, please specify: Unprotected stairs


Inadequate food intake both in quality and quantity

Excessive intake of certain nutrients

Faulty eating habits

Others, please specify: _________________________

Stress provoking factors

Strained marital relationship

Immature parents

Interpersonal conflicts between family members

Others, please specify: _________________________

Personal habits/practices
Excessive smoking

Walking barefooted

Eating raw fish and meat

Poor personal hygiene


Others, please specify: _________________________

Health history that may precipitate the occurrence of a health


Specify: Hypertension

Family disunity

Self-oriented behaviour

Unresolved conflicts

Intolerable disagreements

Others, please specify: _________________________

B. Health Deficits (Enumerable and discuss briefly)

• Malnutrition – The children shows signs and symptoms of

malnutrition (underweight, poor skin integrity)
• Diarrhea – one their children shows impending characteristics of
diarrhea that predisposes him in dehydration that may alter the
normal functioning of his body. Some of the manifestation are
frequent defecation in just one day and watery stool.

C. Stress points/foreseeable crisis situations


I. Inability to recognize the presence of a problem due to:

Ignorance of facts

Fear of consequences of diagnosis of problem

Social (Stigma, loss of respect of peer/significant others)

Economic (Cost)


Attitude/Philosophy in life

II. Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions
due to: (Color applicable horizontal boxes)

Failure to comprehend the nature, magnitude or scope of the


Low salience of the problem

Feeling of confusion and resignation brought about by failure to

breakdown problems into manageable units of attack

Lack of knowledge/insight as to alternative course of action open

to them

Inability to decide which action to take among the list of


Conflicting opinion among members regarding action to take

Ignorance of community resources for health care

Fear of consequences of action



Negative attitude toward the health problem

Lack of trust/confidence in health personnel/agency

Misconception of erroneous information about proposed course/s

of action

Inability of appropriate resources of care

Pregnancy, labor, puerperium


Additional member of the family


Entrance at school


Loss of job

Death of a member


Resettlement in a new community

Others, please specify: ______________________________

Physical (location)


III. Inability to provide nursing care to the sick, disabled, or dependent member
of the family due to: ( Color the applicable horizontal scrolls)

Ignorance of the facts about the disease/health condition

(Nature, severity, complications, prognosis, and management)

Ignorance of the nature and extent of the nursing care needed

Lack of necessary facilities (equipment and supplies) for care

Lack of knowledge and skill in carrying out the necessary

Inadequate resources for care

Responsible family member


Physical resources (e.g. isolation room)

Failure to see benefits (especially long term ones) of investments

in home environment improvement

Present of physical/psychological conflicts

Identify crisis/psychological conflicts


Guilt feelings

Others, please specify: _______________________________

Ignorance of preventive measures

Attitude/philosophy on life

Family disunity

Self-oriented behaviour of members

Intolerable disagreements

Lack of support to members in crisis

Others, please specify: _______________________________

IV. Inability to utilize community resources for health due to: ( Put Color Green
to the applicable horizontal scrolls)

Ignorance of lack of awareness of community resources for health


Failure to perceive benefits of health care/services

Lack of trust/confidence in health agency/personnel

Previous unpleasant experience with health worker

Fear of consequences of action




Unavailability of required care/services

Inaccessibility of required care/services



Inadequate family services



Feelings of alienation/lack of support form from the community

Attitude/philosophy in life:

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