Lebesgue Outer Measure and Lebesgue Measure
Lebesgue Outer Measure and Lebesgue Measure
Lebesgue Outer Measure and Lebesgue Measure
m (E) = inf
`(Ik )
where the infimum is taken over all countable collections of open intervals {Ik } with the
property that E
Ik .
Proposition 0.2 Outer measure is countably subadditive, that is, if {Ek } is any countable
collection of subsets of R, then
m (Ek ).
C. Measurable Sets.
Definition 0.2 A set E R is said to be (Legesgue) measurable provided that for any set
m (A) = m (A E) + m (A E C ).
Remark 0.3 (1) The criterion in the previous definition is sometimes called the Caratheodory
(2) Outer measure is countably subadditive but is not countably additive, and indeed there
are disjoint sets A and B such that m (A B) < m (A) + m (B). What the Caratheodory
criterion says is that a set is measurable if and only if it can be used to split any set A into
two disjoint pieces for which outer measure is additive.
(3) Since m is countably subadditive, and since for any sets A and E, A = (AE)(AE C ),
always m (A) m (A E) + m (A E C ). Hence to show that a set E is measurable we
have only to show that m (A) m (A E) + m (A E C ) for every A.
(4) It is clear that if E is measurable then so is E C .
Proposition 0.3 If m (E) = 0 then E is measurable.
Proposition 0.4 Let M denote the collection of all Lebesgue measurable subsets of R.
Then M is a -algebra that contains the -algebra of Borel sets.