Normativa Pelelts Din - Plus

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Certification Scheme

Wood pellets for use in small furnaces

in accordance with
DIN 51731 HP 5
(NORM M 7135 HP1)

(Edition: January 2006)

DIN CERTCO Alboinstrae 56 12103 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 7562-1140 Fax: +49 30 7562-1141 E-Mail: [email protected]

Certification scheme wood pellets for use in small furnaces - DINplus

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Inspection basis ..........................................................................................................3

Additional requirements .............................................................................................3


Combustion requirements ....................................................................................3


Contaminants, foreign substances .......................................................................3


Fine particle share ...............................................................................................3

Additional tests ...........................................................................................................4


Extraction from flowing goods.................................................................4
Extraction from stock piled goods...........................................................4


Mass ....................................................................................................................4


Apparent density ..................................................................................................4


Preparation of a mixed sample.............................................................................4


Water content.......................................................................................................4


Ash content..........................................................................................................5


Net calorific value.................................................................................................5


Sulphur content....................................................................................................5


Nitrogen content...................................................................................................5

3.10 Chlorine content...................................................................................................5

3.11 Pellet abrasion .....................................................................................................5
3.12 Identifying marking ...............................................................................................6

Process of product certification ................................................................................6


Pre-licence factory inspection ..............................................................................6


Test and test report ..............................................................................................6

Conformity surveillance .............................................................................................7


Factory production control....................................................................................7


Third-party surveillance........................................................................................7

Time limit for the eradication of deficiencies............................................................7

Verification of the equivalence of a method for the abrasion determination..........7


Abrasion determination with homogeneous test material by means of a reference

test method ..........................................................................................................7


Abrasion determination by means of a comparable method .................................8


Comparison of reference and comparable method...............................................8


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Certification scheme wood pellets for use in small furnaces - DINplus

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Inspection basis

DIN 51731 "Pellets produced from untreated wood - HP 5"

(NORM M 7135 "Pellets produced from untreated wood or untreated bark, pellets and
briquettes HP1")

Additional requirements


Combustion requirements

Table 1





4 d < 101)



5 x d2)

Apparent density



Section 3.3

Water content


Section 3.5

Ash content


Net calorific value

Sulphur content


Inspection in accordance with

Section 3.2

0,50 )

Section 3.6



Section 3.7


Section 3.8



Section 3.9



Section 3.10


2,3 )

Section 3.11

Auxiliary pressing
material7) 8)


Nitrogen content
Chlorine content

1) The diameter to be indicated in accordance with section Identifying marking must lie within a tolerance of 10 % of the indicated
2) A maximum of 20% of the majority of the pellets may have a length of up to 7.5 x d.
3) Refer to section 3.1
4) In anhydrous condition (wf)
5) The ash content may be up to 0.80 %, if the untreated wood used already has naturally higher ash content.
6) Sampling corresponding to section 3.1
7) Chemically unmodified products from primary agricultural and forestry biomass (for example wholemeal corn, cornstarch and rye
flour) may be mixed with the raw materials for the production of wood or bark pellets to ease the pressing procedure and also, as a
result, an improvement of the energy balance and to increase the abrasion resistance.
8) The inspection regarding the method and quantity of auxiliary pressing material is made within the framework of third-party
surveillance, supported by manufacturer documentation, in accordance with section 5.1.


Contaminants, foreign substances

Pellets may only be produced from untreated wood or untreated bark also with the addition of
auxiliary pressing material in accordance with 3.3.
For example, the following foreign substances are prohibited:
Wood containing biocide or trunk protective agent;
Adhesives and/or plastics;
Varnish and other coating materials.

Fine particle share

Pellet grindings created during manufacture must be separated before leaving the production
department. The segregation can be delayed if it can be proven that this fine particle share is
removed at another part of the conveyor chain.

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Certification scheme wood pellets for use in small furnaces - DINplus

Additional tests



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When taking samples a distinction between two types is to be made.


Extraction from flowing goods

The necessary specimen material is to be taken from the flow of goods in the form of a
minimum of 5 spot samples, each with a mass of 0.5 kg. The sampling has to be made at the
latest possible extraction point at the production plant.
The specimen materials are to be taken so that between extractions, staggered within a
given time, a multiple (at least ten times) of the quantity of a single specimen probe pass on
the conveyor route.

Extraction from stock piled goods

The necessary specimen material, a minimum of 5 spot samples each with a mass of at least
0.5 kg, is to be extracted as evenly as possible from the stock, the transport vehicle or from
the pallet and container and so forth.


From one of the 5 spot samples, a random quantity of between 20 g and 100 g
(approximately 20 pellets) is to be taken and measured.

Apparent density

In accordance with 3.2, from each of the five spot samples two pellets are to be taken. The
determination of the respective apparent density is made in accordance with DIN 52182. The
arithmetic mean value calculated from the 10 individual values is to be compared with the
corresponding tolerance values (Table 1).
Because of the size of the samples, it must be assumed that the accuracy of measurement
for the determination of the volume of the class HP1 pellets demanded in DIN 52182 cannot
be maintained. As a result, a deviation of the mean value from the tolerance limit of 0.02
kg/dm3 is authorised.

Preparation of a mixed sample

For the further inspections, (3.5 to 3.11 inclusive) a mixed sample is to be created from the
five spot samples taken in accordance with 3.1.

Water content

The water content determination is made in accordance with DIN 51718, where the test
quantity employed has to be between 10 g and 100 g. Deviating from DIN 51718 a nonground sample can also be used. In accordance with DIN 51718 the dry temperature in
procedures A or B must be 103 C 2 C.


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Certification scheme wood pellets for use in small furnaces - DINplus


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Ash content

The ash content determination is made in accordance with DIN 51719 (at 815 C).

Net calorific value

The determination of the net calorific value is made by calculation from the gross calorific
value. The gross calorific value is determined in accordance with DIN 51900-1 to 51900-3.
The standard taken as a basis for the determination is to be indicated in the test report.
If an elemental analysis is not completed, the following values for the hydrogen content are
Softwoods (coniferous)
Hardwoods (deciduous)

6,2 %
6,0 %

Sulphur content

The determination is made in accordance with DIN 51724-1 or through comparable methods.

Nitrogen content

The determination is made in accordance with DIN 51722-1 or through comparable methods.

Chlorine content

The determination is made in accordance with DIN 51727 or through comparable methods.

Pellet abrasion

The determination of the abrasion behaviour is made using the following test specification
with the Ligno-Tester or an equivalent test appliance (refer to section 7).
The fine particle share is to be separated before determining the abrasion through manual
sieving with a 3.15 mm sieve in accordance with DIN ISO 3310-1.
A quantity of pellets are weighed, 100 g 0,5 g, and subjected to an air stream of 70 mbar
for 60 seconds in the Ligno-Tester. Afterwards the pellets are reweighed and the abrasion
calculated in percent (%). The mean value is established from the results of 5
determinations. The pellets must be tested free of fine particle share. The Ligno-Testers dust
filter should be changed after every third determination test.

AR =

mE m A
Abrasion in %
Weight-in quantity in g
Weight-out quantity in g


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Certification scheme wood pellets for use in small furnaces - DINplus

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The abrasion can also be determined by means of an equivalent method. The equivalence of
a method is to be verified in accordance with section 7.
Because of the expected deviation during the determination, a discrepancy of the mean
value from the tolerance limit of 0.2 % abrasion is authorised.

Identifying marking

Quality mark DINplus with corresponding registrations number;

Diameter, d, in mm e.g. Wood pellets diameter 6 mm;
Notice, that during transport and storage the pellets are to be protected from moisture;
For the non-ambiguous identification of the delivery, every product or its packaging must
be labelled with an identification number/code and/or a serial number. At the very least
this identification must give information concerning the year of production and the
manufacturing plant (where appropriate information regarding the Austrian
standardisation institute, ON, registration number). The encoding must be declared to

With unpacked consignments, corresponding information is to be found on the

accompanying documents.

Process of product certification


Pre-licence factory inspection

A condition for the implementation of the inspection, in accordance with this certification
scheme, is a previous appraisal by the DIN CERTCO appointed and approved test
laboratory. As a result, the QM measures for continuous self-monitoring in accordance with
section 5.2 and the corresponding documentation are checked.
For each manufacturing site a factory inspection is to be processed, in order to prove the
explicit and detailed relation on the surveilled products (e. g. an updated supplement).

Test and test report

The samples which have been taken during the pre-licence factory inspection have to be
tested in a DIN CERTCO-testing laboratory according to the requirements as specified in
section 1 and 3.
The test report must contain the following additional information:

Date and location of facility inspection

Information about the manufacturing site and year of production
Duration of inspection
Name and function of the inspector
Test results


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Certification scheme wood pellets for use in small furnaces - DINplus

Conformity surveillance


Factory production control

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The factory production control must be executed by qualified personnel at least once a week
and include the following examinations:

Determination of apparent density

Determination of water content
Determination of the abrasion behaviour in accordance with 3.11
Documentation of the type and quantity of any auxiliary press material used.

For the purpose of the self-monitoring, the methods stated in section 3 do not have to be
employed. However, it should be guaranteed that the methods employed allow a safety
margin referring to the limit values determined by the reference method.
The results of the self-monitoring are to be documented and subsequently inspected by the
test laboratory during the third-party surveillance.

Third-party surveillance

The third-party surveillance is the inspection of the pellets based on a surveillance contract
(refer to 5.1). The inspection takes place without prior announcement and must be made at
every manufacturing plant. Within the framework of the third-party surveillance, the following
measures will be implemented:
1. Inspection of the factorys production control of the manufacturer (facility inspection)
2. Inspection of the type and quantity of the auxiliary press material used (e.g. supported by
delivery documents) with reference to the production quantity
3. Sampling of the respective product according to section 3.1
4. Inspection of the pellets according to sections 2 and 3.

Time limit for the eradication of deficiencies

The time limit for the eradication of a deficiency discovered during the inspections, made in
accordance with section 5, is determined by the test laboratory and is a maximum of 6
weeks. After this, a further third party surveillance is to be executed.
If further deficiencies are determined, the DINplus-mark usage rights will expire. The product
will be deleted from the directories.

Verification of the equivalence of a method for the abrasion determination


Abrasion determination with homogeneous test material by means of a

reference test method

For the analysis, a homogeneous test material (no mixed sample, constant water content,
smallest possible differences in the length) is to be employed.


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Certification scheme wood pellets for use in small furnaces - DINplus

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The determination of the abrasion with homogeneous test material is made in accordance
with section 3.11, where the mean value is to be determined not from 5, but from 15
randomly taken spot samples. In addition to the mean value, the standard deviation is also to
be determined. If the standard deviation is less than 0.20 % abrasion, it can be assumed that
the test material is homogeneous. If the standard deviation is greater than or equal to
0.20 %, then the material employed is to be classified as non homogeneous. In this case, the
analysis must be carried out again with material that is more suitable.

Abrasion determination by means of a comparable method

If it can be proven that the test material fulfils the homogeneity criterion demanded, a further
15 spot samples are to be taken randomly. The test quantity to be taken depends on the
respective requirements of the comparison method. The abrasion determination must be
made according to a precisely defined test procedure (description as in 3.11 and/or
information of a corresponding standard). In turn, from the 15 determinations the arithmetic
mean value and the corresponding standard deviation are to be determined.

Comparison of reference and comparable method

The proof as to whether both methods differ significantly from each other has to be made by
the T-Test of two independent random samples (bilateral question formulation, error
probability 1 %). In addition, it should be checked whether the homogeneity criterion
demanded (standard deviation < 0,20 %) could also be maintained with the comparable
method. If, with an assumed error probability of 1 %, no significant difference between both
methods can be detected, and if the standard deviation calculated by means of the
comparable method from the 15 abrasion values is less than 0.20 % then the comparable
method is recognised as equal when compared to the method stated in 3.11.


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