Biblical Theology of Mission

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The document provides an extensive reading guide on biblical theology of mission, outlining recommended texts, general references, and topics to study such as interpreting the Bible, mission in the New Testament, and eschatology.

Some of the recommended texts mentioned are The missionary nature of the church by Johannes Blauw, Transforming mission by David Bosch, and The Biblical foundations for mission by Donald Senior and Carroll Stuhlmueller.

Some general references mentioned are An introduction to the science of missions by J.H. Bavinck, and Christianity and the Religions. A biblical theology of world religions.

Biblical Theology of Mission Reading Guide

Burnett, David. Gods mission:

Healing the nations,
STL/MARC, 1986.
Hedlund, R E. The mission of the
church in the world, Baker,
Interpretation 48(2) April 1994
Evangelism. (Articles by W J
Abraham, George Hunsberger,
Darrel Guder and John
Peter, W G. A biblical theology of
mission, Moody, 1972.
Kane, J H. Christian mission in
biblical perspective, Baker,
Legrand, Lucien. Unity and plurality.
Mission in the bible, Orbis,
Martin-Achard, Robert. A light to the
nations, Oliver and Boyd, 1962.
Rommen, Edward and Harold
Netland, Christianity and the
Religions. A biblical theology of
world religions, Evangelical
Missiological Society series 2,
William Carey Library, 1995.
Senior, Donald and Carroll
Stuhlmueller. The Biblical
foundations for mission, SCM,
Stott, John. Christian mission in the
modern world, Falcon, 1975.
Spindler, M R and P R Middlekoop.
Bible and mission. A partially
annotated bibliography, 19601980, Leiden, 1981.
Verkuyl J. Contemporary missiology,
an introduction, Eerdmans 1978.

Biblical Theology of Mission

Reading Guide
John Roxborogh



1.1. Recommended texts

Abraham, W J. Logic of Evangelism,
Eerdmans, 1989.
Blauw, Johannes. The missionary
nature of the church,
Lutterworth, 1962.
Bosch, David J. Transforming mission,
Paradigm shifts in theology of
mission, Orbis, 1991.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations,
Larkin, William J. Jr., and Joel F.
Williams, Mission in the New
Testament. An Evangelical
Approach. Orbis, 1998.
Senior, Donald and Carroll
Stuhlmueller. The Biblical
foundations for mission, SCM,
Wright, Christopher J H. "The
Christian and other religions: the
biblical evidence," Themelios,
9(2) Jan 1984, 4-15.
1.2. General reference
Bavinck, J H. An introduction to the
science of missions, 1960.
Billington, A., T Lane and M Turner,
eds., Mission and Meaning.
Essays presented to Peter
Cotterell, Paternoster, 1995
Bosch, David J. Transforming mission,
Paradigm shifts in theology of
mission, Orbis, 1991.
Bosch, David J. "The why and the how
of a true biblical foundation for
mission," Zending op weg naar
de Toekomst. Essays
aangeboden aan Prof Dr J
Verkuyl, 1978, 35-45.
Bosch, David J. Witness to the world.
The Christian mission in
theological perspective,
MMS/John Knox Press, 1980.
Brown, R E, J A Fitzmeyer and R E
Murphy, The Jerome Biblical
Commentary, Geofrey Chapman.

1.3. What is missiology?

Hogg, W R. The teaching of
missiology Missiology 15(4),
1987, 487-506.
Kirk, J Andrew. Missiology in S B
Ferguson and D F Wright, eds.,
New Dictionary of Theology,
Inter-Varsity Press, 1988, 434436.
Moreau, Scott Missiology
Evangelical Dictionary of
Theology, Revised Edition,
forthcoming, 2000. Available at



Biblical Theology of Mission Reading Guide

Scherer, J A. Missiology as a
discipline and what it includes
Missiology 15(4) 1987 507-522.


Davies, John R. "Biblical Precedence

for Contextualisation"
Evangelical Review of Theology,
21(3) July 1997, 197-214.
De Groot, A. One Bible and many
interpretive contexts:
hermeneutics in Missiology, F J
Verstraelen, et al, eds.,
Missiology. An Ecumenical
Introduction, Eerdmans, 1995,
Fee, Gordon and Stuart, How to read
the bible for all its worth, SU.
Goldingay, John. Approaches to Old
Testament interpretation, IVP,
1981. [BS 1192.5 GOL]
Kaiser, W C. New approaches to OT
ethics, Journal of the
Evangelical Theological Society,
35(3), 1992, 289-297.
Larkin, William J. Culture and
Biblical Hermeneutics,
University Press of America,
Schreiter, Robert J. The bible and
mission: a response to Walter
Brueggeman and Beverly
Gaventa, Missiology, 10(4) Oct
1982, pp.427-434.
Smith-Christopher, Daniel. Text and
experience. Towards a cultural
exegesis of the bible, Sheffield
Academic Press, 1995.
Spindler, M. R. The Biblical
grounding and orientation of
mission, F J Verstraelen, et al,
eds., Missiology. An Ecumenical
Introduction, Eerdmans, 1995,
Van Engen, Charles. The relation of
the Bible and Mission in Mission
Theology, Charles Van Engen,
Dean S Gilliland, Paul Pierson,
eds., The Good News of the
Kingdom, Orbis, 1993, 27-36.

Interpreting the bible

to inform our
hermeneutics and

Evangelical Quarterly January 1990

Bosch, David J. Mission in biblical
perspective, International
Review of Mission, 74, 1985,
Bosch, David J. Reflections on
biblical models of mission. In
James M Phillips, and Robert T
Coote., eds. Toward the 21st
Century in Christian Mission,
Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans,
1993, 175-192.
Bosch, David J. Towards a
hermeneutic of "Biblical Studies
and Mission," Mission Studies
3(2), pp.65-79.
Bosch, David J. The scope of the
"BISAM" project, Mission
Studies 11 6(1), 1989, pp.61-68.
Bosch, David J. Transforming mission,
Bright, John. The authority of the Old
Testament, SCM, 1967. (Review:
W Johnstone, The authority of
the Old Testament, Scottish
Journal of Theology, 22(2), June
1969, 197-209.)
Brueggeman, Walter A. The bible and
mission: some interdisciplinary
implications for teaching,
Missiology, 10(4) Oct 1982,
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 11-21.
Coggins R J and J L Houlden, A
Dictionary of Biblical
Interpretation, SCM, 1990.
Articles: "Theology (New
Testament)," "Theology (Old
Testament)," "Exodus,
(especially 224ff)," "Christian
interpretation of the Old
Testament (especially 111f)."
Cotterell, Peter. Mission and
meaninglessness, SPCK, 53-74.

2.1. Witness
Bosch, David J. Towards a
hermeneutic of "Biblical Studies
and Mission," Mission Studies
6, 3(2), 1986, pp.65-79.
Bosch, David J. The scope of the
"BISAM" project, Mission
Studies 11 6(1), 1989, pp.61-68.
Durrwell, F. Christian witness: a
theological study, International



Biblical Theology of Mission Reading Guide

Review of Mission, 69, 1980,

Guder, Darrell. Be my witnesses.
Eerdmans, 1985.
Newbigin, Lesslie. Witness in a
biblical perspective, Mission
Studies, 6, 3(2), 1986, pp.80-84.


3.1. Overview and issues

Dobbie, R. The bibilical foundation of
the mission of the church. I: The
Old Testament," International
Review of Mission, 51(202),
1962, 196-202.
Filbeck, David. Yes, God of the
Gentiles, too. The missionary
message of the Old Testament,
Billy Graham Center, Wheaton,
Legrand, Unity and plurality, pp1-38.
McDaniel, Ferris L. Mission in the
Old Testament Larkin, William
J. Jr., and Joel F. Williams,
Mission in the New Testament.
An Evangelical Approach. Orbis,
1998, 11-20.
Phillips, G E. The Old Testament in
the World Church, Lutterworth,
Rowley, H H. The missionary message
of the Old Testament, Carey
Press, 1944.
Verkuyl, J. Contemporary missiology,


Hermeneutics - without
mission or culture?
Many texts appear oblivious to the
non-Western and missiological
dimensions of hermeneutics. Given
that most Christians are now nonWestern this is unfortunate. It is
interesting to ask how much this is a
failure of historic interpreters and
commentators on hermeneutics, and
how much it is a contemporary failure
to employ the category of mission in
evaluating what interpreters were
Bray, Gerald. Biblical Interpretation
past and present, Apollos,
Osborne, Grant R. The hermeneutical
spiral. A comprehensive
introduction to biblical
interpretation, Downers Grove
IL: InterVarsity Press, 1991.


Creation, Fall and

universal history
Genesis 1-11
Blauw, Missionary nature of the
church, 15-21.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 22-50.


Power and helplessness:

Money and mission
Bonk, J J. Missions and money.
Affluence as a Western
missionary problem, Orbis,
Christian History, 6(2).
The Church and Wealth, Studies in
Church History 24.
Davis, J J. Your wealth in Gods world,
Presbyterian and Reformed,
Interpretation 41(4) October 1987,
Wealth and Poverty
Johnson, L T. Sharing possessions,
Fortress, 1981.
Sider, R J. Rich Christians in an age of
hunger, Hodder, 1977.
Yoder, J H. The politics of Jesus,
Eerdmans, 1972.


The Old Testament

and mission


Election, promise and

Genesis 12:1-3; 18:18-19; 22:15-18;
16:3-4; 28:14-15.
Blauw, Missionary nature of the
church, 21-28.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 51-59.
Kaiser, W C, "Israels missionary call,"
Winter and Hawthorne,
Perspectives, 25-34.



Biblical Theology of Mission Reading Guide

Old Testament ethics, IVP, 1983.

[BS 1199.E8 WRI]


Salvation and Suffering

for Israel
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 60-79, 98105.


The Old Testament and

Ariarajah, Wesley. The bible and
people of other faiths, WCC,
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 80-89.
Clarke, A D and B W Winter, eds.,
One God, One Lord in a world
of religious pluralism, Tyndale,
De Ridder, R R. God and the gods:
reviewing the biblical roots,
Missiology, 6(1) 1978, 11-28.
Edelman, Diana Vikander, ed., The
triumph of Elohim. From
Yahwisms to Judaisims,
Eerdmans, 1996.
Evangelical Alliance (UK), "The
salvation of the Gentiles.
Implications for other faiths,"
Evangelical Review of Theology,
January 1991, 36-43.
Hedlund, Roger E. The mission of the
church in the world, Baker,
1991, 20-27.
Holter, Knut. "Missiology and the Old
Testament theology of religions,"
Missionalia, 16(1), Apr 1988,
Interpretation 40(4) October 1986,
Other Religions
Wright, Christopher J H. "The
Christian and other religions: the
biblical evidence," Themelios,
9(2) Jan 1984, 4-15.


Salvation for others?:

Israel and the Nations
Bavinck, J H. Introduction to the
science of missions, 1960, 11-16.
Blauw, Missionary nature of the
church, 29-43.
Legrand, Lucien. Unity and plurality.
Mission in the bible, Orbis,
1990, 15-27.
Oswalt, John N. The mission of Israel
to the Nations, in W V Crockett
and J g Sigountos, eds.,
Through no fault of their own?
Baker, 1991, 85-95.
Trites, A A. The New Testament
concept of witness, CUP, 1977,
35-47 [Isaiah 40-55].

Mission, Messiah and the

Kingdom of God
Blauw, Missionary nature of the
church, 44-54.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 106-115.
Davidson, R. Universalism in Second
Isaiah, Scottish Journal of
Theology, 16(2), June, 1963,
Gelston, A. Missionary message of
Second Isaiah, Scottish Journal
of Theology, 18(3), September
1965, 308-318.



Justice in the Old

Bellingham, G Robert. A biblical
approach to social
transformation, DMin, Eastern
Baptist, 1987. [DML]
Boerma, C. Rich man, poor man and
the bible, SCM, 1980.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 90-97.
Kaiser, Walter C. Toward Old
Testament ethics, Academie,
1983, 158-163. [BS 1199.E8
Wright, Christopher J H. Living as the
people of God. The relevance of

Books of the Old


3.9.1. Isaiah
Blenkinsopp, J. Second Isaiah prophet of universalism, JSOT
41, 1988, 83-103
Davidson, R. Universalism in second
Isaiah, Scottish Journal of
Theology 16(2) June 1963, 166185.
Gelston, A. The missionary message
of second Isaiah, Scottish
Journal of Theology 18(3)
September 1965, 308-318
Payne, D F. The meaning of mission
in Isaiah 40-55, in Billington,


Biblical Theology of Mission Reading Guide

A., T Lane and M Turner, eds.,

Mission and Meaning. Essays
presented to Peter Cotterell,
Paternoster, 1995, 3-11.
Van Winkle, D W. The relationship of
the Nations to Yahweh and to
Israel in Isaiah XL-LV, Vetus
Testamentum 35(4), 1985, 446458.


5.1. Jesus and the Gentiles

Barrett, C K, "The Gentile mission as
an eschatological phenomenon,"
in W Hulitt Gloer, Eschatology
and the New Testament. Essays
in honour of Raymond BeasleyMurray, Hendrickson, 1988, 6575.
Goerner, H C. "Jesus and the
Gentiles," Winter and
Hawthorne, Perspectives, 75-82.
Jeremias, J. Jesus promise to the
nations, SCM.
Senior and Stuhlmueller. Biblical
foundations for mission, 141160.
Wilson, S G. The gentiles and the
gentile mission in Luke-Acts,
SNTS#23, CUP, 1973.

The inter-testamental
period and mission

Bavinck, Introduction to the science of

missions, 25-29.
Bedell, Clifford H. Mission in
Intertestamental Judaism in
Larkin, William J. Jr., and Joel F.
Williams, Mission in the New
Testament. An Evangelical
Approach. Orbis, 1998, 21-29.
Blauw, Missionary nature of the
church, 55-64.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 116-124
Cohen, S J D. From the Maccabees to
the Mishnah, Westminster Press,
1987, 27-57, especially 50-57.
Levinskaya, Irina. The Book of Acts in
its Diaspora setting,
Paternoster/Eerdmans, 1996.
McKnight, Scot. A light among the
Gentiles, Jewish missionary
activity in the Second Temple
period, Fortress, 1991.
Sandmel, S. Judaism and Christian
beginnings, OUP, 1978, 228-235.
Verkuyl, Contemporary missiology,


5.2. The Kingdom of God

Conzelmann, Outline of NT theology,
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 125-140
Interpretation 47(2) April 1993 The
Reign of God
Jeremias, J, New Testament theology
volume one, 96-108.
Ladd, G E. The Gospel of the
Kingdom, Winter and
Hawthorne, Perspectives, 51-69.
5.3. Mission in Mark
The chicken missionary who later did
something of greater importance than
could have been imagined - he
invented a Gospel: Good News about
Jesus which could be shared, copied,
carried around and used by others as
they also discovered what it meant to
recognise who Jesus really was and
join in proclaiming that message.

The New Testament

and mission

Bosch, David J. Transforming mission,

Brown, R E. The churches the
Apostles left behind, Geoffrey
Chapman, 1984.
Dobbie, R. The biblical foundation of
the mission of the church. II: The
New Testament," International
Review of Mission, 51(203),
1962, 281-290.
Verkuyl, Contemporary missiology,


Interpretation 47(4) Oct 1993

Senior, and Stuhlmueller. Biblical
foundations for mission, 211232.
Williams, J. F. Mission in Mark in
Larkin, William J. Jr., and Joel F.
Williams, Mission in the New
Testament. An Evangelical
Approach. Orbis, 1998, 137-151.
Wilson, S G. The gentiles and the
gentile mission in Luke-Acts, 2931.


Biblical Theology of Mission Reading Guide

two books to explain. The continuity is

the work of the Holy Spirit.


Matthew, discipleship and

the Great Commission
Using Mark and other material,
Matthew, probably living in Syria in
the 80s, wrote for a community of
Christian Jews across the other side
from the Galilee of much of Jesus
ministry. It was a community facing
hostile Jews and Gentiles without, and
legalists and antinomians within. They
needed to know that Jesus had a
mission to both, that they were to
make disciples and to teach what he
had commanded. The Great
Commission is the focus, but we find
what it means in the rest of the Gospel.

Interpretation, 42(2) April 1988, Acts

Interpretation 48(4) October 1994,
Boer, Harry R. Pentecost and
Missions, Lutterworth, 1961.
Bosch, David J. Transforming mission,
Blauw, Missionary nature of the
church, 89-103.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 150-159,
Legrand, Unity and plurality, 91-106.
Senior and Stuhlmueller, Biblical
foundations, 255-277.
Wilson, S G. The gentiles and the
gentile mission in Luke-Acts,
SNTS#23, CUP, 1973.

Barth, K. Matthew 28:16-20, in G H

Anderson, ed., Theology of the
Christian mission, 55-72.
Boer, H R. Pentecost and missions,
chap 2.
Bosch, David J. The structure of
mission: an exposition of
Matthew 28:16-20, Wilbert R
Shenk, ed., Exploring church
Growth, 218-248.
Bosch, David J. Transforming mission,
Brown, S. "The Matthean community
and the Gentile mission," Novum
Testamentum, 22, 1980.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 141-149.
Cotterell, Peter. Mission and
meaninglessness, SPCK, 87-99.
France, R T. Matthew: Evangelist and
Teacher, Paternoster, 1989.
Interpretation 46(4) October 1992
OBrien, P. "The Great Commission of
Matthew 28:18-20. A missionary
mandate or not?" Reformed
Theological Review, 135, 1976.
Senior and Stuhlmueller, Biblical
foundations, 233-254.
Warren, Max. I believe in the Great
Commission, Hodder, 1976.


John: Logos, unity and

Erdmann, Martin. Mission in Johns
Gospel and Letters in Larkin,
William J. Jr., and Joel F.
Williams, Mission in the New
Testament. An Evangelical
Approach. Orbis, 1998, 207-226.
Legrand, Unity and plurality, 131-145.
Senior and Stuhlmueller, Biblical
foundations, 280-296.
Towner, Philip H. Paradigms lost:
Mission to the Kosmos in John
and in David Boschs Biblical
models of Mission, Evangelical
Quarterly 67(2) April 1995, 99119.

Paul: race, grace, strategy

and faith
Allen, Roland. Missionary methods St
Pauls or ours? World Dominion
Press, 1960.
Bornkamm, The missionary stance of
Paul in I Corinthians 9 and in
Acts, in L E Keck and J E
Martyn, Studies in Luke-Acts,
SPCK, 1968.
Bosch, David J. Transforming mission,
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 179-189.
Carriker, C Timothy. Missiological
Hermeneutic and Pauline


The Holy Spirit and

mission in Luke-Acts
How to explain to a Gentile church
their Jewish roots and their civic
responsibilities, their mission to all,
especially to the marginalised, the
poor. The transition from the time of
Jesus to the time of the church requires



Biblical Theology of Mission Reading Guide

Apocalyptic, Charles Van

Engen, Dean S Gilliland, Paul
Pierson, eds., The Good News of
the Kingdom, Orbis, 1993, 4555.
Dahl, Nils A. Missionary theology in
the Epistle to the Romans, in
Studies in Paul, Ausburg, 1977,
Escobar, Samuel. A Pauline paradigm
of mission. A Latin American
reading, Charles Van Engen,
Dean S Gilliland, Paul Pierson,
eds., The Good News of the
Kingdom, Orbis, 1993,
Groves, David. Communities of the
King, Transformation 10(3),
July/Sep 1993, 9-12.
Legrand, Unity and plurality, 107-130.
Minear, Paul S. Gratitude and mission
in the Epistle to the Romans, in
Jan Hermelink & H J Margull,
eds., Basileia: Festschrift fr
Walter Freytag, 1961.
Richardson, P and P W Gooch,
Accommodation ethics,
Tyndale Bulletin 29, 1978, 89142.
Senior and Stuhlmueller, Biblical
foundations, 161-210.
Walls, A F. The first chapter of the
Epistle to the Romans and the
modern missionary movement,
in W Ward Gasque and Ralph P
Martin, Apostolic history and the
Gospel, Paternoster, 1970,
Winter, Bruce W. Theological and
ethical responses to religious
pluralism - 1 Corinthians 8-10,
Tyndale Bulletin 41(2) 1990,


The New Testament and

Other Faiths
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 190-199
(Israel), 200-209 (World


Burnett, David. Gods mission:

Healing the nations, 210-219,
Burnett, David. Unearthly powers: a
Christian perspective on Primal
and Folk religions, MARC,
Dye, Wayne T. Towards a crosscultural definition of sin,
Missiology (4) 1976, 27-41
Greenlee, David. Territorial spirits
reconsidered, Missiology 22(4)
October 1994, 507-514.
Hiebert, Paul G. Spiritual warfare:
Biblical perspectives, Mission
Focus 20(3) September 1992,
Wink, Walter. Engaging the powers,
Fortress, 1992. [BS2545 P66


Eschatology and

Beyerhaus, P. Eschatology: does it

make any difference?
Evangelical Missions Quarterly,
Oct 1990.
Blauw, Missionary nature of the
church, pp35ff and chap5.
Bosch, Witness to the world, chaps 7
and 22.
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 231-240.
Cullman, O. Eschatology and
missions in the New Testament,
in G. H. Anderson, The theology
of the Christian mission, pp.55ff.
Lord, Andrew M. 'Mission
Eschatology: A framework for
the Holy Spirit'. Journal of
Pentecostal Theology 11, )ctober
1997, 111-123.


Peter: Church, state and

Brunk, George R. The missionary
stance of the church in I Peter,
Mission Focus 6(5) May 1978,
Burnett, David. Gods mission:
Healing the nations, 160-168.
Kstenberger, Andreas, J. Mission in
the General Epistles, in Larkin,
William J. Jr., and Joel F.
Williams, Mission in the New
Testament. An Evangelical
Approach. Orbis, 1998, 189-286.

World View,
Principalities and
Powers, Spiritual
Warfare and Culture



Biblical Theology of Mission Reading Guide

Samuel, Vinay and Chris Sugden, The

Church in response to human
need, 128-174.




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