Unit 1. Introduction To Teaching English To Young Learners

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Unit 1: Introduction to Teaching English to Young Learners

Many researches show that English is the most taught foreign language in the world and in
nearly all European countries. Parents believe that English is providing better education and
better employment opportunities for their children. The most pupils in Europe are starting to
learn foreign languages when they are 6-9 years old. The most of European countries have
lowered the starting age of compulsory language learning in past 15 years. Serbia is among them.
I was nine years old (third grade) when I began to study English in school. Nowadays children
start to learn English in the first grade, i.e. in the age of seven. The aim of Serbian Ministry of
Education is the modernization of Serbian educational system according the European Union
strategy for jobs and growth.
Psychologists say that children are ready (biological readiness) to learn language after the age of
two, when they achieve maturity of left brain hemisphere parts where language-learning centers
are located. These parts of brain have role in linguistic functions adoption and are activated when
child learns either mother language or foreign language.
In my opinion, it is better to start learning English at preschool, at the age five or six. The less
formal, spontaneous way of learning is more suitable for very young learners. Children of that
age are learning while playing games, singing songs and watching videos in English. We can say
they adopt rather than they learn foreign language if they start at early age.
Some benefits of early starting English language are:
Most young learners successfully learn another language in their early years; that influence
their brain capacity to learn multiple languages later during school;
Young learners have more time to learn the language and the greater fluency and
effectiveness will be achieved;
Young learners are more likely to attain native-like pronunciation, greater confidence in
speaking the language and better oral proficiency;
Young learners have opportunity to become global citizens through learning another
language; learning English helps children to better understand another cultures and
experiences and can also make them more aware and reflective of their own language and
Early start of foreign language learning has some disadvantages such as:
Temporarily mix up languages If children are lacking the right word in language A, they
will borrow it from language B to communicate their message.
According to Psychology Professor Erika Hoff, author of the book Language
Development, learning multiple languages simultaneously limits the number of words that
a child can learn in a set amount of time.
Not all of the teachers in our country, who are teaching English to young learners, are prepared
to handle the pressure of teaching English to young learners. On the other hand, some teachers
create a high level of interest and motivate children to want to study an English language. Those
teachers are well-trained with good English proficiency that can foster the creativity and
imagination of young learners, taking advantage of childrens willingness to imitate what they
hear and to repeat the language, especially if the activity is fun. Children love those kinds of
teachers, love their classes, and thanks to them children learn fast and easily.
For teaching English to young learner, teacher has to be patient, creative, to understand
childrens needs and to understand what children want and love to do.
Shin, J. K. & Crandall, J. (2014). Teaching Young Learners English: From Theory to Practice. Boston:
Heinle ETL, Cengage Learning
Androulla Vassiliou (2012). Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012, European
Commission: Education and training,


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