Microsoft Corporation v. Kovyrin Et Al - Document No. 4
Microsoft Corporation v. Kovyrin Et Al - Document No. 4
Microsoft Corporation v. Kovyrin Et Al - Document No. 4
Case No. 2:07−cv−01398−MJB
Order Regarding Initial Disclosure, Joint Status Report, and Early Settlement − 1
Case 2:07-cv-01398-MJB Document 4 Filed 09/12/2007 Page 2 of 5
with a combined Joint Status Report and Discovery Plan (the "Report") by
10/24/2007. This conference shall be by direct and personal communication,
whether that be a face−to−face meeting or a telephone conference. The Report
will be used in setting a schedule for the prompt completion of the case. It must
contain the following information by corresponding paragraph numbers:
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If the parties are unable to agree on any part of the Report, they may answer
in separate paragraphs. Separate reports are not to be filed.
The time for filing the Report may be extended only by order of the Court.
Any request for extension should be made by filing a motion/proposed order
according to local rules.
If the parties wish to have a status conference with the Court at any time
during the pendency of this action, especially if it concerns discovery disputes,
they should contact Agalelei Elkington, Deputy Clerk, at (206) 370−8421 or via
e−mail at [email protected].
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United States Magistrate Judge pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §636(c) and Local MJR 13
to conduct all proceedings. Please refer to the Notice of Initial Assignment to a
United States Magistrate Judge to Exercise Jurisdiction and Requirement
for Consent.
[T]he major ADR related problem is not the percentage of civil cases
that ultimately settle, since statistics demonstrate that approximately
95% of all cases are resolved without trial. However the timing of
settlement is a major concern. Frequently, under our existing ADR
system, case resolution occurs far too late, after the parties have
completed discovery and incurred substantial expenditure of fees
and costs.
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VI. Sanctions
A failure by any party to comply fully with this Order may result in the
imposition of sanctions.
s/ Monica J. Benton
U.S. Magistrate Judge
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