Importance Varga (Harmonic Maps) and Their Use in Jyotish

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Some key takeaways are the importance of Varga (divisional) charts in correcting birth times and showing individual differences, the significance of Navamsa in areas like marriage and life expectancy, and tips like using planetary significators to determine Varga ascendants when the birth time is uncertain.

Varga charts are important to correct birth times by examining cusp positions relative to signs. Navamsa in particular is crucial for interpreting questions in astrology and should never be ignored. Varga show individual differences that cannot be seen in the birth chart alone.

Navamsa is associated with pregnancy and the distribution of signs through the zodiac. It assigns one year to each navamsa and can be used to determine timing of events within a year based on planetary transits. Navamsa also reveals dharma from past lives and how planets will manifest.

IMPORTANCE Varga (HARMONIC MAPS) and their use in Jyotish.

(Robert A. Kochanswers to important questions about the use of his students Varg)
Question.It is clear that the differences between the two born with the same natal chart must be
defined in the harmonic (Varga) charts.Perhaps the two things hold many astrologers from their
use;it - doubt the accuracy of the time of birth and the conflicting views of authorities on how to
use them.
There is another question that I would like to get an answer: You say that analyzing the problems of
marriage, considering the state of the ruler of the 7th house of the radix, or steward 7th navamsaVarga?If both, what is more important?
The answer to the first part of your question: Varga themselves to be used to correct the time of
birth.To do this, it is important to know of the sign, attributable to different Varga and then look
close there cusp rasi lagna (ascending degrees) to the beginning or the end of the sign
corresponding Varga (Rasi).For example, each Navamsha takes 3 20 ". If you see the map, where
rasi lagna 6 40 'of a sign, you realize that navamsa lagna changes sign.
Similarly, for dasamshi, Rasi division into parts of 3 .If you see a map of where exactly the
ascendant at 21 degrees of a sign, you know that dasamsha lagna changed within seconds from
the time of birth.So, useful vigilant about: whether is in the ascendant Varga, how you feel.
If you are not accustomed to using different Varga, use at least navamsa.Navamsa is the key to
the interpretation of the hundreds of questions in Jyotish, and should never be ignored.
Firstly, in the sad-ball, Parasara describes the criteria for strength, based on the analysis
of Sapta-Varga, including 7 essential Varg, that is: Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, navamsa,
Saptamsha, Dvadasamsha and Trimsamsha.Varga - not the decisive factor in
determining the strength of the planets, but - a necessary part of the analysis.
Regarding Navamsa: when you realize that the sidereal zodiac naturally divided into
nakshatra and Navamsa (3 20 ') as a Nakshatra Pada, then you begin to see the
beautiful and the fate of association between environmental influences (Map Rasi) on
the one hand, and cumulative effect dharma (represented navamsa) on the other. That
is why, many Nadi Jyotish (Vedic astrology), and take the planet in Lagna navamsa and
look them in the map Rasi. (ie, taking the cumulative position of the planets and the
ascendant in the chart navamsa, tolerate it in the birth chart, the Rasi Chakra, and
analyze a new card birthday - prim.per).
Principle Nine is associated with the period of pregnancy to humans;9 years in the
distribution belong to each sign of the zodiac and give Shula Navamsha Dasha, which
are key in determining life expectancy.
It is, in fact, assigns the one-year life of one navamsa.In other words, if you consider the
progression rasi lagna at a rate of one navamsa (3 20 ') in a year, you see the real basis
of the most important Ayur dasa (life cycle), this Parasara.
It is also an effective system of determining the time of certain events within one year. For
example, if in the natal chart has a strong Venus or darakaraka, you can watch while the
possibility of marriage, progressing through one navamsa Lagna (3:20) in the year to
Navamsa of the world. This can be done directly in the navamsa, and on my experience
- very effectively.
Navamsa takes values natal 9th house in a broader spectrum.Right direction
(evolution) destiny born, Dharma, or vice versa (a Dharma), and therefore analyzed

through navamsa.Thus, it is important for the analysis of the ordinary birthday cards to
see not only the physical impact of the environment on the individual, but also to notice
the connection between the trends of dharma in previous incarnations with the
immediate conditions in the current incarnation.
Navamsa an extremely important when determining which of the natal planets will
thrive in what area.There are many rules in the BPHS, under which planets weak in the
natal chart, but strong in navamsa, act like a strong planets - and vice versa for the radix
strong, but weak in navamsa.
As an example, we can recall the principle Vargottamamsha: if the owner of the
ascendant in the natal chart is weak and poorly placed, but the ascendant Vargottama (ie in the same sign in navamsa in Rasi), the birth may have health problems
or be indecisive in his youth, but become healthier and more confident over the years
.Planet exalted in Rasi and in the fall in navamsa, form brashta Raja Yoga (the inability to
generate Raja Yoga).And when the planet is in the fall in Rasi and exalted in navamsa it nichcha-bhanga or cancellation of weakness.
So, if the Sun is exalted in Rasi and fall in navamsa, it indicates a fall from a high position
(loss provisions).These principles are clearly set out in the BPHS and other Jyotish Shastra.
The situation in tmakraka navamsa Karakamsha called lagna;It is crucial for the
assessment of an individual's spiritual progress in this incarnation.It also speaks of the Ishta
Devata, or deities who served born in previous incarnations.If Karakamsha Lagna
amazed man - in the presence of Raja Yoga in Rasi - will act against the principles of
dharma and will not develop spiritually.If favorable planets, especially Jupiter, are in the
5th / 9th or Navamsha aspect the Lagna or Karakamsha Lagna, the person acts honestly
and fundamentally.
Marriage analyzed directly navamsa - only in the sense of the 7th house, as the 11th of
the 9th.In other words, the profit (11 th house) dharma (9th house) - what is the profit as
religious or spiritual husband, who helps him / her spiritual progress.
Please note - very often, if the 9th house or its ruler is weak (amazed) at the same time
there will be difficulties in the marriage.
Generally, assessing the prospects of marriage, pay attention to the situation of
households.7th house naisargika (natural) -karaku Venus on Chara (temporary) marriage
to -karaku Rasi and its position in Navamsa.This will give a list of options, as well as in the
timing of marriage.Pay attention to the same factors in navamsa;see whether the
opportunities identified in the natal chart (Rasi) successfully implemented or are coming
delays and difficulties in the end.
It is also important to pay attention to upapada Lagna (Arudha 12th house), defining the nature,
characteristics and quality of a spouse, as well as the period of life when the marriage can and
when it can happen.
When lesions Upapada should be predicted divorce.
For the analysis of non-marital relationships and what attractive potential partners, determine the
ratio of the above factors to Arudha 7th house, also known as Dar-pad.Favourable planet in trine
to Upapada or Darapada, as well as enabling connections and aspects to them, good luck to
strengthen marriage and extramarital affairs, respectively.The opposite effect (failure) when such
unfavorable constellation of the planets involved.
It is important to remember that the definition of marriage and extramarital relations must be
analyzed by Upapada and Darapada in both Rasi, as well as in both navamsa.
Subject Arudha pad developed in detail.Yet, a few words about the methods, data Parasara Hora
Shastra and Jaimini Sutram Arudha for calculations.

Calculating Arudha pad of 12 houses (bhava) in all cards are defined as follows:
(1) Take home a sign of interest.
(2) Find the sign occupied by the owner of the house of interest.
[Note: Aquarius belongs to Saturn and Rahu.Scorpio belongs to Mars and Ketu.Take the
stronger of the rulers in the case of houses in these two signs.]
(3) Determine the number of characters from the interests of the house to the house
containing his steward.Counting is carried out in the direction of the zodiac always.For
example, if you are interested in a house in Gemini and his master, Mercury is in Aquarius,
we see signs of Aquarius and Gemini to get 9
(4) is counted the same number of characters on the sign containing the owner and are
a sign Arudha.In the above example, it is necessary to count on 9 signs of Aquarius Libra.
(5) Exceptions: If the sign is found in this way in paragraph (4) is in the 1st and 7th of the
origin of step (1), take 10 th sign from the sign found in the step (4).There are no other
(6) defines a sign containing Arudha Padua any interest at home.
Karaka bhava (the house as the stewards of different things)
in navamsa as other Varga, Karaka bhava - an important factor in determining the results.For
example, dvadasamsha (D-12) refers to the parents.See the mother of the circumstances of the 4th
House D-12, and the father of the 9 th house D-12.If you are not sure that the ascendant D-12
(dvadasamshi) right, look the same from the natural parents of Karak, ie the Moon for the mother
and the father to the sun.You can obtain further information from the study cara-Karak parents use
them as lagna in D-12, unless you know exactly Lagna D-12.
(prim.per:we are talking about is that sometimes astrologers are not sure about the time
of birth, and allows the "zone of uncertainty" a few minutes. This means that in the
ascendant dvadasamshe (division by 3 ) can get away from the true position by 1 or
two characters. In such cases, can be the same dvadasamshi examine the
circumstances of parents, taking the mother's house, a sign where is the Moon - a natural
significator of the mother. In the father's house should take the sign where the Sun.
Another option is for the mother to take Significator cara-dzhaimini- Karak, and learn
from his father Jaimini Karak.)
This can be recommended for other Varga: take the position Chara tmakraka in navamsa and
use it as a time to Lagna spiritual events in the lives of unborn.Take Amatyakaraku (Significator
issues of the 10th house) and Saturn, and use them as Lagna in dasamshe, which is used to study
questions related to career.Take Karaka Jupiter as a natural formation, find its location in
chaturvimsamshe (D-24), Varga, related to the issues of education.Then you get the information
that a person could make progress in education, and whether it will at all serious about education.
Thus, the life changes associated with each of the Varg not lost for the correct interpretation
because the birth can be inaccurate within a few minutes.
Anyway, if rasi lagna is very close to the boundary of some or part of Rasi Varga (sidereal zodiac
sign), use this time to clarify the Varg birth.If a case of life or any feature of the unborn are not
recognized in accordance Varga, the time of birth is probably not accurate.
Finally, and most importantly, if the astrologers do not use Varga seriously, they work very average
And when you consider that most Jyotish astrologers Rasi uses only a little (and even then not all)
navamsa that we talk about other divisional charts.There are many, maybe even thousands of
people with the same Rasi!Any two people with the same destiny of Rasi usually have not even

remotely resemble one another.It Varga show these differences.

Robert Koch practicing the art of prediction jyotisha for more than 15 years.In his career, he
continued to experience started with the age of 20 as a Brahmana Vaishnava monk.His guru, Srila
Prabhupada, deserved respect, because it is one of the most prolific teacher of Vedic thought of
our time.Today Robert lives in Bend, Oregon, where he wrote his work, teaches astrology and
advice.Recently, Pandit Sanjay Rath offered at the Faculty of jyotisha Sri Jagannatha Vedic Center
(SJVC) in New Delhi, India, his nomination as Jyotish Guru.In 1999, he received a formal notice and
a certificate of thanks for the excellent service and promotion of Vedic astrology in the United
States, from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences.Robert - also
co-founder of ACVA (American Council of Vedic Astrology).

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