D 05 Site Reinstatement
D 05 Site Reinstatement
D 05 Site Reinstatement
This paper sets out the provisions of the Bill relating to site reinstatement after the Crossrail works have been completed. It will be of particular relevance to those in the vicinity of the proposed Crossrail works and worksites. This is not intended to replace or alter the text of the paper itself and it is important that you read the paper in order to have a full understanding of the subject. If you have any queries about this paper, please contact either your regular Petition Negotiator at CLRL or the Crossrail helpdesk, who will be able to direct your query to the relevant person at CLRL. The helpdesk can be reached at: Crossrail FREEPOST NAT6945 London SW1H 0BR Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0845 602 3813
Information Paper
1. Introduction 1.1 The Crossrail Bill (the Bill) includes powers for the Secretary of State to compulsorily acquire land shown on the deposited plans for the purposes of the scheduled works and other works described in the Bill. Some of the land authorized for acquisition is required for worksites, and is not required permanently for Crossrail infrastructure (see also Information Paper D13, Restitution of Open Space). 2. Site Restoration 2.1 The Bill authorizes the temporary possession of land (under Schedule 5) and the acquisition of land through compulsory purchase (under Schedule 6) within limits shown on the deposited plans. Sites required in connection with the construction of the works and for uses ancillary to the scheduled works, such as for worksites, will be acquired under these Schedules respectively. 2.2 Paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 to the Bill requires that before giving up land which has been the subject of temporary possession under paragraph 1 of the Schedule, the nominated undertaker will restore the site in accordance with a scheme agreed with the owners of the land and the relevant planning authority. A scheme under paragraph 2 of Schedule 5, must be agreed within six months of the completion of the relevant work(s) and if this does not occur the scheme will be determined by the appropriate Ministers. 2.3 In the case of other land acquired or used for activities which are ancillary to the construction of any scheduled works, the Bill requires that these operations shall cease as soon as reasonably practicable after the completion of the relevant scheduled work. The nominated undertaker will be required to restore the land in accordance with a scheme agreed with the relevant planning authority (paragraphs 11 and 19 of Schedule 7), to be agreed within six months of the completion of the relevant work(s), and if not to be determined by the appropriate Ministers.