Biorhythm in Soccer - Research Paper
Biorhythm in Soccer - Research Paper
Biorhythm in Soccer - Research Paper
Research work
Drago Mari, B.Sc (Psychology) and Journalism
Boris Mari, B.Sc.Business Administration
Vladimir Mari, Media Analysis Expert
In modern age, being successful in almost any activity business, sports and even personal life
decision making - dominantly depends on the level of success in forecasting.
In the environment of dominant neoliberal limitlessness, biorhythm becomes one of old-new
possibilities of predicting behaviour and success. Nowadays, every computer and/or
smartphone application worth mentioning enables a user to calculate more than ten biorhythm
It is not surprising that biorhythm has intrigued coaches and athletes alike.
The topic of this research is a review of biorhythm theory on a specific sport sample the last
FIFA World Cup in Brazil (2014). The research plan focused on five segments, each with its
own hypothesis.
Research covered 55 matches each having a winning outcome (out of which 78% of victories
were achieved in regular time including referee time, and 22% in the course of extended time
and in the course of the elimination rules valid for the final phase). There have been
calculations for 1,460 individual biorhythm sets.
Testing of statistical significance of differences in number of plus, minus and C days of
four primary and three secondary biorhythm cycles conducted in pairs of soccer players and
coaches as selected by research plan - has confirmed all five initial Null-hypothesis (Ho).
Despite biorhythm theory related controversies (which, as we believe, became more articulated
with results of our research), we find that biorhythm, to a certain extent, can increase
motivational capacities of athletes, in this case, soccer players.
Keywords: biorhythm, biorhythm cycles, plus and minus phase, C- days, motivation of
Biorhythm abbreviations
Physical cycle
Emotional cycle
Intellectual cycle
Intuitive cycle
Sign for active, more favourable days of each cycle
Sign for passive, unfavourable days of each cycle
Days of each cycle when biorhythm shifts from active to
phase (and vice versa) the most unfavourable period
B. Secondary biorhythms
Research terminology
Alternative hypothesis
Alternative subhypothesis
Single Chi-square statistics, calculated value
for subhypothesis level (one biorhythm cycle)
Aggregate Chi-square statistics calculated value
for subhypothesis level (all four - or three - biorhythm cycles)
Level of freedomintegral part of the procedure for
determination of X -score significance.
The base for Contingency table (table with statistically
analysed frequencies), and is calculated according to the
formula = (number of rows-1) x (number of columns-1) of this
Marginal value for determination of significance of obtained
Given value of significance with 5% probability of error
Empirical (calculated) value which indicates (percentual) error
probability for making a decision regarding substantiation of
formulated hypotheses
Number of cases in a sample
Among all human aspirations, two of them have accompanied human development for the
longest period of time. The first one is summarised in the message to man, coming from
ancient Greeks: Know thyself. The second powerful human aspiration is being able to
predict future events. Its genuine source is human primordial fear of uncertainty as the main
feature of each upcoming unit of time, whether we speak about a second, an hour, a year, or a
century. In older periods of history, this uncertainty was mainly related to weather conditions
important for agriculture and hunting but also, on a personal note, to fear of death. In the
modern age, however, being successful in almost any activity business, politics, sports and even
personal life decisions - dominantly depends on the level of success in forecasting.
Forecasting the future is in the midst of constant battle between sceptical scientific enthusiasts
and self-confident quacks. While scientists are looking for methodologically and statistically
relevant proof, those on the other side of the wall - classified as false prophets - base their
popularity on constant demand for their visions. The problem is that this demand, starting from
beginning of this century, has been accelerated by enormous growth of available applications
designed for computers and mobile phones. Hence, today even those who never cared for
astrology, tarot, numerology, or interpretation of dreams, can easily download applications for
supposed forecast of their behaviour and upcoming events by using these techniques. It is
only a matter of time when (the already famous) Balkan prophetess using kitchen spoons for
fortune telling will appear on the internet and offer a mobile application for her method. For
that matter, it is not surprising to see the resurrection of some earlier theories which, even at
the time of their greatest popularity, could not win over enough scientific affirmation.
However, with the absence of documented research counter-arguments, they managed to get a
new chance in the modern times.
One of these reanimated ideas, and now available in applicable form, is the Theory of
Initial authorship for biorhythm is shared between two eminent European intellectuals at the
end of nineteenth century: Dr Herman Swoboda, professor of psychology at Vienna
University and Dr Wilhelm Flies, a Berlin-based academician who was a nose and throat
Judging by more than 100 letters exchanged between Flies and Freud in the period from 1887
to 1902, the father of psychoanalysis was a very strong supporter of Fliess biorhythm
activities and at the same time was almost failing to notice loud gossips in Vienna medical
circles regarding Swoboda's work. Their friendship was surely one of the reasons for Freud
preferring Flies, as well as the fact the father of psychoanalysis was actually one of Flies's
patients. (Freud eventually died of one type of mouth cancer).
In this initial part of its history, biorhythm comprised of two separate cycles distinguishable by
rhythmical shifts of physical/organic and psychological oscillations in the human body. One of
them was Physical (Pc) and the other Emotional (Ec). The first lasts 23, and the latter 28
days. Some promoters have assigned gender attributes to these cycles, so the physical cycle
was called masculine, while emotional was referred to as the feminine cycle. Flies himself was
obsessively practicing the magic of numbers (especially multipliers of number 23!). He even
believed his biorhythm formula could determine the gender of a conceived child.
At the beginning of last century, Swoboda published 4-5 books about his version of biorhythm,
one of those with an impressive 600 pages. Flies was not less productive, publishing 4-5
books, one with 564 pages!
Despite such extensive literature, due to strong contempt from the academic guild community,
primarily in Vienna and Berlin, the entire biorhythm concept was doomed to be forgotten (as
was psychoanalysis too).
Biorhythm found itself again in the focus of public interest immediately after World War I. An
Austrian engineer Alfred Teltscher (teaching professor in Innsbruck) noted the existence of
good and bad days for studying among his students. The fact that this result matched with
Platon's concept of cyclical changes of favourable and unfavourable periods in human life, has
made it particularly attractive. Teltscher left no books written on the topic, but nevertheless he
did establish the third biorhythm cycle. He named it intellectual (I) whose sinusoidal cycle
lasts 33 calendar days.
And so, the psychologist (Swoboda), doctor (Flies) and an engineer (Teltcher), independent of
each other, completed the unique biorhythm theory, yet it took just a little over half a century
for it to reach its golden age.
The story about biorhythm was revived in the USA after World War II. This idea was strongly
spurred up in the mid seventies of the last century by the book of G.S. Thomen Is This Your
News stories and books regarding research of these cycles in regard to accidents at work,
traffic incidents, days of death and results of sports events increased hope that it was possible
2 Crown Publishing, New York, 1964, reprint 1973.
to predict important personal and social events. It was also a kind of timid prelude for New
Age. By uncritical affirmation of psychological and, even more, parapsychological
approaches to everyday life, this movement was raising belief in the possibility of selfimprovement, but also in managing internal and external factors of health and happiness.
Of course, the critics were also very active, providing statistically supported results in favour of
senselessness of those expectations. Soon, this battle spread rapidly from America to other
continents and resulted in multitude of research papers, scientific articles and books3. In the
closing two decades of the last century, biorhythm was again about to be forgotten, for it
seemed advocates of strictly methodological provisions and relevant statistical parameters
prevailed over users of the so called anecdote-based approach4 to researched phenomena.
The bottom limit of tolerance from the first group, as it seems, was an approval for use of
biorhythm as a pseudoscience5.
Despite the constant and battle between the pros and cons, biorhythm entered the information
age still standing on its feet.
Software presentation of biorhythm replaced the previous complex pencil calculation. Easy
access and even easier use of computer and mobile applications reignited the public interest for
Swoboda-Flies-Teltscher theory. To put it simply, it was very in again to have a personal
or team biorhythm.
In the environment of dominant neoliberal limitlessness, biorhythm becomes one of old-new
possibilities of predicting behaviour and success. Nowadays, every computer and/or
smartphone application worth mentioning enables the user to calculate more than ten
biorhythm indicators. The possibility of calculating the so-called compatibility factors
indicators of mutual (in)compatibility of two or however many persons, has brought an
additional appeal.
3 The US Army Research Laboratory, as part of NASA, in 1981 published a
voluminous overview of then available titles from all parts of the world related to biological
rhythms in human organism. One special chapter in this overview was dedicated to
biorhythm. Bibliography comprises of a bit more than 2000 titles, out of which 212 are
biorhythm related (mostly published in the period between 1965 and 1980).
Although he was not occupied with this topic at all, the author of former world's bestseller
the book Stumbling on Happiness- briefly diagnoses the human need for predicting future
events (so evident with both founders and followers of biorhythm):
The influence of feeling that we keep things under control is beneficial, whilst the belief that
we create our own future makes us happy (LIT. 2, p. 42).
Although the return of biorhythm into the public sphere (in fact, into the market) was more
visible in media than in scientific circles6, this fact does not reduce the need to continue testing
to what extent this theory really works.
Before we bring up the results of one thorough research of biorhythm influence on
performance in one (team) sport, we will briefly introduce main elements and features of the
theory itself.
6 However, in the last about ten years, many interesting pieces of research have been
published regarding possible application of biorhythm in different life spheres (see
examples in LIT. titles no. 14 and 15)
Graph 1. Biorhythm sinusoids of each cycle have a plus and minus phases, while C-days are identified on
horizontal line with the number of days (1-38), located on the points of passover from plus to minus phase (and
vice versa)
Regardless of their different duration periods (23, 28, 33 and 38 days), all biorhythm cycles,
according to the theory, start together with the day of birth. In the first 11 days of life, all four
cycles are in the plus phase. Afterwards, Physical cycle enters the minus phase first, while
INT-cycle does so last.
The situation of all four cycles starting together (Graph 1.) repeats itself only at the age of 57.
It is interesting to mention that in Japanese tradition there is a belief that human life starts anew
exactly at the age of 57.
Due to their relatively low representation in total number of biorhythm days of each cycle (up
to approx. 20%), and due to rigorous methodological constraints for groups with small number
of frequencies, C-days are often statistically analysed combined with the minus phase data.
Plus and minus sinusoidal areas can be directly linked to surplus, or deficit of physical and
mental energy of a human being. The central sinusoidal horizontal line symbolically represents
the separator between growth and decline of these capacities. The tallest and the lowest
sinusoidal points represent optimum and minimum of each cycle.
Roughly speaking, minus phase of each cycle means additional quantities of energy, will and
concentration are needed for achieving given goals. However, if important tasks and goals fall
into C-days, it is best to prolong them into upcoming calendar days. Biorhythm followers
emphasise that C-days do not necessarily forecast catastrophes or personal disasters, but,
according to them, failure or misfortune is by far more probable during those days than in any
other day before or after.
Favourite and often illustrated example of this rule is a practice in some Swiss and Japanese
hospitals whereby surgeons do not conduct surgery during their C-days. Certain airline
companies give their pilots free days, and some taxi companies in certain countries do the
In any case, it appears logical if the biorhythm theory is (at all) sustainable that these or
different combinations have much more influence on behaviour, and success of failure of
biorhythm, than single biorhythms and their individual phases.
The most quoted example in literature favouring biorhythm certainly is the achievement of
American swimmer Mark Spitz who during XX. Olympic Games in Germany (1972) won gold
medals in seven disciplines in a row, in a period of just 13 days. Although Spitz`s period of
unprecented individual achievement started and finished with a duet of critical C-days of Fc
and Ec cycles, the secret of success was actually hiding between them. Namely, during these
ten or so days in between, both cycles were in the plus phase (LIT 7. pp 99-100).
Somehow at the same time (1972), based on the analysis of personal biorhythms of 1000 sports
record-holders, G. Shonholzer, G. Schilling and H. Muller from the Swiss centre for the
research of biorhythm, resolutely concluded that biorhythm theory has neither biological, nor
mathematical foundation9.
Applying biorhythm in collective-team sports is more complex and more questionable. Some
even explicitly refuse such a possibility (LIT 6., pp 79-81).
Forty years ago, a research duet, Michael R. Wallerstein and Nancy Lee Roberts became
media celebrities in American newspapers and magazines by claiming to be able to predict not
only individual, but also team results, by using their mathematical-graphical invention Biocurve. They were pretty successful in predicting results in American football, and were also
passionate advocates of using biorhythm in business spheres.
Subsequently, many research papers followed, spreading optimism for biorhythm utilisation in
team sports. There were also those who used biorhythm in practice. The literature points out
an example of a Swiss soccer coach Helmuth Benthaus who, from his personal experience,
claimed biorhythm was an excellent tool in preparing-training of the players (LIT 3. p. 51,
LIT 4., pp. 102-3).
Primarily, we were interested in knowing if biorhythm parameters specify
differences between winning and losing teams.
In this competition, in the first group phase of 48 matches, 39 matches ended with one of the
national teams winning. Nine matches in this phase ended with a draw, and these matches
were not covered by this research (but their players were included in all research records of
individual achievements such as scored goals, penalty cards, etc.) In next, eliminatory phase
with 16 matches, eight ended with a winning outcome by the end of regular time (90 mins.),
while the winners of four matches were decided after extra time (30 min), or after the penalty
shoot out.
Therefore, this research comprises 55 matches with winning outcomes (out of which 78%
victories were achieved directly in regular time and 22% through eliminatory rules valid for the
final stage).
Furthermore, we wanted to test whether better-ranked soccer players had
superior biorhythm than their colleagues from the defeated team.
Statistical testing was performed on marks allocated by reporters of eminent American internet
media company Bleacher Report (BR) 10 that in our opinion - objectively and competently11
covered all 64 matches in Brazil.
Soccer players with marks 6.0 and above made the group of better-evaluated players (1092
players), and those with marks 5.9 and lower were classified in the group of lower evaluated
(360 players)12.
We were also interested in:
10 From the research point of view, it seemed especially
valuable that this media house was evaluating the performance of each player separately
for each half time and also for performance in extra time. For the purpose of this research
work, for each soccer player we took the average of such segmented marks for his
performance in one match.
11 Authors of this work followed live coverage of matches from Brazil, as the BosnianHerzegovinian national public radio and television broadcaster (Televizija BiH) bought
exclusive rights to broadcast all matches. In that way, researchers had the opportunity to
evaluate performances of soccer players independently and to re-evaluate BR`s ranking
marks and marks of other media reporters.
12 The average individual mark in this championship, for entire course of the match is
6.3, with average mark for group of better evaluated players being 6.7, and for the group
of lower evaluated being 5.0. It is easily noticeable that these relatively low average
marks deviate from exceptionally high aggregate evaluation mark for the quality of soccer
played in the Championship (9.25 out of 10.00), given by Sepp Blatter, the Chairman of
FIFA, after completion of the tournament. It is interesting to point out that the Bleacher
Report, throughout the entire competition, has given only one 10.0 mark (for Lionel
Messi performance during the Nigeria-Argentina match). At the same time, BR evaluators
gave eight 1.0 marks and all of them to Brazilian players for the match against Germany
Peculiarities of biorhythm parameters of goal scorers and their comparison with
equivalent parameters of players who did not score goals in the Championship (in this group,
of course, there were no goalkeepers).
Peculiarities of biorhythm parameters of soccer players with yellow and red
cards and their comparison with equivalent parameters of players with no cards, and
Peculiarities of biorhythm parameters of coaches of winning and defeated
national teams.
In accordance with research standards, we have formatted detailed and precise templates for
keeping records of necessary data.
Pre-designed research plan also included criteria for representation in data13 as well as all other
necessary methodological limitations in relation to dependent and independent variables.
In addition, we have determined in advance the relevant sources of necessary biographical data
of soccer players (and coaches)14, and selected the appropriate computer software for
calculation of biorhythm parameters.15
Summarized, per each match we entered in appropriate templates approx. 600 various data
(individual identification data, biorhythm values, types of performance in the field and other
information for each soccer player and coach). In this way 40,000 pieces of data was
processed for all 64 matches.
II.2 Hypotheses
13 For example: The team set of all data used for statistical analysis (calculation of all
average marks) by rule included 11 soccer players, with substitute players being included
only if they spent 61 minutes or more in the field, the statistical calculation comprised the
soccer player who played 61 minutes or more. However, if such a player played less than
60 minutes but significantly contributed to the performance of his team (e.g. by scoring
goal, penalty kick due to his fault, or getting red card), his parameters were included in the
team average. In this case, the team average was calculated for 12 players.
14 For this purpose, we used the official FIFA web site with the existing data on June 12,
2014 (day 1 of the Championship). Although, a priori, we accepted the official FIFA web
site as the most relevant source, we also checked and compared birth dates of two soccer
players from each national team with Wikipedia records and records from national team
and soccer club web pages. This was done because the credibility of these data is of
crucial importance. Namely, the calculation of each biorhythm parameter starts from
the birth date, so an error, even by just one day, can cause enormous distortion of the
final parameter. In this random - and certainly, small sample - we found no discrepancies.
Although the available data fundus allowed for higher number of hypotheses in standard
research form of Null-hypothesis (Ho) authors of this work chose the following five16:
1. There is no statistically significant difference in representation of plus, minus phases
and C-days at the level of each of the four biorhythm cycles, between winning teams
and defeated teams;
2. There is no statistically significant difference in the representation of plus, minus
phases and C-days - at the level of each of the four biorhythm cycles - between
players who got higher marks for their match performance (6.0 and higher) and those
with lower marks (5.5 and lower);
3. There is no statistically significant difference in representation of plus, minus phases
and C-days at the level of each of four biorhythm cycles - between goal scorers from
one side, and soccer players who did not score goals in this Championship on the other
4. There is no statistically significant difference in representation of plus, minus phases
and C-days at the level of each of four biorhythm cycles between soccer players
with yellow and red cards and players without these types of referee`s punishment; and
5. There is no statistically significant difference in representation of plus, minus phases
and C-days at the level of each of four biorhythm cycles between coaches of
winning teams and coaches of the defeated ones.
Alternative hypotheses (H), as well as alternative subhypotheses (pHo), in the context of
this research defines the existence of relevant correlation between the same variables as well as
in the Null-hypotheses from 1 to 5.
The test of significance of the differences for all hypotheses has been done by using standard
statistical X-square test (chi-square test) with additional utilisation of its statistical
infrastructure (Summed-up X-square, p-value, contingency tables, correction formulas, etc.)
For the purpose of this research work, 1460 individual biorhythm packages have been
16 Considering the innovated version of the biorhythm theory includes four separate
cycles (physical, emotional, intellectual and intuitive), each of these hypothesis practically
has four identically formulated Null-subhypotheses (pHo) defined by the significance of
each individual cycle. Hence, besides individual chi-squares (which are, in fact, related to
subhypotheses), aggregate chi-square (X) has also been calculated for each data
group and was the base for interpretation of the relevance of main hypotheses (Ho).
Although they have been statistically equally thoroughly analysed just like the proximate
hypotheses, the subhypotheses were not qualitatively analysed, except in cases when
their X values supported corresponding affirmative subhypotheses (pHo). The same
procedure has been applied with secondary biorhythm groups (MsB, PsB, WsB).
Each individual package includes four primary (Pc, Ec, Ic and INTc) and three secondary
biorhythms (MsB, PsB and WsB). Individually, they belong to 528 soccer players. That is
69% out of total number of players participating teams submitted to FIFA.17
These players played 3 matches on average, and that is also the average number of biorhythm
sets per each soccer player.
Results of statistical analysis, whose interpretation is about to be presented, can be expressed
with a common sports headline: Null-hypotheses vs Biorhythm 5:0!
Darker shaded X square for E-cycle is very close to the borderline value but remains in the
acceptable zone of Ho. However, X for I-cycle (non-shaded field in the table) is higher than
borderline value for 0.05, so the Alternative subhypothesis (pH), or better said - the
possibility these differences are not coincidental - is accepted. But, are these differences in
favour of the biorhythm theory?
In cases where Xi-square does not identify direction and the logic of real differences between
examined groups, the occurrence and the logic sequence of the obtained results is determined
by insight in the distribution of the obtained data itself. Table 1b (Annex page 24), with
frequencies of number of soccer players in each of the three biorhythm phases (plus, minus,
C-days), shows the winning teams having 50% of their soccer players with Ic- cycle in minus
phase, and the defeated teams only 45%. Besides this, winning teams also had 4% of players
with C-day, while the defeated teams had half of this number 2%. An almost identical
inversion of data and significance can be seen in Ec- cycle whose X value is very close to the
borderline value.
It is all contrary to key postulates of the classic biorhythm theory.18
The aggregate Xi-square (X) for all four cycles sums up to 14.039, which is lower than
borderline value for 95% reliability ( 0.05 =15.510).
18 Although it sounds controversial in relation to the very concept of biorhythm theory, its
leading supporters, the already mentioned American research duet M.R Walterstein and
N. Lee-Roberts express their opinion in an interview for newspaper Tonawanda News
Frontier (August 4, 1973), that in a sport team the players with weaker biorhythm
(meaning those with more minus and C-days) give better performance than those with
biorhythms in plus phases. The reason is, they explain, an assumption that biorhythm
pluses drive individuals to show more individuality and selfishness (during the game). In
line with this, individual biorhythms with dominating minus and C-days contribute to
higher level of cohesion.
For this reason, the first formulated Null-hypothesis, claiming that there is no statistically
significant differences in representation of plus, minus phases and C-days in biorhythms of
winning and defeated teams, can be accepted.
Table 1a also shows that (X) for the group of secondary biorhythms does not come even
close to borderline value either and this, again, goes in favour of the formulated Nullhypothesis.
However, X -score of the fourth, emotional cycle, equals 8.328 and is therefore higher than
marginal value (5.991), so in this case the alternative pH , that is different in number of plus,
minus and C-days of better evaluated and worse evaluated players of the World Cup in
Brazil 2014 are not coincidental, but statistically significant.
Relatively high X -score for the E-cycle has taken the aggregate X -score for all four
primary biorhythm cycles almost to the borderline value, but not above it, so in regard to paired
variables the third Null-hypothesis is also accepted. As such, the third Null-hypotheses is not
contested by the obtained X -score for binomial combinations in the group of secondary
biorhythms either. Namely, neither individual, nor the aggregate X -scores have exceeded
corresponding borderline values (5.991 and 12.590).
Strategy and team game tactics are the primary responsibilities of any coach. Very often, other
roles are assigned to the coach, from club leadership to the role of an alternative psychologist.
In any case, the coach is held responsible for the results, and particularly for the failures.
Moreover, a coach needs to be the leader into something improbable(LIT. 1. p 251). By
actively using his intellect, knowledge and personality, the coach participates in club's
achievements often to a critical degree. It is logical to assume then if biorhythm theory is
functional that coach`s biorhythm should be some kind of an psychological additive which
gives a taste of success or failure to club`s achievements.
The championship in Brazil was a good opportunity to test this assumption as well. There were
55 matches in total ending with a winner, and equally as many coaches in groups of winners
and losers that were subject of our research.
Statistics remained unchanged towards biorhythm in the case of this part of research too.
There were no biorhythm cycles with statistical indicators (X) having a reference level of
significance (Table 5a). Hence, the Null-hypotheses no. 5 is also affirmed stating that there are
no significant differences in the number of plus, minus and C days between the group of
winning teams' coaches and group of coaches of defeated teams.
If we apply the so-called Anectodal method of comparison, that is, if we focus on individual
cases, the situation is much more favourable towards biorhythm.
Result-wise very rare semi-final match between Brazil and Germany (1:7) has already been
used as an illustration for explanation of the first Null-hypotheses in this piece of work. There
we compared biorhythm of soccer players, and here we compare same indicators of two
Table 6: Biorhythm profiles of coaches on the day of BrazilGermany match (1:7)
Luiz F. Scolari BRA
Joachim Lw GER
The host team's coach had a very bad biorhythm combination with two biorhythms in the
minus phase (Pc and I- cycle) and Emotional cycle with a C-day. On the other side, coach
of the (dominant) winner had three cycles in plus phase and only E- cycle in the minus phase.
The German coach also had all three secondary biorhythms in the plus phase, while the
Brazilian coach had minus in two out of three cycles.
Coaches of teams playing the final match of this Championship also had very interesting conditionally speaking "pro-biorhythmic" combinations of cycles. The Argentine coach was
in an absolute minus, whilst the winning team's coach had two cycles in plus and two in minus
phases, with all three secondary cycles in plus phases.
Table 7: Biorhythm profiles of team coaches in the final match Germany vs Argentina (0:0, 1:0
after extra time):
Joachim Lw - GER
Alejandro Sabella - ARG
Looking at the above table, it is evident that the German coach, who had pluses on the sinusoid
of Emotional and Intellectual cycle, had an advantage over his Argentine colleague, who to
say the least started this deciding match of the championship with much more calm and good
mood. According to this theory, a better INT-biorhythm, along with plus-WsB in secondary
groups, enabled him to show more tactical creativity that, at the end of the day, led him and his
team to the throne.
19 It is the case with I-cycle in the context of data for testing of Null-hypothesis no.1
where X = 6.347 - with df=2, and =0.05% - higher than borderline value (5.991). In
this case, formulated Null-subhypothesis is rejected and we accept the possibility that the
differences in number of plus, minus and C-days between players of the winning and
defeated teams are not coincidental. However, any further interpretation of the noted
differences, as already said, is contrary to basic postulate of the biorhythm theory.
20 Methodologically, it is very hard to define precisely the variable of players without
goals scored. In modern football, not only exposed top scorers, but all players (except
goal keeper) are obliged to score goals.
For all these reasons, when evaluating performance of a sports team, one should equally take
into account factors deriving from an individual's character, in parallel with those acting as a
consequence of playing in a team. In pursuit for the best talent composition, training,
motivation and efficiency in the team sociogram, it is necessary to individualize the sequence
of significance of these components.
In this package, the motivation of an individual to make optimal performance on the field is
perhaps the biggest enigma, especially when the part related to financial satisfaction
(premiums, transfers, additional bonuses) is put aside. One of procedures that are more
successful is the persuasive technique, originating from counselling psychology. Its task is to
inspire and encourage the individual. In sports, it practically means persuading the athlete he
can do better, or even be the best at a given moment. Usually, in doing so, one may use the
arguments identified in the person`s psychological profile such as his educational anamnesis or
the series of worthy achievements from the past.
Despite controversies about the biorhythm theory (which, as we believe, became even more
exposed with results of our research) we conclude that biorhythm, in the context of persuasive
effect, can also increase motivational capacity of athletes.
The extent of this additional motivation does not need to be enormous, although in some cases
it can even be decisive. Existing mobile and computer biorhythm applications use the
precision of their numerical values (most frequently up to two decimals) and attractive graphic
illustrations of cycle sinusoids to appear suggestive, especially towards persons with
insufficient confidence. It is easy to interpret them motivationally, understand them visually
and then accept them. Of course, here we talk of the cases with positive, stimulating values of
biorhythm parameters. Keeping in mind insufficiently proven validity of biorhythm application
in sport, team coaches should not use biorhythm down-parameters (days in minus phases and
C-days) as deciding criteria for selecting players for particular matches, or in instances of
criticism or sanctioning of players. We emphasise again the complexity of psychosocial
surrounding in which an athlete performs during a competitive event. Besides, we point out
our belief in great importance of positive motivation in sport.
Motivation is, by its energetic nature, cumulative. It means that every new stimulus directed to
strengthening self-confidence and will, regardless of its individual dimension, even to its
possible placebo background, gives a stimulating synergistic effect.
D. Betting and sports especially soccer have for long been enjoying an inseparable,
symbiotic relationship. Bookmakers are aware that data on tradition, together with
mathematical observations of the current shape of the opponent on the betting slip, are of little
help in predicting surprises. Therefore, as a rule, they look for additional pieces of information.
Many betters believe that such magic information can be found via parapsychological and
pseudo-scientific techniques. Considering biorhythm belongs to this club, and is now easily
accessible via PC and mobile applications, a good deal of bookmakers are devotedly using it.
to which as many as 38.9% instances were the result of pure coincidence. Researcher of
this research (Martin Lames) discovered that 41.8% of goals scored in the World soccer
championship in Germany in 2006 were also scored - by accident (LIT 1., p 245).
This research does not support a belief in predictive power of biorhythm at team level, at least
not in the case of soccer. However, this research does leave space for use of individual
biorhythm profiles of important players as useful additional information in evaluation of
competitive impact of their team.
E. We also want to point out the methodological and interpretative limitations of this
This research refers only to determining the possible influence of biorhythm on the
effectiveness of soccer players at team level. We have analysed only one out of many possible
options of testing this possibility, that of establishing statistical relevance ( X-score) of number
of plus, minus and C- days in biorhythms of soccer players from 32 national teamsparticipants of the 20th World soccer championship Brazil 2014.22
Every transfer of these results, and especially their interpretation to other fields of life and
other sports, need to be justified by relevant research documentation. Biorhythm parameters are
calculated based on data and program procedures, described in footnotes 13 and 14. The data
itself has been analysed using standard statistical procedures, including appropriate computer
applications (Excel and other). We used all of these with full confidence, but we do not
exclude the possibility that in different circumstances and with different procedures, results
obtained could be different.
22 One possible procedure for testing is determining the significance of arithmetic mean
differences of nominal daily values for each biorhythm cycle, and for each pair of
confronted variables of Null-hypotheses. More complex procedures could include weighted
averages of particular cycles, or possibly, weighted averages of biorhythms of key team
players. Forty years ago, American research duo M.R Walterstein and N. Lee-Roberts,
authored their very complex method for evaluation of team results with the help of
biorhythm (LIT 4, p. 105).
Trafford, Canada
7. West, P. (1980), BIORHYTHMS Your Daily Guide to Achieving Peak
Internet sources:
9. Duch J, Waitzman JS, Amaral LAN (2010), Quantifying the
(2013), Study of
Biorhythm Cycles that Influence on Decision Qualities of
Investment Managers in Mutual Fund of the Iranian Capital Market
Islamic Azad University, Teheran, Iran
16. Wysotskyi, O.L (.....), The Characteristics of Biorhythms Days,
Independent researcher, Kyiv, Ukraine
17. ***The Sceptic's Dictionary
Drago Maric is long-time biorhythm enthusiast analyzing effects of biorhythm in
sports, soccer particularly. His interest in biorhythm started in late 1980s when he
published predictions based on biorhythm calculations for World Cup in Italy in
1990. These predictions were published in Yugoslav sports daily "Sportski zurnal"
during the World Cup. He is also avid statistician of English Premier League and
other top European leagues, following and analyzing statistics of teams, players,
results and betting odds.
Boris Maric is a fan of soccer, English Premier League in particular. In his free
time he analyzes soccer results and performance of different teams. He also runs
a couple of websites not related to sports. In this research document he
contributed with Excel expertise and data analysis.
Vladimir Mari is a specialist for media analysis. He contributed this piece of
work by translating, editing and proofreading both English and Croatian language
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