The Mapping of The Visual Field Onto The Dorso-Lateral Tectum of The Pigeon (Columba Livia) and Its Relations With Retinal Specializations
The Mapping of The Visual Field Onto The Dorso-Lateral Tectum of The Pigeon (Columba Livia) and Its Relations With Retinal Specializations
The Mapping of The Visual Field Onto The Dorso-Lateral Tectum of The Pigeon (Columba Livia) and Its Relations With Retinal Specializations
The mapping of the visual field onto the dorso-lateral tectum of the
pigeon (Columba livia) and its relations with retinal specializations
Juan-Carlos Letelier , Gonzalo Marin, Elisa Sentis, Andrea Tenreiro,
Felipe Fredes, Jorge Mpodozis
Departamento de Biologa, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile
Received 18 April 2003; received in revised form 14 July 2003; accepted 9 September 2003
Most of the physiological studies of the pigeon retino-tectal visual pathway have investigated the accessible tectum, a small dorso-lateral
tectal section that can be easily accessed by a simple craniotomy. However, at present we lack a detailed study of the topographical arrangement
between the visual field, the retina and the accessible tectum. In particular, it is not known which section of the visual field is mapped onto the
accessible tectum, and which of the specialized retinal areas mediates this projection. Here we determined, using local field potential (LFP)
recordings and reverse retinoscopy, the shape, size and position in the visual space of the portion of the visual field mapped onto the accessible
tectum (called here the accessible visual field, or AVF). Using this data and the mapping of Nalbach et al. [Vis. Res. 30 (4) (1990) 529], the
retinal area corresponding to the AVF was determined. Such retinal area was also directly delimited by means of retrograde transport of DiI.
The results indicate that the AVF is a triangular perifoveal zone encompassing only 15% of total visual field. The retinal region corresponding
to the AVF has the shape of an elongated triangle that runs parallel to the visual equator and contains the fovea, the tip of the pecten, a
perifoveal region of the yellow field and a small crescent of the red field. In agreement with this anatomical heterogeneity, visual evoked
potentials measured in different parts of the accessible tectum present steep variations in shape and size. These results are helpful to better
design and interpret anatomical and physiological experiments involving the pigeons visual system.
2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Dorso-lateral tectum; Columba livia; AVF
1. Introduction
Birds retinae feature several well-defined specialized
regions, which differ in the density and composition of
their cellular elements. In pigeons, the most common model
for visual studies among birds, these regions are: the red
area, a section of greater cellular density encompassing the
dorso-temporal retina, which looks at the lower nasal part
of the visual field; the shallow and cellularly dense central
fovea, located near the projection of the optic axis, which
looks at the centro-lateral visual field; and the more cellularly sparse yellow field, encompassing the inferio-temporal
retina, which looks at the superior-anterior visual field. Extensive literature (Hahmann and Gntrkn, 1993; Nalbach
et al., 1990) indicates that these areas have different visual
properties and may serve different visual functions.
0165-0270/$ see front matter 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
this anatomical situation, the great majority of electrophysiological studies in pigeons have investigated the accessible
tectum, the small dorso-lateral section that can be easily accessed by a simple craniotomy. The important experimental
advantage of the accessible tectum is that it permits microelectrode penetrations under visual control (Fig. 1) (Frost
Fig. 1. (A) Craniotomy exposing the accessible tectum (dorso-lateral aspect) in the pigeon. The accessible tectum has a triangular shape (A:
anterior, S: superior, P: posterior). The anterior border (line AS) is delimitated by the telencephalon (Te), the posterior border (line SP) by a blood
vessel (black arrow) running in parallel with the anterior semicircular
canal (AC) and the horizontal border (line PA) is defined by a horizontal
line passing just above the auditory meatus. The patterns of blood vessels change from animal to animal (scale bar: 2 mm). (B) Macroscopic
anatomy of the pigeon brain. The optic tectum (TeO) is the largest visual
structure in the pigeons brain. The accessible tectum (area delimitated
by a dark trace) is only a small fraction (15%) of the overall tectum. The
accessible tectum was marked with black China ink. Note the relative
size of the eye with respect to the brain (E: eye, Te: telencephalon, Ce:
cerebellum, P: pons; scale bar: 5 mm).
was put in place and the point where the beam intercepted
the hemisphere, which represents the projection of the optic
axis, was marked onto the hemisphere. During each experiment the position of the optic axis and the profiles of the
pecten projection were determined. In experiments where
surgical glue was used to immobilize the eye, the pecten
profile was also measured at the end of the experiment to
assess the degree of eye immobilization.
2.4. Neural recordings
To map the projection of the visual world onto the dorsal
tectum, tungsten microelectrodes (12 M at 1 kHz, Frederick Haer) were lowered 150 m, under visual control,
into the accessible tectum using a hydraulic advancer. At
the beginning of each experiment a photograph of the accessible tectum was made using a macro lens mounted on
bellows. This photograph was used to define the succession
of recording sites along the border of the accessible tectum.
Depending on the anatomical morphology of each pigeon,
69 recording positions were selected. In each recording
site, multiunitary tectal activity was recorded and fed into
an audio monitor. The center of the associated receptive
field was found by flashing small (0.2 ) light spots onto the
translucent hemisphere and the typical ON/OFF response
associated with retinal fibers was detected. The point of
highest response was defined as the center of the receptive field and its position was marked onto the translucent
To document regional differences in visual processing,
flash-evoked local field potentials (LFP) were recorded
at different tectal regions in three pigeons. Flashes (2.5 )
were delivered to the outside of the translucent hemisphere
exploring a 7.5 7.5 grid, centered in the receptive field
under study. LFPs were sampled at 2000 samples/s with
a data acquisition program written in IGOR (http://www.
2.5. Pathway tracing
To trace the projection between the retina and the accessible tectum, a solid microinjector (Marin et al., 2001) was
used to deposit small crystals (less than 100 m) of DiI.
These crystals were applied to seven points along the border of the accessible tectum inside the tectal retinorecipient
layers. After 5 days of survival time (in other studies we
have used between 5 and 20 days of survival time (Marin
et al., 2001)), the pigeon was perfused and the contralateral
retina was flat mounted for inspection with an epifluorescent
microscope (Olympus).
2.6. Analysis of spatial data
Once the projection of the pecten and of the optic axis
were marked on the hemisphere, an equidistant polar projection with the optic axis as the pole was drawn. The
3. Results
3.1. The accessible tectum
Fig. 1A shows a typical craniotomy over the left tectum
where only a small spherical triangular section, corresponding to the accessible tectum, is exposed. This triangular
section is delimitated anteriorly by the telencephalon and
posteriorly by a major blood vessel that runs parallel with
the anterior semicircular canal. The base of the triangle is
delimitated by bone forming the floor of the tectum. The
triangle has an average base 3.3 mm wide, with a range
between 2 and 4.3 mm. This wide range reflects age and
anatomical differences in the conformation of the auditory
meatus and the skull. In terms of the pigeon stereotaxic atlas
(Karten and Hodos, 1967), the craniotomy exposes only the
dorsal aspects of the sections located between plates APs
5.9 and 1.6. To assess the size and relative position of the
accessible tectum in one animal, its outline was marked with
black ink after perfusion. Fig. 1B shows the outline of the
accessible tectum in relation to the overall tectum. We estimate that the accessible tectum represents 15% of the tectal
3.2. The accessible visual field
The AVF outline was determined by mapping the receptive field loci of points chosen alongside the border of the
accessible tectum. The AVF profile looks like an elongated
triangle with a finger protruding in the dorso-posterior visual
field and exhibits a great consistency among birds. Fig. 2A
shows the orientation of the average AVF expressed in the
coordinate frame of the pigeon atlas. In all cases it was found
that the optic axis and the area surrounding the tip of the
pecten mapped inside the AVF.
3.3. The projection from the retina
To assess the position and shape of the retinal region that
project upon the accessible tectum, we retrogradely labeled
its boundary with small DiI crystals deposited alongside the
border of the accessible tectum. It was found that the marked
retinal region has an elongated triangular shape and contains
the fovea, a small portion of the red field, and the tip of the
pecten (Fig. 2B). The shape of this retinal region, as well as
the position of the pecten, are almost identical to the position
and shape determined by visual mapping (compare Fig. 2A
with B).
4. Discussion
Our results show that the AVF represents only a small,
pericentral fraction of the total visual field of the pigeon. The
retinal area that looks at the AVF, and therefore projects onto
the accessible tectum, is also small, but very heterogeneous,
as it contains several specialized regions. This anatomical
heterogeneity is physiologically reflected in the steep variations in shape and size presented by visual evoked potentials
measured in different parts of the accessible tectum.
The position of the AVF in the visual space, as well as its
corresponding retinal region, becomes immediately evident
once the AVF profile is expressed in the reference frame of
Nalbach et al. (1990) (Fig. 4A). The AVF corresponds to
a small (15% of total) elongated triangular portion of the
monocular visual field that lies mostly in the strip between
the horizontal meridian and 30 of dorsal eccentricity. Extensive regions of the visual space, such as the binocular
crescent and most of the dorsal area, are excluded. The visual field of the lateral fovea, which in pigeons serves to
mediate lateral fixations (Maldonado et al., 1988) falls at the
center of the AVF, while its ventral anterior pole contains the
visual field of a pericentral corner of the red area. The AVF
also contains the projection of the optic axis, located 10
below the foveal area. This spatial result perfectly matches
the anatomical tracing of the retinal region projecting to the
accessible tectum. The coherence between the anatomical
(Fig. 2B) and spatial (Fig. 4A) determinations is such that
the retinal region projecting to the accessible tectum and the
AVF can almost be superimposed (compare Fig. 2B with
4A, also see Fig. 5).
In a first approximation, the shapes of the accessible
tectum and the AVF were found to be almost congruent.
If the AVF outline is transformed using simple geometrical
Fig. 2. (A) Average profile of AVF projecting to the accessible tectum (seven cases). This profile represents, for the right eye, the average AVF projecting
into the accessible tectum expressed in an equidistant polar coordinate system with the optic axis as the north pole (Nalbach et al., 1990). Crosses
represent the standard deviations for the elevation and azimuth. A polygonal line approximated the average profile. The figure uses the head inclination
defined in the stereotaxic atlas (Karten and Hodos, 1967). The pecten projection was similar in all pigeons. The arrow defines the beak axis (i.e. the
relative orientation of the beak with respect to the horizontal meridian). (B) Retinal flat mount. The polygonal figure defined by the bright (white) spots
corresponds to the retinal region marked after injecting seven small DiI crystals alongside the border of the accessible tectum. The shape of this retinal
region is congruent with the AVF shape (compare with A). The darker rectangular sections correspond to the fluorescent images superimposed onto the
bright-field picture of the entire retina. This retinal region contains the fovea (f), the tip of the pecten (p: pecten) and the border of the red field (R: red
field, N: nasal, T: temporal, S: superior, I: inferior; scale: 5 mm).
Fig. 3. (A) Regional variation in LFP in the accessible tectum (four cases). The LFPs elicited by small flashes (2 ) in the center of the receptive field
were recorded for different tectal loci in the accessible tectum. LFPs exhibited a consistent amplitude variation between the dorsal and ventral positions.
Dorsal LFPs (position H) have larger amplitude than ventral LFPs (position C) (see Fig. 1B, Ant: anterior, Post: posterior, Sup: superior). (B) LFP traces
at higher temporal resolution. Traces from (A) at selected positions. (C) LFP profiles from another pigeon at the same positions. Note how, in both cases,
the traces corresponding to position H are greater than at position C. Also notice how the temporal profile changes from bird to bird.
from: (a) differential properties and density of retinal ganglion fibers in the stimulated retinal areas, (b) differences in
the physiology and density of the postsynaptic elements in
the tectum, or (c) a combination of both these factors. Our
results directly show that the anatomical heterogeneity of
the retinal projection onto the accessible tectum is indeed reflected at the physiological level. Thus, marked differences
should be expected in visual synaptic physiology between
tectal regions in receipt of afferences from the different retinal specializations, in particular, between the dorsal (yellow
field recipient) and ventral (red field recipient) tectum. In a
recent study (Gu et al., 2000), the visual properties of tectal receptive fields, in fact, have been described as differing
between these tectal regions.
The physiological regionalization described here is especially relevant in the case of studies involving current
source density (CSD) analysis. This technique, which allows
synaptically active neuropiles to be localized deep within a
Fig. 5. AVF and the accessible tectum are almost congruent. The AVF
profile when subjected to simple geometrical transformations (a reflection
followed by an 18 rotation, and magnified 7 times in the x dimension
and 4.5 times in the y dimension) is similar to the accessible tectum.
Both areas are congruent in the ventral part, but this congruence degrades
dorsally, where the superposition is less perfect than ventrally (S: superior,
A: anterior, P: posterior).
5. Conclusions
We thank Diane Greenstein for editorial assistance. We
also thank Solano Henriquez and Cristian Acevedo for technical assistance and Nicolas Piwonka for photography. This
research was supported by grants 1990045 and 1030522
from the Chilean Scientific Council (CONICYT) to Jorge
Clarke PGH, Whitteridge D. The projection of the retina, including the
red area onto the optic tectum of the pigeon. Q J Exp Physiol