Bilroth 2 Pa
Bilroth 2 Pa
Bilroth 2 Pa
O Financial Resources: A monthly salary of P50,000- ➢ Will determine the support system of the
S P75,000 being the president of an advertising and
publishing company owned by their family
patient with regards to the income of the family
Memory: intact
Rules out any neurologic alterations
L Urine:
Quantity per voiding:
➢ Decreased due to increased metabolism from
infection and due to fluid shifting from
M Toileting ability:
➢ On Indwelling Folley Catheter
➢ Assesses his capabilities and need of
I Abdomen:
N ➢ INSPECTION: Skin color consistent, with surgical
suture noted from epigastric region just below the
C palpable
0= 0% of normal strength with; complete paralysis
I 3/5 3/5 (biceps)
F injuries
Ears/hearing: With symmetrical pinna: no discharges Good hearing abilities can help to patient’s
noted and no complaint of hearing impairment, hence safety
there is no use of hearing aides ➢ Can aid to proper nurse-patient interaction
Skin integrity: Surgical suture noted from epigastric ➢ Due to the disruption of the skin integrity from
O Activity tolerance:
Perceived exertion rate of 7/10; needs very strong
➢ Due to muscle weakness and pain
X Color:
Skin: Pale
➢ Due to decreased haemoglobin level and
bleeding from the trauma and from the pain
Lips: Pale surgical management
Y Nail beds: Pale
Capillary Refill: Returns to its original condition within ➢ To assess for blood circulation, decreased
G 2-3 seconds.
PR: ➢
circulating blood volume
Decrease circulating blood volume
E Location-radial
N Strength-thready
A RR: 33cpm
Edema on extremities: none
Oxygen therapy: 2-3 L/min Aids in breathing difficulty of the patient and
supply oxygen demand of the body
Diet: NPO ➢ Hypoactive bowel sounds and absence of
IVF: ➢ Serves as supplemental fluid
U 1. Solution: D5NM
Site: left arm
T Regulation: 31-32gtts/min
Incorporation: 1amp of Biomix
R Height: 5’8”
Weight: 66.7 kgs
I BMI: 22.38
BMI= wt (kg)
➢ Serves as basis for nutritional status needs
Ht2 (m)
T = 67kgs
I = 22.38= normal
criteria (Mosby’s PDQ):
<20 = underweight
20-25= normal
25-30= over weight
N 30-40= obese
>40= severe obesity
S Significant others: Mother
Coping mechanism: Conversing with the
➢ Serves as support system during crisis
➢ An individualized process wherein an individual find
N Abdomen:
➢ INSPECTION: Skin color consistent, with
and the lower epigastric area at
approximately 1 inch in length ➢ Indicates that incision complete its healing process
➢ Absence of discharges
➢ Absence infection
➢ Respiratory movements, slightly pulsation
noted in epigastric region and no peristaltic
N waves
➢ AUSCULTATION: ➢ Gastro- intestinal functioning recovers from trauma and
➢ Normoactive bowel sounds (7clicks/min) able to resume its normal functioning
➢ Presence of flatus
➢ PERCUSSION: dull sound on the right
upper quadrant
➢ PALPATION: Absence of tenderness
➢ Negative rebound tenderness upon
ADL’s: Able to perform activities of daily living Due to improved muscle strength
with minimal assistance
Sleep pattern: 6-7hours at night with ➢ Due to decreased pain perception, able to adapt to the
E intermittent naps of 1-2 hours at day time.
Body frame: mesomorph ➢
new environment
With BMI (21.96)
S Posture: upright
Gait: steady gait with hands swaying on sides ➢ Body gains its normal functioning
T alternately
Coordination: Can repeatedly touch the nose ➢ To assess for intact motor system
and the fingers
Balance: (-) Rhomberg’s test: able to stand on ➢ Improved muscle strength
one foot and arms perpendicular to the body and
a can maintain his balance when eyes are closed
Muscle strength: ➢ Determine clients muscle capabilities with or without
n Criteria:
5=100% of normal strength against full
gravity & resistance
gravity and resistance ➢ This will determine the clients ability to perform ADL’s
d 4=75% normal full movement against
gravity and minimal resistance
3=50%normal movements against gravity
2=25% full muscle movement against
I 4/5 4/5 (biceps)
I PAIN: none
Allergies: Any allergies can affect treatment regimen
Food: none
Drugs: none
A Environment: none
Eyes/ vision: There is no use of eye glasses/ ➢ Good eye sight prevents the risk of other injury to client
Ears/hearing: With symmetrical pinna: no ➢ Good hearing ability can contribute to safe environment
discharges noted and no complaint of hearing
➢ Can aid to proper nurse-patient interaction
impairment, hence there is no use of hearing
Criteria by Borg of 1982:
0= nothing at all
E 1= very weak effort
2= weak or light effort
N 3= moderate effort
4= somewhat stronger effort
5= strong effort
T 7= very strong effort
9= very, very strong effort
10= maximal effort
Airway: ➢ No affectation on the organs of the respiratory system
Nose: without secretions; with no difficulty of
O breathing noted
Mouth: no lesions
X Position of comfort: semi- fowler’s position
➢ Position of comfort
➢ Due to adequate hemoglobin level to carry enough
Y Skin: pinkish
Lips pinkish
oxygen to the body
N Rate-72 bpm
A RR: 14cpm ➢ Normal breathing pattern due to adequate oxygenation
T Edema on extremities: none
Oxygen therapy: no use of oxygen therapy Able to breath with no difficulty
Diet: Soft diet ➢ Can tolerate any type of food with no containdications
OFI: approximately 1800 cc per day ➢ No fluid restrictions ordered
1. Solution: PNSS 1L
➢ Serves as supplemental fluid
T Height: 5’8”
Weight: 65.5 kgs
BMI: 21.96 ➢ Serves as basis for nutritional status needs of the
R BMI= wt (kg)
Ht2 (m)
= 67kgs
I (1.7272)2
= 21.96= normal
T criteria (mosby’s PDQ):
<20 = underweight
I 20-25= normal
25-30= over weight
30-40= obese
O >40= severe obesity