Agile System Development:: An Investigation of The Challenges and Possibilities of Using Scrum
Agile System Development:: An Investigation of The Challenges and Possibilities of Using Scrum
Agile System Development:: An Investigation of The Challenges and Possibilities of Using Scrum
Martin Jnsson
Department of informatics
Name of masters program
Master thesis 1-year level, 15 credits
SPM 2013.08
In order to combat the different obstacles and issues with system development many of the
system development firms of today use some sort of system development method to
structure their system development projects. However, there are different challenges with
using agile system development methods. This research addresses the different challenges
that exist when using Scrum as a system development method by viewing it from different
key stakeholder perspectives. The research has been based on a single case study approach
that has investigated a high-tech system development firm with more than one hundred
employees. The case study was conducted by interviewing six stakeholders of the firm. This
research shows that there are a number of core challenges within the firm. These challenges
are connected to five diffent themes: collaboration, coordination, communication, Scrum as
a support unit and transistion processes revolving around Scrum
Keywords: System development, agile methods, dynamic methods, IT-management
1. Introduction
In today's industry of development of information technology (IT) many failures within the
development processes occur. The conclusions have been placed squarely on human and
organizational factors rather than technical factors (Robey & Sahay, 1996). A lack of planning
might result in increased costs and even project abandonment (Avison & Fitzgerald, 2006).
This constitutes one factor that may cause information systems development projects to
escalate. Project escalation exists in project environments that both encourages the progress
of the project and gives contradictory information within the project. According to a research
carried out by Keil (1995) as much as 35 % of IT-projects suffered from some form of
escalation in terms of continuing a failing course of action, by continues following a failing
course of action, despite evidence in the form of negative feedback. Escalation represents one
example of the complexity involved in achieving successful systems development. Keil's
study showed that it is important that management does not only focus on the technology,
but also to manage other factors that can promote escalation. For example, project,
(ASDM) have been proposed as potential solutions to classical challenges related to system
development projects. A variety of potential benefits of using ASM have been proposed, but
there may also be challenges involved in using such methods. This thesis investigates a firm
that has been using the Scrum method for over a year. The overarching purpose of the
research was to explore what challenges there are using agile methods in general. The key
features of the agile methods are based on iterative and incremental development, where
requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, crossfunctional teams. Agile methods emphasize adaptive planning, evolutionary development
and delivery, a time-boxed iterative approach and encourages rapid and flexible response to
changes. It is a type of conceptual framework that promotes foreseen interactions throughout
the development cycle (The Agile Manifesto, 2001). This approach of SDM has become more
popular within the last ten years. However, the implementation of this kind of process has
resulted in different ways of performing system development and may require both smaller
or greater changes within firms (Bjrkholm & Brattberg, 2008). Therefore, this research has
a focus of understanding the challenges of using Scrum as system development method
within a firm. This research specifically investigates key stakeholders, the people responsible
for working with development projects of firms' technical infrastructures. The most
important job for the key stakeholders is to be able to monitor the organizational
requirements and search for different strategies, techniques and tools to use system
development methods that are both cost-effective and efficient, in order to achieve the goals
that the firm is aiming for.
This research focuses on the role of system development methods in projects and the
dynamics that exist within the use of system development processes. On a more pragmatic
level this research addresses how the internal key stakeholders of a firm view the use of the
agile system development method Scrum. The firm where the case has been conducted is a
high tech system development firm, where they have different Scrum teams that work in
various ways. Different key stakeholders involved with system development have been
interviewed. This research relies on a single qualitative case study of the high tech firm
dealing with system development and technical support. The firm, here called System
Development Corp, makes use of the agile systems development method Scrum. Against this
backdrop, the research question that this research aims to address is:
How do different key stakeholders view the challenges and possibilities of using Scrum
in system development?
This research has also tried to understand how different stakeholders are involved in system
development projects. It has been conducted as a case study, where the data collection
method consisted of semi-structured interviews of different key stakeholders in the
organization. The focus is on examining the dynamic relationship that arises between Scrums
flexibility and stringency. Therefore, this research will contribute to shed light on various
aspects and perspectives that exist about the use of system development methods internally
in a firm that works with system development within their projects.
2. Related research
ASDM is a collection of methods that is a common aid in the field of system development,
especially the use of the method Scrum that constitutes a development approach that has
been widely adopted in the industry. However, there are challenges and potential
possibilities when switching to an ASDM like Scrum. The use of agile methodologies have
emerged over the years. Because of this increase in use it is important to provide a basic
understanding of ASDM. The transition from a more traditional waterfall model
development approach to an agile method approach may generate different types of
implications within firms.
The understanding of agile methods will also make it easier to understand that SDM are
processes that are affected by different aspects of organizational topics. A SDM can be
interpreted as a tool that helps "an organized collection of concepts, methods, beliefs, values
and normative principles supported by material resources" (Iivari, Hirschheim & Klein,
1998). More specifically, an SDM is codified into a set of goal-oriented procedures that guide
the work and cooperation of the various parties (stakeholders involved in building of a
application). The SDM are affected by the technique, tool or method, context and consists of
a well- defined sequence of elementary operations, which permits the achievement of certain
outcomes if executed correctly (Iivari et al., 1998). In the early days of system development
the use of SDM was viewed as a rigorous and meticulous process of the formalized
methodology. However, most of the developers today who use SDM are not following
methods rigorously. Instead a variety of methods and development processes in firms exist.
The purpose of SDM is to create a support-function by viewing the SDM as a unique
methodology-in-action that is created for each specific development project (Fitzgerald,
1998). The SDM is not applied in the same way by different system developers. According to
Fitzgerald (2000) the methods are most probably used in the same way by the same
developers in different projects. The use of SDM has instead resulted in uniquely adapting
methods as a methodology-in-action that has been created for each specific system
development project. This basically means that there are specific adaptations of the same
methods in different system development projects, which will result in a method that are
specifically created for a specific system development project.
The following sections reviews relevant research related to the area of concern of this
research. Section (2.1) provides a general background about Agile Software Development
(ASD) methodologies to illuminate the core features of the ASD. The next Section (2.2)
zooms in on Scrum as a method and describes the specific characteristics of it. Following this
description the seach focuses on research that exists about the challenges with Scrum.
adapt the method specific to systems development project where the method is used within,
basically customized the method after the given systems development project.
To sum up, agile methods are characterized to be a type of methodologies that aims to be
adaptive against the different changes that might appear unexpectedly. However, depending
of which type of ASDM that is being used, different elements of the method have to be taken
into consideration since each method has different preferences. Therefore, it is important to
understand the different individual mechanisms behind each specific SDM before it starts
being used within firms.
2.2 Scrum
One of the most commonly used agile methods is the Scrum method that focuses on day to
day project management. The method is the most widely adopted agile project management
method in the industry (Hossain, Babar & Paik 2009). However, there exist both challenges
and possibilities in changing to agile method like Scrum. Within system development Scrum
is described as a method that is more flexible compared to the traditional waterfall model
approach of system development. The development process of Scrum moves through
different stages like a relay race with one group of functional specialists passing the baton to
the next group (Takeuchi & Nonaka, 1975). Traditional system development projects often
move sequentially from phase to phase concept development, feasibility testing, product
design, development process, pilot production and final production. However, the
development process of Scrum is based on the fact that the delivery of the product is done on
a continual basis after each sprint in the Scrum process. In terms of process Scrum thus
adopts a different perspective and model compared to the traditional system development
methods, which gathers the delivery in the end of the project. Therefore, traditional methods
like the SDLC method is more rigid than Scrum that has a more flexible approach to
structure the development process.
Scrum is a type of method where the development processes are done together with
different stakeholders in order to highlight the challenges and issues from several different
aspects. This is achieved by handpicking the development team called the Scrum team. The
Scrum team will work in a close collaboration with the customer of the project to enhance the
flexibility and ensure that the given requirement is fulfilled according to the customers
expectations. Within the Scrum Team there exists a self-organizing and cross-functionality
team model (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2011). The team model in Scrum is designed to
emphasise the optimization of the development process to be flexible, creative and
productive. In the Scrum Team there are three different kind of stakeholders. The first
stakeholder is the product owner that has to make sure that each requested feature exist
within the product backlog of the product that will be used by the users. Basically the product
owner makes sure to steer the project into the right direction. The second stakeholder is the
Scrum master that is in charge of making sure that the project is following the given timeframe and that each team member has the necessary resources and tools to get their work
done (Bjrkholm & Brattberg, 2008). The Scrum master manages this by setting up
meetings, monitoring the work-progress and release-planning. The stakeholder's role of the
Scrum master resembles a lot like a traditional project manager, but the scrum master is
more like a serving-leader rather than a commander. The third stakeholder is all the different
actors with professional experience of building the product, basically the developers of the
The Scrum team follows different events that is based on time-boxing to ensure that each
event has a maximum duration. The events have been planned in advance to ensure that the
most appropriate amount of time on planning the development process, Scrum is less likely
to waste time within the planning process (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2011). Some of the tools
that are used by the development team to monitoring the process of Scrum are: whiteboards,
sprint task boards, release burn-down and different kind of software that can be used in the
development process. The events within the process of Scrum (See figure 1.1), are specifically
established to be able to give the Scrum team a critical transparency and inspect the
development process (Expertprogrammanagement, 2010). The risk of not accommodating
these events in the development process might result in a decreased transparency and losing
important possibilities to inspect and adapt requirements after the final product (Bjrkholm
& Brattberg, 2008).
The key part of the Scrum is the so-called Sprint. The Sprint is a time-boxed time specified
process of the actual development that can vary between 2-4 weeks. The sprint has as goal to
produce a "complete" product. Several sprints can exist within Scrum depending on how
extensive the system development project is. The Completed product is expected to be both
usable and potentially releasable product (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2011). During each sprint
there are a set of rules that should be followed:
The function of the sprint is to give a clear structure that emphasize transparency to show
the structure of the design increases the flexible within the development processes
(Bjrkholm & Brattberg, 2008). The sprint basically gives a structure to the process of
building the product, how to structure the work and what the expected outcome of the
product will look like. The sprint's special ability is to forecast different unexpected risks and
over-complexity that might arise during the development, which can result in time delays
and increased costs. The work during the sprint is done in five important events (See figure
1.2) namely; sprint planning meeting, daily Scrums, potentially shippable product, sprint
review and sprint retrospective (Gestwicki, 2011).
daily Scrum, which is conducted every day of the development process. Daily scrum is a 15minuted time-boxed meeting for the Development team to communicate and inspecting the
work since the last meeting (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2011). The meeting also gives the
chance of planning and forecast the work that has to be done before the next meeting
(Bjrkholm & Brattberg, 2008). The third event is the delivery of the potentially shippable
product increment. The fourth event is the Sprint Reveiw, which is an event created to
inspect the progress of the development and adapt the product backlog if there is a need for
that (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2011). The result of the Sprint review is a revised product
backlog that defines the problem of product Backlog items for the next sprint. The product
backlog may also be adjusted overall to meet new possibilities. The final event is the Sprint
Retrospective, which is involved after each completion of a sprint. During the Sprint
Retrospective the team is given a chance to discuss and inspect the development process
itself and propose ways to plan and improve the process (Schwaber & Sutherland, 2011). The
three reasons for the Sprint Retrospective is (1) to inspect how the last sprint went with
regard to people, relationship, process, tools (2) to identify and establish the major items
that went well and potential improvements; and lastly (3) to create a plan for implementing
the improvements after the way Scrum team conducts the work.
Research has shown that using Scrum do not just come with potential benefits but also
new challenges. In a literature review conducted by Hossain, Babar & Paik (2009), made a
systematic literature review about using Scrum in global software development. The authors
have used twenty different papers to review about the challenges with Scrum (Hossain et al.,
2009). The results of this literature review provided information that could be used to
understand the different challenge themes that may influence the development process by
restricting the use of Scrum practices. Moreover, this litterature review addresses how
project managers can benefit from the synthesized knowledge about different strategies that
can be used to deal with the identified challenges. In this review, the authors came to the
conclusion that there are three main themes of challenges: collaboration, coordination and
communication processes.
The first theme of challenges addresses the importance of collaboration in projects. The
origin of this problem might lie in the lacking effective collaborative tools, global task boards,
suitable bug and issue trackers and globally accessible backlog tool are also reported to be
challenging factors (Smith, 2007). Therefore, it is important that the documentation within
the project is done correctly. To maintain documentation has also increased team
collaboration processes while using Scrum practices (Vax & Michaud, 2008). This will help
the Scrum team to be able to manage the documentation in a way to avoid different
collaboration challenges that might arise in a Scrum team. The second theme of challenges
revolves around coordination, having a lacking and dysfunctioning coordination within a
Scrum teams might affect the development of the product in negatively ways, for example:
higher development cost, less efficient work, increasing sociocultural difference, etc.
(Williams & Stout, 2008). A way of making sure that these problems do not affect the Scrum
teams performance is to have efficient team management within the Scrum teams.
The team management has different strategies for managing large distributed teams that
uses Scrum to split into small manageable sub-teams (Paasivaara, Durasiewicz and
Lassenius, 2008). And, to monitoring the Scrum teams and their performance, by using
tools, for example, issue tracker (e.g. Jira), enterprise Wikis (e.g. Confluence), and project
management tool (e.g. Scrum works) to have a better documentation and project
transparency (Therrien, 2008). The last theme of challenges is how communication in Scrum
teams seem to be affected by cultural differences. With cultural differences comes problems
in communication will appear that often leads to miscommunication, misunderstandings or
even confusion amongst the team members of a Scrum team (Paasivaara et al., 2008). An
example of this challenge would be that the communication in the Scrum teams is not able to
conduct an effective retrospective meeting due to the socio-cultural distance involved in the
distributed project.
These challenges are products that the projects are missing adequate tools to support the
work, having a lacking coordination ability within the firm and finally that there does not
exist any formal communication channel might result in cultural differences. However, there
are different counter-strategies that can be used to reduce the different asynchronous
challenges that circuits around Scrum. One counter strategy is to reduce asynchronous
challenges by letting Scrum teams modify or extend existing Scrum practices to reinforce the
individual value of Scrum for the team. This would generate a unified understanding about
the use of Scrum within the team. Some examples of this would be to remove or add different
events, policies, etc. For example, having a local "mini-scrum" in the morning after a late
distributed scrum meeting might be very effective in reinforcing the value of a Scrum within
the local teams (Holmstrom, Fitzgerald, Agerfalk & Conchuir, 2006).
As a conclusion there exists different standard in-house agile techniques, which can be
used to distribute agile environment workload, while other techniques might require some
kind of modification like information sharing, documentation levels, communication
channels, status tracking & reporting and meeting frequency to avoid negative impact on the
Scrum team. As the related literature mentions, there exists a generalizing image of what the
features of agile methods are. However, extant research on ASDM does not to any great
extent investigate into detail how the implementations of an agile method like Scrum is
considered by the different stakeholders whose work is affected by it. Therefore, there are
different challenges and potentials that arise when implementing Scrum internally in firms.
This is a hollowness that this research will investigate.
3. Research method
This chapter describes the research process of this thesis in terms of research context, the
chosen method, data collection and procedures for data analysis. Consequently, the first
section describes the context of the research. The second section outlines and motivates the
choice of method and why the selection of a case study as method was adequate for research
case. The third section describes how the data collection was conducted. The fourth section
describes how the analysis procedure of the research was carried out. The final section is
about the methods limitations and strengths that concern this research.
use Scrum as the primary SDM. In the firm there are also several different Scrum teams that
follow the development method in ways that suit the needs and requirements of the Scrum
System development Corp have had a history of using various different SDM within the
firm. The methods that have been used: the Rational Unified Process (RUP) that is a more
traditional method, after that changing into a more agile approach by using the DSDM and
finally moving over to Scrum as SDM. In the beginning of 2012 the organization underwent a
major transition in switching from DSDM to Scrum. The transition of the method was made
a year ago and since then the organization has been using Scrum as SDM, when writing this
research. The changes of working with an SDM have affected the internal way of working
with system development in the firm. From going from clearly assigned position like project
manager, tester, developer, requirement manager etc. To have those assigned rolls gradually
being erased and working more tightly together in the Scrum team with various assignments.
This flatter and more flexible way of structuring the work in projects have involved working
closer together with customers in a different way than previously, by implementing the
customer more into the development process than before. Some of these changes have
affected the working environment by having a more open working-space, using several
different tools and techniques to monitoring the progress of work within the Scrum teams.
The different key stakeholders will be presented in detail in section 3.3 (data collection), the
people that have been interviewed about the challenges with Scrum have all different work
assignments and different positions within the firm.
the logic design, data collection techniques and specified procedures when conducting the
analysis of the data collected. This provided a more extensive explanation about the case's
specific social context that is under investigation (Yin, 2007). However, the case study as
method should not be considered to be a tactic of data collection or just a design feature
without imposing a research strategy (Stoecker, 1991).
The author Yin (2007) argues that the case study method makes it possible for the
researcher to maintain a holistic perspective to make a significant interpretation of real
events. Such events can for example be individual life cycles, firms management processes,
similar work of others in the same context, international relations and industries growth and
maturity. Within case studies different analytical levels or entities can exist. For example
investigating: individuals, groups, firms, etc,. In this research case studies analytical levels
focused on interviewing different individuals who were key stakeholders within the firm's
Scrum processes. These analytical levels or entities can be used in both case study
approaches, namely single- or multiple case study. The design of both types of case studies
can involve several levels or entities.
Using a single case study approach helped create a detailed understanding of how the
different respondents within the field viewed the use Scrum as a method. This type of
approach was appropriate since this case of System Development Corp could be seen as a
representative or typical case. Using the single case study approach helped create a detailed
understanding of how the different respondents viewed the circumstances and conditions
that are present in the ordinary or every day situation of system development projects. The
data collected was in the form of interviews, the respondents of the interview consisted of six
different key stakeholders. Each stakeholder had different roles in the system development
projects and experience with working with Scrum as method. This resulted that the
triangulation process facilitates that different findings of this research was able to be
complete the transcribed information there were also additional field-notes taken to
supplement about the people's behavior and other important factors which, affected the
Position within the firm
Length of
Assignment Manager
20 years
10 years
5 years
12 years
1 year
IT Architect
9 years
theoretical perspective, but also based on the collected empirical data. And, because of that it
is important to understand that this developmental procedure helped understand how data
should be interpreted from both a theoretical perspective and a practical perspective that has
been presented.
4. Results/analysis
This research has investigated how different stakeholders experience the challenges and
possibilities with Scrum. In general, the respondents have experienced the method Scrum as
a positive change of working with system development project. However, there are evidences
that show that there are also exists challenges experienced by the different respondents. The
result chapter is a gathered review of how the different stakeholders within the firm viewed
the challenges and possibilities that exist with Scrum and have been clustered together into
five themes.
stakeholders. In this kind of development project the Scrum teams is required to have a
working collaboration that is supported by various strategies, techniques and tools to work.
The head of system development described how the collaboration of different Scrum
teams are conducted and how the structure of the scrum team affects the development
"It's hard to say that it has entirely to do with the change of method how to
conduct a project, but you could say that the method makes the division of roles
become a little different than before. In a Scrum team a team member needs to
know a little bit of everything. This makes different types of demands on the skills
that we insert in the Scrum teams, if you are a specifically trained developer,
tester or project manager for example. Then, it becomes more difficult where to
place you within the firm of today then it was before when you had a need for
specific professional knowledge and experience. So I think this may have an
impact on the demand that the need for knowledge and experience has been
The head of the system development firm described that the change of SDM might not be
the only underlying reason for the changed structure of performing projects. However,
within the Scrum team there exist different ways of assigning specific tasks to specific roles.
In Scrum the development process emphasizes that each team member should have
experience and knowledge of each part of the development process that is performed, instead
of having a specific person responsible for each task. The development process is based on
the fact that each team member should be involved in the different stages of development.
The members of Scrum teams are required to have an overall knowledge about different
knowledge areas. This is a contrast compared to how the development processes were done
before when each person had been assigned to a specific role like: developer, tester,
requirement manager, project manager, etc. This way of structuring different roles makes it
difficult for the firm, which is working with SDM like Scrum to employ people that are more
specifically specialised on one role within a system development project. This basically
means that the people of a Scrum team is required to have an extensive resource of
knowledge to be able to work together and complete the given tasks. A similar statement that
was said by project manager for maintains/ HR-manager was:
"The border between different roles that existed in projects before, has now
become blurred when working with Scrum. Now the focus instead lies on the fact
that the group together will solve the tasks. So then it's good if people in the
Scrum teams have different experience, not that you as a developer only knows
how to develop. That makes your role inflexible within the Scrum team since
Scrum is about conducting the work together. There exists no need for having a
pure developer, tester, requirement manager, interaction designer, etc. These
kinds of borders between the roles are disappearing when working with Scrum.
Therefore, it is beneficial if you as a team-member for example know different
programming language since we have different products with different
The manager stated that the boundaries that exist between the different roles are being
erased. This means that the project team instead of having to solve different tasks
individually have to work together to solve them. Therefore, it is good if the Scrum team
members have a wide variety of knowledge and experience around working with system
development projects. This means that the Scrum team needs individuals who are not only
specialized in a single development role; instead the benefit is to be flexible within the team.
This makes the Scrum team more responsible for managing the given deadline together,
rather than a project manager would have if the manager had the full responsibility. But,
since the Scrum team has a more "flatter" hierarchy there is a need to have different utility
functions. For example, the manager mentions it is very benefiting if the team members of
the Scrum teams have knowledge about different programing languages. Having this utility
function enables the team to work more efficient than if the members should focus on being
specialized on only one programing language. This is supported by the IT Architect that
explained that the firms different Scrum teams are helped by Scrum as a method by creating
a wider knowledge sharing of different work tasks that exists in system development
In Scrum teams we focus on using risk diversification. This means that there is
not only one employee that has knowledge or experience to develop our GUI or
database for example. Instead, this means that we are trying to ensure that all
team members must be able to work with all sorts of tasks. That's a deliberate
strategy from our side and that means that the responsibility is something every
Scrum team must take themselves.
The IT Architect viewed that having a risk diversification makes the Scrum teams more
flexible and multifunctional when working with different tasks in system development
projects. The IT Architect explained that to us this way of risk diversification makes each of
the Scrum teams member required to have knowledge and experience about everything that
is being developed within system development projects. System Development Corp have
made this choice deliberately. Because of that the responsibility of how the knowledge
sharing will be done is to be decided by is each specific Scrum team. Another topic similar to
sharing knowledge was given by the developer/tester. This person mentioned how the
collaboration within Scrum stresses around the people within the Scrum team.
"It's easier to gather around the board every morning, which makes you get this
personal contact by just asking: How are you today? It is important that it
becomes a social thing to gather at the whiteboard and talk it through. "
The developer/tester described that the collaboration around Scrum is something that is
influenced by the personal contact that exists within the Scrum team. The person also
described how the social aspects of system development is affecting the process, by asking
questions about the team members well-being. The system development process evolves
from being an individual task given assignments to becoming a collaboration process that is
affected by other social aspects that revolve around the Scrum team members.
Another thought that was given by the assignment manager emphasised on how the
collaboration when using Scrum is affected by using a unified terminology.
"We get a unified terminology that can be used together with pair programming,
which is a thing we do here. The development process becomes more associated
with quality also because we are at the same time learning from each other,
which is important. When humans sit together and do something, not only do we
learn from each other, but the solution's quality is also improving within the
team. This will result on the fact that the progress of the project will go further
ahead if you work together rather than if you sit alone and work. "
The assignment manager viewed that the unified terminology that is being used within the
different Scrum teams can be used when doing pair programming for example. This basically
means that by having a common unified terminology the Scrum team can implement various
different techniques that can help increase the efficiency of the team, paired programming is
one of those techniques. However, the uses of techniques and other various tools are not the
only way of improving the efficient of the Scrum team. The Assignment manager also tried to
explain that another important factor helps the team to increase the quality of the work.
That is to help the team members of the Scrum team to learn from each other. When the
Scrum team are sitting together working with the different tasks, the team members are
learning from each other and this increases the quality of the solutions that are being
developed. Basically the assignment manager is saying that rather than sitting alone without
anybody to talk and discuss the problem with. The progress of the work will not increase as
fast as it would when the developers are sitting together with the team members and work on
the tasks together.
A summarization of this section states that the collaboration within the Scrum team is
something that has affected the hierarchy, roles, techniques, tools, ways of working together
and learning from each other within the Scrum team.
We have a tool called Jira that is our task management system. All measures
done is reported by JIRA. All kinds of measures are registered as a task in JIRA.
We also handle the projects with JIRA by creating errands within them, and then
the projects are divided into a number of tasks. Everything that is handled passes
through the JIRA. Besides that, it is our whiteboards that we mainly use as tools
within the Scrum teams.
As the assignment manager explains JIRA and the whiteboards are the two tools that are
used in the firm to support the communication and enhance the coordination of the progress
of the work. JIRA is the SCMS that is used within the firm to monitor and handle the
different errands that are sent by the customers. Within JIRA each project is downsized to
smaller manageable pieces and are chosen to be distributed to the different Scrum teams that
exist in the firm. All different errands passes through JIRA are visible to all the different
Scrum teams. The Seconed tool mentioned by the manager is the whiteboards that are also
used in the development process. Since these are the two tools that are most commonly used
by all of the different Scrum teams to monitoring and handle different errands.
The Scrum Master/team manager viewed that there exist benefits of using JIRA
compared to using the whiteboards for coordinating different stakeholders.
"JIRA is good for our business, for product owners because they can follow the
progress of our sprint. That saves time in a different way than using whiteboards.
Once the board has been cleared away from the post-it, written text and notes,
then the information is gone and you can often never re-create the scheme that
had previously existed. While with JIRA you can go back to the old sprints and
see how the planning of the sprint was structured."
The Scrum master/team manager considered JIRA to be a tool to enhance the
coordination with the different stakeholders of the development process and to update the
progress of the development processes during the projects lifetime. The manager viewed that
JIRA is able to be more efficient compared to the whiteboard, in the aspect that JIRA is able
to store and retrieve information about the changes that have been made during the projects
lifetime. The benefit with JIRA compared to the whiteboard is that the whiteboard is not able
to store and access information that has been written on the board. While, in JIRA the user
can have access to all stored information about the structures and changes that have been
done during the project. However, the developer/tester explained that the use of whiteboards
have other benefits compared to only using digital tools. The whiteboards are used within the
firm because the whiteboard offers possibilities that cannot be achieved with only using
digital coordination tools like JIRA that are based on software, but instead can be archived
by using whiteboards.
The tester/developer stated that the use of whiteboards have other benefits that needs to
be taken into consideration that the digital tools cannot achieve. And, since the way that the
different Scrum teams apply different aspects of Scrum to support the way of working with
development projects the teams are able to use resources that they seem to fit in the system
projects. The Scrum team where the developer/tester is stationed has chosen to use the
whiteboard that supports their internal coordination better then using digital tools. However,
some of the benefits with using whiteboard and one challenging aspect with having a
whiteboard that has been noted by the head of system development.
One thing that I think about whiteboards is that it becomes very easy to visualize
the progress of the project. The effort of each employee's contribution becomes
very clear to the other members of the project. What I mean is that when you have
a stand up meeting and receive tasks to share and everyone sees after a while
who it is that takes many tasks and who takes the least tasks. This thing with
personal effectiveness becomes very visible in a different way than before, so it's
also a new type of challenge to manage.
The head of the system development viewed that the use of whiteboards within the
different Scrum teams have many different benefits. The first benefit was that the use of
whiteboards helps the Scrum team to have a more visual and clear understanding on what
stage the project is on. The second benefit was that it becomes easy to see which team
member contribute the most with the projects tasks in the project. This makes the
development process and the identification on every different members work in the project
more transparent, which helps the coordination within the Scrum team becomes more
efficient. However, this also leads to a challenge that the head of system development have
noticed and that is that the personal efficiency of each team members within the Scrum team
becomes more transparent. A new kind of challenge that did not exist within the old way of
conducting development project has appeared.
RUP that is very centered around the risks within projects, while Scrum is more
focused on business values in the projects. These different philosophical grounds
are what I think are the difference between the two methodologies approaches,
and that is also what is the key to Scrums efficiency.
As explained by the IT Architect the traditional methods have a greater focus on risk
management in projects. Scrum that has an origin from agile methodologies, is more focused
on the business values rather than the risk management aspects of project. The IT Architect
compares the two different methodologies and explain that the difference between the two
methods lie in their respective philosophical approach where both methods originate from.
To know the origin of the methods helps enhance understanding of the method. That the
philosophical ground is what makes Scrum to be so efficient. The Scrum Master/team
manager explains that Scrum relies on an understandable communication within the Scrum
team and that the benefit of having a more unified communication.
"The key-benefit with Scrum is to have this kind of framework that enables
everyone to know what is expected because we work in the same context, we use
the same language with each other, which makes the development more flexible."
The Scrum master/team manager explains that a main benefit within Scrum is that the
method relies on a close communication. Scrum is also able to provide a sort of framework
each team member can lean on when needed. And, by having this framework the team is able
to have a better communication channel that is supported by the common terminology. The
terminology becomes useful when the Scrum team is working within the same context of the
project. It makes the communication and work more efficient than if the team members
would not have the same terminology.
The Project manager for maintenance/HR experienced the effects of the Scrum to make
the communication for the Scrum team as positive.
"It is better than if several people are involved and think because you get a lot of
more ideas on how to develop tasks better. The development becomes much more
based on how the Scrum team does its work, rather than if a few members of a
management team would decide how the Scrum team should do its work.
The Project manager for maintenance/HR experienced that by having more people
involved with generating ideas to increase the efficient of the Scrum team. This is done by the
Scrum team members by sharing their insight on how things should be reconfigured to
support the Scrum team better. This way the ideas revolves around the actual practice of how
Scrum team is doing their work. The people that are giving their ideas are actually the
members of the Scrum teams that are working with Scrum as a method. This is done instead
of a group of manager that perhaps do not have a good insight of the work procedures should
manage the structure of work of how the Scrum team conducts their works.
An example of more how the communication was done more practical, was given by the
system developer/tester.
"You do not call someone, you do not need to send mail, but instead can you have
testers besides you, which is good because that person can notice something that I
might have overlooked. Then, the tester only needs to tell me that this does not
look good and show on his/her screen what is needed to be corrected. And, since
"One of the challenges with Scrum is that the method does not mention anything
about projects from an HR perspective. In earlier projects this was included in
the role of the project manager where you should think of the staff and other
related factors. Within Scrum however, the role of Scrum Master does not
pronounce how the HR questions should be handled, how to give feedback to the
staff and how to manage the issues that might arise within the project. These
kinds of questions are also not mentioned in Scrum's framework. The Scrum team
has to deal with these issue themselves and that's challenging sometimes. "
The project manager for maintenance/HR viewed that one of the bigger challenges with
Scrum as a method when used in system development projects, does not mention how a
project would be conducted from a HR view. Within the system development projects that is
influenced by the more traditional approach the person that was in charge of dealing with the
HR questions was the project manager. The manager was responsible to think about the
well-being of the development team and other related topics. However, now when using
Scrum the manager has no given guidelines how the HR questions should be handled and by
who. Also, other questions that are related to this topic is how the team should be able to give
feedback to each others and how the team should manage these issues that are related to HR.
And, since the questions are not mentioned in Scrum as a method the team has to handle
themselves in the way they are experiencing being the best approach, which can be seen as a
challenge with Scrum.
As a summary of this section viewed that the different stakeholders experienced many
benefits with having a common terminology, a close communication within Scrum teams,
and a direct communication with fellow colleagues. However, the challenges presented
related that the HR questions need to be structured in some way for the Scrum team to be
able to improve growth potential of each individual member.
When investigating how the practical use of the method Scrums was viewed by the different
stakeholders there existed a general unified viewed Scrum as a sort of support unit that helps
the Scrum teams to facilitate their tasks by structuring work procedure in systems
development projects. But, there also existed different practical areas of use where Scrum
could be applied. The general view was that Scrum worked like a sort of framework that
could support the system development process. The respondents also described that they
liked that they could add or remove different parts of Scrum to adapt to their given work
situation. The quote below is from the Assignment manager who gives an explanation that
the practical aspects of the Scrum might differ between the different Scrum teams that are
using Scrum since the way of applying the method, depending on how the Scrum has been
assembled together.
"For me Scrum is a support unit and also a framework to relate to, by making
sure that everyone knows what is expected of one another. Scrum simplifies the
existence of everyone if all have the view of how we should work together, so you
do not have to reinvent the wheel again and again. Except that we know that
we're working like this and we do it because we think it will be an easier and
better way of working. So when a new person comes into the team it's pretty
important to explain how we apply Scrum."
Like the assignment manager the Scrum Master/Project manager also explained Scrum as
a sort of support and framework that is used to unify a set of rules that can help the scrum
team to avoid repeating the same processes in the development. The Scrum teams need to be
aligned each specific project using different strategies. The Scrum master also emphasis that
it is useful to have a framework when a new person is being implemented in an existing
Scrum teams. However, in that case it is also very important to explain to the person what
differs the specific Scrum teams work procedures of working compared to other Scrum
Every respondent that was interviewed viewed the method as a framework and support
unit for their work assignments by having something to structure the work after. Also, having
the same understanding of how to structure the work created a common set of rules that can
be followed when working. These seems to be very beneficial for the different Scrum teams
when implementing new personal.
A challenge that was noted by the project manager for maintenance/HR was that since the
assignment of projects of today is split up the project into smaller manageable tasks to
different Scrum teams this makes the development process harder to create a general image
of how the project is going on.
"A challenge that exists when we are distributing the work between different
teams. For example, in our projects we spread out all the activities to different
Scrum teams. The challenge is to still keep the project together. Earlier when you
put together a project you received the entire project track of what was done
within the project. Now on the other side, we have sprints where everything ends
up in the different groups, so that is also a challenge. The benefit of this approach
is that we can focus on a project. We can now take on a specific part of the
project really early and work all the assignments of project on the same time, so
that's a big potential benefit as well.
The challenge is to maintain the holistic perspective of the project together with all the
other Scrum teams that are being assigned with different tasks. Each Scrum team does not
have the same set of procedure to follow. So there might exist some miss-alignments on how
the work procedure will be performed. This manager also comment that there exist benefit
with having a set of structured guidelines to follow. The manager describes that the benefit is
that the project can start really early and that their work is done in parallel with other areas
of development.
The general image of the practical aspects of Scrum was that it can both function as a
support unit or framework for the different stakeholders to lean on when conducting their
different work assignments. However, one of the challenges that was articulated was noted
when using Scrum differently within different Scrum teams. However, there is a possibility
that the wide holistic perspective of the project might decrease for each specific Scrum team.
And, that the assignment of different development tasks are being distributed to different
Scrum teams that follow a custom made Scrum approach.
"Earlier we followed DSDM until a year ago. Then we had the project teams you
had to put a number of resources that should be involved in the project. The
typical project often involved a representative of the customer that helped ensure
the requirements, a developer, a tester and lastly a project manager. The way of
following projects was more traditionally really. First the project started with a
start-up meeting, then after a plan was structured, the requirements of project
was written and when the documentation was done it began. And, when the
development was finished the product was tested and verify after the given
requirements of the project. This was done to get more people from the business
to look at the solutions if they approved the product, then it was delivered. The
delivery date was often decided long in advance; it has become a bit different
compared of today. "
The assignment manager experienced that using the DSDM method, that also is an agile
method, was more influenced toward a more traditional system development approach. That
emphasised more on having roles and a structured plan to follow. The delivering date was
set long in advance and get the at the product in the end of the project, which is little
different with Scrum, which also has a set date of devlivery, but the delivery of the product is
done incrementally after each sprint. That makes it possible for the customer to follow the
progress of the process.
This perspective was also shared by the Project manager for maintains/HR-manager that
described the transition from DSDM to Scrum in this way:
"The method we used before was called DSDM that also was an agile method, but
not in the same way as Scrum. Scrum is really more structured around having
meetings every morning and you will be working in various tasks. With DSDM on
the other side we worked more structured than we do today. DSDM was more
influenced by the waterfalls model. I also think there are very few people who
adopt a method to the same extent as today. Instead, we pick the parts that work
and use them method, right now, we use a large part of Scrum, a larger part of
Scrum than we did with DSDM earlier."
The project manager for maintains/HR-manager explained that the transition from
DSDM to Scrum has involved different structures that the DSDM had. A difference is that
Scrum focuses more on how meetings between different stakeholders who are involved in the
project is handled differently and meetings are more structured than before. The project
manager for maintains/HR-manager experience that DSDM was more structured towards
the traditional waterfall development model than it is today within the development stages.
The manager has also viewed that the use and adoptions of development methods are not
applied to the same extent as the formal view of the method is explained. Since the Scrum
team where the project manager works on have adopted specific parts of Scrum and exclude
some parts that do not fit the managers Scrum team. The procedure of Scrum have been
adjusted to a further length than the development process was done while using DSDM as
method. Another thing that was viewed by the IT Architect was how the process of defining
requirements in Scrum was seen as a weakness of the method.
One thing when you compare Scrum with RUP where you have a very clear
defined requirements process in Scrum does not exist. In Scrum the requirements
process more ad hoc based and I experience it as a weakness.
The IT Architect compared how Scrum and the more traditional SDM RUP differed. One
weakness that was viewed by the IT Architect was how the requirements process is
structured. When establishing requirements the RUP method was experienced to be more
clearly structured than the requirement process of Scrum. In Scrum the IT Architect
experienced that the establishment of requirement process is more unplanned and that
sometimes can be seen as a weakness. Another respondent viewed that the transition from
DSDM to Scrum had affected how the Scrum team establishing requirements had been
affected by the transition. The respondent in this case is the Scrum Master/Team manager
viewed that the process of establishing the requirement have been changed compared to how
it was before.
"Before, the customer could say that the firm should develop the requirements or
the customer could say I want to have this system and so then I wrote the
requirements and juggled it back and forth between the customer and asking: is
this the way you want it? The answers could be: Ah this and that, but not that.
Today the customer has the role of being product owner, which has to follow the
development process all the time in the project. Getting all the stakeholders
implemented in the development process is little bit challenging."
The Scrum Master/Team manager emphasised that the transition have implemented the
customer more within the process of establishing the requirements. Previously a one way
communication existed where, questions are exchanged between groups and customer. This
way of communication could be seen as something that is hampering the efficiency of
establishing the requirements since the development team does not have a structural
communication with the customer. However, the Scrum Master/Team manager viewed that
the customer is more involved in Scrum process of today, since the customer that is called
the product owner is the person who is updated of the progress of the whole development
process. The Scrum master/team manager also points out that there is a challenge with
synchronizing every stakeholder that exists within the Scrum process. Another person that is
also mentioning how the requirements establishing process have been affected by the
transition from moving away from the traditional approach. Becoming more influenced by
the Scrum approach is the head of the system development firm. This person is comparing
the more traditional approach of developing system compared to the agile method Scrum.
This challenge is something that the head of the system development firm is also mentioning
during an interview.
"One of the challenges with Scrum when compared to using traditional systems
development methods is that you have the plan that extends quite far in the future.
And, the development process often involves many people who want to know what
to do and what will happen in the next step. Scrum is a type of method that is
unclear when dealing with those questions and sometimes I feel that the person
that is ordering the product, views Scrum as a method where the person doesn't
The aim with this research was to investigate what kind of challenges and possibilities there
are with using Scrum as an SDM. This research has used a single case study approach to
investigate this research area by interviewing different key stakeholders within System
Development Corp. The findings of this research confirmed to earlier mentioned research of
the challenges and potentials with Scrum in the related research literature section (2.2). This
research has presented findings that confirm the challenges with Scrum can be connected to
three clustered theme. This research has also found two additional new theme of challenges
that relates to Scrum as a support unit and the transition from other methods to scrum,
which the previous research does not mention. Using the single case study research
approach, this research has identified different challenges that can both relate to previous
research and the emergence of other challenges with Scrum in this case. This research
contributes to help understanding Scrum as a method for system development by both
confirming previous research and also presenting new findings about the area of system
employees might have a hard time deal with using a Scrum as method that is adjusted
specifically against the firms Scrum teams preferences. These preferences of the team might
build on a development process that has been refined over the years of both knowledge and
experience. That adjustment to the method could therefore be seen as a challenging obstacle
for new employees and also affects the Scrum teams by having a more narrowed holistic
perspective about how the firm handles development projects since the project divided into
smaller manageable tasks for the Scrum teams to handle. Which, is one of the features that
agile software development stresses on the quality of the product (Highsmith & Cockburn,
2001). This challenge can be seen as a paradox that contradicts itself, as well as saying that
agile methods must be adapted to the development team to work for best practices. However,
this creates problems for new employees to be established within the development team as it
exists unofficial rules to follow to be synchronized with the other stakeholders involved in
development work.
This is perhaps the possible effect why the demand for people with expanded competence
in Scrum teams are preferred to people with expertise knowledge within the firm. To have
Scrum team with broad expertise makes that the members of the Scrum team can adapt to
various kinds of tasks within a system development project. This basically boosts the
efficiency of the Scrum team. However, with these kinds of requirement on members
competence in the Scrum teams could be seen as a paradox. For example, if the requirement
for increased competence were too escalate over the course of time. This could possibly result
in the expertise of different knowledge areas that have been built up within the firm will
gradually decrease, which could result in the company losing valuable specialised knowledge
that has been built up over the years.
In earlier research it is stated that developers should try to adapt the method that is used
after the system development project preferences (Abrahamsson et al, 2003). This way of
adapting the method after the project is also supported in the agile methods philosophy that
says it is to prioritize the development to adjust the method after the changes that might
arise within the development, rather than trying to follow a planned process (Bjrkholm &
Brattberg, 2008). This may result that Scrum can be considered a method that can be
applied in many possible ways within the firm's various Scrum team. The advantage of this
procedure is that the method can adapt specifically to the Scrum team that uses the method.
Adaptation of method can be a matter of adding or replacing certain events, policies, etc. to
adapt the method for Scrum team's preferences. This means that Scrum can be seen as a kind
of abstract meta-method that really can be applied in any way. A meta-method is developed
for a specific purpose, so-called specification techniques that allow to use is specifically
limited. The problem of meta-method is that the method is not suitable to use in all
situations since the method has been designed specifically after a given situation or process.
A counter strategy to ensure that the use of the method is clearly defined is to have a proper
documentation on how to use the method and in, which context the method is intended for.
This can be seen as a sort of custom designed framework for the adoption of the metamethod should be executed. However, there is a risk that the custom designed framework
will not be documented since there is no person who is responsible for the documentation. If
there are no general guidelines on how it is structured or how implementation processes are,
the method might present a risk for novice users. This can create problems for firms that are
hiring new employees. This basically means that the so-called meta-method can act like a
barrier that is important to keep in mind when the firm is employing new staff.
The second challenge that has been discovered existing in the firm involves how the
transition of using Scrum in the firms have created implications on the development process.
One of these implication is how the contact with the customers and developers have changed
compared to the traditional system development approach (Beck, et al, 2001). Having closer
contact with the customer makes it important for the Scrum team to emphasize that the
customers realise that they are playing a more important role in the development process
than within the traditional approache. Some of the key stakeholders have experienced that
when establishing requirements the customer can sometimes be biased when using Scrum as
development method. The potential challenge that has been noticed by some key
stakeholders is how to implement the customer in system development projects. Previously
when using methods influenced by the traditional system development approach, where the
customer did not have the same important role as today. When using methods based on
traditional system development methods, the customer just needed to hand over the
requirements of the project to the developers and answer some questions during the project
life-time. Today the customer has the role to follow the development process all the time
during the life-time of the project.
This is an interesting topic of discussion since this type of development approach might
not be compatible with every type of customer. It is a given fact that there exist
communication software that allows the Scrum team to have a connection with the customer
on various geographical location. Some of these softwares are applications like Adobe
connect, Skype, etc. However, these kinds of communication software may not always convey
the relevant information required. Missing information within the development will have
implications of not having a structured process of requirement establishment from the
customer. Scrum has no explicit about how these requirement processes to be performed or
structured. The missing of structure around the requirement makes the customer
responsibilities for structuring the requirements. What are the customer supposed to do if
the customer does not have time to participate in the development process? Are they suppose
to present some kind of external representatives to deal with this? This kind of development
might then involve more and more external stakeholders that might make the goal of the
project to escalate. Some of these questions cannot be answered by this research, but this
research might instead provide some thoughts to reflect around the implication of not having
a structured requirement structure.
To sum up this section one of the possible explanation of the challenges with Scrum is that
in some cases when using Scrum there might exist too much iteration that makes the
development process hard to handle. However, there are also a possibilities with the roles
borders being. If enables the different participants in the project to meet more frequently.
This contributes to a more efficient way of handling the project if unexpected obstacles would
show up. A way to deal with these challenges could be to investigate literature that is related
to how to deal with different network forms in firms, e.g. (Powell, 1990).
6. Conclusions
This research has investigated what kind of challenges and possibilities there are within a
firm that is relying on Scrum as its system development method. The investigation focused
on different development processes that exist when working with Scrum in a specific firm.
One of the aims was to investigate if the previously mentioned challenges in literature existed
within the firm and also whether there could emerge challenges that is not mentioned in
previous related literature. This was done by interviewing six different key stakeholder that
on a daily basis is affected by the use of Scrum as a development method within the firm. In
general, this research have shown that there is a positive attitude towards using Scrum in the
firm. However, the key stakeholders also reported that there are some challenges around
using Scrum in system development projects. The findings of this research has shown that
the clustered themes of challenges with Scrum that is presented in the previous related
literature in chapter (2.0) can be confirmed. Furthermore, this research also present two
additional challenges that have emerged using Scrum in a specific firm. In summary this
research have shown what kind of challenges there are with using Scrum from different key
stakeholder views. These challenges that were discovered was connected to five different
themes: collaboration, coordination, communication, Scrum as a support unit and transition
processes revolving around Scrum.
As a conclusion this research viewed that the system development method Scrum is not a
magical silver bullet that is able to solve every problem in any kind of situation without any
implication. Instead, Scrum could be seen as a multi tool that is able to deal with most of
various unexpected challenges and issues that might happen within a system development
project. However, there are always exists trade-offs when designing a multi tool the designer
often stands in font a typically design decision. Whether the multi tools design should
empathise on being used in specific situation or just be able to facilitate everyday tasks.
This is the same kind of dilemma the Scrum team is experiencing when adapting Scrum
as system development method. How to know when the adaption of the method should be
based on generalization in a project or when there is a need to adapt the method after
specialized process of the system development projects. Therefore, I suggest that there is a
need for further research on investigating how Scrum as a system development method
should be adapted in system development projects.
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Interview guide
The focus of this study is to investigate the view of use of system development. The outline in
this research is to investigate different perspective around different stakeholders view on the
use of system development methodologies.
Rights of the person being interveiw
The respondent has the choice to stop the interview whenever he/she wants, there will be no
question about the reason of why the interview was stopped.
Information about each respondent will be coded to not knowing who the respondent is. The
information that will be mentioned in the research will be the level of education of the
respondent, years of experience, years within organization and the length of the interview.
No other person than me will be able to use the recorded material and the notes that have
been written during this conversation of the respondent and interviewers. This material will
be stored in a place where no one else will have access.
Interview Questions:
What is your job role within your firm ?
What kind of background do you have?
The time of your experience of your work?
Can you describe how a typical workday looks for you?
How does this affect your work role in the use of Scrum, why are you using system
development methods in your work?
How do you see the use of Scrum, why do you see them in this perspective?
Can you describe a typical system development project that your firm performs? What is that
process like, what job roles are involved, and so on. Why is it structured this way? Do you use
different methodologies, technologies in various stages of development?
With your work role what is the biggest difficulties/strengths of using Scrum, Why do you
think so?
How did you use the methods and techniques in the past, do you have any noticeable change
of any effect. Why do you think it has changed? What are the advantages / disadvantages of
How do you see the benefits and disadvantages of using Scrum in such projects, why do you
think you look at them through that perspective?
How do you Scrum, such as you see it as a tool that helps in practical situations, or more
formal guidelines how the system development process should go to, why do you think so?
What type / types of systems development methodologies do you use within your firm?
How is Scrum within your firm, why are they used that way ?
How does Scrum add value to your firm, why does Scrum create a value for your firm?
How is the collaboration with other people's job roles by using Scrum, why do you think the
colloboration in done like this?
How can the use of Scrum be challenging within the firms context you are working in, why
can it be seen as provocative?