3 1b-PhotoelectricEffectNotes
3 1b-PhotoelectricEffectNotes
3 1b-PhotoelectricEffectNotes
Lecture Objectives
Identify and describe the photoelectric
Recall the dependence of the
photoelectric attenuation coefficient
on atomic number and energy
Effects of
a. Complete absorption
b. Elastic scattering
5 interactions
Classical scatter
(1b) Atomic electrons/Elastic scatter
Photoelectric effect
(1a) Atomic electrons/Complete absorption
Compton scatter
(1c) Atomic electrons/Inelastic scatter
Pair production
(3a) Electric field/Complete absorption
Photonuclear disintegration
(2a) Nucleons/Complete absorption
Energy of photoelectron
Energy of photoelectron given by
Ee = h - Eb
For soft tissue, Eb approximately 0.5 keV, so most
photon energy transferred to photoelectron
Energy of photoelectron
Recoil energy of target atom nearly 0, so
essentially all kinetic energy goes into
Characteristic x-rays
If inner-shell electron is ejected, filling
vacancy results in emission of
characteristic x-ray
Theoretical treatments
Exact solutions difficult and tedious
Need tools of relativistic quantum
Energy dependence
Plot / vs energy on log-log plot
Straight line implies that / (h)-n
Energy dependence
In particular, / falls about 3 orders of magnitude per
order of magnitude of energy, so n approximately
equal to 3
88 keV
16 keV
Z dependence
Attenuation coefficient much higher for Pb than for
3 orders of magnitude change in coefficient for 1 order of
magnitude change in Z (water Z=7.5, Pb Z = 82)
Z dependence
Experimentally / Zn, where n is approximately 3
for high Z materials and closer to 3.8 for low Z
Summary of dependences
Combining proportionalities, we get
/ Z3/(h)3
Photoelectric absorption most
probable at low energies and high Z
Angular dependence
At low energies, photoelectron ejected
near 90 relative to incident photon
Incident photon is electromagnetic wave
Induced motion of electron is in direction of
electric field transverse
Angular dependence
Conservation of momentum
Whenever h >> Eb, KE h
But, rest mass of electron is finite
Electron momentum > photon
Need recoil atom to achieve
momentum conservation
Additional radiation
Ejected photoelectron leaves
vacancy behind
Auger electron energy deposited in
immediate vicinity of interaction
Characteristic x-ray energy deposited
near, but not adjacent to interaction
Photoelectric effect involves bound
Probability of ejection maximum if photon
has just enough energy to eject electron
from shell
Mass attenuation coefficient varies
inversely as cube of photon energy
Mass attenuation coefficient varies
directly as cube of atomic number
In tissue, energy transferred is
approximately equal to energy
absorbed, i.e., very little energy
Characteristic x-ray absorbed locally
No scattered photons