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Kingdom News

Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever.… (Matt. 6:13)
Volume 2, Issue 2 February 2008

The Leadership Corner

Words Leadership Living, Inc.
If we are to prevail with God, we must govern our
tongue. We must be a guardian of our “words.” It is
Increase Your Leadership Ability by
critical that we be especially judicious about the things Learning Something New
we say about God; about Jesus Christ; about our fellow
man; and about our selves.

“Why our “words?” you ask; “Is not the heart more
telling of our character and integrity?” Most certainly, Often, when we think of leaders we envision
our heart is far more telling of our true character and people who “stand out in the crowd.” They seem
integrity. But we are better at reading our “words,” to know who they are and what they want. They
than we are at discerning our own heart. The heart command respect and exhibit a presence that is
gives birth to our thoughts; our words are simply the
off-springs of this conception. Our thoughts become
either words or actions; or both. One would be hard
pressed to find a person whose thoughts are not a most We may recognize these behaviors and traits in
vivid reflection of the condition of their heart. They people we consider to be great leaders. I will
may not “own up to it;” but they cannot, in all honesty, submit, however, that there are also other sides of
deny it. these same leaders that most people don’t get to
observe. People who are tenured leaders would tell
But how does one govern the heart? Well … if a person us that they are also students.
wanted to study a very fine, intricate piece of artwork,
the natural inclination would be to bring it into the In order to be effective at whatever we choose to
light. And so it is with the heart. It is in the light of undertake, we must continually educate ourselves
God’s word, that the condition of the heart is
about the environments that we operate in. This
discovered. Not just by reading the word, but by
applying its truths to the heart, by faith. (More on this
may mean we need to take a class on a particular
topic, get a mentor, or do some research. Effective
Words Continued on page 2 leaders are focused on learning. They know that in
order to exude the confidence that is associated
with being a solid leader, they must command a
INSIDE THIS ISSUE certain amount of knowledge regarding the areas
they assert themselves to be experts in.
1 Words

1 Leadership … Learning Something New Let’s talk a little about being an “expert.” What
exactly does this mean; and is it necessary that a
3 Journey to Intimacy leader be an expert in something? In Webster’s
5 Summary Leadership Continued on page 2

Kingdom News February 2008

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Leadership Continued from page 1 Words Continued from page 1

New World Dictionary (Second Edition), it says in the days to come.) For now, let’s consider the
that an expert is someone who is skillful and/or importance of governing our words.
well informed about a particular topic. As
believers we are to utilize our areas of influence Consider the following:
to show forth the wisdom and truths of God, in
Have you ever gone on a diet program (or
our environments. This principle is in line with knew someone who had); where you were
the scripture that says we are “living epistles” supposed to monitor the number of calories
read of all men. When people interact with us, you consumed? And perhaps the first few
they should experience a sense of joy; be weeks, at the end of each day (or two) you
refreshed, empowerment, or some other attribute would say “oh, I haven’t had that much to eat.”
of the Father. We then are experts at manifesting But when you went to weigh in, the scales told
the principles of God. a quite different story. You were frustrated and
exclaimed that surely “diets don’t work; it’s no
We honor God, when we are committed to being use; I’ll stop trying; I’m wasting my time!”
knowledgeable about the environments in which The facilitator of the program said, “well don’t
give up just yet, show me your nutrition
we operate (i.e. areas of responsibility, topics of
journal.” You smiled shyly and said, “I don’t
interest, activities we participate in, and/or have one.” The facilitator says, “Perhaps, this
people we plan to vote for, etc.). Sharp is the real source of your defeat.” “What ever
leadership skills are attractive; they wield do you mean by that?” you ask. The facilitator
influence. goes on to show, that without a nutrition
journal you can only guess at how many
I encourage you to make a plan this year to learn calories you actually consumed. By this time,
something new. When you do this, you are able you are furious, “I know what I eat each day!
to offer your new found knowledge to God to How can I not know how many calories I
use in His master plan. Learn something consume?” you say. The facilitator, says,
interesting and watch God use it to bless you and “Perhaps, but if you want to be successful at
the people around you. this effort, wouldn’t you rather be certain that
you’re going about this the right way?” “Of
course,” you sigh. The facilitator directs you to
What’s more exciting is that when God uses carry a nutrition journal and chart everything
your knowledge, it brings Him glory. It does so that goes into your mouth for the next two
because all knowledge that exists comes from weeks. You comply. And at the next meeting,
God, therefore, when we seek knowledge, we are you come in and sit at the back of the room.
actually seeking to know more about God. When When the facilitator approaches you, she
we understand this, we are able to glorify God as almost has to wrench the nutrition journal from
we increase our knowledge and as we share it your hands. Meanwhile she would ask, “How
with others. did you do?” You don’t speak, you let her
review the prior two weeks’ entries in total
silence. The facilitator says, “Now you see
[] LL [] what I mean?” You ask, “How could I have
been so far off?” She goes on to tell you that
over time the mind develops “filters,”
Leadership Living, Inc. “assumptions,” “justifications.” Sometimes
Joyce M. White, MSW – CEO these “filters” help us to cope; other times they
enable us to hide (obscuring our perception of
reality). And if we do not demand
accountability of ourselves; we never identify
For additional information you may contact
just where these filters exist. We never identify
us at [email protected] how they sabotage our ability to accomplish

our goals.”

Kingdom News February 2008

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Words Continued from page 2

as certainly are we to look, with anticipation for

So it is with our “words.” Some of us want a rich, them. Here His words create.
meaningful relationship with God, we really do. Yet, we
persist in practices that sabotage our ability to Deuteronomy 30:11-14 (KJV paraphrased) says that
accomplish this goal. We do not make ourselves the word of God is very near to you. It affects what
accountable. Perhaps, sometimes, we do this because we you say and it can govern your heart so that you can
really don’t want to know how bad things are. Other do what He says. Here His word directs.
times, we don’t want to be responsible for having to
Matthew 12:36-37 (KJV by reference) says …that
change. The old adage, “what you don’t know won’t
every idle word that men speak; shall be accounted
hurt you;” couldn’t be farther from the truth, in this case.
for in the Day of Judgment. For by our words we will
be justified and by them we will be condemned.
“Okay, so you are saying to me that I have an obligation
Here His word warns.
to guard or monitor my “words?” you ask. Confirmed;
we are required to govern not only our “words;” but our Please do not think these words too strong. Our own
“use of words.” The words we use; the words we refrain judicial system espouses the same belief (regarding
from using and the intent of our use of words; all the use of words); which is why we are obliged to
disclose what’s in our heart. They affect our relationship take an oath before giving testimony. You’ve heard
with God and others, for better or for worse. that whatever you say, under oath; in a court of law
can be used against you. We’ve accepted the notion
Words can be used to:
that it’s okay for man to condemn us, by our words.
But the fact that God has told us that our use of
• Give or take words either praise or condemn us; this we disallow.
• Create or destroy
• Direct or obscure I would admonish you to give it some consideration.
• Warn or condemn Words are very strong; whole nations are moved by
• Etc. them. Wise or inappropriate uses of words have
caused empires to rise or fall.
Words are vehicles of expression: joy – desire – fear –
hope – knowledge – wisdom – ignorance – and the list What do your words reveal about the condition of
goes on. By our use of words, others are able to “read your heart? Govern your heart; guard your thoughts;
us.” Words can often disclose much more than we control your words. <>KN <>
intend. That being the case, you can see at least one
JoAnn C. White, sMHG
reason it is important to guard your words. You can tell
a lot about a person by their use of words. By our use of
words we open doors; by our use of words we close
Watch these uses of words.
A Journey to Intimacy
Getting to Know Him … Focus
Deuteronomy 8:3 (KJV paraphrased) says that man does
not live by bread along, but by every word that is spoken The Journey - Distractions
by God. Matt. 4:4 supports this truth. So here we learn
some things about God’s words and His use of words. As I awoke one morning, I had just finished a most
The words that He speaks have the capacity to enrich interesting dream.
our lives. Here His words “give.”
I was in the office. And a group of us had
Isaiah 55:11 (KJV paraphrased) says that just like the
agreed to begin an exercise regimen
rain comes down from heaven and doesn’t return
together. In the dream, there was an
without watering the earth; which brings forth the
exercise facility on the property. So on
flowers and grass; in like manner does the word of God
behalf of the team, I registered us for the use
behave. As surely as we look for beautiful flowers after
of the gym that next morning.
an extended period of rain; so certainly ought we to
expect the things that God has spoken to manifest. And
Everyone arrived, as planned. As were

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Journey to Intimacy … Continued from page 3

preparing to go upstairs to the exercise facility. Let me share a few additional pieces of information. For
One gentleman said, “Wait! I hadn’t thought the year 2008, I have committed to accomplish four
about what I would like to eat after my workout.” specific goals. Not only have I committed myself to
This interruption caused others to begin to these goals; I have asked the Lord to lead me and coach
wonder the same thing. I tried to get everyone me in the accomplishing of these goals.
upstairs to the gym, so that we could begin our
workout program. The accomplishment of one goal is to be measured, every
15 days. Another goal is to be measured each quarter.
Finally, we were all upstairs just outside of the The accomplishing of another goal requires that I practice
gym. There was a kitchen across the hall, and I nearly every day. The other goal will require an
thought I’d put something on the stove, so that I abundance of the grace of God; to accomplish. It’s not
would also have something prepared when I impossible, it’s just a goal that I have been the least able
finished my workout. I started to prepare a quick to commit to; although I know that my future
meal, and realized that I needed a few assignments will require it. Don’t get me wrong, I am
ingredients that were downstairs. absolutely committed at the “conceptual” level; I
somehow must translate that commitment to the
I got into the elevator to go downstairs to collect “practical” level.
those items. Someone said, “Wait I’ll go with
you.” It seemed to have taken them “forever” to It is clear to me that the Lord is telling me something
get into the elevator. Just as the door was about my resolve; which of course, concerns me. But I’m
closing they got in. glad He loves us enough to tell us what we need to hear;
more so than what we want to hear.
I woke up.
He has my attention now … I am listening.
Rarely do I remember my dreams, unless they have some
Here is where I am concerned. And this is my “dime-
significance. As I awoke, I recalled that I needed to
store” version of me, psycho-analyzing my self. It is my
move the last load of clothes from the wash machine to
understanding that the subconscious mind does not
the dryer. So I got up to complete that task. While I
differentiate between dream states and reality (which is
stood at the dryer; the Lord said to me, “You let them
why hypnosis is particularly affective for some). This
distract you. You never did complete your goal. You
you’ll see supported by the fact that you wake up in
allowed other events to distract you from accomplishing
torrential sweats, when the events in your dream move
your goal.”
you to heightened levels of emotional excitement. The
subconscious mind activates the emotions and intuition in
I froze. He was right.
“dream states;” just like in “awaken states.”
My original intention, in the dream, was to go to the gym. That being said, I ask myself what is it about the strength
Someone began talking about something else. While I of my resolve that I would allow myself to be distracted
managed to encourage everyone to go upstairs to the from my goal; and by something that is of no apparent
gym; I was soon distracted myself. Get this; (in the value to me otherwise.
dream) we were standing literally right outside of the
gym door. Not 25 feet from the entrance of the gym. I Now all of this may not seem like such a big deal. But
was distracted to the point that I left off from considered in light of another lifelong goal I am
accomplishing my goal. Needless to say, I as realized committed to “the fostering of an intimate relationship
what had happened, I was very … very … very with God;” the fact that I could be so easily distracted
displeased with myself. And what was most would have a more weighty affect on my relationship
disconcerting about that distraction was that (in reality) I with God. The reason that this means so much to me is
never eat right after leaving the gym. Although it is because I assess the overall value of my life by my
advisable; it is not a thing that I practice. So why-in-the- relationship with God. My life is only as valuable to me;
world would it have been a distraction in a dream “of all as the level of service I am able to render to God. And I
places?” know that it is in a place of intimacy that I am able to
know Him.
I somehow know that this is more than just a dream.
It blesses me to see that the Lord loves us enough to warn

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Journey to Intimacy … Continued from page 4

us of potential places where we might be prone to

stumble. It has been said, that “a hint to the wise is
sufficient.” I consider myself to have been duly
[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o []o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]
I have asked the Lord to help me identify the Words
vulnerability in me that would allow me to sacrifice
my resolve so cheaply. I cannot allow distractions to
Words are very strong; whole nations are moved
cause me to miss knowing God; to miss having a
very personal, intimate relationship with our Father. by them. Wise or inappropriate uses of words
have caused empires to rise or fall.
I must know Him. It is my sole reason for living.
<>KN <>
JoAnn C. White, sMHG Increase Your Leadership Ability by
Learning Something New

DIAMONDS We honor God, when we are committed to being

knowledgeable about the environments in which
we operate.

Success, for me, is not optional I encourage you to make a plan this year to learn
something new.
To choose “success” is my choice
My “road to that success” is my Father’s choice Great leaders are always learning something new.

That I trust His ways, is my choice []o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o []o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]o[]

The way He chooses, His choice
Journey to Intimacy
My Father loves me; but He does not make my
choices for me Distractions are too expensive.
I love my Father, but I cannot make His choices for
Him I cannot allow distractions to cause me to miss
knowing God; to miss having a very personal,
He leads, I follow intimate relationship with my Father.
My choice
(Inspired by Romans 8:28 KJV) – JoAnn C. White

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Editor: JoAnn C. White, sMHG [email protected]

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