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Claim Your Brain
Claim Your Brain
Claim Your Brain
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Claim Your Brain

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About this ebook

Claim Your Brain is an idea that was inspired from a conversation I was having with someone who was continually refusing to take charge of her life. She was allowing her feelings to rule her mind instead of just thinking clearly and without fear.

We need to realize that things change; the only thing that never changes is truth. In the first part of Malachi 3, we see Malachi 3:6—“For I [am] the Lord, I change not.” This is what God is. He is unchanging. What he was in the Old Testament times, he still is today. God never changes. His Word never changes either; it is as it was originally given.

There are many versions of the Bible out there as languages change and new synonyms are added. So then the versions will be revised. But as it was originally given to holy men of God to write down what God wanted written, that will always be constant and faithful.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 27, 2018
Claim Your Brain

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    Claim Your Brain - Darrell Stevens

    Copyright © 2018 by Darrell Stevens.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    All scripture in this book is from the Authorized King James Version. Any inserts or additions to the verses for explanation are in () and in a different text unless otherwise explained.

    Print information available on the last page.

    Rev. date: 02/14/2019






    Introduction and Acknowledgements

    Chapter 1 Keep your guard up

    Chapter 2 Keep your eyes open

    Chapter 3 Keep your ears open

    Chapter 4 Where do we go from here?

    Chapter 5 Feet in Concrete

    Chapter 6 The Conclusion of the Whole Matter


    C LAIM YOUR BRAIN is an idea that was inspired from a conversation I was having with someone who was continually refusing to take charge of her life. She was allowing her feelings to rule her mind instead of just thinking clearly and without fear.

    We need to realize that things change; the only thing that never changes is truth. Malachi chapter 3 in the first part of this verse we see Malachi 3:6 For I [am] the LORD, I change not; this is what God is, He is unchanging. What He was in the Old Testament time’s He still is today. God never changes, His word and will never changes either, that is as it was originally given.

    There are many versions of the Bible out there, and as languages change and new synonyms are added. So, then the versions will be revised. But as it was originally given to holy men of God to write down what God wanted written, that will always be constant and faithful.

    Claiming our brains back has to be done the same way. It can only be claimed with truth. We face many challenges in life; mentally, emotionally or physically. The outcome of any of these challenges is determined by the thoughts we keep.

    I have been taught for a long time that a person’s real battlefield is not out there on the streets we live on. But the battlefield is really in our minds. Victory and defeat are only one thought apart.

    To gain control of our lives and of our minds, we need to be able to see where the error lies so that we will be able to avoid it. The world is full of error because of the one who pulls the strings, the one who holds the keys to all of the kingdoms of this world. Lucifer, Satan the devil amongst other names given to him. He is the one who allows pain and confusion to run rampant today. The bible also calls him the god of this world. 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

    No one talks about him; (the god of this world) no one takes the time to teach us what his methods of operation are. Except one Ministry, that I am aware of that takes the time to do this. They helped me to be able to read the bible so that I am able to read it with understanding. So that I could study it to be approved before God; because of this I am able to write what I am writing here.

    In order to Claim our brain we need to first figure out exactly where our brain is. We’ve all seen the plaques that say, I’ve lost my mind and have gone to look for it, if it gets back here before I return, please ask it to stay put till I return.

    What are you thinking at this very moment? Are you laughing at that little ditty? What thoughts do you allow to run through your minds? Do you just entertain any thought that comes in?

    Do you buy you own music or just listen to whatever the radio wants to play? That is taking charge of your mind when you play what you choose to listen to. I was told a long time ago that if you are not controlling your mind then someone or something else is.

    When we come to God’s word, we see a reason for claiming our brains. We see that when we conform to what the world has to offer as truth, we see distractions, confusion, oppression and very little light to walk by.

    We see tears being cried by people whose hearts are hurting. People who are tired of the lies that they find on every corner. Some conform to this as well and get a good feeling inside, however it is gone with the next thought. This ought not to be how things should be.

    We need not be tricked or deceived by the knowledge of this world. Yes, a lot of it is beneficial to living life, but we need not be conformed to all it has to offer. Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

    Also, we need not be idolizing those who have titles before their names ex; Dr. So and so. We need to claim our brains upon something tangible, faithful, established, rooted so we do not get tricked. Col 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain (empty, useless) deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments (ordinances, outward that they may) be of the world, and not after Christ. That word spoil in that verse means to take what is yours, to corrupt your thoughts, to sway you with Philosophy, which is nothing but worldly wisdom.

    This book is going to take us through and into the very core of what God calls the heart or mind of man (all-inclusive noun) I am not going to go into any great exhaustive study of the mind. But I am going to take us on an adventure whereby we can learn to take charge and not just be led by a leash to wherever the flow is moving towards.

    To be able to see what God Elohim the Creator has to say about ourselves. Since He formed and made us, I do believe He should have something to say about how we are to function.

    He gave us an instruction manual to look into when things get out of joint so to speak, when things breakdown. So that we can find the right thing to fix the problem. That’s what mechanics have in their shops to look into correct? So that they know what to do to fix your car so that it runs as it should be running?

    Well, that is what God’s word is all about, an instruction manual for the heart of man, for all of us so that we know how to worship, how to walk pleasing in His sight and how to function within the framework of life. How to deal with other people so that there is harmony instead of discord, love instead of hate and peace instead of fear.

    That is my goal for this book when it is finished. To shed some light upon the mind of all of us so that we can once again have the boldness to claim what is ours, and not fall prey to what the

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