A Critique of Imperialism
A Critique of Imperialism
A Critique of Imperialism
The politics of power and security and that of interdependence and transnational
relations are two key strands that have arguably dominated the developed worlds
conception of global politics in the last century. The politics of dominance and
dependency have in contrast however, arisen out of the experience of the exploited
classes in the developed world and that of the dominated peoples of the third world.
This world view was largely captured by classical Marxist-Leninist writings on the
character and implications of monopoly capitalism and imperialism. It also reflects the
specific experiences of the contemporary developing world within an international
system crafted by western political and economic activity. This perspective highlights
the overall structure of relations within which political action occurs and the
mechanisms by which the structural dominance of some groups is consolidated to the
disadvantage of others[1].
This paper is a critique of the contending theories of imperialism and neo-imperialism.
It examines the broad issues raised by the phenomenon of dominance and dependence
and generally interrogates the central problem of action and change within the context
of all pervading structural constraints. While effort is made to critically examine all the
key conceptions of imperialism, the paper locates imperial dominance chiefly in the
nature of economic relations. It contends that all other manifestations of imperialism
are mere rationalizations intended disguise the economic motivations that drive
societies to empire.
In the next section, we address the issue of political imperialism. This is based primarily
on Joseph Schumpeters treatment of the subject[2]. His theory of political imperialism
largely encapsulates the opinion of bourgeois scholars who view imperialism as a
heritage of the autocratic state. In contrast, Marxist-Leninist perspective locates
imperialism squarely in the economic sphere. In particular, it considers it a stage of
capitalist development necessitated by the much vaunted inner logic of capitalism
itself. This is what the section that follows will address. We will also, in the next section
examine the structural character of imperialism. This theory does not attempt to
identify the cause of or to typologize imperialism but rather builds a model mechanism
that underlies both the inequality between core and periphery states and the resistance
of that inequality to change. The next section then examines neo-imperialism in the
context of contemporary changes in the international system. In essence, it views neo
acknowledged the Hobsons influence in his preface to Imperialism, The Highest Stage
of Capitalism when he noted that he made use of the principal English work on
imperialism, the book by J.A Hobson, with all the care that it deserves[12].
Having developed their theories at the height of colonialism, both men seemed to equate
colonialism with imperialism and therefore failed to identify the significance of the
of free trade that was to later become the hallmark of imperial dominance.
Nevertheless, they effectively established the economic content of imperial expansion.
Hobson for instance, viewed the vast increase in the supply of surplus capital in the
metropolitan countries, especially Britain, as being responsible for capital exports to
economically underexploited continents like Africa. As he saw it, inequalities in the
distribution of wealth and income in Britain dampened the consumption power of the
British working class, which in turn made it unprofitable for capitalists to fully utilize
their industrial capacity. Colonies were therefore acquired abroad as a sought of
dumping ground for surplus capital.
A key feature of Hobsons theory is his conception of colonialism (read as imperialism)
as the reflection of the unfulfilled promise of liberal democracy. He believed that
imperial domination was bound to lose popularity if liberal democratic values take hold
properly. This will in turn lead to increases in capital retention and absorption rates of
the mtropole to the extent that, as OConnor noted, the volume of consumption would
correspond more closely to the volume of production therefore negating the economic
logic that necessitated imperialism in the first place.
Lenins theory of imperialism agrees fundamentally with Hobson though he roundly
rejected the panacea of liberal democracy offered. He made a very profound
contribution to the understanding of the dynamics of imperialism. The most distinctive
element of his theory is however related to the cause of the economic surplus described
by Hobson and his establishment of the imperialism as an inevitable stage in the
historical development of capitalist political economy. Instead of imperialism being one
of many possible sets of foreign policy option, he considered it to have been imposed by
the diktat of monopoly capitalism. Imperialism, to Lenin, was the monopoly stage of
Lenin goes much further to distinguish between industrial and finance capital. This
distinction is taken in the context of the role surplus finance capital plays in the creation
of relations of dependence and dominance between the periphery states and the
mtropoles. He argued that even though free competition is the basic feature of
capitalism, the inherent contradictions in the distributive character of capitalist
commodity production has seen the displacement of free competition by monopoly
capitalism[14]. The accumulation of capital earlier described by Hobson agrees
fundamentally with this and in fact effectively identifies the origin of monopoly
capitalism itself. The replacement of the fundamental features of capitalism by its polar
opposites is viewed by Lenin as indicating, not the retrogression of capitalism as it so
obviously suggests, but rather its progression to a higher stage of development-that is
The needs of monopoly capitalism are therefore the overriding logic that imposes the
acquisition of colonies and the entrenchment of imperial systems. These monopolies do
not however, as they would once again seem to suggest, eliminate free competition,
having grown out of it, but rather, as is shown by Lenin, exists above and alongside it,
thereby giving rise to acute and intense antagonisms[15].
While Leninist writings have been generally accepted, at least by third world scholars, as
decisive explanations of the economic perspective of imperialism, revisionist scholars
like Karl Kautsky[16] have attempted to modify some aspects of Marxist political
economic thought that are the foundations of economic theories of imperialism. In
particular, he tried to de-emphasize the constant allusion to irreconcilable class
antagonisms and as a consequence, violent conflict as inevitable products of the
contradictions that plague capitalist political economy. Indeed, Kautsky canvassed the
possibility of what he called ultra imperialism- a super imperialism growing out of a
coalescence of imperialisms and their various interests. These imperialisms, he figures,
will then, united by their common economic needs, collectively exploit weaker and more
vulnerable regions of the world. The purpose of this paper is not to debate these
controversies but to rather show that they exist and debunk the myth of universal
Marxism. It is suffice however to note that not even revisionists like Kautsky deny the
fundamental economic essence of imperialism. To them imperialism is highly
developed industrial capitalism. It consists of the striving of every industrial capitalist
nation to bring under its control or to annex large areas of agrarian territory,
irrespective of what nations inhabit it[17]. In spite of the disagreement of core Leninist
led by Lenin himself, this definition fits almost perfectly the orthodoxy of economic
imperialism and that suffices for our purposes here.
In conclusion, the economic theory of imperialism and of its crisis must include a theory
of the state in the imperialist epoch. Samir Amin for instance identified the relevance of
the state in the very process of accumulation, how its powers are appropriated for the
purpose of protecting and expanding the accumulation process and how it modifies
transnational relations.[18] This aspect of contemporary Leninist imperialism is very
important given the context of state-centrism in the international system. It is often
argued that, even though transnational capital exports are the key platforms for the
entrenchment of imperialist domination, the state context within which it is advanced
requires the construction of a theory of the state along similar politico- economic lines
or indeed as an accompaniment to the theory of imperialism. Recent developments in
the global order is however seriously challenging this line of thought as will be shown
later in this paper.
order. Even though the physical domination of foreign territories or even the
maintenance of empire by whatever guise is now considered anachronistic, the essential
features of imperialism: its advancement of monopoly capitalism, its export of capital,
its asymmetrical nature of inter-state relations and its promotion of relations of
dependence and dominance have survived into the present era. It is in this sense that we
speak of neo-imperialism.
No phenomenon in the contemporary world captures this global political economy
better than what is now generally referred to as globalization. It has become so
important that virtually every social science phenomenon may be explained in its
context. Jacques Gelinas captured the universal utility of the term globalization when he
noted that it could be approached from several perspectives: as a system, a process, an
ideology, a modern mythology, and an alibi[24]. In spite of the wide controversies
surrounding the exact meaning of globalization, there are areas of consensus. Adebayo
Olukoshi for instance identified three broad areas of consensus: that the last few
decades has seen the intensification of the process of globalization; that among the key
factors accounting for this intensification is the revolution in information and
communications technology; and that these changes have compressed time and space in
such a way that has been critical to the changes being witnessed in economic
organization in both national and international climes.[25] These areas of consensus are
however dwarfed by the very significant differences in the conception of many of the
most important aspects of globalization. For one there is no consensus as to the promise
that the process holds for states, individuals, groups, transnational firms, cultures and
indeed ideological contraptions like democracy. There is also an intense debate as to the
reversibility or otherwise of the system or indeed its desirability.
The controversies surrounding globalization are not helped by the very many
contradictions that the process has spurned. For instance while it undoubtedly
integrates the worlds financial systems, witnessing the movement of capital and goods
across national boundaries on a scale unprecedented in world history, it is also
advancing perhaps the most profound marginalization of states that have in the last few
centuries remained on the margins of the international system. Even within the
developed world that seems to benefit the most from the process, the distribution of the
advantages of globalization has been skewed. Globalization is creating immense wealth
and at the same time entrenching excruciating poverty. It is promoting the general
adherence to the western neo-liberal conception of political participation and freedom-
liberal democracy- yet it is undermining the very platform around which democracy
must be built-the state.
Globalization is without doubt a contradictory process but its critique need not detain
us any further. Our purpose here is to show how globalization is the new imperialism.
From our earlier treatment of imperialism, the following may be inferred:
The globalization process, as the experience of the developing world has shown perfectly
mirrors the above. The export of transnational capital has intensified most profoundly
and questions are increasingly being raised as to the implications of a globalization
project that Olukoshi rightly described as being dominated not only by finance capital
but by highly mobile and speculative investors[26], the exchange between the states at
the core and those on the margins is also still very asymmetrical and resistance to
imperialism is generating unorthodox violence like terrorism. The essentially nature of
the imperial age has survived and the beneficiaries are largely the same states that
benefited from the supposedly defunct era.
In the light of the above, one cannot but come to the conclusion that the phenomenon of
imperialism has transformed to what is now widely referred to as globalization without
changing its fundamental features. It is therefore new imperialism.
[1] See Michael Smith et. al. (1981), The politics of Dominance and Dependence: An
Introduction, In: Michael Smith et. al. (eds.) , Perspectives on World Politics: A
Reader, CroomHelm and The Open University Press: London
[2] His work pioneered the political perspective to imperialism and can be found in
Joseph Schumpeter(1951), Imperialism and Social Classes, (Reprinted
Version), Augustus Kelly: New York
[3] See James OConnor (1981), The Meaning of Economic Imperialism, In: Michael
Smith et. al. (eds.) ,op.cit
[4] See Samir Amin (), Delinking?, also See Samir Amin (2001), Africa on a Global
Stage,Africa Insight, Vol. 31, No.2
[5] Joseph Schumpeter (1951), op.cit
[6] See a critical examination of the Ricardian Theory of Comparative Advantage in M.L
Jhingan (), The Economics of Development and Planning, Delhi: Bhagswatti Press
[7] It is instructive to note that Hans Morgenthaus theory was essentially that of power
politics. It is therefore no Surprise that his treatment of imperialism was essentially
through the nature of power relations. See his classic in Hans Morgenthau
(1966), Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, 4 ed., Knopf: New
[8] See James Dougherty and Robert Pfaltzgraff (1990), op.cit p.235
[9] See Hans Kohn (1958), Reflections on Colonialism, In: Robert Strausz-Hupe and
Henry Hazard (eds.), The Idea of Colonialism, Faber: London
[10] See for instance Kenneth Boulding (1970), Reflections on Imperialism, In: David
Mermelstein (ed.), Economics: Mainstream Readings and Radical Critiques, 2 ed.,
Random House: New York and Andrew Mack, Theories of Imperialism: The European
Perspective, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 18, September 1974
[11] See his work, John Hobson (1965), Imperialism: A study, University of Michigan
Press: Ann Arbor
[12] See Vladimir Lenin(1984), Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism, Progress
Publishers: Moscow, p.7