Huayan - The Jeweled Net of Indra
Huayan - The Jeweled Net of Indra
Huayan - The Jeweled Net of Indra
01/09/14 01:04
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'Must Reads'
1) Thusness/PasserBy's Seven
Stages of Enlightenment
2) On Anatta (No-Self),
conditions, tacitly conjoining, without rejecting anything, suddenly appearing, yet not
without before and after. Therefore the sutra says, The sphere of the universal eye,
the pure body, I now will expound; let people listen carefully. By way of explanation,
the universal eye is the union of knowledge and reality, all at once revealing many
things. This makes it clear that reality is known to the knowledge of the universal eye
only and is not the sphere of any other knowledge. The sphere means things. This
illustrates how the many things interpenetrate like the realm of Indras net of jewels
multiplied and remultiplied ad infinitum. The pure body illustrates how all things, as
mentioned before, simultaneously enter each other. Ends and beginnings, being
collectively formed by conditional origination, are impossible to trace to a basis the
seeing mind has nothing to rest on.
Chinese Translation of
Now the celestial jewel net of Kanishka, or Indra, Emperor of Gods, is called the net of
Indra. This imperial net is made all of jewels: because the jewels are clear, they reflect
Thusness/PasserBy's Seven
Stages of Enlightenment
infinitum, all appearing at once in one jewel, and in each one it is so ultimately there
is no going or coming.
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Now for the moment let us turn to the southwest direction and pick a jewel and check
it. This jewel can show the reflections of all the jewels all at once and just as this is
so of this jewel, so it is of every other jewel: the reflection is multiplifed and
remultiplifed over and over endlessly. These infinitely multiplying jewel reflections are
all in one jewel and show clearly the others do not hinder this. If you sit in one
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jewel, then you are sitting in all the jewels too. And the reverse applies to the totality
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if you follow the same reasoning. Since in one jewel you go into all the jewels without
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leaving this one jewel, so in all jewels you enter one jewel without leaving this one
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September (5)
Question: If you say that one enters all the jewels in one jewel without ever leaving
this one jewel, how is it possible to enter all the jewels?
Answer: It is precisely by not leaving this one jewel that you can enter all the jewels.
If you left this one jewel to enter all the jewels, you couldnt enter all the jewels. Why?
Because outside this jewel there are no separate jewels.
Question: If there are no jewels outside this one jewel, then this net is made of one
jewel. How can you say then that its made of many jewels tied together?
Answer: It is precisely because there is only one jewel that many can be joined to
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Marvelous Truths by One ...
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am I?
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form a net. Why? Because this one jewel alone forms the net that is, if you take
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Question: If there is only one jewel, how can you speak of tying it into a net?
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Answer: Tying many jewels to form a net is itself just one jewel. Why? One is the
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01/09/14 01:04
aspect of totality, containing the many in its formation. Since all would not exist if
asunthatneversets (5)
there were not one, this net is therefore made by one jewel. The all entering the one
Bashar (1)
Question: Although the jewel in the southwest contains all the jewels in the ten
directions completely, without remainder, there are jewels in every direction. How can
you say then that the net is made of just one jewel?
Answer: All the jewels in the ten directions are in totality the one jewel of the
southwest. Why? The jewel in the southwest is all the jewels of the ten directions. If
you dont believe that one jewel in the southwest is all the jewels in the ten directions,
just put a dot on the jewel in the south-west. When one jewel is dotted, there are dots
on all the jewels in all directions. Since there are dots on all the jewels in the ten
directions, we know that all the jewels are one jewel. If anyone says that all the jewels
in the ten directions are not one jewel in the southwest, could it be that one person
simultaneously put dots on all the jewels in the ten directions? Even allowing the
universal dotting of all the jewels in the ten directions, they are just one jewel. Since it
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is thus, using this one as beginning, the same is so when taking others first
multiplied over and over boundlessly, each dot is the same. It is obscure and hard to
fathom: when one is complete, all is done. Such a subtle metaphor is applied to things
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to help us think about them, but things are not so; a simile is the same as not a simile
they resemble each other in a way, so we use it to speak of. What does this mean?
These jewels only have their reflected images containing and entering each other
Dispassion (1)
their substances are separate. Things are not like this, because their whole substance
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merges completely. The book on natural origination in the Hua-yen Sutra says, In
order to benefit sentient beings and make them all understand, nonsimiles are used to
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illustrate real truth. Such a subtle teaching as this is hard to hear even in
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immeasurable eons; only those with perseverance and wisdom can hear of the matrix
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of the issue of thusness. The sutra says, Nonsimiles are used as similes. Those who
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01/09/14 01:04
A few days later Fa Tsang came to the Empress and said, "Your Majesty, I
am now ready. Please come with me to a place where the demonstration
will be given." He then led the Empress into a room lined with mirrors. On
the ceiling and floor, on all four walls, and even in the four corners of the
room were fixed huge mirrors-all facing one another. Then Fa Tsang
produced an image of Buddha and placed it in the center of the room
with a burning torch beside it. "Oh, how fantastic! How marvelous!" cried
the Empress as she gazed at this awe-inspiring panorama of infinite
interreflections. Slowly and calmly Fa Tsang addressed her: Your Majesty,
this is a demonstration of Totality in the Dharmadhatu. In each and every
mirror within this room you will find the reflections of all the other mirrors
with the Buddha's image in them. And in each and every reflection of any
mirror you will find all the reflections of all the other mirrors, together
with the specific Buddha image in each, without omission or
misplacement. The principle of interpenetration and containment is clearly
shown by this demonstration. Right here we see an example of one in all
and all in one-the mystery of realm embracing realm ad infinitum is thus
revealed. The principle of the simultaneous arising -of different realms is
so obvious here that no explanation is necessary. These infinite reflections
of different realms now simultaneously arise without the slightest effort;
they just naturally do so in a perfectly harmonious way. . . . As for the
principle of the non-obstruction of space, it can be demonstrated in this
manner . . . (saying which, he took a crystal ball from his sleeve and
placed it in the palm of his hand) . Your Majesty, now we see all the
mirrors and their reflections within this small crystal ball. Here we have an
example of the small containing the large as well as of the large
containing the small. This is a demonstration of the non-obstruction of
"sizes," or space. As for the non-obstruction of times, the past entering
the future and the future entering the past cannot be shown in this
demonstration, because this is, after all, a static one, lacking the dynamic
quality of the temporal elements. A demonstration of the non-obstruction
of times, and of time and space, is indeed difficult to arrange by ordinary
means. One must reach a different level to be capable of witnessing a
"demonstration" such as that. But in any case, your Majesty, I hope this
simple demonstration has served its purpose to your satisfaction.
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2. That the "larger" universes include the "smaller" ones as a solar system
contains its planets, or a planet contains its atoms. This system of higher
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What are the two examinations? The first is the examination of the emptiness of
persons. The second is the examination of the emptiness of phenomena
The root of birth and death nothing goes beyond the two attachments of
persons and phenomena.
One misunderstands the body and mind's characteristic of totality and thus
grasps the self of the person as an actual existent.
One misunderstands the five aggregates' individual characteristics and thus
conceives the self of a phenomenon as an actual existent.
For the conception of the self of person we utilize the first examination and
investigate it.
We then know the five aggregates come together and are provisionally called a
Each are carefully examined. We only see the five aggregates. We seek out the
self-characteristic of the person and in the end it cannot be found.
What are called the five aggregates? They are form (rpa), sensation (vedan),
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The body is the aggregate of form. This is said to be earth, water, fire and wind.
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We answer: with what do you stand without aggregates, truth and delusion? For
the moment the five aggregates are a different name for the body and mind.
Supposing the practitioner is not aware of the truth and delusions of body and
mind, how could they completely understand them?
They do not reach the source of truth and delusion and practises are vainly
Thus the scripture states, It is like in emptiness ultimately nothing being able
to be established.
The conception of the self of the person is a delusional attachment of the
ordinary person. The conception of the self of a phenomenon is a hindrance of
the two vehicles.
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