Water PH
Water PH
Water PH
Source: Lehninger+ Harper
Most abundant subs
70% of the wt of most orgs
Ionization products H+ & OH- greatly influence the structure, self assembly & properties of all cellular components &
macromolecules in the cell.
Noncovalent interactions responsible for the strength and specificity of recognition among biomolecules are decisively
influenced by the solvent properties of H2O (hydrogen bonding)
Unique set of properties- H2Os dipolar structure & exceptional capacity for forming H-bonds
H2Os intrxn w/ solvated biomolecule affects the latters structure
Excellent nucleophile- provides pair of e- to form covalent bonds (Lewis base)
Reactant or product in many metab rxn
Buffer system (e.g. HCO3) keeps ECF btwn 7.35-7.45
Arterial blood- pH
Venous blood- CO2
Hypothalamus- reg of water balance (ADH)
O more electronegative attracting e- from H resulting to a dipole along each side of the H-O bonds
H partial + ( +) O partial (2 -) O attracted to H atom of another molecule Hydrogen bond
Hydrogen bond- relatively weak w/ BDE of 23kJ/mol // Covalent O-H bond 470 k J/mol. // Covalent C-C bond 348 k
Bond dissociation energy (BDE)- energy req to break a bond
H bond- 10% covalent & 90% electrostatic
At room temp, the thermal energy of an aq sol same magnitude req to break H bond.
H bond lifetime 1-20 picoseconds H-O breaking then reformation w/ in 0.1 ps. Flickering clusters
H-bond half life of 1 s
4.5 kcal/mol req to rupture H-bond in liquid H2O 5% less to break OH bond
H bond form bridges btwn solutes that allow larger molecules to interact w/ each other over several nanometers w/o
physical contact.
H2O nearly tetrahedral arrangement allows each H2O molecule to form H bond w/ 4 neighbouring H2O molecule.
Liquid H2O- 3.5 bonds
Ice- 4 bonds ice crystal lattice structure make H2O less dense
Breaking of H bond of the crystal lattice of ice requires much energy high melting point of H2O
Solid- Liquid H= +5.9 k J/mol
Liquid-Gas H= + 44.O k J/mol
During melting/ evaporation the entropy of the aq system .
At room temp, melting and evaporation occur spontaneously since the tendency of H2O molecules to associate through H
bonds is outweighed by the energetic push towards entropy
G must be negative for a rxn to be spontaneous
Since H (enthalpy) is positive for melting and evaporation, it is the in entropy (S) that makes G negative and
drives these changes.
straight line OR acceptor is in line w/ the covalent bond btwn the donor atom & H (+) charge of H directly btwn the
two (-)
H bonds are highly directional & capable of holding 2 H bonded molecules or grps in a specific geometric
R-COH & R-C=OR and R-C=ONH2: O participates in H-bonding by accepting e ROH & RNH3 : unshielded H serve as H acceptors or donors
Q1 Q2
F- force/ strength of ionic intrxn depends on charge Q, distance r btwn Q, the dielectric constant
F inversely proportional to H2O force of attraction btwn charged & polar species
Nonpolar Compounds Force Energetically Unfavourable Changes in the Structure of Water
Nonpolar compounds are unable to undergo energetically favourable interactions w/ H 2O molecules & they interfere
with H-bonding among H2O.
All molecules in a sol interfere w/ H-bonding of some H2O molecules in their stat envt.
However, polar/ charged solutes compensate for the lost of H2O-H2O bonding by forming new Solute-H2O bonding.
Small gain in H
Nonpolar- no compensation but gain in H.
Dissolving nonpolar subs in H2O requires energy from surroundings and produces measurable decrease in S.
H2O molecules near nonpolar subs form cage-like shell around each solute molecule.
Clathrates- crystalline compound of nonpolar solutes and H2O.
Ordering of H2O molecules reduces S.
The magnitude of the S is proportional to the surface area of the nonpolar solutes enclosed w/ in H2O molecules
H has a positive value and S is negative thus making G positive (Endergonic)
Amphipathic compounds- contain regions that are polar and nonpolar.
Micelles- stable Amphipathic compounds in H2O which hydrophobic grps are sequestered from H2O (hydrophobic
CHONs- fold hydrophibic side chains in the interior while charged or polar Aa side chains generally are present on the
Same goes w/ phospholipid bilayer- phosphatidyl serine or phsophatidyl ethanolamine
Maximize formation of energetically favorble charg-dipole, dipole-dipole & H-bonding intrxn btwn polar grps of
biomolecules & H2O
Minimize unfavorabvle contact btwn H2O & hydrophobic grps.
Nonpolar grps affect structure of H2O that surrounds them by restricting number of orientation of H2O to permit them to
participate in energetically favourable H-bonding
Max formation of H-bonds maintained only by order of adjacent H2O molecules S
Follows 2nd law of thermodynamics
Optimal free energy of C-H H2O mixture is a fxn of maximal H and minimum S.
Form micelles & the Phospholipid bilayer
Electrostatic Intrxns
Opposite charge btwn biomolecules salt bridges
Acts on large distances
Facilitates binding of charged molecules & ions to CHONs & NA
Van der Waals Forces
Attraction btwn transient dipoles generated by rapid movement of e- on all neutral atoms
Act very short distance 2-4
Water as a Nucleophile
Nucleophile e- rich molecule
Electrophile e- poor molecule
Metab rxn transfer of e- from nucleophile to electrophile
Lone pair of sp3 e- bear - charge of H2O excellent nucleophile
Hydrolysis- results cleavage of amide, glycosidic or ester bonds that hold biopolymers together.
Condensation- joining of monomers to form biopolymers produces water (product)
Hydrolysis is thermodynamically favoured but amide & phosphodiester bond of polypeptides & oligonucleotides are
stable in aq sol.
Thermodynamics governing eq of a rxn do not determine rate at w/c it will take place.
Enzymes- CHON catalysts used to rate of hydrolytic rxn needed
Protease- CHON- Aa
Nucleases- phosphodiester bonds in DNA & RNA
Many Metabolic Rxn Involve Grp Transfer
DG + A = AG + D
G frm donor D to acceptor A forming AG
Hydrolysis & phosphorolysis of glycogen grp transfer rxn glycosyl grps are transferred to H2O or to orthophosphate.
Keq for the hydrolysis of covalent bonds strongly favours the formation of split products.
Biosynthesis of macromolecules thermodynamically unfavoured synthesis of covalent bonds- coupled to favoured rxns
to favour biopolymer synthesis.
Help frm enzyme
Newly synthesized polymers do not statly hydrolyzed bc active sites of biosynthetic enzymes sequester substrates in an
envt from w/c H2O is excluded.
= icRT
R- gas constant 8.315 J/mol
T absolute temp
ic- osmolarity of the sol, vant Hoff factor i, & solutes molar concentration c
vant Hoff factor- measure of the extent to w/c solute dissociates into two or more ionic species.
H2O molecules have slight tendency to undergo reversible ionization to yield H + and OHH2O + H2O H3O+ + OH+
H do not exist in sol but they are hydrated statly to H3O+ (hydronium ion)
Transferred p+ is associated w/ cluster of H2O molecules
p+ also exist as multimers H5O2+ and H7O3+
H-bonding btwn H2O molecules makes the hydration of dissociating p+ virtually instantaneous
1g of H2O contains 3.46 x 1022 molecules
Probability that H exists as an ion (H+) is 0.01
1 in 100 chance it is an ion (H+)
99 in 100 chances is part of a H2O molecule
Actual probability of H atom in pure H2O exist as H+ is 1.8 x 10-9
Probability of it being part of a molecule thus is almost unity.
Can also be stated: for every H+ and OH- in pure H2O there are 1.8 Billion or 1.8x109 water molecules
Pure H2O carries electric current.
H3O+ cathode
OH- anode
High ionic mobility of H3O+ and OH- results from proton hopping faster than diffusion
K eq =
[C]eq [ D]eq
[ A ]eq [ B]eq
[ 2 O]
K eq =
K eq =
Keq (55.5 M) = [H+] [OH-] = Kw
When there is exactly equal concentration of H+ and OH- the sol is at neutral pH.
Ion product of H2O is constant. H+ or OH- will or
1 mole of H2O weighs 18g
H: 1g/mole x 2 = 2
O: 16 g/mole x1=1
1 liter (1000g) of H2O contains 55.56 mole
1000 g 1 mole
=55.6 mole
18 g
[ 1 x 107 ] [1 x 107 ]
[55.5 M ]
K= 1.8x10-16 mol/L
K- dissociation constant
[H2O]= 55.56 mol/L is constant
Used to get ion product Kw constant
Kw=(K)[H2O] = [H+][OH-]
= (1.8x10-16 mol/L)[55.56 mol/L]
= 1.0 x 10-14 mol2/L2
Proton donors
Stronger the acid > tendency to lose p+
Protonated specie
Proton acceptors
Unprotonated specie
Tendency of any acid (HA) to lose a p+ and form its conjugate base (A-) is defined by the Keq for the reversible reaction
HA H+ + A-
K eq =
The stronger the tendency to dissociate a p+ the stronger the acid the lower is the pKa acid
Weak basestrong conjugate acid
Weak acid- strong conjugate base
Polyprotic compounds containing more than 1 dissociable p+ a numerical subscript is assigned to each in order to relative
[RNH3+] = [RNH2]
Ka= [H+]
When associated/ protonated and dissociated/ conjugate specie are present at equal concentration the prevailing [H +] = to
If log of both side are multiplied by -log :
Ka= [H+]
pKa= -log Ka || pH= -log [H+]
pKa of an acid grp is the pH at w/c the protonated and unprotonated specie are present at equal concentrations
pKa of an acid may be determined by adding 0.5 equivalent of alkali per equivalent of acidthe pH will be the pKa of
the acid
K eq =
At the beginning of the titration before the base (NaOH) is added, the acid (Acetic acid) is already ionized to an extent
that can be calculated from its ionization constant.
As base (NaOH) is introduced, its OH- combines w/ the free H+ of the sol H2O to satisfy equilibrium.
As free H+ is removed HAc dissociates further to satisfy own equilibrium constant.
As titration proceeds more HAc ionizes forming Ac- as the bases (NaOH) is added
Midpoint of titration [HAc] proton donor = [Ac-] proton acceptor
Impt rel: pH of the equimolar sol of the acid (acetic acid) & conjugate base (acetate) is equal to pK a of the acid
As the titration continues by adding further increments of the base (NaOH) nondissociated acid (acetic acid) gradually
converted to its conjugate base (acetate).
End point- acid lost all its H+ to OH- to form H2O + Conjugate base
Throughout the titration the two Equilibria coexist always conforming to its equilibrium constants
K a=
1 Solve for
[ HA ]
3rd Substitute pH for log H
and pKa for
log K a
[ HA ]
p H = pK alog
4th invert
[ HA ] w/c involves changing sign to obtain Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
pH= pK a +log
[HA] = [A ]
pH= pK a +log
pH= pKa + log 1
pH= pKa + 0
pH= pKa
Allows us to calculate pKa given pH & molar ratio of p+ donor & acceptor.
Allows us to calculate pH given pKa & molar ratio of p+ donor & acceptor.
Calculate the molar ratio of p+ donor & acceptor given pH & pKa
Has great predictive value in protonic Equilibria
When an acid is exactly half neutralized, [A-] = [HA] under these condition
pH= pK a +log
pK a +log = pK a +0
pH= pKa + log 100/1 = pKa + (-1)
Acid strength depends on molecular structure
Many acids of biologic interest posses >1 dissociating grp
Presence of nearby (-) charge hinders release of p+ from nearby grp raising its pKa
Phosphoric & Citric Acid
K 1=
More complex than other conjugate acid-base pairs bc of H2CO3 formed from dissolved (d) CO2 in H2O in a
reversible rxn
CO2 (d) + H2O H2CO3
[ 2 CO3 ]
[CO 2 ] [H 2 O]
K 2=
CO2 is a gas under N conditions & concentration of CO2 (d) is the result of equilibration w/ CO2 of gas (g)
CO2 (g) CO2(d)
K 3=
[CO 2(d)]
[ CO 2(g)]
Vigorous exercise
Lactic Acid
H+ + HCO3
plasma CO2(d)
CO2 exhaled
CHON catabolism
plasma H+
H+ + HCO3
CO2 (g) dissolved
CO2 (d)
K h=
[H 2 CO3 ]
[CO 2 (d )]
[H 2 CO3 ]
K a=
K h [ 2(d )]
K a=
K a K h=K combi =
Experimentally derived value of Kh= 3.0x10-3 M
Experimentally derived value of Ka= 2.7x10-4 M
Kcombi = (3.0x10-3 M) (2.7x10-4 M)
= 8.1x10-7 M2
pKcombi = -log Kcombi
pKcombi= 6.1
In medicine, CO2(d) referred as the conjugate acid & use the pKcombi 6.1 to simplify calculate of pH from
Henderson Hasselbalch equation
pH= pK a +log
Water as Reactant
H2O often participate in biological rxns