82.박원호-J Biomed Mater Res B (2010.02)
82.박원호-J Biomed Mater Res B (2010.02)
82.박원호-J Biomed Mater Res B (2010.02)
Wound Dressings
Yun Ok Kang,1 In-Soo Yoon,2 So Young Lee,1 Dae-Duk Kim,2 Seung Jin Lee,3
Won Ho Park,4 Samuel M. Hudson5
Department of Advanced Organic Materials and Textile System Engineering, Chungnam National University,
Daejeon 305-764, South Korea
Department of Fiber and Polymer Science, College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
North Carolina 27695-8301
Chitosan is obtained by the hydrolysis of chitin, which is
the principal structural polysaccharide in arthropods (for
example, crabs and insects).1 Until now, many researchers
have examined chitosan as a promising material for biomedical applications on account of its good biocompatibility, biodegradability, cellular binding capability, antimicrobial activity and wound healing effect.2,3 On the basis
of the acceleration of wound healing and antimicrobial activity, chitosan has been applied to wound treatments in
drug delivery and scaffolds for tissue engineering.68 Chitosan is an attractive material for electrospinning. However,
chitosan is difcult to electrospin into a nanobrous structure because it has a polycationic character in acidic aqueous solutions due to the many amino groups in its
backbone. The polycationic nature of chitosan increases the
surface tension of the solution considerable. A strong electrical force is needed to produce electrospun chitosan nanobers, and particles are often formed during the
electrospinning process, which is likely due to the repulsive
forces between the ionic groups in the chitosan backbone
in an acidic solution.9 In a few studies, brous structures
were formed successfully by electrospinning chitosan solutions using environmentally harmful and toxic solvents,
such as triuoroacetic acid (TFA) or TFA/dichloromethane
(DCM).911 Unfortunately, the electrospinning conditions
are relatively limited in terms of concentration, molecular
weight, and degree of deacetylation.12 In addition, the
resulting chitosan bers need to be cross-linked in order to
maintain their structural integrity because they can readily
swell in aqueous solutions.13 Since the electrospinning of
chitosan itself is difcult, chitosan has been mixed with
other synthetic or natural polymers.1418
Considering this aspect, a surface coating by chitosan
can be an alternative approach to applying chitosan to
nanobers because its benecial functions occurs mainly
on the surface of the nanobers. Chitosan-coated nanobrous structures have potential for a variety of biomedical
applications because of their chemical similarity to the glycosaminoglycans in the extracellular matrix (ECM) and
their morphological proximity to brous collagen structures
in the ECM on the nanometer scale.
On the other hand, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is a
water-soluble polymer as well as a nontoxic, biocompatible, and biodegradable synthetic polymer. Therefore, PVA
has been studied widely in biomedical, plastics, and textile
elds. The electrospinning of PVA has been studied extensively due to use of water-based solvents.1923 Therefore,
PVA was chosen as a suitable base polymer to construct an
electrospun nanobrous structure.
This article reports a chitosan-coated PVA nanobrous
matrix for biomimetic wound dressings. First, the as-spun
PVA nanobers were heat-treated at different temperatures
to provide water resistance and optimize the heat treatment
condition. Second, the heat-treated PVA nanobrous matrix
was coated with chitosan to improve the wound healing
properties. The wound healing behavior on open wound
healing in mice was also investigated to determine the
effect of the chitosan coating.
The water uptake capacity of the heat-treated and chitosancoated PVA nanobers (200 mg) was determined by
immersing the bers in distilled water for 1 h at room temperature.24 The hydrated samples were then taken and immediately weighed after removing the surface water with
lter paper. The water content (WC, %) was calculated as
follows: WC (%) 5 (W 2 W0)/W0 3 100, where W0 and
W denote the weight of the sample before and after immersion in water for 1 h, respectively.
The morphology of the as-spun, heat-treated and chitosancoated PVA nanobers was observed by eld emission
scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM; JSM-7000F,
JEOL, Japan). Prior to the observations, the samples were
coated with platinum by ion sputtering for a few seconds.
The average diameter and diameter distribution were determined by analyzing the SEM images using a custom code
image analysis program (Scope Eye II, Masan, Korea). The
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were
carried out using a Perkin Elmer DSC7 instrument in a
nitrogen atmosphere. A 10-mg sample was sealed in an
aluminum pan for the measurements, and heated from 308C
to 2508C at a rate of 108C/min. The crystalline structure of
the samples was analyzed using a wide-angle X-ray diffractometer (model D/max-IIB, Rigaku International Corp., Japan). The water contact angle (WCA) was measured using
a DSA 100 drop shape analysis system (Kruss Gmbh, Germany). The volume of the water droplet for each measurement was kept at 3 3 1029 m3. The XPS spectra of the
PVA nanobrous matrices were recorded on a VG Escalab
Mk2 spectrometer equipped with an unmonochromatized
Mg Ka X-ray source (1253.6 eV) and hemispherical analyzer. The photoemitted core level electrons were collected
at a xed takeoff angle (758 with respect to the sample surface) with electron detection in constant analyzer energy
(CAE) mode operating at a pass energy of 20 eV.
The tensile properties of PVA nanobrous matrices were
measured by Instron1 8511 (Instron, Canton, MA). The
PVA nanobrous matrices (0.2 mm thick) were cut into a
50 mm 3 10 mm dumbbell-shape according to ASTM D
Figure 1. (a) SEM image of the as-spun PVA nanobers, (b) photograph, and (c) SEM image of the as-spun PVA nanobers after
immersion in water for 5 min.
Figure 2. DSC thermograms (a) and XRD patterns (b) of PVA nanobers with heat treatment temperature.
Morphology of As-Spun PVA Nanobers
Figure 6. Expanded XPS spectra in the region of N1s with the concentration of chitosan coating solution: (a) none, (b) 0.1 wt %, (c)
0.3 wt %, (d) 0.7 wt %, and (e) 1.0 wt %.
Tensile Strength
6.8 6 0.4
8.3 6 0.6
at Break (%)
80.5 6 4.7
47.2 6 5.7
222.5 6 8.3
315.3 6 21.1
Elemental Analysis
WC (%)a
WCA (8)b
477.5 6 3.0
349.3 6 12.1
65.2 6 4.4
Figure 7. Wound contraction ratios (%) of H-PVA and C-PVA nanoborus matrices as a function of time.
due to the change in chemical structure of PVA by the excessive heat treatment. It is unclear if the insoluble fraction
originated from the crosslinking and/or dehydration of the
PVA chains during the thermal decomposition process. The
PVA sample undergoes thermal decomposition and crystallization under a certain range of heating conditions [refer
to Figures 2(b) and Figure 3].
To improve the wound healing properties, the heattreated PVA nanobrous matrix (H-PVA) was coated with
a chitosan solution to prepare the chitosan-coated PVA
nanobers matrix (C-PVA). After coating, the color of HPVA changed from white to light yellow, possibly due to
the inherent color of chitosan. Interestingly, new joint
welding of the bers at their neighboring points and at their
cross-points was observed in the C-PVA sample (Figure 5).
This welding played an important role in improving the
mechanical stability of C-PVA. As described previously,
this increase in mechanical stability of the C-PVA nanobrous matrix might be due to the new interber bonds
(joint weldings) provided by the chitosan coating.
The nanobrous matrices (C-PVA and H-PVA) accelerated wound healing compared to the control (Figure 7).
This accelerated healing may be due to the high surface
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
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