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All entry and work in confined spaces must be carried out in conformity with stateH&S regulations (and AS 2865 Confined spaces in Qld, SA, Tas and WA).
A register must be kept of all confined spaces, which must be clearly identified.
A risk assessment must be carried out for each confined space (or type of confined space where a number of similar confined spaces are present).
Entry into a confined space should be restricted to persons who have been issued with a current entry permit or written authority to enter the confined space.
An observer who is familiar with means of rescue of a person from a confined space is to keep the person inside the confined space in view at all times.
Task sequence
1. Identification

Identified hazards in task

Unauthorised entry

2. Risk assessment and

entry permit or written

Unidentified hazards and


Changes to hazards and


3. Entry into confined


Slips, trips and falls

Removal of disabled person
Unsafe atmosphere

4. Monitoring of confined

Unsafe atmosphere
Toxic or harmful

SWP15 Version 3.1

Key processes to be followed

Identify all confined spaces by a sign at each point of entry with the legend
Any identification code or number allocated to the confined space should be
clearly displayed at the entry point(s) and at any valves or controls related to
the confined space.
A risk assessment MUST be carried out by a competent person before work
is commenced. Note: a generic hazard identification and risk assessment
may be appropriate where similar confined spaces are present; however, any
differences in circumstances (such as different contaminants in similar
confined spaces) may require that a separate risk assessment is carried out.
An entry permit or written authority must be re-confirmed following a break
in continuity of the tasks where conditions under which the permit or written
authority was issued may have changed, or where changes in personnel
involved in the work occur.
Where entry into the space is by ladder, an approved means of preventing
the person from falling from the ladder must be provided.
Where an injured or unconscious person may have to be removed from a
confined space, a safety line attached to a parachute type harness must be
attached to the person at all times.
Atmospheric testing for unsafe levels of oxygen and/or contaminants must
be carried out before each entry and following work breaks.
Where a confines space has or may have contained potentially harmful
contaminants, a suitable purging agent must be used to clear the atmosphere.
Process vessels and storage vats, etc, may contain harmful residues even
after purging, which may result in harmful contact and/or release of
atmospheric contaminants during entry.
Constantly monitor the atmosphere inside the confined space for flammable
or explosive gases, toxic gases, biological hazards or unsafe oxygen levels.

ASSA Pty Ltd 2009


Precautions / PPE required

Prevent unauthorised entry into
the confined space during
maintenance operations by
barricading and posting suitable
signs at entry points.
The entry permit or written
authority must be based on the
risk assessment, and must
address all identified hazards
and assessed risks.
Changed conditions will require
that a new risk assessment is
carried out.
Safety harness must be worn and
fall arrestor system used.
Fall arrestor line is not suitable for
rescue purposes.
Do not enter until all tests have
been carried out.
Do not purge with pure oxygen or
mixture containing over 21% O2.
Wear body protection, eye
protection, gloves and chemicalresistant footwear.
Wear supplied-air respirator or
breathing apparatus.

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Task sequence
5. Working in confined

Identified hazards in task

Striking against objects
Flying particles, dust
Electric shock
Fire and explosion

6. Return to service

In-service failure
Undetected hazards

Key processes to be followed

Provide flow of fresh air from outside of the confined space to assist in
reducing the temperature inside the confined space.
Work processes in a confined space may produce noise levels much higher
than the same process carried out in the open.
Restricted work space increases risk of hitting head on parts, structure, etc.
Close proximity of walls, etc, increases risk of foreign body in eyes.
Confined space will result in higher concentrations of dust or air-borne
residue from work processes.
Physical damage to power leads will result in surfaces becoming live.
Risk of electric shock while welding in damp or wet conditions.
Eliminate potential ignition sources within and adjacent to spaces where
flammable or explosive gases or substances may be present.
Ensure that all tools, equipment and materials have been removed from the
confined space before signing off on the entry permit or written authority.
Remove and sign all danger tags and lockouts before signing off.
Report any new or previously undetected hazards encountered during the
work in the confined space on the entry permit or written authority before
returning the permit or authority to the issuing officer
Report any suggested changes or improvements to work processes for
consideration and implementation before the next or similar entry.

Precautions / PPE required

Continue to carry out atmospheric
monitoring during entry.
Wear hearing protection.
Wear head protection.
Wear eye protection.
Wear dust mask or respirator.
Safety switch or RCD to be used.
Use rubber mats while welding.
Prohibit smoking, open flames or
sparks where risk is present.
Do not return to service until all
checks have been carried out and
permit or authority is signed off.
Ensure that the entry permit or
written authority is annotated with
undetected hazards and that the
permit or authority is filed for
future reference.

1. The following precautions should be
implemented in confined spaces.
2. Suitable safety and warning signs should
be displayed in areas where persons are
required to enter a confined space.

SWP15 Version 3.1

ASSA Pty Ltd 2009


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