Modernity and Emergence of Sociology

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--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------

about faculty
Dear Candidate, our faculty is highly qualified and experienced,
both in Civil Services Examination as well as in academics.
(formerly associated with University of Delhi and Vajiram and Ravi)

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------

about Civil Services as a career

Dear Candidate, before I introduce you to this work I would like to share a
few things with you. As you know Civil Services Examination is considered to be
one of the toughest examinations. But I believe that there is no such thing as EASY
or DIFFICULT per se because I feel that it is our thinking that makes it so.
Therefore, if you begin your journey to IAS with a positive attitude that
YES, I CAN DO IT, then trust me your journey would become not only a
pleasant and enjoyful learning experience but also far more easier than otherwise.
Further, before you decide to take Civil Services Examination or any other
examination, make sure that your decision is well thought of. For that, firstly, you
must take time and introspect and see whether your aptitude and interest matches
with the career that you are planning to choose. Since it is the most important step
for anyone, any amount of time spent on this is worth.
Secondly, whatever decision you take must be your own independent
decision and must be taken with the conviction that whatever may be the outcome
you will never regret having taken such decision. Thirdly, one must also make a
comparative analysis of the requirements or the level of preparation that an
examination demands and the ability or level of preparation one actually has. This
is important because it will not only help you in placing the examination in right
perspective but also enable you to set realistic expectations from yourself. It will
go a long way in guarding you from negative thoughts often arising out of selfdoubts during the course of preparation. Thus, saving you both, time as well as
Last, but not the least, I would like to caution those students who go on a
shopping spree collecting study material from various coaching institutes during
the course of their preparation for this examination. I wish to make it clear that this
examination does not require too much of content. Rather, on the basis of my
personal experience as well as that of toppers, I can confidently say that
this examination is less about content and more about analysis, both
comparative as well as contemporary.
Thats why in light of the changing pattern of the Civil Services
Examination, I always suggest my students to:

Read Adequately * Think Logically * Write Relevantly

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------

how to prepare Sociology

Dear Candidate, given the Limited Time that you have and the
Infinite Syllabus that you have to prepare for the Civil Services Examination, it
becomes very important to manage your time wisely and utilize your energy
efficiently. It becomes all the more important in light of the fierce competition that
you face ahead. Here, I recall a line from the book You Can Win by Shiv Khera,
Winners dont do different things, they do things differently.
Now, I would like to brief you about how our approach is different from the
rest, and also the best, for preparing Sociology optional for the Civil Services
Firstly and foremostly, you must understand that no matter how many
sleepless nights you may spend preparing for this examination, ultimately, it is
only those 3 hours (at the examination hall during the Mains (Written)
Examination) that are going to decide your fate. So it is very important for the
candidates to prepare their subject strictly in an Exam Oriented manner. What is
important here is not how much you have studied for the exam but how much you
would be able to write at the time of the exam? So, what is important here is not to
master the subject in all its possible details but rather, one should prepare the
subject strictly in a professional manner keeping in mind the demands for
conceptual clarity, analytical reasoning and correct writing expression as set
forth by Union Public Service Commission. Only then one can hope to cover the
syllabus for this exam in a time-bound manner with better chances of success. This
you would realize step-by-step as you move along these notes and with vital inputs
from my side at regular intervals.
Secondly, one must follow a Theme-Based Approach instead of
Topic-Based Approach, whereby one should identify the major theme that
underlies a given topic and runs through several other related sub-topics.
Particularly, in light of the revised syllabus and the changing orientation of the
Civil Services Examination, it has become all the more important to adopt themebased approach because many a times questions are also asked on topics which are
not mentioned in the syllabus. Though at the outset such questions may appear to
be out of syllabus to the candidate but actually they are not. Questions on such
topics are basically of implied nature and thus very much a part of the major theme
that underlie the mentioned topic. So by following a theme-based approach we can

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------cover not only the topics that are mentioned in the syllabus but also those which
are implied in nature.
Thus, following a theme-based approach you would not only realize the
depth of understanding that is expected from candidates at this examination but
also it would keep you focused throughout your preparation. Please note that the
theme-based approach would help you develop Mental Framework of the entire
syllabus. Further, once you are confident that you have understood the broader
dimensions of the theme then it would also resist your temptation to collect more
and more material on the same topic. Thus, saving you both time as well as energy.
You will learn this art as we proceed with the syllabus.
So, when I say Read Relevantly, I simply imply that given the limitations
of time and energy, one should focus only on the important themes that underlie a
given topic. Otherwise, given the vastness of the syllabus it would be impossible to
do justice with all the topics mentioned in the syllabus in a time span of 3-4
months. Students must understand that just any information on the topic mentioned
in the syllabus may not be equally important from the examination point of view.
Hence we have to exercise selectivity.
To Think Logically implies that you must correlate your arguments in a
logical manner. This will happen only if you have a thorough grasp of the
concepts. So, Conceptual Understanding and Conceptual Interlinking both are
very important. But equally important is its practical application in the
contemporary scenario. So, whatever concepts or theories you study in the
syllabus, you must also try to relate them with the contemporary society and
changes therein. Please remember that conceptual clarity and its practical
application is equally important at the Interview stage as well, as you may be asked
to define or explain any sociological concept and to contextualize it in the light of
contemporary developments, both in national and international arena.
Write Relevantly is the most critical stage of all. As I mentioned in the
beginning that no matter how much you might have studied and what all sources
you might have referred, ultimately it is your answer sheet that determines your
destiny. Thus, your written answer must be a perfect blend of conceptual clarity,
conceptual interlinking and sociological language. More importantly, such an
answer needs to be produced on paper within the Time-and-Word Limit.
Dear Candidate, ultimately, you get only those 3 hours to convince the
examiner that how dedicated you are about Civil Services and what importance
does it carry in your life. So, with our Dialectical Approach (see page. 48)
to answer writing we will make sure that all your efforts and sacrifices made

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------during the course of preparation for this exam find a reflection in our answers. So
along with working hard (Hard Work), we also need to work smartly
(Smart Work). As you would proceed with the chapters you would be guided
about note-making and answer-writing. Please follow the instructions sincerely.
Thank You

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------

Dear Candidate, after years of experience gained while preparing for this exam
as well as in academics, I can say with firm conviction that this exam requires only
one and a half year of dedicated and focused preparation. Generally those who
take more time than this are the ones who either do not have the right guidance or
realize the significance of these crucial aspects when it is already too late. In my
view, an intensive but focused study of 3-4 months is more than sufficient to
prepare Sociology optional for the civil services exam. I would also like to say that
with regular answer-writing practice, a sincere candidate can easily score 250-300
marks, particularly in the new format of the Sociology Paper. I am sure that with
these notes and with this approach you will start your preparations with an edge
over other candidates. How far and how well you carry this advantage would
largely depend upon the consistency and sincerity of your effort. Hence I request
you to go through these notes step by step and follow the instructions sincerely.

all the best

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------

a word of caution
Dear Candidate, you just need to sincerely follow the topic-specific
instructions that would be provided during the course. You will never find yourself
alone while preparing this subject because I will always be there beside you with
some useful tips and vital inputs. If at any stage you need some clarification, you
can freely contact me on phone, email, or Facebook.
Now, you need to give at least three readings to the entire syllabus.
But, these readings need to be done in a proper and professional manner.
Remember, your aim is to qualify Civil Services Examination, not to master the
subject. If you keep this thing in mind, I assure you that you will never waste even
a single minute on unnecessary pursuits for collecting unnecessary and irrelevant
material available in the market. In order to qualify this examination, all you need
to do is that you must focus upon understanding the principle arguments related to
the mentioned topic in the syllabus and develop you own understanding out of it.
This is what I had already mentioned that conceptual clarity combined with its
practical application in our daily life is the key to your success in Civil Services
As far as these three readings are concerned, I want to you to follow a very
simple approach. In your first reading, just read these notes as a story. In your
second reading, please underline, mark or highlight the important points and
attempt the Notes-Making Assignment and Writing-Skill Assignment with a
pencil. It is only in your third reading that you will refer to the suggested readings
(that too only selectively), that I have mentioned wherever necessary and attempt
the test given at the end of each topic in Test Yourself section. Please make sure
that you get each and every test evaluated so that I can suggest you the corrective
course of action before it is too late.
Just do this and see the difference in your preparation. You will not only be
able to complete the entire syllabus in the shortest possible time but that too with
conceptual clarity and good writing skills.

Wish you all the best

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------


I believe that Life is the most beautiful gift bestowed upon us by Mother
Nature. Mother Nature has blessed us all with Life so that we live happily
and spread happiness all around. Mother Nature has empowered us all with
its supreme divine power to realize our dreams. It is entirely up to us how
we take care of our lives and what we make of it. We must respect Life and
Mother Nature.

I believe that there is no substitute for Hard Work and there is no shortcut
to success. Those who tend to opt for shortcuts, their march to success is
often cut short.

I will place highest value on time and will try my best for its optimum
utilization. I believe that Time Management is the key to success.

I will set Realistic Goals and will make my best effort to achieve them.

I believe that no success is final and no failure is fatal. It is the Courage to

continue that counts.

I will never, never, never, Never Give Up.

I will adhere to the Six Ethics of Life:

Before you Pray
Before you Speak
Before you Spend
Before you Write
Before you Quit
Before you Die


I will be Honest and Truthful in my daily life.

I will abide by the Discipline, code of conduct, terms and conditions of my



--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------

Dear Candidate, I am also enclosing two sheets, one for your Monthly
Schedule and another for your Weekly Schedule to facilitate better
Time Management. You can get these sheets printed and photocopied and with
regular practice you can yourself evaluate your performance.
Rule: While recording the numbers of hours in your Weekly Schedule, make sure
that you deduct half an hour from each of your sitting. For example, if in one
sitting you have studied for 2 hours, then, record only one and a half hours in the
Weekly Schedule. If in the next sitting, you have studied for 3 hours, then, record
two and a half hours only.
Dear Candidate, by following this method, you can tentatively arrive at the amount
of qualitative time you are devoting to your preparations for the Civil Services
Examination. By following this method, if any sincere candidate is devoting 8-10
hours per day on a regular basis, he is doing justice with his time, labour and above
all, his aim.

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------

1. Sociology The Discipline

Modernity and social changes in Europe and emergence of sociology
Scope of the subject and comparison with other social sciences
Sociology and common sense


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Modernity and social changes in Europe and emergence of sociology

Instructions: Dear Candidate, in this topic the examiner is primarily interested in

testing your overall understanding about the process of transformation that took
place in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. Further, he is interested
to know that why this process of transformation, which included large-scale social,
economic and political changes, is associated with the idea of modernity or why
this transformation came to be identified as modernization. Last, but not the least,
he wants to know that how the prevailing social conditions of those times created
the need for a new discipline and how the intellectual conditions of those times
contributed to the emergence of Sociology as a distinct discipline.
Theme: Process of modernization in Europe (in the eighteenth and nineteenth
century) and its impact on the emergence of sociology.
Related Concepts: Feudalism, Renaissance, Commercial Revolution, Scientific
Revolution, Reformation, Industrial Revolution, Enlightenment, French Revolution
and Modernity.
Important: Dear Candidate, I have discussed this topic in detail here only to
facilitate your thorough understanding and command over related concepts. But
while writing an answer in the examination it would not be possible for you to
incorporate each and every detail mentioned here. Hence, I suggest you to exercise
selectivity in picking up only the relevant content as per the demand of the
question. Given the Time and Word Limit in the examination, you will be able to
write a concise and precise answer only if you remain focused on the theme.
My advice to you here is to understand and focus on the theme rather than
the topic. I believe that given the changing pattern and focus of the Civil Services
Examination, the topic-based approach is an outdated one because it leaves the
candidate with a fragmented knowledge. While, on the other hand, a theme-based
approach would help the candidate to interlink the concepts more easily. Thus, it
would not only give the candidate a comprehensive understanding of the subject
but also help him perform well both at the written as well as the interview stage of
the examination.
To facilitate your better understanding and to enable you to interlink the
concepts, these notes have been written in a continuing series of interlinked
concepts and theories.


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Modernity has often been viewed as being in opposition to and representing
a break from tradition. If tradition looked to the past, modernity presumably turned
its eye to the future. Modern culture is frequently associated, as Swedish social
theorist Goran Therborn (1995) notes, with words like progress, advance,
development, emancipation, liberation, growth, accumulation and enlightenment.
One might add to this the idea that modernism is often depicted as an expansive,
and thus global, phenomenon. The association with these terms suggests that
modern culture possesses an optimistic orientation about our ability to collectively
resolve problems, to remedy human suffering, and to enrich social life. It
presupposes our ability to acquire knowledge of both the natural and the social
worlds and to use this knowledge to beneficially control and mold these worlds. As
Wagner (2008) sees it, modernity is associated with the open horizon of the
future, with unending progress towards a better human condition brought about by
a radically novel and unique institutional arrangement. Historians as well as social
theorists generally agree that from the fourteenth century to the sixteenth century
A.D., Europe had been witnessing changes in its political, social and economic
structures, which marked the beginning of what we call the modern period.
Before proceeding further with our discussion on modernity, we must
understand that if modernity is viewed as being in opposition to and representing a
break from tradition, then what was tradition like? In other words, what were the
features of society of medieval Europe? [Note: Medieval period, also sometimes
called as Middle Ages, roughly refers to the period from A.D. 600 to about A.D.
Society of medieval Europe (before fourteenth century) was largely feudal in
character. Feudalism was the dominant system of social-economic and political
organization in Western Europe from tenth to fifteenth century. It had emerged on
account of downfall and decentralization of Roman Empire and absence of any
central authority. The word feudal comes from feud which originally meant a fief
or land held on condition or service. In a feudal society, land was the source of the
power. Thus, feudal system was based on allocation of land in return for service.
Feudalism was based upon a system of land tenure in which land estates of
various sizes (fiefs) were given to hold (not to own) by an overlord to his vassals
(knights) in return for military service. The fiefs may further be subdivided by a
vassal among other knights who would then be his vassals. Such fiefs consisted of
one or more manors, that is, estates with serfs whose agricultural production
provided the economic basis for the existence of the feudal class. When receiving a
fief a vassal took an oath of homage and fealty (fidelity) to his lord and owed him
loyalty as well as a specified amount of military service. Upon the death of a vassal
the fief would technically revert to the overlord, but it was a common practice for

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------the eldest son to take his fathers place as vassal of the lord, and thus, in effect,
fiefs were passed on through primogeniture.
Estate system of social stratification was the characteristic feature of feudal
European societies. Estates are defined as a system of stratification found in feudal
European societies whereby one section or estate is distinguished from the other in
terms of status, privileges and restrictions accorded to that estate. The feudal
estates of medieval Europe had three important characteristics. Firstly, estates were
legally defined. In other words, each estate had a status, in the precise sense of a
legal complex of rights and duties, of privileges and obligations. The differences
between estates can also be seen in the different penalties imposed for similar
offences. Secondly, the estates represented a broad division of labour, and were
regarded in the contemporary literature as having definite functions. The nobility
were ordained to defend all, the clergy to pray for all, and the commons to provide
food for all. Thirdly, the feudal estates also acted as political groups.
Thus, the feudal society in Europe was a hierarchical and graded
organization in which every person was allotted a position. At the top stood the
king. He bestowed fiefs or estates on a number of lords who were known as dukes
and earls. These lords in turn distributed a part of their fiefs among a number of
lesser lords who were called barons and, in return, secured their military support.
Thus the dukes and earls were the kings vassals, that is to say, they owed
allegiance directly to the king. The barons were the vassals of the dukes and earls.
The knights formed the lowest category of feudal lords. Usually they were the
vassals of barons for whom they performed military service. Knights did not have
any vassals of their own. Every feudal lord was expected to pay homage to his
overlord and could then be in vested with some formal rights. Every feudal lord,
except the knight, was first a vassal and then an overlord with a number of vassals
under him. The relationship from top to bottom was one of allegiance. No vassal
owned any land; he only held the land as of his overlord. The vassal was in every
way his lords man. He recognized no other authority than of his overlord. In time
of need, for example, when the kind fought a war, he could demand military
assistance from his vassals, these vassals - the dukes and the earls - demanded the
same assistance from their vassals, the barons, and the barons from their vassals,
the knights. Every feudal lord contributed a detachment of warriors, and thus a
fighting army would be formed.
Feudal life, as explained in the previous section, was based on agriculture.
The village farm was the manor, the size of which varied from place to place. Its
centre was the manor house of the lord where he lived or which he visited, for the
lords often possessed several manors. The manor included a large farm which
supported all those who worked on it, a pasture area where the manor cattle grazed,

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------and common woods which supplied fuel and timber. A manor always had a
number of cottages where the common people lived, some workshops to provide
for manor needs, and a chapel. Manorialism was an essential element of feudal
society. It was a system of land tenure and the organizing principle of rural
economy. It was characterized by the vesting of legal and economic power in a
lord, supported economically from his own direct landholding and from the
obligatory contributions of a legally subject part of the peasant population under
his jurisdiction. These obligations could be payable in several ways, in labour, in
kind or in coin, etc. Manor was the lowest unit of territorial organization in the
feudal system in Europe. It may also be referred as the land tenure unit under
manorialism. Country people often lived on a manor. On a manor there was a
village, church, lords house or castle, and the farmland upon which the people
Please note that the Roman Catholic Church was as powerful an institution
as feudalism in western Europe during medieval times. At the head of the Church
was the Pope, who was accepted as the vicar of Christ. Popes were often stronger
than the kings and could force them to obey their orders. Christianity taught that
mans life on earth was not the end of existence, and that he should give up
pleasures in this life in order to have a life of the spirit after death. Many Christian
monks - St. Francis, St. Benedict, St. Augustine - laid great stress on purity,
resistance to temptation and the pursuit of goodness. Some people withdrew from
worldly life and led a life of virtue and penance. Some men became monks and
took the vows of obedience, poverty and chastity. Some women became nuns and
lived in nunneries. The institutions where the monks lived together were called
monasteries. This may remind you of the Budddhist bhikshus and their viharas.
Life in monastery was well organized. Monks and nuns had to observe rigid rules
of discipline. They could not marry or own property. They either worked or
prayed. The slightest disobedience brought hard punishment. Some monasteries,
like those funded by St. Benedict, were centres of learning and assured the
members a well-ordered life. Through their strict rules of discipline, they trained
groups who by their example and preaching, sought to uplift the moral life of the
people, educate the laity and tend the sick. Gradually, however corruption crept
into the monasteries. They acquired land and amassed wealth, helping to make the
Church one of the biggest land-owners in medieval times. With cultivation and
other work done by serfs, the life of many monks and nuns was no longer frugal
and austere. Luxury, good food and drink, and idleness became common. Some
great leaders sought to reform this state of affairs by introducing a new religious
order - that of wandering monks. Members of this order had no homes but moved
among the people, living on charity and setting an example of a life of chastity and

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------During the early Middle Ages, Churches were the only centres of education
and learning. The kinds of schools to which parents sent their children, when the
Greek and Roman civilizations were still flourishing, had disappeared. The
education that churches could provide was like a drop in the ocean. For a long
time, monks and priests were the only literate men in Europe. Learning was kept
alive by the Church and the monks in the monasteries. However, the learning
fostered by the Church was a narrow type. Subjects that it taught were grammar,
logic, arithmetic and theology. The only calling for which this education was
suitable was that of a monk or a priest. The language of learning was Latin, which
only churchmen could read. Everything was dominated by faith and anybody who
appealed to reason against dogma was punished. Science had come to standstill.
Magic and superstition held the day. Belief in witches was common and the
punishment for witches was to burn them alive.
However, by the end of the Middle Ages (fourteenth century onwards), some
changes started taking place in European societies which marked the decline of
feudal system.
The revival of trade (discussed later under commercial revolution) was
accompanied by the growth of towns. Old towns became larger and many new
towns emerged, mainly as centres of manufacture and trade. Towns, often walled,
gradually freed themselves from feudal control. They had their own governments
and the townsmen elected their officials. They had their own militia and their own
courts. Unlike the serfs, there were no restrictions on their movements. They could
come and go as they pleased and buy and sell property. Towns provided asylum to
serfs who escaped from feudal oppression. The towns encouraged the cultivation
of cash crops needed for manufactures, and peasants received their payments in
money. The peasants could now pay their dues to the lord in cash rather than by
With the growth of trade, there was increasing use of money. Money had
little use in feudal societies. A feudal manor was more or less self-sufficient for its
needs. There was very little of buying and selling and whatever there was, was
done through barter. The use of money indicated far-reaching changes in economy.
In feudal societies, the indictor of a mans wealth was land. Some people had
wealth, particularly the Church and sometimes the nobles, in the form of gold and
silver, but it was idle wealth. It could not be used to make more wealth. With the
growth of trade and manufactures, this changed, marking the beginning of the
transition from feudal economy to capitalist economy in which wealth is used to
make a profit. This is done by investing money in business, in trade and industry.
The profits made are re-invested to make further profits. Such wealth or money is
called capital. Money, not the landed property, increasingly became the measure

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------of mans wealth. In feudal societies, there were three classes of people: the prayers,
that is, the clergy who prayed, the soldiers or the knights who fought, and workers
or the peasants who worked for both the prayers and the soldiers. With the growth
of trade a new class emerged - the middle class - comprising mainly the
merchants. Even though small in number, they began to play an important role in
society because of the wealth they possessed. This early phase of capitalism is
known as mercantile capitalism. Thus mercantile capitalism is a system of
trading for profit, typically in commodities produced by non-capitalist production
Simultaneous with these developments changes took place in the system of
manufacturing goods. In the early medieval period, most of the non-agricultural
products required by the peasants were produced in the household of the peasant
and by serfs, who were skilled craftsmen, for the lord. With the growth of towns,
many of these activities shifted to towns where people skilled in particular crafts
organized themselves into guilds. Each craft guild had master craftsmen,
journeyman and apprentices. To learn a craft, a person joined a master as an
apprentice or learner. After having learned the craft, he worked as a journeyman
with the master on a wage or, if he had mastered the craft, he would himself
become a master craftsman. The units of production were small, consisting of three
or four people, and each unit had a shop to sell its produce. There were no
inequalities within a unit or between units of the same guild. The guild system, was
not suited to the requirements of large scale production required by an expanding
market for goods, and the system began to decline. Inequities appeared with the
system, with masters refusing to let journeymen become masters and paying them
low wages. With the introduction of the putting out system, their independence
declined. The merchant, under this system, would bring the master craftsmen the
raw materials, the craftsmen would work with their tools as before in their homes
and the produce would be taken away by the merchant who had supplied them with
raw materials. Thus, in effect, unlike before, the craftsmen did not own what they
produced. They were increasingly reduced to the position of wage-earners, except
that they still owned the tools used by them and worked at home.
Subsequently, this system gave way to the factory system (discussed later
under industrial revolution) under which the production was carried out in a
building owned by the capitalist with the help of machines also owned by him. The
workers, owing nothing, worked only for wages. In industries, such as mining and
metal-working, the new system came into being early. The period saw tremendous
expansion of manufactures. This was accompanied by a growing differentiation in
towns and the emergence of working class.


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------As a result of these developments, the feudal system broke down. The towns
which were free from the control of the lords began to undermine the stability of
the feudal society. In course of time, towns became very prosperous. Kings who
were quite powerless in the feudal system began to take the help and support of
townsmen to increase their power and to enforce their will over the lords. The
kings also started having their own armies and thus freed themselves from their
earlier dependence on the lords for soldiers. This led to the emergence of strong
nation-states. Thus, feudalism began to decline although it was finally ended in
most countries only in the 18th and 19th centuries. In its place, a new system of
society (Capitalist Society) began to emerge.
However, feudalism served its purpose of bringing a measure of orderliness,
safety and security to medieval life. It allowed social and economic activity to run
its normal course. But feudalism had also another side to it. It developed, and was
dependent on, a rigid class system. Man was divided from man, class from class,
and this stood in the way of political unity. The nobles looked down upon the
common man, and their inherited authority brought with it one-man rule and
oppression. The lords were often too powerful for the kings to control and fought
among themselves for small selfish ends. The king had no contact with the
common man, who was left entirely to the mercy of his lord, and the lord was
usually irresponsible and unmindful of the welfare of common people. The feudal
system also led to economic stagnation. The wealth produced by the peasants and
the artisans was wastefully consumed by the feudal lords, in luxurious living and in
wars. Individual enterprise and initiative were all but unknown. Further, the desire
for the new lands and riches encouraged the lords and leaders of the Church to
fight the holy wars, or the Crusades.
The medieval period, lasting roughly from fifth through the thirteenth
centuries A.D. have often been called the Dark Ages and to some extent it was
truly so. The helplessness of the common man, the arbitrary rule of the king and
the barons and the absence of national unity were some of the aspects of the darker
side of those times. Education was very uncommon and people led a miserable life.
The prevailing European view of the Dark Ages was that civilization had
stagnated. Not only were scientific and artistic advances rare, but much of the
knowledge of the classical period was lost. Cultural activities came to an end with
the arrival of invading barbarians, and the western Roman Empire disintegrated
into thousands of isolated villages where there was little interest in, or time for,
study. Memory of the classical period faded except in a few sequestered
monasteries, where ancient texts were stored and in the Islamic world, where
scholars translated Greek texts into Arabic. During the Dark Ages the
overwhelming majority of Europeans were crude illiterates, and even educated

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------people knew less about science, medicine, and art than their counterparts in the
classical period.
1. Notes-Making Assignment
Please note that in the notes-making assignment you have to identify only those
points which constitute the central theme of the given topic. To gain an edge over
other candidates, you need to continuously enrich your notes with vital but relevant
inputs. For this you may also include here some recent data, case studies or
examples. For this you may refer newspapers (The Hindu, The Times of India, The
Indian Express), magazines (Yojana, Kurushetra, Frontline, The Economic and
Political Weekly, Mainstream) and government publications (India Year Book, The
Economic Survey, The Census of India) etc.
Please take this exercise seriously because you would need to refer these self-made
notes only just a couple of days before exam. So, be as brief and precise as
possible. The first exercise is done for you to help you understand the approach as
well as the methodology better.
Identify five important features of feudal society (only in the form of Pointers).
Dominant system of social-economic and political organization in Medieval
Based upon a system of land tenure ( King Dukes and Earls Barons
Knights Peasants)
Characterized by estate system of stratification (Clergy, Nobility and
Largely subsistent economy characterized by the absence of a strong central
Started declining fourteenth century onwards on account of revival of trade
and commerce and emergence of urban centres (Commercial Revolution)
2. Writing-Skill Assignment
Now, once you have made your notes on the given topic in the pointers form, it is
time to practice writing short notes so as to sharpen your answer-writing skills.
Dear Candidate, I repeat that no matter for how many hours or years you may have
studied but ultimately it is only those 3 hours in the examination hall that would
decide your fate. Hence I always suggest my students to continuously monitor their

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------progress in writing-skills by regularly writing answers and getting it evaluated by
The first exercise is done for you.
Write a short note on feudalism. (100-120 words)
Feudalism was the dominant system of social-economic and political organization
in Medieval Europe. It was based upon a system of land tenure in which land
estates of various sizes (fiefs) were given to hold (not to own) by an overlord to his
vassals (knights) in return for military service. Estate system of social stratification
was the characteristic feature of feudal European societies whereby one section or
estate was distinguished from the other in terms of status, privileges and
restrictions accorded to that estate. Feudal society was largely subsistent and
stagnant economy characterized by the absence of a strong central authority.
However, feudal social order started declining fourteenth century onwards on
account of revival of trade and commerce and emergence of urban centres in
western European societies. (Total Words: 126)

3. For Interview
Questions may be asked on the following to test your conceptual clarity and grasp
of the subject.
Feudalism * Estate system of stratification * Manorialism * Factors responsible for
the decline of feudalism * Karl Marx on feudalism

However, fourteenth century onwards the society in Europe started

changing. A number of interrelated developments took place in the period from
about fourteenth to seventeenth century which marked the beginning of modern
Anthony Giddens also states in The Consequences of Modernity (1990) that
modernity refers to modes of social life or organization which emerged in Europe
from about the seventeenth century onwards and which subsequently became more
or less worldwide in their influence. According to Giddens, modernity represents
a sharp qualitative break from previous traditional social orders.


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Let us first understand that what were these changes which took place from
about fourteenth to seventeenth century in Europe and marked the beginning of
modern age? How the new social order which emerged in Europe from about the
seventeenth century onwards was qualitatively different from the previous
traditional social orders.
Historians generally agree that from fourteenth to sixteenth centuries,
Europe had been witnessing changes in its social, economic and political
structures, which marked the beginning of the modern period. In the next section,
we will learn about the various social, economic and political changes that Europe
witnessed in the form of Renaissance, Commercial Revolution, Scientific
Revolution, Reformation, Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, French
Revolution, etc.
One of the first developments that marked the beginning of a new era was
the Renaissance. The medieval Dark Age was followed by the Renaissance,
coming in the fourteenth century and lasting to the end of the sixteenth century.
The Renaissance refers, in a literal sense, to the intellectual rebirth of Europe as
people tried to recapture the artistic, philosophical, scientific, and commercial
glory of the classical period. It is important to emphasize that the conventional
nineteenth-century assessment was that the Renaissance had been a period of
rediscovery. There was a great appreciation for the cultural accomplishments of the
Greeks and Romans and a genuine desire to replicate those accomplishments and,
hence, to recapture the cultural glory of earlier times. [Please note that the
Classical Period of Western history, the era of Greece and, later, Rome, lasted
roughly from the eighth century B.C. until the fourth century A.D. Many noteworthy scientific and artistic advances were made during that period. To name just
a few: geometry was developed; money came into circulation; trade expanded;
accounting practices emerged; shipbuilding improved; the Phoenician alphabet was
made more precise with the inclusion of vowels; literature was born; comedies and
tragedies were written; amphitheaters were constructed; great philosophical
debates raged; engineers achieved wondrous feats (literally, the wonders of the
ancient world); monuments were built; medicine advanced; libraries were
constructed; elements of democratic governmental forms came into being; and
education expanded. In short, civilization flowered. Advances were intermittent, to
be sure, but over time the total stock of knowledge increased and diffused widely
to other parts of the world. At least it was the nineteenth-century European view
that the classical period of the Greeks and Romans marked such a flowering of


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------The term Renaissance literally means rebirth and is, in a narrow sense,
used to describe the revival of interest in the learning of the classical civilizations
of Greece and Rome. This revival first began in Italy when a number of scholars
from Constantinople migrated to Italy and a number of Italian scholars went to
Constantinople and other cities of the old Byzantine empire in search of Greek
classics. The Renaissance emerged in Italy roughly between A.D. 1300 and A.D.
1550 and then spread to northern Europe during the first half of the 16th century.
The renaissance started in Italy because of several factors. First, Italy always had a
cultural advantage over the rest of Europe because its geography made it the
natural gateway between the East and the West. Venice, Genoa, Milan, Pisa and
Florence traded uninterruptedly with the Asian countries and maintained a vibrant
urban society. The Italian cities had grown up in an atmosphere of freedom from
feudal control. Freedom encouraged thinking and a spirit of adventure. The rulers
of the Italian states were patrons of learning and the arts.
During the 13th and the 14th centuries, mercantile cities expanded to become
powerful city states dominating the political and economic life of the surrounding
countryside. Italian aristocrats customarily lived in urban centres rather than in
rural castles unlike their counterparts in northern Europe and consequently became
fully involved in urban public affairs. The neo-rich mercantile communities which
came to be known as the bourgeoisie tried to gain the status of aristocracy.
Merchant families tried to imitate an aristocratic life-style. Their wealth and
profession became an important factor for the development of education in Italy.
There was not only a demand for education for the development of skills in reading
and accountancy, necessary to become successful merchants, but also the richest
and most prominent families looked for able teachers who would impart to their
offspring the knowledge and skills necessary to argue well in the public arena.
Consequently Italy produced a large number of educators, many of whom not only
taught students but also demonstrated their learning in the production of political
and ethical treaties and works of literature.
Another reason, why the late medieval Italy became the birthplace of an
intellectual and artistic renaissance, was because it had a far greater sense of
rapport with the classical past than any other region of Europe. In Italy the classical
past appeared immensely relevant as ancient Roman monuments were present all
over the peninsula and the ancient Latin literature referred to cities and sites that
Italians recognized as their own. Further, Italian renaissance was also facilitated by
the patronage that it received in abundance. The wealthy cities of Italy vied with
each other to construct splendid public monuments and support writers whose role
was to glorify the urban republic in their writing and speeches. As a result,
hundreds of classical writings, unknown to Europeans for centuries, were
circulating first in Italy and then other parts of Europe. The interest in classical

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------learning and in other achievements of the civilizations of Greece and Rome deeply
influenced Europeans. The Renaissance, however, was not, as mentioned earlier, a
mere revival of ancient learning and knowledge of the achievements of ancient
Greece and Rome. It was marked by a series of new developments in the field of
art, literature, religion, philosophy, science and politics.
The early phase of Renaissance was described as a period of revival as it
concentrated in reviving the old learning which was disseminated through the
traditional methods. The latter phase was described as a period of innovation as
much new knowledge was generated during this period, which laid the foundation
for the growth of modern thought. This new knowledge was spread by a new
medium, i.e print. This meant that a large number of people and countries could
share the knowledge and debate the changes. Though, the study of classical and
Christian antiquity existed before the renaissance, there was a significant
difference between the learning of the middle age scholars and the renaissance
thinkers. The renaissance thinkers recovered the works of lesser-known scholars
and made them popular along side the more famous ones. The Greek scientific and
the philosophical treatises were made available to the westerners in Latin
translations. The renaissance thinkers used classical texts in new ways such as to
reconsider their preconceived notions and alter their mode of expression.
So, rational thinking tempered with a spirit of scientific enquiry about the
universe and the existence of humanity in it, became the important characteristic of
the renaissance outlook. These rational ideas also helped in developing a society
that was increasingly non-ecclesiastical in comparison to the culture of the Middle
ages. The intellectual and cultural life of Europe for centuries had been dominated
by the Catholic Church. The renaissance undermined this domination. The revival
of pre-Christian classical learning and of interest in the cultural achievements of
ancient Greece and Rome were, in themselves, also an important factor in
undermining the domination of the Church.
The chief characteristic of the Renaissance way of thinking was humanism.
It was the heart and soul of the Renaissance. Basically, it meant a decisive shift in
concern for human as distinct from divine matters. Humanism was a system of
views which extolled man, stressed his essential worth and dignity, expressed deep
faith in his tremendous creative potential, and proclaimed freedom of the
individual and inalienable rights of the individual. It was centered on the man of
flesh and blood with all his earthly joys and sorrows, opposed to religious
asceticism and defended his right to pleasure and the satisfaction of earthly desires
and requirements. It meant the glorification of the human and natural as opposed to
the divine and other-worldly. The humanists rejected and even ridiculed religious
asceticism, mortification of the flesh and withdrawal from the world. They urged

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------man to seek joy on this earth rather than in an afterlife which the Church
advocated. Their works were permeated with the faith that a man with an active
mind and body was capable of knowing and controlling the world, of performing
miracles and fashioning his own happiness. The proper study of Mankind, it was
asserted, is Man, Humanity rather than Divinity. The Renaissance men, hungered
after more knowledge. They came to feel that human life is important, that man is
worthy of study and respect, that there should be efforts to improve life on this
earth. Because of this interest in human affairs, the study of literature and history
became major areas of study. Literature and history came to be called the
humanities which were primarily concerned with understanding the affairs of
man in his earthly life, not with life after death.
1. Notes-Making Assignment
Identify the main characteristics of Renaissance. (only Pointers)


2. Writing-Skill Assignment
Renaissance marked a qualitative shift in the history of western European
society. Discuss. (150 words)


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------

...... (Total Words:


3. For Interview

Factors responsible for its origin in Italy

Another development which marked the beginning of the modern age was
the commercial revolution, fostered by a series of voyages of discovery. The
Commercial revolution refers to the expansion of trade and commerce that took
place from the 15th century onwards. It was of such a large scale and organized
manner that it is called a Revolution. The Commercial revolution signaled a shift
from the largely subsistence and stagnant economy of medieval Europe to a more
dynamic and world wide system. This expansion was as a result of the initiative
taken by certain European countries to develop and consolidate their economic and
political power. These countries were Portugal, Spain, Holland and England.
The same spirit of curiosity that led some of Europes Renaissance men to
effect new developments in art, literature, science, and religion led others to
adventure and the discovery of new lands. The main motivation behind these
adventures was the profits that trade with the East would bring. Earlier, Europe
trade with the Oriental or Eastern countries like India and China was transacted by
land routes. The northern Italian cities of Venice and Genoa were the major centres
of trade. The result of the Italian monopoly was that the prices of goods like spices
and silks imported form the East was extremely high. For example, after his first
voyage to India, Vasco Da Gama found that the price of pepper in Calicut was one24

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------twenty sixth of the price prevailing in Venice. The prosperity of the Italian cities
that had grown rich from their trade with eastern countries aroused the envy of the
other European nations; they longed to have a share in the trade.
But after 1453, the Turks cut off this trade through Asia Minor and if the
Europeans were to continue to have spices, these products had to be brought by a
different route. Finding new routes was a challenge to the adventurous sailors of
the Renaissance. Thus, a shift from land routes to sea-routes began. Helped by
some remarkable inventions, daring sailors sailed for distant lands. Invention of
mariners compass, astrolabe and newly prepared maps and guidebooks greatly
facilitated these voyages. With the help of the compass, navigators determined the
directions on high seas. The Astrolabe helped in determining the latitude of a
particular area. These voyages were financed by rulers and merchants who
sponsored the costly voyages of the sea-farers for the profits that the voyages
would bring. The discoveries of the sea-farers extended the knowledge about the
world and the old maps which were both inaccurate and incomplete had to be
The voyages and discoveries of Columbus, Vasco da Gama and Magellan
changed mans idea of the world, revolutionized trade and started waves of
colonization that have determined the course of world history ever since. Portugal
and Spain were among the first Europe countries, which financed these
explorations and discoveries. Britain, France and Holland soon followed Spain and
Portugal. Soon parts of Asia, Africa, Malacca, the Spice Islands, West Indies, N.
America and S. America came under the control of Spain, Portugal, Britain, France
and Holland. Commerce expanded into a world enterprise. The monopoly of the
Italian cities was destroyed. European markets were flooded with new
commodities; spice & textiles from the East, tobacco from N. America, Cocoa,
Chocolate & quinine from S. America, ivory and, above all, human slaves from
Africa. With the discovery of Americas, the range of trade widened. Formerly, the
items sought for were spices and cloth, but later, gold and silver were added to the
list. As the commercial revolution progressed, the position of Portugal and Spain
declined. Britain, France and Holland came to dominate Europe and the world.
This marked the early phase of capitalism known as mercantile capitalism. It was
characterized by growth of trade and commerce and generating profits through
Subsequently, this accumulated wealth or capital was further reinvested in
land & agriculture (scientific farming and sheep-rearing) to generate further
profits. This led to the transformation of agriculture in Europe, called as
agricultural revolution. The agrarian revolution saw the transformation of a
system of subsistence into a system of surplus by production of cash crops for the

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------market, the surplus being made possible by reformed and mechanized cultivation.
So, mercantile capitalism was followed by the capitalistic transformation of
agriculture or agrarian capitalism. The first sign of capitalistic transformation of
agriculture manifested itself in England in the form of land enclosures which began
to occur in the rural economy as early as 1560, when landholders began to assert
rights of private property over feudal land. It has been called by the historians as
Enclosure Movement. Essentially, the enclosure movement can be described as a
system whereby tenant holdings in feudal land and agriculture became enclosed
and made available for the private use of landholder. As, a result peasant families
were evicted from their holdings and in many cases thrown off the land. While
many of the first enclosures were initiated by landlords in order to appropriate
tenant holdings, in latter stages of change they were used to make way for sheep
pastures. However, by 1710 the first Enclosure Bill appeared which legalized the
enclosure of tenant holdings by Parliamentary Acts. With parliamentary approval,
enclosures could proceed at a more advanced rate and eventually became
commonplace by mid century as conversions became more rapid. By 1800, 4000
Parliamentary Acts had been passed and in excess of six million acres of land had
been enclosed.
As the pace of economic change began to intensify, the rate of enclosures
accelerated to the point where the displaced population of agricultural workers
began to increase dramatically and this began to mobilize a transfer of the
population to the centers of industry. As statutory enactments gave the power of
eviction to landlords, legal proceedings multiplied the rate of local evictions and at
the same time restricted the use of pastures from domestic animals, prohibited the
use of arable land from tenant agriculture, and displaced agricultural workers and
hereditary tenants. In practice, enclosures became a society-wide depopulation
movement fueled by mass evictions and foreclosures which coercively separated
peasants from their means of livelihood by removing them from their own
agricultural holdings. As serfs were forced off the land, landlords were able to
assert rights of modern private property over land to which they previously held
only feudal title. This hastened the transformation of land into a commercial
commodity, first by subjecting it to buying and selling, and second by extending its
capacity to produce money rent. Under these circumstances, customary rights and
obligations in land began to be forcibly dissolved, and with this went the bonds
connecting peasants to the land through heredity tenure and leasehold. As soon as
money rents replaced labour rent, peasants were forced to focus their attention on
their own holdings, making money rent a precondition to economic survival. Those
who were unable to pay were eventually ruined or evicted. At this point it became
possible to express the value of land in money, and this led to the transformation of
land into private property and eventually a commercial commodity. As land
became subject to buying and selling, the economic balance between serfs and

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------landlords was upset and feudal obligations in land and livelihood began to
As the breakdown of feudal obligations in land continued, it began to place
the serf population under new forces of social differentiation and fragmentation.
This put the serf population at the disposal of the new forces of production, which
put into play a massive demographic transfer of the agricultural population into the
industrial centers, bringing about a more complete transition to a new category of
labour based on wages. At this stage, the flow of population from the old feudal
economies to the new economies of industry became a more urgent fact of
economic change, and this began to complete the process of transforming the
agricultural worker of previous centuries into the wage labourer of the industrial
economy. By 1840 the transition to an industrial economy was more or less
complete. Several consequences ensued as a result of the displacement of the serf
population from the rural economies. Firstly, as the transfer of the population
proceeded, it brought about a massive social displacement which dispersed
families, uprooted local economies and undermined regional modes of life and
livelihood. Secondly, it dissolved the serfs relationship to the land and altered the
system of economic livelihood, forcing serfs to sell their labour for a wage, and
severing the serfs feudal relation to the agricultural means of production. Thirdly,
the shift to an industrial economy meant that wage labourers were unable to
employ the means of production on their own as they once did in a feudal
economy, and as a result they lost control over the ability to put the means of
production to work. Further, as the shift to an industrial economy became finalized,
the old class structure of feudal society was replaced by the formation of a new
commercial class who were at the center of power and industry. This began to
bring about the transfer of the ownership of the means of production to the
commercial classes and, consequently, as the means of production fell into private
hands, it became the property of one class.
During much of the eighteenth century, the last remnants of the old
economic order were crumbling under the impact of the industrial revolution. In
historical terminology, industrial revolution means primarily the period of British
History from the middle of the eighteenth century to the middle of nineteenth
century. England in the 18th century was in the most favourable position for an
industrial revolution. Through her overseas trade, including trade in slaves, she
had accumulated vast profits which could provide the necessary capital. In the
trade rivalries of European countries, she had emerged as an unrivalled power. She
had acquired colonies which ensured a regular supply of raw materials. The term
industrial revolution was first used in the 1880s to denote the sudden
acceleration of technical developments by the application of steam power to
machines which replaced tools. The term got popularized when Arnold Toynbees

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Industrial Revolution appeared in 1884. As discussed earlier, the new system of
society which had been emerging in Europe from the 15th century was called
capitalism. Under capitalism, the instruments and the means by which goods are
produced are owned by private individuals and the production is carried out for
making profit. The workers under this system do not own anything but work for a
wage. The owners of wealth under capitalism who are called capitalists do not
keep their wealth or consume it or use it for purposes of display but invest it to
make profit. Goods are produced for sale in the market with a view to making
profit. This system is in marked contrast with the feudal system in which goods
were produced for local use and the investment of wealth for making profit did not
take place. Economic life under feudalism was static as goods were produced for
local consumption and there was no incentive to produce more by employing
better means of producing goods for a bigger market. In contrast, the economy
under capitalism was fast moving with the aim of producing more and more goods
for bigger markets so that more profits could be made.
The desire to produce more goods at low cost to make higher profits led to
the Industrial Revolution and further growth of capitalism. The Industrial
Revolution began in England in about 1750. It was then that machines began to
take over some of the works of men and animals in the production of goods and
commodities. That is why we often say that the Industrial Revolution was the
beginning of a machine age. You have read before that the guild system had
given way to the domestic or the putting-out system. In the 18th century, the
domestic system had become obsolete. It started giving way to a new system
called the factory system. In place of simple tools and the use of animal and
manual power, new machines and steam power came to be increasingly used.
Many new cities sprang up and artisans and dispossessed peasants went there to
work. Production was now carried on in a factory (in place of workshops in
homes), with the help of machines (in place of simple tools). Facilities for
production were owned and managed by capitalists, the people with money to
invest in further production. Everything required for production was provided by
the capitalists for the workers who were brought together under one roof.
Everything belonged to the owner of the factory, including the finished product,
and workers worked for wages. This system, known as the factory system, brought
on the Industrial Revolution. This phase of capitalism is known as industrial
capitalism. Industrial capitalism is capitalisms classical or stereotypical form.
The eighteenth century saw the growth of free labour and more competitive
manufacturing. The cotton industry was the first to break the hold of the guilds and
chartered corporations, but with each decade, other industries were subjected to
the liberating effects of free labour, free trade, and free production. By the time
large-scale industry emerged first in England, then in France, and later in

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Germany the economic reorganization of Europe had been achieved. Large-scale
industry and manufacture simply accelerated the transformations in society that
had been occurring for decades. These transformations involved a profound
organization of society. Labour was liberated from the land; wealth and capital
existed independently of the large noble estates; large-scale industry accelerated
urbanization of the population; the extension of competitive industry hastened the
development of new technologies; increased production encouraged the expansion
of markets and world trade for securing raw resources and selling finished goods;
religious organizations lost much of their authority in the face of secular economic
activities; family structure was altered as people moved from rural to urban areas;
law became as concerned with regularizing the new economic processes as with
preserving the privilege of the nobility; and the old political regimes legitimated
by divine right successively became less tenable.
Thus, the emergence of a capitalist economic system inexorably destroyed
the last remnant of the feudal order and the transitional mercantile order of
restrictive guilds and chartered corporations. Such economic changes greatly
altered the way people lived, created new social classes (such as the bourgeoisie
and urban proletariat), and led not only to a revolution of ideas but also to a series
of political revolutions. These changes were less traumatic in England than in
France, where the full brunt of these economic forces clashed with the Old
Regime. It was in this volatile mixture of economic changes, coupled with the
scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, that political and
intellectual revolutions were to be spawned. And out of these combined
revolutions, sociology emerged.
The Renaissance period also saw the beginning of the Scientific
Revolution. It is an undeniable fact that, if we want to seek out the cause of the
Scientific Revolution, we must look for them among the wider changes taking
place in that sea-change of European history known as the Renaissance. The
Scientific Revolution cannot be explained without reference to the Renaissance.
The Scientific Revolution, like the Protestant Reformation, can and should be seen
as one of the outcomes of the Renaissance. The Scientific Revolution marked an
era of description and criticism in the field of science. It was a clear break from the
past, a challenge to old authority. The impact of the scientific revolution was
crucial not just in changing material life, but also mans ideas about Nature and
Society. It is worth noting that science does not develop independent of society,
rather, it develops in response to human needs. For example, various vaccines were
developed out of the necessity to cure diseases. Apart from influencing the
physical or material life of society, science is intimately connected with ideas. The
general intellectual atmosphere existing in society influences the development of
science. Similarly, new developments in science can also change the attitudes and

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------beliefs of people about nature and society. New scientific ideas influenced scholars
to think about society in new ways. The emergence of sociology in Europe owes a
great deal to the ideas and discoveries contributed by science.
As stated earlier, the medieval society was characterized by the feudal
system. The Church was the epicenter of authority and learning. Knowledge was
largely religious in nature. Nothing could challenge the dogmas or rigid beliefs of
the Church. New, daring ideas could not flower in such an atmosphere. Thus the
development of science was restricted mainly to improvement in the techniques of
production. However, the renaissance thinkers rejected the blind acceptance of
authority. They asserted that knowledge could be gained by going out and
studying mentally and manually the Book of Nature, and not by speculation. This
new outlook marked a break with the past and prepared the way for the
advancement of science. It was summed up by Francis Bacon, an English
philosopher, who said that knowledge could be gained only by observation and
experimentation. According to Bacon, he who seeks knowledge should first look at
things that happen in the world around him. He should then ask himself what
causes these things to happen and, after he has formed a theory or belief, as to the
possible cause, he should experiment. The experiment is to test his belief and see
whether the assumed cause does, in fact, produce the result he has observed. Bacon
believed that the true and lawful end of the sciences is that human life be enriched
by new discoveries and powers.
One of the first achievements of the Renaissance in science was in
astronomy. The year 1543 marked the development of modern astronomical
studies with the publication of Copernicus Six Books Concerning the Revolutions
of the Heavenly Spheres. Copernicus (1473-1543) was a polish scholar who lived
in Italy for many years. His work in mathematics and astronomy demolished the
hypothesis of the geocentric (Earth-centred) universe derived from Ptolemy and
other astronomers of the past. In its place he advanced the revolutionary new
hypothesis of the heliocentric (Sun-centred) universe. This meant that the earth
moved round a fixed Sun and not the other way round. The Copernican hypothesis
had radical implications. It destroyed the idea of the earths uniqueness by
suggesting that it acted like other heavenly bodies. More importantly, his theory
contradicted the earlier notions about the centrality of the earth to the cosmic order.
The very idea of an open universe of which the earth was but a small part shattered
the earlier view of a closed universe created and maintained in motion by God.
This was an important break with the ancient system of thought. For over a
thousands years, it was believed that the earth was the centre of the universe. It was
one of the basic dogmas of the philosophers of the time. Its refutation was an
attack on the conception of the universe held by the Church. This was, therefore,
condemned as a heresy. Copernicus book was published in 1543, the year in

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------which he died. He had hesitated from publishing it for fear of the hostility of the
Church. About half a century after the publication of Copernicus book, in 1600,
Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake on the charge of heresy. He had advocated
ideas which were based on Copernicus view of the universe.
The next major steps toward the conception of a heliocentric system were
taken by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) and the German
astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). Tycho Brahe constructed the most
accurate tables of astronomical observations. After his death, these observations
came into the possession of Kepler, who after much work, agreed to the
heliocentric theory, though he abandoned the Copernican concept of circular
orbits. The mathematical relationship that emerged from a consideration of Brahes
observations suggested that the orbits of the planets were elliptical. Kepler
published his findings in 1609 in a book entitled On the Motion of Mars. Thus, he
solved the problems of planetary orbits by using the Copernican theory and
Brahes empirical data. However, in the same year when Kepler published his
book, an Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), first turned a telescope
invented by him on to the sky. Through this instrument he saw stars where none
had been known to exist, mountains on the moon, spots moving across the sun and
the moon and the orbiting Jupiter. Some of Galileos colleagues at the University
of Padua were so unnerved that they refused to look through the telescope because
it revealed the heaven to be different from the teachings of the Church and the
Ptolemaic theories. Galileo published his findings in numerous works, the most
famous of which is his Dialogues on the Two Chief Systems of the World (1632).
This book brought down on him the condemnation of the Roman Catholic Church.
His life was spared only after he agreed to withdraw his views. He spent the rest of
his life virtually under house arrest.
Isaac Newton was born in England in 1642, the year Galileo died. He
solved the major remaining problems on the planetary motions and established a
base for the modern physics. Much of the researches of Newton were based on the
work of Galileo and other predecessors. In 1687, he published his treatise, The
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. In this work he proposed that the
planets and, in fact, all other particles in the universe moved through the force of
mutual attraction, a law which came to be known as the Law of Gravitation. In this
way, Newton combined mathematics and physics for the study of astronomy.
Incidentally, he was preceded in this by Varahamihira and Aryabhatta in the 5th
and 6th centuries A.D. in India.
The modern age of science that began with these Renaissance scientists not
only increased mans knowledge but also established a method of study that could
be applied to other branches of knowledge. Significant discoveries, for example

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------were made in the study of the human body and circulation of the blood which
helped to fight many superstitions. In 1543, the year in which Copernicus book
was published, Vesalius, a Belgian, published his profusely illustrated De Humani
Corporis Fabrica. Based on his study of the dissections of the human body, this
book provided the first complete description of the anatomy of the human body.
Servetus, a Spaniard, published a book explaining the circulation of blood. He was
condemned to death for questioning the Church belief in Trinity. A completed
account of the constant process of circulation of blood, from the heart to all parts
of the body and back to the heart was given by Harvey, an Englishman, in about
1610. This knowledge helped to start a new approach to the study of the problems
of health and disease. It is important to remember that what the Renaissance
scientists began learning by questioning, observation, and experimentation is the
method that scientists continue to use even today. This is scientific method. It is by
applying this method that our knowledge has grown so greatly. The knowledge
produced during scientific revolution deeply influenced the attitudes and beliefs of
people about nature and society. New scientific ideas influenced scholars to think
about society in new ways. This is very important. Please keep this in mind when
we discuss the ideas of enlightenment scholars later.
As mentioned earlier, that in medieval Europe Church was the epicenter of
authority and learning. Knowledge was largely religious in nature. Nothing could
challenge the dogmas or rigid beliefs of the Church. Any idea or action which
challenged the authority of the Church was, therefore, condemned as a heresy. This
newly emerging scientific knowledge, which was based on empirical observation
and experimentation, was not only different but also contradictory to the many
teachings of the Church. This stimulated the process of reformation in the
religious sphere of the European society. Thus, European people with new spirit of
inquiry and thought started questioning the superstitious beliefs and malpractices
of the Catholic Church.
The term Reformation refers to two major developments in the history of
Europe towards the later part of the Renaissance. The first was the Protestant
reformation which resulted in a split in Christianity and the secession of a large
number of countries from the Roman Catholic Church and establishment of
separate Churches in those countries, generally on national lines. The second
development concerned reforms within the Roman Catholic Church, generally
referred to as Catholic Reformation or Counter Reformation. But Reformation was
not merely a religious movement. It was intimately connected with, and was in fact
a part of, the social and political movement of the period which brought about the
end of the medieval period and the emergence of the modern world.


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------The Catholic Church, during the early medieval period, had become a vast
hierarchical organization headed by the Pope in Rome. The Pope was the supreme
authority over the entire hierarchy and he exercised this authority directly. The
position of the Pope is often described by the phrase papal monarchy. Systematic
efforts were made to extend the authority of the Church over everyone, high or
low, making an oral confession of his sins to a priest at least once a year and
suffering the punishment imposed was made obligatory for everyone. The people
who did not follow this were excommunicated. An excommunicated person was
supposed to have been temporarily consigned to hell. If he died, his body could not
be buried with the prescribed rituals. Other Christians were forbidden from
associating with him. An important component of the religious thinking propagated
by the Church was the theory of sacraments. A sacrament was defined as an
instrument by which divine grace is communicated to men. The sacraments were
regarded indispensable for securing Gods grace and there was no salvation
without them. Another was the theory of priesthood. It was held that the priest who
was ordained by a bishop (who was confirmed by the Pope) was the inheritor of a
part of the authority conferred by Christ on Peter. The priest, according to this
theory had the power to co-operate with God in performing certain miracles and in
releasing sinner from the consequences of their sins. Besides the sacraments,
various other beliefs came to be accepted.
Reformation is often described as a revolt against abuses which had grown
in the Catholic Church. Some of the priests and higher-ups in the Church hierarchy
received their appointments through corrupt means. Many such appointees were
utterly ignorant. They led lives of luxury and immorality. Religious offices were
sold to the highest bidder and those who bought positions after spending money
made good by taking high fees for the services they performed. The Popes and the
higher clergy lived like princes. A new abuse was the sale of letters which remitted
punishments of the sinners who bought them, both in this life and after their death
in purgatory. Normally, the priests imposed a penance or punishment on a person
who had sinned and he was required to perform a special service or make a
pilgrimage to a holy place. But increasingly sinners with enough money could be
freed from doing penance for their sins by paying the clergy for a Letter of
Indulgence. The sale of indulgences which began to be considered as passports to
heaven became one of the major immediate issues which caused the protestant
Reformation. Besides the sale of indulgences, one could now gain salvation in
exchange for fees. The priests, the bishops and the wandering monks could
pronounce a marriage lawful or unlawful. By payment of fees, the problem could
be solved. There were fees for every transaction in life, from birth to death, fees for
the peace of the soul and fees for the souls of the people dead long ago. The
wandering monks when they wanted to, heard confessions, awarded punishments
for sins and remitted the punishments for fees.

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------The Protestant Revolution can be said to have begun in 1517 when
Martin Luther, a monk of the Order of St. Augustine, nailed his ninety-five theses
or statements which attacked the sale of indulgences, on the door of the Church in
Wittenberg in Germany. He challenged people to come and hold debates with him
on his theses and sent copies of his theses to his friends in a number of cities.
During the next two years Luther wrote a series of pamphlets. He knew that his
doctrines could not be reconciled with those of the Catholic Church and that he had
no alternative but to break with the Catholic Church. In 1520, the Pope ordered
him to recant within sixty days or be condemned as a heretic. Luther burnt the
proclamation of the Pope in public. During this period, he was protected by the
ruler of Saxony who was his friend. Many rulers in Germany were hostile to the
Church and when Luther was excommunicated, he remained unharmed. During the
next 25 years, he occupied himself with the task of building an independent
German Church, and in expounding his doctrine. He rejected the entire system of
the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, introduced German as the language of
Church services, abolished the special status of priests as representatives of God on
earth, eliminated most of the sacraments, and emphasized faith rather than
pilgrimages. He gave the highest priority to the supreme authority of the scriptures.
Another important change was the abandonment of the view of the Catholic
Church that the Church was supreme over the state. The German rulers and
common people of Germany supported Luther. There were political reasons for the
support of the rulers. They wanted to be free from the authority of Popes and get
possession of the wealth in German monasteries for themselves. The common
people liked Luthers teaching because it gave them an opportunity to demand
more freedom from their rulers.
Ulrich Zwingli and John Calvin became the leaders of the Protestant
movement in Switzerland. Under the leadership of Calvin, the Swiss cities became
a refuge for Protestants fleeing to other countries in western Europe due to
religious persecution. Calvin established an academy for the training of Protestant
missionaries, who in return would spread the true word of God in other lands. As
part of the work of propagating his version of Protestantism, Calvin composed a
treatise entitled, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, wherein he gave a more
concise and logical definition of the Protestant doctrines than what had been given
by any other leader of this movement.
In England the Protestant movement was led by political leaders, particularly
King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I. Their reforms were not driven by the ides
of religious or social reforms but by the interests of the state and more practically,
the personal ambition of Henry VIII. Henry VIII sought to divorce his wife
Catherine of Aragon and wanted to marry his beloved Anne Boleyn. The Pope
refused to grant the divorce on the ground that Henry, before marrying Catherine,

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------had asked for and had received a special Papal dispensation declaring his marriage
with Catherine as valid and indissoluble. Rebuffed by the Pope, Henry promptly
declared himself the sole protector and supreme head of the Church and the
Clergy of England. After that he married Anne Boleyn. From this marriage was
born Elizabeth I, who later became the Queen of England. Englands final break
with the Pope came in 1529, when in a special session of the British Parliament a
series of laws were passed to make the English Church completely free from the
jurisdiction of the Pope. The King of England was also declared as the head of the
English Church, which hereafter came to be known as the Anglican Church.
The Roman Catholic Church had been shaken to its very root by the
movements started by Luther, Zwingli and Calvin. To counter the damage caused
by the Protestant Movements, a series of reforms began within the Catholic
Church, which came to be known as the Counter-Reformation. During CounterReformation efforts were made to restore the Catholic Churchs universal
authority. One of these efforts took place in the Council of Trent (1545) summoned
by Pope Paul III. The Council was to consider the ways and means to combat
Protestantism. So it decided to settle the doctrinal disputes between the Catholics
and the Protestants; clean up moral and administrative abuses within the Catholic
Church and organise a new crusade against the Muslims. The next step was the
organization of an order of missionaries, known as the Jesuits, with the dedicated
purpose of spreading the message of Christ. The above measures adopted by the
Catholic Church were not sufficient to bring the whole of Europe under the
authority of the Pope. The campaign, however, did achieve a considerable measure
of success in checking the further spread of Protestantism. Though much of Europe
remained Protestant, new lands overseas were being won to the Catholic Church.
Reacting to economic and political changes, the concomitant reorganization
of social life, much of the eighteenth century was consumed by intellectual
ferment. The intellectual revolution of the eighteenth century is commonly referred
to as the Enlightenment. In England and Scotland, the Enlightenment was
dominated by a group of thinkers who argued for a vision of human beings and
society that both reflected and justified the industrial capitalism that first emerged
in the British Isles. For scholars such as Adam Smith, individuals are to be free of
external constraint and allowed to compete, thereby creating a better society. In
France, the Enlightenment is often termed the Age of Reason, and it was dominated
by a group of scholars known as the philosophes. It is out of the intellectual
ferment generated by the French philosophes that sociology was born.
This section is very important, not only for your written examination but
also for the interview. Please read it carefully.

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------The term Enlightenment is used in an academic and technical sense to
indicate the intellectual movement in 18th century western and central Europe
especially in England and France. Its historical significance lay in breaking the
shackles of ideas imposed by tradition or authority whether of state or Church. For
a long period in history up to that time, the standard method of arriving at the truth
lay in an appeal to authority. It meant in practice, that truth was determined by
ones superiors and one was not expected to doubt or question their wisdom. To
buttress their claim, both state and Church would base their authority on
supernatural sanction rather than on popular sovereignty. This had been the basis
of absolutism and absolute monarchs ruled in nearly all parts of Europe. Conflicts
between Church and state were not infrequent but these rarely concerned the
common man in an age when communications were poor and his struggle for
existence much harder.
Things in the meantime had changed fast during the 16th and 17th Centuries.
Significant advances had been made in discoveries of new lands and routes;
technologies as applied to agriculture and industries had increased production, and
that possibly accounts for the rapid increase of population that took place both in
England and France. Urban areas expanded and a middle class emerged to avail
itself of the new opportunities in sectors like banking, industry, trade, journalism
and above all education that served as a catalyst in the movement of ideas.
The essence of Enlightenment lay in its challenge to absolutism, the
questioning of authority through a new conception of truth. In the course of
Enlightenment, reason supplanted authority as the accepted method of arriving at
the truth. All who look part in this movement of ideas were convinced that human
understanding is capable by its own power and without recourse to supernatural
assistance, of comprehending the system of the world. A new optimism was
breathed about mans capacity to usher in a happier social order. The basic
difference between the Absolutist view and Enlightened view centered round the
individual. Under absolutism, the individual had to submit to the authority which
was supposed to possess the monopoly of the truth; but under Enlightenment the
individual acquired a new importance, dignity and self respect. Any mans opinion
was potentially worth something. One no longer had to be a bishop or prince to
claim access to truth. Enlightenment stood for the classic trilogy - Liberty,
Equality, Fraternity; and as such represented the fight against oppression imposed
by the old social hierarchy that had developed a vested interest in keeping people
ignorant and superstitious. A challenge was thrown to religious education since it
was believed that such education sapped a young persons courage and killed
initiative by training him to fear and obey.


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Thus, the enlightenment was a period of remarkable intellectual
development and change in the philosophical thought. A number of long-standing
ideas and beliefs many of which related to social life were overthrown and
replaced during the Enlightenment. The most prominent thinkers associated with
the Enlightenment were the French philosophers Charles Montesquieu (16891755) and Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778).
Montesquieu in his book, The Spirit of the Law, held that there should not be
concentration of authority, such as executive, legislative, and judicial, at one place.
He believed in the theory of separation of powers and the liberty of the individual.
Rousseau in his book The Social Contract argued that the people of a
country have the right to choose their sovereign. He believed that people can
develop their personalities best only under a government which is of their own
choice. For Rousseau, the social contract is the sole foundation of the political
community. By virtue of this social contract, individuals lose their natural liberties
(limited merely by their ability to exercise force over one another). However,
mans natural liberty promoted unlimited acquisitiveness and avarice and thus
encouraged individuals to destroy the freedom of others weaker than they. By
submitting to a law vested in a social contract a mandate that can be withdrawn
at any time individuals find in the laws to which they consent a pure expression
of their being as civilized human entities.
Although the Enlightenment was fueled by the political, social, and
economic changes of the eighteenth century, it derived considerable inspiration
from the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. As noted
earlier, the scientific revolution reached a symbolic peak, at least in the eye of
eighteenth-century thinkers, with Newtonian physics. In the light of various
revolutionary developments in science, particularly Physics, the universe (physical
world) came to be viewed as orderly or patterned. It was argued that with scientific
inquiry (based on empirical observation and application of reason) the underlying
natural laws governing the universe can be discovered. Further, the knowledge of
these laws would facilitate better prediction and greater control over the physical
world. Thus, Physics was to become the vision of how scientific inquiry and theory
should be conducted. And the individual and society were increasingly drawn into
the orbit of the new view of science. This gradual inclusion of the individual and
society into the realm of science represented a startling break with the past,
because heretofore these phenomena had been considered the domain of morals,
ethics, and religion.


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------So, the enlightenment thinkers argued that just as the physical world was
governed by the natural laws, it was likely that social world was, too. Thus it was
up to the philosopher, using reason and research, to discover these social laws. And
once such social laws are discovered, then with the knowledge of those laws we
can control and create a better society (social engineering).
It is important to note that almost all enlightenment thinkers also shared a
vision of human progress. Humanity was seen to be marching in a direction and
was considered to be governed by a law of progress that was as fundamental as
the law of gravitation in the physical world. For example, with economic
modernization and advancement of technology agricultural and industrial
revolution took place leading phenomenal increase in the agricultural and
industrial outputs. With commercial revolution (trade and commerce),
unprecedented wealth or capital was generated. Further, scientific revolution
demolished the traditionally held superstitious beliefs (sanctified by Church) and
ushered in the age of reason. With its emphasis on empirical observation and
application of reason, it significantly changed the social outlook of man and
brought about social modernization.
At psychological level, modernity was reflected in terms of reflexivity.
Reflexivity refers to the reflexive monitoring of action: that is, the way in which
humans think about and reflect upon what they are doing in order to consider
acting differently in future. Humans have always been reflexive up to a point, but
in pre-industrial societies the importance of tradition limited reflexivity. Humans
would do some things simply because they were the traditional things to do.
However, with modernity, tradition loses much of its importance and reflexivity
becomes the norm (psychological modernization). Social reflexivity implies that
social practices are constantly examined and reformed in the light of incoming
information about those very practices, thus continuously altering their character.
Further, with the rise various social and political movements, demands for
greater individual freedom and democratization were being made. For the first time
in human history, the idea of fundamental rights of the individuals was being
entertained in the public discourse. Traditional authoritarian and autocratic systems
of governance were being challenged. The enlightenment scholars argued that all
humans had certain inalienable natural rights which must be respected such as
right to freedom of speech and expression, right of participation in the decisionmaking process, etc. This marked a significant step towards political


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Thus, the enlightenment scholars saw these developments as the sign of
progress and the enlightenment period was marked by a new optimism or hope
about the mans capacity to usher in a happier social order.
1. Notes-Making Assignment
Identify the main features of Enlightenment period.


2. Writing-Skill Assignment
Write a short note on Enlightenment. (100-120 words)

....... (Total Words:


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------3. For Interview

Enlightenment Philosophy

Major Enlightenment Philosophers

Now let us briefly discuss the developments taking place in France, the
birthplace of Sociology. In the years preceding the revolution, France retained the
political and economic characteristics of a feudal society: rigid social hierarchy,
social and economic inequality, monarchy, etc. The French society was divided
into feudal estates. The structure of the feudal French society comprised the
Three Estates. Estates are defined as a system of stratification found in feudal
European societies whereby one section or estate is distinguished from the other in
terms of status, privileges and restrictions accorded to that estate. The First Estate
(the Church) consisted of the clergy, which was stratified into higher clergy, such
as the cardinal, the archbishops, the bishops and the abbots. They lived a life of
luxury and gave very little attention to religion. In fact, some of them preferred the
life of politics to religion. They spent much of their time in wasteful activities like
drinking, gambling, etc. The Church owned one-fifth of the cultivated lands in
France and enjoyed great influence with the Government. Like the nobles, the
higher clergy was also exempt from paying most of the taxes. With the nobles they
supported absolute monarchy. The Church collected tithe, a tax from the people
for providing community services. It also maintained institutions of learning. In
comparison to the higher clergy, the lower parish priests were over worked and
The Second Estate consisted of the nobility. There were two kinds of
nobles, the nobles of the sword and the nobles of the robe. The nobles of the sword
were big landlords. They were the protectors of the people in principle but in
reality they led a life of a parasite, living off the hard work of the peasants. They
led the life of pomp and show and were nothing more than high born wastrels;
that is, they spent extravagantly and did not work themselves. They can be
compared to the erstwhile zamindars in India. The nobles of the robe were nobles
not by birth but by title. They were the magistrates and judges. Among these
nobles, some were very progressive and liberal as they had moved in their
positions from common citizens who belonged to the third estate. However, these
noble families continued to enjoy all the privileges such as non-payment of most of
the taxes, avenues to higher positions in the French administration, and income
from various feudal dues of the peasants.
The Third Estate comprised the rest of the society and included the
peasants, the merchants, the artisans, and others. There was a vast difference
between the condition of the peasants and that of the clergy and the nobility. The

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------peasants worked day and night but were overloaded with so many taxes that they
lived a hand to mouth existence. They produced the food on which the whole
society depended. Yet they could barely survive due to failure of any kind of
protection from the government. The King, in order to maintain the good will of
the other two estates, the clergy and the nobility, continued to exploit the poor. The
poor peasants had no power against him. While the clergy and the nobility kept on
pampering and flattering the King.
As compared to the peasants, the condition of the middle classes, also
known as the bourgeoisie comprising the merchants, bankers, lawyers,
manufacturers, etc. was much better. These classes too belonged to the third estate.
But the poverty of the state, which led to a price rise during 1720-1789, instead of
adversely affecting them, helped them. They derived profit from this rise and the
fact that French trade had improved enormously also helped the commercial
classes to a great extent. Thus, this class was rich and secure. But it had no social
prestige as compared with the high prestige of the members of the first and the
second estates. In spite of controlling trade, industries, banking etc. the bourgeoisie
had no power to influence the court or administration. They were looked down
upon by the other two estates and the King paid very little attention to them. Thus,
gaining political power became a necessity for them.
The clergy and the nobility both constituted only two per cent of the
population but they owned about 35 per cent of the land. The peasants who formed
80 per cent of the population owned only 30 per cent of the land. The first two
estates paid almost no taxes to the government. The peasantry, on the other hand,
was burdened with taxes of various kinds. It paid taxes to the Church, the feudal
lord, taxed in the form of income tax, poll tax, and land tax to the state. Thus, you
can see how much burdened and poverty stricken the peasants had become at this
time. They were virtually carrying the burden of the first two estates on their
shoulders. On top of it all the prices had generally risen by about 65 per cent
during the period 1720-1789. The French system of taxation was both unjust and
Like in all absolute monarchies, the theory of the Divine Right of King was
followed in France too. For about 200 years the Kings of the Bourbon dynasty
ruled France. Under the rule of the King, the ordinary people had no personal
rights. They only served the King and his nobles in various capacities. The Kings
word was law and no trials were required to arrest a person on the Kings orders.
Laws too were different in different regions giving rise to confusion and
arbitrariness. There was no distinction between the income of the state and the
income of the King. The kings of France, from Louis XIV onwards, fought costly
wars, which ruined the country, and when Louis XIV died in 1715, France had

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------become bankrupt. Louis XV instead of recovering from this ruin kept on
borrowing money from bankers. His famous sentence, After me the deluge
describes the kind of financial crisis that France was facing. Louis XVI, a very
weak and ineffective king, inherited the ruin of a bankrupt government. His wife,
Queen Marie Antoinette, known for her expensive habits, is famous for her reply,
which she gave to the poor, hungry people of France who came to her asking for
bread. She told the people that, if you dont have bread, eat cake.
Now let us examine the intellectual developments in France, which proved
to be the igniting force in bringing about the French revolution. France, like some
other European countries during the eighteenth century, had entered the age of
reason and rationalism. Some of the major philosophers, whose ideas influenced
the French people, were rationalists who believed that all true things could be
proved by reason. Some of these thinkers were Locke (1632-1704), Montesquieu
(1689-1755), Voltaire (1694-1778), and Rousseau (1712-1778).
Locke, an Englishman, advocated that every individual has certain rights,
which cannot be taken by any authority. These rights were (i) right to live, (ii) right
to property, and (iii) the right to personal freedom. He also believed that any ruler
who took away these rights from his people should be removed from the seat of
power and replaced by another ruler who is able to protect these rights.
Montesquieu in his book, The Spirit of the Law, held that there should not
be concentration of authority, such as executive, legislative, and juridical, at one
place. He believed in the theory of the separation of powers and the liberty of the
Voltaire became internationally famous as a great writer and critic whose
style and pungent criticism were inimitable. It was through his plays and writings
that he launched his bitter attacks against the existing institutions like the church
and the state. He made fun of the eccentricities of the nobles. He advocated
religious toleration and freedom of speech. He also stood for the rights of
individuals, for freedom of speech and expression.
Probably the greatest French philosopher of the age was
Jean Jacques Rousseau. In his book The Social Contract, he argued that the
people of a country have the right to choose their sovereign. He believed that
people can develop their personalities best only under a government which is of
their own choice. He further explained that the king and his subjects are parties to a
contract, and therefore if the king does not rule the people according to their
general will, he loses their loyalty. Rousseau was advocating popular sovereignty

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------theory. His writings cast such a spell on his admirers that they were ready to revolt
against the oppressive monarchy.
The major ideas of these and several other intellectuals struck the
imagination of the French people. Also some of them who had served in the French
army, which was sent to assist the Americans in their War of Independence from
British imperialism, came back with the ideas of equality of individuals and their
right to choose their own government. The French middle class was deeply
affected by these ideas of liberty and equality. So far you have leant about the
basic picture of the French society just before the Revolution. Now let us discuss
some of the major events that took place during the Revolution.
It is worth noting that when the American colonists revolted against the
oppressive rule of the mother country and won a resounding victory at Saratoga,
the French government decided to help them with men, money and materials. It
caused a serious strain on the finances of the country and cast a heavy burden on
the poor peasants. Turgot was appointed as the Minister of Finance to suggest
remedies. He advised the king to tax the privileged class. He was summarily
dismissed at the instance of the queen. Unfortunately, France witnessed nearfamine conditions in 1788 with the result that there was a serious food shortage. It
was at this critical juncture that the king was advised by his courtiers to summon
the Estates-General (French Parliament) to get approval for further dose of
When the Estates-General was summoned, the king ignored the importance
of the Third Estate (600 representatives elected by the common people) and tried to
consult the representatives of the three estates separately. The representatives of
the third estate advised the king to bring together the representatives of all the three
estates at one place for discussion of state problems. The king discarded their
advice. Subsequently, it led to a quarrel between the king and the representatives of
the third estate. This led to the formation of the National Assembly. The meeting
of the National Assembly led by middle class leaders and some liberal minded
nobles was met with stiff resistance. On 20th June 1789 when a meeting was to be
held in the Hall at Versailles near Paris, the members found that it was closed and
guarded by the Kings men. Therefore, the National Assembly members led by
their leader Bailey went to the next building which was an indoor tennis court. It
was here that they took an Oath to draw a new constitution for France. This Oath,
which marks the beginning of the French Revolution, is popularly known as the
Oath of the Tennis Court.


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Next, on July 14th, 1789 took place one of the most important events of the
French Revolution. It was the storming of the Bastille, an ancient royal prison that
stood as a symbol of oppression. On this date the mobs of Paris, led by some
middle class leaders, broke open this prison and set its inmates free. The causes for
this event were the shortage of food, on the one hand, and the dismissal of a very
popular minister called Necker, on the other. The mobs of Paris rebelled against
the ruling class, especially the King. This day is celebrated in France as its
Independence Day.
Shortly after these events, the National Assembly drafted the Declaration of
the Rights of Man, which was a central political document defining human rights
and setting out demands for reform. The political rights and freedoms proclaimed
by the Declaration were so wide-ranging in their human emancipation that it set
the standard for social and political thinking, and formed the central rallying point
of the revolution. The Declaration stated at the outset that all human beings were
born free and equal in their political rights, regardless of their class position, and
this proceeded to set up a system of constitutional principles based on liberty,
security and resistance to oppression. With philosophical authority, the
Declaration proclaimed that all individuals had the prerogative to exercise their
natural right and that the law rather than the monarch was the expression of the
common interest. This led to the elimination of all social distinctions on the one
hand, and the right to resist oppression on the other. Thus, the ideas of Liberty,
Equality and Fraternity were enshrined in this declaration. Liberty and equality put
an end to the age of serfdom, despotism and hereditary privileges found in the old
feudal society.
By August the National Assembly began to deal directly with political and
legal reforms, first by eliminating feudal dues and then by abolishing selfdom.
Second, by compelling the church to give up the right to tithes, the National
Assembly altered the authority and class position of the clergy. Third, in declaring
that all citizens, without distinction, can be admitted to ecclesiastical, civil and
military posts and dignities, it proclaimed an end to all feudal social distinctions.
As the criticism of social and political inequalities spread throughout
society, there was a widespread critique of economic inequality altogether and this
led to putting into question all other forms of subordination. With this came the
idea that human beings, without distinctions, were the bearers of natural rights a
concept which had a corrosive effect on all other forms of inequality. Finally, from
the assertions inherent in the Declarations of Rights, a new category of social
person came into being which came fundamentally to rest in the concept of the
citizen, whose social and political rights were brought within the framework of
the state.

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------As the political changes began to take effect, there were abrupt social
changes in the form of altered politics and in the form of the political
reorganization of the feudal way of life. This brought with it two central historical
shifts. First, it transformed the existing class structure of feudal society and led to
the decline of class privilege and a change in the relations of subordination which
had existed up until that time. Second, it set loose political and legal reforms which
brought about a change from a political aristocracy based on sovereign authority to
a democratic republic based on the rights of the citizen. Thus French Revolution of
1789 marked the phase of political modernization.
Now let us once again return to our discussion of enlightenment. As we had
discussed earlier, the enlightenment scholars saw these socio-economic and
political developments as the sign of progress. The enlightenment period was
marked by a new optimism or hope about the mans capacity to usher in a happier
social order. So, enlightenment thinkers represented intellectual modernity. But
there were also some scholars who viewed these changes otherwise. These scholars
were not only skeptic about these changes taking place in European society but
even condemned these changes. We call these scholars as CounterEnlightenment
scholars and their views as a Conservative Reaction to enlightenment (anti
modernity). The most extreme form of opposition to Enlightenment ideas was
French Catholic counterrevolutionary philosophy, as represented by the ideas of
Louis de Bonald (1754-1840) and Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821). These men
were reacting against not only the Enlightenment but also the French Revolution,
which they saw partly as a product of the kind of thinking characteristic of the
Enlightenment. De Bonald, for example, was disturbed by the revolutionary
changes and yearned for a return to the peace and harmony of the Middle Ages.
In general, these scholars deplored the disruption of socio-economic and
political fabric of the traditional medieval society caused by Industrial Revolution
and French Revolution. As mentioned earlier that there was massive dislocation of
rural population due to enclosure movement. The newly emerging social life in
towns and cities was bereft of close-knit community and kinship bonds, wefeeling, stability and harmonic social order. Since these cities had emerged
spontaneously, without any proper planning, they lacked even the basic amenities
such as proper sewage and sanitation. As a result, due such unhygienic living
conditions, epidemics were a common phenomenon. Further, these newly
emerging industrial cities were marked by gross socio-economic disparities.
Workers, including women and children, were forced to work for long hours in the
factories marked by inhuman working conditions. In this new mode of production,
worker had lost control over both, the process of production as well as his product.
He was simply reduced to a wage-labourer. In Marxist terms, the worker became
alienated from the product of his labour.

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Further, demand for political rights fuelled by the writings of enlightenment
scholars, often led to civil wars leading to political anomie. Furthermore, religion
too, which until now regulated the social order started declining. Religion, as the
source of solace and meaning of life, started losing its appeal with the advances in
science. So, Conservatives saw these changes, i.e. decline of family & community
life, decline of religion, economic exploitation of workers in factories, rising socioeconomic disparities and political turmoil as a sign of social decay and not as
progress. Hence, they were preoccupied with their concerns for peace and
harmony, and stability in the society.
So, while enlightenment scholars glorified change, conservatives deplored
such changes and emphasized on stability, peace and harmony. However, the idea
that there must be peace and harmony in social life came to be generally accepted
by scholars of both the traditions.
Thus, the social conditions prevalent in Europe in 18th and 19th centuries,
generated by social changes such as Renaissance, Commercial Revolution,
Scientific Revolution, Reformation, Counter-Reformation, Industrial Revolution
and French Revolution created the need for a distinct discipline to understand and
analyze these changes. As we know that the existing knowledge that was prevalent
during those times was largely religious in nature. Traditionally, the only source of
knowledge was religion, propagated by the Church. But, the then existing body of
religious knowledge had no answer to these challenges. Further, with the growth of
science, religion itself was under attack and religious ideas were loosing their
plausibility. So, there was a need for a new body of knowledge. A new body of
knowledge was needed to understand what was happening and also help people to
find solutions to the newly emerging problems.
That is how, the social changes created by modernity in Europe in the late
18th and early 19th century created the need for new knowledge.
Thus, while social conditions created the need for sociology, intellectual
conditions provided the means for building sociology as a distinct discipline. It is
the combination of both enlightenment and conservative school of thought which
led to the emergence of sociology.
As the early social theorists were largely preoccupied with understanding the
puzzle of social change unfolding in Europe and to create a harmonic social order,
hence, we can say that the goals of sociology were dictated by the conservative
reaction. As we had already discussed that how the Conservative scholars were

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------preoccupied with concerns for peace and harmony, and stability in the society.
Therefore, sometimes it is also said that the early sociology developed as a reaction
to the Enlightenment.
But, as far as the methodology or means to understand and study these social
changes was concerned, it was largely influenced by the intellectual contributions
of the Enlightenment scholars. Unlike conservatives, who yearned for a return to
the peace and harmony of the Middle Ages, early social theorists emphasized on
the need for scientific study of society based on empirical observation and reason
(an idea of Enlightenment scholars) to be the basis of this new knowledge. They
argued that through scientific study of society, social scientists can discover social
laws that govern social order and thus, through corrective social legislation, can
create a harmonic society. So, that is how the intellectual conditions helped in
creating a new discipline which would use scientific method to study society,
discover the laws that govern society and use that knowledge of laws to create a
peaceful and harmonic society.
So, social conditions created the need for sociology, intellectual conditions
provided the means for building sociology and that is how modernity and social
change in Europe led to the emergence of sociology.


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Test Yourself

Q1. Write a note on Modernity and social changes in Europe and emergence of
(300-350 words/ 30 marks)

Dear Candidate, before I give you a model answer for this question, I wish
to discuss with you the correct strategy of writing an answer. I call this
Dialectical Approach, a term borrowed from Hegel. But before you apply the
dialectical approach to a question make sure that you have read that question at
least three times and understood it. It is a very common error on the part of the
candidates to write in the examination what they know rather what has been
asked by the examiner. Hence, the key to score well in this examination is to read
the mind of the examiner and accordingly answer the question, meeting the
expectations of the examiner. If you do this, you would get marks as per your
expectations too.
All you have to do for this is to follow a very simple process. Firstly, read
the question carefully and underline the keywords. Secondly, try to understand
from which dimension the question has been framed on the topic. This is very
important because questions can be framed from multiple dimensions or angles on
the same topic. You would have no problem doing this if you sincerely follow the
theme-based approach. Thirdly, divide the question into 3-4 logical sub-questions.
When you do this it will not only keep you focused on the main theme but also
help you complete the paper in time.
Now, let me share with you something about the structure of your answer.
Your answer must be divided in four sections, viz. introduction, thesis,
anti-thesis and synthesis. The Introduction section is the most important section of
your answer as it introduces yourself as a candidate to the examiner. The examiner
forms an image about you and your understanding of the concept just by reading
the introduction. Hence, you must start by directly addressing the question, without
beating the bush. By this I mean that given the limitations of Time and Word
Limit, please avoid developing the background and glorifying the thinkers. In the
introduction, briefly explain the key concept asked in the question. The
introduction section should constitute nearly 20 % of the total length of your
The next section is Thesis. In this section, you need to identify the main
arguments in favour of the given concept or statement. Here, you must enrich your
answer by highlighting the works of the scholars and case studies in support of

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------your argument. In the Anti-Thesis section, you must write a critique of the concept
or statement. This would balance your answer. Both, Thesis and Anti-Thesis
should constitute nearly 30% each of the total length of your answer. Last, but not
the least, is the Synthesis section. You may also call it as concluding remarks.
Please remember that the concluding remarks reflect your overall understanding of
the subject to the examiner. Your concluding remarks are not supposed to be your
personal opinion about the ideas or concepts asked in the question. Rather, your
concluding remarks must reflect the insight that you have gained as a student of
Sociology. Thus, when write synthesis, make sure it is an academic conclusion
rather than personal opinion.
Structure of the Model Answer:
Introduction: Briefly discuss the concept of modernity and the process of social
change in Europe that brought about modernity
Thesis: Arguments in favour of the modernization process, viz. the ideas of
Enlightenment scholars, with examples
Anti-thesis: Conservative reaction to Enlightenment
Synthesis: Emergence of Sociology as a by-product of the confluence of the two
intellectual currents Enlightenment and Conservatives


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes-------------------Model Answer

Modernity refers to the rational transformation of social, psychological,
economic and political aspects of society. In this sense, the process of
modernization could be said to have begun in the late 18th and early 19th century in
Western Europe. During that period, the entire social structure and the economic
and political institutions were undergoing transition, particularly in the backdrop of
Renaissance and Enlightenment movement. With industrial revolution, traditional
feudal agrarian society was in decline and a new capitalist industrial society was
emerging. The commercial and scientific revolutions which marked the period laid
the foundations for the transformation of a predominant rural, agricultural and
manual way of life to an urban industrial and mechanized pattern of living.
These extensive changes integral to the process of industrialization however,
involved a major paradox. They brought a new society with great productive
potential and more sophisticated and complex ways of living while at the same
time generating extensive disruptions in traditional patterns of life and relationship.
Thus, creating new problems of overcrowding, unhygienic urban conditions,
poverty and unemployment. Demand for greater political rights gave rise to social
and political movements, such as French Revolution, often leading to civil wars.
However, the early scholars who were carefully observing the changes in the
patterns of social life with the rise of industrial society were divided in their
opinion with regard to the nature, impact and direction of such changes.
Enlightenment scholars like Rousseau, Montesquieu, Adam Smith, Saint Simon
and Augusts Comte had a positive view of the newly emerging social order. They
considered such changes as progressive and hence desirable. They favoured
modern scientific knowledge, advanced technology, individualism and political
ideas of justice and liberty. They encouraged the forces of liberalization and
industrialization. Whereas, the Conservatives like Louis de Bonald, Joseph de
Maistre and other such scholars had a rather skeptic view of these profound and far
reaching institutional changes that were taking place in society. They were
preoccupied with the concern for social stability and order in the society as the new
social order was marked by violent political revolutions, class wars, extreme
economic inequalities and widespread misery and poverty.
Thus, while social conditions created the need for sociology, intellectual
conditions provided the means for building sociology as a distinct discipline. It is
the combination of both enlightenment and conservative school of thought which
led to the emergence of sociology.
Total Words: 355

--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------

Dear Candidate, after completing a given topic and preparing your notes in
pointer form, you must attempt questions asked so far in previous years and get
them evaluated. As I have discussed before, what really counts here is how you are
articulating the learned knowledge in the given Time and Word Limit. Always
remember that Civil Services Examination is not about information, it is more
about analysis. So, you must practice by writing more and more answers and
getting them periodically evaluated.
All the best


--------------------Aditya Mongra @ Professors Classes--------------------


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