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E1: E1PAGE: Quick Start Guide, Troubleshooting, Sample, TOI Document, and Presentation For E1 Page

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E1: E1PAGE: Quick Start Guide, Troubleshooting, Sample, TOI Document, and Presentation for E1 Pag
Modified: Feb 14, 2013



Priority: 1

In this Document
9.x Release E1 Page Prerequisites
9.1 Release Base(English) and Translated Versions(21 Languages) of E1 Pages Available
E1 Pages Administration Activities
Importing E1 Pages into your Pathcode
Javascript APIs exposed by JDEdwards EnterpriseOne
Updating an Existing Page or uploading a new page created from E1 Generator
From P982400/W982400A
Another option is to Add a new item using the same E1Page
Creating a New E1 Page
Promoting E1 Page
Delete E1 Page
Adding an E1 FDA Portlet to an E1Page
Additional Resources

Applies to:
JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 9.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

E1 Pages are HTML files, and can contain any HTML-enabled functionality, such as

Business Navigation Process Flows

URL Links. e.g.: www.oracle.com
Links to Internal sites such as Employee Self Service
Embedded links to BI Analytics Pages
Any Rich HTML Content

In short they are a collection of HTML Pages which can be assigned to a user, role or *public and effectively serve as
Upon being published to a given user, these E1 Pages appear as a set of tabs to the user upon login.

Although the E1 Pages are quite simple, user must be somewhat proficient in coding HTML to create or modify EnterpriseOne

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This doc provides information for an admin to get started on following topics:

9.0 Release E1 Page Prerequisites

E1 Pages Administration Activities
Importing E1 Pages into your Pathcode
Javascript APIs exposed by JDEdwards EnterpriseOne
Updating an Existing E1 Page
Creating a New E1 Page

The following list is an example of a basic process flow for creating E1Pages.
1. Add an EnterpriseOne Page by accessing the User Generated Content Management application. (P982400)
Add an object.
Upload the content for that object.
Preview the page to verify it is correct.
2. Advance the Object status from Editing status to Pending Review.
3. Advance the Object status from Pending Review to Review.
4. Advance the Object status from Review to Approved.
5. Publish the page (assign the page to User or Role or *PUBLIC).
6. Activate the page.

9.x Release E1 Page Prerequisites
To work with E1 pages on EnterpriseOne 9.x release, the following steps must be executed:
1. Get sample E1 Pages content from Update Center.
For Search Type, select "One View Reporting|E1 Pages" and enter "E1PAGE*" in the "Search for Name"

2. Download and apply the Mandatory Tools ESU which contains all the E1 Pages application infrastructure
Use this document to download and install all the pre-requisite ESU for 9.1 Tools with 9.0.

9.1 Release Base(English) and Translated Versions(21 Languages) of E1 Pages Available

For EnterpriseOne 9.1 application release, the pre-packaged English and translated versions (for 21 languages) E1
Delivery Cloud (Formerly known as E-Delivery).
To download the pre-packaged E1 Pages,

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1. Sign in to Software Delivery Cloud (https://edelivery.oracle.com/)

2. Select a Product Pack : JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Platform : Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)
3. Click Go button.
4. Select "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.1 Applications/9.1 Tools Translations Media Pack for Microsoft Windows x64 (64
5. Download "JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.1 - Pages Language Installation" Part Number : V31522-01
The downloaded E1 Pages contains 22 zip files for imports:
Chinese - Simplified e1pages_chinese_simplified.zip
Chinese - Traditional e1pages_chinese_traditional.zip






To import the E1 Pages you have downloaded, follow the steps:

1. Type P982400 in the Fast Path and press Enter.
2. Click the Form Exit --> Import-Export Mgmt ---> Import.
3. On Work With Importing User Generated Contents (Form:W982402A), click Add.

4. On Import User Generated Contents (Form: W982402E), Click the Load Import File button.
a) Extract the zip file you just get from Software Delivery Cloud (Part# V31522-01) to have individual language
b) Import the zip file by language. NOTE: Make sure you always import the base language, e1pages_base.zip.
c) DO NOT check the column "Import as Edit". You want to import as approved status. Make sure that P982405 (A
5. Go back to P982400 - W982400A
a) Form Exit --> Admin --> Activate
b) Activate the pages for all languages.
6. Publish the E1 Page to user/role/*PUBLIC.
NOTE: The publishing will publish out to the base language. You will not see the other languages in the search and

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7. Log off from E1

8. Log in as the language user
9. You should see the E1 Page in that user language.
Additional Information:
Please refer to the section on "System Administrator and Designer Tasks for EnterpriseOne Pages" in the guide "
Guide Release 9.1"

E1 Pages Administration Activities

Before you start to work with E1 Pages on EnterpriseOne, activity rules need to be set:
1. To create activity rules use application User Generated Content Activity Rules (P982405).
Add Activity Rules by user(s) or role(s); make sure that at least one rule has the Approve Status checkbox

After E1 Pages have been approved or imported, they need to be Activated and Published to certain user roles before they w
able to activate or publish an E1 Page if activity rules are not setup correctly. Make sure you have a rule where the Next Stat
Status is enabled.
1. To Activate, click the Admin->Activate Form Exit of User Generated Content Manager (P982400) and activate the
(it will turn into a green circule).

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2. Similarly, to publish the imported E1 Pages to given set of user(s), role(s), or *public, click on Admin->Publish Form
Manager (P982400).
3. Once the users have validated the contents of E1 Pages, these can be transferred to higher Pathcodes such as Prod
these Pages, one can simply click on Admin->Transfer Form Exit of User Generated Content Manager (P982400).
For Further details on administration activities > Set up activity rules, Activating, Publishing, Transferring of E1 Pages

Importing E1 Pages into your Pathcode

E1 Pages can be added to one's Pathcode in two ways: Importing of E1 Pages zip file obtained from Update Center (as seen
Importing E1 Pages is a mandatory step is you are on EnterpriseOne 9.x release.
1. To import a collection of E1 Pages .zip file simply click on Import-Export Management under the Form Exit of User

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2. The E1 Pages may be imported in Edit Mode where one can make modifications , advance their status before they a
3. Or The E1 Pages may be imported directly where they are only need to be activated and published to end
4. Once the E1 Pages have been imported, they need to be Activated and Published to certain user roles before they w
Pages Administration Activities section).
5. For Further details on each of these topics Importing / Exporting of E1 Pages please refer to the standard Oracle

Javascript APIs exposed by JDEdwards EnterpriseOne

To modify or create E1 pages Oracle JDEdwards EnterpriseOne exposes the following Javascript API's to launch Applications
1. Launch an Application
function runE1App(appId, formId, version, menuSysCode, taskName, formDSTmpl, formDSData);

Required Parameters:

appId = E1 Application Name, for example P0411

formId = E1 Application Form ID, for example W0411G
version = E1 Application Version, for example ZJDE0001
e.g., javascript:runE1App('P0411','W0411G','ZJDE0001')

Optional Parameters:

menuSysCode = E1 Application system code

taskName = Custom Title - Form Name
formDSTmpl (data structure template)= Use to pass data into the form (e.g. "1|4|7|8")
formDSData (data structure data) = Use to pass data into the form (e.g. "1|4|7|8")

The formDSTmpl and formDSData stand for form data structure template and data respectively. They are analagous
parameter to a function. There are certain parameters a form can accept when launched. The template defines whic
|1|4|7|8| means we are going to be supplying a value for the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 8th parameter. The formDSData wo

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Here is an example for WSJ (Work with Server Jobs) app:
DSTmpls = |4|7|10|11|13|
DSData = |server|dataSource|jobId|port|isAutoLaunchOn|

2. Launch a Report - Prompt for Version

function runE1UBEVersion(ubeId, version, promptPO)

Required Parameters:

ubeId = E1 UBE Name, for example R04305

report version = E1 Application Version, for example XJDE0001
promptPO = '0' means do not prompt
e.g., javascript:runE1UBEVersion('R31410','XJDE0001','0')

3. Launch a Report - Without Prompting for Version

function runE1UBEBlind(ubeId, version, promptPO)

Required Parameters:

ubeId = E1 UBE Name, for example R04305

report version = E1 Application Version, for example XJDE0001
e.g., javascript:runE1UBEBlind('R31410','XJDE0001','0')
Note that it is no possible to launch a report that just prompt for PO, use task with E1 Page Generator.

4. Launch an UBE with prompt for DS and PO.

function runE1UBE('RXXXXP', 'promptForDS', 'ZJDE0001', '1')

5. Launch an UBE and get data selection but no processing options

function runE1UBE('RXXXXP', 'promptForDS', 'ZJDE0001', '') or function runE1UBE('RXXXXP', 'promp


6. Flip to another E1 Page

function goToTabByLabel(event, label)

Required Parameters:
event = always pass "new Object()"
label = The name of E1 Page that one wants to flip to
e.g., javascript:goToTabByLabel(new Object(), 'Order To Cash')

a. Bug 13918633 reported the issue and will be fixed using bug 13894862 in Tools Release Only affected
b. Bug 14591178 reported the issue, calling an E1Page which contains in its name an ampersand is not working

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7. Launch an external site


Updating an Existing Page or uploading a new page created from E1 Generator

Like other E1 Objects, it is recommended that Oracle JDEdwards EnterpriseOne Pages be preserved in the Pristine pathcode.
To make necessary changes, make a copy of the provided E1 Pages and modify those. Do not make changes to standard

From P982400/W982400A
Right click on Page in grid or select the Row exit -> Reserve

This will create a clone of the existing page as can be seen here:

Right click on the newly cloned E1 Page for and Download it for HTML content by selecing Get Download (Optional: Yo
to update it, if the file is being created by the generator or is already edited, skip to the upload steps.)

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This will download the HTML file which represents the E1 Page you want to modify and make the desired changes.

Right click on the cloned E1 Page and select Save / Upload the modified Page (in zip format)

Go through the approval process of the modified E1 Page. This Page when Approved will automatically Hot

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From here, the E1Page will do a hot swap replacing the old page with the new one. There will be two records in
the recently modified one will be Active.

This same process will work with content created using the Generator. Instead of getting the download, use the ge

Another option is to Add a new item using the same E1Page

1. Click on the Add from P982400/W982400A
2. Use Visual Assist on Object Name to Search for E1Page Object to be Edited.
3. Click Save or OK
The hot swap uses the E1PageCheckInterval, which is set in Server Manager under Web Runtime. The default is to
change is made, it will take time to complete the update. The setting can be changed to be as little as 1 minute.

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During the Reservation, 2 things happen:

1. Copy the record from Approved/Published state record to the Edit Record in F952400
2. Set the reservation flag in both the Approved / Published State and Edit State records.

During the E1Page Reservation, the original version (Approved Version) will remain intact. The developer can work wi
moves to the approved status. At the approved status the 3 things will happen:
1. Move the current (Approved / Published state) record to history table F952411.
2. Copy E1Page from the working record to the Approved / Published record in F952400 and remove reservation
3. Remove the working record from F952400 table
For more details please refer to the standard Oracle documentation.

For an End-User, the newly changed page will show up in an interval defined by the E1Page Check Interval
Runtime Configuration Cache settings

Creating a New E1 Page

To create a new E1 Page, follow these steps (this is an example page from a Order Management use case). Alternatively, us
information is found in Document 1401833.1 E1: E1Page: Overview, Download, and Quick Start Guide for the E1 Page Gener
Please see the Sample E1 Page file

for this example.

1. Open Jdeveloper and create a new file called home.html or home.htm.

This is the minimum requirement for an E1 Page, the name is required.
You now have a basic html file with no content.

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Add the script element to include the e1pagehelper.js so that calls to runE1App and runE1UBE<type> functions
delivered with the E1 HTML code base and will be used when testing and running the content.

2. Create a folder in the same location where the html file exists named images.

Populate this images folder with the needed png, gif, or jpg (jpeg) files. Note: These files exist within the exam
3. Go back to home.html file and add a table using the design view.
Add content and styles to match the source below.

Add another table.

Add attributes and javascript calls to match html below.

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Create another two tables to match the html below.

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4. Review the page by open home.html file in a browser.

The coding of your html is now done.
Sample Screen Shot for Order Management

5. Package the file into a zip or jar file. This example will use the zip format called SimpleOrderMgmt.zip.

It is important to have no folder structure at or above the level where the home.html or home.htm file exists w
If there are folders they will be relative to the home.html or home.htm; like "images" folder.

6. Now you are ready to add the E1 Page using the LCM (Life Cycle Management) application and test within the conte
Content manager (P982400) add a new E1 Page (it is recommended to use the same name as the zip file).
Enter Object Name, Product Code, Page Title and Page Description.
Upload the Content SimpleOrderMgmt.zip
7. Validate and Test the new page
8. Take the E1 Page record through the status flow defined for the user logged in to activate the content. Then

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9. For more details please refer to this document.

Promoting E1 Page

E1Page is created within the PathCode the user is signed into. After the page is completed and ready for use it will need to b

For example: if the E1Page is created in the DV environment it needs to be transferred into PY and PD. The user can use the
1. Transfer process (Recommended)
2. Export/Import process.

Delete E1 Page

To delete an E1 page, it must be inactive. In this respect, using the application User Generated Content Management (P9824
same application do Form Exit --> Admin --> Advanced Management, select the page and delete it.

Adding an E1 FDA Portlet to an E1Page

Please see Document 1498933.1 E1: E1PAGE: How do we Add FDA Portlets to E1 Pages? for additional details.

See Document 1476483.1 E1: E1PAGE: Troubleshooting E1 Page Issues

Additional Resources

The documentation regarding E1 Pages is in the System Administration guide Chapter 21.
Quick Start Powerpoint Presentation including additional screen shots
Transfer of Information (TOI) Document -Information about E1 Pages DB Schema
A new sample E1 Page provided by development

Right click on the newly cloned E1 Page for and Download it for HTML content

E1: E1Page: E1 Pages and RIAF Integration with OBIEE 11g Returns Error "OBIEE content cannot be disp
E1: E1PAGE: Troubleshooting E1 Page Issues
E1: E1Page: Overview, Download, and Quick Start Guide for the E1 Page Generator
E1: E1PAGE: How do we Add FDA Portlets to E1 Pages?
E1: E1PAGE: P982400 Row Exit View E1Page Get Error
E1: E1PAGE: E1 Pages Calling BI Publisher Is Throwing The User Out of EnterpriseOne

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