JDE Cycle Count Test Script!

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Cycle Count

The DataMAX Software Group Inc

5049 Robert J Mathews Parkway, Suite 100
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
(916) 939-4065
JD Edwards ENTERPRISEONE are registered trademarks of Oracle and protected by national and international copyright laws.

Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc., All Rights Reserved

License Agreement
All information contained in this document is Copyright 2006, the DataMAX Software Group, Inc., All Rights Are
Reserved by DataMAX. This document may not be published, nor used without the prior written consent of DataMAX.
Use of the RFGen Software 'Open Source' code is at all times subject to the DataMAX Open Source Licensing
Agreement, which must be accepted at the time the source code is installed on your computer system. For your
convenience, a text copy of the Open Source Licensing Agreement is also loaded (and may be printed from) your
RFGen based system.


RFGen Version or later

RFGen JDEdwards Integration Suite

Table of Contents
FIMCC0100 INVENTORY CYCLE COUNT............................................................................ 2
DVALIDATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 2
DEDITS .................................................................................................................................. 2
FUNCTION KEYS ................................................................................................................... 2
CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 3
ENTERPRISEONE PROGRAMS - REFERENCE..................................................................... 4
ENTERPRISEONE CYCLE COUNT: P41240 ................................................................................. 4
ENTERPRISEONE CARDEX: P4111 ............................................................................................ 4
HOW JDEDWARDS PROCESSING OPTION AFFECTS RFGEN......................................... 5
AFFECTED RFGEN FORMS AND TRANSACTION MACROS .............................................................. 5
SETUP AN RFGEN MENU .......................................................................................................... 5
PROCESSING OPTIONS: P41240 CYCLE COUNT ......................................................................... 5
BASIC TEST SCRIPT ............................................................................................................... 6
TEST SCRIPT DESCRIPTION: CYCLE COUNT (P41240) ..................................................... 7
RFGEN INPUT REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................. 7
JD EDWARDS PROCESSING OPTION SETTINGS ........................................................................... 7
EXECUTION PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................... 7
OVERALL TEST CASE RESULTS ................................................................................................. 9

Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 1

FIMCC0100 Inventory Cycle Count

The Cycle Count transaction allows for inventory to be counted for a
specified cycle count, item number and location within a warehouse.
Cycle Counts are updated with the information entered upon completion
of the transaction.
The following conditions apply to the RFGen implementation for the
Inventory Cycle Count transaction within the EnterpriseOne environment.
Note: any of these parameters may be easily adjusted to meet the unique
requirements of your company.

Cycle Count Number



Default Branch Plant
Quantity entered <=0


Function Keys

Search Data for Current Field
Refresh the Current Screen Display
Exits Transaction

Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 2

1. What EnterpriseOne version is used to process the Cycle Count transaction?

2. What processing options have been set to process Cycle Counts?

3. Does Branch default based on user?

4. Will you allow a count of 0?

5. Is a prompt needed indicating that the Cycle Count has a variance from the current quantity
on hand?

Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 3

EnterpriseOne Programs - Reference

Application Name(s)
Cycle Count
Item Ledger (Cardex)



EnterpriseOne Cycle Count: P41240

EnterpriseOne Cardex: P4111

After the Cycle Count is approved and updated in EnterpriseOne, the Cardex will reflect the
amounts entered through RFGen.

Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 4

How JDEdwards Processing Option affects RFGen

This documentation explains which of the JDE Processing Options are used by RFGen and
how the red highlighted Proc.Options effect the RFGen script.
Affected RFGen Forms and Transaction Macros
IM - Cycle Counts

Form name

Transaction Macro Name


Setup an RFGen Menu

To implement an RFGen Form using JDE Processing Options in an RFGen Menu the JDE
Version needs to be specified.
Enter the Form name, followed by a Space. Enter -Vers= and the JDE Version.
FIMCC0100 -Vers=ZJDE0001

Description to Display
1-Cyle Count

Processing Options: P41240 Cycle Count

---- <-- Defaults -->
0001 1 1> From Cycle Status

--> [10]

RFGen uses this value to filter on Cycle Count status.

0002 1 2> Thru Cycle Status

--> [60]

RFGen uses this value to filter on Cycle Count status.

---- <-- Warehouse -->
0003 2 1> Enter a '1' to allow manual entry of lic

--> [ ]

---- <-- Versions -->

0004 3 1> Cycle Count Print (R41410A)
0005 3 2> Cycle Count Update (R41413)

--> [ ]
--> [ ]

Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 5

Basic Test Script

1. Set up the Cycle Count Program in EnterpriseOne and select items to be counted.
2. Record quantities on hand from the Item Ledger for the Branch Plants, Item Numbers and their
associated lots and locations that you will perform Cycle Counts on.
3. Create and document the following scenarios:
a. Enter a count of 0. If your customization disallows for a count of 0, an error should
b. Enter a negative amount. If negative counts are not allowed, an error should appear.
c. Enter Quantities on Hand that differs from the current quantity on hand for an item. If
your customization requires a second count, or a notification that there is a variance from
the current quantity on hand, the appropriate messages should appear.
4. After completing the Cycle Count verify that the Cycle Count Status has updated to 30
5. Approve and update the Cycle Count, then verify that the Item Ledger updated the Item
Quantity on Hand and recorded the adjustment amount with the correct document type.

Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 6

Test Script Description: Cycle Count (P41240)

RFGEN Input Requirements
Before you begin testing, ensure, for the combination of branch/plant(s) and item(s) you will be
testing, that the following is setup in EnterpriseOne or PeopleSoft World.
a. Item
b. Item Locations
c. Cycle Count Numbers
JD Edwards Processing Option Settings
Enter the Processing Option values, which correspond, to the version you selected for testing.
JDE Version: ZJDE0001____________________

Processing Option Description



a. From Cycle Status

b. Thru Cycle Status

Execution Procedures

Test Case

Type in a valid Branch/Plant ______

Press the ENTER key
Type in a valid Item# ___________
Press the ENTER key

RFGEN will validate and accept the

branch/plant entered.

Type in a valid locn _______

Press the ENTER key

RFGEN will validate and accept the locn


Type in an invalid Branch/Plant

Press the ENTER key

RFGEN will validate the branch/plant entered

and display an error message the field will
continue to error out until corrected

Type in an invalid Item# _________

Press the ENTER key

RFGEN will validate and display an error

message the field will continue to error out
until corrected

Type in an invalid locn ___________

Press the ENTER key

RFGEN will validate and display an error

message the field will continue to error out
until corrected

Press the F1 key with the cursor in

the branch/plant field

RFGEN will display a list of branch/plants

Press the F1 key with the cursor in

th b
h/ l t fi ld t
l t d

RFGEN will display a list of branch/plants and

l t d th b
h/ l t ill b

Expected Result



RFGEN will validate and accept the item


Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 7

the branch/plant field to select and

return a branch/plant

when selected, the branch/plant will be

returned to the branch/plant field

Press the F1 key with the cursor in

the cycle# field

RFGEN will return a list available cycle count



Press the F1 key with the cursor in

the cycle# field and return a cycle#

RFGEN will display a list of cycle numbers

and when selected, the cycle number will be
returned to the cycle# field


Press the F1 key with the cursor in

the item# field

RFGEN will display a list of items available for

cycle counting


Press the F1 key with the cursor in

the item# field and return an item

RFGEN will display a list of item numbers

available for cycle count and when selected,
the item number will be returned to the item#

Press the F1 key with the cursor in

the locn field

RFGEN will display a list of locations for the

item number entered in the item# field


Press the F1 key with the cursor in

the locn field to return a location

RFGEN will display a list of locations and

when selected, the location will be returned
for the item number entered in the item# field


If an item has not been selected for

cycle count (cycle count status = 10)
Cycle# ___ Item# ____ Qty ____

RFGEN will disallow the item and display an

error message


If an item has been selected for cycle

count (cycle count status = 10)
Cycle# ___ Item# ____ Qty ____

RFGEN will process the cycle count and

advance the cycle count status


If a cycle count quantity revision is

Cycle# ___ Item# ____ Qty ____

RFGEN will replace the previous quantity

counted with the revised count


At the RFGEN Enter to Accept

Prompt the transaction is added to

Confirm the cycle count results


Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 8

Overall Test Case Results

Actual Results:


Copyright 2006, The DataMAX Software Group Inc.

Page 9

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