2013 Bridge Building Contest Rules

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2013 Bridge Building Contest

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This contest is limited to five entries per school.
Each school MUST complete a Fair Registration/Competition Entry Form and return it to the OEF office
by February 15, 2013. Prizes will be awarded to winning entries from registered schools (entries from
unregistered schools will NOT be eligible for prizes).

Prior to the Fair a STUDENT bridge builder must design and build his/her own bridge. All design and
building techniques should fall within the specifications that follow. Tolerances are given in the
specifications. Should any bridge fall outside the tolerances, that bridge will be disqualified or the builder
may attempt on-the-spot modifications to bring the bridge within specifications. Each bridge must be free
Note: While adults may aid the student with suggestions, etc., the bridge must be built ONLY by the

1. Square wood toothpicks (Standard restaurant size) (unlimited quantity) (No skewer type toothpick
cut to size, No Bamboo toothpicks).
3. One (1) metal eye bolt with 1/4" diameter shaft, washers and nut.
4. Loading Block: Block of wood with dimensions not to exceed 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x ". The block is used
to attach the eye bolt to the bridge.

1. Length:
2. Width:
3. Height:

4. Weight:

5. Roadbed:

24" (+/ ").

2 (+/ ").
Maximum of 12" (excluding eye bolt). See the
Structural Effeciency criteria below for more height
Maximum 12 oz. (excluding eye bolt).
See the Structural Effeciency criteria below for more
weight considerations.
Bridge must have a flat roadbed. The area above the
roadbed must accommodate a 1-5/16"O.D. pipe.

2013 OEF Engineering Fair Contest Rules

Revised 11/26/12

For ease of conformance to

the geometry tolerances,
the student should strive to
construct a bridge that
meets all the MINIMUM
dimensions (including
roadbed clearance
requirement) while still
being able to fit inside a
24 long x 12 tall x 3
wide box.

2013 Bridge Building Contest - Continued


Geometry Notes
1. The eye bolt must be located in the center of the bridge and be large enough to pass a " diameter
"S" hook through its eye. The "S" hook is part of the testing apparatus (Bridge Breaker) and is
provided by the judges.
2. The eye bolt is attached to the Loading Block; the block should sit on the top of the roadbed (see
above) and be supported by the roadbed, but should not be attached (e.g. glued) to the bridge.The
Loading Block and shaft of eye bolt may protrude ABOVE the roadbed. Bottom of eye bolt MUST
protrude a minimum of 1" but not more than 2" BELOW the end supports of the bridge.
3. The Loading block is used to transfer the load from the Bridge Breaker to the bridge. The larger the
block of wood, the better it will transfer the load. Students should consider using the largest Loading
Block that can fit inside the roadbed without exceeding the maximum sizes listed above (2

Additional Rules & Remarks

Toothpicks may be cut or glued. AT LEAST 50% OF EACH TOOTHPICK (WHETHER WHOLE OR
CUT) MUST BE VISIBLE from one angle or another (i.e., four toothpicks could be glued together and a
majority portion of each toothpick would be visible from one angle or another, but, if five or more
toothpicks were glued together the center toothpick(s) would not be visible).
The over-use of the approved glues typically does not result in satisfactory load capacities; i.e. soaking,
dipping, or otherwise coating random configurations of toothpicks in glue will not be looked upon
favorably by Aesthetics and Construction Quality judging and has historically resulted in substantially
lower bridge load capacities.
During Load Capacity testing, the students and spectators must stand outside the designated Debris
Zone to avoid being hit by any bridge piece(s) that may be ejected when/if the bridge fails. Students and
spectators are encouraged to take photos/video of the testing, especially before and after photos.
Students will be able to dispose of their bridges at the competition room or are free to take their
engineering creations with them at the conclusion of all testing and judging.

2013 OEF Engineering Fair Contest Rules

Revised 11/26/12

2013 Bridge Building Contest - Continued

1. Students will receive a Bridge Building Entry Form (BB-EF) at the registration desk. Students must
submit this form at the contest registration before Noon. Judges will then inspect the bridge for
compliance with the rules and assign an entry number indicating students turn in sequence of
2. All entries must be registered at the contest location between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Fair day.
Contest volunteers will register bridges beginning at 9:00 am, bridge breaking (testing for load Load
Capacity) will begin at 10:00 am. Competition will run until all registered entries have competed.
3. Judges will weigh, measure, and register each bridge prior to Load Capacity testing. If a bridge does
not meet the geometry or weight specifications, the entrant will be permitted a maximum of two
attempts to modify their bridge to meet specifications. The 1-5/16" pipe, scales and rulers will be
supplied by the judges.
4. The bridges will be competing in three categories Aesthitics and Construction Quality, Structural
Effeciency, and Load Capacity. Top three bridges (which comply with all rules) in each category will
receive prizes. The judging criteria for each category is as follows:
A. Aesthetics and Construction Quality category: Entries will be judged on the overall design
of the bridge and its consideration of engineering principles and mechanics. Consideration
will be given to bridges that are constructed with care and precision as well as entries that
show ingenuity and creativity in appearance and form. Decorating the bridges is not
required, but is encouraged. The judges will award a 1 , 2 , and 3 prize in this category.
B. Structural Effeciency category: Entries will be weighed and measured and these results,
along with the results from the Load Capacity category will be entered into a formula to
generate a Structural Effeciency Score for the bridge. Lower scores represent more efficient
designs compared to higher scores. Students should strive for high load capacity while trying
to maintain low weight and utilizing the shortest (shallowest) bridge depth (height). The three
lowest scoring bridges will be awarded prizes in this category. The formula used for the
Structural Effeciency Score is as follows:
(Weight x 10,000 + Height x 5,000) / (Load Capacity x 1,000) = Structural Effeciency Score
C. Load Capacity category: Entries shall be load tested by means of a custom "Bridge
Breaker". Judges will position the bridge on the tester with approximately 2" of each end of
the bridge resting on the tester. The "S" hook will be attached to the eye bolt and pressure
will be applied in a downward vertical direction. A load indicator will display pressure applied
until the bridge fails. Failure is determined when (a) the bridge collapses, (b) a deflection of
the base of the bridge exceeds two inches, or (c) the wood block causes a failure of the
bridge roadbed.
No repairs or modifications are allowed once testing has begun.
However, if the eye bolt fails before the bridge fails, judges may choose to allow a new eye
bolt to be placed on the bridge. 1 , 2 , and 3 prizes will be awarded in this category.
5. Decision of judges, during all phases of the competition, is FINAL. Any bridge that fails to meet
geometry criteria, weight criteria, or glue restrictions And has been disqualified from the competition
may still be load tested at the judges discretion assuming adequate time remains after all qualified
entries have been tested and judged.

Prizes & Distribution

Contest winners will be announced on the Engineer Fair web page at http://
http://oef.org/programs/engineering-fair. Those entries winning prizes will be notified through their teacher of
record by mail by March 15.
First, Second and Third place winners in each category will receive medals. The winning classrooms of
the First, Second and Third Place entries in the Load Capacity category will receive a cash award. In the
event of a tie, cash prizes will be equally distributed between winning entries.
2013 OEF Engineering Fair Contest Rules
Revised 11/26/12

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