Ventilation Plan Template
Ventilation Plan Template
Ventilation Plan Template
Mine ID
Company Name
Mine Name
Combustible material
such as
, may be
within 100 feet of the main mine fan and intake openings provided with
N/A (anthracite)
Revised 09/30/2010
In places where roof bolt installation is being conducted, the line brattice will
be advanced to within ten (10) feet of deepest face penetration when roof
bolting is completed.
In idle faces, the line brattice may be rolled up or removed to allow for
cleaning. The line brattice will remain in place until immediately prior to
scooping and will be reinstalled immediately upon completion of scooping or if
scooping is interrupted.
The line brattice across the last open crosscut of each idle place may be rolled
up or removed.
Revised 09/30/2010
N/A (anthracite)
Volume of air required at the intake to longwall sections: cubic feet per
The minimum air velocity on the face during retreat shall be cubic feet
per minute (cfm). The minimum air velocity of the face during retreat shall be
feet per minute (fpm) as measured to feet from the
headgate, and fpm as measured to to feet from the tailgate.
Revised 09/30/2010
Trolley Haulage
N/A There are no trolley haulage entries in this mine.
Bleeder Systems
Bleeder systems, including their design, will be submitted for approval on
sketches or maps for such purpose or on maps submitted in compliance with
30 CFR 75.372. Wrap around, bleeder equivalents or a combination of both
systems may be used.
Measuring Locations
Bleeder evaluation points, measuring locations, and strategic locations are
shown on Attachment - Evaluation Points and Location for
approved bleeder systems and worked out areas.
Revised 09/30/2010
(cc) N/A
(dd) N/A
(ee) N/A
Seal Convergence
Seal convergence will be monitored by installing calibrated pogo sticks
near the face of each seal upon completion. Each seal will be monitored for
convergence at least every days. Any measurable convergence will be
recorded in the .
(gg) N/A
(hh) Carbon Monoxide Monitoring
The ambient level for carbon monoxide is (parts per million) where
carbon monoxide sensors are installed. This ambient was determined by
(kk) N/A
(mm) N/A
(nn) N/A
(oo) N/A
(pp) N/A
(qq) N/A
(rr) N/A
(ss) N/A
(tt) N/A
(uu) N/A
(vv) N/A
(ww) N/A
(xx) N/A
(yy) N/A
Revised 09/30/2010
Mine ID
Company Name
Mine Name
Face Ventilation
In places where coal is being cut, mined, drilled, or loaded and a machine
mounted scrubber is provided the following items marked by X will apply:
The scrubber will not be in operation when measuring air quantity in the
place where an exhaust or blowing line curtain is used in order to ensure that
recirculation will not occur. However, the scrubber will be in operation when
balancing the air quantity behind the line curtain with the operating volume of
the scrubber where a blowing line curtain is used.
The scrubber will not be in operation during retreat mining and air is coursed
across the continuous mining machine into the gob.
All air measurements will be taken with the equipment positioned in the
working place.
Revised 09/30/2010
When a machine mounted scrubber is utilized where coal is being cut, mined,
drilled or loaded it will be maintained in accordance with manufacturers
The scrubber inlet, duct work, demister, and all other components will be
cleaned and flushed at least .
N/A (anthracite)
Idle Places
The minimum air quantity maintained in places other than those where coal is
being cut, mine, drilled for blasting or loaded is stated on the MMU
Continuous Mining Machine Dust Suppression System attachment(s).
Dust Collection
The operating volume of the machine mounted dust collectors is stated on the
MMU Continuous Mining Machine Dust Suppression System
The dust collection system(s) on all roof bolting machine(s), regardless of
their use in the face or in outby areas, shall be maintained in permissible and
operable condition and in accordance with 30 CFR 72.630.
The dust collected by the permissible dust collector will be disposed of along
the base of the ribs with the disposal person positioned upwind.
The exposure of the roof bolting crew, will be limited to bolting not more than
cuts of the continuous miner, per bolting crew, per shift when the roof
bolting crew is positioned on the return side of the continuous mining
The exposure of the scoop operator, when positioned on the return side of the
continuous mining machine, will be limited to cleaning and rock dusting not
more than cuts of the continuous miner per operator shift.
Utility workers positioned on the return side of the continuous mining machine
will be isolated with curtains to limit exposure in the work area.
Mining will not penetrate into areas of higher pressure(s). Prior to mining into
an area of higher pressure, a curtain will be installed across the entry or
crosscut immediately prior to intersecting such entry or crosscut to lower the
pressure in this area.
Revised 09/30/2010
No one will be permitted down-wind, in the direction of air flow while the
material is being cut, mined, or loaded.
Revised 09/30/2010
All ventilation coursed across the continuous mining machine while the
material is being cut, mined, or loaded will be directed to the return air
Deep cuts are defined as cuts which exceed 20 feet in depth as measured from
the last full row of permanent roof support. When deep cuts are taken the
following shall apply.
1. The maximum depth of cut is limited to feet as measured from the last
full row of permanent roof supports.
2. The continuous mining machine will be equipped with an operating machine
mounted wetted bed scrubber or a fan spray dust suppression system.
3. The methane monitor installed on the continuous mining machine will have a
methane indicating digital readout that will be legible to the continuous
mining machine operator or helper at all times when the machine is being
4. The methane monitor will be calibrated to de-energize the continuous mining
machine at 1.5 percent of methane.
5. The fire suppression system on the continuous mining machine will be capable
of being activated when the miner is de-energized and without any person
having to be positioned beyond permanently supported roof.
6. If the parameters specified for deep cuts cannot be maintained, but are within
the parameters for a normal cut, the maximum depth of cut will be limited to
twenty (20) feet.
7. Upon notification by MSHA, by citation, of noncompliance with the respirable
dust standard on a mechanized mining unit, deep cuts will be suspended on
that MMU until further notice, and the maximum depth of cut will be limited to
twenty (20) feet as measured from the last full row of permanent roof