The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas
And so the human cannot receive the things of God. A human being cannot use
spiritual discernment and discover the interpretation of these sayings. Who then? Who
can discover the interpretation of these sayings? Spiritual discernment. Spiritual
So that was the first thing and moving into the sayings, these hidden sayings,
Jesus said, Let one who seeks, not stop seeking until one finds. This first sentence is
pretty plain. Lets read it through and then come back. Jesus said,
Let one who seeks, not stop seeking until one finds. When one finds one will be
troubled, when one is troubled, one will marvel and will rule over all.
That is the first hidden saying. What does it mean? Let one who seeks, not stop
seeking until one finds. This is pretty obvious. Do not give up the search, only search
within. That is where you will find. When one finds, one will be troubled. I think
some of us are beginning to understand this. In the last talk, Know No Man after the
Flesh, it was revealed that there are no human beings on earth. It was revealed that there
is no flesh, that this is a spiritual universe and anything else that we see is simply a
deceptive state of thought.
That means your complete and total human identity is nothing but a deceptive
state of thought, obscuring from your vision, your Christ identity, your spiritual life, that
one who has the spiritual discernment to discover the interpretations of these sayings.
That one which will never taste death. And that is a bit troubling. That personal sense of
self does not want to get out of the drivers seat, that personal sense of self does not want
to die.
Paul said, I die daily, and that personal sense of self must die if you would live
and know Life Eternal. Know yourself as Life Eternal. And so it is a bit troubling;
especially when we hear this for the first time, when we catch this for the first time. My
God, I am not even a human. Everything I thought I knew about myself is incorrect, a
mirage. I feel like Im floating out here in nothing, nowhere to anchor myself. It is
troubling. And so let one who seeks not stop seeking until one finds but when one finds
one will be troubled. And I suspect many of you are feeling that troubling.
But when one is troubled, then one will marvel. Yes, because as you grapple
with this, as you take it into your meditation, as Christ stands pounding at the door of
your consciousness for entrance, as your true Self says, I am ready to arise, you must
die, I must decrease and He must increase. Then you are troubled but something
wonderful begins to happen. The Christ begins to operate right where you are. You
begin to have strange and wonderful experiences.
Things happen to you that dont happen to the rest of humanity, still living in a
human dream. Very strange and wonderful things happen and for each one it is different,
but for each one, everyone marvels and knows, it is I, the living Christ, I really am real.
And so, Let one who seeks, not stop seeking until one finds. When one finds one will be
troubled, when one is troubled, then next one will marvel but you will only marvel for
so long because there will come an end to marveling and a beginning to Christ living
where you live -- a beginning to Christ living you, Christ living as Itself, as you. And
then you will rule over all. The Christ of you will ascend into that seat of authority and
take charge of your entire living experience. This is the first hidden saying of Jesus. And
in three lines we are given the key.
And yet, here is this one called Jesus, which many saw as just a man, but now we
understand as the Christ and since there is only one Christ, it is the Christ of us, the Christ
of our being, it is our true identity saying, if the mind says to you, look the kingdom is up
there in heaven, then the birds of heaven will precede you because they are flying around
up there and they know there is no heaven, theres no kingdom up there. If the leaders
say to you, the kingdom is in the sea, I believe back during these times, there might
have been some people that still worshipped God in the sea, Poseidon, yet Christ is
saying, If the mind says to you, it is in the sea, then the fish will precede you because the
fish are everywhere in the sea and they know there is no Kingdom there. So in that sense,
they are ahead of you.
Ah, but now the Christ gives us the hidden saying at last. Rather the Kingdom
is inside you and it is outside you, which means, in him we live and move and have our
being. We live and move and have our being in the Kingdom of God. In our silence, in
our stillness, in our meditation, the Kingdom moves in us. The Kingdom is inside you,
the Kingdom is outside you, the Kingdom is Omnipresent, and the Kingdom is
This is pretty straightforward and yet spiritual discernment says, when you know
yourself, your real Self, then you will be known, because when you know your real Self,
It takes over and It is known. And you will understand that you, in your true identity, are
a manifestation of the living Father, God.
Meaning the person old in days, that is the human that is old in days, will not
hesitate to ask a little child seven days old, that is someone who has newly discovered
their Christ identity and has just been born again into the new Consciousness. The person
old in days will not hesitate to ask a little child seven days oldin this Spiritual
Kingdomabout the place of life. And that person will live.
For many of the first will be last and will become a single one.
Many of the first will be last, which means, those who discover their true identity,
do not discover it just for themselves. The discovery of Christhood carries with it a
responsibility and that responsibility is for Christhood to help others up. Many of the
first will be last and will become a single one. That is all that can happen. As you
awaken to Christ, that is all you can see; one Christ, one Life, one Face, one Being, one
Presence, and I within you am that One.
And that which has revealed, the interpretation of these sayings, is your own
Christ identity because there is only One, whether speaking in you or speaking in me,
there is but One. And that Christ identity will not taste of death.
From these hidden sayings, it came to me that we should review a portion of The
New Horizon. See if this does not fit with these ancient hidden sayings.
The sense which presents pictures of discord and inharmony, disease and death,
is the universal mesmerism which produces the entire dream of human existence.
This is knowing what is in front of your face.
This is really an order to those serious students. And so what we just read is
exactly this: Know what is in front of your face and what is hidden from you will be
disclosed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.
Now we are going to read the same thing two thousand years later, again revealed
by Christ.
Above this sense life there is a universe of spirit governed by Love, peopled with
children of God, living in the household or temple of Truth. This world is real and
Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings, which is the child of,
God living in the household or temple of Truth, shall not taste of death. This
world is real and permanent: Its substance is eternal Consciousness. In it there is no
awareness of discords or even of temporary and material good.
We are standing here, ladies and gentlemen, right here.
The first glimpse of Realityof the Soul-realmof your Christ identity, comes
with the recognition and realization of the fact that all temporal conditions and
experiences are self-hypnotism. With the realization that the entire human sceneits
good as well as its evilis illusion, or as Thomas says, when you know what is in front of
your face, then that which is hidden is revealed.
With the realization that the entire human sceneits good as well as its evilis
illusion, come the first glimpse and taste of the world of Gods creation and of the sons of
God who inhabit the spiritual kingdom.
The first glimpse into the heaven of here and now is the beginning of the
ascension for us.
If you hear, if you have ears to hear and you hear what Christ is saying, the Christ
of you is saying through Thomas, through Joel, through Bill, through you, then this is the
beginning of the ascension for you, out of humanhood into Christhood, that Christ which
will not taste of death.
No good thing is withheld from us as we look above the physical evidence to the
great Invisible, Christ. Look up, look up! The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Your true
identity is at hand.
Now again, two thousand years later, the Christ stands before you. Do not see a
man; do not hear a man; hear the Christ of you calling. Look through the glass darkly,
the mesmerism of a human identity and behold the Christ in everyone, as everyone. And
most especially in your meditation now, look through the glass darkly of a human
identity where you are and behold the invisible Christ.
Look up at Christ and Christ will ascend and you will have the experience as we
stated in the beginning of this talkmarvelous, wonderful experiences coming forth,
unfolding from the Invisible and each of you will have marvelous experiences. Some
you cant even share, or cant even speak of, but you knowyou know from whence
they come.
This talk today is being given from the Christ of your identity, the Christ of your
being, your real identity. That is what is speaking to you. Do not see a man, do not miss
the Christ. Do not miss what is in front of your face. Understanding what is in front of
your face, the hidden things will now be revealed to you. For what is hidden, will not
stay hidden much longer. All truth will be revealed to you. The hidden Christ shall be
manifest in your experience and as your experience. And this hidden Christ is within
you. Your Consciousness and this hidden Christ are one. This hidden Christ, your
Consciousness, is ever able to interpret these sayings and your Invisible Christhood, your
infinite Consciousness, will not taste of death.
This is the first talk on the Gospel of Thomas, the Hidden Sayings of Jesus. But
now we understand they are the hidden sayings of the Invisible Christ. And they lead to
an initiation, to the death of the human, to the birth of the Christ identity.
So be it.