How Not To Get A Date For Valentine's Day
How Not To Get A Date For Valentine's Day
How Not To Get A Date For Valentine's Day
Five tips
How not to get to stay
a date for sane if
Valentine's you're
Day single
Dar k
Tr uffles
Ea s y
Cher r y
He a r t
Anime and
movie list
How not to
get a date
by Scotty Grissom
Five tips for staying
sane if you're
by Scotty Grissom
Play the Soundtrack
to Your Love Story
by Pink No Hime
Romantic Movie/Series
by Pink No Hime
The Tale of the
Dove and the Frog
by Sundri
all fake ads
by Scotty Grissom
How not to
get a date
Advice not to follow.
By Scotty Grissom
Call your prey by Scratch yourself
1 demeaning names.
It's not like you want
more than one
date, right?
6 constantly.
Your prey will take this
to mean you're
interested, even if you
just itch.
Pretend to be a celebrity.
2 Everyone likes
celebrities, right?
Just make sure you
choose one that your
prey has most likely
7 Constantly touch your
Those words of protest
and slaps are just
never heard of or at least playing hard to get.
seen a picture of.
Offer your phone Talk about how much
3 number before your prey
can protest.
Being overly aggressive
always works.
8 you hate animals.
This especially works
well if your prey belongs
to PETA.
Five tips for staying
sane if you're
By Scotty Grissom
ace it, Valentine's Day sucks if you're single. It's
mentioned on tv, in commercials, junkis sold in
pretty much all stores, and now even this magazine
has to bring up this sore issue.
As an apology for doing this, I've compiled a list of
5 things which will hopefully keep you from curling
up in a corner or throwing objects in a rage.
Food People
Take comfort in some of your Avoid people who will make you
favorite food. Eat pizza. Eat frustrated or angry. If you've been
lasagna. Whatever your favorite invited to go somewhere with
is, live a little and have some. any couples, politely refuse. If
There's always other days for there's someone who makes you
eating healthier. feel lonely, avoid that person for
Eat some dessert afterward if it this day. If seeing any couples at
helps. Don't let anyone make all frustrates you, stay home and
you feel guilty about it. Have enjoy a book or some other form
some ice cream or cake. Or even of entertainment that you enjoy.
make one of the recipes in this You may even want to avoid social
magazine. networking sites for the day.
TV/Movies Sleep
Watch a movie or previously Make sure to get plenty of rest
recorded tv. Avoid watching the night before. The better
live tv and definitely avoid rested you are, the better you'll
watching Valentine's Day be at handling the stress of the
specials. Unless you enjoy day.
mocking them. You can also try going to bed
Watch something escapist. A early on Valentine's Day to
comedy perhaps. Whatever ensure less of it you have to
lets your mind shut off the best. endure.
Even watch Twilight or one of
the Transformers movies if it
If nothing suggested in this
article can provide you with
laughter, find something that
will. Maybe get some single
friends together and have an
anti-Valentine's Day Party.
Maybe rent a romantic comedy
and mock it with your friends. If
all your friends locally are busy,
maybe find some online
and watch a movie via Hulu or
Youtube and mock/discuss it via
* I know that some of these are either obvious or
contradict others. Follow at your own risk.
R e c i pe s
Easy Made (but not so great) Cherry Dark Chocolate Truffles:
Cheesecake Heart Provided by Sundri
Thrown together by Scotty Grissom
8oz chopped semisweet chocolate
1/2 package cream (8 oz) 4oz chopped unsweetened chocolate
1 envelope cherry Jello (or whatever 2/3 cup heavy cream
other brand you want)
2 tbsp sifted coco powder
Heart mold: 2 tbsp sifted confectioner's sugar
Aluminum foil
Saran wrap Place chopped chocolate into a mixing
Apple or something else roughly heart bowl.
shaped Heat the cream in a saucepan until it
comes to a boil, then pour it over the
Bring your water to a boil and pour into chopped chocolate and allow this to
a refrigerator safe container stand for about 5 minutes. Stir mixture
and mix with Jello. Refrigerate for 15- until well blended and smooth. (This
20 minutes. mixture is Ganache.) Refrigerate for at
least 2 hours until firm enough to scoop
Form a few layers of aluminum foil and hand roll.
around your apple (or even your fist)
and leave the top Line a baking sheet with parchment
open. Cover the inside with Saran wrap (wax) paper and using about 1 teaspoon
and place your mold inside a bowl or to 1 tablespoon for each truffle,
other depending on how large you want them
refrigerator safe container. to turn out, hand roll each truffle. Roll
half the finished truffles in coco
Remove your partially gelled Jello and powder and the other half in
get your cream cheese. Combine the confectioner's sugar and place into
two until small candy paper cups (found in most
you have a consistant texture and color. baking isles, like muffin cups but
If you want a darker color, add red food smaller.)
Pour mixture into your mold and
refrigerate for 2-3 hours or until gelled
to a consistancy you're happy with.
Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls Filling: Stir together the brown sugar,
Provided by Sundri 1/4 cup of flour, and cinnamon. Cut in
1/3 cup butter until the mixture is
4 1/2 to 5 cups of all purpose flour crumbly.
1 pkg active dry yeast
1 cup milk Roll each half of the dough into a large
1/3 cup butter rectangle and sprinkle the filling evenly
1/3 cup granulated sugar over the dough. Sprinkle the chocolate
1/2 teaspoon salt pieces evenly over the filling and then
3 eggs roll each rectangle starting from the
long side. Seal the seams and slice each
Filling: roll into about 12 pieces, placing the
3/4 cup packed brown sugar cut side down in pans or baking sheets.
1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon Cover the dough loosely with plastic
1/3 cup butter wrap and make sure to leave room for
1 cup semisweet chocolate pieces the rolls to rise a bit. Cover loosely and
1 tablespoon half-and-half or light allow the dough to rise until nearly
cream double again (or about 30 minutes.)
Then brush dough with light cream.
Combine in a large mixing bowl 2 1/4 Bake at 375° for 20 - 25 minutes or
cups flour and the yeast. until light brown. (You may cover the
In a saucepan heat milk, 1/3 cup butter, rolls for the last 5 to 10 minutes with
granulated sugar, and salt until just foil to prevent them from
warmed and the butter is ALMOST overbrowning.)
melting. Add mixture to the flour and
add in the eggs, then beat for about 3 Remove the rolls from the oven and
minutes, scraping the edges of the bowl brush with cream and allow them to
and stirring in as much of the rest of the cool for a minute before carefully
flour as you can. turning onto a wire rack. Cool them
slightly there and then turn back onto a
Turn the dough onto a lightly floured serving platter and drizzle with the
surface and knead in enough remaining Vanilla Glaze. Best served warm and
flour to make a dough that is soft and fresh!
elastic (roughly 3 - 5 minutes.) Shape
into a ball and cover in a greased bowl Vanilla glaze:
someplace warm for about 1 hour. 1 1/4 sifted confectioner's sugar
Dough should rise to about double its 1 tsp light corn syrup
size. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 - 2 tablespoons light cream
Punch down the dough and turn onto a
lightly floured surface. Divide in half (stir together ingredients with enough
and cover for about 10 minutes. cream to reach a light drizzling
Prepare & lightly grease two 9 x 1 1/2
inch round baking pans or 2 baking
sheets and set aside.
Play the Soundtrack
to Your Love Story This Valentine's Day, go ahead and
by Pink No Hime create the soundtrack to your love story.
Certain songs always make me Put in your playlist the songs that tell the
remember parts of my life. story of your love. Take the time to listen
Listening to the song brings to to the songs together and remember how
mind how I felt when I first heard great you felt when that song became
it...or of the particular mood I was important to your life. If you need a
in that made me want to play that starting point, may I suggest Time in
song. Bottle[6] by Jim Croce?
For those of us in For those of you who are not in a
relationships, there are songs that relationship and instead of Valentine's
signify the phases of that Day will be celebrating Singles Suicide
relationship. For example, when Day, there's always: They're Writing
we first started dating, my husband Songs of Love, But Not For Me[7].
and I listened to Change the
World[1] by Eric Clapton while -----------------------
driving to the movies. After we [1]
had dated for a while, they played
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You[2] uPT7s
by Frankie Valli and the Four [2]
Seasons during a movie and we had
that song playing in our car/home iLtXro
for a while. When he bought me a [3]
ring, the song that came to mind
was I've Finally Found AODtc
Someone[3]by Barbara Streisand [4]
and Bryan Adams. At our wedding, idDbIfGvw
my brother-in-law sang Unchained [5]
Melody[4] by the Righteous qQcNT_fY
Brothers for us. Nowadays, the [6]
song we play is 100 Years to
Live[5] by Five For Fighting. AeOGE
Romantic Movie/Series Picks Looking for a Asian movie with real-life
actors? These are my romantic picks:
. My Tutor Friend (K-movie - A timid
By Pink No Hime bookworm tutors a gangster who is 21 but
still stuck in high school.)
. Innocent Steps (K-Movie - Two people
While you're preparing for Valentine's who marry for practical reasons fall in love
Day, whether it's buying gifts and cards or while one teaches the other to dance.)
making chocolate, here's some recommended . A Wolf's Attraction (K-Movie - Can a girl
romantic picks to get you in the mood. from the country really attract a city-living
guy who's surrounded by beauties?)
If you're pressed for time, these anime movies . My Lucky Star (C-Movie - Is this couple
are as sweet as candy: destined from the previous life to be
. Magical Chocolate (A young girl struggles enemies?)
with giving chocolates to her crush.) . Look For a Star (C-Movie - A classic
. Tokyo Marble Chocolate (A story about Cinderella story...but I don't recall the prince
falling in love, uniquely told from both the accusing Cinderella of being a gold-digger
girl's and the guy's point of view) before.)
. Byousoku 5 cm (Love that exists no
matter the distance.) My recommendations for romantic movies in
. First Kiss (First love, first kiss, and all the English are:
upheavals that go with it.) . 50 First Dates (What could be more
romantic than having 50 first dates...with the
If you have time to watch an anime series, try same person!)
these: . Notting Hill (The Cinderella
. Marmalade Boy (Miki's new stepbrother reverse...with British humor added.)
is extremely cute and popular, but he seems to . Bridget Jone's Diary (A girl who drinks
enjoy teasing her.) like a fish and smokes like a chimney finds
. Ai Yori Aoshi (A formerly engaged couple love.)
struggle to be together.) . Pretty Woman (..another Cinderella
. Kare Kano (Can a girl give up her fake story...only this time, Cinderella is a hooker
image and be her real self with the guy who x.X)
likes her?) . Ever After (My favorite retelling of the
. Nanatsuiro Drops (A mahou shoujo that classic Cinderella story...where Cinderella
ends up falling for the guy who inhabits her rescues her prince...and herself!)
stuffed animal?!?)
. Hakushaku to Yousei (A mysterious Earl
pursues a beautiful Fairy Doctor...for what
. Nodame Cantabile (Yes, love is even
possible for those who inhabit the Weirdo
. Ouran High School Host Club (High
school bishounen who serve as hosts in their
club and foster romance in their ultra-rich
. Hana Yori Dango (A Cinderella story....if
Cinderella had the nerve to kick her boorish
prince in the face the first time she met him.)
Choco Sugar Puff Flakes
Now with 500% more chocolate and sugar.
The Tale of the Dove and the Frog
art & story by Sundri
Now the frog had been admiring the dove Just then the frog sprang up from the
as she splashed and preened while he sat water and shouted, “Sweet Dove, I will
on a lily pad in the sun and warmed save you... but you must agree to marry
himself. From his seat he could see the me! For only those of my family may I
fox approaching and he realized his carry safely into the depths.”
precious dove was in danger. To warn her
meant he would have to reveal himself The dove cried out without so much as a
and he dreaded what the beautiful dove thought as the terrible fox approached,
would think of such a slimy warty frog as “Yes, YES! Anything, only please save
he was. Still though, she did not seem to me!” The frog gave a nod and then
sense the approaching danger and he snatched the dove up with his webby
could not wait another moment. feet and pulled her under the water and
out of the reach of the fox.
“Dearest Dove! Fly! FLY!” He croaked at
her hoarsely, for remember he had chosen (Who by the way, was extremely
to remain silent so his voice was not used agitated to have had both his nose
to being heard. It was a raspy croaking pecked, and his dinner lost all in one
that barely rose above the rustle of the morning. Ever after he loathed frogs
breeze, but such an unusual sound that more than ever.)
the dove did look up and wonder what it
had been. Down under the water the frog gently
carried the dove, with his front legs
The fox with his keen ears however, had holding her wings against her and his
heard the frog’s warning much better than strong back legs kicking them ever
the dove and he realized he must pounce further from the surface.
now or loose his dinner altogether. He
rushed forward but the dove having been Am I to drown? The dove thought
listening to hear the raspy sound of the mournfully as the chilly waters closed
frog, heard him coming and in a panic too around her and the light of the sun
late tried to take to the air. became a green sparkle high above her.
Yet drown she did not, for the frog’s
The fox snapped at her wings as she magic was protecting her.
lifted to the sky and caught the edge of
one in his mouth, pulling her down to the He carried her to his home beneath a
mud. She fought at him with her beak and large stone, beautifully draped in slime
claws and by luck and chance bit him and bladderwort and lined with smooth
hard enough on the nose that he let her stones of beautiful colors.
go. The dove scrambled away towards
the water, her torn wing unable to lift her “You are safe now,” he told her as he set
into the air again. The fox, sure of his her on his bed of watermoss and leaves.
dinner now, rubbed his bleeding nose on “The fiend will not reach you here.”
his paw and was slow to start after her.
This is the end of me, thought the dove. The dove sat quietly as the frog tenderly
her bleeding wing, and was surprised at “I will carry you to see the sun if you
the softness of this strange creature’s would like, dear dove.” He told her
touch. upon inspecting her wound. “You will
not be able to fly again yet, but I would
“Thank you, good frog.” She said quietly not see you sad from longing for it... for
when he was finished. “Without your I know you dearly love the light.”
help I would surely have died today.” She
trembled at the memory of the tearing The dove was surprised by this, but
teeth and wicked red mouth of the fox. gladly agreed and the frog carried her up
and let her rest on a lily pad in the
“For you, dearest dove,” said the frog deeper waters, far out of reach of any
shyly as he backed away. “I would have sly fox. He left her there to rest and
fought him myself if I could. But preen though he always stayed close by
remember your promise, for so long as and out of sight to protect her.
you remain here as my wife no harm will
ever come to you here beneath these As the days went by and dove’s wing
waters.” healed under the frog’s tender care, she
began to realize his attentiveness. He
The dove remembered her hasty remained quiet and unseen but when she
agreement, but could not now change her had need of food or tending he was at
mind. “I will remember...” She said softly her side in an instant. If the sun left
in reply, and then tucked her head behind the clouds and it began to rain,
beneath her good wing to hide the tears he plucked fat leaves from bushes to
that came to her eyes. The exhaustion of hold the rain off of her until the sun
her trauma let sleep take her quickly. returned. If the wind grew chill he
would arrive with bundles of soft thistle-
When the dove awoke the frog was gone, down to warm her, and when night came
but there was a small pile of seeds and fat he would gently carry her down to the
red berries nearby that after a moment bed among the bladderwort and tuck her
she supposed must be for her. As the into a nest of flower petals.
water darkened when the sun left the sky
and its light was slowly replaced by the At first the dove was shy, for she had
silver shadows of moonlight the dove never had another creature treat her so
wondered what would become of her. She sweetly. But eventually she began to ask
mourned to think that she would never him to stay and speak with her instead
see the sky above her again. of leaving so often and she longed for a
way to thank him for his kindness. The
She did not see the frog again that night frog was hesitant to stay in her company
but in the morning there were more seeds for long, fearing his voice too hash for
and berries nestled in two beautiful lilies her soft ears, but when she pleaded that
at her side. Once she had eaten these the she was lonely he immediately agreed
frog timidly returned from his own for he could bear her no sorrow.
breakfast and quietly changed the
bandage on the dove’s wing.
And so the weeks went by and the dove’s
wing healed. In that time she learned
much about the frog and began to love
the sound of his voice. She found that she
did not mind his gentle touch, and felt as
happy to see him each morning as she did
to see the sun.
When the dove was well enough to sing
again she begged the frog to accompany
her, and he, in horror of what he was sure
would follow agreed if only to please her.
In all of his talking to the dove to
entertain her however, the frog’s voice
had become rich and deep, and the dove
was pleased to discover that he knew all
of her favorite songs to sing. Their days “This will not do.” The dove said at last.
began to be filled with a beautiful chorus “For the air calls to me until my heart
shared between the two. aches to be away from it, but you cannot
be with me when I fly.”
When the dove could finally stretch her “But the water is cold to your touch,”
wings again the frog knew he would have
to loose his beautiful companion, for the frog replied mournfully. “And I
much as he loved her, she belonged in the cannot leave its side for long or fear to
air and he knew that despite her cheerful die...”
face she longed for it more than ever. The dove thought for a long time on this
“Your wing is well again...” the frog told and then finally had a thought. “Perhaps
her one morning. “You may fly to the sun if we go to the spirits,” said she.
if you choose.” He looked away to hide “Perhaps they will help us find a way.”
his sorrow, but the dove now knowing So the two traveled together to a place
her dear frog better than this could feel it.
It was true, she did long for the air and deep in the forest where two twin stones
loathed the wet chill of the water but she stood tall and proud, where there was
loved the frog and did not want to see always a sort of light even in the darkest
him sad. hours before dawn. Together they
bowed and pleaded with the spirits of
“Then I will fly for a while...” she said, the forest to give them hope that they
and stretched her wings. “And then I will could be together without causing the
return. For I made a promise to you, my other suffering. Their pleas were so
dear frog, and I will not forget it.” earnest and their love for each other so
great that the spirits of the forest heard
The frog, though his heart soared at her their voices and came to see what could
words, watched her as she blissfully flew be done.
among the trees and was only the sadder,
for here was a place he could not join her “YOU MAY NOT BE TOGETHER IN
and yet did not wish to keep her away BOTH PLACES...” They told the
from. The dove’s joy of the air however, couple. “BUT IF YOU WOULD GIVE
was short lived for she too missed the OF YOURSELF IN EXCHNAGE,
company of her beloved frog whenever THERE IS A WAY FOR YOU TO LIVE
the sky called her. AS ONE.”
The dove desperately offered the spirits be happy without the other. When they
her wings in exchange if only they would arose with the dawn they found that their
grant this one wish, for though the call of old forms had been taken from them. No
the air she could not resist, she longed longer would the dove fly among the trees
even more for the company of her dearest or the frog swim to the darkest depths but
love. they could now remain together forever
and walk the woods without fear or
The frog offered his great webs and water loneliness.
magics in exchange, for though he loved
the water’s depths he could not see his And so the great stag and gentle doe
precious dove suffer from the cold and returned each year to sleep at the feet of
misery of an underwater life and wanted the stones and renew their thanks for the
always to be with her. gift of each other, and vowed always to
remember how precious their love was to
“SLEEP HERE TONIGHT.” The spirits them as they walked the Forest as deer.
told the two, “FOR IT IS A GREAT
The dove and the frog made a nest among
the cool ferns and held each other close
until the morning came. Their hearts did
not waver, for each knew they could never
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Love Potion # 764