PHS3302BiomedIIManuall '06
PHS3302BiomedIIManuall '06
PHS3302BiomedIIManuall '06
of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy and Allied Health
St. John’s University
PHS 3302
Biomedical II LAB
Revised 2/9/2008
Absences from the lab are not permitted unless due to an illness: If you are sick or unable to attend lab,
please notify Dr. Diane Hardej, Director of Labs of the PHS Department (718) 990-6370 and your instructor
will be told. All missed labs must be made up in the time period that that particular lab is running you
must get a note from your instructor for the makeup of the missed lab. Quizzes can be made up only
with a Doctor’s note and will be given by the instructor. After that time, the lab can not be repeated and the
student must drop the course.
The lab will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Excessive lateness (more than 15 min.) will be considered
an absence. Lecture material will not be repeated. Chronic lateness will be reflected in your grade.
The teaching fellow and assistants will constantly evaluate your performance in the lab. Your technique and
lateness will be considered when you are graded. If you do not understand the procedure, please ask
Quizzes will be given in the form of a written or oral test. The quizzes will cover the past week’s work and
the present week’s work.
The lab is to be conducted in a quiet manner at all times. If anyone is found to be making excessive noise, he
/she will be told to leave the lab and will be given a zero for the lab.
The equipment used in this laboratory; is expensive and delicate. You will be held responsible for its proper
use. If you are not sure as to how a particular piece of equipment works, ask the instructors.
Long white cotton lab coats must be worn during all the lab sessions. No open toed shoes will be allowed in
the labs. For the exams, lab coats must be worn if the preserved animal specimens are displayed.
No telephone use is permitted during the lab session. All phones on the OFF position.
No one will be allowed to leave the lab before the end of the period.
Revised 2/9/2008
The teaching fellow will instruct all students as to the use and care of the binocular microscope. No student is to pick up
or return the microscope to the cabinet; an instructor will do this.
No student will leave the laboratory period without the Instructor’s permission.
Table of contents
Lab# Title Page#
LAB PERIOD 1 – Bone/Skeleton
1.Pectoral girdle
scapula and clavicle
The scapula –
scapular notch, superior border, acromion, coracoid process, glenoid fossa or cavity, infraglenoid tubercle,
lateral border and medial border.
The clavicle –
acromial end, sternal end, conoid tubercle.
2.Upper extremities:
Humerus, radius, ulna, carpals of the wrist, metacarpals of the palm, and phalanges of the fingers.
The humerus-
Head, greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, intertubercular groove, deltoid tuberosity, nutrient foramen (on posterior
side), shaft, olecranon fossa, lateral epicondyle, trochlea, capitulum.
The radius
head, radial tuberosity, styloid process, Ulnar notch
The ulna –
olecranon process trochlear notch, coronoid process, head, styloid process.
The hand-
carpals of the wrist
Say Loudly To Pam, Time To Come Home
from medial to lateral
proximal row - scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, and pisiform
distal row – trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate
metacarpals – The bones of the palm of the hand
phalanges – fingers-Proximal, middle and distal
3.Pelvic girdle:
(Os coxae or hipbones), each of which consists of three fused bones, the ileum, the ischium, and the pubis.
Illium – iliac crest, anterior superior and inferior spines, posterior superior and inferior spines,
Acetabulum – made up from illium, pubis and ischium.
Ischium – obturator foramen, ramus, ischial tuberosity, spine of ischium
Pubis - superior and inferior rami, body of the pubis
4. Lower Extremities: Femur, patella, tibia, fibula, and calcaneus.
Femur –
Head, fovea capitis, greater trochanter, neck, lesser trochanter, gluteral tuberosity, linea aspera, body of the femur,
medial epicondyle, medial condyle, intercondylar fossa, lateral epicondyle, lateral condyle, patella.
Patella –
Apex and base
Tibia –
Lateral condyle, medial condyle, intercondylar eminence, tibial tuberosity, and medial malleolus.
Fibula –
Lateral malleolus, head (apex, tibial articular facet)
Calcaneus ––
The heel bone
Lateral view-
Temporal bone, temporal process, zygomatic bone, zygomatic process, zygomatic arch, sphenoid bone, mastoid process,
external auditory meatus, styloid process, mandibular condyle and mandibular fossa on skull.
Inferior view-
Palatine process of maxilla, palatine bone, median palatine suture, vomer bone, superior nasal concha, medial pterygoid
process, lateral pterygoid process, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, foramen lacerum, carotid canal, jugular foramen,
occipital condyle, foramen magnum, external protuberance.
Interior view-
Ethmoid bone, (crista galli, cribriform plate, olfactory foramina), sphenoid bone, foramen rotundum foramen ovale, sella
turcica, optic canal, superior nucal line, inferior nucal line
2..Vertebral Column:
consists of the 33 individual vertebrae, some of which are fused into larger structures such as the sacrum.
A centrum or body, a neural arch formed by pedicles, transverse process, and lamina, a spinous process, inferior and
superior articulating processes.
7 Cervical -
All cervical vertebra have a transverse foramen to allow blood vessels and nerves to travel up to the head and
Atlas (rests against the occipital condyle – allows the head to move up and down).
Axis (dens, held on by a transverse ligament, allows the head to move from side to side),
12 Thoracic –
The spinous process is more pointed and always faces downward, the superior and inferior articulating surfaces are above
and below.
5 Lumbar –
The spinous process is thicker and blunted, the centrum is thicker and transverse process wider.
Sacrum - 5 fused vertebrae –
Coccyx - the last vertebra –the tail
The Ribs –
7 true ribs are joined to the sternum, 5 false ribs (3 are joined to #7 and then to the sternum, 2 are in the back only and are
called the floating ribs as well as false). The ribs have a head, neck, tubercle, the angle and costal groove along the shaft
and the sternal end.
The Sternum
The sternum has a notch at the top, above the supra sternal notch is the thyroid gland. In clinical application to orient
yourself to the thyroid, first find the supra sternal notch and immediately above will be the thyroid. The parts of the
sternum are the manubrium, body and xiphoid process. When administering CPR the body of the sternum should be
pressed not the xiphoid process because of the danger of this snapping off and lacerating the liver. Likewise the
manubrium because of the suture at the angle
4. Hyoid Bone -
A floating bone attached to the styloid process of the head, found at the junction of the floor of the mouth
and the neck. Serves to aid tongue movement and swallowing.
Rat Dissection
The laboratory instructor will have microscopes out for you to review the
structure of muscles.
Each pair of students will receive a preserved white rat; this will be the animal you will use for the remainder of the
semester. Carefully perform the skinning as described in chapter 3 “the muscular system”, page 20 in the inset labeled
instruction in your rat book. ONLY PEEL BACK ALONG ONE SIDE OF THE RAT leaving one side intact for later
The first muscle encountered will be the cutaneous maximus this is attached to the skin on the dorsal side of the
rat and is used to shiver the skin to rid the animal of any pest riding or biting it. Cut this muscle as close to the skin as
possible to preserve it– for identification.
Head and Neck: (Fig.3.5, pg.24) Sternohyoid, sternomastoid, clavotrapezius (Cleiocervicalis), cranial and caudal belly of
the digastric, masseter, temporalis (fig.3.6 pg.26)
Thorax: (fig.3.4, 3.5 pg.23,24) - Pectoralis superficialis and profundis; fig.3.6, pg.26 spinodeltoid, acromiodeltoid
(cleidobrachialis), clavotrapezius, acromiotrapezius (cervical trapezius), spinotrapezius (thoracic
trapezius), latissimus dorsi
Abdomen: (fig.3.8, pg.29) external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominus, rectus abdominus
Thigh and hind limb: (fig. 3.11 pg. 33) tibialis anterior (tibialis cranialis), gluteus superficialis, biceps femoris,
semitendinosus. (fig.3.14, pg.37) gracilis, rectus femoris, vastus medialis, semitendinosus,
semimembranosus, adductor longus, adductor magnus, adductor brevis, (fig.3.15, pg.38) pectineus,
LAB PERIOD 3– Circulatory System
aorta, brachiocephalic, right subclavian artery, right common carotid artery, left common carotid artery, left
subclavian artery; (Fig.5.13 pg.66) abdominal aorta, celiac artery, renal artery, superior mesenteric artery, common iliac
arteries, femoral artery.
right and left cranial (superior) vena cava, caudal (inferior) vena cava, coronary sinus (fig.5.4 pg.56), subclavian
vein, internal and external jugular, (figs.5.9, 5.10 pgs.62, 63) hepatic veins, hepatic portal vein, (figs.5.12, 5.16) caudal
vena cava renal vein, common iliac vein.
Marieb exercise 32
trace the arteries and veins of the human body. You are responsible for figures 32.4 and 32.6, 32.8 and 32.11
Your laboratory instructor will demonstrate the hepatic portal system with a specially injected rat. In this specimen the
portal system is injected with a yellow dye to distinguish the hepatic vein and all the veins emptying into it.
The blood enters the heart via the inferior vena cava and enters into the right atrium on the diastole the
blood flows downward into the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve. On the next systole beat of the heart, the blood
is pumped into the pulmonary artery via the right pulmonary semilunar valve. The pulmonary artery leads the blood into
the lungs to be oxygenated. After the blood has flowed through the lungs it returns to the heart by the right and left
pulmonary veins and enters into the left atrium. On the diastole the blood flows down into the left ventricle through the
bicuspid or mitral valve to be pumped out of the heart into the aorta through the aortic semilunar valve.
Review the normal pulmonary circulation page 354 Figure 32.12 verses the fetal circulation of blood to and from the
lungs in the Marieb - page 357 Figure 32.14.
This exercise is to familiarize the student with the anatomy of the heart through the dissection of the sheep heart and
to compare it with a human model
In preparing the sheep heart, it will be necessary for you to clean the heart. May sure that you rinse the
heart thoroughly with tap water.
The pericardium, or membrane that surrounds the heart, was most probably removed - you may be able to
find remnants.
Place the heart so that the ventral side is facing you. This side is identified by a longitudinal "line" - The
anterior longitudinal sulcus.
Observe now the exterior anatomy of the heart. The anterior longitudinal sulcus divides the right and left
Locate and identify the two flaps resting on top of the ventricles. These are the right and left atria. Locate
the base and apex of the heart.
To locate the remaining structures and blood vessels of the heart it will be necessary to "trace a drop of
blood" through the heart: Make a cut through the heart from the apex to the base but do not cut through the large
blood vessels (frontal section).
Blood, when it comes from the body to the heart enters the right atrium through two blood vessels - the
thin walled superior vena cava, which extends straight down to the right atrium and the inferior vena cava. The
inferior vena cava has a large opening on the left side of the right atrium. Insert a probe in each of the venae
cavae - if they meet in the right atrium you've located the correct blood vessels.
The blood, once in the atrium, now passes from the right atrium through the tricuspid valve to the right
ventricle. Locate and determine the number of cusps in this valve. The string like structures attached to it are the
chordae tendinae (locate and identify). These tendinae, in turn, attach to papillary muscles in the right ventricle.
The blood then exits the right ventricle via the pulmonary aorta or trunk - it then branches to the right and
left pulmonary arteries. With a probe, determine which of the blood vessels is the pulmonary artery. Open the
artery and locate the pulmonary semilunar valve. Remove any coagulated blood.
Once in the lungs, the blood then returns to the heart via the pulmonary veins - there are four veins that
enter the left atrium (try to locate all four). They may or may not be visible depending on where the blood vessels
were cut. From the left atrium the blood now exits through the bicuspid valve to the left ventricle. (locate and
determine the number of cusps).
QUESTION: Are there chordae tendinae and papillary muscle in the left ventricle?
Blood now exits the heart once more, through the aorta, The aorta is located at the midline of the heart.
You can locate the aorta by placing a probe down the blood vessels and observing which one enters the left
ventricle. Once you identify the aorta, cut it parallel to the incision made in the ventricles and identify the aortic
semilunar valve.
Returning to the external surface, observe that the aorta appears to be two blood vessels. This main branch
is the brachiocephalic artery (it branches from the aortic arch).
Depending on where the blood vessels were severed, you may be able to locate the ligamentum arteriosum, which
connects the pulmonary artery and aorta. What is the ligamentum arteriosum? What was its function?
1. What is (are) the function(s) of the blood vessels in the anterior longitudinal sulcus?
2. Which ventricle has thicker walls? Why?
3. How many pouches are present in the pulmonary semilunar valve? Are chordae tendinae attached to these?
4. What is (are) the function(s) of the chordae tendinae?
5. In general, what parts of the body does the aorta supply? - The brachiocephalic artery?
The urinary system filters dissolved material from the blood, regulates electrolytes and fluid volume,
concentrates and stores waste products, and reabsorbs metabolically important substances back into the circulatory
The male reproductive system produces male gametes, transports the gametes to the female reproductive tract,
and secretes the male reproductive hormone, testosterone.
The female reproductive system is functionally more complex than the male reproductive system. The
female reproductive system not only produces gametes and receives the gametes from the male but also nourishes and
supports the developing embryo and finally delivers the child into the outer environment.
page 87- in your rat book, follow along with the dissection in the Marieb page 446
The ovary: Study the models in the laboratory and the pictures in the rat book page 83,
and diagram on page 472 in Marieb. The oogenesis flowchart of meiotic events and the correlation with
follicular development and ovulation in the ovary is pictured on page 471.
In your Rat Dissection Book – page 81 check and know the functions of the structures identified in both the
male and female systems.
Anatomy of the EYE and EAR/Lymphatic and Endocrine systems
1. The Eye
Resources: Chapter 8 in the rat book page 94, Marieb Manual Lab exercise #24 and the models
available in the lab
Follow the dissection instructions in the Marieb Manual on page 271 for the cow eye dissection
Identify the following in the cow eye:
Conjunctiva – mucous membrane lining the anterior surface of the eyeball and posterior surface
of the lids, cornea, pupil and optic nerve
Conjunctivitis – is the inflammation of the conjunctiva commonly called “pink eye”
Aqueous humor, pupil, iris, lens, ciliary body and suspensory ligaments. Widen the opening
to identify and vitreous humor the three layer of the wall of the eye [retina-inside layer, choroid-
photosensative layer, and sclera- the white of the eye]. If you remove the vitreous humor and carefully strip
away the retina layer you can see the point of attachment for the retina-this is the point at which the optic
nerve enters the eye ball [the blind spot or optic disc]. If you draw a straight line from the opening of the
pupil to the back of the eye you will hit the FOVEA CENTRALIS which is the focal point of light on the
retina where the image is formed. Notice in the models it is marked with a yellow dot. The Fovea is
surrounded by an oval area of sensory retina called the Macula Lutea.
Macula Degeneration - the area of Macula lutea sometimes degenerates in elderly people causing these
people to loose sight in the center of the optical field seeing only the periphery.
Eye Tests
Perform Activities starting on page 271 of the Marieb Manual, excluding the test for color
blindness, Activity 10.
2. The EAR
Resources: Marieb Manual Lab exercise #25 and the models available in the lab
External Ear: Pinna (auricle), external auditory canal, and tympanic membrane.
Middle Ear: malleus (hammer), incus (anvil) and stapes (stirrup), tympanic cavity.
Inner Ear: Semicircular canals, cochlea, vestibule, facial nerve, cochlear nerve, vestibular nerve,
auditory canal (eustachian tube).
Ear Tests
Perform Activities starting on page 282 of the Marieb Manual, excluding Activity 5 and Activity 6.
The lymphatic system is difficult to study in preserved specimens because it collapses at death. It
consists of lymph capillaries, lymphatics, lymph nodes, lymph organs and tissues. Lymphatics or lymph
vessels lead to regions of the body where lymph nodes cluster- groin (inguinal region), neck, thorax and
Human - Marieb page 384, figure 35.1 Note the circulation and primary nodes, cisterna chyli,
collections of lymph nodes are found in the inguinal, axillary and cervical regions of the body. Within the
lymph nodes are macrophages that destroy bacteria, cancer cells and other foreign matter. On page 385 the
lymphoid organs are named Primary: Thymus and bone marrow
Secondary: lymph node, spleen, tonsils and appendix
Rat - Rat book page 100 -101 using the rat provided
Identify: 1. Spleen
2. Thymus gland
Human - Exercise 27 in Marieb page 294
Familiarize yourself with the chart on page 99 of the Rat Dissection Guide has the functions of each
hormone from the each endocrine gland.
HUMAN – Marieb exercise 38, Page 421
RAT - Using your rat and the rat book page 42, chapter 4
Identify the following in the rat: Compare with the pictures of the human
1. rat teeth are not studied Teeth in ¼ of the mouth – 2-1-2-3
2. Salivary glands (parotid, mandibular and sublingual) Page 419 – Marieb
3. Esophagus Page 419
4. Diaphragm Not pictured
5. Esophageal hiatus in the diaphragm Not pictured
6. Liver (4 lobes), hepatic duct, - the falciform ligament. Page 419, 425
7. Stomach– different regions (fundic, body, and pyloric), rugae Page 423
8. Pyloric sphincter Page 423
9. Lesser and Greater Omentum Page 425
10. Abdominal cavity small intestine Page 425
(duodenum, jejunum, ileum)
11. Large intestine (caecum, colon, rectum) Page 428
12. Pancreas, pancreatic duct Page 419
13. Spleen, gastrosplenic ligament (there is no gallbladder in the Page 419 and 429
Sheep pluck:
Identify –
1. Trachea,
2. Esophagus,
3. In the Right lung - superior, middle, and inferior lobes
4. In Left lung - superior, inferior lobes and cardiac notch
IN YOUR MARIEB – Exercise 36. Follow along with the human
Some terms needed understand the generated results are: Figure 37A.2 in Marieb page 401
Expiratory Reserve– (Residual volume) after forced expiration, the amount remaining in the lungs of a
healthy adult-1200mL
Inspiratory Reserve – 3100ml
Tidal volume - Average human lung intake- for normal quiet breathing - 500ml
Vital capacity - After maximal inspiration the maximum amount expired from the lungs – 4800mL
Maximum capacity -Total lung capacity - 6000ml
Notice that the maximum capacity 6000ml =
residual volume 1200ml (amount always in the lung without collapsing)
maximum intake 4800ml
Using your Marieb Laboratory Manual, pages 412 - 415 follow the directions for measuring respiratory
volumes. After getting your vital capacity compare with the charts on pages 407 & 408, to convert inches to
centimeters 1 inch = 2.54 cm.
Cell Membranes:
The plasma membrane is selective about what passes through it. It allows nutrients to enter the cell
but keeps out undesirable substances. Valuable cell proteins and other substances are kept within the cell,
and excreta or wastes pass to the exterior. This is known as selective permeability. Transport occurs
through a membrane in two basic ways – passive transport and active transport
Passive Transport – two types: namely diffusion and filtration, driven by concentration.
Active Transport – energy is provided by the cell (ATP)
You will be working in groups of two, each table will perform all the exercises and each student will record
the results.
Passive Transport
Brownian Movement:
Activity #1 - Each group will be provided with a microscope to observe the Brownian movement in
Activity 1 page 41 of your Marieb manual.
A demonstration of this movement will be placed on the teacher’s desk. A beaker of plain water will
be filled and a few grains of Potassium Permanganate will be placed into the water. If dye particles are
placed in water, the particles will begin to spread out in the water. Water is the liquid into which material
dissolves – the solvent. The dye material that becomes dissolved in water is the solute. The combination of
solvent and solute is the solution. Observe the color of the fluid in the beaker at the end of the lab period.
Diffusion is defined as the movement of particles from regions of high concentration to regions of low
concentration. The difference between the two concentrations is known as the concentration gradient. If
the particles become uniformly dispersed then the system has reached equilibrium.
Activity #2 - You will be provided with three petri dishes filled with 1.5% agar. Make the three
wells in each of the plates using a medicine dropper to “suck” out a plug of agar, add one drop of each of
three solutions and place each Petri dish at one of the three temperature stations.
Why does the diffusion vary between solutions?
Why is the molecular weight given to you for each chemical?
What does the Kinetic theory have to do with Brownian movement, with diffusion?
Does the potassium permanganate move more rapidly through water or agar gel? Explain why.
Activity #3 - observing the diffusion of dye through water – follow the procedure on page 43
of your Marieb lab manual.
Osmosis: Osmosis refers to the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane from
regions of higher water concentration to regions of lower water concentration. Osmosis is a type of
diffusion. The greater the difference in water concentration between two solutions the greater the
concentration gradient = osmotic potential. The amount of force needed to balance or equilibrate osmosis is
the osmotic pressure.
Activity #4 – Osmosis and the concentration gradient – follow the instructions in your Marieb Lab Manual
page 43 for activity #4.
Activity #6 Osmosis and living cells: Follow the instructions for experiment 1 and 2 in the Marieb Lab
Manual page 45.
Filtration: Filtration is the process by which water and solutes are forced through a membrane from an
area of higher hydrostatic pressure into an area of lower hydrostatic pressure. Like diffusion, it is a passive
process. In the kidneys, fluids and solutes filter out of the capillaries into the kidney tubules because the
blood pressure in the capillaries is greater than the fluid pressure in the tubules. This process is NOT
selective; the amount of filtrate formed is dependant on the pressure gradient.
Active Transport
There are two types of active processes: active transport and vesicular transport
Active transport requires carrier proteins that combine specifically with the transported substance. In
most cases the substances move against concentration or electrochemical gradients. Active transport may be
primary, driven directly by hydrolysis of ATP, or secondary, acting with a primary transport system as a
coupled system. The carriers are commonly called solute pumps, they move such things as amino acids and
some sugars which a lipid insoluble and too large to pass through the membrane channels.
Vesicular transport carries into the cell large particles and molecules. Movement may be into the
cell – endocytosis or out of the cells – exocytosis. The three types of endocytosis are depicted in your
Marieb page 47 Figure 5A.4. Pinocytosis, phagocytosis and receptor-mediated endocytosis
Before beginning this lab, read pages 22 and 23 in your Marieb Manual about use and care of the
compound microscopes – remember to focus in with the coarse adjustment knob until you see you’re
your tissue, then you should need only a slight turn of the fine adjustment knob to focus.
You should take the full 3 hours to view each slide several times to be able to recognize the tissue without
the benefit of the label for the quiz as well as the exam.
Exercise 6A in the Marieb Laboratory Manual will help you with pictures of the tissue types
1. Simple
type Slide #
Squamous #2-lung & bronchioles, #4-kidney
Cuboidal #6-thyroid, #4- kidney
Columnar #3-small intestine & stomach, #7 colon
Pseudostratified #2 lung and bronchioles, #23 trachea
2. Stratified
type Slide #
Squamous #5-esophagus & stomach, #1-skin
Cuboidal No slides- found in mammary, salivary, sweat glands
Columnar No slides- found in male urethra, large ducts of glands
Transitional #8- transitional- found in bladder and linings of urinary organs
type Slide #
Dense regular #18- ligament, #19 tendon
Dense irregular #1- skin
Elastic #16 – aorta
3. Cartilage
type Slide #
Hyaline #20 – cartilage composite, #23 - trachea
Fibrocartilage #22 – White Fibrocartilage
Elastic #21 – elastic cartilage
4. Bone-
type Slide #
Compact #24 – compact bone (dry-ground)
Cancellous (spongy) #25 – cancellous bone
5. Blood
Slide #26 – blood smear
Slide # 51 muscle composite --- Smooth - Skeletal - Cardiac Muscle
Brain and Spinal Cord
The nervous system is divided into Central, Peripheral, and Autonomic systems. The central
nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral system is made up of all the somatic
myelinated nerves that enter or leave the central nervous system. The autonomic system is composed of
visceral nonmyelinated nerves and ganglia.
You will need your rat book as well as the Marieb lab manual
The Brain
The sheep brain dissection is pictured and described in the Marieb Manual on page 214 and in your Rat
Dissection book on page 90.
Before beginning the identification of parts of the brain carefully remove the dura mater
from the surface of the brain. Note the thickness and multilayers.
Pituitary gland:
Sheep - Before viewing the ventral surface of the sheep brain observe the pituitary gland that has been left
intact beneath the body of the brain. Carefully snip the nerve stalks, close to the dura matter the contains the
body of the gland, leave the longer stalk of the nerves attached to the brain proper. (Use great care when
removing the pituitary, because we will be identifying many of these nerves) you can see the
infundibulum that connects the pituitary gland to the brain.
The Arterial Circle – (Circle of Willis) page 358 in your Marieb Manual - identify the
basilar artery (formed from the vertebral arteries), anterior communicating and
posterior cerebral arteries, internal carotids. The internal carotids normally supply the
arteries of the anterior half of the cerebrum, and the rest of the brain receives blood
from the vertebral arteries. But this circulatory pattern can easily change, because the
internal carotid arteries and the basilar artery are interconnected in a ring-shaped
anastomosis called the cerebral arterial circle, or Circle of Willis, which encircles the
infundibulum of the pituitary gland. With this arrangement, the brain can receive blood
from either the carotid or the vertebral arteries, and the chances for a serious
interruption of circulation are reduced.
External Dorsal View:
Human - exercise #19 in the Marieb Manual, page 215
Sheep Brain- Dissection Guide & Atlas to the Rat – pages 90, 91
Left and right cerebral hemispheres, longitudinal fissure, transverse fissure, pineal gland (Marieb - pg 216),
midbrain (superior colliculus and inferior colliculus = corpora quadrigemina) cerebellum (vermis and
cerebellar hemispheres), medulla and spinal cord.
Olfactory bulb (1), Optic nerve (II), Optic tract, Oculomotor nerve (III) [on either side of the
peduncles], Trochlear nerve (IV)[below the pons], Trigeminal nerve (V) [the thickest nerve], Abducens nerve
(VI) [a thin curved nerve lying along the medulla oblongata]
Lateral view
Turn the brain onto its side, make a longitudinal cut (though the longitudinal fissure) notice the white matter
beneath the longitudinal fissure, this is the corpus callosum, cut through this.
Midsagital section:
Spinal cord, cerebellum, medulla, pons, superior and inferior colliculi, pineal gland,
intermediate mass of the thalamus, optic chiasma, mammillary body, pituitary gland, olfactory bulb, corpus
callosum, [containing the septum pellucidum- covering the lateral ventricle, fornix and rostrum], third and
fourth ventricles.
Coronal section:
In the Marieb Manual Pages 206 and 218 compare the longitudinal cut of the human brain
with the coronal cut
Spinal Cord and Nerves
Following Laboratory exercise 21 in the Marieb Manual as well as the models in the laboratory
Body of a vertebra, dorsal root ganglion, ventral root ganglion page 231
Page 228 white columns (posterior funiculus, anterior funiculus, lateral funiculus),
gray matter [gray commissure, posterior (dorsal) horn, lateral horn, anterior (ventral) horn],
posterior median sulcus, anterior median fissure, central canal
meninges (dura matter, arachnoid matter, pia matter)
A spinal tap - is taken from the arachnoid space – through a lumbar puncture
Special visceral afferent - Smell
(sometimes classified as special somatic afferent)
Comment - The filaments composing this nerve arise in the olfactory mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.
The fibers end in the olfactory bulb. The olfactory tract runs backward from the bulb and it ends at the base
of the brain near the optic chiasma.
Special somatic afferent - Vision
Comment - This nerve arises from the retina of the eye. It runs posteriorly and, in joining the other optic
nerve, forms the optic chiasma. Two bundles, the optic tracts, extend posteriorly from the chiasma, proceed
around the cerebral peduncles, and end near the superior colliculi. These structures (the optic nerves and
tracts) are not true peripheral nerves, but are fiber tracts of the central nervous system. The retina is a part of
the central nervous system.
Somatic efferent - Movements of the eyeball
General somatic afferent Proprioception from extrinsic eye muscles
General visceral efferent (parasympathetic) pupillary constriction
Comment - After its origin from the midbrain, the oculomotor nerve runs anteriorly into the orbit, where it
ends in muscles that attach to the eyeball and move it in various directions. A portion of the nerve is
distributed to the smooth muscles within the eye.
Somatic efferent - Movements of the eyeballµ
General somatic afferent - Proprioception from extrinsic eye muscles
Comment - The trochlear nerve is a bundle of fibers that arise from the back of the midbrain, around which it
winds anteriorly to runs into the orbit. Here the nerve ends in a single muscle attached to the eyeball.
Special visceral efferent - Movements of mastication
General somatic afferent - General sensation from face and head
Comment - The trigeminal nerve has a motor and a sensory root, both attached to the side of the pons. Near
the pons, the sensory root has an enlargement, the trigeminal ganglion, from which 3 large branches arise to
be distributed to the muscles of mastication, to the skin of the face and part of the scalp, to mucous
membranes of the mouth and nasal cavity, to the eye (especially cornea), to the teeth, and to the dura mater.
The motor root joins the branch which is distributed to the muscles of mastication.
Somatic efferent - Movement of eyeball
General somatic afferent - Proprioception from extrinsic eye muscles
Comment - The abducens nerve arises from the front of the pons, just above its junction with the medulla. It
enters the orbit, where it supplies a single muscle attached to the eyeball.
VII- Facial
Special visceral efferent - facial expression
General visceral efferent - Salivation and lacrimation
Special visceral afferent - Taste
Comment - This nerve is attached laterally, just at the junction of the pons and medulla oblongata. Its main
distribution is to the muscles of expression (the facial muscles), located around the mouth, nose and eyes, and
on the forehead and scalp. Some fibers are also distributed to the mucous membrane at the anterior two-
thirds of the tongue (for taste) and some fibers travel to certain of the salivary glands and to the lacrimal
gland. The geniculate ganglion is found on the nerve in its course through the skull.
Hearing and equilibrium (Vestibulocochlear, statoacoustic, auditory)µ
Comment - This nerve is attached laterally at the junction of the pons and medulla oblongata. It has cochlear
and vestibular divisions, each of which arises in the inner ear. Each has a small ganglion along its course in
the inner ear, called the spiral and vestibular ganglia, respectively.
Special visceral efferent - Pharyngeal movements
General visceral efferent - Salivation
Special visceral afferent - Taste
General visceral afferent - Visceral reflexes, sensation in the tongue and pharynxµ
Comment - This nerve is closely associated and hard to distinguish from the Vagus. There is a series of
rootlets attached to the lateral surface of the medulla. The upper one or two of these rootlets form the
glossopharyngeal nerve, which supplies the mucous membranes and a muscle of the pharynx, a salivary gland,
and the mucous membrane of the posterior third of the tongue for taste.
X - Vagus
Special visceral efferent - Pharyngeal and laryngeal movements
General visceral efferent - Movements and secretions of thoracic and abdominal viscera
Special visceral afferent - Taste
General visceral afferent - Visceral reflexes; sensations in tongue and pharynxµ
General somatic afferent - Sensation from external ear
Comment - The majority of the rootlets attached to the lateral surface of the medulla form the vagus nerve,
which supplies the mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx and also the muscles of these organs. In
addition, it has a complex distribution to the viscera in the thorax and abdomen. It has two main ganglia, the
superior and inferior, which are found on the nerve within and just below its foramen of exit.
Comment - The lower of the nerve rootlets from the medulla oblongata joins others which have ascended
through the foramen magnum from the cervical spinalcord. The accessory nerve formed by this mingling of
fibers then divides. One division, which is composed of fibers arising from the medulla, joins the vagus nerve
and is distributed with it to the muscles of pharynx and larynx. The other division supplies the trapezius and
sternocleidomastoid muscles.
Somatic efferent - Movements of the tongue
Comment - Formed from a number of rootlets attached to medulla oblongata between pyramid and olive.
Follow Activity #2 in your Marieb Manual page 221
Lab. Period 11 - Cardiac Physiology
1. Plethysmograph:
The Pulse - will be measured as described in Activity 2 on page 362 of the Marieb manual and with the
BIOPAC following Activity #3 on page 363.
The most sensitive indication of heart problems is the S to T time interval. A heart rate of over 100beats/min is
referred to as Tachycardia; a rate below 60beats/min is Bradycardia. Fibrillation is a condition of rapid
uncoordinated heart contractions which makes the heart useless as a pump.