OGP Hra Roadmap

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habits (e.g.

smoking, alcohol and substance

abuse/dependence), medical and occupational
history as well as health status. Pregnancy and
breast-feeding require special consideration.

Exposure is the amount (dose) of the hazard to
which the person has been exposed.This is a
combination of the magnitude, frequency and
duration of exposure.
In order to assess the degree of exposure to
an identified health hazard, it may be necessary
to quantify the level of personal and/or
environmental exposure and benchmark against
accepted standards. Examples range from sound
level meters for measuring noise to personal
dosimeters for measuring radioactive exposure.
When necessary, reference documents should
be consulted and past experience borne in mind.

Reviewing records
It is important in the HRA process to review
records, location specifications, details of past
incidents and accidents and remedial actions
taken. Some examples include:
Incident/accident reports;
Occupational illness and injury reports;
Equipment maintenance and fault reports;
Health surveillance records;
Sickness absence reports;
Previous occupational hygiene surveys;
Minutes of health and safety meetings.

Education and training

Personal protective equipment should always be

considered as a last resort and should only be
provided when it is not reasonably practicable to
control exposure by other means. In the case of
noise, the provision of hearing protection such as
ear plugs, semi-inserts and ear defenders should
only be issued after the controls discussed above
have been instituted.

A written record of the HRA should be kept.

The record of the HRA should:
be readily retrievable when needed for
external/internal audits, local or national
authorities or periodic reviews;
meet statutory and company legal
be kept for a period as required for national
contain sufficient information to ensure an
audit trail on how conclusions/decisions were
include exposure monitoring where
be linked to health records where applicable;
be linked to the companies HSE
Management System; and
be communicated to relevant staff.

9. Remedial action plan

11. Review of HRA

Where the need for action to reduce health risks

is identified by HRA, a Remedial Action Plan
should be drawn up.This should state which
additional control or recovery measures are
required.This plan should include priorities,
responsible person and target dates for actions
and there should be a tracking system to ensure
that the action plan has been carried out
efficiently, effectively and on time.

The HRA should be reviewed periodically and,

in particular, in response to changes in activities,
equipment or personnel. and take account of the
results of health surveillance or disease outbreaks.
Any major modifications to the operation will
warrant a review of the HRA.


Cumulative exposures
Multiple exposures to health hazards can occur
either simultaneously or consecutively, adding to
an individuals total dose and potentially
increasing the risk. If, for example, a combination of
chemicals with similar toxicity is encountered, the effect
may be the sum of the effects of all the chemicals, or
even more. Similarly, if several short tasks are carried
out, exposures from each task may be cumulative (e.g.
manual handling).
People are exposed to health hazards in every
aspect of their lives, including home, hobbies and
leisure, as well as work.Where the same hazard is
involved, this adds to any exposure. For example,
people whose hobbies expose them to chemicals, noise or
hand-arm vibration are not starting with zero exposure
when they begin work. In the case of psychological
hazards domestic and relationship pressures may affect
an individuals ability to handle workplace stress.

6. Health risk evaluation

A health risk is generally defined as the
likelihood that exposure to a hazard will result in
occupational illness, disability or death.
Health risk evaluation considers the
information generated by the hazard identification
process (see Section 4 The process).

Individual susceptibility
Health risk assessments are usually generic. It is
impossible to assess how each individual will
react to every health risk. Factors that influence
this variability include: heredity, age, sex, personal

high, and combining the two using previously

agreed rules.This approach to the expression of
risk is perfectly adequate for many types of
evaluation, allowing for a structured approach to
be adopted in situations where more precise
numerical methods would be inappropriate.
A health Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) is a
useful tool in ranking health risks. A ranking is
obtained by assigning to each identified health
hazard within the activity a severity and
likelihood, based on their potential to cause ill
health and on the history of previous exposure.
Entering different risks on the matrix enables
priorities for health-care management to be set
and mitigation measures planned. A comparison
between the required controls and current
controls will enable the identification of any gaps.

Existing controls
In assessing the level of exposure, account should
be taken of the effectiveness of existing controls
e.g. engineering, provision of PPE and work-rest

Threshold levels
The threshold level of exposure is the level at
which no adverse effects are observed. For some
health hazards there are defined threshold levels
(e.g. Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL)). For
most health hazards threshold levels have not
been established.

7. Setting priorities
The risk associated with a particular activity is
often judged by estimating the probability and
consequence in relative terms, low, medium or

The figure below gives an example of such a









no damage

no effect

no impact

slight injury or
health effect




minor injury or
health effect




major injury or
health effect




PTD or up to
3 fatalities




more than
3 fatalities




never heard of
in the industry

heard of
in the industry

has happened
in the
or more than
once per year
in the industry

has happened
at the
or more than
once per year
in the

has happened
more than
once per year
at the location

A roadmap to

Health Risk Assessment

in the oil and gas industry

8. Reducing risks: remedial actions


Controlling adverse exposure

PART 1 (this document)

The general principles of controlling adverse

exposure to health hazards are well-known and
education and training; and
personal protective equipment (PPE).

1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. Purpose
4. The process
5. Health hazard identication
6. Health risk evaluation
7. Setting priorities
8. Reducing risks: remedial actions

This hierarchy of control can be applied to all

health hazard categories and is illustrated by
applying it to the following examplenoise.

9. Remedial action plan

However, where noisy work is undertaken in an
ad hoc fashion, portable sound screens can be
used to modify local noise generation and
personal exposure.


Controlling Health Risks at Work:

Controlling noisean example:

no injury or
health effect

10. Recording HRA

Education and training on the causes of, and

measures to prevent, noise-induced hearing loss
should result in improved employee
understandings of health risks and greater
personal compliance.This can be achieved
through visual displays, online training, toolbox
talks, health events and discussion at health and
safety meetings.

Noise is only generated if there is a vibration

source. Eliminating noise requires engineering
measures to remove the origins of vibration.

Once noise is generated it can travel from the
source via noise pathways. Measures should be
taken to make structural adjustment to the
workplace, such as partition walls and the
introduction of absorptive materials/devices, for
example acoustic ceiling tiles, reflective wall
coverings and flexible acoustic screening.

IPIECA/OGP 2006. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may

be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior consent of IPIECA/OGP.
Disclaimer: Information provided herein is offered in good faith as
accurate, but without guarantees or warranties of completeness or accuracy.
Readers are hereby put on notice that they must rely on their own diligence
when determining how or whether to respond to the information herein.
Further, this guide is not intended to replace necessary and appropriate
medical or other professional advice or attention.
This publication is printed on paper manufactured from fibre obtained from sustainably
grown softwood forests and bleached without any damage to the environment.

10. Recording Health Risk Assessment (HRA)

11. Review of HRA
PART 2: Oil & gas industry HRA template (see accompanying CD-ROM)

Noise emitted by equipment and/or processes
can be contained by partial or total acoustic

Quieter alternatives with better vibratory
characteristics may be available.

This document was prepared for the OGP-IPIECA Health

Committee, based on an original template provided by Shell
International Health Services. The assistance of Geert de Jong and
Karen Niven (Shell) and the OGP-IPIECA Health Committee
reviewers is appreciated.

Increasing the distance between the noise source
and people can be achieved by automation, the
use of remote controls and acoustic refuges.

Work procedures, task rotation and permits to
work are examples of systems used to control
adverse exposure. In the case of noise, this may
mean restricting the hours of work or numbers
of people involved in a noisy activity.

International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
5th Floor, 209215 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NL, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7633 2388 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7633 2389
E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.ipieca.org

International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
London office
5th Floor, 209215 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NL, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7633 0272 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7633 2350
E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.ogp.org.uk
Brussels office
Boulevard du Souverain 165, 4th Floor, B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: +32 (0)2 566 9150 Facsimile: +32 (0)2 566 9159
E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.ogp.org.uk

Controlling Health Risks at Work:

A roadmap to

Controlling Health Risks at Work:

A roadmap to

Condition of the equipment;
Specific hazards linked to the equipment
(noise, vibration, radiation, heat, cold and
exhaust emissions);
Training and method of use.

Health Risk Assessment

Health Risk Assessment

in the oil and gas industry

PART 2: Oil & gas industry HRA template (on CD-ROM)

1. Introduction

Health Risk Assessment

The purpose of this document is to expand on

the information presented within the OGP
publication Managing Health for Field Operations
in Oil and Gas Activities.
It provides a framework for the identification,
evaluation and control of potential health hazards
and risks with the overall intent of protecting
employees health.
Responsibilities and accountabilities of both
the individual subject matter experts and the
line/operational staff, and the exact relationship
between the two, will vary depending on culture
and organizational structure. However, this
document is aimed primarily at helping line
management to understand the process and
competencies required. It is nevertheless
important to ensure that these responsibilities
and accountabilities are defined. In general, the
subject matter experts guide the HRA process
and ensure its integrity, while line/operational
staff use their knowledge of the operational
processes and their judgment to apply the Risk
Assessment techniques. They are ultimately
responsible for ensuring that the HRA is
undertaken, and that the results of the HRA are
acted upon.

Insert CD-ROM,
browse to the Word
file called HRA_Part2
and double-click to
open. (Requires
Microsoft Word)

Oil and gas industry
HRA template ade witho
No u






y be
o r iz e d c
op i es o f t hi s C D- R O M m a

The attached CD-ROM contains Part 2 of A Roadmap to Health Risk Assessment

Microsoft Word

format.The document defines what HRA is, what it should

include, and how to incorporate the HRA within an HSE Management System.
The appendices provide further guidance and good practice examples to assist

All levels of workplace activity, including

routine/non-routine tasks and emergency
activities, should be reviewed. Health hazards
may amplify each other. Discussion with the
person actually doing the job and a review of
operating procedures is essential.

Equipment and materials

Reviewing standards for health hazards

Workplace equipment may pose a risk to health

especially if it has been poorly designed, is used
incorrectly or malfunctions. When listing the
equipment and materials used in an activity, it
will be necessary to consider:

The most current information from Material Safety

Data Sheets (MSDSs), industry trade groups,
governmental health and safety bodies, and current
occupational exposure limits should be reviewed
and incorporated into the health risk assessment.


in implementing these elements.

The examples cited are not exhaustive and

the hazard identification process will determine
the health hazard profile for the specific activity.
Health hazards can generate either acute,
delayed and/or chronic health effects:


The HRA process is summarized in the

following diagram.The individual steps in this
process are explained further in the document.

exposed groups
and tasks

Evaluate and assess

health risks
Set priorities

Remedial Action Plan

Maintain records

5. Health hazard identication

A health hazard is something with the potential
to adversely affect the health of individuals or
The difference between safety hazards and
health hazards is that safety hazards have the
potential to cause sudden injury, whereas health
hazards have the potential to cause occupational
illness (which may be acute, delayed or chronic)
with varying degrees of disability or even death.
Health hazard identification is a process that
considers all facets of work activity in order to
establish the presence of health hazards.

In general the health hazard identification

process requires involvement of a person who
has had training in health hazard identification,
together with individuals familiar with the
activity being assessed.
The following section explains how health
hazards can be assessed in terms of their
composition (i.e. the nature of the agent that is
causing them); by the effect that the exposure
causes; or by reference to the environment/
workplace location in which the hazard occurs.
There are five key factors that influence the
effects of potential health hazards:
Time period of exposure;
Level of exposure (dose);
Mode of exposure (e.g. contact, inhalation or
Individual susceptibility;
Characteristics of the causal agent.

Motion (e.g. sea-sickness);
Vibration (hand-arm, whole body);
Pressure (vessels, diving);
Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;
Thermal work environment;
Display screen equipment;
Ergonomics: associated with mismatches
between the task and capability (including
man-machine interfaces, manual handling,
repetitive movements);
Sharp objects;
Transport during work;
Ambient light levels.


Geographical location

For convenience, health hazards can be

associated with the following:

Environment and Location

Special consideration must be given to jobs
which, under certain circumstances, are
considered as safe and low risk but when
performed in extreme conditions (e.g. extreme
heat, cold or noise, altitude, confined space)
render the task more hazardous.
Special attention should also be given to
personal protective equipment (PPE) and/or
work/rest regimens when considering these
highly hazardous situations. In certain cases,
however, PPE may represent an additional risk
(e.g. in extreme heat).








When inspecting the design documents or the

actual workplace, consider that any of the above
hazard categories may be found.
It is important to consider whether the
physical layout of the area may make the activity
more hazardous (e.g. incorrect height, poor
ventilation or lighting, confined space).


Part 2:

4. The process

health hazards


in the oil and gas industry


The health risk assessment process is broadly

applicable to all activities within the oil and gas
HRA addresses the life cycle of any
operation, and takes account of all employees,
contractors and third parties at work.
A health risk assessment should be
performed at the earliest stage of a project or
operation, reviewed periodically and revisited
when there is a significant change or as
required by local legislation.

A roadmap to


2. Scope

3. Purpose

The aim of a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is

to identify health hazards, evaluate their risks to
health and determine appropriate control and
recovery measures.
Given the multi-faceted nature of health and
the responsibility of employers to provide a
secure and healthy workplace, it is essential that a
systematic approach be used to evaluate the
potential for individual harm and protect against
any adverse exposure.
This document provides a brief overview of
the HRA process. Detailed guidance can be
found in the generic HRA standard template
given in Part 2 (on the attached CD-ROM) or
by consulting an occupational health professional.

Physical and chemical characteristics;
Property changes or dispersion of the
material during the activity may increase the
Quality of information (e.g. language and
availability) pertaining to the materials being
used (material safety data sheet and/or
industry/trade union information).

Temperature and climate (e.g. extreme heat or

cold) and wide temperature variations;
Altitude (e.g. low pressure of oxygen);
Humidity and air quality;
Daylight (extremes of dark or light);
Communication infrastructure;
Location in relation to available health
services and facilities (distance and access);
Standard of healthcare facilities;
Competence of healthcare staff;
Security (e.g. stress, anxiety, kidnapping,
The potential for natural catastrophes.

Systemic poisons (e.g. heavy metals, H2S);

Sensitizers (that cause skin and respiratory
Acids and alkalis/caustic agents;


Wildlife (animals including pets and guard

dogs, reptiles, insects, plants);
Sexually transmitted disease (commercial sex
workers, camp followers);
Endemic/epidemic diseases (due to viruses,
bacteria, fungi, parasites);
Occupational diseases (due to viruses,
bacteria, fungi, parasites);
Contaminated food and drink;
Poor hygiene (catering, accommodation,
toilet facilities, waste disposal).


Isolation (degree of access to social support);

Overcrowding and lack of privacy;
Communication problems (business and
family contacts);
Bullying and harassment;
Culture, local laws, religion and language
(comprehension and comfort level);
Job design (control, content, workload);
Job organization (shift patterns, sleep
deprivation, rotations, jet lag);
Leisure and recreation opportunities;
Substance abuse/dependence and smoking.

Acute effects (e.g. asthma):

Occur suddenly;
Appear within seconds to hours following
Usually have an easily identifiable cause;
May follow repeated or prolonged exposure
to a health hazard;
May lead to removal from the hazard and/or
seeking early medical attention.
Delayed effects (e.g. lung cancer):
Occur hours to years after the exposure;
May not be easily associated with a specific
May not present obvious symptoms;
May only be diagnosed through health
surveillance or sophisticated testing.
Chronic effects (e.g. asbestosis):
Occur gradually over a long period of time
(often years);
May not be easily diagnosed or associated
with a specific hazard;
Do not result in immediate remedial action as
the individual may not be aware of the
exposure and its potential results at the time.

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