The Plasma-Sheath Boundary Region - R.N.franklin
The Plasma-Sheath Boundary Region - R.N.franklin
The Plasma-Sheath Boundary Region - R.N.franklin
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2003 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36 R309
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PII: S0022-3727(03)61082-X
1. Motivation
2. Historical introduction
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Topical Review
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d(ni vi2 )
ni eE
+ C(ni , vi , x) =
(ion momentum) (2)
ne = ne0 exp
(Boltzmann relation) (3)
and using the plasma aproximation ne = ni = n, find that with
E = dV /dx, and ne0 the electron density where V = 0,
C + 2vi G
= 2
vi (kTe /M)
Topical Review
Figure 1. The ion and electron density distributions for a collisionless plasmacollisionless sheath for D0 Z/cs = 0.002 showing
(a) the plasma solution ( ), (b) the full computed solutions (), and (c) the sheath solutions (- - - -) obtained by integrating inwards
from the wall. The asymptotic behaviour is clearly seen and the problem of identifying a simple single plasmasheath boundary manifested.
In order to make the structure visible we show only 7% of the total dimension, i.e. 0.93 < x/L < 1, but we give the full solutions for
0 < x/L < 1 as an inset.
Topical Review
involved, but that has to do with the fact that the density varies
parabolically near the plasma edge in both cases, rather than
any deeper physical reason.
If the ion motion model is of constant collision frequency
then the density varies linearly and the sheath dimension is of
order D0 L1/3 (Blank 1968).
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Topical Review
Figure 5. Values of 1 R where R is the ratio of the inertial term in the positive ion fluid momentum equation to the electric field for
collisionality i /Z = 1, 10, 30, 100, 1000, and 10 000. R Mv(dv/dx)/eE. In the first three cases, the Bohm criterion is satisfied and the
ions remain in disequilibrium even though the thick ion sheath is comparable in size with the plasma. In the second three, inertia never
dominates and for 10 000 the sheath edge is scarcely detectable, i.e. the ions are everywhere in collisional equilibrium. = 0.002.
nis vis e2
= pis
0 M
Topical Review
i dvi 0 fi (vi )/kTe dvi .
The further generalization to allow the electrons to have
a non-Maxwellian distribution was given by Riemann (1995),
and can be written as
(1/mve )fe (ve )/ve dve
0 fi (vi )/Mvi dvi
0 fi (vi ) dvi
fe (ve ) dve
These expressions place requirements on the behaviour of both
fi and fe near vi = 0 and ve = 0.
Other generalizations can be found in situations where
there are more than one species of charged particle. At
low pressures when one has two negatively charged species
obeying Boltzmann distributions with different temperatures
Te and Tn , Braithwaite and Allen (1988), considering the
plane sheath equations for an electronegative plasma, and
also the probe-sheath equations, showed that the analogous
expression was
Mvi2 =
kTe Tn (ne + nn )
ne T n + n n T e
Topical Review
17. Rf plasmasheaths
The situation in the positive column plasmasheath with the
electric field that determines the basic plasma parameters being
orthogonal to the radius makes it have a degree of simplicity
which does not necessarily apply when the plasma is generated
by rf fields. The case where the plasma is generated between
parallel plate electrodes is usually described as capacitively
coupled, and that we will treat briefly.
The fact that the driving field is alternating introduces a
new element in that there are time variations, which have to
be taken into account. These include the driving frequency, ,
the electron plasma frequency, pe , the ion plasma frequency,
pi , the ion collision frequency, i , and the ion sheath transit
time i . Now i Ds /cs 1/pi , which reduces the number
Topical Review
He recovers results that link directly to the fluid model for the
dc case as given in Franklin and Ockendon (1970), but it has to
be recognized that the generation rate is treated as a separately
determined constant and independent of position.
Kaganovich (2002b) has sought to give a description of
the penetration of the rf field into the plasma, but introduces
an arbitrary parameter being the ratio of the ion density in the
sheath to that in the bulk plasma.
Thus, the treatments available to date are not fully selfconsistent and it is for this reason that much use has been
made of simulations in this area, however we will not attempt
to review them here, basically because of the present heavy
computational cost in carrying out simulations over a sufficient
range of parameters to give sufficient physical insight to link
them back into more simple treatments.
Topical Review
19. Conclusions
The structure of the boundary region between plasma and
sheath is more complicated than Langmuir envisaged when
he introduced the two terms. Interestingly plasma became
a universal term, whereas sheath got translated into other
The structure varies with pressure in a significant way,
particularly according as the Debye length associated with the
edge of the plasma Ds is greater than or less than the ion mean
free path i . There are also other subtleties associated with the
nature of the plasma itself.
The Bohm criterion has proved useful in understanding
structure, and provides a check for more complicated
treatments than the monoenergetic ion model that he used,
as it often applies in some limit. Though, in spatial terms,
precisely where it is met, when D and i are finite, is not
easy to locate. However, the fact that most practical plasmas
are such that D /L is a small number, and that in the limit of
D /L 0 it survives as a singularity in the plasma equation
for so many different models of plasmas, has given it an
enduring significance, particularly once its generalized forms
are appreciated.
Practising plasma physicists need to ask themselves the
question How much of the detail of the structure is needed in
my particular application?.
This paper is intended to assist in answering that question,
and to indicate where to look for help.
I would like to thank those with whom I have interacted over the
years in developing the understanding of the plasma boundary
regions. Some of them are contributors to this volume, some
have predeceased me, and some as research students were
demanding at the time.
I have tried to make the description as comprehensive and
up-to-date as possible, and am grateful for early sight of some
of the work referred to.
I acknowledge several fruitful discussions with Professor
J E Allen.
Note added in proof A recent paper by Sternberg and
Godyak (2003) recovers all of the results given for plane
geometry and the fluid model for a collisionless plasma by
Franklin and Ockendon (1970) and therefore represents a
considerable retraction on their part.
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Topical Review