How Great Generals Win
How Great Generals Win
How Great Generals Win
It is incredible that it took such bloodletting to teach an obvious lesson. From the
beginning of organized warfare, frontal attacks against prepared defenses have
usually failed, a fact written large in military' history for all generals to see. Even
more pertinent, because it was part of the active-service experience or training of
the senior generals in Korea, was the
trench warfare of World War Iwhich this phase of the Korean War copied almost
exactly. World War I had showed conclusively that frontal attacks could not
succeed, except at such an enormous human cost that the term "victor" became
derisory, since no one emerged a winner from those rendezvous with death at the
disputed barricades of the western front.
Yet the lesson had not been learned. The men who had seen or studied the trench
warfare of World War I ordered it anew in the Korean War. And the results in
Korea were identical to what they had been in Europe: enormous human losses and
no appreciable tactical or strategic gains.
The lesson I learned from Bloody Ridge and Heartbreak Ridge was that great
generals do not act as did the generals who ordered the ridgeline battles in Korea.
Great generals do not repeat what has failed before. They do not send troops
directly into a battle for which the enemy is prepared and waiting. On the contrary,
great generals strike where they are least expected against opposition that is weak
and disorganized.
The tremendous advances in military technology since the Korean War have not
changed this fundamental truth. Technology governs only what methods we use to
achieve military decisions. Advances in weaponry actually increase the need for
generals to avoid the most heavily defended and dangerous positions and to seek
decisions at points where the enemy does not anticipate strikes.
Especially since the Vietnam War, astonishing improvements have occurred in
the accuracy and deadliness of rocketry and conventional (nonnuclear) weapons by
use of satellites to navigate with precision and radar, infrared, laser, and other
sounding devices to guide "smart" bombs and missiles onto targets. These
advances have brought forth predictions of future "automated battlefields" where
weapons will be so effective that human beings will be unable to survive on them
and battles will be fought by robots and all sorts of unmanned aircraft, vehicles,
and weapons.
But there is a significant countertrend that portends warfare depending less on
overwhelming firepower and more on movements of small bodies of unobtrusive
individuals who achieve their goals by surprise, ambushes, and unanticipated
The reason war may be moving in this seemingly contradictory direction is that
the technology that has produced main battle tanks, assault aircraft, warships, and
rockets has also produced weapons that can destroy many of these offensive
weapons. Defensive weapons are much cheaper than offensive weapons, and some
can be held in the hands of a single defender. One such is the Stinger missile,
which Afghan rebels used effectively to knock down helicopters during the Soviet
Union's intervention in Afghanistan in the 1980s. The Patriot missile, which
destroyed Iraqi Scud missiles in the Persian Gulf War of 1991 and can destroy
attacking aircraft, costs only a fraction of a Scud's price and about 1 percent of a
If, as a number of technologists believe, the tank is already obsolete and manned
aircraft and large warships too expensive, complicated, and vulnerable to survive
for long against defensive missiles, then future wars may be fought less by
unmanned weapons and robots on an "automated battlefield" and more by small
bodies of dispersed, well-trained, and well-armed troops who move deceptively
and inconspicuously around obstacles, conducting war more like what we associate
today with guerrilla or semiguerrilla forces. The Soviet Union lost such a war in
It is unlikely that mankind will resort to nuclear war. Any use of a nuclear bomb
would bring an instant nuclear reprisal, which could accelerate beyond human
capacity to control and result in making most of the earth uninhabitable. No sane
ruler wants to sentence his own people to death. Even if a mad dictator secures a
nuclear device and uses it, sensible world leaders almost certainly will destroy him
and his scientists with a surgical blow but will not succumb to nuclear holocaust.
The future is not ours to see. But it will probably bring to war the same
challenges that have burdened generals since the beginning of armed conflict: how
to avoid the enemy's main strength and how to strike a decisive blow against him.
War will change, but the principles of war will remain the same.
The English strategist Basil H. Liddell Hart says the goal of the great captain is
the same as that of Paris in the Trojan War of Greek legend 3,000 years ago. Paris
avoided any obvious target on the foremost Greek champion, Achilles, but instead
directed his arrow at Achilles' only vulnerable point, his heel.
The outstanding Confederate cavalry raider Nathan Bedford Forrest
encapsulated the secret of great generals when he said that the key to victory is "to
get there first with the most."
However, the true test of the great general is broader than this: it is to decide
where "there" is, where the Achilles' heel can be located. For the point where the
successful commander concentrates his forces must be a point that is vital or at
least extremely important to the enemy. To get there first with the most, the
military commander must understand and practice the aim of another great
Confederate leader, Stonewall Jackson, to "mystify, mislead, and surprise" the
integrity, honor, and loyalty in the highest degree and who also possessed skills as
a commander far in excess of those of the Union generals arrayed against him. But
Lee was not, himself, a great general.
Lee generally and in decisively critical situations always chose the direct over
the indirect approach. For example, when the 1862 invasion of Maryland proved to
be abortive, Lee did not retreat quickly into Virginia but allowed himself to be
drawn into a direct confrontation at Antietam, which he had no hope of winning
and which proved to be the bloodiest single battle in American history. Since the
Confederacy was greatly inferior to the North in manpower, any such expenditure
of blood should have been made only for great strategic gains. Standing and
fighting at Antietam offered no benefits, whereas a withdrawal into Virginia would
have retained the South's offensive power. Antietam also gave Abraham Lincoln
the Northern victory he needed to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which
ensured that Britain and France would not come to the aid of the Confederacy.
In 1863, Lee allowed himself to be drawn into an identical battle of attrition at
Gettysburg. When his direct efforts to knock aside the Union forces failed, Lee
compounded his error by destroying the last offensive power of the Army of
Northern Virginia in Pickett's charge across nearly a mile of open, bullet-and-shelltorn ground. This frontal assault was doomed before it started. James Longstreet
and other commanders recognized this, and Lee himself acknowledged the
blunder at its disastrous end, when only half of the 15,000 men in the charge
returned to Confederate lines.
Yet Lee was not in a dangerous position when he bumped into the Federal Army
of the Potomac at Gettysburg. He was north of the Union forces, and since supplies
were far more plentiful in this direction than back in Virginia, he could easily have
swung past the Federal force blocking his path and swept on to Harrisburg or York,
thereby putting the Union command on "the horns of a dilemma" by threatening
Philadelphia in one direction, Baltimore in another, and Washington in a third. If
the bulk of the Army of the Potomac had pulled back to defend the nation's capital,
Lee could have moved southeast along the Susquehanna River, threatening
Philadelphia or Baltimore. If George G. Meade, the Union commander, had kept
his main army shielding Washington, Lee could have captured Baltimore, where all
of die rail lines to the North met, thereby cutting Washington off from
reinforcements and supplies. If Meade had moved his troops to defend Baltimore,
Lee could have crossed the Susquehanna and seized Philadelphia, the secondlargest American city and a point disastrous for the North to lose.
Another Civil War general who enjoys fame but who came close to losing the
war, this time for the North, was Ulysses S. Grant. In his 1864 campaign in
Virginia, Grant threw his army into one direct assault after another against
emplaced Confederate forces. Grant's aim was to destroy Lee's army. But he nearly
destroyed his own, losing half of his total strength between the Wilderness in the
spring and the stalemate in front of Petersburg in midsummer. By the late stages of
this campaign, Grant's troops no longer were willing to press their attacks, because
they knew they would be defeated. Indeed, at Cold Harbor the Union soldiers were
so certain of death that before the assault they pinned their names and addresses on
the backs of their uniforms so their families could be notified after the battle.
Grant achieved his only strategic success not by battle but by maneuver. He got
across the James River and close to the main railway supplying Richmond from the
south because he elected not, once again, to attack Lee directly in another
defensive emplacement, but to slip across the James and try to capture Petersburg
before it could be defended. He barely failed, and the war in Virginia turned into a
stalemate that Sherman, not Grant, broke by his move on the Confederate rear.
Direct moves intellectually similar to those of Lee and Grant contributed to
German defeats in two world wars. In the opening stages of World War I, the
German commander, Helmuth von Moltke, undermined the famous plan of Count
Alfred von Schlieffen to send the great bulk of the German army on an "end run"
to the west and then south of Paris. This main German "hammer" was to turn back
north and shatter the French and British armies against the German "anvil"
positioned in fortresses along the Franco-German border. Moltke turned the wide
indirect sweep intended to cross the Seine River west of Paris into a direct attack to
the north of the river and squarely on Paris. This permitted the French to block the
army's path and achieve the "miracle of the Marne" by stopping the German
offensive and creating the trench-war stalemate that lasted until 1918.
In late 1942, Adolf Hitler's insistence upon a direct assault on Stalingrad instead
of withdrawing German forces while there was still time resulted in the destruction
of a large German army and the loss of initiative in the eastand ultimately the
warto the Russians and other Allies.
This book is intended to show, by specific examples, how great generals in the
past have applied long-standing rules or principles of war that nearly always will
secure victoryif only because they have used them when their opponents have
not. These rules are not rigid prescriptions, like algebraic formulas, but concepts,
which must be applied artfully as circumstances call for. They are not esoteric
abstractions understandable only to military experts and advanced students in
command and general staff colleges. Rather, they are applications of common
sense to the ever-present problems that emerge when two nations or groups of
nations range against each other in mortal combat.
The purpose of every belligerent is to impose his will on his opponent. Trying to
induce others to abide by one's wishes is a common human aim, applicable to
individuals and groups as well as nations. The only distinction between ordinary
human disputes and war is that war is an act of violence in which one side exerts
force against the other side. If a side could attain its purpose without force, it
would, of course, do so, since no nation will attack unless there is resistance. The
nineteenth-century Prussian theorist Karl von Clausewitz defined war as the
continuation of national policy by other means.
It may appear obvious that every individual, group, and nation engaged in any
conflict should always apply the policy of Paris in the Trojan War and strike only
at the Achilles" heel. Yet the history of human relations, as well as of war, shows
conclusively that human beings more frequently ignore or do not see the
opportunities for getting around an enemy or opponent and instead strike straight at
the most obvious target they see.
It is uncommon for a person to achieve his goals by moving on his opponent's
rear, either literally or figuratively. Human beings have been conditioned by a
million years of culture to cooperate within a group. This conditioning makes us
loyal to our group and bellicose to the enemy of our group. Our tendency in each
case, whether cooperating with our friends or fighting our enemies, is to be direct,
not devious or circuitous.
It is only the unusual person who can separate his primeval desire to confront his
enemies directly from the need to disguise and hide his actions so as to catch the
enemy off guard and vulnerable. Yet this is the only route to great generalship. Sun
Tzu, the celebrated Chinese strategist, wrote about 400 B.C. that "all warfare is
based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using
our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy
believe that we are away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder and crush him." Sun Tzu also
wrote that in war "the way to avoid what is strong is to strike what is weak."*
Many people misunderstand the true objective in war. It is not, as numerous
military and civilian leaders alike believe, the destruction of the enemy's armed
forces on the battlefield. This concept, generally rendered into shorthand as
"Napoleonic doctrine," dominated the writing of military textbooks and regulations
and the teaching in general staff colleges for well over a century.
Napoleon himself was not the author of this "doctrine," although, as Liddell
Kail: points out, it emerged from Napoleon's practice after the battle of Jena in
1806 of relying on mass rather than mobility, which had governed his strategy until
then. After Jena, Napoleon was concerned exclusively widi battle, confident he
could crush his opponent if brought to close grips.
Later Napoleonic campaigns based on sheer offensive power obscured the
lessons of earlier campaigns in which Napoleon combined deception, mobility, and
surprise to achieve tremendous results with great economy of force. Clausewitz
was most impressed with Napoleon's later campaigns and became the "prophet of
mass," focusing attention on great battles. This doctrine suited the Prussian system
of mass conscription to create a "nation in arms." The concept achieved its triumph
in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, when superior Prussian numbers won an
advantage. Thereafter other powers hurried to imitate Germany's model. World
War I showed that the generals' lust for battle combined with the recently
developed machine gun reduced wTar to mass slaughter. Though the result was to
kill or maim much of Europe's youth, the idea that war is to destroy the enemy's
main force in battle has continued to influenceand in many cases guideour
thinking to this day.
Yet the puipose of war is not battle at all. It is a more perfect peace. To attain
peace, a belligerent must break the will of the enemy people to wTage war. No
nation goes to war to fight. It goes to war to attain its national puipose. It maybe
that a nation must destroy the enemy's army to achieve this purpose. But the
destruction is not the end, it is only the incidental by-product or the means to the
If a commander looks at the peace he is seeking at the conclusion of war, he may
find numerous ways of attaining it by avoiding the enemy's main force and striking
at targets that may destroy the enemy's desire or ability to wage war. The great
Roman leader in the Second Punic War, Scipio Africanus, weakened the
Carthaginian hold on Spain by ignoring the enemy's armies and unexpectedly
seizing the main enemy base, present-day Cartagena. In the final stages of the
Napoleonic Wars in 1814, thf Allies forced Napoleon's surrender by turning away
from his army and capturing Paris, thereby causing the French people to lose heart
and give up. Sherman's army fought very few military engagements in late 1864
and early 1865, but by marching through Georgia and the Carolinas, it destroyed
the will of the Southern people to wage war and caused many Rebel soldiers to
desert and go home to aid their families.
Clausewitz understood that the purpose of war is political and not military and
actually expressed this in his writings. But his syntax and logic were so obscure
and difficult that the soldiers who drew their inspiration from Clausewitz heeded
less his qualifying limitations and more his sweeping phrasesthe "bloody
solution, destruction of enemy forces, is the firstborn son of war"; "Let us not hear
of generals who conquer without bloodshed." Clausewitz's emphasis on battle
likewise demonstrated a contradiction in his theory. For if war is a continuation of
policy, the goal to be achieved in the war is the primary purpose. But in
emphasizing victory in war, Clausewitz looked only to the end of the war, not the
subsequent peace.
Although Clausewitz was actually saying that battle is the most usual way of
achieving a nation's goal in war, generations of direct soldiers unable to weigh
his contradictions or decipher his obscuritiesread that it is the only way.
We now can define the purpose of military' strategy, or the broad conduct of war. It
is to diminish the possibility of resistance. The great general eliminates or reduces
resistance by means of movement and surprise. As Sun Tzu says, "Supreme
excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." To
achieve this, Sun Tzu recommends that the successful general "march swiftly to
places where he is not expected.";; If the general appears at points the enemy must
hasten to defend, the enemy is likely to be distracted and to weaken or abandon
other points, thereby contributing to or ensuring his defeat. Speed and mobility are
the basic features of strategy. Napoleon said, "Space we can recover, time never."
In the chapters ahead we will examine how great generals like Napoleon have
carried out the principles of war. It may be of help to summarize here briefly a few
of the most salient principles so as to make the actions of great generals easier to
B. H. Liddell Hart epitomizes much military wisdom in two axioms. The
successful general, he says, chooses the line or course of least expectation and he
exploits the line of least resistance.^
Although these two admonitions may seem self-evident, generals rarely follow
them or understand when these axioms are employed against them. The battles of
Bloody and Heartbreak ridges were fought on the lines of maximum expectation
and of maximum resistance. When the Germans invaded the Low Countries in
May 1940, the British and French commanders could conceive of no response but
to race into Belgium to counter frontally what they believed was the principal
German assault, which they also thought was frontal. This permitted the Germans
to follow the line of least expectation and drive through the "impassable" Ardennes
and break out at Sedan. Now behind the Allies, they were able to rush to the
English Channel along the line of least resistance. Likewise, American leaders in
December 1941 were expecting an assault in the East Indies and perhaps the
Philippines and were unprepared for the Japanese aerial attack on Pearl Harbor.
Genghis Khan and his great Mongol general Subedei Bahadur practiced another
principle of war, shown to perfection in Subedei's invasion of eastern Europe in
1241. We don't know the name the Mongols used for it, but the early-eighteenthcentury French army strategist Pierre de Bourcet conceived the same principle
independently and called it a "plan with branches."*
Suhedei sent four separate columns into Europe. One rushed into Poland and
Germany north of the Carpathians and drew off all European forces in that
direction. The three others entered Hungary at widely separated points, threatening
various objectives and keeping armies from Austria and other states from
combining with the Hungarians. The three Mongol columns then converged on the
Danube River near Budapest to deal with the now-unsupported Hungarians.
Bourcet recommended that generals spread out their attacking forces into two or
more advancing columns that could reunite quickly when necessary but take lines
threatening multiple or alternative objectives which the enemy had to defend, thus
forcing him to divide his strength and prevent his concentration. If the enemy
blocked one line of approach, the general could instantly develop another to serve
the same purpose. Union General Sherman used this method in his march through
Georgia and the Carolinas in 1864-65. His widely separated columns threatened
two or more objectives, forcing the Confederates to divide their forces to defend all
and therefore they were unable to defend any. This forced the Rebels in most
cases to abandon their weakly held positions without battle.
Like Sherman and Subedei, the attacker using the "plan with branches" is often
able to reunite his columns to seize one objective before the enemy can react and
concentiate against him. A variation is for part of an army to converge on a known
objective while the rest descends on its rear.
Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley campaign of 1S62 practiced a
modification of the plan by using pure deception: he advanced directly on the main
Federal force along the principal approach, then secretly shifted across a high
mountain to descend unexpectedly on the Federal flank and rear.
Napoleon embellished Bourcet's plan with branches by spreading separate
advancing columns wide, like a weighted fishing net. These columns could
concentrate quickly and close around any isolated enemy unit that fell in the way.
Napoleon also owed much to another eighteenth-century French theorist, the
Comte de Guibert, who preached mobility to concentrate superior strength against
a point of enemy weakness and to maneuver against the flank or rear of the enemy.
Using great mobility, Napoleon maneuvered his waving net, stretched wide over a
large region. This greatly confused his foes, who were unable to fathom Napoleon's
real purpose. They usually spread out their own forces, hoping to counter these
mystifying movements. Napoleon then quickly coalesced his separate columns to
destroy a single enemy force before it could be reinforced, or he descended with
his army as a "grouped whole" on the enemy's rear.
The most deadly of Napoleon's strategic methods was this manoeuvre sur les
derrieres. His method embodied the injunction of Sun Tzu: march unexpectedly
away from the enemy's main strength and concentrate one's own strength against
an enemy point that is weak, yet vital or important to the enemy. The art of war is
to create this strength at the point of weakness.
Napoleon added another element by frequently seizing a terrain feature in the
rear, like a mountain range, defile, or river, where he established a strategic barrage
or barrier that prevented the enemy from retreating or getting supplies and
reinforcements. Among others, he achieved victory with strategic barrages in the
Marengo campaign in Italy in 1800 and in the Ulm campaign leading up to his
victory at Austerlitz in 1805. By the time of the American Civil War it no longer
was necessary to seize a terrain feature. Armies were relying on railroads for their
supplies and new troops. A strategic barrage could be established merely by
blocking a railway line in the enemy's rear. General Grant did this at Jackson,
Mississippi, in 1863 and thereby isolated the Confederate forces at Vicksburg. This
led to the surrender of the city, the opening of the Mississippi River to Union boats,
and the loss of the trans-Mississippi states to the Confederacy.
Attacks on an enemy's rear are devastating for a number of reasons. If an enemy
is forced to change front, he tends to be dislocated and unable to fight or to fight
effectively. An army, like a man, is much more sensitive to menace to the back than
to the front. For this reason a rear attack induces fear and distraction. In addition, a
move on the rear often disturbs the distribution and organization of enemy forces,
may separate them, threatens the retreat route, and endangers deliver)' of supplies
and reinforcements. A modem army can exist for some time without additional
food but it can't last more than a few days without ammunition and motor fuel.
An attack on the enemy's rear has grave psychological effects on enemy soldiers,
but especially on the enemy commander. It often creates in the commander's mind
the fear of being trapped and of being unable to counter his opponent's will. In
extreme cases this can lead to paralysis of the commander's decision-making
powers and the disintegration of an army.
A rear or flank attack must be a surprise to be wholly successful. This applies
both to tactics, or actual battle, and to strategy. If an enemy anticipates a rear
attack, he can often move to counter it and will usually be prepared to defend
against it. In addition, a rear attack normally succeeds only when the enemy is
"fixed" or held in place by other forces on his front and is unable to switch troops
in time to meet the surprise blow.
Frederick the Great of Prussia did not fully understand this principle and
suffered such severe battle losses that he nearly forfeited his state. Frederick
always employed tactics of indirect approach, but his flank and rear assaults were
made on a narrow circuit and did not fall unexpectedly. In 1757, for example, he
found the Austrians strongly entrenched on the heights behind the river at Prague.
Leaving a detachment designed to mask his design, he moved upstream, crossed
the river, and advanced on the Austrian right. The Austrians saw the maneuver and
had time to change front. The Prussian infantry fell in the thousands when they
attempted a frontal attack across a fire-swept gradual slope. Only the unexpected
arrival of the Prussian cavalry turned the scales.
The essential formula of actual battle is a convergent assault. A commander
achieves this by dividing the attacking force into two or more segments. Ideally
each segment attacks the same target simultaneously and in close coordination, but
from a different direction or approach, thereby holding all enemy elements in the
grip of battle and preventing any one from aiding others. Sometimes one part of a
force fixes the enemy in place or distracts him while the other part maneuvers to
gain surprise and break up the defense.
A true convergent assault is vastly different from a feint or "holding" attack by
one force with the aim of diverting the enemy from the main blow. Unnumbered
commanders over the centuries have wrecked their hopes with obvious feints that
an astute enemy recognized, or they have tried to hit an objective so divided or
spread out that the enemy was not distracted and could bring up forces to repel
each blow.
A premier example of a convergent assault took place in 1632 during the Thirty
Years War when Sweden's Gustavus Adolphus set up guns and burned straw to
create a smoke screen while forcing one point on the Lech River in Bavaria. This
held Marshal Tilly of Austria in place while another Swedish force crossed the
Lech on a bridge of boats a mile upstream. Assailed from two directions
simultaneously, Tilly was unable to defend either point. His troops fell back and
Tilly was mortally wounded.
Napoleon's characteristic battle plan was "envelopment, breakthrough, and
exploitation." He tried to rivet the enemy's attention with a strong frontal attack to
draw all enemy reserves into action. Napoleon then moved a large force on the
enemy's flank or rear next to his line of supply and retreat. When the enemy shifted
forces from the front to shield against this flank attack, Napoleon broke a hole in a
weakened section of the main front with suddenly massed artillery, sent cavalry
and infantry through this hole to create a breakthrough, then used cavalry to shatter
and pursue the disordered enemy.
In the Korean War. advancing Chinese Communist troops employed a somewhat
similar formula. Since they could not counter United Nations air power and
artillery, they shifted their main assaults to nighttime. Their general method was to
get a force to the rear of enemy positions to cut off escape routes and supply roads.
Then they sent in both frontal and flank attacks in the darkness to bring the enemy
to grips. Chinese soldiers generally closed in on several sides of a small enemy
troop position until they made a penetration, either by destroying it or by forcing
the defenders to withdraw. The Chinese then crept forward against the open flank
of the next small unit and repeated the process.
None of the axioms employed by great generals is difficult. Indeed, once they
have been employed successfully they reveal their innate simplicity and appear to
be the obvious and sometimes only logical solution. Yet all great ideas are simple.
The trick is to see them before others. This book is about generals who possessed
the vision to see the obvious when others did not.
advancing directly and his main cavalry force, elephants, and missile-throwing
light troops on each wing driving away the weaker Roman horse and falling on the
Roman flanks. While the Roman army was completely occupied with these
assaults, a picked Carthaginian cavalry and infantry force of 2,000 under
Hannibal's brother Magowhich had concealed itself in a ravine upstream
descended on the rear of the Roman army. The converging assaults to the front,
sides, and rear shattered the Romans. Only 10,000 were able to escape, most
cutting their way through the Carthaginian center. The remainder died. Hannibal
probably lost only about 5,000 men.
Throughout the rest of the winter, Hannibal rested his men in the Po Valley and
recruited Gauls. He also set up an elaborate spy network that examined the
geography of the region and sounded out the dispositions of the Roman forces
arrayed against him.
By spring 217 the Romans had assembled two armies blocking the main roads
leading from the Po Valley toward central Italy and Rome. One army of 40,000
under Consul Gaius Flaminius Nepos was at Arretium (Arezzo) in the mountains
of eastern Tuscany, and another of 20,000 was under Consul Cnaeus Servilius
Geminus at Aluminum (Rimini) on the Adriatic Sea.
Hannibal, though all but one of his elephants had died in the harsh Italian winter,
had an army of about 40,000 men. His infantry was inferior in numbers to the
Romans, but his pike-and sword-armed heavy cavalry and missile-throwing light
cavalry remained superior. He elected not to take either obvious, direct road south.
If he followed this line of greatest expectation, the two Roman armies would
concentrate against him. He knew, as all great generals know, that the greatest
uncertainty in war is not physical obstacles but human resistance. Although he had
defeated the Romans twice, they remained a formidable opponent, and if Hannibal
pursued the obvious course, they would be lined up and waiting for him, confident
their leaders had picked the proper defensive location and sure their superior
numbers and fame as close-in fighters with javelins and short swords would give
them victory.
Hannibal elected to confuse the Roman leaders. He turned away from the
waiting Roman armies, climbed over the Apennines north of Genoa, reached the
coast, and marched south along it. The Romans were surprised but not worried
because they knew Hannibal had to cross the marshes of the Arnus (Arno) River in
Tuscany, treacherous in any weather and reputedly impassable in the spring floods.
When Hannibal reached the marshes in April, therefore, the Romans had taken no
precautions to block him.
The Carthaginian, however, made a totally unexpected move that confounded
the Romans and altered the strategic situation completely: he sent his army directly
through the flooded swamps for four days and three nights of misery, the men now
half drowned in the soft mud, now sinking deeply in the water. Many succumbed
to exhaustion and died. Though he rode on the remaining elephant to keep above
the water, Hannibal caught an eye infection and lost the sight of one eye.
Hannibal's army was in a stupendously favorable position, having emerged out
of the swamps near Clusium (Chiusi), thirty miles south of Arretium, cut
Flaminius's communications with Rome, and positioned itself closer to Rome than
Flaminius. The Roman consul's officers urged him to wait until Servilius could join
them in order to present the maximum force against the enemy. Flaminius refused,
partly from arrogance and partly because he feared that Hannibal, with the road
clear ahead of him, would strike directly for Rome. Hannibal gave this impression,
but in fact moved only slowly, meanwhile devastating the countryside so as to
incite Flaminius to pursue. Flaminius ordered his army to rush after the enemy to
seek battle, sacrificing security for speed.
Hannibal planned a trap. He found a perfect place at Lake Trasimene
(Trasimeno). There the road followed a course along the north shore of the lake.
On the hills just above the road, Hannibal concealed the allied Gauls, his cavalry,
and his pebble-or lead-bullet-throwing slingers from the Balearic Islands. In sight
on rising ground to the east he encamped his African and Spanish infantry.
In early morning the Romans, in column formations, pressed over a pass just
west of the lake and marched along the lake-shore road. They had made no
reconnaissance, and heavy mists from the water made visibility poor. When the
front of the column reached the massed Carthaginian heavy infantry, it halted and
the rest of the column closed up behind. Hannibal ordered his cavalry to prevent
retreat by blocking the pass on the west, then directed his light infantry to strike
from the mountainside. The Romans were utterly surprised and panicked. With
nowhere to go and in march, not battle, order, they were slaughtered like cattle,
30,000 of them, including Flaminius. About 10,000 fled in scattered groups
through the mountains to notify Rome of the disaster. Hannibal lost 2,500 men.
Lake Trasimene was the greatest ambush in history.
Hannibal did not march on Rome primarily because he did not possess a siege
train and Rome's walls were formidable. Besides, Hannibal possessed no base in
Italy and no regular supply line to Carthage and could not have conducted a long
siege.f His strength lay in movement, his superior cavalry, and his supreme
generalship. Accordingly he ignored Rome itself and concentrated on trying to
break Rome's bonds with her Italian allies and to form a coalition of cities against
In the summer of 217, Hannibal rested his army in Picenum (Marche), opposite
Rome on the Adriatic coast. During the autumn and into the winter he ravaged
Apulia (Puglia) in the heel of Italy and Campania around Naples.
The Romans offered no serious resistance, because they recognized they could
not cope with Hannibal on the battlefield. They appointed Quintus Fabius
Maximus as dictator for six months. He adopted a course that has given to the
world the generic concept of "Fabian strategy," a policy of evading decisive
confrontation to gain time by using guerrillalike pinprick attacks and harassment to
improve morale and preventing potential allies from joining the enemy.
The key to Fabius's strategy was that the Roman army should always keep to the
hills to nullify Hannibal's decisive superiority in cavalry. The Romans hovered in
the vicinity of the Carthaginians, cut off stragglers and foragers, and prevented
them from founding a permanent base. The strategy avoided Roman defeat and
dimmed Hannibal's glory. It successfully kept Rome's allies from declaring for
Carthage, but it aroused great opposition among Romans themselves, for their state
had thrived on a tradition of offensive warfare.
When Fabius's appointment ended, the Roman Senate was unwilling to extend
his dictatorship and, passing a resolution that the army should give battle, named
two consuls, the ignorant and impetuous Terentius Varro and the more cautious
Aemilius Paulus. The Romans had assembled the largest army they had ever
placed in the field, 80,000 infantry and 7,000 cavalry. It marched off toward
Hannibal, Varro and Paulus alternating command each day.3
Paulus wanted to wait and maneuver for a favorable opportunity, but Varro took
the first chance to offer battle, using his day of command to advance on Hannibal's
40,000 infantry and 10,000 cavalry at Cannae, on the Aufidus (Ofanto) River in
Hannibal crossed to the west side of the Aufidus on August 2,216, and lined up
most of his army across the chord of an east-arching river bend, thereby securing
his flanks against the stream banks. The river at this season was low, but it formed
a barrier to retreat in case of defeat.
Both armies were arrayed in customary order, the infantry in the center and
cavalry on both wings. But Hannibal pushed forward his less dependable Gauls
and Spanish foot soldiers in the exact center, while holding back his strong African
infantry on either side. This advance provided a natural magnet for the advancing
Romans, who struck at the Gauls and Spaniards, forcing them back, just as
Hannibal had intended.
The convex Carthaginian line, therefore, became concave, sagging ominously
inward. The Roman legionaries, flushed with apparent success, crowded into this
opening, believing they were breaking the enemy front.
At this moment Hannibal gave the signal and the African foot suddenly wheeled
inward from both sides, striking the Romans in flank and enveloping them into a
tightly packed mass. Meanwhile Hannibal's heavy cavalry on the left wing had
broken through the weaker Roman cavalry on that side and had swept around the
Roman rear to drive away the cavalry on the Roman left flank. Leaving the lighter
Numidian (Algerian) cavalry on the right wing to pursue the Roman horsemen,
Hannibal's heavy cavalry delivered the final stroke by bursting onto the rear of the
Roman legions, already enveloped on three sides and so compressed they were
unable to offer effective resistance.
The battle now became a massacre. Only about 6,000 of the 76,000 Romans
engaged were able to break out and get away. The rest died. Varro ironically was
one of the survivors, while Paulus fell in battle. Hannibal's losses were around
6,000 men.
Cannae showed how elastically hinged wings of cavalry could exploit
the disorganization created by a brilliant commander. Polybius, the principal
chronicler of the war, wrote that Cannae was "a lesson to posterity that in actual
war it is better to have half the number of infantry and superiority of cavalry, than
to engage your enemy with an equality in both."
Cannae has gone down as the perfect battle of annihilation. Yet, such was their
discipline and devotion to the state that the Roman people did not lose heart or
even consider surrender. Although Rome had suffered unprecedented losses, she
mobilized young boys and old men and marched two legions south immediately to
encourage Rome's allies. A few went over to Carthage, but most remained loyal.
Hannibal's lack of a siege train prevented him from assaulting well-defended cities.
But he was relatively successful in building a base in southern Italy, although
Carthage's lukewarm support and Roman naval superiority ensured that only a few
reinforcements arrived. Hannibal had to maintain his army with halfhearted Italian
The war in Italy settled into a stalemate. Rome was unable to defeat Hannibal,
but Hannibal was incapable of capturing the cities that would have forced Rome's
allies to renounce Rome and join him, thereby giving him power and security.
Meanwhile an indirect attack on Hannibal was under way in Spain, where a
Roman army was attempting to destroy his base there. While Hannibal was still
approaching northern Italy in 218, Scipio the Elder's brother Gnaeus took
advantage of Roman seapower, landed in northeastern Spain, and secured the
region from the Ebro River to the Pyrenees. This cut Hannibal off from his main
source of resupply and reinforcements. The next year, Scipio the Elder joined
Gnaeus, and for several years they made significant advances in Spain, while
effectively denying Hannibal substantial aid from the region. Most Roman leaders,
however, were not greatly impressed by the Scipio brothers* victories, considering
Spain a sideshow while Hannibal was at the gates in Italy. Consequently they did
not send substantial forces to Spain, and in 211 the Carthaginians defeated the
Romans and killed the Scipio brothers in two separate battles on the upper Baetis
(Guadalquivir) River in southern Spain. A major reason for the defeats was that the
Scipios' native allies deserted them suddenly.
In 210 the situation of Rome was dismal. For eight years, Hannibal had ranged
Italy, not conquering but himself unconquerable. Rome had achieved a few gains
but had mostly followed Fabian strategy, which kept nearly all of its able-bodied
men under arms yet reached no decision.
In Spain the situation was worse: the Roman survivors had been driven north of
the Ebro River, and many of the Spanish tribes had forsaken them. Rome needed a
proconsul there, and the Senate probably arranged that Scipio's well-regarded son
be elected. He also was named Publius Cornelius Scipio, though known to history
as Scipio Africanus. He was twenty-four years old and had fought at Cannae and
somehow survived.
Scipio sailed with some reinforcements to Rome's last major base, Tarraco
(Tarragona), in northeastern Spain. Unlike most Romans, Scipio saw Spain as a
key to the whole struggle against Hannibal, because it remained his main base of
operations and there he looked for most of his replacements.
It was not apparent at the time, but Scipio Africanus possessed a military genius
equal to that of Hannibal. He commenced his campaign with a stunning surprise.
The three major Carthaginian armies were widely separated, one near Gibraltar in
southern Spain, another near the mouth of the Tagus around modern-day Lisbon,
and the third close to modern Madrid. None was much closer than he was to the
Carthaginian Spanish capital and principal port, New Carthage (Cartagena). Scipio
resolved to seize this capital before the enemy armies could react.
New Carthage was the only Spanish port fit for a fleet, and it provided the direct
sea crossing for Carthage from Africa. Moreover, the Carthaginians kept the bulk
of their bullion, Spanish hostages, and war materiel there. It had not occurred to the
enemy that an attack might come against New Carthage. The city had strong walls
and was situated on a peninsula jutting out into water, the harbor to the south and a
lagoon to the north. It was connected to the mainland only by a 400-yard space at
the base of the peninsula on the east. Fearing nothing, the Carthaginians had
garrisoned New Carthage with only 1,000 trained soldiers.
Scipio recognized that his real objective was not the enemy armies but
destruction of the will of the people to resist. Seizure of the capital would distract
and demoralize the Carthaginians and cause the Spanish tribes to reconsider their
loyalty. In most cases, war requires destruction of the enemy army to achieve such
aims. But the Carthaginians had unconsciously uncovered New Carthage, and
Scipio, following the line of least expectation, could seize it while the main enemy
forces were far away. Nevertheless, Scipio had to break into the city quickly,
before the enemy armies could march to its relief.
Before he left Tarraco, Scipio had developed just such a plan of rapid conquest.
By telling no one except his naval commander, Gaius Laelius, Scipio reduced the
likelihood that the enemy would hear of the move and march on New Carthage at
the same time as he. Consequently, the Carthaginian armies were far away when
Laelius brought the Roman fleet to blockade the port on the day Scipio's 27,500
men arrived overland at the city's walls in the spring of 209.
Scipio had found from fishermen at Tarraco that the lagoon on the north, though
dangerous-looking, was shallow and easily fordable at low tide. This, Scipio saw,
was the Achilles' heel of New Carthage. But to distract the attention of the
defenders, he launched a furious frontal assault against the gate and wall facing the
base of the peninsula on the east. This attack failed, with many Roman casualties.
The Carthaginians were ecstatic and concentrated their troops and attention on this
east wall, expecting the Romans to assault again.
SCIPIO AFRICANUS Warder Collection
Meanwhile, Scipio assembled 500 men with ladders on the shore opposite the
lagoon. Scipio now followed the cardinal axiom of a tactical assault: just as the
water reached its ebb and the men raced through the shallow lagoon and flung their
ladders against the undefended wall above it, he launched a convergent attack at
two other points to "fix" all enemy forces in place and prevent their moving to the
lagoon walls. Men from the fleet attempted a landing attack on the harbor side, and
a strong force tried once more to break the gate and scale the wall on the eastern
The 500 men quickly ascended the lagoon wall, cleared it for a substantial
distance in both directions, then assailed the rear of the Carthaginians defending
the eastern wall, taking them by surprise and opening the way for the main body.
To break the resistance of the people, Scipio allowed civilians to be massacred
while the citadel held out. But
once it surrendered, he stopped the killings. Thereafter he freed all citizens of New
Carthage and sent all Spanish hostages home as a gesture to build goodwill among
the native tribes. Most of the other male prisoners he sent as galley slaves on
captured vessels.
In a stroke the Carthaginians had lost their main base, key to their control of
Spain, and the strategic initiative. If they attempted to recapture New Carthage,
impregnable if it was properly garrisoned and the Romans held command of the
sea, Scipio could threaten their flanks. If they moved directly against Scipio, he
could choose his ground and, since he could move troops to New Carthage by sea,
could threaten their rear. Faced with these realities, the Carthaginians could do
nothing and had to accept the loss of their main base and best line of
communications with Carthage.
Equally damaging, a number of the Iberian tribes came over to the Roman side.
This tipped the power balance ominously toward Rome, and one of the
Carthaginian commanders, Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal, decided in 208 to take
the offensive before other tribes joined Scipio.
This failure to unite with the other Carthaginian forces was a boon to Scipio,
who moved with about 35,000 men toward Hasdrubal near the town of Baecula
(Batten) on the upper reaches of the Baetis (Guadalquivir) in present-day
Andalusia. Hasdrubal held a position on a small two-step plateau wide enough to
deploy his 25,000 troops. On the lower plateau, Hasdrubal posted a screen of
missile-throwing light troops, Numidian horsemen, and Balearic slingers. On the
higher plateau he entrenched his camp.
In making his plans for battle, Scipio broke completely with Roman tradition,
which relied mainly on the force of massed troops advancing directly on the
enemy. It was this heavy forward thrust that Hannibal had exploited at Cannae,
enticing the unwieldy legions to drive into his sagging center and then turning his
heavy infantry against the legions' exposed flanks. Scipio, learning from Hannibal,
divided his army into three parts: light troops (velites) in the center and heavy
troops on each wing.
Scipio sent his velites, armed with javelins and darts, directly forward to scale the
first plateau. Despite the rocky ascent and a shower of darts and stones, they drove
the enemy troops back, inducing Hasdrubal to order forward his main body to what
he thought would be the principal battle. This focused the Carthaginians' attention
on the front, permitting Scipio to lead half his heavy troops around the left flank
while his lieutenant, Gaius Laelius, led the other half around the right flank.
But the light troops were too weak to hold the Carthaginian heavy infantry in a
firm battle embrace and prevent them from disengaging when the Romans struck
their flanks. Though Scipio and Laelius caught the enemy main force while still on
the move and drove it back in disorder, they did not shatter its cohesion, as
Hannibal's heavy infantry had done to the Roman army at Cannae. And Scipio
with no cavalry capable of closing off the enemy's rear as Hannibal's horsemen had
done at Cannaegot only two infantry cohorts (about 1,000 men) on the
Carthaginian line of retreat, not enough to hold the army, though sufficient to cause
many casualties.
Scipio thus failed to produce a Cannae, and Hasdrubal got away with about twothirds of his army.
Scipio wisely did not pursue Hasdrubal into the mountainous interior for fear
that the other enemy armies would converge and cut off his rear. Nevertheless, the
battle of Baecula had vast consequences. Hasdrubal planned to march overland to
Italy to reinforce his brother with his seasoned Spanish and African army. Baecula
weakened this army and forced Hasdrubal to spend a winter in Gaul recruiting
among the tribes.
When Hasdrubal arrived in Italy in 207, more than half his 50,000-man force
consisted of unreliable Gauls. When a Roman army blocked him on the Metaurus
(Metauro) River, Consul Caius Claudius Nero, confident the Gauls would not
advance, withdrew a picked force facing them on the Carthaginian left flank,
marched it entirely around and behind the Roman army, and struck the right rear of
Hasdrubal's line, throwing the Carthaginian army into a panic. Hasdrubal saw all
was lost and rode deliberately into a Roman cohort to die fighting. The
Carthaginians suffered 10,000 men killed, and the rest scattered. Legend
holds that Hannibal first learned of the disaster on the Metaurus only when the
Romans catapulted Hasdrubals head into his camp.
Hannibal gave up all hope of victory and withdrew his army to Bruttium
(Calabria) on the toe of Italy, where he continued to hold the Romans at bay,
despite his small (less than 30,000 men) and now poor-quality force.
In Spain, Scipio's victory at Baecula had alarmed the Carthaginian authorities,
and they conceived a plan to descend on Scipio from two directions. A new
general, Hanno, arrived with reinforcements from Carthage and joined another of
Hannibal's brothers, Mago, who had been recruiting in the Balearic Islands, and
together they began arming new levies in central and eastern Spain. Meanwhile
another new Carthaginian general, Hasdrubal Gisgo, advanced toward Scipio with
a large army from his base at Gades (Cadiz) in southern Spain.
If Scipio moved into the interior against his main threat, Hasdrubal Gisgo, he
was likely to find Hanno and Mago across his rear. His solution was to make a
surprise blow with stunning speed. While he watched Hasdrubal Gisgo, Scipio
detached 10,000 infantry and 500 cavalry under a lieutenant, Marcus Silanus, to
make a secret forced march against Hanno and Mago before they were aware of
the danger. Silanus marched so fast no rumors of his approach reached the enemy,
and he fell on the unsuspecting Spanish camp and routed the Spaniards before the
Carthaginians could come up. Mago and the cavalry fled the scene, but Hanno and
the new troops from Carthage were killed or taken prisoner. The Spanish levies
scattered and could not be reformed.
Scipio had now secured his rear and moved with confidence against Hasdrubal
Gisgo, who, alarmed, dispersed his troops into small garrisons in the various
walled towns of southern Spain. Scipio wisely decided not to drain his strength by
repeated sieges against these towns.
The war in Spain might have continued indefinitely in such a stalemate, but
Mago encouraged Hasdrubal Gisgo to raise new levies and take the field in hopes
of destroying Scipio once and for all.
In the spring of 206, Scipio marched south from his base at Tarraco to confront
this imposing new threat. As he approached the Baetis River, Scipio began to
appreciate the nature of his problem. He learned from spies that the Carthaginian
army totaled 70,000 foot, 4,000 horse, and thirty-two elephants, far in excess of his
own strength. In addition, perhaps half of Scipio's 40,000 men consisted of native
levies. He was reluctant to rely on these natives, in part because his own father and
uncle had been defeated and died in 211 when they had done so.
His solution embodied a use of deception and surprise that remains a model for
tactical operations to this day. His problem was severe. The enemy army was
superior overall and, moreover, possessed a solid core of seasoned African veterans
who were a match man to man for the best Roman legionaries. Moreover, his
Spanish levies might disintegrate if struck hard by these Africans.
The two armies came face to face at Ilipa (Alcala del Rio) on the Baetis, a few
miles north of present-day Seville. The two camps faced each other across a valley
between two low ridges. Hasdrubal Gisgo led his army out to offer battle. Scipio
waited until the Carthaginians were moving before he followed suit. Hasdrubal
Gisgo could find no advantage to induce him to attack and did not do so. Neither
did Scipio. Near twilight the weary armies withdrew to their camps, the
Carthaginians first.
This pattern repeated itself for several days: the Carthaginians marched out
fairly late, the Romans followed, both sides stood under arms all day without
action and finally returned exhausted to their billets. On each occasion, Scipio,
following existing tactical doctrine, placed his solid Roman legions in the center
directly opposite his enemy's Carthaginian and African regulars. He and Hasdrubal
Gisgo placed their Spanish levies on the wings, again following doctrine, while the
Carthaginian located his elephants in front of his Spaniards.
The belief took hold in both armies that this was the order that would be
followed when the two sides finally came to battle. Scipio encouraged both the
order and the sequence, always advancing his own troops to the field after the
Scipio now acted. He ordered his troops to be fed late in the evening and armed
before daylight and the cavalry horses readied. At dawn he sent his cavalry and
light troops to attack the enemy's outposts. This unexpected move caught the
Carthaginian cavalry and missile-throwing light forces napping and unready. The
threat caused Hasdrubal Gisgo to order his whole army hurriedly under arms and
into position. There was no time for a meal. At least as important, the Carthaginian
was forced, because of the urgency, to repeat his normal troop dispositions, even if
he'd wanted to alter them.
Scipio now hit Hasdrubal Gisgo with his second surprise. He reversed his usual
order of battle, placing the Spanish in the center opposite the best Carthaginian
forces, while locating his Roman legions on the two wings. Scipio now waited,
allowing the effects of hunger to weaken the enemy army. He had no worn' that
Hasdrubal Gisgo would move his Africans opposite the Romans. Such a major
troop shift in the face of the enemy would have left the army vulnerable to assault
while the changes were in progress.
About 1:00 P.M., Scipio ordered the advance. But he directed the Spaniards in
the center to move only at a slow pace, while the Romans on each wing moved
faster. When the Spaniards were still several hundred yards from the Africans, the
left and right wings of Romans, ahead, wheeled obliquely half left and half right
and advanced rapidly on the Carthaginian flanks, guarded by the enemy's own
Spanish irregulars, equally unreliable.
Scipio's Spanish center remained out of reach of the African infantry, yet these
least dependable troops constituted a threat and, as Hannibal had done to the
Roman legions at Cannae, fixed the most dependable enemy troops in place. Scipio
thus overcame the weakness of his tactics at Baecula and, with great economy of
force, rendered the Africans inactive and useless in the unfolding battle.
Scipio's Romans struck the weak Carthaginian flanks. At the same time, Scipio's
light troops and cavalry wheeled outward and swept around even farther on the
enemy's flanks. There the light troops were able to throw their missiles from
enfilade (from the side) against the length of the enemy columns, while the cavalry
drove the frightened elephants in on the Carthaginian center, spreading more
Scipio had achieved a convergent blow on each wing similar to what he had
gained at Baecula, but in a surprising and unexpected manner. This forced the
defenders to face attack in two directions at once and was more decisive because it
fell not on the African veterans but on the Spanish irregularswhile Scipio's
Spaniards were not engaged except as a threat.
The Romans methodically destroyed the enemy's wings, leaving the hungry and
tired Carthaginian center with no choice but to fall back. The retreat at first took
place in good order. But retreating under attack is one of the most difficult military
tasks, and the Romans exerted relentless pressure.
The Carthaginians fled to their entrenched camp, but it was clearly incapable of
holding off the Romans, and, under cover of night, Hasdrubal Gisgo ordered
evacuation. Scipio, however, had placed a Roman force along his best route of
retreat, to Gades, and the Carthaginians were forced to flee down the west bank of
the river toward the Atlantic. In the retirement nearly all of the Carthaginians'
Spanish allies deserted.
Realizing the enemy was broken and distracted, Scipio 1 pressed his men to
keep up close pursuit, sending cavalry ahead and forcing the enemy infantry to
stand and fight and thereby giving the Roman foot time to catch up. When this
occurred it no longer was a fight but a butcher)'. Hasdrubal Gisgo, Mago, and a
few others got to the sea and took ship to Gades. Carthage's mighty military
presence in Spain was ended forever.
After reducing all remaining resistance in Spain, Scipio returned to Rome with a
new and, to the Romans, startling proposal: he wanted to carry the war to Africa.
Fabius, who had won fame by delay and inaction, spitefully ridiculed Scipio's plan.
The danger, Fabius said, was Hannibal, and he was in Italy. There should be no
assault on Cartilage's heartland in Africa. Instead, the small army of Hannibal in
the toe of Italy should be brought to battle and defeated directly. Liddell Hart
points out that Fabius thereby showed himself as one of a legion of leaders down
the centuries who have held as unimpeachable doctrine that the enemy's main army
is the primary objective.
Scipio saw beyond Hannibal's army. The main deterrent to peace was the will of
the enemy to continue. This will did not reside in Hannibal but in Carthage. An
expedition to Africa might break this will and achieve Roman victory. But if it
merely threatened Carthage, it at least would attain indirectlyand with no further
loss of bloodthe lesser goal that had evaded Rome for a dozen years: Hannibal's
abandonment of Italy. This would occur, Scipio was certain, because Hannibal
would be forced to come after Scipio in Africa.
The Roman Senate ultimately gave lukewarm assent to Scipio's proposal. For
the next year he prepared for the expedition in Sicily. The principal reason for the
delay was that Scipio saw an urgent need to build a strong cavalry force to counter
what he realized was Hannibal's decisive weapon. It had been Hannibal's cavalry
that had swept around the Roman flanks and rear at Trebia, had sealed off Roman
retreat at Lake Trasimene, and had delivered the final blow against the Roman rear
at Cannae.
Scipio realized, almost alone among Roman leaders of his time, that the Roman
legion's great power for fixing an enemy by close battle was only half the equation:
the other half was the cavalry, which, while the infantry held the enemy in place by
figuratively grasping his throat, had the mobility to slip around behind the enemy
and drive a dagger into his back. In Sicily, Scipio carefully built up a strong Roman
cavalry force, following Hannibal's model. While still in Spain he already had
convinced the formidable cavalrv leader Masinissa to defect to the Roman side.
Masinissa was a prince from Numidia (present-day Algeria) in North Africa. Thus,
Scipio not only gained for his army these Numidian horsemen but took
them away from the Carthaginians.
Also while in Spain, Scipio had made another preliminary move for an African
expedition. He undertook a dangerous sea voyage to Numidia and sealed an
alliance with Syphax, a rival of Masinissa, king of a large part of Numidia, and an
ally of Carthage. But passion triumphed over diplomacy. Syphax renewed his ties
with Cartilage after the entreaties of his beautiful Carthaginian bride, Sophonisba,
daughter of Hasdrubal Gisgo.
The invasion of Africa, by 30,000 Romans, took place in the spring of 204. The
army landed near Utica, twenty air miles northwest of Carthage where the
Bagradas (Medjerda) River falls into the sea. He invested Utica, with the aim of
gaining it as a supply base, but was forced to give up the siege and retire to a small
isthmus nearby after Hasdrubal Gisgo assembled 30,000 Carthaginian infantry and
3,000 cavalry and Syphax arrived with 50,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 horsemen.
Although Scipio prevented his army from being overwhelmed by fortifying the
base of the isthmus, his situation was dangerous, since the Carthaginians and the
Numidians set up strong camps a mile apart and about seven miles away from the
Romans. Scipio decided to get around this danger by feigning fear and entering
into negotiations to evacuate Africa in return for Hannibal's evacuation of Italy.
His purpose was not retreat but a sneak attack. To bring it off he needed to find
out what was in the two camps, where the gates were located, and when and where
the guards and vedettes, or mounted sentinels, were posted. The visits of his
emissaries provided this information. Scipio determined that Syphax's camp was
the more vulnerable, especially because some of the soldiers' huts were outside the
entrenchments encircling the camp and many others inside were strewn about with
little space between then and were built of inflammable material.
Scipio called off negotiations for an armistice. Even as he made final plans for a
strike, however, he misled and confused the enemy by launching ships and
mounting siege machines on board and sending 2,000 men to seize a hill near
Utica, as if preparing a sea assault on the town. While the enemy had his eyes
focused on Utica, Scipio waited until nightfall and marched his legions with as
little noise as possible toward the two enemy camps, arriving around midnight.
Scipio divided his force, placing Masinissa and Gaius Laelius in charge of
assaulting Syphaxrs camp while he directed the attack on the Carthaginian camp.
Scipio said, however, that he would not move until Laelius and Masinissa had set
fire to the Numidian camp.
Laelius and Masinissa divided their force as well, appointing special bodies to
block all escape routes and assaulting the camp in a converging attack from two
directions at once. The leading Romans set fire to every building they reached.
Soon the whole camp was aflame. The Numidians assumed it was a natural fire
and rushed out unarmed and fled in disorder. The Roman bands at the exits cut
down the men as they emerged.
At the Carthaginian camp the soldiers, also assuming the flames were accidental,
rushed to assist, only to be attacked by Scipio's men as they hurried over. Scipio's
men launched attacks on the now-unguarded gates and quickly set fire to the
nearest huts. Soon the whole Carthaginian camp was aflame, and as the men
attempted to flee, Romans at the gates cut them down.
The result was a massacre. Perhaps 40,000 Carthaginians and Numidians were
killed or died in the flames, and 5,000 were captured. Hasdrubal got away with
about 2,500 men, taking refuge in a small town nearby and later fleeing to
Carthage. Syphax got more of his men away and retired to a fortified position some
distance away.
The abrupt change of fortune and the virtual disappearance of the two huge
armies depressed the Carthaginians deeply and tempted Syphax to abandon the
war. Syphax's wife, Sophonisba, pleaded with him, and when 4,000 Celtiberians
arrived from Spain to bolster the cause, Syphax decided to stay loyal to Carthage.
He and Hasdrubal recruited energetically and soon gathered a new, but still
inadequately trained, army of 35,000 in the Great Plains, about eighty miles
southwest of Utica.
Although Scipio had renewed his siege of Utica, he left only a small force there
and immediately struck for the new enemy army before it became organized. The
army faced Scipio with the Celtiberians, the best-trained troops, in the center, the
Numidians on the left, and the Carthaginians on the right. Scipio's cavalry
descended on the enemy wings and broke them quickly, proof that his decision had
been right to strike before Hasdrubal and Syphax had trained their raw levies.
Meanwhile, Scipio advanced part of his heavy infantry directly on the Carthaginian
center. At Baecula, Scipio's light infantry in the center had been too weak to hold
the main enemy force, but in this battle Scipio's heavy legionaries grasped the
Celtiberians in a firm embrace, enabling other Roman heavy infantry to descend on
each flank and surround them. The Celtiberians fought bravely, knowing they'd
receive no quarter, since coming from Spain now constituted treason to Rome.
They fought to the end and permitted many others to escape, including Hasdrubal
to Carthage and Syphax to his capital, Cirta (Constantine, Algeria).
With no enemy army now to oppose him, Scipio sent Masinissa and Laelius in
pursuit of Syphax and himself prepared to besiege Carthage, occupying Tunis,
fifteen miles away, with little opposition and beating off an attempt by the
Carthaginian navy to destroy the Roman fleet at Utica.
Masinissa and Laelius arrived in Syphax's Numidian kingdom of Massylia after
fifteen days' march to the west. Syphax raised a raw, undisciplined force, but in the
battle that followed, Roman training and discipline prevailed; the Numidians broke
and fled, and Syphax was captured. Cirta opened its gates to the invaders, and
Masinissa, promised the kingship, galloped off to the palace. There he was met by
Sophonisba. She appealed to Masinissa's pride and passion, and he agreed not to
hand her over to the Romans and married her that very day. Laelius was deeply
annoyed and only restrained himself at the last moment from dragging her from the
marital bed.
When Masinissa returned to Scipio's camp, the Roman decided on an indirect
approach, reminding him of his duty and how wise it was tocontrol passions.
Masinissa got the message and sent Sophonisba a poisoned cup, telling her that
though the Romans had prevented him from acting as her husband, he still would
perform his second promise, "that she should not come alive into the power of the
Romans." Sophonisba calmly drained the cup.
The frightened Carthaginian Senate frantically called Hannibal back from Italy,
just as Scipio had predicted would occur when Carthage was threatened. It also
ordered the return of Hannibal's brother Mago, who had been operating in Liguria
(around Genoa) and had recruited a number of Gauls.
Carthage also asked for terms of capitulation. Scipio, looking toward a happy
peace at the end of a long and destructive war, offered favorable conditions:
withdrawal of Carthage from Italy, Gaul, and all Mediterranean islands,
abandonment of any claim to Spain, loss of all but twenty warships, and a
considerable, but not heavy, indemnity in money and grain. Unlike many victors in
many wars before and after, Scipio did not impose terms that could not be fulfilled
and thereby create grounds for another war.
The Carthaginians, however, regained their confidence and broke off
negotiations when Hannibal landed in 202 with 24,000 men on the Gulf of
Hammamet, some one hundred air miles southeast of Carthage. Although Mago
died en route to Carthage, his army of about 12,000 joined Hannibal, as did 2,000
cavalry from a still-loyal Numidian kingdom under Tychaeus, new levies from
Africa, and (according to the Roman historian Livy) 4,000 Macedonians sent by
King Philip.
Scipio was placed in a dangerous position. He had fewer men in total, and all of
Masinissa's cavalry and about 5,000 Roman legionaries were many days' march
away in Numidia consolidating Masinissa's new kingdom. Most frightening, if
Hannibal was able to reach Carthage and use this fortress as a base of operations,
his situation would be superior to Scipio's.
Scipio now did an astonishing thing. Unlike an ordinary general, he did not
interpose his army between Hannibal and Cartilage or stand on the defensive until
help arrived. Instead he marched off in a direction away both from Carthage and
Hannibal: southwest up the Bagradas river valley!
It was one of the shrewdest indirect strategic moves in the history of warfare.
The Bagradas Valley was Carthage's main source of food, supplies, and
reinforcements from the interior. Scipio took every town by assault, appropriated
all the grain and other food, and sold the people as slaves. Scipio struck not at
Hannibal's army but at the ability of Carthage to resist, confident that the people
would require Hannibal to go immediately after him and not wait to establish a
secure base at Carthage. Besides, every step Scipio took southwest brought him
closer to Masinissa and the detached Romans, who were moving to join him by
forced marches.
Just as Scipio expected, Carthage sent urgent appeals to Hannibal to bring Scipio
to battle and end the depredations in the Bagradas Valley. Hannibal, hoping to
descend on Scipio before Masinissa and the remaining Romans arrived, complied
and arrived at Zama, some seventy air miles west of the Gulf of Hammamet. There
Hannibal lacked the reinforcements, maneuverability, and shelter in case of defeat
that he would have had at Carthage.
Scipio now had the ground of his own choosing for the battle, on an open plain
suitable for his cavalry and with water within a few yards. He also foiled
Hannibal's purpose: Masinissa arrived with 6,000 foot and 4,000 horse, giving him
about 36,000 men against Hannibal's 50,000.
Scipio placed his heavy Roman legions in the center, his Italian cavalry under
Laelius on the left, and Masinissa's Numidian horsemen on the right. Behind as a
reserve were Masinissa's light infantry. Scipio's heavy infantry was in the normal
legion formation of three lines facing the enemy, each line being formed by a series
of maniples (companies) of about 120 men, each separated from those on either
side by an interval about the width of the maniple.
In a departure from ordinary Roman custom, however, Scipio did not stagger the
second line of maniples to form a checkerboard pattern to cover the interval
between the maniples of the first line. Instead, he formed all three lines so that the
maniples were directly in a row, leaving unobstructed open spaces between each
set of maniples. The purpose was to allow the light skirmishers (velites) in the
front to move quickly to the rear once they had thrown their javelins and darts and
also to provide a path along which Scipio hoped to direct the eighty elephants that
Hannibal held in his front rank.
Behind the elephants and a screen of lightly armed troops, Hannibal deployed
his front line of 11,000 heavy infantry mercenaries: Ligurians, Gauls, and Moors.
On the second line he placed his 11,000 Carthaginian and African levies and the
Macedonians. On the last line he held his own veterans, 200 yards behind the
others, as his solid, intact reserve, of about 24,000 men. On his wings, he placed
his 4,000 cavalry, his Numidian allies on his left and the Carthaginian horse on his
Hannibal was superior to Scipio in every respect except cavalry. Scipio's efforts
both in building a Roman force and in attracting Numidian horsemen had come to
The battle opened as Hannibal ordered his elephants to charge the Roman line.
Scipio immediately directed a blare from his trumpets and cornets, terrifying the
elephants and causing some to turn tail and rush on Hannibal's troops. This
unexpected movement threw the Numidian cavalry, Hannibal's best horsemen, into
disorder just as they were preparing to charge. Masinissa, seeing his opportunity,
launched a counterstroke and threw the Numidians into flight, exposing Hannibal's
left wing. Masinissa left the field in pursuit.
The remainder of the elephants charged on the Roman velites and trampled
many, but the lanes between the maniples provided a way for the survivors to
withdraw. The elephants also took the line of least resistance; some rushed down
the open lanes, but others, driven out of the lanes by darts, fled toward the
Carthaginian right wing and disturbed Hannibal's cavalry there. At the moment of
maximum confusion, Laelius launched a charge against the Carthaginian horse and
forced them into headlong flight, thereby exposing Hannibal's right wing. The
Roman cavalry, too, left the field in pursuit.
Hannibal's flanks had been stripped bare. But Scipio realized an outflanking
move was impossible in the face of Hannibal's reserves and advanced his whole
line directly on the Carthaginian front.
At first the Gauls, Ligurians, and Moors held an advantage, because they were
skilled in skirmishing. But they could not break the Roman line, and the weight of
the massed legionaries pressed them back. Feeling they had been left in the lurch,
the frontline soldiers turned to flee but were repulsed by the compact, tightly
massed second Carthaginian line, now coming up, which did not want to disarray
its order by letting the broken first line through. Members of the first line either
died or fled around the flanks of the second line.
The second Carthaginian line now pushed the Romans back, inflicting great
bloodshed. Although the Romans began to waver, their line was longer than the
Carthaginian line and overlapped it, and they gradually cut the Carthaginians to
pieces. The third line of veterans would not allow the second line to penetrate, and
survivors had to flee around the third line.
The Romans had now reached the hard core of the Carthaginian army,
Hannibal's veterans, still fresh and under his personal direction. Seeing the danger
he faced, Scipio ordered an immediate recall, and the discipline of the Roman
legionary was such that all obeyed. Scipio realized he had fewer infantry than the
third line (probably around 18,000) yet needed to make his line as solid as possible
to confront the massed enemy. Intervals between maniples were now a
disadvantage. He also saw that his blow should be as concentrated, yet as wide, as
he could make it. He therefore ordered the second line to come up into the intervals
between the first line and for the third line to move quickly outward to both flanks,
thereby creating a long, solid, shallow line of six ranks, which now overlapped the
Carthaginian front.
The innate insecurity of nomad existence and the battles to win or defend
pastures created fierce and bellicose tribes of disciplined peoples with a capacity to
overcome hardship.
The tribes, able to possess only what they could earn' with them, were always
drawn to the wealth, comfort, and luxuries of the littoral. Their lust for these riches
was older than history and created a constant tension between the steppe and the
sown, between the outer barbarians and the comparatively refined inhabitants of
settled villages and cities.
If their discipline could be mobilized, the steppe tribes' avarice would constitute
a formidable danger to the littoral. But for many centuries the nomads remained
unable, because of distances and lack of mobility, to strike out of their enormous
heartland. Instead they fought among themselves for grazing lands and endured
their poverty.
However, early in the eighth century B.C., probably in the western grasslands
north of the Black Sea, some tribesmen learned how to ride horses. This
development revolutionized the life of the steppes and changed the world.
The revolution occurred despite the fact that the nomads rode without stirrups or
saddle. Although their invention of the bit and bridle a millennium before had
made possible the wheeled war chariot, it took centuries for the nomads to create
the leather saddle with pommel and cantle to check excessive forward and
backward movement and nearly another millennium for the stirrup, invented in
India, to spread across the steppes.
Nevertheless, the subjugation of the horse was the final achievement of the
steppe people, which made them potential world conquerors. Thereafter the
nomadic tribesmen lived much of their lives on horses, treating their animals as
virtual extensions of themselves. In the process they became natural cavalrymen.
The horse gave them mobility on a continental scale, especially as the great river of
grass running across Eurasia could serve as a source of food and a military
highway to attack whatever region was weak and unprepared.
At least ten centuries previously, the steppe people had developed the other
instrument that, combined with the horse, was to make them the most terrible
warriors who had appeared on earth. This instrument was the compound bow,
usually consisting of a layer of sinew on the back and a layer of horn on the inner
surface or belly with a frame of wood in the middle. The bow could exert a pull of
well over a hundred pounds, although it was short enough to be wielded easily by a
man on horseback. Arrows shot from such a bow could kill at 300 yards and,
equipped with sharp metal bodkin points, could penetrate the thickest armor.
The horse archers created battle tactics unlike anything seen before. Their
essence was speed and surprise. Horse archers bewildered foot soldiers by the
rapidity with which they could materialize before a phalanx, unleash a storm of
arrows, attack to the front, sides, and rear, and disappear, without ever coming into
collision with infantry swords or spears. A favorite technique was the feint.
Combining the speed of the horse with a refined system of control and timing,
horsemen rushed forward in a furious charge, then, pretending the onslaught had
failed, withdrew, seemingly in panic and sometimes over the horizon. Only the
most astute and controlled enemy forces could withstand the urge to rush after the
supposedly fleeing horsemen and, in the process, go beyond their supports, lose
their tight defensive order, and allow units or individuals to become separated.
When this occurred, the horse archers suddenly regrouped, turned on the advancing
enemy, and destroyed the disorganized forces one unit or soldier at a time. This
device succeeded time after time and century after century against enemies
unfamiliar with it.
Steppe horse archers burst out of the heartland upon the civilizations of the
littoral. Sometimes the explosions came from tribes living along the frontiers who
were bent on plunder. Other times impacts of tribe against tribe extending across
much of Eurasia created movements of entire peoples that forced border tribes to
flee into regions of settled civilization.
It was these or a combination of these forces in the centuries prior to Alexander
the Great (356-323 B.C.) that brought on the great movements of Scythians, a
people of Iranian stock, upon Europe, the Persian Empire, and Greece. After them
came the Sarmatians, another Iranian people even more bellicose. Known to the
Greeks as the Massagetae, they sent their young women as well as their men to
war. This may have given rise to the myths of the Amazons.
The Sarmatians also developed a new weapon, heavy cavalry armed with a
primitive lance, to counter the speed and the missile power of the horse archer and
to permit cavalry to come to grips with massed enemy forces. The Sarmatians bred
a horse larger and more powerful than the ponies the steppe bowmen rode.
Combining this horse and long lance with a rider protected by leather or armor, the
Sarmatians created a shock weapon that sometimes could survive arrow storms and
offered a decisive advantage in close combat over enemies armed with shorter
swords or spears.
Other nomads adopted the Sarmatian combination of heavy cavalry and
traditional horse archer. Their campaigns to devastate and plunder littoral empires
and weaker tribes within reach slowly taught their defeated enemies to copy the
techniques that had given them victory.
However, the Romans, despite the example that Scipio Africanus had given of
the effectiveness of cavalry, reverted after the Second Punic War to primary
reliance on infantry. As a consequence, the compound bow never made enough
impact on the Mediterranean world to become a major weapon. Rome, as a result,
was unable to expand to the east. The Parthians, a stoppe people who took over
Iran and Mesopotamia, stopped the Roman legions with their mounted bowmen
and heavy lance-wielding cavalry armored with plate and chain mail. One of
Rome's greatest humiliations was the famous "Parthian shot," delivered by
bowmen to the rear as they rode away. The Romans could not come to grips with
these elusive horsemen and had no defense against their arrows.
Ultimately the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire adopted mounted warriors,
including horse archers, as its major defense, and similar horsemen appeared
across the Middle East. These developments reduced, but did not end, the disparity
between the war capability of the steppes and the settled lands of the littoral.
In Europe, the tradition of the Sarmatian leather-girded lance-wielding warrior
on a heavy animal descended directly to the knight clad in expensive armor and
riding a great warhorse. He became the principal warrior in the Middle Ages. But
the West did not adopt the other great contribution of the steppes to mounted
warfarethe lightly annored or unarmored archer wielding the short compound
bow from the back of a small, fast horse.
This failure led to profound social consequences in the West. Armor, swords,
lances, and warhorses were very expensive, and kings assigned land and serfs to
warriors to produce the means to buy them. This transformed warriors into a
privileged, wealthy aristocracy and the rest of society into a servitor class, except
for a small clergy allied to the aristocracy. Europe's reliance upon a single form of
mounted warrior heavy cavalryand the consequent devaluing of inexpensive
light cavalry (as well as infantry) was to have equally profound consequences
when its chivalry came into contact with the greatest army that ever arose on the
This army was that of the Mongols, a small nomad people tending their herds in
the spare grasslands of what is now southeastern Mongolia.
The Mongols rose to power in the waning years of the twelfth century under
their khan, Genghis. With his principal orlok, or marshal, Subedei Bahadur of the
Reindeer People, Genghis Khan infused the Mongols and their allies with an
efficiency and discipline never attained before, carried the speed and the deception
of steppe warfare to its extreme limits, and gained victories on a scale no people or
empire ever reached before or since.
Genghis Khan and Subedei are two of the greatest captains who have ever lived.
Genghis, in addition, possessed high political skills, which permitted him to unite
all the Mongols, defeat the Mongols' principal enemies, the Tatars, and force the
Tatar survivors to join the Mongols, and bring other tribes in the region between
the Altai Mountains on the west and Manchuria on the east into a single
In 1206, Genghis took stock. He wanted to keep enriching himself and his
people, but his mind was divided between trade and conquest. He finally settled on
conquest, but once he had bent central Asia to his will, he hoped to rebuild trade,
and especially to reopen the great Silk Road that, beginning around the time of
Christ, carried the refined products of the Orient to Rome, mostly in exchange for
Western gold and silver.
The Silk Road was a great caravan route more than 4,000 miles long. It was a
road in name only, and along many stretches it threatened great danger from
unsettled peoples, great heat or great cold, and some of the highest mountains and
bleakest deserts on earth. It started from China's former capital of Changan near
present-day Xi'an and threaded through the oasis cities of the Tarim river basin to
ancient Kashgar at the foot of the Mountains of Heaven (Tian Shan) and the
Pamirs, its fields fed by mountain streams and noted for its grapes, apricots,
peaches, cherries, rugs, and fine handicrafts.
Then the road went over the 13,000-foot Terek Pass in the Pamirs, down the
great cleft of the Fergana Valley, where the Jaxartes River rises, to the caravanserai
city of Kokand. From here the camels and horses crossed the Hungry Steppe to
fabled Samarkand along the Zeravshan River, captured by Alexander the Great,
enclosing within its five-mile-long walls great mosques and Islamic schools and
famous for melons packed in snow, beautiful women who had beards and
mustaches, and workshops for silk, paper, satins, and copperware.
The road then traversed the eastern edge of the Kyzyl Kum, a frightening desert
region the size of New Mexico, covered with sand dunes and so arid many said it
was impassable by man or beast, to Bokhara, where the Zeravshan River
disappears into an interior delta and oasis. Bokhara was a city of flat-roofed houses
of sun-dried bricks already eleven centuries old and famous for brocades, filigreed
silver, falcons, and honey. At this point the Silk Road turned south across the Oxus
River, the traditional frontier between the littoral and the steppe, ascended the
Kopet Dag into the Khorasan region of northeastern Iran, turned west between the
Dasht-e-Kavir desert and the Elburz Mountains to Baghdad and Mesopotamia, then
across the Syrian Desert to Antioch and the Mediterranean.
After the Arabian conquests beginning in the seventh century and immense
clashes that followed between Muslims and barbarians in and around Transoxiana,
the Silk Road had become increasingly unsafe and untraveled.
In 1206, Genghis Khan decided to expand westward and to destroy the strong
state of Kara-Khitai, a nomad nation of Turkish horse warriors, almost as
formidable as the Mongols themselves, who dominated the region between the
Jaxartes and Lake Balkhash. Kara-Khitai blocked Genghis's access to the Muslim
empire of Khwarezm (Khorezm), which controlled from its capital at Samarkand a
critical portion of the Silk Road. After he had disposed of the Kara-Khitans,
Genghis hoped to enter into peaceful commercial relations with the Khwarezmian
shah, Ala ed-Din Mohammed, and convince him that reopening the road would
benefit him by increasing trade through his dominions.
Genghis Khan dared not turn his back, however, on two potent powers arching
around the Chinese Sung Empire, which ruled the Yangtze river basin and southern
China. These semibarbarian powers were alarmed by the expansion of the Mongols
and were certain to strike into Mongolia the moment Genghis's armies moved west.
They were the Jurchets, a former nomad people from Manchuria, who controlled
northern China down to the Yellow River (Hwang Ho), and the Xi Xia, a Tibetan
Tangut people occupying the vicinity of the Ordos Loop of the Yellow River in
present-day Inner Mongolia and Ningxia province of China.
After long and difficult campaigns extending over twelve years, Genghis finally
humbled both powers and opened the Silk Road from Changan through the Tarim
basin to Kashgar, while becoming enmeshed in trying to conquer the teeming
millions of Sung Dynasty China.
Genghis himself, however, his rear now secure, turned abruptly away from
China, leaving a small Mongol force to continue the war, and focused his attention
on what he still considered to be his greatest danger, the Kara-Khitans.
Genghis saw a great opportunity to seize Kara-Khitai almost without bloodshed.
The Kara-Khitan shah, Kuchluk, a Buddhist, had caused much discontent by
persecuting the Muslim Turks who formed a great majority of his people. In 1218
one of Genghis Khan's marshals, Jebe Noyan, "the Arrow," at the head of two
10,000-man tumans, or divisions, rushed from the Korean border 2,500 miles to
central Asia. Arriving, he declared he had come to restore religious freedom. The
Muslim Kara-Khitans welcomed him, and within weeks Genghis had extended his
power over virtually all the country.
Genghis was now face to face with Mohammed, the shah of Khwarezm.
Mohammed's empire was also largely new. While Genghis was conquering central
Asia, Mohammed was extending his rule over a great block of Muslim territory to
the southwest. He had inherited Iran but had added Afghanistan almost to the Indus
River and driven the Kara-Khitans beyond the Jaxartes, capturing all of
Transoxiana. The shah could mobilize 200,000 men, considerably more than
Genghis, and most of them were hardy Turkish horse warriors. Though not as
tightly organized as the Mongols, the shah's army was also adept at the dizzying
speed of steppe tactics, the compound bow, and the lance.
Genghis sincerely sought a peaceful relationship with Mohammed, at least for a
period, and reopening the Silk Road was a high priority. Consequently Genghis
sent an embassy to Samarkand, which presented the shah with the finest gifts he
could offer, promised peace, but made the unforgivable error of saying he regarded
the shah as his son, which to Mohammed's supersensitive ears suggested Genghis
was calling him a vassal.
Unaware of the offense he'd given, Genghis prepared another caravan of a
hundred camels, filled with articles of rare value, including many looted from
China. The caravan crossed into Khwarezmian territory at Otrar on the lower
Jaxartes. There the governor, Inalchik, seized the caravan and executed its leaders.
Believing Inalchik might have acted without authority, Genghis sent a mission of
one Khwarezmian and two Mongols to Mohammed, merely asking that the
governor be punished. The shah chopped off the Khwarezmian's head and sent the
Mongols back with their heads shaved, an insult beyond redemption.
Mongol tradition required revenge, and Genghis, sending out orders for his army
to assemble, resolved to do more. He set about to conquer the lands of the vain and
arrogant Mohammed. Genghis dispatched only one message to the shah: "You have
chosen war. That will happen which will happen and what it is to be we know not;
only God knows."
Mohammed decided to defend his northern frontier, the Jaxartes. But instead of
concentrating his 200,000 men against the Mongols' 150,000, he divided most of
his army into packets at various walled cities along 500 miles of the river. His
competent son, Jalal ad-Din, pointed out that none of these points could be
defended against a major assault without reinforcements from Samarkand. But
Mohammed was convinced the Mongols could not conduct a siege or storm a
fortified position and, trusting to his larger numbers, resolved to remain on the
In making this decision, Mohammed played into the hands of Genghis Khan,
who possessed the most effective war machine in the world. It was built on four
major foundations: extreme mobility, a superior weapon, an almost foolproof
tactical system, and strategic genius, exemplified by Genghis himself and by his
two chief orloks, Jebe and especially Subedei, both of whom rose to high
command before they were twenty-five years of age.
The Mongols' entire army consisted of cavalry. In the vast open belt of deserts,
steppes, and prairies that stretches from the Yellow Sea to the Danube River,
horsemen held a decisive advantage over infantry because of their speed and
mobility. And, since some time before the sixth century the stirrup had spread
throughout Eurasia, a man on horseback possessed a platform from which he could
shoot an arrow or wield a sword as easily as a man on the ground, and a horseman
could deliver a lance blow with much of the force of the horse behind it. Each
soldier, moreover, led with him a string of horses so that he could ride all day at
full speed by changing horses as each got tired.
Although the Mongols had catapults and other siege artillery and used lances,
swords, and javelins, their most important weapon remained the compound bow.
Considerable attention had been given to the bow in the Arab world, Byzantium,
and China but it was more effective in Mongol hands, largely because the Mongols
relied on it and devoted much of their time to perfecting their use of it. The
Mongol bow, protected from the weather by waterproof lacquer, possessed a pull
of 100 to 160 pounds, compared with about 75 pounds for the English longbow,
which was made of a single material, yew wood. While the longbowwhich did
not achieve fame until over a century later at Crecy in Francehad a range of 250
yards, the Mongol bow could shoot 350 yards and with greater velocity.
The Mongols had arrows that could penetrate any armor. They could shoot
equally well from the saddle while advancing or retreating. They had long-range
arrows, whistling arrows for signaling, and incendiary arrows that could set fire to
wooden buildings and roofs.
Mongolian tactics were rigid in conception but flexible in execution and built on
a framework of moves that resembled a battle drill. The repetition of tried
techniquesdirected by clear signals from the leadersmade for extreme
efficiency and quick application and contributed greatly to Mongol success, since
individual soldiers and officers were not expected to improvise on the spot.
Mongol tactics were so quick and fast that they were usually irresistible.
The Mongol battle formation was in five ranks. Heavy cavalry made up the first
two ranks and was intended for the major blow. The horses were armored. The men
wore iron helmets and cuirasses of oxhide or leather-covered iron scales and
carried twelve-foot lances, bows, and scimitars, battle-axes, or maces. Light
cavalry, wearing light armor or none at all, and carrying small swords, javelins, and
bows, composed the last three ranks.
Light troops spread out as skirmishers well ahead of the main body in three
detachmentsvanguard and both flanks. If the enemy attacked a flank, the light
cavalry that met him would automatically become the vanguard and the other
skirmisher units would swing either to the left or right, while the main body
wheeled to face the threat.
Once the vanguard was engaged, the light cavalry in the three rear ranks of the
main body would advance through the heavy cavalry to join the skirmishers. If the
Mongols were advancing, the light troops showered the enemy front with arrows
and javelins. If the enemy was advancing, the light troops retreated ahead of him,
shooting arrows over their shoulders. The purpose in either case was to open the
ranks of the enemy, whether cavalry or infantry. When this happened, the light
horsemen broke away to either flank, leaving a path clear for the heavy cavalry to
gallop in for the final blow.
If the light cavalry failed to create the necessary gaps in the enemy lines, the
commander would order the light horse on one flank to assault the enemy's flank at
right angles. At the same time the heavy cavalry would gallop around behind the
same flank in a "standard sweep" and make their decisive charge in the rear of that
The favorite Mongol tactic, however, was to use the mangudai, a specially
selected unit that would charge the enemy alone. After a fearsome assault, the
mangudai would break ranks and flee in hopes of provoking the enemy to give
chase. Since all light cavalry learned this technique, occasionally half the light
horse would practice it. It was usually so convincing that the enemy cavalry sprang
after the fleeing Mongols, believing they were on the verge of victory. Unseen to
the rear, Mongol archers waited. By the time they were upon the archers, the
enemy horsemen were spread out and many would fall to well-aimed bow shots.
Now disordered and suffering heavy casualties, the enemy would be vulnerable to
the heavy cavalry, which now made its charge.
Mongol strategy was an exercise in masterful surprise and deception that
confused the enemy and placed Mongol armies at decisive points where they were
least expected. Genghis Khan and his orloks were about to demonstrate this
strategy to Mohammed.
Genghis concentrated his main force on the Irtish River east of Lake Balkhash.
Genghis chose Subedei to plan the invasion.
Subedei wanted to protect the assembling Mongol forces against a sudden
offensive by Mohammed. He also wanted to cover his preparations and ensure
secrecy. At Subedei's recommendation, Genghis sent his eldest son, Jochi, with a
strong Mongol force toward the lower (northern) reaches of the Jaxartes in the
spring and summer of 1219. Jochi laid waste the whole trough of country west of
Lake Balkhash to the vicinity of Otrar. By the time Jalal ad-Din arrived with a
strong Khwarezmian force to meet the supposed invasion, Jochi had accomplished
his mission, sent back all the horses and forage available, and burned towns and
fields, leaving a desolate landscape incapable of supporting an invading army.
After a rearguard battle against Jalal ad-Din, the Mongols set fire to the dry grass
on the plain and disappeared behind the barrier of smoke and flame.
Several months elapsed with no move by the Mongols. Then, early in 1220, Jebe
Noyan moved west with two 10,000-man divisions (tumans) from Kashgar. He
crossed the Pamirs through the Terek Pass, 13,000 feet high and deep in snow.
Though the Mongols lost most of their supplies and suffered greatly, they arrived
in the Fergana Valley and advanced on
Kokand, which protected the southern end of the Jaxartes line. Jebe thereby
directly threatened Mohammed's right flank and the two centers of Mohammed's
power: Samarkand, 220 air miles southwest, and Bokhara, 100 air miles farther
Jochi's scorched-earth campaign the previous summer on the approaches to the
northern Jaxartes convinced Mohammed that the Mongols would not strike again
there, while Jebe's appearance in the Fergana Valley focused the shah's attention to
the southern reaches of the Jaxartes. He reinforced the river line in that region and
concentrated 40,000 men at Bokhara and additional men at Samarkand.
Meanwhile Genghis Khan was planning his major blows elsewhere. He had
divided his main striking force into three armies. One of these, of three tumans, he
placed under Jochi, and another, also of three tumans, under two other sons,
Ogedei and Chagatai. The third army of three tumans and the elite imperial guard
tuman remained under Genghis, with Subedei as his chief of staff.
These three armies of over 100,000 men now advanced, carrying all their
provisions with them, along the route they were least expected: directly over the
land turned into a desert by Jochi. In February 1220, they unexpectedly debouched
at Otrar on the left flank of the Jaxartes line. After seizing this city, they captured
the governor, Inalchik, who had killed the Mongol envoy, and executed him by
pouring molten silver into his eyes and ears until he died.
In the great rush of Mongol troops into Otrar, Genghis Khan's force of four
tumans was not distinguished from the other two armies under Genghis's sons. The
two armies under Genghis's sons turned south and began clearing the Jaxartes line,
assaulting the fortresses and moving toward Jebe, who meanwhile captured
Kokand and marched north toward a junction with them. The operations fixed
Mohammed's attention on the Jaxartes line, and he sent all his reserves toward it.
But Genghis's army had not followed those of the princes. Instead it had
disappeared north unnoticed and captured a Turkoman city, Zarnuk, for the sole
purpose of acquiring a man who, informants had told Genghis, knew a way along a
chain of oases through the Kyzyl Kum.
Genghis and his four tumans, with the Zarnuk guide, marched safely through the
Kyzyl Kum and, at the beginning of April 1220, emerged at Bokhara and in the
rear of Mohammed's armies, having traversed over 300 miles of supposedly
impassable desert. In a single, stunning blow, Genghis had turned the shah's entire
line and severed his connection with his provinces to the west, where many more
potential troops remained uncalled. It was one of the greatest strategic maneuvers
on the rear in the history of warfare and perhaps the foremost example of strategic
surprise ever attained.
Genghis and Subedei left one gate of Bokhara unguarded. They hoped thereby to
entice the main garrison outside the walls to fight in the open. This force consisted
of mercenary Kanglis, a tribe of Kipchaks from beyond the Aral sea. The major
portion of the Kanglis, 20,000 soldiers, rushed out the gate, pretending they were
going to attack the Mongols but actually fleeing south. Next day the Oxus River
blocked their path and the Mongols came up behind and cut them to pieces.
The remainder of the Bokhara garrison fled to the citadel while the Persian
inhabitants surrendered the city. The Mongols soon captured the citadel after
driving thousands of civilians ahead of their assault. In the battle most of the city
burned, and Genghis ordered the walls pulled down.
Genghis and the other three Mongol armies now converged on Samarkand, from
which Mohammed hurriedly fled. Fifty thousand Kanglis marched out on foot to
meet them. The Mongols withdrew until they were able to wheel and fall on the
Kanglis' flanks and thereby cut the Samarkand garrison in half. The remaining
Kanglis offered to abandon Khwarezm, saying they were nomads like the Mongols
and were willing to join the Mongol army.
Deserted by their defenderssince the 20,000-man remainder of the garrison
withdrew into the citadelthe people of Samarkand surrendered. About 1,000 men
slipped away by night from the citadel, but the Mongols soon assaulted it and
killed the rest. They also surrounded the Kanglis outside the city and slaughtered
them. Said Genghis: "A man who is once faithless can never be trusted."
A special Mongol force under Subedei now raced after Mohammed. The people
in his remaining provinces had lost confidence in him, and, suspecting everyone,
he become a fugitive. Mohammed died of pleurisy in January 1221, on an island in
the Caspian Sea. Genghis, to protect his southern flank, methodically ravaged
Afghanistan, and his son, Tului, killed most of the people of Khorasan.
In only a few months, Genghis Khan had virtually destroyed a great kingdom,
almost entirely by strategic moves that had left the defenders unable to respond. By
first striking in the south, he had focused the shah's attention away from the point
of his first major blow, nearly 500 miles away at Otrar. Then, by fixing the enemy's
forces in place by heavy but indecisive attacks along the Jaxartes, he was able to
march on the rear of these forces, cut them off from reinforcements, seize a major
city, and uncover the capital. At even* decisive point, Otrar, Bokhara, and
Samarkand, his surprise permitted him to assemble superior forces, though his
overall strength was less than Mohammed's.
In February 1221, Subedei and Jebe with 20,000 men began a two-year
reconnaissance into the western steppes to open a path for further Mongol
conquests. This campaign has remained the greatest cavalry raid in histoiy. Though
the expedition's strength was laughably small, Subedei and Jebe destroyed
Georgian, Cumen, Russian, middle-Volga Bulgar, and Kangli armies, most of
which were vastly larger. They also recruited with gold large numbers of spies to
inform them of the situation in Europe and formed a secret alliance with the
Venetians, who had trading stations on the Sea of Azov. In exchange for
information about European geography and politics, Subedei and Jebe agreed to
grant the Venetians a trading monopoly wherever the Mongols rode.
Nevertheless, Genghis Khan's death in 1227 caused plans to be suspended to
subjugate the remainder of Iran, advance into Mesopotamia, and reopen the Silk
Road, along with plans to conquer Europe. Genghis's second surviving son,
Ogedei, succeeded him, but Ogedei was preoccupied with subduing the remaining
Jurchets in northern China and, after 1235, with a major attack on the Sung Empire
of southern China.
But expansion in East Asia was limited by the sea. And the western steppes of
Russia offered the greatest opportunity for conquest. These steppes had not been
subdued in the 1221-23 expedition, yet had been allotted to Genghis's grandson
Batu. Subedei argued that they should be conquered to protect the Mongol western
flank and serve as a springboard to seize the great grassed plain of Hungary. With
this natural prairie as a base and grazing ground for their horses, the Mongols then
could destroy the nations of Europe one by one.
Subedei's vision aroused great enthusiasm, and Ogedei provided 50,000
experienced troops for Subedei, under Batu's nominal command, to conquer the
western steppes with the aid of conscripts recruited in the region.
In 1236, Subedei secured his army's flanks by subduing the northern Bulgars on
the upper Volga and the Kipchaks on the lower Volga, and in the winter of 1237,
the Mongol army of 120,000 men crossed the frozen Volga into Russia.
For the next three years the Mongols systematically destroyed most of the
Russian states, using the frozen rivers in winter as highways to penetrate deep into
the country and avoid the thick forests. The campaign culminated in the seizure
and destruction of Kiev in December 1240. Russian resistance now collapsed, and
the Mongols quickly reached the Carpathian Mountains dividing Russia from
The Mongols were now poised for the invasion of eastern Europe. Although
European rulers had been aware of the Mongol intentions for at least two years,
they were curiously unmoved. Pope Oregon' IX was not sad to see the Eastern
Orthodox Christians of Russia destroyed, but he was concerned about an invasion
of Catholic Hungary. However, both he and the Holy Roman emperor, Frederick II,
who ruled much of Germany and Italy, were distracted. They were on the verge of
a violent conflict over power and could spare little attention to the pleas of King
Bela IV of Hungary. It was left primarily to Hungary, Poland, and the German
Most of the Poles died. The inhabitants of Cracow deserted the town and the
Mongols burned it.
Baidar and Kadan planned to meet at Breslau (Wroclaw), the Silesian capital,
but Baidar arrived before Kadan and found the inhabitants had burned their city
and taken refuge in the citadel. There he learned that Henry of Silesia had gathered
an army of 25,000 at Liegnitz (Legnica), forty miles west. Many were armored
knights wielding lances, especially Henry's Silesians, French Knights Templar and
Hospitallers, Teutonic knights, and some surviving Polish horsemen. But most
were Polish and Moravian feudal levies, unmounted infantry, armed mostly with
pikes, who were virtually useless for offensive battle.
Baidar learned that King Wenceslas of Bohemia was marching to join Henry.
Sending messages to Subedei and Kadan, Baidar set out at full speed to get to
Liegnitz before Wenceslas. Kadan joined him on the road, and together they
arrived at Liegnitz on April 8. The next day Henry marched out to meet the
Mongols, not knowing that Wenceslas with 50,000 men was only a day's march
Henry drew his army up on a plain beyond the city, and when the Mongol
vanguard approached in close order, it appeared so small that Henry sent only a
small detachment of cavalry to meet it. When this body fell back under the
onslaught of Mongol arrows, he ordered all the remaining horsemen to attack. The
Mongol vanguard, which had been a mangudai, broke and fled, once again drawing
the European chivalry after it at a gallop. The European charge turned quickly into
a spread-out, disorganized race. Behind a screen of smoke bombs the Mongol
archers were waiting with armor-piercing arrows. When the knights came within
range, the archers struck down many of them and brought the charge to a halt.
Then the Mongol heavy cavalry assaulted the confused knights, killing most of the
remainder. The archers now rode through the smoke screen and shot down the
infantry, while horsemen ran down and killed Henry of Silesia. The Mongols filled
nine sacks of right ears cut from the slain and sent them to Batu.
In less than a month the Mongol detachment had raced 400 miles and fought two
decisive battles. Poland was stunned and prostrate, and the Germans west of the
Oder were recoiling to defend their lands. A large part of the task assigned to the
Mongol detachment had been achieved.
Only Wenceslas remained a threat. When he heard of the Liegnitz disaster, he
retreated and collected reinforcements from Thuringia and Saxony. The Mongols
found his army drawn up at Klodzko in the Glatz defiles, sixty miles southeast of
Liegnitz. Wenceslas hoped to entrap the Mongols in the defiles, but reconnaissance
had already warned Baidar and Kadan of the danger, and they would not be drawn
in. They also had lost many men in the Liegnitz battle and could not be certain of
defeating Wenceslas's large army in open battle.
However, Wenceslas had already been drawn 250 miles away from the
Hungarians mobilizing on the west bank of the Danube. Therefore Wenceslas's
army was strategically useless, because it could not affect the decision in Hungary.
To make certain of holding Wenceslas in the north longer, the Mongol princes
made a feint to the west, as if planning to march into Germany. This drew
Wenceslas after them. The Mongols then broke into small bodies, rode entirely
around the Bohemian army, and spread out in a wide band through Moravia,
burning villages and stores and creating a desert to guard the Mongol flank.
Once through Moravia, the princes reassembled their men and turned southeast
to join Subedei, ready to fall on the Austrians if they moved to the aid of Hungary.
In this brilliant, whiiiwind campaign, a moderate-sized Mongol force had
eliminated all possibility of intervention by Polish, German, Czech, and Austrian
forces many times its size and still managed to ride back to the main body in time
to be of service if needed.
Subedei had expected protection from the flank campaign, but he had not relied
entirely on it. The principal task of the commander seeking to maneuver is to
deceive the enemy about his purpose so as to prevent effective opposition from
being thrown in his path. That was why Subedei divided the main force into three
columns, each to enter Hungary by a different route. Threatened from three
directions at once, the Hungarians would be unable to concentrate against any one
Mongol threat for fear the other two would descend on their rear or seize important
cities or terrain they could not afford to lose. Therefore, Subedei was confident the
enemy would not effectively contest any of the columns and all could reach the
main barrier of the Danube unmolested and there reunite.
In addition, Subedei relied on unbelievable speed to place the Mongols on the
river before the stunned Hungarians could react.
The right or northerly column moved west from Przemysl in early March,
shielded on the north by the Vistula and the princes' flank detachment, which had
moved a few days before. The column then turned south through the Jablonika and
neighboring passes of the Carpathians and, in two bodies, swept around in a long
curving advance to emerge on the Danube on March 17, seizing Vac, on the east
side of the river between Buda and Gran, and slaughtering the population.
Meanwhile the left or southerly column made a great arching sweep to the
southeast through Moldavia and Walachia and broke through passes into
Transylvania, and while part prevented the Transylvania nobility and clergy from
bringing forces to Buda, another part under Subedei raced up the lower Tisza
(Theiss) river valley, arriving at Pest on April 3.
The last to move was the central column, containing Batu and the elite guard.
This column forced the pass of Ruske on March 12 and advanced directly by way
of the upper Tisza Valley. The advance guard arrived on the Danube on March 15
and the main body two days later. The movement by the advance guard was one of
the fastest in history: 180 miles in three days through enemy country deep in snow.
By April 3, Subedei had assembled his three columns opposite Buda, on the west
bank of the Danube, and Pest, on the east bank, where Bela had concentrated his
army of 100,000. Although the Mongols now controlled Hungary east of the
Danube and Subedei's strategy had prevented a much larger European army
assembling to meet him, he still was uncertain of the situation. He remained
outnumbered, having perhaps 70,000 men, since a tuman was still in Transylvania,
while the flank detachment in Silesia had not fought the battle of Liegnitz. It would
be dangerous to force a crossing of the Danube under the eyes of the assembled
Hungarian army. Moreover, the longer he lingered on the banks of the river, the
more likely it was that other European rulers would send forces to aid Bela.
Subedei therefore practiced on a strategic scale the familiar Mongol tactical
ruse: he withdrew eastward. The Hungarians immediately concluded that the
Mongols had been frightened by their numbers and power, and they clamored to
pursue the supposedly fleeing Mongols. Their mood changed abruptly from
anxiety about a Mongol attack to a desire to share in the spoils and glory. King
Bela ordered his army to go after the Mongols.
The Hungarians did not realize Subedei was luring them away from the
protection of the Danube and a chance for reinforcement. Subedei carried out the
retirement at a slow pace, taking six days to reach the Sajo River, about a hundred
miles northeast of Buda-Pest. On the heath of Mohi, just west of the Sajo, shortly
before it debouches into the Tisza, Batu and Subedei had decided to turn on their
On April 9 the Mongol army rode over the heath, crossed the only bridge, made
of stone, and continued on for ten miles into thickets just west of the hills and
vineyards of Tokay. There the Mongol army found ample hiding places. When a
Hungarian detachment that evening crossed the stone bridge and rode into the
thickets, it found nothing.
The Hungarians camped on the heath, drawing up their wagons in a circle girded
by chains and ropes and placing their tents inside. On the Hungarian right were the
marshes of the Tisza, in front of them across the heath was the Sajo, and to their
left were hills and forests.
The battle opened just before dawn on April 10. Batu, with 40,000 men,
launched an attack on the stone bridge. The Hungarians defended fiercely, and the
Mongols could not break across until they brought up catapults and bombarded the
Hungarians with fire bombs, forcing them back and allowing the Mongols to get
on the western side.
The Mongols, even so, were sorely pressed, being outnumbered well over two to
one by the enemy, which drove repeatedly against the Mongol horsemen. Only
archer)' fire saved the Mongols from being overwhelmed by the massed charges.
For two maddening hours, Batu and his men withstood the incredible assaults,
losing many men in the process but completely absorbing the attention of the
Hungarian army.
At last Subedei and 30,000 more Mongols appeared on the Hungarian rear.
While Batu had fixed the entire enemy to the front, Subedei, without the
Hungarians suspecting anything, had built a bridge downstream across the Sajo
and had led his men over it to descend on the enemy.
Stunned but too experienced to panic, the Hungarians made an orderly retreat to
their encampment. But the Mongols surrounded it, pounded it with catapults, set
fire to the wagons and tents with incendiary arrows, and shattered Hungarian
The Mongols now assembled for a charge but left a large gap toward the wide
gorge through which the armies had entered the heath the day before. Although the
bravest knights formed up in a wedge to meet the charge, many more Hungarian
horsemen dashed for the opening and fled, a large number of them throwing away
their weapons and armor to increase their horses' speed. The Mongols destroyed
the Hungarian wedge with arrow fire and a charge by the heavy cavalry.
But the great mass of the Hungarian army was fleeing westward through the
gorge, believing they were getting free but actually falling into a trap. The Mongol
light cavalry, whose horses were generally faster than the heavy European
warhorses. pursued the Hungarians on either side, shooting them down like
helpless fleeing game. For thirty miles back to Pest the road was littered with
Hungarian dead. At least 70,000 men died on the battlefield or on the flight
Observers of the battle were impressed by the speed, silence, and mechanical
perfection of the Mongol movements, which the men carried out in response to
signals with black and white flags. They were also impressed with the deadliness
of Mongol archery. While the European chivalry relied almost wholly on shock
tactics, the Mongols, according to John of Piano Carpini, a contemporary
chronicler, "wounded and killed men and horses and only when the men and horses
are worn down by the arrows do they come to close quarters."
After the Sajo River holocaust, most Hungarian resistance collapsed. The
Mongols pushed up to the Danube and burned Pest but did not venture over the
river. Batu and Subedei rested the army and consolidated their hold on eastern
Hungary. The pope declared a halfhearted crusade against the Mongols, but little
came of it.
During December 1241, the Danube froze hard, and the Mongols crossed over
on Christmas Day and stormed Gran, the richest city in Hungary and seat of the
archbishop, and earned away most of the valuables. Thev also sacked Buda and
advanced on a reconnaissance into
Austria, while another force turned south to Zagreb and beyond in a vain search for
Bela, who had escaped the Sajo River battle.
Europe lay open to invasion. No army capable of defeating the Mongols existed.
Subedei's original plan to destroy each of the European states in turn seemed about
to get under way.
But it was not to be. On December 11,1241, a messenger had arrived from the
Mongol capital of Karakorum with the news that Ogedei had died and his wife was
acting as regent until a new khan could be elected.
The Mongol princes were eager to get back to compete for the succession and
decided to return to the east with the imperial forces. Batu knew he could not hold
Hungary without the imperial tumans, but he believed he could retain most of the
rest of his dominions with Turkoman conscripts. He decided to evacuate Hungary,
and the Mongols withdrew systematically and without interference. The Mongols
destroyed everything in their path on the withdrawal, buildings and people. Batu
returned to his base camp, Sarai, near the Volga sixty miles north of Astrakhan, and
there established the capital of a Mongol empire that became known as the Golden
There was never another opportunity for the Mongols to invade Europe. What had
happened seemed a nightmare and temporary aberration to the Europeans, and they
invented all sorts of myths about how they had defeated and turned back the
"Tartars," as they called the Mongols. But only the untimely death of the khan had
saved them, for the Mongol warriors proved superior to the finest European menat-arms, although the Europeans had superiority in numbers and armor.
Trade along the Silk Road grew soon after Mohammed of Khwaresm died, and
the Mongols finally gained almost complete control of it when Mangu, one of
Genghis Khan's successors, seized Iran, virtually destroyed Baghdad and most of
its people in 1258, and trampled the caliph, the supreme leader of Islam, to death
under the hooves of Mongol horses. Thereafter the Silk Road flourished for
The Mongol Empire expanded into China, but internal divisions among the
chiefs and slowly growing resistance from subjugated peoples finally destroyed it.
At its peak, however, it was the largest empire in area the world has ever known.
Mongol tactics were devastating because the soldiers did not close with their
adversaries until they were disorganized by archery fire. They rarely allowed
themselves to be drawn into clashes with heavy European cavalry but withdrew
quickly at a signal when such a clash threatened, rallied at a distance, and assailed
the enemy once more with arrows. They repeated this process until the enemy was
weakened and only then launched a decisive charge with heavy cavalry.
By limiting their army to only one major arm, cavalry, the Mongols achieved
simplicity and effectiveness. They avoided having to coordinate a mobile arm with
a relatively immobile arm, infantry, a problem that always bedeviled European
But principally the Mongols were victorious because they possessed a few
generals who knew how to employ the exceptional mobility of their armies with
destructive surprise attacks on the enemy rear and on points where they were least
Napoleon and Wars of Annihilation
For OR A THOUSAND YEARS the horseman dominated warfare in the West.
This superiority continued after the Mongols disappeared over the eastern horizons
in the thirteenth century, never to return. Remaining to rule nearly every battlefield
was the armored knight on a heavy warhorse, wielding a lance.
The horseman's power began to be broken by the English longbow and the
crossbow, both of which could bring down a horseman by penetrating his armor.
But the process was slow, despite the advantage demonstrated by the longbow over
French chivalry at Crecy in 1346 and Agincourt in 1415.
It was not the bow but projectiles propelled by gunpowder that finally dethroned
the knight.; By the middle of the fifteenth century, effective firearms had appeared,
and by the beginning of the next century, their projectiles could penetrate body
armor. In the seventeenth century, for the first time since the late Roman Empire,
infantry once more became the queen of battle. Now armed with a single-shot,
muzzle-loaded musket and aided by more mobile artillery, infantry filled the
battlefield and could maneuver well enough to get the better of cavalry. ut roving
bands of ill-disciplined foot soldiers, especially hastily enrolled mercenaries bent
primarily on loot, threatened to cripple Western civilization. In the Thirty Years
War (1618-48), great stretches of central Europe became a depopulated wasteland,
with thousands of towns and villages burned and abandoned. Over 8 million people
The absolute kings who gained control of major European states resolved to halt
these depredations and created professional standing armies kept separate from the
civil population. Because the soldiers were largely drawn from the dregs of society,
they were subjected to ferocious discipline. Being forced to remain on a permanent
war footing, these armies were extremely expensive and consequently were kept as
small as possible.
In this single Italian campaign, beginning in April 1796 and ending in April
1797, Bonaparte practiced virtually all the methods and strategies he was to
employ with spectacular success in the vast wars that engulfed Europe until 1815.
The Directory's plan for 1796 was to make the major effort against Austria and
its allies, several of the small states into which Germany was then divided. At the
time Austria was a large empire covering much of central Europe. The Italian
campaign was to be secondary and was intended primarily to divert Austrian
attention from the German front by driving the enemy out of Piedmont and
Lombardy in northern Italy. Bonaparte then was to march through the Tyrol and
join the supposedly victorious French army moving through Germany. There was
little hope such an ambitious joint campaign could succeed. The offensives were
too far apart to support one another, the Alps separated the French armies, and if
either campaign slowed the Austrians could transfer troops to the other flank.
Bonaparte, however, saw that a decisive victory could be achieved in Italy alone
and made plans accordingly.
In March 1796 the French Army of Italy was stretched along the Maritime Alps
and the narrow coastal strip of the Italian riviera. Opposing them were 25,000
Piedmontese troops and a small Austrian detachment under an Austrian general,
Baron Michael von Colli, spread in a thin line for about thirtv miles from Cuneo on
the west to Ceva on the east. East of the Piedmontese about 11,500 Austrians under
General Count Eugen Argenteau occupied a thin outpost cordon for about fortyfive miles along the hills from Carcare to the heights above Genoa. Behind in
winter quarters in Alessandria and other Piedmontese towns were 19,500 more
Austrians. The overall commander was General Baron Johann Peter Beaulieu,
seventy-two years old, a competent officer but with virtually no initiative.
Bonaparte assembled 24,000 troops near Savona on the coast and planned to
drive northwest from there over the Col di Cadibona in the Apennines to attack
Carcare on April 15,1796. This would place him with superior forces in what
Bonaparte called the "central position" between the Piedmontese on the west and
the Austrians on the east. He planned to turn first on the Piedmontese, already warweary, and drive them out of the war, then move east to deal with the Austrians.
This first step by Bonaparte demonstrated a principle he enunciated somewhat
later but always tried to follow: "The nature of strategy consists of always having,
even with a weaker army, more forces at the point of attack or at the point where
one is being attacked than the enemy.w3
To deceive his opponents and keep their forces dispersed, Bonaparte used
Bourcet s plan of advancing several columns at wide points along the front. As part
of this plan, Jean-Baptiste Cervoni's brigade advanced on Voltri, just west of
Beaulieu, believing he saw a chance to isolate and destroy Cervoni's force,
launched an attack four days before Bonaparte's offensive was to start. Two
columns advanced from the Apennines on Voltri, while General Argenteau was to
swoop down through the Col di Cadibona on Savona and cut off French troops
assembling in the vicinity.
However, Cervoni retreated safely toward Savona, and Argenteau got orders so
late that Amedee E. F. La Harpe's French division was able to concentrate and
check his advance. Bonaparte decided to go ahead with his plan to drive between
the two enemy armies and on April 12 sent 9,000 troops against Argenteau's 6,000
at Montenotte, twelve miles north of
Savona. La Harpe's division made a frontal attack, which held Argenteau's force in
a firm battle embrace, while a brigade under Andre Massena worked around its
flank. Argenteau saw the danger too late, and Massena charged and routed the
whole force. By dawn Argenteau had only 700 men under arms.
Bonaparte drove at once to the vital crossroads of Carcare, immediately to the
south, placing him between the Piedmontese and the Austrians. On April 13,
Bonaparte ordered Massena with half a division to march to Dego, nine miles north
of Montenotte, to block any Austrian advance and turned the rest of his force under
Charles-Pierre-Francois Augereau on the Piedmontese fortress of Ceva on the
Tanaro River, twelve miles west, toward which another of his divisions, under
Jean-Mathieu-Philabert Serurier, was advancing north down the Tanaro. This
would concentrate 25,000 men at Ceva, where the Piedmontese under the Austrian
General Colli were assembling 13,000 troops.
Unfortunately Augereau halted on the way and made several assaults, all of
which failed, against 900 defiant Piedmontese grenadiers holed up in the ruins of
Cosseria Castle on a steep hill. The attacks cost Augereau 900 casualties and the
opportunity of storming Ceva quickly.
Bonaparte, exasperated, told Augereau to keep only a small force to guard the
castle and march the rest of his men through the night on Ceva. Meantime Massena
found Dego occupied by a sizable Austrian force. Bonaparte ordered him to delay
attacking until Augereau had gained the castle. The next day Cosseria Castle
surrendered and Massena struck the Austrians at Dego, capturing 5,000 prisoners.
His men scattered in search of food and plunder and were surprised when five
Austrian battalions attacked on the early hours of April 15, routed the French, and
prepared the village for defense.
The danger of an Austrian descent on Bonaparte's right flank was now too great
to ignore. He canceled the advance on Ceva, brought a strong force back to Dego,
and successfully stormed the village. Once more Bonaparte held Dego, but it had
cost him a day and 1,000 more casualties.
Moreover, he was afraid the Austrian general Beaulieu might still drive on Carcare
and cut his supply line to Savona. But Beaulieu had had enough and held his forces
in the vicinity of Acqui, twenty miles north down the Bormida River, where he was
protecting Alessandria and his line of communications back to Austria.
On the evening of April 16, Bonaparte, reassured that there was no danger on the
east, turned back on Ceva and, with the 24,000 men he had massed, prepared to
assault on the morning of April 18. During the night, however, Colli skillfully
extricated his 13,000 Piedmontese and fell back a few miles to a strong defensive
angle formed by the confluence of the Tanaro and Corsaglia rivers. Bonaparte,
furious, ordered Serurier to assault the new position frontally while Augereau
advanced down the east bank of the Tanaro to outflank it. The French failed.
Augereau couldn't find a river crossing, and Colli repulsed Serurier's attack. The
next day was an equal disaster. Serurier's men scattered to loot and no attack could
be organized.
Bonaparte called a halt for two days for his artillery to move up and prepared a
three-divisional assault. He also changed his supply line from Savona to a new
route through the Tanaro Valley to Ormea, allowing him to weaken the forces on
his right flank. Dego was now unimportant, and Bonaparte moved Massena's force
westward to support the attack on Colli, set for the morning of April 21.
Again Colli slipped the noose. During the night he decamped and fell back on
Mondovi, nine miles west. Bonaparte immediately ordered a cavalry pursuit, which
denied Colli time to organize Mondovi for defense, while Serurier made a frontal
attack on the town and drove the Piedmontese into retreat.
This was the turning point of the campaign. At Mondovi, Bonaparte had reached
the plains of Piedmont and had access to plenty' of food and several routes of
advance. Bonaparte ordered a march on the Piedmontese capital of Turin, his
troops in three columns, each within a day's march of the others. This was another
adaptation of Bourcet's "plan with branches":
a series of independent columns moving forward, like an octopus with waving
tentacles that could grip any opponent in its path while the others would
automatically close up on it.f
The threat to their capital was too much for the Piedmontese, and on April 23,
Colli asked for an armistice. Bonaparte drove his men forward even faster,
separating the Piedmontese completely from the Austrians, and on April 28 worked
out a temporary agreement with Piedmont: a cease-fire and permission to cross the
wide Po River over the bridge at Valenza, eight miles northeast of Alessandria.
With Piedmont out of the war, the Austrians were far inferior in troops, 25,000
to Bonaparte's nearly 40,000 with new additions. Beaulieu ordered a retreat to the
north hank of the Po. Valenza was on his route and also on the direct path to
Bonaparte's next objective: Milan and the Austrian-owned duchy surrounding it.
By receiving permission to cross there, Bonaparte focused Austrian attention on
Valenza and deceived Beaulieu into concentrating at the point.
Bonaparte now undertook for the first time a manceuure sur les derrieres, which
he used thirty times by 1S15. Bonaparte customarily employed this rear maneuver
on a wide front of many miles, The idea was to commit a strong force to hold the
enemy army in place on his main line by a fierce attack or threat and to send a
powerful column around the enemy's flank onto his rear and there establish a
strategic barrage or barrier across his line of supply and retreat. This would force
the enemy to withdraw from his main line and, if the barrage could be set in place
in time to block the enemv, could result in his defeat or destruction. The maneuver
became the most deadly of Bonaparte's strategic devices. Throughout his military
career he never made a frontal attack when he could do otiierwise and he always
attempted to block the retreat of the enemy. He counted on the menace of a move
on the rear, even if it failed, to shake enemy morale and to cause him to make
mistakes that might give Bonaparte a chance to strike. The manceuvre sur les
derrieres led to victories in the Marengo campaign in Italy of 1S00 and the opening
stages of the Austerlitz campaign of 1805. In 1796 in Italy, Bonaparte
demonstrated he had alreadv worked out all of its essentials.*
Ordering Massena and Serurier to mount diversionary operations threatening a
major crossing at Valenza and thereby holding Beaulieu's forces in position,
Bonaparte sent the rest of his army east along the undefended south bank of the Po
to Piacenza, about forty air miles southeast of Milan. When he reached Piacenza on
May 6, he had turned all the Austrians' possible lines of resistance. By crossing the
Po on the ferries and boats assembled there, since the city was in the neutral duchy
of Parma, Bonaparte threatened to get athwart the Austrians* line of retreat and
destroy their army. Beaulieu, seeing his danger, abandoned Milan and the duchy
without a fight and ordered a full retreat toward Lodi on the Adda River, twentytwo miles north of Piacenza. His swift withdrawal prevented Bonaparte from
setting up a strategic barrage.
Practically the whole of the Austrian army had crossed the bridge at Lodi and
was retreating eastward when the French arrived early on May 10 and launched a
fierce attack against the Austrian rear guard there. Bonaparte could have crossed on
fords elsewhere, but, hoping to fall quickly on Beaulieu's rear, he attacked directly
over the bridge. The battle was extremely fierce and bloody, with several senior
officers fighting at the head of the column and Bonaparte exposing himself to
enemy fire.
The assault succeeded but took so long that the main Austrian army slipped out
of Bonaparte's reach and moved back to the Mincio River, flowing south out of
Lake Garda. Bonaparte broke across the Mincio at Borghetto on May 30,1796, and
his army scattered in several directions: Augereau advanced north on Peschiera, on
the banks of Lake Garda; Massena seized Verona, sixteen miles east; and Serurier
drove toward the fortress of Mantua, on the lower Mincio. The bulk of Beaulieu's
anny retreated northward up the eastern shore of Lake Garda to Trent in the Tyrol.
But a detachment of 4,500 men, cut off from the main body, fled into Mantua,
joining the fortress's garrison of 8,000 troops.
The Austrians were shocked to discover that a large body of their forces had been
locked up in Mantua. Although the fortress was virtually surrounded by the Mincio
and extremely difficult to assault, it could be starved into submission. The
Austrians set plans on foot to relieve it.
Thus Mantua, more by accident than by Bonaparte's design, became a bait to
draw successive Austrian relief forces. Bonaparte, seeing the opportunity, sought to
draw the enemy columns far from their bases and into his jaws. He did not, as
would have been the practice of most generals at the time, entrench himself in a
covering position and wait. Instead, he kept his forces mobile and in a wide and
loose grouping that could be concentrated in any direction within a short time.
Meantime the Directory, suffering from a great need of resources, ordered
Bonaparte to move southward into Tuscany and the Papal States to plunder their
resources. Since Bonaparte knew the Austrians would need time to mount a relief
expedition and also wanted to prevent any threat to his rear, he left Serurier with a
depleted force to guard Mantua and took most of his remaining army on a giant
raid into central Italy. This operation gained much loot for France but left the
region despoiled and prostrate for generations.
By mid-July 1796, Bonaparte, getting reports that the Austrians were about to
advance, had brought his army, now totaling 46,000 men, back to defend Mantua,
and Serurier commenced a cannonade on July 17.
The Austrians had assembled 50,000 men under General Dagobert Wurmser
with the mission of relieving Mantua and driving the French out of northern Italy.
Wurmser divided his army into three columns, one going down each side of Lake
Garda and the third a small diversionary force of 5,000 men moving down the
Brenta River, which runs soutiieastward from the vicinity of Trent.
On July 29, Wiirmser's central column of 25,000 men, advancing down the
Adige river valley east of Lake Garda, compelled Massena to retreat south beyond
the Mincio, abandoning Verona. General Peter Quasdanovitch with 18,000 men
moved more slowly down the west side of Lake Garda and was checked by
Augereau at Brescia on August 1. The
danger now was that Quasdanovitch and Wurmser would unite south of Lake
Garda, giving the Austrians great numerical superiority. Wurmser, however,
insisted on relieving Mantua, granting Bonaparte, in the central position between
the two columns, just enough time to send Massena against Quasdanovitch at
Lonato while Augereau slowed Wurmser's advance guard at Castiglione, only a
few miles to the east.
Realizing he no longer could maintain the siege, Bonaparte instructed Serurier
on July 31 to move fourteen miles west to Marcaria on the Oglio River. There he
could reinforce other French forces girding for the attack.
While Wurmser wasted three days making certain the siege of Mantua had been
raised, Bonaparte used the time to move up Augereau's division to cover Massena's
rear, while Massena sent Quasdanovitch into retreat with heavy losses, then moved
back to join Augereau and prepare for Wurmser on August 4,1796.
Despite his overall weakness, Bonaparte had assembled a superior force, 31,000
men against Wurmser's 25,000. Wurmser occupied a strong position on the heights
of Castiglione and Solferino. To defeat him, Bonaparte unveiled a tactical plan that
was to become his favorite and that he used numerous times to gain victory.
In this plan Bonaparte combined a series of deceptive maneuvers and du Teil's
concept of massing artillery at a single point of attack. The first step was to send a
strong force directly against the enemy main line in a fierce and determined attack
designed to convince the enemy Bonaparte intended to break through, forcing the
enemy to draw all of his reserves to contain it. Next Bonaparte directed a strong
flanking column onto the enemv's rear to threaten his communications and line of
retreat. This forced the enemy commander, who presumably had committed all his
reserves, to detach some troops from his main line to counter the flank movement.
Because of the need for haste, these men had to be drawn from the point closest
to the French flanking movement. Therefore Bonaparte could calculate in advance
the point where the enemy main line would be denuded. In preparation he hid
opposite this point and behind his main line a strong masse de rupture of cavalry,
infantry, and artillery under command of a trusted lieutenant. When he detected a
thinning of the enemy's line to meet the flank attack, Bonaparte ordered the special
force's cannons to rush forward to blow a hole in the already thinned point with
canister, which riddles infantry with deadly metal pellets and fragments. While the
other infantry continued its heavy attacks all across the front, die masse de rupture
infantry then rushed into the broken enemy ranks to shatter them and open a wide
gap through which the French cavalry rushed. This breakthrough destroyed the
enemy's equilibrium and sometimes led to the disintegration of his army and
French pursuit of the disordered fragments.
Bonaparte's first venture at Castiglione on August 5,1796, in this "strategic
battle," as he called it, was not a complete success.
He ordered the divisions of Massena and Augereau to make a frontal attack
against Wurmser's main line to draw him into a battle embrace and to force him to
commit all his reserves. To start the action, however, Bonaparte resorted to an
ancient strategem: he directed both French divisions, after taking up position, to
feign withdrawal, seemingly fearful when they saw Wurmser's strong positions on
the Castiglione and Solferino heights.
The false retreat produced precisely the effect Bonaparte desired. Wurmser,
believing the French were about to run, swung his right or northern flank forward
to crush Massena on the French left and open the road to Quasdanovitch. This
made Bonaparte's flank movement all the more effective. The previous day, he had
ordered Serurier's division to move from Marcaria, fourteen miles south, onto
Wurmser's left rear at Guidizzolo on his main line of retreat to Mantua. Thus
Wurmser's move on the French left pressed him even deeper into Bonaparte's trap.
As Wurmser forced the attack on Massena and the whole front erupted into
battle, Serurier's division arrived at Guidizzolo completely unknown to Wurmser
and opened the flank attack at 6:00 A.M. It came a trifle early, before Wurmser had
committed all his reserves and in time for him to turn part of his army to face the
new threat. Also Massena and Augereau did not press their fight hard enough to pin
down all the Austrians facing them. Wurmser fell back to his position on the
heights, leaving his first line to stem Massena and Augereau and sending his
second line to form a new front against Serurier's division.
These errors robbed Bonaparte of any chance to destroy Wurmser's army, but the
situation was still ripe to launch the masse de rupture. Bonaparte had drawn up this
special force of three battalions of infantry, plus eighteen cannon and a cavalry
force behind the French right wing. He ordered the artillery to gallop forward and
open a point-blank cannonade against an Austrian batter)' on Medolano Hill, which
had become the hinge linking the two Austrian fronts. After a fierce artillery clash,
Bonaparte's infantry went in with the bayonet and crashed onto and over Medolano
Hill, with the cavalry following. This effort did not make a complete breakthrough.
However, Wurmser's whole left wing soon reeled back, drawing the entire Austrian
army with it. Wurmser lost 3,000 men but was able to extricate his army and retreat
to Peschiera, about ten miles northeast.
There were several reasons for Bonaparte's incomplete success. Serurier's
division was too small to dominate the roads east of Wurmser, and thus the turning
movement did not place a true tactical barrage across the Austrian line of retreat.
Massena and Augereau did not carry out the pinning attack along the front with the
utmost vigor. The flank movement did not require Wurmser to deplete his forces at
the Medolano hinge. Also, the masse de rupture was too small to force a real
penetration, and capture of Medolano exhausted its impetus, giving Wurmser a
chance to get away without great haste.
In later years Bonaparte polished and improved this "strategic battle" technique,
especially in timing its successive stages, and with it he won the battles of
Austerlitz, Friedland, and Bautzen. But the elements of all these successes were
already present in the battle of Castiglione.
Wurmser made only a brief stand at Peschiera, time enough to send two fresh
brigades into Mantua, evacuate part of the sick, and resupply the fortress with
food. This done, Wurmser retreated northward toward Trent. He avoided any
attempt to get the Mantuan garrison away. Bonaparte, after his victory at
Castiglione, occupied the central position between Wiirmser's main force and
Mantua. If the Austrians had marched out of their fortress, Bonaparte could have
destroyed them long before Wurmser could have reached them. The Austrians*
first attempt to relieve Mantua had cost the French 10,000 casualties but the
Austrians almost 17,000.
The long-delayed French offensive in Germany had at last opened in July 1796.
After Bonaparte's victory it appeared to the Directory that the next stage of its
master plan could be launched, and it ordered Bonaparte to advance through the
Tyrol and across the Alps and cooperate with the main Rhine army under General
Jean Victor Moreau pushing into Bavaria. Bonaparte saw little possibility of
success, since he had no means of communication with Moreau and it was now
autumn and operations in the Tyrol would become increasingly difficult with the
onset of winter.
However, he obeyed orders. He left 10,000 men to guard Mantua and small
detachments to shield Verona and the lower Adige and marched the rest of his
army, 33,000 men, north up the Adige River on Trent.
The Austrians saw an opportunity to profit by Bonaparte's direct advance. They
formed an imaginative plan to slip about 26,000 men under Wurmser through the
Valsugana just southeast of Trent, drive down the Brenta River into the Venetian
plain, then turn west to relieve Mantua. General Paul von Davidovitch, meanwhile,
with about 20,000 men, would defend the Tyrol. The Austrians calculated
Bonaparte would never ignore the threat posed by Wiirmser's advance onto his rear
and, to prevent being caught between the two Austrian armies, would retreat the
way he had come, to defend Mantua.
Bonaparte pushed back a blocking force of Davidovitch on September 4,1796,
and occupied Trent the next day. Only there did he get positive word that Wurmser
had already crossed the Valsugana and was marching down the Brenta river valley
on his rear.
had to change his plans, however, when Vaubois was routed on November 4 and
fell back to Rivoli, only about twenty miles north of Verona.
Bonaparte immediately reinforced Vaubois and ordered his troops facing
d'Alvintzi to retreat to the line ofthe Adige and the central position between
Davidovitch and d'Alvintzi. His aim now was to prevent the junction ofthe two
Austrian wings.
D'Alvintzi resolved to march to Davidovitch's aid before moving on Mantua and
crossed the Alpone River at Villa Nova, fourteen miles east of Verona, with 17,000
men. The French drove back a preliminary probe toward Verona on November 11,
persuading d'Alvintzi to close up his main body on the village of Caldiero, seven
miles east of Verona, and, to guard his southern flank, to post 4,000 men at Areola,
about ten miles southeast on the Alpone near its junction with the Adige.
On November 12, Massena assaulted d'Alvintzi at Caldiero but was defeated,
losing 2,000 men, and was forced to seek shelter on the west bank ofthe Adige.
Bonaparte was now in a precarious position. Two strong enemy forces threatened
to converge on Verona. Bonaparte had only 18,000 men to oppose d'Alvintzi's
23,000. To achieve superior force he
could raise the siege of Mantua, but this would place 17,000 more Austrians (the
remaining active size of the garrison) on his rear.
Bonaparte resolved on another manoeuvre sur les derrieres, sending all available
troops at Verona around d'Alvintzi's southern flank by way of Areola onto his rear
at Villa Nova, there to block his retreat and seize his supply park. This would
compel d'Alvintzi to retreat. It also would force the Austrians to fight on ground of
Bonaparte's choosing in the marshes and rice paddies between the Alpone and
Adige, where the Austrians could deploy only on the area's few embankments and
bridges and would lose the advantage of numerical superiority.
Bonaparte's plan was a great gamble. If Verona fell in the interim, all would be
lost. Yet his confidence was so great that he did not flinch from committing
virtually all his force for the rear maneuver, drawing only 3,000 men from Vaubois
to defend Verona.
Bonaparte moved on the night of November 14, marching eighteen miles down
the south bank of the Adige, then, at dawn, recrossing on a pontoon bridge into the
marshes between the Alpone and Adige. While Massena with 6,000 men moved
northwest to defend against an Austrian advance on his rear, Augereau with 6,000
pressed on Areola. However, Austrian cannon and Croatian infantry emplaced
along a dike halted them. In desperation, Bonaparte sent 3,000 men over the Adige
just south of its junction with the Alpone and ordered them up the east bank to
seize Areola. The movement took time, and d'Alvintzi, seeing what Bonaparte was
attempting, retreated toward Villa Nova. Although the French seized Areola at 7:00
P.M., at least half the Austrian army was already safely in place at Villa Nova.
At this time Bonaparte got news that Vaubois had been driven back closer to
Verona. For safety, Bonaparte abandoned Areola and withdrew to the south side of
the Adige in case he had to march north to aid Vaubois.
By the next morning, November 16, Bonaparte had heard nothing more of an
advance by Davidovitch, and he resolved to renew his attack on Areola. His men
had to fight for everything again in a bitter day among the dikes, assaulting toward
Areola and also defending against the Austrian force on the west that was trying to
drive the French against the Alpone and destroy them. Both efforts, those of the
French and the Austrians, failed, but d'Alvintzi's nerve was severely shaken.
On the morning of November 17, Bonaparte prepared for his third attack against
Areola. By now the situation had turned to his advantage, since a third of
d'Alvintzi's army was fighting in the marshes on the west, where it was isolated.
While Massena attacked Areola frontallv from the west, Bonaparte ordered
Augereau to cross the Adige below the junction with the Alpone and move up to
seize Areola. Augereau had great difficulties pressing up the east bank against
strong opposition. Bonaparte resorted to a tactical ruse, a rarity for him, sending
four trumpeters to the Austrian rear to sound the charge. The Austrians, already
shaky, feared a heavy attack and retreated rapidly northward. The French pressed
on their heels to Villa Nova. There d'Alvintzi, believing he was facing a major
attack, ordered his army to retreat overnight to Vicenza, twenty miles northeast.
On November 17, Davidovitch at last had launched his long-awaited attack from
the north, beating the French back to Castelnuovo, near the southern end of Lake
Garda. On the 18th, Bonaparte shifted his infantry back to assist Vaubois, with
Augereau marching up the eastern bank of the Adige in an attempt to envelop
Davidovitch north of Castelnuovo. The Austrian general recognized his peril in
time, however, and retreated rapidly toward Trent.
It was a brilliant victory for Bonaparte. With inferior forces, he had used his
central position to prevent junction of the two Austrian wings, inflicted 7,000
casualties against 4,000 French, defeated both Austrian armies, and thwarted the
third attempt to relieve Mantua.
By the end of November 1796 the French government urgently wished to end
the war. Despite great expense, its major offensives through Germany had failed.
The Directory opened negotiations, but the efforts crashed against the Austrian
determination to save Mantua. Vienna demanded the right to reprovision it while
peace talks went on. This would have nullified many of the gains Napoleon
Bonaparte had made and was out of the question to the French.
Relief of Mantua now became a matter of great urgency to the Austrians. The
garrison was beginning to starve. Meanwhile the Director)' raised Bonaparte's
force to 45,000, of which he detailed 8,000 to besiege Mantua and kept 37,000
mobile to meet the Austrians' fourth effort to relieve the fortress.
Bonaparte placed forces to block d'Alvintzi's three routes of attack: down the
Adige Valley; on the French rear by way of the west side of Lake Garda; and
through the Brenta Valley, thence westward by two routes, one on Verona, the
other, by way of Legnano on the lower Adige thirty miles southeast of Verona,
directly on Mantua.
By January 13,1797, Bonaparte had figured out d'Alvintzi's attack plan. By the
Brenta, d'Alvintzi had sent Baron Adam von Bajalich with 6,000 men on Verona,
and Johann Provera with 9,000 on Legnano, with the hope of breaking through to
Mantua, relieving the garrison, and attacking the French rear. Meanwhile d'Alvintzi
moved the bulk of his army, 28,000 men, directly south to crush Barthelemy C.
Jourbet's 10,000-man division guarding the Adige Valley. On this day, d'Alvintzi
pushed Jourbet out of La Corona, twenty miles northwest of Verona.
Leaving 3,000 of Massena's men to guard Verona and Augereau with 9,000 to
block Provera, Bonaparte ordered Massena with his remaining 6,000 men and
Antoine Rey with 4,000 from west of Lake Garda and Claude P. Victor with 2,000
at Castelnuovo to march at all speed for the plateau of Rivoli, a good defensive
position between Lake Garda and the Adige, about three miles south of La Corona.
Before these reinforcements arrived, d'Alvintzi attacked at Rivoli on the
morning of January 14, following a highly complex plan involving six columns.
While three attacked frontally on the Rivoli plateau, one moved around each of the
French flanks, while the sixth advanced down the east bank of the Adige, with the
aim of crossing over behind Bonaparte's main body.
D'Alvintzi's move east of the Adige failed, but the frontal assaults pushed back
Jourbet and Massena and his eastern flanking column reached the plateau and
threatened the French right flank, while the western flanking force, 4,000 men,
took a long time marching but at last appeared along the ridge south of Rivoli,
threatening to block the French line of retreat.
Bonaparte ordered a brigade to attack this force on his rear and sent every other
man he could find into a successful artillery and infantry attack against the right
flank attack. This threw back the Austrian penetration. Bonaparte now concentrated
on a direct attack into the Austrian center, splitting the enemy army into two parts.
Meanwhile, Rey's and Victor's troops, approaching from the south, destroyed the
4,000-man Austrian force on the French rear. These actions virtually ended the
battle, and D'Alvintzi pulled back out of contact, having lost 8,000 men.
However, Bonaparte's position was still precarious, for Augereau had been
unable to prevent Provera's 9,000-man Austrian force from crossing the lower
Adige, and it was marching on Mantua. Leaving Jourbet with less than half the
French force to guard d'Alvintzi, Bonaparte hurried the remainder south to stop
The next day Jourbet held off a second attack by d'Alvintzi at Rivoli, then drove
the discouraged Austrians north in disorder, taking close to 5,000 prisoners.
Meanwhile, Augereau, with part of the Mantua besieging force, halted Provera's
advance within sight of Mantua on January 15. When Bonaparte came up on
Provera's rear in the afternoon with the force from Rivoli, Provera had no choice
but to surrender.
In five days of superb marching and fighting, Bonaparte had kept the Mantua
garrison bottled up and reduced d'Alvintzi's 48,000-man army to 13,000 fugitives.
Massena's division, for instance, fought three engagements and marched fifty-four
miles in 120 hours.
The destruction of d'Alvintzi's campaign meant the fall of Mantua.
Wurmser surrendered on February 2,1797. Of the garrison only 16,000 were fit
enough to march into captivity. This completed the French conquest of northern
Italy. The Austrians, with most of their field forces gone, fell back helplessly to the
Alps. In late February, Bonaparte advanced toward Austria, crossing the Alps and
seizing Klagenfurt, 150 miles southwest of Vienna, on March 29.
With this effort Bonaparte exhausted his strength. He turned to diplomacy,
pressing the Austrians to agree to peace, using as threats his position at Klagenfurt
and Moreau's preparations, at long last, to cross the Rhine and join him in a
converging move on Vienna. The Austrians signed a preliminary agreement at
Leoben on April 18,1797. In this armistice, modified somewhat in the Peace of
Campo Formio on October 17, Bonaparte demonstrated he also possessed great
diplomatic talents. Although he forced the Austrians to give up Belgium to France
and to cede the duchy of Milan to a new French-dominated Cisalpine Republic in
northern Italy, he offered the Austrians a great gain as well: annexation of the
proud Venetian Republic and several territories around the northern end of the
Napoleon Bonaparte created a new, far more mobile and devastating method of
waging war. Yet he did not practice total war by inflicting so much destruction on
enemy people and property that they gave up all will to resist. Rather, his aim from
first to last was destruction of the enemy's army. Although this gave him great
victories, it did not result in permanent gains. He believed he could achieve his
goals by defeating enemy field forces. Consequently, his enemies never completely
lost heart and renewed the struggle after seemingly crushing defeats.
In attaining his goal of destroying enemy armies, Bonaparte exploited the new
concepts of warfare pioneered by Bourcet, Gribeauval, du Teil, and Guibert, and he
continued the practice of the new revolutionary armies of living off the country,
either by forced exactions from the enemy or allowing his troops to forage.
Bonaparte conceived little new in warfare. But his implemention of what he had
inherited produced stunning victories against enemies still operating with the
artillery tactics: massing great numbers of guns to blast a hole at a selected point in
the enemy's lines.
From this point on, Napoleon purchased victories at the cost of great losses of
manpoweron both sides. With virtually a blank check on the resources of his
empire, Napoleon lost his resolve to win by guile and deception. In the end the
losses became too great and his enemies were able to overpower his weakened
armies. As Basil H. Liddell Hart says: "He paid the penalty for violating the law of
economy of force, to which mobility and surprise are the means."
4 Stonewall Jackson
F EW SOLDIERS and fewer politicians recognized that the conditions of
warfare changed fundamentally between the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815
and the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861. Nearly everyone saw the
causethe introduction of the long-range single-shot infantry riflebut no one at
first recognized that this change altered warfare so profoundly that a new method
of combat had to be devised. The rifle increased the defensive power of infantry to
such a degree that the attacks that had generally won battles in the Napoleonic
wars and the Mexican War of 1846-48 rarely worked any longer. The new rifle had
an effective range of 400 yards, four times that of the smoothbore musket with
which troops had been armed previously.] This rifle doomed seven out of eight
Civil War attacks to failure and abruptly ended the method Napoleon had used in
his later wars to win victories: rolling up smoothbore cannon within 200 yards or
so of an opposing line and blasting a hole in it with case or canister, which riddled
the enemy with deadly metal balls and fragments.
No general in the Civil War found a solution to the defensive power of the rifle,
because there was none. Although long-range rifled artillery appeared for the first
time in quantity in the Civil War, it could not dominate the rifle, because shells
exploded by gunpower were not strong enough to replace canister, which remained
the principal weapon against infantry. The solution required artillery with chemical
explosives more powerful than gunpowder, better fuses for artillery shells, and a
method for cannon to be fired accurately while out of sight of the target and
beyond enemy rifle range. These developments came only in the decades after the
war ended.
Faced from the start with an insoluble problem, most generals on both sides
ordered direct attacks on defensive positions, accepted the terrible losses, and
hoped somehow to force the enemy to despair and give up.
One Confederate general, however, realized that the South, with only a third the
white population of the North, could not long sustain great battle losses and would
Jackson reacted instantly, marching his men so fast down the valley pike that
only 3,000 were still in ranks on March 23 when he found Ashby facing what he
assured Jackson was only a Federal rear guard at Kernstown, four miles south of
Leaving Ashby on the pike to demonstrate with his artillery, Jackson sent most
of his men three miles to the west up a long ridge, hoping to get around the Union
flank. Ashby's information was wrong: Shields's entire division was hiding north of
Kernstown, and as soon as Jackson made his move, Colonel Nathan Kimball, in
charge since Shields had been slightly wounded, dispatched a much-superior force
to block Jackson.
Fighting raged bitterly, and Jackson, seeing he was facing a much larger force
than his own, sent forward his last three reserve regiments. However, the
commander of the Stonewall Brigade, Richard B. Garnett, fearing the Rebel line
was about to crack, ordered a retreat. This sent Jackson's entire army into
disorderly flight four miles south. Jackson lost 718 men, nearly a fourth of those
engaged. He relieved Garnett of his command for retreating without orders.
It was a severe tactical setback for Jackson. Yet the strategic outcome of the
battle of Kernstown was astonishing. Shields could not believe Jackson would
have attacked without large reinforcements. Lincoln, fearing for the safety of the
Shenandoah Valley, sent back most of Banks's army and transferred a 7,000-man
division to Fremont west of the Alleghenies. Most significant, however, Lincoln
ordered McDowell's corps to remain near Washington, reassuring McClellan, irate
at the news, that McDowell could march overland to Richmond as soon as any
threat to the capital disappeared.
Though Jackson had lost a battle, his decisive action had kept a major force from
joining McClellan and had absorbed the attention of two Union armies, Banks's
and Fremont's. In effect, nearly 80,000 Union soldiers had been immobilized by
Jackson's 4,000-man army.
Meanwhile the Confederate military leadershipPresident Davis; Robert E.
Lee, Davis's chief of staff; and George W. Randolph, secretary of warrejected a
proposal of General Johnston to withdraw to the doorstep of Richmond and
ordered him to defend a weak line of entrenchments miming across the lower
peninsula from Yorktown to the James River. McClellan was so cautious he
refused to assault this line and began a siege, which lasted a month.
Jackson remained as the only Confederate commander capable of making a
strategic move. He increased his army to about 6,000 men by recruiting, and
Johnston gave him access to an 8,000-man division under Richard S. Ewell, resting
on the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge. In the Alleghenies west of Staunton
blocking Fremont's entry into the valley was a 2,800-man force under Edward
Banks, now with 19,000 men, and Fremont, with over 15,000, began to move on
Jackson, who had retreated southward after Kernstown and on April 17 abandoned
New Market, nearly fifty miles below Kernstown, and fell back to Harrisonburg,
twenty-five miles north of Staunton. Jackson's primary aim was to keep Banks and
Fremont apart. If they joined they would have twice the men Jackson could muster.
As Banks moved into Harrisonburg, Jackson marched his army fifteen miles due
east to Conrad's Store (now Elkton). This town lay at the base of Massanutten
Mountain, an enormous block in the midst of the Shenandoah Valley, running
forty-five miles from Harrisonburg and Conrad's Store on the south to Strasburg
and Front Royal on the north. Only a single highway crossed Massanutten's 3,000foot ridgeline: about halfwav between the northern and southern ends a road ran
twelve miles from New Market on the west to Luray on the east. Down the narrow
Luray Valley to the east runs the South Fork of the Shenandoah River; to the west
the North Fork courses through the main Shenandoah Valley. The two join at Front
At Conrad's Store, Jackson was safe behind the South Fork and able to escape, if
necessary, through Swift Run Gap in the Blue Ridge just to the east. However,
Edward Johnson's tiny force, which had withdrawn to about seven miles west of
Staunton, could not keep Banks and Fremont apart. And the situation had worsened
greatly in eastern Virginia. McDowell's corps was about to march to
Fredericksburg, halfway to Richmond, and continue on to join McClellan in front
of the Confederate capital. If he was to be stopped, something decisive had to be
done. Jackson now undertook a strategic move that ranks as one of the most
deceptive in the annals of war.
He ordered Ewell to march to Conrad's Store. But as Ewell arrived, Jackson's
own army was on the move. Jackson merely told Ewell to remain at Conrad's Store
and attack Banks if he marched on Staunton. Jackson led his own army twelve
miles south to Port Republic and then east over the Blue Ridge! He emerged at
Mediums River Station on the Virginia Central Railroad about nine miles west of
Few marches have had such consequences as this. By moving east, Jackson
deliberately instilled the idea that he was going to Richmond to fight McClellan or
toward Fredericksburg to block McDowell. This caused the Union secretary of
war, Edwin M. Stanton, to tell McDowell his first job was to protect Washington
and to halt at Fredericksburg until Jackson's intentions were better known. By
moving east of the Blue Ridge, Jackson also avoided direct assistance to Edward
Johnson's force, thereby deceiving Robert H. Milroy, leading Fremont's advance
guard, and giving him no reason to rush up substantial reinforcements.
At Mediums River, Jackson loaded the army in railway cars he had assembled
there. But instead of moving east as his men were expecting, the cars rolled west
back into the valley! Arriving at Staunton on May 4, Jackson interposed his army
between Fremont and Banks and was in position to defeat each Union force
separately. His immediate objective was General Milroy, now isolated with a small
force some thirty-five miles west of Staunton.
Jackson's roundabout march had the unexpected additional benefit of cutting
Banks's army in half. Banks, wanting out of the valley into the larger arena to the
east, assured Stanton that Jackson was "bound for Richmond" and suggested his
whole force be sent to McDowell or McClellan. Stanton and Lincoln refused but
ordered Banks to send Shields's division to McDowell, leaving him only 10,000
men to defend the valley.
Jackson arrived at Staunton the day after General Johnston pulled out of the
Yorktown line and withdrew to the outskirts of Richmond. The battle for the
Confederate capital was beginning.
Jackson quickly joined forces with Edward Johnson and marched against
Milroy's advance guard. At McDowell on May 8, twenty-seven miles west of
Staunton, they ran against Milroy with 4,000 men. While Jackson maneuvered a
force around his flank, the Union general attacked the main Confederate body
posted on a high hill east of the village. Though he caused considerable Rebel
casualties, his position was hopeless, and the Federals retreated during the night
toward Franklin. Jackson pressed behind, seizing Franklin and driving Fremont's
forces far into the Alleghenies, where they could play no military role for some
Jackson now turned back into the valley. Banks, all at once feeling his isolation,
withdrew fifty miles north to Strasburg, fourteen miles south of Winchester, where
the Manassas Gap Railroad brought him supplies from Washington. He ordered
7,500 of his men to entrench at Strasburg and placed 1,500 men at his rear base at
Winchester and 1,000 at Front Royal, ten miles east, where the railroad crossed the
Blue Ridge.
Jackson wired General Johnston that Banks was fortifying Strasburg and he was
moving down the valley, with Ewell's division, to attack him. Johnston replied that
an attack would be too hazardous and said Banks should be left "in his works" and
Ewell should come eastward to help defeat McClellan while Jackson remained to
observe Banks. Jackson had no intention of leaving Banks "in his works," nor of
attacking them directly. But he needed Ewell's division and got Lee to intervene
with President Davis to rescind Johnston's order.
Without expenditure of a single soldier, Jackson had halted McDowell's march
on Richmond for the second time. He had assembled an overwhelming force to
drive back Fremont's advance guard and throw Fremont's whole army out of the
strategic picture for the present. Now Banks was isolated with 10,000 men in the
lower valley, while Jackson was descending on him with nearly 17,000 troops.
Banks waited astride the valley pike at Strasburg, confident that his
entrenchments, rifles, and cannon could defeat the direct assault he believed
Jackson would have to make.
Jackson deliberately fostered the idea this was what he had in mind.
He ordered Ewell to send Richard Taylor's Louisiana Brigade around the base of
Massanutten Mountain from Conrad's Store to New Market on May 20, leading
Federal spies and scouts to believe he was consolidating his entire force there
preparatory to striking straight down the pike to Strasburg.
However, Jackson was about to demonstrate fullv his ability to "mystify,
mislead, and surprise."^ While Turner Ashby's cavalry rushed northward the next
morning all the way to Strasburg with orders to impose a cavalry screen between
Jackson and the Federals, prevent any spies from getting through, and give the
impression the main army was coming behind, Jackson, riding in the van, quietly
turned the head of the column to the rightup the sloping road over Massanutten
Mountain to Luray!
When his wondering soldiers filed into the Luray Valley some hours later, they
realized what their commander had achievedfor there waiting was Ewell's
division. In a single maneuver Jackson had concentrated his entire command on the
flank of the Federal army. Now only the hopelessly outclassed 1,000-man garrison
at Front Royal stood in the way of the Confederates' getting on the Federal rear.
On the morning of May 23, Jackson's entire command nearly wiped out the
unsuspecting Union force at Front Royal, capturing 600 prisoners and causing over
300 casualties.
Thus, in one swift move Jackson severed Banks's direct rail link with
Washington, cut his retreat route to the east, and placed himself as close to his rear
base at Winchester as Banks himself. Banks reacted with stunned immobility to the
astonishing news. All of May 23 he refused to evacuate his now-useless works at
Strasburg, despite the urgings of his senior commanders. When Colonel George H.
Gordon pleaded with him to save the army while he could, Banks burst out: "By
God, sir, I will not retreat! We have more to fear, sir, from the opinions of our
friends than the bayonets of our enemies!"
Jackson had worked on the mind of the Union commander, distracting him to
such a degree that he was incapable for a while of making a rational judgment. It
was not until the morning of May 24 that Banks at last recognized his peril and
ordered precipitate retreat toward Winchester.
Jackson had hoped to cut off Banks's force between Strasburg and Winchester.
But on this day his usually reliable cavalry failed him. The Shenandoah Valley
horsemen who made up Jackson's cavalry were brave and determined. But Turner
Ashby was no disciplinarian, and the men could not resist pillaging the Union
supply wagons they found fleeing up the road toward Winchester, and especially
they could not ignore the many Federal horses they found free for the taking. The
Confederate cavalry had to supply their own mounts, and this to some extent
explains why many of the Rebel horsemen led captured animals back to their
homes, taking one or two days to make the trip and abandoning the army for the
period. Because of failure of discipline, Ashby's cavalry was unable to cut off the
Federal retreat and most of Banks's army rushed back to Winchester, although
Jackson scattered Banks's rear guard at Middleton, a few miles north of Strasburg,
and pushed his exhausted infantry until 1:00 A.M. on May 25 in pursuit.
Nevertheless, Banks's position at Winchester was desperate. He was greatly
outnumbered and had been so distracted that he had failed to occupy a highly
defensible ridge at the south edge of town above Abrams Creek. On the early
morning of May 25, Jackson discovered Banks's force standing along a broken
ridge some eight hundred yards to the north. About 400 yards closer on another
ridge were eight Union rifled guns and sharpshooters. These caused severe damage
to Confederate batteries and two brigades Jackson sent onto the ridge above
Abrams Creek.
Jackson's main effort was a two-brigade attack around the Federal west flank,
led by Taylor's Louisiana Brigade. The assault sent the already shaky Federals
reeling back into retreat. Seeing the Federal line disintegrating, Jackson ordered the
entire Confederate line forward, 10,000 men in a magnificent charge from the flank
and the hill above Abrams Creek, all the men joining in the wild "Rebel yell" and
sweeping into the streets of Winchester and out again to the north.
If Turner Ashby's horsemen had been in place, Jackson might have carried out a
huge roundup of Banks's panic-stricken army. But they had largely disappeared,
and Jackson had to be satisfied with 3,000 Federal losses, mostly prisoners, and
capture of many rifles, guns, and supplies. Although the cavalry's indiscipline was
the principal reason for the failure, Jackson's excessive fear of divulging his plans
contributed. He had every reason to believe he might bag Banks's entire force
between Winchester and the Potomac River. But he did not inform his cavalry
commanders in advance. If he had they would have made extraordinary efforts to
carry out his wishes.
Jackson's rout of Banks and his march to the Potomac River set off a panic in
Washington. Secretary Stanton telegraphed the Northern governors to alert all their
armed forces to defend the capital. Lincoln halted McDowell's march on Richmond
for the third time and ordered him, in conjunction with Fremont, Banks, and Rufus
Saxton at Harpers Ferry, to cut off Stonewall's retreat and destroy his army. He also
wired McClellan that he thought Jackson was making a general move into the
North and "the time is near when you must either attack Richmond or give up the
job and come to the defense of Washington."
him in place. Troops protecting Washington could not move for fear he might
strike directly at the capital. Forces in the valley would remain immobile for fear
he would seize it. By alternately threatening Washington and the valley, Jackson
could prevent Union forces from joining, defeat any single force that dared attack,
bypass the remainder, and cross the Potomac. Beyond the river, there were no
strong Federal field forces.
Although Lincoln and Stanton hoped to cut off Jackson and destroy him, there
was little hope the Union commanders could pull off such a maneuver. Fremont, in
the Alleghenies eighty miles southwest of Jackson, was in the best position. But he
was extremely sensitive to his supply lines, and when a small Rebel force blocked
the main pass leading to the valley, he turned north down the South Branch of the
Potomac, then turned east to converge on Strasburg, toward which James Shields
with 10,000 men from McDowell's corps also was marching, followed by another
10,000 men under James B. Ricketts.
Because of Jackson's audacious advance, both Fremont and Shields exaggerated
his actual strength and neither was willing to take him on alone. As a consequence,
both held back and Jackson got his army unscathed through Strasburg on June
1,1862, and headed south up the valley pike.
While this was happening, General Johnston was sending his army into an attack
on McClellan just east of Richmond. This battle, known as Seven Pines in the
South and Fair Oaks in the North, was mismanaged. A double envelopment
planned by Johnston failed, and the battle degenerated into a series of frontal
assaults that cost the South 6,000 casualties and the North 5,000. Johnston
sustained a severe wound, and President Davis placed Robert E. Lee in command
of the Confederate army.
Once Jackson was south of Strasburg, Fremont began making fierce attacks that
the Confederate rear guard had difficulty stopping and that finally took the life of
Turner Ashby in a bitter fight near Harrisonburg. Meanwhile Shields, at Front
Royal, turned south up the Luray Valley in hopes of getting on Jackson's rear at
New Market by marching from Luray over the only road crossing Massanutten. In
case this failed, Shields ordered his cavalry to seize the bridge over the South Fork
of the Shenandoah at Conrad's Store, so that his division could press around the
southern base of Massanutten and block Jackson at Harrisonburg.
Jackson had anticipated these moves and sent some of his native cavalry, who
knew every road and byway of the valley, to bum the two bridges over the South
Fork at Luray and the single bridge at Conrad's Store. When Shields's division
arrived at Luray, the links were gone, and the river was in spate, as a result of
heavy rains that had been sweeping the valley. And when Shields's cavalry arrived
at Conrad's Store, the bridge there, too, was destroyed. Shields, with no pontoon
bridge, was isolated east of the South Fork.
There was still one bridge over the South Fork: at Port Republic, twelve miles
southeast of Harrisonburg, where the North and South rivers come together to form
the South Fork. This bridge spanned the North River, while fords gave passage
over the South River. Jackson had taken a calculated risk and left this bridge intact,
because it provided his bolt hole to Brown's Gap in the Blue Ridge just to the east.
Jackson had to get his army to this gap, where it would be safe from attack and
from where he could move to Richmond if Lee called or toward the Potomac if Lee
and Davis authorized an attack behind Washington.
Both Jackson and Shields began a race for the Port Republic bridge. Jackson
won by a single day, arriving on June 7. The next morning a detachment of Federal
cavalry crossed a South River ford, captured part of Jackson's staff, nearly captured
Jackson, and was driven into retreat only by a hastily organized attack by Rebel
forces over the North River bridge
and into the village.
Jackson now was in what Napoleon called the "central position" between the
two enemy forces, able to turn on one before he had to deal with the other.
Jackson's most immediate danger was from Shields. Although he had allowed his
division to become widely spread out up the Luray Valley, Shields could still block
Jackson's escape through Brown's Gap and seize his wagon train only a short
distance below Port Republic, and he might drive on to Waynesboro and cut the
Virginia Central Railroad.
Jackson, therefore, resolved to turn on Shields and send him flying northward.
Then he intended to turn back and defeat Fremont.
Unfortunately, Fremont on June 8 unexpectedly came up on General Swell's
division at Cross Keys, five miles northwest of Port Republic, forcing Jackson to
deal with him first. Although Fremont had twice the force of Ewell, he advanced
only about a fifth of it against the Confederate right, where Isaac R. Trimble's
brigade shattered the assault, then moved around the Union left flank, forcing the
line to retreat a mile. Jackson, seeing that Fremont was going to do nothing more
for at least a day, left two brigades to guard him and turned the remainder of his
force to dispose of Shields's advance guard, only a short distance north. Jackson
hoped to destroy this vanguard, then move back and shatter Fremont.
Shields's forward force of 3,000 men was commanded by an outstanding soldier,
Colonel Erastus B. Tyler, who took up a formidable position along a sunken road
and a small stream about two miles north of Port Republic in a mostly open valley
about a mile wide between the river and the heavily forested slopes of the Blue
Ridge. He had posted eight cannon on an open "coal hearth" where charcoal was
prepared on a high terrace just below the Blue Ridge. These cannon dominated the
Jackson advanced with the Stonewall Brigade and the Louisiana Brigade behind,
expecting the remainder of his force to cross an improvised bridge of boards laid
over wagons pulled into a South River ford. The bridge proved to be rickety, and
the soldiers refused to cross except one at a time. Officers in charge failed to
correct the problem, and it took much of the day to get the army across. Meanwhile
the Rebel soldiers on the firing line nearly bucided from artillery fire from the coal
hearth and Union assaults. Only when the Louisiana Brigade and part of E well's
division flanked the coal hearth by way of the Blue Ridge was Tyler's position
turned and his brigades forced to retreat nine miles north, where Shields had
formed a new defensive line.
Before the battle was over, Jackson had realized he had no hope of turning back
and defeating Fremont, and he ordered the brigades guarding him to retreat to Port
Republic, burn the bridge, and cross to the east bank. They accomplished this with
As the day ended, Jackson had achieved a great deal: his army was safely on the
east bank of the South Fork and within reach of the Blue Ridge, Shields had been
pressed out of the fight to the north, and Fremont remained isolated on the west
side of the river. Jackson called off the pursuit of Tyler and marched his army to
safety onto the lower cove of Brown's Gap.
The next day. Shields withdrew toward Luray, although McDowell had
authorized him to remain if he had a reasonable chance of defeating Jackson.
Apparently Shields decided he did not, because he gave as his excuse that he was
supposed to march with McDowell's corps on Richmond. But this march had been
indefinitely suspended because of Jackson's presence in the valley. Fremont, seeing
Shields had departed, withdrew as well. Pursued by Rebel cavalry, he retreated first
to Harrisonburg and by June 24 all the way to Middletown, ten miles south of
Winchester, where Banks, leading Federal forces advancing from the Potomac, had
In this anticlimactic way the valley campaign ended. Jackson brought his army
down from the Blue Ridge on June 12, pitched camp near Port Republic, and gave
his men a five-day rest.
Just prior to the battle of Cross Keys, Jackson had received a short message from
Davis that he could not send additional troops for the proposed offensive north of
Washington. Now, having disposed of Shields and Fremont and having kept
McDowell immobilized for fear he would march again northward, Jackson hoped
to get permission for the invasion.
He called in Colonel Boteler on June 13 and sent him to the capital to take
another letter explaining his invasion plan and asking his army to be raised to
40,000 men. With such a force, he said, he would cross to the east side of the Blue
Ridge and proceed northward until he found a gap through which he could descend
on the rear of Banks's army and defeat it. Then he would invade Maryland and
But Jackson's hopes for a counteroffensive received little attention in Richmond.
Davis and Lee had been distracted by the unsatisfactory outcome of the battle of
Seven Pines and by Johnston's wounding. But the real reason was that Davis and
Lee had a fixed belief that the defense of Richmond was the most important task
facing the Confederacy. They could not see that Jackson's proposal offered not
only a guarantee of ending the siege of Richmond but also a strong chance of
winning the war.
Lee had written Davis on June 5 that "the character of the war" would be
changed if Jackson could be reinforced as he requested. But Lee wanted no troops
removed from Richmond and suggested only that the governors of the Carolinas
and Georgia be persuaded to dispatch troops. Davis was unprepared to press these
states, and the matter lapsed.
Lee sent Jackson 8,000 reinforcements, but his purpose was solely to deceive the
Federal commanders into thinking Jackson was preparing another strike down the
Shenandoah. For he ordered Jackson to make secret preparations to move his
whole army to Ashland, just north of Richmond, to help in the counterstroke he
was preparing against McClellan.
When Boteler arrived at Lee's office and presented Jackson's letter, Lee
responded: "Colonel, don't you think General Jackson had better come down here
first and help me drive these troublesome people away from before Richmond?"
And when Lee sent Jackson's letter to Davis, his endorsement said: "I think the
sooner Jackson can move this way [toward Richmond] the betterThe first object
now is to defeat McClellan." Davis endorsed the letter, saying, "Views concurred
Neither Lee nor Davis understood the strategic opportunity that McClellan had
presented when he placed his army east of Richmond where it could not block the
North from invasion. They were obsessed with defeating the North's main army
and were unwilling to look at Jackson's wholly different strategy: striking at the
North's will to win.
Jackson wanted to move away from the Union armies and succeed indirectly.
Lee sought to win by frontal attack into the teeth of McClellan's enormous military
power. His battle plan, which finally came into operation in the battles of the Seven
Days, June 26 to July 1,1862, drove McClellan into a defensive position at
Harrison's Landing, on the James River twenty air miles southeast of Richmond.
But the cost in killed and wounded was incredible: over 20,000 men, one-fourth of
the entire Southern army.
Lee never surmounted his urge to resort to direct solutions. Jackson tried once
more, after the Seven Days, to convince Lee and Davis to undertake an indirect
offensive into the North to avoid the Union field army and prey on the morale of
the Northern people. Again he failed. Thereafter, Jackson sought to defeat the
Union forces in battle and thereby make the North defenseless against attack. Four
times Jackson tried to persuade Lee to conduct a campaign to sweep around the
flanks of the Federal field army, surround it, and defeat it. Four times Lee refused
or failed to carry it out. Finally, on his fifth attempt, Jackson got Lee's authority to
attack the rear of the Union army of Joseph Hooker at Chancellorsville on May
2,1863, to cut off its retreat and to destroy it. Unfortunately Jackson was fatally
wounded at the moment he was bringing about this spectacular maneuver and it
was never carried out.
In the battle of Gettysburg, fought two months later, Lee reverted to his direct
method of battle, his policy culminating in ordering the disastrous charge of 15,000
Confederates under George Pickett on the third day. The resulting near-annihilation
of this force destroyed the last offensive power of the Confederacy. Thereafter, Lee
could only strike out like a wounded lion at the enormous Federal armies that
gathered to beat him into the ground.
AT THE BEGINNING OF 1864 the Union armies facing Robert E. Lee's
Confederates in Virginia were little farther along than they had been when the war
started in 1861. Despite horrendous losses, Lee's Army of Northern Virginia still
stood defiantly in the path of the Federal forces seeking to capture Richmond.
The situation was radically otherwise in the western theater, beyond the
Allegheny and Appalachian mountains. By January 1864, Union forces which
had consistently faced Confederate commanders inferior to Lee and Stonewall
Jackson in Virginiahad seized the entire valley of the Mississippi River,
Kentucky, and Tennessee, and had driven Rebel forces beyond Chattanooga to
Dalton in the mountains of northern Georgia.
With the states beyond the Mississippi isolated, the Confederacy in the west
had been reduced to parts of Mississippi and to Alabama south of the Tennessee
River. Nevertheless the Confederacy still retained a bastion of great strength: the
four old eastern states where the Southern culture had originated, Georgia, North
and South Carolina, and Virginia. The lower anchor of this heartland was Atlanta,
pivot of the remaining rail links between east and west and site of vital foundries,
machine shops, and munitions factories.
If the Confederate commander at Dalton, Joseph E. Johnston, could keep the
Federals from Atlanta and Lee could protect Virginia, the South might hold out
long enough for Northern voters, weary with the war and appalled at the losses, to
elect a Democratic peace candidate in the November 1864 presidential elections,
oust Abraham Lincoln and the radical Republicans, and bring about a negotiated
peace between North and South.
Lincoln was well aware that a tide of pacifism was sweeping the North. He
knew 1864 was the crucial year of his presidency. Unless he made dramatic
advances before the election, he was certain to be defeated. Lincoln had learned
from bitter experience that his primary lack in the east was a general who would
advance, no matter the consequences. He had never had such a general. Time after
time an eastern general had marched into the terrible jaws of the Confederate lion,
had suffered devastating losses, and had withdrawn, anxious never to measure
himself again against Lee or Jackson.
In the west, however, Lincoln had such a bulldog of a general, Ulysses S. Grant.
Grant and his chief lieutenant, William Tecumseh Sherman, had fought brilliantly
to seize Vicksburg and open the Mississippi in 1862-63 and in November 1863 had
won the battle of Chattanooga and thrust the Rebels into the mountains of northern
On March 4,1864, Lincoln made a profound decision. He summoned Grant to
Washington and conferred on him command of all the Federal armies. Like nearly
all the Republican political leadership, Lincoln was still preoccupied with Lee's
army and capture of the Confederate capital of Richmond and told Grant he should
supervise personally the Union Army of the Potomac in its attacks against Lee.
Grant agreed, named General Sherman to command in the west, and worked out
a grand strategy to defeat the Confederacy. Grant's main objectives were Lee's
army behind the Rapidan River in Virginia and Johnston's army at Dalton. Grant
would direct the campaign against Lee; Sherman would lead the campaign against
Johnston. To distract the Confederates, he ordered separate moves against the
strategic flanks of the two Rebel armies. Against Lee, a Union army under
Benjamin F. (Beast) Butler was to advance westward along tlie south bank of the
James River towards Richmond. Against -Johnston, Union General Nathaniel P.
Banks was to seize the port of Mobile, Alabama, and open an alternative gate into
Georgia from the extreme south. In the event, neither flanking movement
succeeded. Small Confederate forces bottled Butler up against the James east of
Petersburg, and Banks was so slow that Sherman had to advance directly on
Atlanta without the possibility of creating a threat to the Confederate rear.
Grant envisioned the campaigns to end the war as direct attacks with little
subtlety. By 1864, frontal assaults had become extremely dangerous and costly.
The long-range killing power of the rifle loaded with the Minie ball had been
combined with trenches, earthen embankments, and log embrasures to make nearly
any position taken by troops in tlie field virtually impregnable. Grant ignored this
reality because he could think of no other course of action and because Lincoln
assured him of his full support and unrestricted access to the manpower of the
North. Consequently, Grant adopted a brutally simple strategy: to make repeated
hammer blows against Confederate field fortifications, beating down tlie enemy by
main strength. The prospects were for casualties on a scale even more enormous
than had been suffered previously.
As was to be seen, however, General Sherman was acutely aware of the perils of
frontal assaults and developed an entirely different approach, although he was
forced to conduct a direct campaign along a single corridor leading from Dalton to
Atlanta, since he was locked, for his supplies, to the single-track railway running
from Chattanooga to Atlanta.
Sherman, an 1840 graduate of West Point, saw no active service in the Mexican
War but earned a growing reputation for military excellence during the long
operations in the west, especially in the Vicksburg and Chattanooga campaigns.
Even so, there had been little hint of the radically different approach to warfare that
he was about to unleash in the drive for Atlanta and the marches through the heart
of the South he made thereafter. These campaigns won the Civil War for the North
when the strategy of Ulysses S. Grant came to the verge of losing it.
Grant, in a letter to Sherman on April 14,1864, said he would stay with the Army
of the Potomac and order its commander, George G. Meade, to keep Lee's army as
his sole objective, "that wherever Lee went he would go also." Grant thus
renounced from the outset any plan to get around Lee's army. To Sherman, in
whom he had great confidence, his instructions were less specific. Sherman was to
move against Johnston's army, break it up, and get into the Confederate interior and
do as much damage as possible "against their war resources." He left Sherman free
to execute the task in his own way.
Sherman had come to realize that destroying the Southern people's will to pursue
the war was more important than destroying Johnston's army. Once the people
wearied of war, their armies would melt away. So long as they remained adamant,
they would continue to throw up armies or, failing that, guerrilla bands, which
could lead to endless war. The only sure solution was to inflict so much damage on
Southern property and way of life, and not merely "war resources," that the people
would prefer surrender to continued destruction. Stonewall Jackson had recognized
this principle early in the war and had wanted to apply it against the Northern
people. But the Confederate leadership had refused. Now Sherman, on the other
side, was about to embark on it.
Nevertheless, Sherman had to deal first with Joe Johnston's army standing at
Dalton and blocking the way through the mountains to Atlanta, eighty- air miles
away. Johnston had about 60,000 men, with a corps under Leonidas Polk on the
way from Mississippi. Sherman had assembled just shy of 100,000 men, with
almost as many more guarding his railway supply line leading back from
Chattanooga through Nashville to Louisville, Kentucky.
The 3:5 ratio of Confederate to Union strength was comfortable to hold such
naturally defensible country as northern Georgia's mountains, especially as
Johnston had covered the low valley north of Dalton through which the railway ran
with strong entrenchments on either flank.
Johnston had already renounced a proposal of President Jefferson Davis to take
the offensive northeast of Chattanooga, turn west into middle Tennessee, and hope
to compel Sherman to fall back to save Nashville. Johnston told Davis he did not
have enough horses and mules to undertake the campaign. Johnston, convinced of
the power of field fortifications,
believed his best chance of defeating Sherman lay in remaining entirely on the
He was certain Sherman intended to attack him directly at Dalton, since the
Federals were dependent on the railway and a move along the rail line would be
the most obvious and simple course. For that reason he concentrated his two corps
(under William J. Hardee and John Bell Hood) at Dalton with his 6,000 cavalry
under Joseph Wheeler farther out, watching the approaches to Dalton.
This reliance on the defensiveand especially on defending a particular point
along the railwaywas Johnston's fatal mistake. Sherman knew a frontal assault
against the entrenchments at Dalton would be deadly and did not consider making
it. Instead, on May 4,1864, start of the offensive in Virginia and Georgia, he
ordered his main forcethe 61,000-man Army of the Cumberland under George
H. Thomas and the 13,000-man Army of the Ohio under John M. Schofieldto
demonstrate directly against Dalton, holding .Johnston's army in place. Meanwhile
he sent the 24,000-man Army of the Tennessee under James B. McPherson through
the mountains around Johnston's left or western flank to seize Resaca on the
railroad, fifteen miles south of Dalton.
This was a stunning version of Napoleon's most deadly practice, the manoeuvre
sur les derrieres, and was designed to interpose a strategic barrage or barrier
directly on Johnston's route of retreat. If McPherson marched firmly and seized
Resaca, the Confederate army would be unable to retreat except along
impracticable mountain roads east of the valley and was likely to be destroyed.
Thomas's and Schofield's armies pressed the Rebels at Dalton but, on Sherman's
orders, made no serious attack on the immensely strong Confederate
entrenchments. However, the distraction of their advances cloaked Mcpherson's
flank move. On May 8 his leading division, against no opposition, occupied Snake
Creek Gap, about five miles west of Resaca.
be driven from one entrenched position after another until he had fallen back to
Sherman's vulnerable point was his line of communications. The Union forces
relied on the railway from Chattanooga. In the rough mountains of northern
Georgia, the troops would have starved without food delivered by this railroad. If
Johnston had sent strong forces around Sherman's flanks to block this railway, he
might have brought the Federal offensive to a halt. He had enough troops to
interpose strategic barriers requiring major efforts to break up. Such a policy would
have distracted the Federals, and even if most Rebels had been forced to retreat,
they might have escaped through the mountains and forests on either side of the
railway. The wild nature oftlie country would have pennitted large numbers of
semiguerrilla Rebel bands to operate all along the railway, killing guards and repair
crews, blowing up bridges, and interrupting rail traffic.
Johnston never attempted a major campaign against Sherman's rail line. Rather,
he reverted at Resaca to an obvious tactical pattern: sending Hood to strike
Sherman's left wing in flank, hoping to cut him off from his line of retreat. Such a
narrow turning movement had little hope of success, given Union numerical
strength, and the Federals parried the blow. Anyway, Sherman's pontoon bridge
had already been thrown across the Oostanaula River southwest of Resaca
preparatory to another move around Johnston's flank.
On May 16, hearing the Federals were across the Oostanaula and moving on his
rear, Johnston abandoned Resaca and fell back twenty miles to Cassville. The last
of Polk's divisions had arrived, and Johnston, with 75,000 men, hoped to fall on an
isolated Union column and destroy it. Sherman, however, marching in the way
Napoleon had advanced, spread out a wide waving net of columns that could
swiftly concentrate against any enemy force. Rather than ambushing a Union
column, Johnston was in danger of being enfolded by Sherman's even-widerspreading columns. Reluctantly, he ordered withdrawal south of the Etowah River,
causing deep gloom to his soldiers, sentenced to one more retreat.
Johnston entrenched positions covering the steep, narrow Allatoona Pass,
through which the railroad ran fifteen miles northwest of Marietta. Sherman had no
intention of following Johnston into such a trap and on May 23 outflanked
Johnston's line again, pushing his whole army due south across the Etowah, with
the intention of swinging again on Johnston's rear.
The Federals were now in a region of good farming country and foraged for
their foodbut also commenced Sherman's design to force the Southern people to
end the war. The foragers ruthlessly set fire to houses, barns, and other property,
marking the beginning of a pattern of wanton destruction that Sherman intended to
cut all the way through Georgia. Sherman wrote his wife: "We have devoured the
land and our animals eat up the wheat and corn.... All the people retire before us
and desolation is behind."
Johnston detected Sherman's move south and got his army into blocking position
near Dallas, fifteen miles southwest of Allatoona. The two armies clashed violently
for several days, but on May 28 Sherman began sidestepping eastward toward the
railway, forcing Johnston on June 4 to retire fifteen miles southeastward to new
entrenchments on Kennesaw Mountain covering Marietta, only twenty-five miles
from Atlanta.
The Federals were held up for weeks by wet weather, and on June 27, Sherman
ordered the only direct attack of the campaign: two separate but simultaneous
assaults a mile apart against the entrenchments of Kennesaw Mountain. Since he
had avoided such attacks, he hoped the Confederates would not be expecting them.
Both assaults failed utterly, the Federals losing 3,000 men in a few minutes to the
Rebels' 630, the Confederate losses almost entirely due to artillery fire.
The attack on Kennesaw Mountain proved once more that there is never
justification for a direct assault on an unshaken enemy in position. To his credit,
Sherman tried it only once. When it failed, he immediately planned a new move to
his flank.
Sherman acted far more wisely than Grant in Virginia. After the Army of the
Potomac had clashed headlong with Lee in the Wilderness on May 5-7,1864, Grant
ordered a left-flank march to Spotsylvania Courthouse. Lee beat him there and
Grant assaulted his entrenchments directly, suffering severe losses but failing to
break the Confederate line. Grant then slipped off southeastward, ending at Cold
Harbor, only a few miles northeast of Richmond, where again he attacked frontally,
with horrendous casualties. In a month's campaign Grant lost 55,000 men, nearly
half his original strength, and nearly double Lee's losses. Grant had ruined the
offensive power of his army. He crossed the James River on June 12 and began a
siege of Petersburg, but the Army of the Potomac lay largely paralyzed in front of
the Confederate entrenchments. The war in Virginia settled into a long stalemate.
The outcome of Grant's Virginia campaignappalling losses and baffled hopes
for victorydeeply depressed the Northern people and caused many, led by the
Democratic Party, to doubt whether the war should be continued. Even within the
Republican Party, leaders began to criticize Abraham Lincoln's policy, and his
strongest supporters feared his chance for reelection was hopeless.
In the gloom that settled over the North in July and August 1864, only
Sherman's continued advance offered any relief. If he captured Atlanta and
demonstrated the weakness of the South, the North would take on new heart and
see the war to a successful conclusion. If he failed and his campaign, like Grant's,
degenerated into a stalemate, Lincoln would be defeated and the Union dissolved.
The final approach to Atlanta commenced only four days after Sherman's repulse
at Kennesaw Mountain. McPherson slipped around Johnston's left or western flank
and reached only three miles short of the Chattahoochee River in the Confederate
rear. Johnston detected the danger and withdrew his army on July 2. Sherman
discovered the retreat early on July 3 and sent his forces in hot pursuit, hoping to
prevent the Confederates from getting across the Chattahoochee and using it to
build a formidable new line.
Johnston, however, had decided to meet the Federals in front of the
Chattahoochee, taking a dangerous chance because the army, if defeated, would
have difficulty retreating with the river at its back. Johnston took the risk to
surprise Sherman, fortifying a six-mile bridgehead where the railroad crossed the
Sherman had no intention of crashing into these new Rebel entrenchments.
While some of his cavalry probed downstream as if searching for a crossing below
Johnston's bridgehead, other horsemen found two unguarded fords, Phillips Ferry,
about ten miles upstream, and Roswell, about twenty. Sherman sent Schofield's
army over Phillips Ferry on July 8, forming a strong bridgehead on the southern
bank, while Union cavalry crossed at Roswell and established another bridgehead,
quickly reinforced by an infantry corps.
Taking the only course open to him, Johnston retired to Atlanta before the
Federals cut him off. Once more he had been outwitted by Sherman, obliged not
only to forfeit his fortified position but also to give up the Chattahoochee as his
forward line of defense. Sherman took quick advantage of the situation, using his
bridgeheads over the Chattahoochee to swing Thomas's army onto the
Confederates' first entrenchments along the east-west line of Peach Tree Creek,
five miles north of Atlanta, while Schofield occupied Decatur, seven miles east of
the city, and McPherson moved seven miles farther east to break Hood's main
railroad connection with the Carolinas and Virginia, the Augusta Railroad.
Johnston's last retreat was too much for President Davis. On July 17 he relieved
Johnston and gave his command to .John Bell Hood. This was wonderful news to
Sherman. Hood was notorious as a "fighting soldier," a man of little intellect who
had never grasped the profound change in warfare brought on by the Minie ball
and field fortifications.
Hood still believed the recipe for victory was an attack and, playing directly into
Sherman's hands, hoped to strike the Federals as they were crossing Peach Tree
Creek. On July 20, Hood's forces came out of their entrenchments behind the creek
and attacked Joseph Hooker's corps of Thomas's army. A desperate frontal battle
developed, lasting four hours and including much hand-to-hand fighting. Hood,
even after initial assaults had failed and surprise was lost, repeatedly renewed the
attacks, gaining nothing but adding to Confederate dead and wounded. Meanwhile,
McPherson, moving west from Decatur, threatened the east side of Atlanta, and
Hood had to call off the attack and divert troops to stop McPherson from entering
the inner defenses of Atlanta. Hood fell back to the main lines protecting Atlanta
after losing 4,800 men to the Federals' 1,700.
Holding these lines with two corps, Hood made a wide circuit with Hardee's
corps on the night of July 22 to get on McPherson's left rear. But McPherson had
anticipated the move and posted Grenville M. Dodge's corps to meet it. Dodge
shielded McPherson's rear, repulsed Hardee's leading two divisions, and forced
Hardee to strike the flank, not rear, of Frank P. Blair, Jr.'s, corps, protected by field
entrenchments. Blair parried the first Rebel strikes, but Hood still ordered repeated
hopeless assaults that gained nothing but cost horrible casualties. He lost 8,500
men to the Federals' 3,700, including McPherson, who was killed. Hood was
forced to fall back into the Atlanta entrenchments.
Sherman did not have enough men to besiege Atlanta. His plan was to cut off the
railway lines and, threatening starvation, to force the Confederates to evacuate the
city. The railroad to Augusta was already broken, and Sherman now moved
McPherson's army under its new commander, Oliver O. Howard, around Atlanta to
cut Hood's last remaining rail connections, the line running southwest to
Montgomery and the one southeast to Macon.
On July 28, Howard's army had just taken up positions near Ezra Church, a
couple miles west of Atlanta, when Hood launched a frontal attack against it with a
division. Howard's men had erected a rough breastwork of logs and were able to
halt the blow. Hood brought up two more divisions and renewed the vain direct
assaults, finally losing 4,600 men to Howard's 700. This third terrible defeat
undermined the morale of the Rebel soldiers. Even in the first onslaught it was
clear the men had lost their former elan. Hood, by his wrongheaded tactics, was
well on the way to destroying his army.
Although Sherman attempted to seize East Point, seven miles south of Atlanta,
junction of the Montgomery and Macon railways, delays gave Hood enough time
to strengthen the East Point works and protect the railways. The situation began to
look unpleasantly like a stalemate, since Hood had been upbraided by President
Davis for his direct assaults and could no longer be induced into attacks.
Now almost the entire Rebel cavalry force, under Joseph Wheeler, began longrange raids to break Sherman's railroad connection to Chattanooga, cutting several
points between Marietta and Dalton. Sherman discovered, however, that Wheeler
did not intend to keep the line broken, which would have forced Sherman to send
back a major relief expedition to open it. Instead, he rode into Tennessee, hoping to
cut rail lines there and induce Sherman to retreat. This had no hope of success.
Men on horseback presented a large and easy target for rifle-firing infantry. To
fight infantry, cavalry had to dismount, thereby losing their mobility. Cavalry
either point, Union ships could resupply his army. At Atlanta he was 450 miles
from his real base of supplies, Louisville, and dependent on a single railroad that
could be cut by Confederate raiders almost anywhere.
General Hood had no inkling of Sherman's radical idea, and in late September,
supported by President Davis, he turned his back on Sherman's army and planned
to march into Tennessee, seize Nashville, sever Federal rail connections with
Louisville, and force Sherman to abandon Georgia by cutting off his supplies.
First, however, Hood's soldiers raided up the railway to Chattanooga, broke the
line between Allatoona and Marietta, and moved north to Dalton. But Hood did not
intend to invade Tennessee through the northern Georgia mountains, where there
was little food, but turned west to Gadsden, Alabama, preparatory to moving more
directly on Nashville. Meantime the Confederate raider Nathan Bedford Forrest
frightened the Union garrison at Athens, Alabama, into surrendering and rode into
middle Tennessee.
Sherman pursued Hood with most of his army but realized that to continue doing
so into Alabama would play into the Confederate game to draw him away from
Georgia. Accordingly, he called off his pursuit, sent General Thomas back to
Nashville to protect Tennessee, and transferred to his command Thomas's army,
Schofield's force, and all the cavalry except a 5,000-man division under Judson
Kilpatrick. In all, Thomas had about 71,000 men, with another corps en route from
St. Louis. Sherman was left with four corps and Kilpatrick's horsemen, about
60,000 men in all.
On October 9,1864, he wired Grant: "It will be a physical impossibility to protect
the roads, now that Hood, Forrest, and Wheeler and the whole bunch of devils are
turned loose without home or habitation.... I propose we break up the railroad from
Chattanooga and strike out with wagons for Milledgeville, Millen, and Savannah.
Until we can repopulate Georgia, it is
useless to occupy it. but the utter destruction of its roads, houses, and
people will cripple their military resources. By attempting to hold the railroads we
will lose 1,000 men monthly and will gain no result. I can make the march and
make Georgia howl."
Grant reluctantly agreed to Sherman's plan but had misgivings* especially after
President Lincoln, who had almost no understanding of military strategy,
complained that "a misstep by General Sherman might be fatal to his army."
Neither Grant nor Lincoln recognized, as did Sherman, that President Davis and
Hood had committed an irretrievable error in expecting to pull the Federal army
out of Georgia merely by marching on Sherman's communications. Instead, Hood's
departure opened a virtually uncontested road to Savannah. Only a few state militia
and cavalry stood between him and the sea. If Hood had relied on Forrest to break
Sherman's railway and had barred an advance into Georgia with his army, he might
not have stopped all of Sherman's columns but he very likely could have destroyed
one or more, seriously threatening Sherman's campaign.
Hood, whose army now numbered about 31,000 men, moved far to the west in
order to get closer to Forrest's cavalry force of about 7,500. On October 31 he
gained a foothold across the Tennessee River at Florence, Alabama, 150 miles west
of Chattanooga, but there his advance halted for three weeks because of lack of
supplies. Hood's move clinched Sherman's resolve to march on Savannah, because
the Confederate army now was so far west it had no possibility of countering him.
Grant wired Sherman on November 1, casting new doubt on Sherman's plan.
"Do you not think it advisable now that Hood has gone so far north to entirely
settle with him before starting on your proposed campaign?" Grant asked. Sherman
responded with patience that pursuit of Hood would be like chasing a will-o'-thewisp. He would withdraw southwestward, "drawing me as a decoy from Georgia,
which is his chief object," Sherman wired. Grant now dubiously endorsed
Sherman's project, consoling himself that Thomas, with over twice Hood's
strength, had enough troops to destroy his army.
Sherman now moved with alacrity, repairing the breaks in the railroad Hood's
men had made, sending back into Tennessee all his sick and wounded and bringing
forward supplies for his march, then destroying the railroad as far back as
Allatoona and the bridge over the Etowah River.
Sherman divided his army into two wings, each of two corps, the right under
Oliver O. Howard, the left under Henry Warner Slocum, while Kilpatrick's cavalry
were directly under Sherman. Each corps, its transportation pared to the bone, was
to move on a separate road. The army carried 200 rounds of ammunition per man
and per cannon and twenty days of rations. But the rations were only for
emergencies, for Sherman authorized his troops to live off the country. From the
beginning the distinction between foraging and pillaging was lost, for Sherman
intended to destroy everything of value as his army passed.
General Hardee was in command of the few troops the Confederates had to
throw in front of the march. The only immediate force was 7,000 men, composed
mainly of Wheeler's cavalry, who had returned from Tennessee, and Georgia
militia with little fighting potential. There were about 12,000 more men in various
garrisons in Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida. The Georgia government, from
the capital of Milledgeville, proclaimed a levee en masse of all able-bodied men to
defend the soil, but this was a gesture of despair and little came of it. Hardee did
not adopt his best policy, which would have been to disperse his slender forces into
guerrilla bands to harass the Union forces. Sherman feared such a tactic, saying
ambushes could kill nearly every Union officer.
Just prior to the start of the march, on November 15,1864, the Federals burned
the business part of Atlantamachine shops, mills, warehouses, and storesand
then abandoned the city.
The march itself confused the Confederates greatly. With four columns moving
on widely separated routes, sometimes fifty miles apart, they could not determine
Sherman's actual target. The right wing appeared to be aiming at Macon but
actually passed north of it, while the left wing created the impression it was
moving on Augusta. According to Sherman, this placed the enemy "on the horns of
a dilemma." As the eighteenth-century French strategist Pierre de Bourcet
proposed in his "plan with branches," by threatening alternative targets Sherman
forced the enemy to keep troops protecting both Macon and Augusta, leaving a
clear avenue for Sherman to march directly between them and seize Milledgeville
on November 22.
Rebel forces at Macon swung around to Savannah, while Wheeler's cavalry
barely got ahead of the Union columns. Confederate General Braxton Bragg
rushed to Augusta to take supreme charge of the campaign. He had about 10,000
men there.
On November 24, Sherman departed Milledgeville, sending Kilpatrick's
horsemen to the left flank to convey the impression the spearhead was aiming at
Augusta. This kept Bragg in place and unable to intervene when Kilpatrick
swerved southeast to cut the Savannah-Augusta railway. Wheeler nearly foiled this
effort, but Kilpatrick, gaining support of some Union infantry, drove Wheeler back
sharply, forcing the Rebel cavalry to follow in the wake of the Union forces, doing
little damage, for the rest of the march.
Kilpatrick's feint to the northeast gave almost free passage for the rest of the
Union forces to Millen on December 9.
By now a path of desolation 200 miles long and as much as 60 miles wide had
been cut through the center of Georgia. Houses, barns, and other buildings were
burned, crops eaten or destroyed, cattle and horses seized, the people reduced to
destitution. Behind the pillaging army ranged another army of freed slaves, excited
and eager to follow the Federals wherever they went. The Federals were not happy
with this clog of humanity and removed a pontoon bridge over a large stream to
keep them from crossing. A great crowd of blacks, however, stampeded down the
bank and into the stream, where many drowned.
At Savannah, General Hardee had gathered 15,000 Confederates, but his orders
were to abandon the city rather than sacrifice the troops.
As Sherman's army approached the city on December 10, he moved first on Fort
McAllister, south of the city. Its formidable defenses on the ocean side barred
contact with the Union fleet offshore, but Sherman calculated correctly that its
landward defenses were weak, and the Federals captured the fort in a quick assault.
Sherman opened communications with the Union navy and found an order
awaiting him from Grant to fortify a base on the coast, leave his artillery and
cavalry, and transport the bulk of his infantry to Virginia to help in the campaign
against Lee! This astonishing order demonstrates Grant's lack of strategic insight.
Sherman's army would be far more devastating if it advanced on Lee's rear through
the Carolinas than if it were brought around to attack him frontally.
Sherman was disappointed at Grant's command but replied he would come
directly as sea transport arrived. But, anxious to seize Savannah beforehand, he
tried to bluff Hardee into surrendering. Hardee refused but retreated northward into
South Carolina on December 20, abandoning the city to the Federals.
Sherman's march to the sea sent a deep wave of gloom over the South,
demonstrating that the Confederacy could not protect its territory or its people. The
people's faith in their government and their cause suffered a near-mortal blow.
Sherman had been right: the quickest way to end the war was to attack the people's
will to wage it.
While Sherman was closing in on Savannah, Confederate general Hood
advanced on Union general Thomas at Nashville. Hood was propelled by
desperation. He had made the wrong decision in marching his army away, opening
the door to Savannah and to destruction of central Georgia. Now the only chance
he had of pulling Sherman out of Georgia was to seize Nashville or defeat Thomas
badly. Yet he had little hope of either with an army half the size of Thomas's and
morally shaken by its terrible losses.
Moreover, Hooddespite the disasters his army had suffered against Sherman
had still not learned that frontal attacks against entrenched positions were a
recipe for destruction.
Accordingly, when he came up November 30 on Schofield's isolated force at
Franklin, twenty miles south of Nashville, he threw his men in repeated frontal
assaults against the Federal entrenchments. The attacks failed utterly and cost him
4,500 men, triple the losses of the Northern defenders. This was the final blow to
Confederate morale, for the men realized Hood's tactics were destroying them.
Schofield withdrew to Nashville, where the entire Federal army had
concentrated. It was folly for Hood to follow, but he did, lacking the understanding
that his army had been crippled and that to bring it within the reach of the Federal
army was almost certain to complete its ruin. He might have achieved real gains if,
instead, he had slipped past Thomas and menaced Kentuckv and the Ohio Vallev.
Thomas struck on December 15, throwing the bulk of his army against the left
flank of the entrenched Confederate line, forcing Hood to a shorter line two miles
south. Despite the fact that Thomas, too, had launched a frontal attack, his losses
were only 1,000 men, demonstrating that the Rebels no longer were fighting with
their former resolve. Indeed, the roads to the south were filled with Southern
The next day a sudden Federal infantry attack on a weakened part of the
Confederate line was a signal for a general collapse of the entire army. About 4,500
Rebels fell prisoner, but the bulk got away to the south, finally halting at Tupelo,
Mississippi, where the shattered forces were reorganized under new leadership.
Even before he had captured Savannah, Sherman set about to persuade Grant to
rescind his order to move Sherman's infantry to Virginia. On December 17 he
asked permission to march north through the Carolinas and especially to punish
South Carolinathe first state to secede from the Union and a particular object of
Sherman's enmity.
He had an ally in Henry W. Halleck, chief of staff of the Union Army, who wrote
Sherman: "Should you capture Charleston, I hope that by some accident the place
may be destroyed, and, if a little salt should be sown upon its site, it may prevent
the growth of future crops of nullification and secession." Sherman responded to
Halleck: "The whole army is burning with an insatiable desire to wreak vengeance
upon South Carolina. I almost tremble at her fate."
Grant at last agreed to Sherman's plan, not because he understood the strategic
advantage of cutting through the remaining heart of the Confederacy and onto the
rear of Lee but because he had learned it would take transports two months to bring
Sherman's army to Virginia.
Sherman adopted another "plan with branches" to reduce the Carolinas. He had
left Augusta untouched on purpose to confuse the Rebels as to his objective
Augusta or Charleston. When the march northward of his 6o,ooo-man army
commenced on February 1,1865, Sherman aimed one wing at Charleston, the other
at Augusta. As had happened in the march through Georgia, this placed the
Confederates "on the horns of a dilemma" because it induced them to divide their
33,000 men to protect alternate targets. Instead, Sherman marched between the two
cities on Columbia, the South Carolina capital, capturing it on February 16.
Confederate looters caused some damage during the evacuation, but drunken
Union soldiers and a desire for vengeance on the part of the Federal leadership led
to much burning and arson. A gale wind that came up during the night of February
17 turned these separate fires into an inferno that burned half the city, leaving
thousands homeless.
Sherman's march on Columbia separated the Confederate forces and prevented
any chance of the two halves uniting. As a consequence, the Rebels were unable to
assemble a strong enough force to challenge Sherman's armv. In addition, the
march on Columbia severed the main railroads to Charleston and compelled the
Confederates to abandon the port city on February 15. The senior Rebel
commander, Pierre G. T. Beauregard, ordered his scattered forces to assemble at
Lee, realizing his supply depots in eastern North Carolina were in danger of
being overrun, wired Johnston on March 14 that unless Johnston could strike a
blow against Sherman, Lee's army would be forced to evacuate Petersburg. This
spurred Johnston to seek battle. To prevent being overwhelmed by superior
numbers, Johnston had to catch one part of Sherman's army out of reach of the rest.
Getting word from his cavalry on March 17 that Goldsboro was the Union
objective and that Sherman's left wing had turned in that direction, Johnston set his
army in motion for Bentonville, ten miles west of Goldsboro, where he hoped to
intercept its march. He believed Sherman's right wing was moving along routes
well away to the east. In choosing Bentonville, .Johnston unwittingly invited
disaster, for this crossroads was the very point Sherman had selected for his two
wings to converge!
Johnston, however, beat the Federals to Bentonville, because his roads were
better and heavy rains delayed the Federal advance. The two lead divisions of the
Union left wing were still eight miles short of Bentonville on the night of March
18, while the other two divisions were eight miles farther back. Meanwhile the
right wing, marching on roads to the east, was
behind the left wing.
Sherman, believing the Rebels were concentrating to protect Raleigh, ordered
the right wing to move directly on Goldsboro instead of turning north to
Bentonville. Consequently, the two lead divisions of his left wing under General
Jeff. C. Davis were alone when they reached Bentonville at midday on March 19
and bumped into a long line of Confederate entrenchments. The Union troops tried
to carry the enemy lines but found they were ominously strong and hurriedly dug
in. Johnston's right arm under Hardee enfolded the Federal line, rolling back
Davis's left flank, but Johnston's left had been stunned bv Davis's initial attack and
the commander there, Braxton Bragg, called for reinforcements. Johnston sent over
a division that otherwise might have swept behind Davis's left and caused disaster.
This gave time for part of the left wing's other two divisions, under A. S. Williams,
to come up and form a solid line.
By nightfall the Confederate attack had clearly failed, and Johnston, realizing
the remainder of Sherman's army would be arriving, drew his army into a convex
semicircular defensive position, seeking only to remove his wounded before
retreating northwest toward Smithfield.
Meanwhile Sherman had turned his right wing toward Bentonville, seeking to
frighten Johnston back, not to attack, because his main objective was Goldsboro,
junction with Schofield, and replenishment of supplies, which had run dangerously
low. Although a division of the right wing made a deep penetration into the
Confederate position, Sherman ordered it back, and Johnston was able to get his
army away.
Sherman continued into Goldsboro and completed the greatest march in history
through enemy territory, 425 miles. Sherman's march had cut the heart out of the
Confederacy, in both a physical and a moral sense. The denouement now came
quickly, for Lee's army in Virginia was ready to collapse at the first heavy blow.
The disintegration of this army was partly because of the strain of trench life at
Petersburg and partly increasing hunger as Sherman's advance contracted
Confederate supply sources. But the greatest reason was letters from home, which
reflected the despair and helplessness of families and friends who had watched
Sherman's unchecked progress and witnessed the destruction of their property.
Soldiers in this situation turned to their fundamental loyalty, their families, and
deserted in great numbers to get home to protect those dearest to them as best they
On March 29, Union general Philip H. Sheridan's cavalry threatened Lee's right
south of Petersburg, and the next day Grant turned this threat into an infantry
stroke, overthrowing a Confederate detachment. On April 2 a general Federal
assault broke into the outer defenses of Petersburg, forcing Lee's withdrawal and
his surrender at Appomattox on April 9. This led to Johnston's surrender at
Greensboro, North Carolina, on April 26.
The Civil War ended, and Sherman's strategy of indirect attack had gained the
victory. Unless he had seized Atlanta before the presidential election, Lincoln
would not have been reelected. And the march through Georgia and the Carolinas
destroyed the South's will to continue the war.
But Sherman's remorseless pattern of deliberate personal injury to the Southern
people sowed seeds of hate that were to bear bitter fruit. If the puipose of war is to
bring about a more perfect peace, Sherman failed dismally. The memory of the
damage he and his men did was passed from parent to child throughout the South
for a century after the Civil War. Shennan's march evoked an enduring folk
memory of wanton havoc that embittered the Southern people against the North,
the Republican Party, and the national government for generations. This was why
the South remained "solid" in voting Democratic for many years and why an
element of distrust exists to this day against a federal government that could have
perpetrated such violence against part of its own people.
Palestine 1918
ONE CAMPAIGN WAS FOUGHT in World War I that demonstrated that the
generals commanding the armies could have found means to win the war other
than beating their heads against the impervious entrenchments of the western front
in France and Flanders. This was the Palestine campaign of 1917-18, which ended
in the destruction of three Turkish armies, the capture of Arabia, Palestine, Syria,
and Mesopotamia, and the abrupt withdrawal of Turkey from the war.
The Palestine campaign was one of the most decisive in history, yet was fought
with miniuscule forces compared to the millions deployed in France and Flanders.
The campaign also showed that great advances can be made with extremely small
casualties. The Palestine campaign demonstrated that a commanderby audacity
and mobilitycould overcome the superiority of the defensive over the offensive
that had marked warfare since the American Civil War and that turned the war on
the western front into a stalemate that produced millions of casualties.
Between the end of the Civil War in 1865 and the outbreak of World War I in 1914.
technology revolutionized the material factors of Western civilization and, with
them, the weapons of warfare.
By the Civil War most countries possessed the railroad, which immensely
increased the mobility of people and the delivery of goods, and the electric
telegraph, which made communication between distant points almost
By World War I, Western civilization had developed the automobile powered by
the internal-combustion engine, which permitted much greater mobility over roads;
the airplane, which raised warfare from the surface dimensions of length and
breadth to the third dimension of depth, and the radio telegraph, which by 1901
permitted communication between continents and virtually elevated warfare to the
fourth dimension, since it destroyed time as well as space.
Other developments radically altered military weapons specifically. The Civil
War had been largely fought with the single-shot muzzle-loaded rifle. By World
War I, inventors had perfected the high-velocity bolt-action magazine rifle with
brass cartridges and the machine gun. The magazine rifle increased the range of
cartridges by several hundred yards, but its greatest impact was to triple or
quadruple the rate of infantry fire. The machine gun did even more: a single
weapon could produce as much fire as 1,000 riflemen.
The addition of smokeless powder permitted infantry for the first time to remain
concealed when delivering fire. When these developments were added to the
entrenchments and other field fortifications that had protected troops so effectively
in the Civil War, the strength of the defense increased enormously at the expense of
the offense.
A similar transformation occurred in field artillery. Although the long-range
rifled cannon had been developed prior to the Civil War, its effectiveness was
limited by often-imperfect fuses and gunpowder. By 1914, inventors had
developed far better fuses, smokeless explosives much more powerful than
northward to destroy from the rear the French armies in Lorraine and against the
Swiss frontier.
The greatness of this plan rested on Schlieffen's distribution of force. Of the
seventy-two German divisions to be available, fifty-three were to be allocated to
the wheeling movement, ten were to form a pivot facing Verdun, and only nine
were to hold the left or eastern wing along the French frontier. The plan was to
weaken the German left to such a degree that the French would attack in Lorraine
and press the German left wing back toward the Rhine River. The farther the
French advanced toward the Rhine, the more difficult it would be for them to
extricate their armies when the German pincer swept around onto their rear.
Schlieffen's successor, Helmuth von Moltke, did not understand the plan and, by
radically altering the distribution of forces, ultimately destroyed it. He increased
the left wing disproportionately to the right, and when the French offensive
developed into Lorraine in August 1914, he diverted six new divisions to the left
wing, giving the commander there, Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, sufficient strength
to take the offensive instead of retreating, as the Schlieffen Plan called for.
The Germans quickly shattered with terrible losses the opening French
offensive, and Rupprecht threw the French back on their fortified frontier. This,
however, increased the power of resistance of the French and permitted them to
transfer troops westward to counter the German wheeling movement.
Moltke also diverted seven divisions of the right wing to stand guard over
Antwerp, Givet, and Maubeuge, which had not surrendered, and four to reinforce
the East Prussian front against the Russians. These transfers reduced the extreme
right wing, the ist Army under Alexander von Kluck, to just thirteen divisions
against twenty-seven French and British divisions on this decisive flank.
The final destruction of the Schlieffen Plan occurred when Moltke approved a
decision by Kluck to move southeastward in aid the German 2d Army and to
abandon the decisive southwestward march around Paris. Kluck now was driving
east of Paris, with his right flank exposed to the French forces on the extreme west.
This led to the French-British attack on his flank on September 5,1914, and the
battle of the Marne, which halted the offensive and threw the Germans onto the
Thereafter came the "race to the sea" as each side tried to go around the other's
western flank. The result was a continuous line of entrenchments stretching from
Switzerland to the coast of Belgium and the end of mobility on the western front.
In the face of field fortificiations, rifles, machine guns, and massed artillery,
neither side could open enough space to reinstitute a war of movement.
The French and British attempted to break the deadlock by direct attack. They
generally gave away tactical surprise by prolonged "warning" artillery
bombardments and their frontal assaults invariably failed, although the losses in
dead and wounded were astronomical. The Germans remained on the defensive,
except for an attempt in 1916 to take Verdun, another direct attack, which failed,
and a final offensive in 1918, which also failed. A stalemate accordingly developed
that lasted for four years.
Although British and French commanders in France and Flanders still believed
they could reach a decision by direct attacks, more objective leaders realized this
was not possible and looked for other means of victory.
They saw an opening in late October 1914, when Turkey entered the war on the
German and Austrian side. Turkey hoped to regain much of its empire, especially
Egypt, occupied by Britain in 1882 to protect the Suez Canal, and to guard against
the Russian desire to seize the Dardanelles, the sea connection between the Black
and Mediterranean seas.
Turkey retained Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, and the Hejaz, the
western part of the Arabian peninsula, including die Islamic holy cities of Medina
and Mecca. Turkey's belligerency served German interests by opening a front
against Russia in the Caucasus and in threats to the Suez Canal from the Sinai
The British minister of munitions, David Lloyd George, had lost faith in the
possibility of breaking through the western front and proposed transferring most of
the British army to the Balkans and advancing through the enemy's "back door."
A French general, J. S. Gallieni, advocated a landing at Salonika, Greece, and a
march on Constantinople with an army strong enough to induce Greece and
Bulgaria to join the Allies (Britain, France, Russia). Capture of Constantinople and
the Dardanelles would open a supply line to Russia and offer an opportunity to
advance up the Danube River into Austria-Hungary.
In early 1915, however, Allied generals in France successfully thwarted the
proposals to focus on the Balkans. Nevertheless, Winston Churchill, first lord of
the British Admiralty, helped to push through a plan to seize the Dardanelles. This
campaign, beginning April 25,1915, ultimately failed because commanders on the
spot did not seize opportunities that initial Turkish unpreparedness offered them.
The Dardanelles failure ended any strategic effort to go around the stalemated
lines of the western front. Though Allied forces ultimately occupied Salonika,
Greece, and advanced on Austria-Hungary in the last months of the war, the
campaign came too late to be decisive.!
Until 1917, Britain's Egyptian Expeditionary Force under General Sir Archibald
Murray had achieved little against a combined Turkish and German force, which
had faced the British in die Sinai desert for two and a half years. The campaign
settled into a stalemate along a line of entrenchments from Gaza on the
Mediterranean to the water wells of Beersheba, at the foot of the mountains thirty
air miles to the southeast.
Along this line, cut across the desert, conditions were terrible: high temperatures
often reaching no degrees Fahrenheit, dust storms, little shade, difficulties
ofsupply, and a great dearth of water. Murray alleviated the latter two conditions
somewhat by building a railway and a water pipeline from the Suez Canal to Gaza.
But the troops were disillusioned and angry because Murray had no idea how to
break the deadlock, kept his headquarters in the comfort of the Savoy Hotel in
Cairo, and gave awards for gallant services to members of his large headquarters
staff, many of whom had never seen the front.
One of the few achievements during Murray's command was the Britishinstigated Arab Revolt against the Turks, which began June 10, 1916, under
Hussein, Sharif of Mecca and leader of the Hejaz region of western Arabia. The
Arabs, under three of Hussein's sons, Ali, Feisal, and Zeid, had some initial
success, but a Turkish force repulsed them and the Arabs became annoyed at lack
of support from the British.
Ronald Storrs, a British diplomat, was sent in October 1916 to discuss the matter
with the Arabs, and T. E. Lawrence (1888-1935), a British intelligence officer in
Cairo, received permission to go along. Thenceforward the revolt came to be
associated more and more with him. Lawrence had received first-class honors at
Oxford University in history in 1910 for a thesis on Crusader castles in Syria and
Palestine and had been on a secret project mapping the Sinai peninsula for military
purposes just prior to the war.
Lawrence was impressed with Feisal and sized up the military situation with
great acumen, recommending that money, weapons, and a few British officers be
sent to Feisal but no Allied troops. He believed the proud Arabs would fight better
on their own as guerrillas than with European troops, who would consider them
second-class soldiers. Murray, who wanted to keep all his forces in Egypt and
Palestine, favored this recommendation and sent Lawrence back to the Hejaz.
Lawrence worked on a joint expedition to capture the port of Wejh (Al Wagh) on
the Red Sea, 400 air miles northwest of Mecca. A force under Feisal and Lawrence
was to attack the port from the interior while six British warships with Arab
infantry and British marines assaulted it from the sea. Despite an arduous march
through the desert, Feisal's men arrived too late, after the seaborne attack had
already seized Wejh. This seemed to confirm suspicions by professional army
officers that the Arabs were unreliable, and Lawrence and a few attached British
officers began training Feisal's men to carry out military duties more proficiently.
On advice of the British, the Arabs' attention now centered on breaking Turkish
hold on the railway that ran down to Medina from Damascus, Syria, the sole means
of supply for the Turkish army in the Hejaz. To establish a base from which to
operate guerrilla teams against this railway, Lawrence conceived the idea of seizing
the port of Aqaba, at the northern end of the Red Sea, 250 air miles northwest of
Wejh. Instead of marching directly against Aqaba, however, Lawrence and Feisal
undertook a long and extremely difficult roundabout 800-mile journey through
deserts considered to be impassable and descended from the rear on July 6,1917,
achieving complete surprise and quickly capturing the port.
This superb strategic move gave the Arabs a firm base and transformed a liaison
officer with the Arab army into Lawrence of Arabia, the active leader of the revolt.
The capture of Aqaba came only a few days after the general who was to
develop and cany out the Palestine campaign, Sir Edmund Allenby, arrived at
Cairo to replace Murray as supreme commander.
Allenby (1861-1936), a professional soldier who had commanded the British 3d
Army in France, had given little evidence that he possessed strategic views
radically different from those of the senior Allied generals on the western front.
These officers were convinced the war could be won only by defeating the
Germans in head-on battles in France and Flanders. But Allenby had seen the
futility of direct assaults, and A. P. Wavell, a brilliant liaison officer who came to
know the new Palestine commander well, wrote that Allenby was not wedded to
the obsession, which dominated the War Office in London and headquarters in
France, that the best place to attack the enemy was at his strongest point.
Lloyd George, who became British prime minister in late 1916, insisted that the
military consider ways of getting around the barrier of the western front. He
pushed for a campaign against Turkey to press against Germany's and Austria's
back door. Although the army leadership considered Palestine a sideshow, they
humored Lloyd George and put forward Allenby as commander.
Allenby walked into the ornate Savoy Hotel in Cairo on June 28,1917, and
began almost immediate changes. He sent home a large number of staff officers, a
few elderly colonels, one division commander, and the chief of his general staff.
Within days he visited the troops on the Gaza line, over 200 miles from Cairo.
Soon thereafter he moved general headquarters from the Savoy to a point in the
desert just behind the battle line.
Shortly after the capture of Aqaba, T. E. Lawrence rode across the Sinai desert to
Cairo. Allenby, impressed with Lawrence's feat, received him, in his flowing Arab
robes, and accepted Lawrence's proposals to turn Aqaba into an important base and
to supply equipment and gold to bring about Arab advance northward into Syria.
He promoted Lawrence to major and ordered Feisal's force to form the right wing
of his own army, bringing Lawrence and Feisal directly under his control.
Lawrence and Allenby departed with one misunderstanding. Lawrence, as part
of an effort to determine whether "a war might be won without fighting battles,"
intended to make hit-and-run attacks on the Hejaz railway, keeping it barely open
so the Turkish troops at Medina could just survive. Allenby, more conventional,
wanted the railway cut. Lawrence was correct. The Turks were determined to keep
the Hejaz railway open for reasons of prestige, politics, and religion and exerted a
great deal of strength they could ill afford to maintain a large garrison in Medina
and to guard track and bridges against Arab raids.
Allenby's immediate task was to crack the Gaza line and force the Turks and
Germans beyond Jerusalem. There were three possibilities. He could attack directly
into the main enemy defensive position at Gaza along the Mediterranean; he could
strike in the center; or he could advance on Beersheba, on the extreme right.
Allenby quickly discarded a center attack because there was practically no water
there. He also discarded an attack at Gaza because, being the most obvious point, it
was where the Turks expected the British to advance, since their left or seaward
flank could be guarded by the Allied ships, which controlled the sea, and their
main line of communications with Egypt ended just behind the Gaza line.
This left Beersheba. But this deep into the desert and far from the pipeline from
the Nile at Gaza, the need for water was imperative. There were ample wells at
Beersheba, but if the Bntish could not capture them in the first hours of the attack,
the Turks might destroy them and force the British to retreat.
Allenby's solution was masterful: he made obvious preparations for an attack at
Gaza, drawing enemy attention to the point where they expected the offensive
anyway. But this was entirely sham.
Allenbv also summoned Lawrence from Arabia and directed him to break the
railway bridge over the Yarmuk River east of the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias).
This would cut the only railway line serving Palestine and might force withdrawal
of the Turko-German armies into Syria. Lawrence made a determined effort,
getting to the Yarmuk gorge on a moonless night and setting explosives. But one of
the Arabs dropped his rifle and set of the alarm. Lawrence's part)' had to run
without detonating the charges.
The German-Turkish force was under a senior German commander, General
Erich von Faikenhayn, who had succeeded von Moltke as chief of the German
general staff when his attack on France failed in 1914 and who himself had been
succeeded by Erich von Ludendorff after Falkenhayn's attack on Verdun had
collapsed in 1916. His chief lieutenant was General Kress von Kressenstein, who
commanded the force facing Gaza.
To convince the enemy that the British were planning the main blow at Gaza,
Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen, chief of military intelligence under Allenby,
contrived a simple ruse: a staff officer, ostensibly on reconnaissance, was to get
himself chased by Turkish outposts, pretend to be wounded, and drop a
bloodstained haversack containing fake papers and maps. Most of the papers were
innocent, but others, carefully prepared, suggested the attack on Beersheba was
merely a subsidiary to the major push on Gaza. The British attempted this ruse
twice and failed to get the Turks to pursue. Finally, on the third try, Meinertzhagen
himself exposed himself with his haversack to Turkish outposts and succeeded.
The Germans and Turks were completely deceived and girded themselves at Gaza.
Allenby opened the campaign with alternating blows both at Gaza and at
Beersheba, keeping the enemy in doubt as to his intentions. Meanwhile he marched
his 20th Corps by night from Gaza to the jumping-off point for Beersheba, leaving
tents and dummies behind to make the enemy think that the corps was still poised
to attack at Gaza. The 20th Corps joined the Desert Mounted Corps, a threedivision cavalry force, which was to make the breakthrough at Beersheba.
In the last week of October 1917, Allenby delivered a strong artillery barrage
and naval bombardment against the heavily fortified Gaza line, fixing the enemy's
attention there. Kressenstein expected the British to use their sea power to force a
landing behind Gaza. When the offensive opened against Beersheba four days
later, Kressenstein believed it was a feint, having been taken in by the haversack
ruse, and having made no effort to reinforce the garrison.
The Turks were hopelessly outnumbered when the 20th Corps stormed the
defenses of Beersheba. While the garrison's attention was fixed to the front, the
Desert Mounted Corps struck the enemy's left flank, broke through two defense
systems into the streets of the town, and seized the vital wells just as they were
being prepared for demolition.
The capture of Beersheba cracked the entire enemy line, forcing the Turks and
Germans to retreat; they abandoned Jerusalem on December 9, 1917. But firm
Turkish resistance prevented the British from encircling the enemy armies and
destroying them, as Allenby had hoped to do, and Falkenhayn formed a strong new
line north of Jerusalem, anchored on the Mediterranean and the Judean Hills. The
loss of Jerusalem cost Falkenhayn his job. He was replaced by General Liman von
Sanders, a German cavalryman who had been attached to the Turks since 1913 and
had achieved fame for his defensive tenacity at Gallipoli.
In July 1918, Allenby attempted to cross the Jordan River east of Jerusalem by
way of Jericho, aiming to cut the Hejaz railway in the vicinity of Amman. His
purpose was to focus enemy attention on this sector, while he made his major
attack on the west near the Mediterranean. However, the intense heat due to the
whole region being well below sea-level, lack of cover, and dust in the Jordan
Valley and around the Dead Sea made conditions virtually intolerable for the
soldiers, and the offensive petered out against formidable Turkish defenses.
From this point on, the Turkish command was extremely sensitive of its left
flank and kept about a third of its forces east of the Jordan. This preoccupation
played into Allenby's hands when he developed a new strategy to win the war with
Turkey in a single lightning campaign.
and Turkish air commands. This force commenced a sustained campaign to drive
the enemy's aircraft out of the skies, at last leaving fighter planes "sitting" over the
Turkish aerodrome at Jenin, ten miles south of Afula, preventing the enemy
machines from taking off. When the time came to execute Allenby's plan, the air
force bombed and destroyed the enemy's main telegraph and telephone exchange at
Afula. It also bombed the enemy's two army headquarters west of the .Jordan,
cutting wires to the divisions and to General Liman von Sanders at supreme
headquarters at Nazareth. Consequently, Sanders and the army headquarters were
without communications for the entire day of the attack.
To divert attention from the coast where the attack was coming, Allenby had set
in motion a number of ruses to convince the enemy that the British were once more
planning to attack through the Jordan Valley. He had been aided by the failures of
the previous campaign in this forbidding region. Throughout the summer of 1918,
Allenby kept cavalry forces, periodically relieved, in the Jordan Valley to hold the
enemy's attention. When the cavalry were moved west to the coast for the
offensive, Allenby ordered their camps to remain standing, for new ones to be
built, and for 15,000 dummy canvas horses to be set up to deceive enemy aerial
observers. Mule-drawn sleighs regularly created dust clouds, giving the impression
that troops and guns were moving toward the Jordan. Infantry marched by day
toward the valley, then marched back at night, repeating this process for days.
Officers took over a hotel in Jerusalem and began elaborate preparations to
establish "general headquarters" there.
While this was happening, the main British army was marching by night to the
western flank along the sea, where troops and equipment were concealed in orange
groves or doubled up in camps already in existence. Nothing appeared on the
surface to reveal the enormous concentration of British force, which rose to a fiveto-one superiority over the Turks and
Germans on this flank.
Although General von Sanders feared an attack along the sea, Allenby's
elaborate deceptions convinced him the main British effort was coming in the
Jordan Valley.
On the night of September 18 the British 53d Division on Allenby's extreme
right sprang forward into the hills on the edge of the Jordan Valley. This had the
double effect of reinforcing Sanders's belief that the British attack was coming in
this direction and of moving the division toward closing the enemy's only route of
retreat, eastward across the Jordan.
At 4:30 A.M., September 19,1918, on the coast, 385 British cannon opened a
violent fifteen-minute bombardment on a selected frontage of the Turko-German
main line of resistance. Then the infantry assaulted under cover of a lifting or
"rolling" barrage, in which artillery fire advanced only a few yards ahead of the
leading infantry. The British and a few French infantry swept almost unchecked
over the stunned defenders and broke through two trench systems. This cracked a
huge hole in the Turko-German defenses.
Now the infantry wheeled inland, like a huge door swinging on its hinges. On
the east, one British division and the French force formed the hinge. Five miles
west, three British divisions formed the middle panel, and by the sea, another
British division formed the outside panel. These pressed the shattered enemy forces
eastward into the hills.
Meanwhile the three cavalry divisions of the Desert Mounted Corps burst
through the great gap in the enemy line andwith no enemy now standing in their
pathrushed northward across the Plain of Sharon. By evening they reached the
Mount Carmel range, thirty-five miles away, and armored cars secured two vital
At 8:00 AM., September 20, British cavalry seized the strategic key of Afula,
thus severing the enemy's rail communications. And at 4:30 I\M. the 4th Cavalry
Division captured Beisan, having covered seventy miles in thirty-four hours, and
sealed off any possibility of enemy retreat to the northeast. A little later the
Australian Mounted Division turned south to Jenin, placing an even closer barrier
across the enemy's line of retreat. During the morning of the 20th a British cavalry
brigade also descended on supreme headquarters at Nazareth, but General von
Sanders was able to escape.
The Turks and Germans now had only one route of retreat, down the steep gorge
running from Nablus to the Jordan. While rear guards stubbornly held up the
advancing Allied infantry in the hills, the survivors of the two Turkish armies
formed a huge column on the morning of September 21 and began filing down the
gorge. British aircraft spotted this column andwith the Turkish and German air
force swept from the skies-commenced a merciless four-hour bombing and
machine-gun attack that reduced the two enemv armies to chaos. Those who
survived became scattered fugitives, easily rounded up and captured by cavalry.
Within three days two Turkish armies and the entire enemy position in Palestine
had been destroyed. Only the Turkish 4th Army, east of the Jordan, remained. Its
commander made the mistake of waiting until September 22 to retire northward.
Now a broken railway and the Arabs lay across its line of retreat, and on
September 26 the 4th Cavalry Division moved eastward from Beisan to intercept it,
while the remaining two cavalry divisions made directly for Damascus.
The Turkish 4th Army disappeared under rapid attrition by repeated small blows,
delivered by the 4th Cavalry Division and the Arabs under Lawrence. The last
survivors of the 4th Army were headed off and captured near Damascus, while mis
ancient city was occupied by the Allies on October 1.
All organized Turkish resistance had collapsed, and the 5th Cavalry Division
advanced on Aleppo, 200 miles north, in conjunction with an Arab force. The
cavalry's leading armored cars reached the city on October 23. Three days later, the
British had planned an assault but during the previous night the Arabs had slipped
into the town and captured it on their own.
With virtually no organized forces available to counter the British advance into
the Turkish heartland of Anatolia, the Turkish government capitulated on October
31. In thirty-eight days the British had advanced 350 miles, seized all of Palestine,
Lebanon, and Syria and isolated Mesopotamia, leaving the Turks there no option
but retreat. During this period the British had captured 75,000 prisoners and had
suffered fewer than 5,000 casualties.
General Allenby had won the campaign almost entirely with surprise and
mobilitywithout a battle. The Turks and Germans had collapsed the moment they
realized the British cavalry had established a strategic barrage across their major
line of retreat at Afula and Beisan. This campaign proved that mobile warfare
could be reinstituted once infantry and heavy artillery had broken the barrier of the
existing trench system and field fortifications. It also proved that decisive results
could be achieved on other fronts than in France and Flanders. Consequently, the
four-year stalemate and the enormous casualties on the western front had not been
Mao Zedong
ALTHOUGH THE COMMUNIST PARTY ousted the Nationalists and their leader,
Chiang Kai-shek, from mainland China in 1949, the true victory of Chinese
Communism occurred in 1934-35 when Mao Zedong saved the Red Chinese army
from certain destruction.
As a result of this campaign, one of the longest and most arduous in the annals
of warfare, the Red Army developed the myth of its invincibility, the Nationalists
realized thev were unable to destrov the Communist movement, and Mao Zedong
emerged not only as one of the great captains of history but as the sole leader of the
Chinese Reds.
Mao (1892-1976), the son of a peasant in Hunan province, was one of the
founders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). But Mao played only a modest
role in the movement until after Chiang Kai-shek ordered the massacre of every
Communist he could reach in 1927. This bloodbath ended the alliance of the
Nationalists and the Communists, which had begun in 1923 and had contributed
greatly to Nationalist successes in reducing the power of warlords who had divided
China into numerous semi-independent fiefdoms.
The 1927 slaughter convinced Mao Zedong that the Communist movement
required a professionally trained and disciplined army if it was going to overcome
the landlords, industrialists, and militarists within the Nationalist Party, or
Kuomintang (KMT). These wanted no change in China's long policy of exploiting
the peasants with excessive rents and taxes and the workers with low pay and
atrocious factory conditions.
In contrast to Mao, the Communist leadership believed that China could be
impelled to revolution by stirring up the workers and peasants. These, so ran the
theory, could quickly overcome all opposition by their dedication and enthusiasm
for reform. The theory originated with the Third Communist International or
Comintern, the Soviet Union's foreign-subversion arm, which increasingly took
over direction of the CCP after the 1927 debacle.
Mao disputed the Comintern's argument with a statement that became one of his
most famous aphorisms: "We must be aware that political power grows out of the
barrel of a gun."
To escape the KMT armies that were seeking to destroy the last vestiges of the
Communist movement, Mao led about 1,000 followers to a famous bandit bastion,
Jinggang Shan, in the Luoxiao Mountains dividing Hunan and Jiangxi provinces in
southeastern China. In the spring of 1928, Zhu De, a Communist military leader,
joined Mao with 600 men, and in July 1928, they moved 130 air miles eastward to
the vicinity of Ruijin in the high Wuyi Mountains dividing Jiangxi province from
Fujian province. Other Red leaders were creating smaller rural bases in other outof-the-way places.
In the Wuyi heights, Mao and Zhu set up a tiny soviet republic and laid the
foundations for a new kind of army with a new kind of soldier. Over time this army
came to be as democratic as a hierarchical command structure can be. Unlike
Western or KMT armies, it had no distinct officer corps separated by class and
education from the men. There were no ranks, no insignia. Men (and often women)
became leaders by demonstrating their ability. Men addressed commanders by their
job titles, like "comrade platoon leader" or "comrade company commander."
Officers did not beat or mistreat the men. Everyone lived together, ate the same
food, dressed alike. The Red leadership teams or cadres forbade seizing food or
property from peasants. They punished rape, robbery, and violence harshly. The
Red soldier came to be seen by the people as a friend, not as a plague, as was the
case with often poorly disciplined KMT soldiers or men in the armies of the
numerous warlords, who had seized control of some Chinese provinces or regions
in the chaotic years after the Chinese Revolution of 1911.
Wuyi Mountains, by far the largest and most significant Red base. Mao and Zhu
De could muster only 40,000 poorly equipped Red soldiers.
In this campaign Mao demonstrated his military genius and mastery of guerrilla
warfare for the first time. He used friendly peasants to spy out the Nationalists'
intentions and dispositions; moved to counter KMT forces rapidly and secretly,
mostly at night; attacked only when he could achieve local superiority in numbers
and weapons, and then swiftly dispersed. Mao lured the KMT troops deep into the
territory of the soviet or into areas friendly to Red soldiers. There, with superior
forces, he encircled and attempted to destroy isolated Nationalist units, thus
momentarily reversing the general strategic advantage enjoyed by the Nationalists.
The climax of the campaign came when Mao and Zhu De concentrated much of
their force against two brigades of one division and routed them, capturing 9,000
men. The victor)' caused two adjoining KMT divisions to flee. The Reds pursued
one of them, catching it on the run and destroying most of it. The campaign petered
out in early January 1931, with complete defeat for the Nationalists.
Chiang Kai-shek tried again in April 1931, doubling the number of warlord
troops to 200,000 and placing command under one of his most loyal generals, He
Yingqin. However, He repeated the tactics of the first campaign, moving
ponderously into the Red areas by seven columns. Mao had only 30,000 men to
bring against the KMT forces but concentrated against one of the columns,
defeated several regiments, and destroyed its offensive power. Immediately
afterward, Mao attacked in quick succession three more columns, defeating each in
turn, then partly destroyed a fifth column. The remaining two columns retreated
without giving battle. Within fourteen days the Red Army had fought five battles
and marched eight days, ending with a decisive victory.
Chiang at last realized he was dealing with a tough and wily enemy, and for the
third extermination campaign, begun in July 1931, he took personal charge. He
brought in 100,000 of his own well-equipped government troops and assigned
200,000 warlord troops to support roles.
Chiang believed his own troops would make short work of Mao's poorly
equipped army. But Chiang had been preparing his soldiers for the wrong sort of
war. Since 1927 he had employed some forty German army advisers to instruct his
army. Although German skill produced a better soldier, the Germans were experts
in orthodox methods developed in stand-up fights between European field armies.
To defeat the semiguerrilla warfare of Mao Zedong, the Nationalists needed
different tactics and training. The Reds advanced by stealth, combined quickly,
struck hard, then as quickly dispersed. They relied heavily on ambush, used spies
to detect enemy strength and movements, formed no battle lines, made no
distinction between front lines and rear areas, and concentrated only against small
units of the enemy, destroying each in turn before moving on.
Chiang's strategy was orthodox in the extreme. He decided to "drive straight in,"
taking the soviet by storm. He moved eight columns by fast marches of over
twenty miles a day into the heart of the central soviet, hoping to squeeze the Reds
into a corner and force them to stand and fight. In such a "set-piece" battle,
Chiang's superior artillery, machine guns, and aircraft would destroy the
But Mao had no intention of fighting Chiang's kind of war. His forces, still about
30,000 men, were exhausted and resting in the Wuyi Mountains about thirty miles
northeast of Ruijin. To get in position to retaliate, Mao and Zhu moved the army by
forced marches to Xingguo, about thirty-five miles northwest of Ruijin.
Mao's original plan was to march about fifteen miles northwest to Wan'an on the
Gan River, drive north down the east bank, then sweep eastward across the
Nationalists' lines of communication, cutting off supplies and striking any isolated
units that appeared. But KMT observers spotted the movement, and Chiang rushed
two divisions to the Gan river. To avoid being trapped, Mao withdrew about ten
miles south of Wan'an.
Mao now moved northeast under cover of night, slipped undetected through a
thirteen-mile gap between two KMT forces, and drove about thirty-five miles east
of Wan'an, placing his army in the rear of the Nationalists. Here Mao struck an
isolated Kuomintang force and threw it into retreat. The next day Mao smashed a
KMT division, also isolated, and sent it reeling backward. The Red Army now took
three days to move mostly by night fifteen miles eastward to Huangbei to surround
and defeat another solitary enemy division.
Chiang Kai-shek ordered all KMT forces to close on Huangbei by forced
marches to encircle the Reds and annihilate them. Mao's peasant spy network gave
him warning, and he found a seven-mile gap in high mountains between the KMT
forces converging from the west and slipped through to reassemble near Xingguo.
There the Red soldiers collapsed in exhaustion.
It took Chiang several days to discover his quarry had flown. Wear)', hungry,
and demoralized, the KMT forces moved out of the soviet area in late September
1931 to reorganize. Mao now lunged after them, catching a brigade and an entire
division separated from supporting forces and nearly wiping out both. That ended
the third "bandit-suppression drive."
But Chiang's police had success elsewhere, seizing the Communist Party's secret
service chief in Wuhan in June 1931 and forcing him to divulge names. This led to
the moving of the Twenty-eight Bolsheviks and the party's ruling Politburo,
including Zhou Enlai, from their secret hiding places in Shanghai and elsewhere to
Mao's central soviet. This brought on an immediate move by the Twenty-eight
Bolsheviks to curb Mao's authority.
They condemned Mao for his guerrilla tactics, even though they had been
eminently successful, and for allowing rich peasants in the soviet area to keep land
instead of giving it to poor peasants. They called for adoption of regular warfare
instead of guerrilla tactics, expansion of the Red Army, and use of uneducated
"proletarian" leaders instead of literate persons, since these were often rich
peasants or former small landlords.
The doctrinaire Communists now running the CCP wanted to follow the strategy
and tactics the Soviet Communists had employed in defeating the White forces
after the Russian Revolution of 1917. The Soviet strategy had been essentially
conventional open warfare employing large armies in stand-up fights. However,
the Soviets had been generally superior to the White armies and had behind them
the strength of Russian industry and people. The situation was the reverse in China.
Chiang had almost unlimited manpower available and controlled most of the
country and the ports where arms could be landed.
In August 1932, Zhou Enlai and other Politburo leaders criticized Mao for his
conservative, defensive military views and demanded a "forward and offensive
line" to counter the next KMT assault against the central soviet. The occasion
marked the loss of most of Mao's influence in the army, with Zhou Enlai becoming
leader of the army's political commissars.
On January 1,1933, Chiang Kai-shek assembled 150,000 men and launched his
fourth eradication campaign against the central soviet. But public anger at Chiang's
inaction against the Japanese, who had occupied Manchuria in 1931, forced him to
send 50,000 troops northward in March (which he did not use) and permitted the
Reds to push back the remaining KMT forces.
Chiang at last worked out an uneasy truce with the Japanese and used the
opportunity to organize what he hoped would be the final solution to the rural
Communist Soviets. Fortius fifth campaign, Chiang conceived a radically different
strategy. It resembled the method the British finally devised to destroy resistance of
the Boer guerrillas in the last stage of the South African War (1899-1902) by
moving civilians in large numbers into concentration camps and building mutually
supporting blockhouses that restricted the movement of Boer fighters.
Chiang built 700 miles of motor roads to give access to the rough Wuyi
mountain highlands of the central soviet, and he set up radio and telephone nets to
coordinate movements of his encircling forces, which totaled 750,000 men, while
several hundred diousand other soldiers were closing in on the smaller Soviets
In -January 1934, the CCP held a conference in Ruijin to prepare for the blow
about to descend. Here the leaders reemphasized the "forward and offensive
policy" and instructed the Red Army not to let "the enemy occupy an inch of our
soviet territory." They completely repudiated Mao's strategy of luring the enemy
into the soviet areas in order to destroy them.
Chiang's offensive got unexpected assistance from the Comintern agent with the
Reds, Otto Braun, an Austrian who had served in World War I and graduated from
the Frunze Military Academy in the Soviet Union. Braun considered himself a
great military expert. He deprecated Mao Zedong's guerrilla tactics and said the
time had come for the Red Army to fight conventional warfare. He got the
leadership to agree to concentrate forces for "fast and close sorties" against KMT
troops while they were building new blockhouses. It was essentially a policy of
direct frontal attacks and was bound to fail, in view of the Kuomintang's powerful
artillery, machine guns, and 150 fighter-bomber aircraft and the Red Army's virtual
lack of offensive weapons.
Chiang began a "walling in" of the soviet area. KMT troops uprooted several
million people living around the soviet and forced them into concentration camps
away from the battle zone. With every step the Nationalists took, they left a
deserted region, barren of food and friends to the Reds. The blockhouses formed an
interconnected cordon that limited Red troop movement. Shortage of food and salt
affected the health and energy of the Red soldiers.
In April 1934, Chiang's soldiers pressed to the vicinity of Guangchang, about
sixty miles north of Ruijin, gateway to the central soviet. The Red leadership,
following Otto Braun's advice, decided it was crucial to hold Guangchang and
moved up four corps and installed field fortifications. Kuomintang aircraft and
artilleiy promptly flattened the fortifications, and the Red commander, Peng
Dehuai, lost 1,000 men the first day. Peng fiercely opposed the tactics but got
nowhere. The Reds attacked into the teeth of KMT artillery and machine guns and
lost more than 4,000 dead and 20,000 wounded.
This crippled the Red Army, demonstrated the barrenness of Braun's tactics, and
forced the party leadership to prepare for the worst: evacuation of the central
soviet. The KMT forces did not resume their advance until July, but the Red Army
continued to decline rapidly from malnutrition, casualties, and desertions.
In a desperate move, one corps split into small units in July and moved into
Fujian and Zhejiang provinces, but it failed to divert KMT forces and the coips
largely disintegrated. By October 1934, the KMT had pressed the Reds into a small
pocket and the Communists completed plans to evacuate the central soviet.
Their objective was a measure of their desperation: a tiny soviet under He Long
in northwest Hunan around Sangzhi, 440 air miles away. This soviet, too, was
under pressure from Chiang Kai-shek's forces, and a move to it would only draw
all KMT armies. If they failed to reach He Long, there was an even more remote
soviet under Zhang Guotao that had been established in 1932 around Tongjiang in
the huge interior province of Sichuan, 660 air miles to the northwest.
Mao Zedong played little role in the decision. Indeed, to reduce his influence
further, the Red leadership wanted Mao to remain in the central soviet with about
6,000 troops under Mao's friend Chen Yi, with orders to maintain a strong guerrilla
presence. But Mao's prestige was too high for anyone to challenge his decision to
go with the main army. Chen Yi's force was reduced in a few months to remnants
hiding in the mountains.
The remaining Communists, about 72,000 soldiers organized as the 1st Army
and 14,500 officials, civilians, wives of important leaders, and government
workers, broke out on October 16,1934, through a thinly held KMT cordon about
seventy-five miles southwest of Ruijin. The Long March had begun.
By moving mostly at night and along paths and trails, the 1st Army was able to
get clean away from the encircling KMT forces. It took Chiang two weeks to
realize the quarry had flown. But his aircraft and information network discovered
the route of the Red retreat, and he was able to place roadblocks to slow the
advance and to start movements of his armies, totaling over 400,000 men, to close
in on the Reds from all sides.
The Reds could do little about the concentration of Chiang Kai-shek's armies,
but they knew in advance of the ambushes and were able to break them, because
Zhou Enlai years before had sent men to be trained in cryptology in the Soviet
Union and they were able to decipher the Nationalist radio codes.
On November 16 the Red Army's columns reassembled at Linwu in Hunan just
north of the Guangdong border in the shelter of the Nan Ling mountain system.
They were 220 air miles west of the central soviet and were marching much lighter
than when they started, having jettisoned nearly all of their heavy equipment,
including artillery. The army kept only its 650 machine guns and its thirty-eight
mortars. These weapons, plus rifles and hand grenades, gave the army the
firepower it had to have to survive.
Chiang knew from the direction of the Red Army's travel that it probably was
heading toward the small soviet in northwestern Hunan around Sangzhi. He kept
his forces in two concentrations: one to the north to block this movement and the
other to the rear under Zhou Hunyuan to pursue the Reds. Chiang also called on
the warlords of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces to close the noose from the
Zhu De, the Red Army commander, realized he must get out of this developing
trap and ordered the army to move by forced march for the Xiang River some one
hundred air miles westward, knowing it had to cross this barrier before turning
north toward the soviet at Sangzhi.
Although the fast and nimble leading elements of the Red Army, the ist and 3d
Corps, reached the Xiang on November 26,1934, the civilians marching with the
army and carrying much equipment and records were much slower, and Chiang
Kai-shek had time to close in on the 8th Corps, forming the rear of the Red Army,
and destroyed one of its divisions with about 2,500 men. While KMT forces
advanced from north and south, Zhu De held up all combat elements still east of
the river so the civilian column could get across. It took three days, beginning
November 28, for all the noncombat elements to flee over the Xiang. During this
period the Red troops east of the river endured air and artillery bombardment and
infantry assaults by immensely superior KMT forces. The Communists suffered
fearsome losses, including another entire division of 2,500 men.
The Red Army now was in a desperate situation. The leaders were extremely
angry with Braun, Zhou Enlai, and Bo Gu, leader of the Twenty-eight Bolsheviks,
for their poor military leadership, which had led to the nearly impossible position
they faced. As a result of battle losses, sickness, and desertion, the army was down
to fewer than half the number it possessed at breakout. A large KMT army blocked
the way north to He Long's redoubt, while other KMT forces made it impossible to
move back east. A drive south into Guangxi would lead to more enemy attacks
from all sides and into a sack from which there was no escape. To the west the
prospect was just as daunting: the incredibly steep and formidable heights of
Laoshan ("Old Mountain") and the Five Ridges, a high, almost trackless extension
of the Nan Ling system in northern Guangxi.
At this point Mao Zedong came forward with a plan to save the army and the
Communist movement: scale Laoshan and the Five Ridges and break out north into
Guizhou province, where the enemy was weak. From Guizhou the Red Army could
march toward either He Long in northwest Hunan or Zhang Guotao in northeastern
The Red leaders realized Mao was right: any other direction spelled destruction.
They turned the army toward the Old Mountain, and it began to climb. The path in
places was no more than two feet wide; it was so steep climbers often could see the
soles of the shoes of the people ahead. Only the most resolute got over Laoshan
and the Five Ridges and came down on December n,1934, into the lower country
of Guizhou.
There were perhaps 35,000 soldiers left in the 1st Army and about 5,000
Chilians. Many brave men had fallen on the way, but all of the fainthearted had
gone, too. The force that was left was the hard and determined core of the
Communist movement. It had endured a trial by fire and had survived. The
leadership was aware that the entire future of the movement hung on what was
going to happen to this small, imperiled army.
The military council held a hasty meeting to discuss what to do. Mao Zedong
was not a member but was invited to attend. It had become clear that his advice
was needed. Mao immediately took a dominant role. Radio intercepts had shown
that if the army turned north toward He Long it would be blocked by a quarter of a
million Kuomintang troops, 100,000 of them already in Hunan. Mao proposed that
the attempt to reach He Long be abandoned and that the army move northwest into
Guizhou, where there were few troops and better prospects. The military leaders
agreed and the other leaders joined in, including Zhou Enlai, Otto Braun, and Bo
Two days later the 1st Army captured Liping, a substantial county seat where
everyone could rest and get much-needed food. Here Mao gained a de facto place
on the party's ruling Politburo and got it to agree to head for Zunyi, a city of about
50,000 people in northern Guizhou about 150 miles northwest. There the army
could form a new base or move northeast to join He Long or across the upper
Yangtze River to Zhang Guotao in Sichuan. As a last resort, it could retreat
southwest into Yunnan province.
Nevertheless, Chiang Kai-shek was not going to allow the Reds to march
unopposed on Zunyi. His forces were approaching half a million men, and they
could be brought to bear from any direction.
In this situation, Mao Zedong, now the effective leader of the march, ordered a
series of maneuvers that rank among the most deceptive and successful in history.
To throw off KMT general Xue Yue, who was following behind the Reds with a
force considerably stronger than the entire ist Army, Mao ordered a Red column to
make a feint straight west toward the Guizhou capital of Guiyang. As the main
Communist army turned northwest, Xue obligingly sent his force west to relieve
the city and thereby removed it from the strategic picture.
The Red Army did not march directly on Zunyi. Instead, it sped north, giving the
impression it might turn northeast to join He Long, now less than 200 miles away.
This move held in place the strong bodies of KMT troops along the HunanGuizhou border. With nothing but weak Guizhou provincial troops now facing it,
the Red Army switched northwest and struck for Zunyi, seizing the city on January
Although the Red Army was momentarily safe, examination showed that the
Zunyi region was not suitable for a new soviet area. It was poor, producing little
surplus food. Moreover, Xue Yue's KMT army was now in Guiyang and had
stimulated Guizhou's warlord, Wang Jialie, into attacking the Reds from the south
while Chiang Kai-shek, now at Chongqing in Sichuan, was blocking passage
across the Yangtze and junction with Zhang Guotao.
On January 15,1935, twenty Red leaders sat down at Zunyi for a three-day
conference. This meeting was one of the turning points of the twentieth century.
escape was to hold the bulk of Chiang's forces along the river. Making no secret of
his movements, Mao marched over the Chishui or Red River, a tributary to the
Yangtze, giving the impression the whole army was heading for the Yangtze. But
he ordered his men to hide just beyond the stream and sent a single regiment across
the Yangtze into southern Sichuan, where it attracted as much attention as possible.
This convinced Chiang that the Reds were trapped. With his wife, Soong Mayling, he flew to the Guizhou capital of Guiyang on March 24 to set up headquarters
for the final destruction of the Communists. He now had around 500,000 troops
encircling the Red Army. But the bulk was positioned to the north, east, and west
to prevent Mao from crossing the Yangtze or moving to join He Long in Hunan.
There were few troops to the south around Guiyang. And this was precisely the
direction Mao was marching.
On the night of March 21-22, Mao swiftly moved his army back across the Red
River, ordered the regiment in Sichuan to return by forced march, and set off for
Zunyi and points south. Within a few days, KMT aircraft and spies knew of the
movement and guessed Mao's target was Guiyang. Chiang was shocked but wired
the Yunnan commander. Sun Du, to hurry his best troops to defend the city. On
March 30 the Red Army forced a crossing of the Wu River and marched straight
toward Guiyang. But just as the Yunnanese troops arrived at Guiyang, reports
showed the Reds were bypassing the city and were striking for Longli, about
twenty-five miles to the east.
Chiang figured the Reds were heading back east toward their old soviet on the
Hunan-Jiangxi border and ordered Sun Du to march toward Longli to pursue them.
But the next morning Chiang realized he had been duped: the Reds had passed
through Longli and, instead of turning east, were thrusting south and west toward
Yunnan. They had broken clean through Chiang's ring and were in the open.
However, Chiang was not certain what the Reds were up to. Mao left one corps
north of the Wu River to give the impression he might still move to join He Long.
This once more held KMT troops in place to prevent a junction. The corps
remained in the area until April before following secretly and by mountain trails a
more direct route west to join the main army.
Chiang continued to believe the Reds were heading back toward Jiangxi. At last,
when it was too late to catch them, he realized they were marching southwest into
Yunnan and ordered his troops to pursue.
Mao still had to get over the Yangtze River. The only place left was somewhere
along the upper portion, called the Jinsha Jiang or the River of the Golden Sands.
The only feasible crossings were where the river comes out of the high mountains
of western Yunnan and Sichuan and makes a huge bend about eighty miles north of
Kunming. These sites were accessible to Yunnanese and KMT troops. But east of
the bend the situation was worse: KMT forces were close to the few crossings.
West of the bend, the river runs through enormous canyons, offering few safe
fords. Mao knew the crossing had to be at the bend of the Golden Sands or
Fortunately, Chiang still thought the Reds might turn back to Jiangxi, while
Mao's movement into the west raised the possibility they might try to establish a
soviet in Yunnan. To deceive Chiang, Mao made straight for Kunming, the
Yunnanese capital. Chiang took the bait, withdrew his troops from the Golden
Sands, and marched them toward Kunming. While a strong Red force under Lin
Biao pressed noisily within eight miles of Kunming, raising a panic that it was
about to be assaulted, the rest of the army turned abruptly north and raced for the
Golden Sands. By May 1, 1935> one Red regiment was across at Jiaopingdu, a
caravan crossing point for a thousand years, and in a few days all the rest of the
army was across
except the 5th Corps, which held open the passage for Lin Biao's force. Lin Biao,
under Mao's urgent orders, made for the Golden Sands under forced march,
covering a hundred miles in forty-eight hours. On May 8 and 9, Lin Biao's troops
crossed the river and the 5th Corps, now holding off a large force of Yunnanese
troops, also slipped across to safety, setting the ferry boats adrift and watching
them smash on rocks in the river.
The Red Army had been reduced to fewer than 25,000 men but it had survived.
And the incredible campaign that Mao had waged to get over the upper Yangtze
already was becoming a legend.
Chiang Kai-shek was furious. He flew to Chengdu in Sichuan to mobilize new
forces to block the Communists at one more river, some 200 miles north of the
Golden Sands. This river, the Dadu, whirls fast and deep down a great canyon out
of the high plateau of Qinghai province. Meanwhile the Red Army had a difficult
march through rugged highlands passable only by narrow, rocky paths and
inhabited by the Lolos, a tribe of Yi peoples, who had been ousted from lower,
more fertile and temperate lands by the Han Chinese a millennium previously and
had been enemies ever since.
The Red Army vanguard gained the ferry crossing at Anshunchang on the Dadu
on Ma>' 24 and forced back Kuomintang forces on the opposite bank. However, it
found only a few fern- boats and learned Chiang's troops were on the march for the
crossing, while KMT aircraft quickly appeared to bomb it.
Mao made a startling decision: the main army would rush north upstream, fifty
miles by air, to the famous bridge of iron chains at Luding. With huge KMT armies
closing in, an attempt to retrace the army's steps into Lololand or Yunnan or to
move west into the barren, nearly foodless wastes of western Sichuan and Tibet
would ensure the army's destruction.
The bridge at Luding was the army's last hope. Swaying 370 feet across the
Dadu, anchored by huge stone buttresses on each shore and guarded on the east by
Luding's town gatehouse, the bridge dated from 1701 and for many years had
permitted caravans from Tibet and Nepal to connect with the emperor's palace in
Beijing. Nine huge chains, upon which planks were laid, formed the floor of the
bridge and two chains on either side made "rails" to steady man and cart.
While the 4th Regiment, under Yang Chengwu, moved up the western bank of
the Dadu with the main army marching behind, the 1st Division, already across at
Anshunchang, drove up the east bank. The 1st Division was slowed by a KMT
force, but the 4th Regiment arrived opposite Yuding on May 29 and saw the town
was occupied by several hundred Nationalists.
The KMT soldiers had removed the planks on two-thirds of the bridge, leaving
the Red soldiers facing bare chains yawning high above the water rushing violently
far below. Yang sent an assault unit of twenty-two men under Liao Dazhu over the
bridge. The men inched across the chains toward the remaining boards. Once on
the planks they were to rush the gatehouse on the eastern end. As they moved
forward, huge flames erupted from kerosene-soaked wood in front of the
gatehouse. The Nationalists were trying to block passage by fire. Flames licked
fiercely around the planks on the eastern end of the bridge. Success or failure hung
by a hair. The assault team charged through the flames into the town, driving back
the KMT defenders, giving the men a chance to put out the flames and
reinforcements time to get across the bridge in support. Eighteen of the twenty-two
assaulters survived unhurt.
Within two hours the 4th Regiment secured the bridge and the town, and it stood
waiting when the 1st Division came up from the south on the eastern side of the
The men replaced the planks on the bridge, and the next day the main army
arrived and began marching across in a carnival mood. The Red soldiers knew that
now, at last, though dangers lay ahead, their army was going to survive. It was a
pitifully small force now. The marching and fighting from Guizhou to the Luding
bridge had taken a steady toll of killed, wounded, sick, and stragglers, reducing the
1st Army to perhaps 13,000 men. Nevertheless, from the moment the Red Army
crossed the Dadu the belief in its invincibility was born.
On June 12,1935, the vanguard of the 1st Army bumped into a scouting part)' of
Zhang Guotao's army about seventy-five air miles north of the chain bridge. Zhang
Guotao, with a force six times the size of the 1st Army's remaining 10,000 men,
sought to seize leadership of the Communist Party from Mao Zedong and to keep
the combined armies in northwestern Sichuan, threatening the rich Chengdu Plain
of Sichuan's Red Basin. If Nationalist forces pressed too hard, he said, the
Communists could move into Tibet or into Xinjiang province in far northwestern
To the Han Chinese leadership of the party, Zhang's ideas were absurd. Not only
did they have no intention of handing over leadership of the party to Zhang
Guotao, but to move the heart of the revolution into an inhospitable, largely barren
region thinly populated with hostile non-Han Chinese tribes would be to lose its
Han identity and turn it into a tiny minority-race protest movement with no
significance for the future of China. The hope of the revolution lay in China proper
and especially as a rallying point of Chinese nationalism against the Japanese, who
had gobbled up Manchuria and were threatening the heartland of China around
Beijing while the Nationalists were doing little to stop it.
On September 10,1935, Mao and 6,000 men and women of the 1st Army slipped
away to the north, leaving Zhang and the remaining Red forces, and struck for
Yan'an in the great loess highlands of northern Shaanxi province in north-central
China, where a tiny Communist soviet had been in operation since 1931.
When the 1st Army reached the soviet on October 21,1935, it was a pitifully
small remnant of the force that had retreated from Jiangxi a year before. But the
survivors, most of them now trained cadres, formed a priceless treasure of
leadership. Had they not endured this Long March, it is doubtful whether the
Communist movement could have overcome the intense pressure of the
Nationalists, who never faltered in their hatred and determination to eradicate the
Reds. And it was due primarily to the military genius of Mao Zedong that the 1st
Army survived and reached its final sanctuary at Yan'an.
This army, along with members of Zhang Guotao's force who belatedly arrived
in Yan'an later, formed the nucleus of a soviet that held its own until it formed a
united front in 1937 with the KMT when war against Japan broke out. During the
war the Reds expanded into north China in regions ostensibly occupied by the
Japanese. But the invaders actually dominated only the cities and narrow corridors
along the major highways and railways, while the Communists took control nearly
everywhere else, ruling ninety million Chinese people.
When the Japanese were defeated in 1945, the Chinese Communist movement
was so powerful that Chiang Kai-shek was unable to defeat it, despite massive
American assistance. In the Chinese civil war of 1947-49 the Communists
occupied all of mainland China, forcing Chiang and the Nationalists into exile on
the island of Taiwan.
France 1940
AFTER 191H. MOST GENERALS were haunted by memories of the
incredible defensive power of the machine gun, massed artillery, trenches, and field
fortifications that had produced the devastating stalemate on the western front in
World War I.These conditions dictated positional warfare that turned land attacks
into exercises in self-massacre. Convinced that the next war would be a repetition
of the last, numerous generals concluded offensive warfare was no longer possible
and concentrated on making the defense even more foolproof. Out of this thinking
grew the greatest defensive system in modern history: the French Maginot Line, a
powerful series of deeply dug-in, interconnected concrete fortifications and
pillboxes that spanned the entire Franco-German frontier and was virtually
impervious to frontal assault.
But not all military theorists despaired of opening warfare once more to
movement. Two Englishmen especially, Captain Basil H. Liddell Hart and General
J. F. C. Fuller, had seen how the primitive tanks of World War I, despite inadequate
range, low speed, inferior weapons, and thin armor, had been able to drive through
defensive lines, though they had never been used in sufficient mass to bring
victory. These officers and a few other thinkers were convinced that the tank could
be developed into a weapon to break the deadlock of positional warfare. In 1925,
Liddell Hart in his Paris, Or the Future of War described tanks as the modern form
of heavy cavalry, which should be concentrated in as large masses as possible for a
decisive blow against the Achilles' heel of the enemy, his communications and
command centers.
Some other officers believed that the airplane could make decisive tactical
strikes on the battlefield by destroying troops, field fortifications, trenches,
transportation, and supplies. Another school of air power, led by the Italian Giulio
Douhet, believed that successful ground offensives were no longer possible and
that a nation must launch massive strategic bombing attacks against enemy centers
of population, government, and industry*. These, Douhet maintained, would open
a new dimension in offensive warfare and, by destroying enemy morale and war
production, achieve victory without campaigns by surface forces.
The victorious generals of World War I generally accepted the idea that the
defense would remain stronger than the offense, while the losers searched hardest
for new offensive solutions to reverse the verdict of 1914-18.
Both winners and losers investigated all types of military aircraft. However,
German theorists gave greater attention to close-in strike weapons that could assist
in tactical victories on or near the battlefield, while Americans and Britons gave
more emphasis to strategic bombers. The Germans created the Junkers 87B Stukai
dive-bomber, which could drop bombs with pinpoint accuracy on battlefield
targets, while the Americans and Britons built long-range four-engine aircraft like
the B-17 and the Lancaster.
Douhet's theories of air power led to massive saturation bombing of cities by the
Germans in 1940 and by the Allies thereafter. Although these aerial attacks
produced staggering civilian casualties, they did not make ground warfare
unnecessary. In fact, they did not destroy enemy morale or war production and
were not decisiveuntil the Americans dropped the new atomic bomb on
Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6,1945.
The greatest distinction between the Germans and the French, British, and
Americans was the differing emphases they placed on the tank. There were some
American designs for improved tanks after 1918 but little practical development.
However, France and Britain, locked to the idea of a defensive war in the future,
built substantial numbers of the "infantry tank," a slow, short-range, heavily
armored weapon designed to assist foot soldiers in attacking prepared positions.
British and French commanders parceled out most tanks among infantry divisions
and expected them to advance with the infantry, not to operate on their own.
In Germany a radically different concept emerged, stimulated, oddly enough, by
Liddell Hart and Fuller, whose ideas were largely ignored in England. The major
German theorist on tanks, Heinz Guderian, became convinced by 1929 that tanks
could never achieve decisive importance while working alone or with infantry. He
was persuaded that tanks must have supporting artillery and infantry carried by
motorized vehicles that would give them the speed and cross-country performance
of tracked tanks, thereby permitting them to stay up with the armor and assist it in
breaking enemy resistance. It was wrong, Guderian insisted, to place tanks in
infantry divisions. Instead, tanks should be massed in armored divisions and these
divisions should include all the supporting arms needed to allow the tanks to fight
with full effect.
The basic concept of armored warfare was to concentrate tanks in a large mass,
break through the enemy main line of resistance at one point, roll up and secure the
flanks on either side, then penetrate at full speed into the rear before the enemy had
time to react. Guderian maintained that following these tactics, armored or panzer
divisions could open up warfare to wide-scale offensive movement. Any other use
of tanks would waste the best means available for attack on land.
Guderian had a difficult time convincing the German army high command of this
idea. But because of the enthusiasm for tanks of Adolf Hitler, who became
chancellor in 1933, the German army in 1936 formed three panzer divisions, three
"light divisions" with some armor, and four motorized infantry divisions. In the
1939 invasion of Poland, the Germans found the light divisions to be awkward and
converted them to panzer divisions. By 1940, Germany had concentrated all of its
forced the British to evacuate their forces so hurriedly from Dunkirk that they left
practically all their weapons on the continent.
The victory was even more astonishing because it was essentially achieved with
only a small fraction of German strength: ten armored divisions with 2,600 tanks
(against 4,000 Allied armored vehicles), plus the German air force, especially the
Stukas. Had it not been for the barrier of the English Channel and the Luftwaffe's
failure to wrest control of the air over it from the Royal Air Force (RAF), Germany
could rapidly have conquered Britain.
A final remarkable aspect of the German victory was that it owed its success to
the ideas of two generalsGuderian and Erich von Mansteinwho occupied
subordinate positions and had to fight the German high command to get them
Manstein developed the strategy that made victory possible, and Guderian,
stirred by the vision of deep strategic penetration by armored forces, conceived and
largely carried out the long-range tank thrust behind four French and British
armies. This drive cut them off and led to their destruction or defeat.
In 1940 the French deployed forty-one of their divisions along the Maginot Line,
running from Switzerland to Montmedy, near the Belgian frontier just south of the
Ardennes. No one, German or Allied, believed this massive fortified line could be
penetrated by a direct attack. Between Montmedy and the English Channel the
Allies deployed thirty-nine French
divisions, including France's three "light mechanized divisions" of converted
cavalry with 200 tanks apiece, as well as the twelve divisions of the British
Expeditionary Force (BEF).
The German high command planned to undertake a variation on the Schlieffen
Plan of 1914, sending the vast bulk of its forces through Holland and Belgium in
an attempt to get around the Maginot Line and into France on the west. The Allies
accurately forecast this plan and were ready to counter it by rushing the three most
modernly equipped French armies and the also-mobile BEF into Belgium to meet
the German advance head-on.
To serve as a hinge in the vicinity of Sedan between the Maginot Line and this
sweep northeastward, the French assigned two armies of four cavalry divisions and
twelve infantry divisions composed mostly of older reservists. This Sedan sector,
some twenty-five miles west of Montmedy, was the least-fortified stretch of the
French frontier. Cavalry would be useless against tanks, while the infantry
divisions possessed few antitank or antiaircraft guns. Even so, the French high
command figured the forces would be sufficient because no German attack was
likely in this area, since it would have to come through the Ardennes, a thick,
mountainous forest with few roads covering eastern Belgium and northern
The main German attack in the north was to be made by Army Group B under
Colonel General Fedor von Bock. It was allotted forty-three divisions, the bulk of
the German forces, including almost all of the panzer and motorized divisions. To
protect Bock's flank on the south, the German high command allotted twenty-two
nonmechanized divisions to Colonel General Gerd von Rundstedt's Army Group A.
To face the Maginot Line and keep the French from diverting forces from it,
Colonel General Wilhem von Leeb's Army Group C was allotted eighteen infantry
When Manstein, chief of staff of Army Group A, saw this plan, he immediately
protested that it would fail. The enemy, he said, was bound to prepare fully against
such a campaign, since the massing of German forces on the north could not be
concealed. With the twenty Belgian and ten Dutch divisions, the Allies would be
approximately as strong as the Germans in the north. Even if Bock's army group
managed to fight its way into France by direct assaults, Manstein said, the Allies
were likely to be able to form a strong new front along the lower Somme River and
connect it with the Maginot Line. This might result in the same positional warfare
that had resulted in the German defeat in World War I.
Manstein insisted that Germany's trump was the offensive capacity of its army
and this should not be frittered away in a frontal attack against the massed strength
of the Allies.
He proposed a radically different plan of great originality and subtlety. A major
assault should still be made in Holland and northern Belgium, where the Allies
expected it, using three panzer divisions plus all the airborne troops, to draw
enemy attention and forces in that direction. It was almost certain the Allies would
regard this advance as the main attack and move rapidly into Belgium to counter it.
The more they committed themselves to this advance, the more certain would be
their ruin.
Manstein insisted the main thrust should come through the Ardennes, where the
Allies did not expect it. The Allied commanders were convinced the Ardennes was
not suitable for tanks, but Manstein was certain that it was. In early November
1939, he asked Guderian whether the panzers could operate in the region, and
Guderian, after a lengthy study, assured him that they could. Manstein proposed
that the bulk of the panzer and motorized divisions should traverse the Ardennes
and force a crossing of the Meuse River at Sedan before the French could organize
a defense. This would put the German army behind the Allied lines and permit
panzers to strike directly west toward the lower Somme and cut off all the enemy
forces that had rushed into Belgium.
Both the commander in chief of the German army, Field Marshal Walter von
Brauchitsch, and his chief of staff, Colonel General Franz Haider, opposed
Manstein's alternative, and though they relented enough to allocate a panzer corps
(the 19th) under Guderian to Army Group A, they dug in their heels to keep the
original emphasis on a northern strike.
When Manstein continued to object, army headquarters assigned him on January
27,1940, to command an infantry corps, which was designed to play only a walkon role in the campaign. The high command gave as its excuse that Manstein could
no longer be passed over for promotion.
Meanwhile Guderian had become a devoted advocate of Manstein1 s strategy,
and at a war game on February 7,1940, he formally proposed that his corps force a
crossing of the Meuse near Sedan on the fifth day of the attack and then
immediately strike for Amiens on the Somme, 120 miles to the west. Haider
pronounced the idea senseless and said the tanks might make a bridgehead over the
Meuse but should wait for the infantry armies to catch up, on the ninth or tenth
day, and then make a "unified attack."
Guderian was certain that in nine or ten days the French could easily assemble
massive reinforcements along the Meuse and might halt the attack in its tracks. He
contradicted Haider strongly and said that Llthe essential was that we use all the
available limited offensive power of our army in one surprise blow at one decisive
point; to drive a wedge so deep and wide that we need not worry about our flanks;
and then immediately to exploit any successes gained without bothering to wait for
the infantry/'^ Nevertheless, Haider repeated his objections at another war game on
February 14, and even Rundstedt, also present, had no clear idea of the potential of
tanks and declared himself in favor of a more cautious solution. "Now was the time
we needed Manstein!" Guderian lamented.4
Manstein, however, had found a solution: going over the heads of the army
chiefs to the German chancellor himself. Taking advantage of a meeting of Hitler
with newly appointed corps commanders on February 1% 1940, Manstein outlined
his views on the western offensive and found Hitler both quick to grasp the
advantages of a strike through the Ardennes and in full agreement with Manstein's
Three days later, Hitler issued a change of plan. He added a third army (the 4th,
under Giinther Hans von Kluge) to Army Group A and, most significantly, two
more armored corps. One of these, comprising the 6th and 8th Panzer Divisions
under Georg Hans Reinhardt, was coupled with Guderian's corps of three panzer
divisions (ist, 2d, and 10th) and Gustav von Wietersheim's corps of five motorized
divisions into a panzer group under Ewald von Kleist. The five panzer divisions in
Group Kleist were to traverse the Ardennes and strike the main blow of the
campaign: cracking a wide hole in the French line around Sedan, then sweeping
rapidly west and pushing behind the flank and rear of the Allied forces in Belgium.
Meanwhile the second new coips of two panzer divisions (the 5th and 7th), under
Hermann Hoth, was to lead the 4th Army across the Meuse around Dinant, some
forty miles north of Sedan, and likewise strike west.
The offensive opened in the north with dramatic blows by the new German
airborne forces, increased by the widespread menace of Luftwaffe strikes. These
stunning actions riveted Allied attention on northern Belgium and Holland and
distracted it for several days from the main thrust.
An airborne invasion of only 4,000 paratroops, backed up by a light division of
12,000 men carried by transport aircraft, was decisive in Holland. Under the
leadership of Kurt Student, the airborne forces failed to capture the Dutch capital
of The Hague by a coup de main but seized bridges at Rotterdam, Dordrecht, and
Moerdijk and kept them open until the single panzer division (the 9th) allocated to
the Holland campaign rushed from the German frontier and seized the heart of
Holland. Stunned by these spectacular moves, the Dutch capitulated on the fifth
day, although their main front was still unbroken.
The invasion of Belgium had an even more sensational opening. Walther von
Reichenau's 6th Army was charged with crossing the Maas (Meuse) in the vicinity
of Maastricht, Holland, then driving on the Belgian capital of Brussels with Erich
Hoppner's 16th Panzer Corps (3d and 4th Divisions) breaking the path. The great
danger was that the Belgians would blow the bridges over the Maas and the
parallel Albert Canal as soon as they learned of the advance. This could hold up the
offensive for days and permit the British and French to build a powerful defensive
line east of Brussels.
The Germans had only 500 paratroops left and used them to drop out of the
night sky to seize two key bridges over the Maas, while a special detachment of
only seventy-eight airborne soldiers landed on the roof of the powerful Belgian
fortress Eben Emael, which dominated a long stretch of the Albert Canal and
which, because of its powerful guns, could not be approached from any other
direction. The bold paratroops quickly overcame Belgian antiaircraft gunners on
the roof and blew up the armored cupolas and casemates of all the guns. This
effectively neutralized the fortress and the 1,200-man garrison until German
ground forces arrived and the fortress surrendered twenty-four hours later.
Hoppner's panzers now burst across the undemolished bridges and spread out
over the plains beyond, forcing the Belgians to retreat just as the French and
British arrived to support them. The Allies remained confident Reichenau's attack
was the main German thrust and, having sent their principal mobile forces to block
it, were unable to switch them south to meet the greater menace that suddenly
loomed on May 13 on the French frontier at Sedan.
Before dawn on May 10,1940, the greatest mass of armor ever assembled in war
was concentrated opposite the Belgian and Luxembourg frontiers: three panzer
corps in three blocks or layers, the armored divisions making up the first two and
the motorized infantry the third. Opposite northern Luxembourg and carrying the
main burden of the campaign were Guderian's three panzer divisions with more
than 300 tanks apiece, backed up by Reinhardt's two panzer divisions of about the
same size. To the north were HotrTs two panzer divisions, the 5th and 7th (under
Erwin Rommel, soon to be famous), with a total of 542 tanks and the secondary
objective of getting across the Meuse at Dinant and keeping the Allies in Belgium
from interfering with Guderian and Reinhardt in their thrust westward toward the
English Channel.
Success depended entirely upon speed. Guderian's panzers had to get some sixty
miles through the difficult, steep terrain of the Ardennes and over the Meuse at
Sedan before the Allies woke up to the incredible danger they faced. If they did,
they might assemble their armor and deliver a counterstroke against the German
flank. Such a blow would probably paralyze the German advanceif for no other
reason than its effect on the higher German commanders, who were extremely
nervous and uncertain about Manstein's strategic plan and reacted in panic at any
hint of a French move on the southern flank.
Guderian's panzers crossed the Luxembourg frontier at 5:30 A.M. on May 10
and, facing no opposition, drove into Belgium by nightfall. There they halted
because Belgian troops had demolished some sections of road and laid some
minefields. It took Guderian's engineers until the next morning to open
passagewaj's. The tanks rushed on, scattering the few Belgian troops and the
French cavalry that had ridden forward but could do little against German armor.
By evening, 1st Panzer reached Bouillon, eleven miles from Sedan, though French
troops managed to hold the town until the next morning.
During the night of May 11-12 the German command exhibited its first case of
jitters. General von Kleist, who had never commanded armor before taking over
the panzer group just prior to the offensive, ordered the 10th Panzer on the south to
change direction and drive on Longwy, just across the frontier, on the strength of
reports that French cavalry were advancing from there. Guderian, knowing
horsemen posed no threat to tanks, complained, and Kleist, after some hesitation,
canceled his order. The French cavalry wisely did not appear.
Guderian's 1st and 10th Panzers captured Sedan and occupied the north bank of
the Meuse on the evening of May 12, and Kleist ordered him to attack across the
river with these formations the next day at 4:00 P.M.
However, Kleist altered the plan Guderian had worked out with the Luftwaffe
prior to the campaign to assist his assault by continuous aerial attacks and threats
of attack on enemy batteries and machine guns throughout the operation. Such a
method of aerial attack, Guderian was certain, would force enemy gunners to take
cover and permit his troops to get over the Meuse with little opposition. Kleist
insisted on a massive bombing attack on the river line by bombers and divebombers. This might cause considerable damage, but the aircraft then would
depart, leaving Guderian's troops to face the fire of the remaining French machine
guns and artillery as they attempted to cross the river.
Guderian pointed out that most of the German artillery was being held back by
congested roads and could not get into position in time to cover the river assault.
The alternative Guderian saw was to use aircraft to pin down the French defenders
until German troops could establish a firm bridgehead on the south bank and build
a bridge to bring over guns and tanks. However, Kleist refused to change his
When the river assault commenced, the Luftwaffe arrived punctually, and
Guderian was astonished to see only a few squadrons of bombers and Stukas,
operating under fighter cover, and they adopted the tactics of continuous actual and
feigned strikes he had worked out with the air staff. Here, as throughout the
campaign, the Stuka aroused unreasoning terror among defending troops by its
wind-driven siren, which raised an eerie, high-pitched scream as the aircraft dived
for the ground. Guderian found later that the Luftwaffe had gone on with the
original plan because it had had no time to mount a massive bombing attack, as
Kleist wanted.
The effects were remarkable. When the assault unit, ist Rifle Regiment, had
assembled on the Meuse just west of Sedan, French artillery was alert and the
slightest movement attracted fire. But the unceasing attacks on French positions by
Stukas and bombers almost paralyzed the enemy, forcing the artillerymen to
abandon their weapons and machine gunners to keep down and unable to fire. As a
consequence, ist Rifle Regiment crossed the Meuse on collapsible rubber boats
with little loss and quickly seized the commanding heights on the south bank,
against feeble resistance. By midnight the regiment had pressed six miles farther
south to establish a deep bridgehead, although neither artillery, armor, nor antitank
guns had crossed the river, since the engineers did not finish building a bridge until
May 14.
Meanwhile, Guderian's 10th Panzer Division had crossed the Meuse near Sedan
and established a small bridgehead, while Reinhardt's panzer corps had got a
narrow foothold across the river at Montherme, about eighteen miles northwest of
Sedan, but had a hard time holding it under strong French pressure. At the same
time, Erwin Rommel's 7th Panzer Division had forced a large breach at Dinant,
about fort)' miles north.
The French recognized that Guderian's bridgehead south of Sedan threatened
disaster. Once Guderian got his guns and panzers acrossand this movement
started immediately after the bridge was completed at daybreak on May 14the
French had only their 3d Armored Division in place to stop him from breaking
entirely through the French line of resistance.
The 3d Armored had already been directed against Sedan, but some of its 150
tanks had been distributed to the infantry there. Nevertheless, most of the division
launched an attack on the morning of the 14th with the support of low-flying
French and British aircraft, which attempted valiantly to knock out the one
functioning German bridge and the other spans under construction. The Luftwaffe
gave Guderian's soldiers no help, having been called away to other tasks. But tlie
corps' antiaircraft gunners did an outstanding job, knocking down a number of
Allied airplanes and preventing any of the bridges from being broken.
In addition, tlie attacking French tanks moved slowly, and by the time they
reached Bulson, about seven miles south of Sedan, 1st Panzer tanks and antitank
guns were arriving. The French were at a disadvantage because of their poor signal
arrangements, while the modern radio equipment of the German tanks gave them a
clear edge in maneuver. Also, the slow-moving French aircraft supporting the tanks
suffered heavily from 1st Rifle Regiment machine-gun fire and were unable to
disrupt German positions.
In the fierce armored clash at Bulson, the Germans knocked out twenty French
tanks. The French also tried to break through at Chemery, about four miles
northwest, and here the Germans left fifty French armored vehicles burning. The
remnants of 3d Armored backed off, unwilling to hazard another assault.
The battle of Sedan brought about a major change in the conduct of armored
warfare. Hitherto panzer leaders, including Guderian, had drawn a sharp line
between rifle and armored units. Consequently, 1st Rifle Regiment had crossed the
Meuse without tanks or heavy weapons and had gone forward unsupported during
the night of May 13-14. If the French had counterattacked promptly, the regiment's
position would have been precarious. Doctrine called for tanks to be kept massed
in preparation for a decisive thrust, and commanders thought it unwise to attach
tanks to infantry. The battle showed, however, that the infantry would have been
safer and more effective if individual tanks had been ferried across the river with
them. Thereafter, the Germans formed Kampfgruppcn or mixed battle groups of
armor, guns, and infantry, reestablishing an ancient principle that all arms should
be concentrated in the same area at the same time.
Meanwhile in Belgium a violent tank battle developed on May 13 and 14 when
Hoppner's panzer corps ran into stronger French armor near Gembloux, twenty-
eight miles southeast of Brussels. Superior German signals and unit training
permitted the panzers to drive the French tanks across the Dyle River. Hoppner, on
orders from the high command, avoided Brussels and made his main effort along
the line of the Sambre to keep in touch with Hoth's panzers advancing south of the
The principal task of Guderian's corps was to secure the dominating heights
around Stonne, about seventeen miles south of Sedan, in order to deprive the
enemy of any chance of breaking the bridgehead. The separate "GrossDeutschland" infantry regiment and 10th Panzer assaulted these heights on May 14
and got into heavy fighting with defending French infantry and armor, the village
of Stonne changing hands several times.
However, Wietersheim's motorized corps was coming up, and Guderian turned
over to him responsibility for seizing Stonne and protecting the German southern
flank, attaching the 10th Panzer to his corps until his own troops could take over.
As a consequence, Guderian's advance was limited temporarily to the ist and 2d
After the French armor had been scattered on the morning of the 14th, Guderian
met with senior panzer commanders and suggested that the corps should turn
westward toward the English Channel. The armor chiefs eagerly concurred,
repeating Guderian's slangy distillation of his armored doctrine that a strike should
be concentrated, not dispersed: "Boot 'em, don't spatter 'em" (Klotzen, nicht
Consequently, Guderian ordered 1st and 2d Panzer immediately to change
direction and to drive west with the objective of breaking clear through the French
defenses. By evening of the 14th, elements of 1st Panzer had seized Singly,
thirteen miles west of Chemery.
The same evening, General Andre Corap, commander of the French 9th Army to
the west of Sedan, made a fatal decision. Under the impact of Guderian's exploding
pressure on the east and wild reports that "thousands" of tanks were pouring
through the breach made by Rommel's penetration westward from Dinant, Corap
ordered the abandonment of the Meuse and general withdrawal of 9th Army to a
more westerly line, some fifteen or twenty miles behind the river. However, the 1st
Panzer was nearly at this line as it was being established and the French
withdrawal removed the block which had been holding up Reinhardt's corps. His
forces were able to slip around the northern flank of 9th Army and drive westward
along an open path.
The advance of Hoth's corps, led by Rommel, forestalled a planned
counterattack toward Dinant by the French 1st Armored Division (150 tanks) and
the 4th North African Division. The 1st Armored ran out of fuel and only a few of
its tanks went into action, while the now-unprotected 4th North African collapsed
in the face of the panzers and a stream of civilian refugees who clogged the roads
and made movement difficult. The seemingly uncontrolled advance of Hoth,
Reinhardt, and Guderian caused great confusion and a spreading disintegration
among the French forces, quickly leading to chaos.
At this critical moment (May 15), Adolf Hitler himself developed a severe case
of nerves. He had been frightened by his own boldness and told the equally
anxious high command to stop the advance at once and allow the infantry divisions
of 12th Army, trudging behind the panzers, to catch up and take over protection of
the southern flank. General von Kleist told none of this to Guderian but simply
ordered him to halt. However, Guderianas well as the other panzer unit
commanderssaw that a gigantic victor)- was within their grasp but could be
assured only if the drive to the west continued at full fury and the distracted and
increasingly desperate enemy was allowed no time to develop countermeasures.
After much argument, Guderian extracted from Kleist agreement to continue the
advance for another twenty-four hours "so that sufficient space be acquired for the
infantry corps that were following." Having thus received permission to "enlarge
the bridgehead," Guderian drove to Bouvellemont, twenty-four miles southwest of
Sedan, the farthest projection of 1st Panzer Division, where 1st Infantry Regiment
had been engaged in heavy fighting.
In the burning village, Guderian found the regiment's soldiers exhausted. They
had had no real rest since May 9. Ammunition was running low and the men were
falling asleep in their slit trenches. The commander, Lieutenant Colonel Hermann
Balck, told Guderian that his officers had complained against continuing the attack
on the village. "In that case," Balck had told his officers, "I'll take the place on my
own!" As he moved off to do so, his embarrassed troops followed and seized
This cracked the last remaining French resistance, and the Germans broke
through into open plains north of the Somme, with no substantial enemy forces
ahead of them. By nightfall of May 16, Guderian's foremost units were at Marie
and Dercy, fifty-five miles from Sedan.
That evening Guderianassuming that his spectacular advance had eliminated
any fears about continuation of the offensiveinformed Kleist's headquarters that
he intended to continue pursuit the next day, May 17.
Early in the morning, Guderian received a message that Kleist would fly into his
airstrip at 7:00 AM, Kleist arrived promptly and without even wishing Guderian
good morning began reprimanding him for having disobeyed orders. Guderian
immediately asked to be relieved of his command, and Kleist, though taken aback,
nodded and told him to hand his command over to the next-senior general.
Back at his headquarters, Guderian radioed Rundstedt's army group that he had
given up his command and was flying to group headquarters to report what had
happened. Within minutes a message came back to stay where he was and await
arrival of Colonel General Wilhelm List, commander of 12th Army, who had been
instructed to clear up the matter. List arrived in a few hours and told Guderian the
halt order had come from army headquarters and that he would not resign his
command. List, however, was in full agreement with Guderian's desire to keep
going and authorized him to make "reconnaissance in force."
Using this subterfuge, Guderian, immensely grateful, unleashed his panzers, and
they burst forward, 10th Panzer seizing a bridgehead across the Oise River near
Moy, seventy miles west of Sedan, by the night of the 17th. The next day, 2d
Panzer reached St. Quentin, ten miles beyond Moy, while on the 19th, 1st Panzer
forced a bridgehead over the Somme near Peronne, nearly twenty miles west of St.
The incredible speed of Guderian's offensive would have posed grave risks to
his exposed southern flank along the Aisne, Serre, and Somme rivers if the French
army could have reacted. With the German foot soldiers slogging far behind the
forward elements, 12th Army had to spread its few surplus motorized forces to
protect this flank: individual panzer units at first, then Wietersheim's motorized
corps, individual units leapfrogging on westward as soon as 12th Army infantry
were able to relieve them at any point.
Yet it was the velocity of the offensive itself that made a powerful counterstroke
nearly impossible. Guderian relied on the basic French formula: wait until the
enemy's position could be ascertained exactly before doing anything. Although
eight French divisions were concentrating near Paris, Guderian believed they
would not advance against his flank so long as his armor kept moving.
Nevertheless, the newly formed French 4th Armored Division under General
Charles de Gaulle had stayed with the panzers, and on May 19 a few of his tanks
attacked near Laon but were severely repulsed.
Even after the breakthrough at Sedan, the French might have stopped the
German onrush if thev had concentrated all their armor and delivered a single,
powerful counteroffensive against the flank of the panzers' penetration. This not
only would have terrified the already paranoid German high command but, if
successful, would have cut the three leading panzer corps off from their fuel and
ammunition supplies and left them vulnerable to converging blows from Belgium
and the Somme flank.
However, neither the French nor the British grasped the revolutionary* nature of
the "blitzkrieg" or lightning warfare that Guderian and the panzers had introduced.
The French had organized four armored divisions of only 150 tanks apiece in the
winter past and had wasted them in isolated efforts like de Gaulle's 4th Armored at
Laon. The 3d Armored had been shattered against Guderian's massed strength at
Sedan, the 1st had run out of fuel and been overrun by Rommel's panzers, and the
2d had been spread along a twenty-five-mile stretch of the Oise River and
Guderian's leading divisions had burst through them with little effort.
In Belgium, the three French mechanized divisions of 200 tanks apiece had been
mauled in their fight with Hoppner's panzers at Gembloux but remained a powerful
force. Yet when they were ordered to strike south toward Cambrai and St. Quentin
on May 19, the attack never came off, since many of the tanks had been detached
to assist the infantry. Likewise, the ten British tank units in France had all been
split among the infantry divisions, and the British 1st Armored Division did not
embark for France until after the German offensive started.
On May 20,1st Panzer captured Amiens and drove a bridgehead four miles deep
across the Somme there. During the afternoon, 2d Panzer reached Abbeville, and
that evening a battalion of the division passed through Noyelles and became the
first German unit to reach the Atlantic coast. Only ten days after the start of the
offensive, the Allied armies had been cut in two.
The Allied forces in Belgium had fallen back from Brussels to the line of the
Scheldt River, with their southern flank resting at Arras only twenty-five miles
from Peronne on the Somme. Through this narrow gap, supplies to the panzers
were passing. Since most of the German armor was now west of Peronne, the
Allies might still isolate the panzers if they could close the gap.
Lord Gort, commander of the BEF, ordered a counterattack southward from
Arras on May 21. He sought to get the French to assist, but they said their forces
could not attack until the 22d. With Guderian's panzers already at the English
Channel, Lord Gort decided he could not wait and ordered forward the British 50th
Division and the 1st Army Tank Brigade. Because of the hurry, the attack boiled
down to a push by only fifty-eight small Mark I tanks and sixteen Mark II
Matildas, supported by two infantry battalions. The attack got very little artillery
and no air support. The Mark I tanks were armed only with machine guns, while
the Matildas had a 40mm gun and three inches of armor. They were impervious to
the standard 37mm German antitank gun, and even artillery shells often bounced
off them.
Rommel's 7th Panzer had arrived south of Arras and commenced to swing
northwest around Arras on the 21st, while the 5th Panzer pressed east of the city.
Rommel's 25th Panzer Regimentmuch diminished from its original strength of
218 tanks because of breakdowns and losseshad advanced ahead when, around
3:00 P.M., his infantry and artillery forces following came under intense fire from
British tanks about five miles below Arras.
Rommel, with the artillery, ordered every gun he could locate into action,
himself pointing out the targets. However, the British armor put the majority of the
antitank guns and crews out of action, overran their positions, and were stopped
only by the heavier artillery and 88mm high-velocity antiaircraft guns, which
Rommel deployed as an antitank weapon, discovering that the large shell could
easily penetrate the Matildas' thick armor. A devastating new weapon against
Allied tanks had been found. The artillery and the "88s" destroyed thirty-six tanks
and broke the back of the British attack.
Meanwhile the 25th Panzer Regiment had moved west of Arras but, on radioed
orders from Rommel, turned southeast and took the British armor and
accompanying artillery in flank and rear. In a horrendous clash of tank on tank, the
panzer regiment destroyed seven Matildas and six antitank guns and broke through
the enemy position, but lost three Panzer IVs, six Panzer Ills, and a number of light
tanks. The confused British fell back into Arras and attempted no further attack.
Even so, the British effort had widespread repercussions. Rommel's division lost
378 men at Arras, four times those suffered during the entire breakthrough into
France. The attack also stunned General von Rundstedt, Army Group A
commander, who feared for a short time that the panzers would be cut off before
the infantry could come up to support them. As was to be seen, Rundstedt's anxiety
fed Hitler's similar fears and led to momentous consequences within a few days.
On May 21, Guderian wheeled north from Abbeville and the sea, heading for the
channel ports and the rear of the British, French, and Belgian armies, which were
still facing the frontal advance of Bock's Army Group B. Reinhardt's panzer corps
kept pace to Guderian's north. The next day, Guderian's panzers isolated Boulogne,
and on May 23, Calais. This brought Guderian to Gravelines, barely ten miles from
Dunkirk, the last port from which the Allied forces in Belgium could evacuate.
Reinhardt also arrived at a point twenty miles from Dunkirk on the Aa (or Bassee)
Canal, which ran westward past Douai, La Bassee, Bethune, and St. Omer to
Gravelines. The panzers were now much nearer Dunkirk than most of the Allies
While the right flank of the BEF withdrew to La Bassee on the 23d under pressure
of a northward thrust by Rommel from Arras toward Lille, the bulk of the British
forces moved farther north to reinforce the line in Belgium where Bock's forces
were exerting ever-increasing pressure, under which the Belgian army capitulated
the following day.
Despite this, the failed British tank attack at Arras had affected Rundstedt, and
on the morning of May 24, when Hitler visited his headquarters, Rundstedt gave a
somewhat gloomy report, dwelling on the tanks the Germans had lost and the
possibility of having still to meet attacks from the north and south. Rundstedt
reinforced Hitler's own fears that the panzers might be bogged down in the marshes
of Flanders, a senseless anxiety, since tank commanders could easily avoid wet
areas. Hitler had been in a high-strung and nervous state ever since the
breakthrough into France. He had become uneasy precisely because of the ease of
the advance and the lack of resistance met, not realizing it was Manstein's strategy
and Guderian's brilliant penetration into the rear of the French line at Sedan that
was bringing about the most spectacular victory in modern military history. The
Germans were entirely out of danger, but to Hitler, their success seemed too good
to be true.
Hitler went back to his own headquarters and talked with Hermann Goring, one
of his closest associates and chief of the Luftwaffe. Goring confidently told Hitler
that his air force could easily prevent evacuation of Dunkirk. Hitler then called in
the army commander in chief, Brauchitsch, and ordered a definite halt of the
panzers on the line of the Bassee Canal. When Rundstedt got the news he protested
but received a curt telegram saying: "The armored divisions are to remain at
medium artillery range from Dunkirk [eight or nine miles]. Permission is only
granted for reconnaissance and protective movements."*
Some observers saw a political motive in Hitler's stop order. At Rundstedt's
headquarters. Hitler remarked that all he wanted from Britain was acknowledgment
of Germany's position on the continent. This gave rise to a belief that Hitler
deliberately prevented destruction of the BEFin order to make peace easier to
reach. If so, Hitler failed.
To Kleist, panzer group commander, Hitler's halt order made no sense. He
ignored it and pushed across the canal with the intention of cutting off the Allied
line of retreat. However, Kleist received a more emphatic order to withdraw behind
the canal. There the German tanks staved for three days, while the BEF and
remnants of the French ist and 7th Armies streamed back toward Dunkirk in a race
to evacuate before the German trap closed. They cemented a strong defensive
position around the port, while panzer commanders had to watch the enemy
slipping away under their noses.
The British hastily improvised a sea lift, using every vessel they could find, 860
all told, many of them civilian yachts, ferry craft, and small coasters. Although the
troops had to leave nearly all their heavy equipment on the shore, between May 26
and June 4 the vessels evacuated to England 338,000 troops, including 120,000
French. Only a few thousand members of the French rear guard were captured.
One reason for the British success was that Goring was slow to mount a strong
air assault. The first heavy attack came only on the evening of May 29. For the
next three days the air attacks increased, and on .June 2 daylight evacuation had to
be suspended. RAF fighters valiantly tried to stop the bombing and strafing runs
but were outnumbered and could not stay over the port long enough to maintain
adequate air cover. However, the beach sand absorbed much of the blast effects of
the German bombs, and though the Allied soldiers waiting on the beaches suffered,
the Luftwaffe did most of its damage at sea, sinking six British destroyers, eight
personnel ships, and more than 200 small craft.
On May 26, Hitler lifted his halt order and the panzer advance resumed, but
against stiffening resistance. Soon thereafter, army headquarters ordered Panzer
Group Kleist to move southward for the attack across the Somme, leaving to
Bock's infantry the occupation of Dunkirkafter the British had gone.
The denouement in France now came quickly. In three weeks of lightning war the
Germans had taken more than a million prisoners at a cost to themselves of only
60,000 men. The Belgian and Dutch armies had been eliminated and the French
had lost thirty divisions, nearly a third of their total strength and the most mobile
part of it. They had also lost the help of twelve British divisions, now back in
England with practically no equipment. Only two British divisions remained in
France south of the Somme, although the War Office sent over two more that were
not fully trained.
French General Maxime Weygand, who had taken over command from General
Maurice-Gustave Gamelin on May 20, was left with sixty-six divisions, most of
them depleted, to hold a front along the Somme and Aisne longer than the original.
Weygand collected forty-nine divisions to hold the new front, leaving seventeen
to defend the Maginot Line. But most of the mechanized divisions had been lost or
badly beaten up. The Germans, however, brought their ten panzer divisions back
up to strength, while they deployed 130 infantry divisions that had scarcely been
The Germans redistributed their forces, with Guderian getting command of two
panzer corps to strike from Rethel on the Aisne southeastward to the Swiss border.
Kleist was left with two panzer corps to drive from bridgeheads over the Somme at
Amiens and Peronne, while the remaining armored corps, under Hoth, was to
advance between Amiens and the sea. The German offensive opened on June 5,
and the collapse of France came quickly. Although not all of the breakthroughs
were easy, panzer divisions soon were slashing almost unopposed through the
French countryside against increasingly hopeless resistance. The Maginot Line
collapsed quickly and almost without a shot: German forces approached it from the
rear, cutting off its supplies. Its garrison had no choice but to withdraw.
The Germans entered Paris on June 14 and on the 16th reached the Rhone
Valley. On the same night the French asked for an armistice. While discussions
continued, German forces continued their advance, moving beyond the Loire
River. On June 22 the French accepted the German terms, and on June 25 both
sides ceased fire.
In six weeks France had been eliminated from the war. Britain had been thrown
off the continent and, with scarcely an army, left only with the RAF, the Royal
Navy, and the rough seas of the English Channel as its defense against destruction.
The victory had been achieved by the military genius of two officers, Manstein and
Guderian, over the objections and despite the timidity of their superiors.
The Desert Fox Rommel and Germany's Lost Chance
IN 1941-42, NAZI GERMANY possessed a unique opportunity to seize North
Africa and the Suez Canal with only four armored divisions. The conquest would
have ousted the British navy from the Mediterranean Sea and delivered into
German hands the entire Middle East with its vast oil resources and an almost
invincible strategic position. Possession of Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian peninsula
would have forced Turkey and Iran to come to terms, split Britain off from India
and Australia, and rendered the Soviet Union vulnerable to attack from both west
and south.
Adolf Hitler and his high military advisers failed to see this opportunity and
turned instead to a futile attempt to destroy the Soviet Union by main force and
direct attack. This effort ate up the resources of Germany and allowed the United
States and Britain time to build great military power. They then attacked Germany
from the south through the Mediterranean and later through France while Russia
advanced from the east. Weakened Germany could not sustain a war on two fronts
and collapsed in defeat.
Yet Germanv need not have lost the war. After the
surrender of France in 1940, the Mediterranean, North Africa, Suez, and the
Middle East could have fallen like ripe plums. Britain possessed one incompletely
equipped armored division and only 40,000 troops in Egypt. Even in 1941 and
1942, Britain had immense difficulty maintaining forces in North Africa, because
Italy barred the western Mediterranean and forced convoys to make long, timeconsuming detours around the Cape of Good Hope.
In October 1940, the German high command sent one of its top armor experts,
Major General Wilhelm von Thoma, to Libya to study whether German forces
should help the Italians. Von Thoma reported back that four German armored
divisions could be maintained in Africa and these would be necessary to drive the
British out of Egypt and Suez and open the Middle East to conquest. At the time
Germany possessed more than three times this many panzer divisions, none being
Hitler, army commander Walther von Brauchitsch, and chief of staff Franz
Haider, however, already were eyeing an attack on Russia and did not see the
immense strategic prizes that would fall to Germany if they seized Suez and the
Middle East. Hitler and the top command exhibited a fixation on Europe and a fear
of operations overseas that fatally compromised Germany's chance for victory.
Hitler told Thoma he could spare only one armored division, whereupon Thoma
responded that it would be better to give up the idea of sending any force at all.
This angered Hitler, who revealed that his whole concept was narrowly political,
since he feared the Italian dictator, Benito Mussolini, might change sides without
German stiffening.
Hitler never committed himself to an African campaign and sent only the 15th
Panzer Division and the small 5th Light Division to Libya in 1941 under Major
General Erwin Rommel, who had achieved fame by his audacious handling of the
7th Panzer Division in France. Hitler dispatched these few Germans only because
the Italians were on the verge of being ousted from Africa by a small British army
that used its armor and mobility to encircle and destroy the ill-equipped and mostly
foot-bound Italian infantry.
The consequence was that Rommel, one of the greatest generals of modern
times, never was able to assemble the relatively modest power needed to achieve
victory. With the inadequate forces he did scrape together, he conducted some of
the most spectacular and successful military campaigns in history. But from the
first, his efforts were doomed
because his military superiors were blind to their opportunities and never
adequately supported him.
This can be seen most cogently in the failure of the German high command to seize
Malta, located directly on the vital line of ship communications between Italy and
Libya. British aircraft and submarines based on Malta regularly sank Italian
convoys, choking deliver)' of supplies to Rommel. Yet Hitler did authorize seizure
of the Greek island of Crete in the spring of 1941 by German airborne troops
although Crete possessed none of the strategic importance of Malta. Hitler
entertained a plan to capture Malta in the summer of 1942 but called it off because
he feared the Italian navy would abandon German and Italian airborne forces
scheduled to land.
Hitler had named Rommel to command his personal bodyguard, and from this
position Rommel leveraged appointment as commander of the 7th Panzer Division.
Rommel's movements were so fast, mysterious, and successful that the French
called his force the "ghost division." He came out of the campaign almost as
famous as Heinz Guderian, father of the panzers, and this high visibility made him
the ideal general for Hitler to mask the fact that his commitment to Africa was
mainly a public relations gesture to support Mussolini, not to reach a decision
Rommel, however much he suspected the limits of Hitler's interest in Africa,
was not a general to rest on his laurels. He possessed a burning ambition to
succeed and at once began planning a counteroffensive to regain Cyrenaica, or
eastern Libya, which the British had occupied in a swift campaign that had
commenced in December 1940.
The British offensive was under the overall supervision of General Sir Archibald
Wavell, Middle East commander, and the direct command of Lieutenant General
Sir Richard O'Connor. Its success was entirely unforeseen and occurred principally
because the Italian army consisted largely of woefully ill-armed infantry without
motor transport who could be surrounded and forced to surrender by the mobile
British columns in the open, desert country of Libya and Egypt, where military
formations could find little or no cover.
Desert warfare was strangely similar to war at sea, in that motorized equipment
could move over it at will and usually in any direction, much as ships could move
freely over oceans. Rommel himself described its similarity thus: "Whoever has
the weapons with the greatest range has the longest arm, exactly as at sea. Whoever
has the greater mobility...can by swift action compel his opponent to act according
to his wishes."!
Warfare in north Africa was based on complete mobility, and it was the only
theater where the belligerents fought pure tank battles. The campaigns
demonstrated that infantry was unable to survive without vehicles and weapons
that could destroy enemy tanks. They showed that the tankbecause of its
mobility and armor protectionwas the key to victory and that infantry without an
armored shield or reliable antitank guns was a liability' and, in any case, had no
influence beyond the range of its guns.
After capturing or destroying much of the Italian army in its retreat from Sidi
Barrani in Egypt, the British virtually wiped out the remaining Italian forces on
February 5 and 6,1941, at Beda Fomm, some eighty miles south of Benghazi.
There a motorized British infantry and artillery force formed a strategic barrage
behind the Italians along the only paved highway in Libya, the Via Balbia, running
near the coast. Meanwhile nineteen British tanks took up concealed positions on
the inland flank of the retreating columns and engaged the Italian armor, which
came in packets, not concentrated. By nightfall the British tanks had been reduced
to seven but had crippled sixty enemy tanks, and the next morning the British
found forty more abandoned.
With their protecting armor gone, more than 20,000 Italian troops surrendered.
The total British strength at Beda Fomm was only 3,000 men.
The British might have rushed on to Tripoli and ousted the Italians from Africa.
But Winston Churchill, the British prime minister, diverted much of Wavell's
strength, 50,000 men, to Greece in a foolish attempt to build a combination of
Balkan nations against Germany. Greece had thrown back an Italian invasion from
Albania, which it had occupied in 1940. But the primitive Balkan armies were no
match for German panzers, and Hitler, with invasion of the Soviet Union
scheduled, was determined to permit no enemy force on his rear. He got the
support of Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria, overran Yugoslavia and Greece, and
forced the British to evacuate, leaving behind 12,000 men, all their tanks, and most
of their equipment.
On May 20,1941, German parachute troops landed on Crete, defended by 28,600
British, Australian, and New Zealand troops and about as many additional Greek
forces. The Germans brought in 22,000 troops by air and suffered 4,000 men
killed. But they destroyed or captured most of the enemy troops and drove 16,500
survivors, including 2,000 Greeks, from the island. German aircraft also sank three
British cruisers and six destroyers and damaged thirteen other ships, including two
battleships and an aircraft carrier.
Rommel asserted that the entire Balkan adventure was unnecessary. If the forces
employed in subduing Yugoslavia and Greece had been used to support a German
army in North Africa, he wrote, they "could then have taken the whole of the
British-occupied Mediterranean coastline, which would have isolated southeastern
Europe. Greece, Yugoslavia and Crete would have had no choice but to submit, for
supplies and support from the British empire would have been impossible." Such a
campaign, Rommel wrote, would have secured the Mediterranean and the Middle
East's oil and also accomplished German aims in southeast Europe. But his
superiors had inhibitions about undertaking a major operation in a theater where
supplies had to be brought up by sea and fought Rommel's proposals.H
When General Rommel arrived in the Libyan capital of Tripoli on February
12,1941, the British were between El Agheila, some 380 air miles east of Tripoli,
and Agedabia, sixty miles farther northeast. General O'Connor had gone back to
Egypt, succeeded by Lieutenant General Sir Philip Neame, who was inexperienced
in mechanized desert warfare. Also, General Wavell had replaced the experienced
7th Armored Division (whose men achieved fame as the "Desert Rats"), which had
led the British offensive, with half of the raw 2d Armored Division, just arrived
from England, while the other half had been sent to Greece. Also the seasoned 6th
Australian Infantry Division had been replaced by the 9th Australian Division, but,
because of difficulty in delivering supplies, part had been retained at Tobruk, 280
air miles northeast.
Wavell believed the few Italians in Tripolitania could be disregarded. And
though intelligence reports showed that the Germans were sending "one armored
brigade," Wavell concluded on March 2,1941: "I do not think that with this force
the enemy will attempt to recover Benghazi."^ This was a logical conclusion, but
Wavell did not reckon with the likes of a Rommel.
Preceded by reconnaissance and antitank battalions, Rommel's "armored
brigade" arrived in Tripoli on March 11:120 tanks of the 5th Panzer Regiment of
the 5th Light Division. Half were light tanks useful only for scouting and sixty
were medium tanks, either twenty-ton Panzer Ills with maximum speed of 24 miles
per hour or eighteen-ton Panzer IVs with maximum speed of 26 mph.
Despite the awesome reputation of the panzers, the German tanks enjoyed no
real superiority over British armor, while the fourteen-ton (M13) Italian tanks were
decidedly inferior, being of obsolete design and mounting a low-power 47millimeter gun; they were referred to by everyone as "self-propelled coffins."
Both German medium tanks at this time were armed with short-barreled
weapons, the Mark Ills with 50mm and the IVs with 75mm guns. Neither had the
muzzle velocity to penetrate the heavy frontal armor (78mm) of the twenty-six-ton
British Matilda T or infantry tank with a maximum speed of 15 mph and top crosscountry speed of 6 mph, and they had difficulty stopping the faster (30 mph)
British Mark V cruiser tanks with 40mm of frontal armor. Moreover, the 2-pounder
(40mm) gun with which all British tanks were armed had higher velocity and
slightly better penetration (44mm of armor at 1,000 yards) than the German tank
guns. Since the German medium tanks originally had frontal armor only 30mm
thick, the 2-pounder could often stop them.
Rommel had already sized up British armor in France the previous spring and in
North Africa implemented new tactics that relied on maneuver to maximize his
only advantages, the cross-country speed of the tanks (though later-model British
cruiser tanks were slightly superior in this respect) and the high level of technical
skill of the panzer troops.
Rommel realized that the greatest danger a motorized force could face in desert
warfare was encirclement, since this subjected it to fire from all sides. However, a
motorized force usually could break out by concentrating at a single point and
bursting through. For that reason, attrition and destruction of the enemy's organic
cohesion had to be the tactical aim.
To win a battle of attrition, Rommel wrote that a commander must (1)
concentrate his forces, while trying to split the enemy's forces and destroy them at
different times; (2) protect his supply lines, while cutting the enemy's; (3) attack
enemy armor with antitank guns, reserving his own tanks for the final blow; (4)
operate near the front so as to make immediate decisions when tactical conditions
change; (5) achieve surprise, maintain great speed of movement, and overrun
disorganized enemy formations without delay. Speed is everything, Rommel wrote,
and, after dislocating the enemy, he must be pursued at once and never be allowed
to reorganize.!
To minimize the vulnerability of his tanks, Rommel turned to two "secret"
weapons: the 88mm antiaircraft (AA) gun and the 50mm antitank gun (which
slowly replaced the poor 37mm gun developed before the war). The 50mm gun
could penetrate 50mm of armor at 1,000 yards, thus could crack the Matilda's thick
frontal protection only at point-blank range. But the 88 could blast through 83mm
of armor at 2,000 yards, making it by far the most formidable antitank weapon on
either side. Moreover, both guns could fire solid shot, to cut through armor, or high
explosive, which could destroy or neutralize British antitank weapons or crews.
By comparison, the British 2-pounder antitank gun was ineffective. It fired solid
shot and could destroy Axis (Italian and German) antitank weapons only with a
direct hit; it could penetrate only the thinner side plates of enemy armor at ranges
below 200 yards. The 25-pounder (105mm) howitzer had to be pressed into service
as an antitank weapon, thereby being withdrawn from protecting British infantry,
forcing British armor to take on the additional duty of guarding foot soldiers. It
was not until spring 1942 that the British received the 6-pounder (57mm) antitank
gun, which fired high-explosive as well as solid shot and had 30 percent greater
penetration than the German 50mm antitank gun.
It took the British a long time to realize that Rommel's tactics rested on the
concept of sending guns against tanks. In offensive operations, he leapfrogged the
comparatively small and nimble 50mm guns from one shielded vantage point to
another, while keeping his tanks stationary and hull down, if possible, to give them
protective fire. Once the antitank guns were established, they in turn protected the
tanks as they swept forward.
In defensive operations, Rommel tried to bait the British. His panzers, usually
his faster, weakly armed light tanks, advanced to contact the enemy, then retired.
The typical British reaction was to mount a "cavalry" charge, though visibility was
obscured by the dust and sand stirred up by the supposedly retreating enemy.
Waiting in ambush in hollows and draws to the rear were 50mm antitank guns,
while behind them was a "gun line" of 88s. The somms picked off British tanks if
they got within range, while the 88s took on the advancing enemy armor at
distances far beyond the capacity of the tanks' 2-pounder guns to respond. The
British contributed to the success of Rommel's tactics by almost always
committing their armor piecemeal, mostly single units instead of full brigades and
never massed brigades.
The British played into Rommel*s hands in three other respects: they persisted
in distinguishing between "infantry" and "cruiser" or fast tanks, they formed
motorized "support groups" of infantry and artillery, unprotected by armor, and
they dispersed their armor widely instead of concentrating it.
While Heinz Guderian had been able to establish as German doctrine that all
armored forces should be employed in panzer divisions, the British split their
armor between armored divisions and brigades of "I" or infantry tanks. Thus they
halved their effective strength by keeping with foot soldiers the heavily armored
Matilda, which, though slow, was virtually impervious to anything except the
88mm AA gun.
The British came up with the idea of "support groups" because combined
artillery and infantry units had been successful in harassing Italians and especially
because such a force had blocked the retreat of the Italians at Beda Fomm. The
British saw no need to combine tanks, infantry, and artillery into battle groups
which the Germans discovered to be so effective in the 1940 campaign in the west
and which Rommel used extensively in Africa. Since support groups had to depend
upon their few 25-pounder howitzers and 2-pounder antitank guns, they were
vulnerable against the more resolute and better-armed Germans and Germanbacked Italian forces.
The idea of dispersing British units widely came about because it was
impossible to conceal armor from the air in the desert. Rommel tried to practice an
opposite policy: drawing every possible tank and gun together to work in concert
against a single objectivewhich, because of British dispersion, often was only a
small fragment of British armored strength.
Although transportation of 5th Light Division to Africa was not to be completed
until mid-April and of 15th Panzer Division until the end of May, Rommel was
determined to prevent the British from consolidating a defensive position at the
Mersa el Brega defile, about twenty-five miles east of EI Agheila. Here were
commanding heights flanked by the sea on one side and salt marshes on the other,
while beyond the marshes was the Wadi el Faregh, whose sand was difficult for
tanks. Given time, the British might make this position almost impregnable.
The British were not expecting an attack. Rommel ordered forward the 5th Light
Division elements on hand on March 31 and seized Mersa el Brega from the
stunned defenders, then rushed his forces on to capture Agedabia. The British,
confused by the swift German blow and magnifying Rommel's strength far beyond
its reality, ordered the hurried evacuation of Benghazi and withdrawal to the east,
creating chaos and disorder.
Rommel decided to make a bid for all of Cyrenaica in a single stroke, although
the only support for his Germans was two weak Italian divisions. He ordered a
double envelopment, sending the 3d Reconnaissance Battalion straight along the
Via Balbia toward Benghazi, while directing the 5th Panzer Regiment and the
Italian Ariete Armored Division (sixty tanks) across the chord of the Cyrenaican
bulge to El Mechili, just south of the "Green Mountain" of Jebel el Akdar. If the
panzers continued northward, they could block the British retreat along the coast.
The effect was instantaneous: the British hurriedly evacuated Benghazi and fell
back in confusion.
The 3d Reconnaissance Battalion entered Benghazi on the night of April 3 while
the Italian Brescia Motorized Division moved forward to allow the battalion to turn
against Mechili, toward which 5th Panzer and Ariete Division were racing. In the
emergency, Wavell sent General O'Connor up to advise General Neame. Their
unescorted car ran into a German spearhead, and both fell into German hands as
Meanwhile the single British armored brigade lost nearly all its tanks in the
hasty retreat, while the commander of the 2d Armored Division with a newly
arrived motorized brigade surrendered at Mechili. Rommel deceived the British
there into believing his force was much larger by raising clouds of dust with trucks.
By April 11, the British had been swept entirely out of Cyrenaica and over the
frontier into Egypt, except for a small force that shut itself up in the port of Tobruk,
which the Italians had built into a fortress before the war and which the Royal
Navy could supply by sea. Rommel had won largely by employing two principles
that great captains have used down the centuries: he had deceived the enemy into
believing his forces were stronger than they were and he had moved with great
speed, thereby bewildering enemy troops and destroying their cohesion and order.
Although his forces were extremely weak and his supply problems were
magnified by submarine and aircraft attacks on convoys, Rommel mounted several
attacks against the resolute Australian and British garrison of Tobruk, but failed
every time.
Meanwhile the British sought to relieve the siege of Tobruk. Unlike Hitler and
the German high command, Winston Churchill recognized the importance of North
Africa and was willing to run great risks to hold it. To increase Wavell's offensive
power, he ordered a five-ship convoy with 295 tanks and forty-three Hurricane
fighter planes to steam directly through the Mediterranean, instead of around the
Cape of Good Hope. In a memo of April 20,1941, to the chiefs of staff, Churchill
wrote that the fate of the war in the Middle East and the loss of the Suez Canal "all
may turn on a few hundred armored vehicles. They must if possible be carried
there at all costs."5 Helped by misty weather, the convoy got through to Alexandria
on May 12 without air or sea attacks but lost one ship with fifty-seven tanks to a
mine in the Sicilian Narrows.
Without waiting for the tanks to get to the front, Wavell launched his first effort,
Operation Brevity, to relieve Tobruk on May 15, sending twenty-six Matildas in
support of the 22d Guards Brigade in a direct assault against Axis forces guarding
Solium and Halfaya Pass along the coast, while twenty-nine cruiser tanks with a
support group of motorized infantry and artillery moved around the desert flank
and sought to get on the Axis rear. Solium and Halfaya were the only places in the
region where it was possible to cross the 600-foot escarpment that stretches from
Solium southeastward into Egypt.
Although the British lost seven Matildas, they seized Halfaya Pass. Threats of
German flank counterattacks, however, induced the British to withdraw, but they
left a small garrison at the pass. Rommel recaptured Halfaya with a sudden
converging stroke from several directions on May 27 and dug in four 88mm guns,
their barrels horizontal with little visible above ground. These 88s were to be of
great importance in the next British effort, Operation Battleaxe.
The first stage of the Battleaxe plan was for an infantry force and half the British
armor, a brigade of Matildas, to seize Halfaya, Solium, and Fort Capuzzo, eight
miles to the west, while the remaining armor covered the desert flank against the
single panzer regiment Rommel had posted there. The plan contained the seeds of
its own failure, because half of the British armor had little chance of destroying the
panzer regiment before Rommel's second tank regiment could move up from
Tobruk to assist.
Another problem was the 88s at Halfaya, which the British soldiers dubbed
"Hellflre Pass." When the armor attacked on June 15,1941, the commander radioed
back his last message: "They are tearing my tanks to bits."^ Of thirteen Matildas,
one survived the tank trap of the four 88s, and the assault collapsed.
There were no 88s in the path of a column of infantry led by Matildas that
captured Capuzzo, but the most southerly column, a brigade of cruiser tanks, ran
into a German trap of antitank guns and four 88s on Hafid Ridge, a few miles
southwest of Capuzzo, and suffered heavily. By now most of Rommel's forward
panzer regiment had arrived and threatened an attack on the British flank, inducing
the British to withdraw* into Egypt. By nightfall the British had lost more than half
their tanks, most to fire from the 88s and 50mm antitank guns, while Rommel's
tank strength was almost intact.
Fearing Rommel would attempt to cut them off, the British retreated back to
their starting places.
Ever since the start of World War II and the unveiling of "blitzkrieg" with tanks
and dive-bombers, the offensive had dominated the defensive. Battleaxe, as the
Tobruk battles and Operation Brevity had foreshadowed, marked the end of this
dominance. Rommel's success with 88s and his increasingly bold use of 50mm
antitank guns in close combination with tanks showed that the defense could stop
enemy armor, even in the open North African desert. Unfortunately the British
commanders discounted reports of how 88s were being used as antitank guns, both
in dug-in positions, as at Halfaya and Hafid Ridge, and in a mobile role, since four
moved with the 15th Panzer Division. They also did not learn that their failure to
concentrate armor had contributed greatly to their defeat in Battleaxe. Both these
errors were to cost the British dearly.
Winston Churchill, disappointed with the failure of Battleaxe, was determined to
renew the effort and poured additional troops and equipment into Egypt. In doing
so, he slighted defense of the Far East and contributed to the fall of Singapore after
the Japanese attacked the Americans, British, and Dutch in December 1941.
The campaign, code-named Operation Crusader by the British, opened on
November 18,1941, and turned into the most spectacular tank battle in history, a
battle fought at extreme speed over a desert arena that allowed complete freedom
of maneuver. From beginning to end, Rommel dominated the campaign, because
he was prepared to throw in his last tank and last gun to achieve a decision.
The British possessed great advantage in the air, with nearly 700 aircraft against
120 German and 200 Italian. They had similar superiority in tanks, but again
divided them between the infantry and armored divisions. Against Rommel's 414
tanks (including 154 Italian) and 50 tanks under repair, the British assembled 724
gun-armed tanks in five armored brigades, with 200 tanks in reserve. A brigade
with the Tobruk garrison had 69 Matildas and 32 old cruisers, while the 1st Army
Tank Brigade, attached to the infantry divisions, contained 132 Matildas or
similarly slow and heavily armored Valentines. The other three armored brigades,
4th, 7th, and 22d, were equipped with cruisers, including 165 new American Stuart
tanks, fastest in the field (36 mph) but with an inadequate 37mm gun and a tactical
range of only forty miles, and 229 new Crusaders with maximum speed of 26 mph
and heavy armor (49mm on the turret front), but armed with the same weak 2pounder (40mm) gun as other British tanks.
The British also brought up three more motorized infantry divisions, making
four, and sent in the British 70th Division to relieve the 9th Australian Division in
Although Hitler raised the status of Rommel's command from a corps to a
panzer group, Rommel received few reinforcements and no additional tank units,
keeping his original three (two German and one Italian). The 5th Light was
renamed the 21st Panzer Division but given no increased tank scale, while Rommel
formed the Africa Division (soon retitled 90th Light) out of independent units
already in Libya. This division had no tanks and only four infantry battalions but
had four artillery battalions, including a battalion of 88s. Rommel's Italian force
consisted of the 20th Motorized Corps (Ariete Armored and Trieste Motorized
Divisions) and four unmotorized infantry divisions, which could be used only in a
static role and which handicapped Rommel's freedom of maneuver.
On the night of November 18,30th Corps moved around Rommel's desert flank.
The next day, General Cunningham sent two of the three regiments of the 7th
Armored Brigade to capture Sidi Rezegh airfield. The third armored regiment and
the division's Support Group did not come up until the next morning, November
20. By then Rommel had rushed up part of 90th Light and a large number of
antitank guns to block the advance.
Meanwhile, the other two armored brigades were widely separated and ran into
serious trouble. The 22d, newly arrived from England, launched a "charge of the
Light Brigade" straight into the dug-in guns of Trieste Armored Division at Bir el
Gubi, twenty-two miles south of Sidi Rezegh, promptly losing 40 of its 160 tanks.
The attack bogged down.
The 4th Brigade stopped at Gabr Saleh, thirty miles southeast of Sidi Rezegh, in
order to keep in touch with the left flank of 13th Corps, but one of its three
regiments rushed off twenty-five miles in pursuit of a German reconnaissance unit.
Rommel sent 21st Panzer Division's tank regiment, plus twelve field guns and four
88s, against the two remaining regiments of 4th Armored Brigade, destroying
twenty-three Stuart tanks against a loss of three German tanks.
General Ludwig Cruewell, Africa Corps commander, led all his armor the next
morning on a wild goose chase toward Fort Capuzzo, after receiving an erroneous
report that a major British advance was coming from that direction. Although
Cunningham knew of Africa Corps' departure, he made no immediate attempt to
concentrate his armor. The 21st Panzer Division ran out of gasoline near Sidi Omar
and didn't get refueled until after dark. The 15th Panzer Division swept back
southwest and, in the afternoon, struck 4th Brigade, still at Gabr Saleh, and
inflicted more heavy damage on it. Cunningham had ordered the 22d Brigade to
assist, but it did not complete the twenty-eight-mile trek from Bir el Gubi until
after the battle had ended. Yet the "I" tank brigade of 13th Corps was only seven
miles to the east of 4th Brigade and eager to advancebut, because it had
"infantry" tanks, Cunningham did not call on it!
Rommel, realizing that the 7th Armored Brigade and the division Support Group
were blocked by 90th Light at Sidi Rezegh airfield, ordered Africa Corps to
advance on their rear next morning, November 21, in hopes of destroying them.
General Norrie was planning to advance toward Tobruk in conjunction with a
tank-led sortie from Tobruk. However, at 8:00 A.M. he saw German panzers
approaching Sidi Rezegh from the south and east. Instead of concentrating his
armor to meet the blow, Norrie left the 6th Royal Tanks to continue the Tobruk
attack and diverted the 7th Hussars and the 2d Royal Tanks to challenge Rommel.
The result was a disaster. The 6th Royal Tanks charged 90th Light's well-posted
guns and was shattered, while Rommel himself directed 88mm fire that knocked
out several "I" tanks and stopped the sortie from Tobruk.
To the southeast, 15th Panzer Division drove a wedge several miles wide
between the 7th Hussars and the 2d Royal Tanks, allowing 21st Panzer Division to
overrun and almost wipe out the isolated 7th Hussars. After refueling, Africa Corps
came back in the afternoon and attacked 2d Royal Tanks, advancing antitank guns
ahead of the tanks and around the flanks of the British armor and taking such a toll
that the regiment was saved from annihilation only by the belated arrival of 22d
Armored Brigade from Gabr Saleh. The 4th Brigade did not come up until the next
Artillery of Support Group stopped an attempt by Africa Corps to overrun Sidi
Rezegh airfield, but the panzer corps was now in the central position between
Support Group and the 22d and 4th Armored Brigades coming up from the south.
Rommel saw that it could destroy each in turn and ordered Cruewell to carry out
the assaults the next day.
Cruewell, seeking "complete freedom of maneuver," had planned to take Africa
Corps eastward during the night. Getting Rommel's order, however, he moved 15th
Panzer toward Gambut, twenty miles northeast of Sidi Rezegh, while directing 21st
Panzer to reassemble between Belhamed and Zaafran, some seven miles north of
the airfield. Cruewell thus separated the two panzer divisions by eighteen miles
and permitted 7th Armored Division to concentrate its remaining 180 tanks.
Rommel arrived around midday November 22 at 21st Panzer, discovered his armor
had been split, but determined nevertheless to oust Support Group from the
airfield. While the division's infantry and artillery attacked Sidi Rezegh from the
north, locking Support Group in place, he wheeled the panzer regiment, plus a
number of 88s and 50mm antitank guns, to the southwest, struck the western flank
of the British position, overran the airfield, and overwhelmed part of Support
Group. Again the British did not use their tanks in mass: 22d Armored Brigade
came up to help, but 4th Armored Brigade inexplicably held back. German 88s and
antitank guns destroyed half of the 22d's tanks before the brigade withdrew. When
4th Brigade at last intervened at dusk, it was unable to retrieve the situation.
The British now decided the airfield was untenable and withdrew to the south to
await the 1st South African Division, ordered northward as reinforcement,
although only the 5th Brigade arrived by the morning of November 23. Meanwhile
Cruewell returned with the 15th Panzer and struck the 4th Armored Brigade from
the east after it had drawn into a defensive perimeter. The Germans captured
brigade headquarters and a large number of men and tanks, rendering the mutilated
brigade unable to reassemble the next day.
Africa Corps was in command of the battlefield. The 15th Panzer was at Bir
Sciaf Sciuf, fifteen miles east of Sidi Rezegh; 21st Panzer was defending the Sidi
Rezegh area, and the Italian Ariete and Trieste Divisions were assembled about Bir
el Gubi, twenty-two miles to the south.
Rommel believed the British were about twelve miles south of Sidi Rezegh and
therefore ringed on three sides by Axis forces. He saw they might be destroyed by
a concentric attack and directed the Italian divisions to advance northeastward and
Africa Corps to "encircle the enemy and destroy them" on November 23. However,
Cruewell had already put in motion his own plan by the time Rommel's order
Meanwhile, the 2d New Zealand Division had advanced the day before from the
east, seized Fort Capuzzo, and sent its 6th Brigade westward along an Arab desert
trail, the Trigh Capuzzo. Soon after daylight on November 23, after Cruewell had
departed, the brigade bumped into Africa Corps headquarters at Gasr el Arid,
twenty-five miles east of Sidi Rezegh, and seized it after bitter resistance. Loss of
the corps staff and its radio links seriously handicapped Rommel in the days to
Cruewell ordered 21st Panzer's infantry and artillery to hold the escarpment
south of Sidi Rezegh airfield, while its panzer regiment joined with 15th Panzer for
a wide sweep around the rear of 7th Armored Division and 5th South African
Brigade, to join up with Ariete and Trieste Divisions moving up from Bir el Gubi.
In this way, Cruewell planned to assemble all his armor, then strike the British a
single, concentrated blow.
When Cruewell's forces rumbled southwestward through early-morning mist on
November 23, they inadvertently surprised the center of the British position, which
was farther east than the Germans had figured. The emergence of the panzers set
off a wild stampede in all directions by British vehicles, tanks, guns, and men.
Here was an opportunity for Cruewell to destroy the British forces in detail. But
Cruewell, intent on linking up with the Italians, called off pursuit, and, swinging on
an even wider outflanking movement, continued to the southwest. Cruewell thus
missed one of the great chances of the war. This failure, and his earlier failure to
abide by Rommel's order to encircle and attack the British, demonstrates how one
subordinate's errors can wreck the plans of a great commander.
It was midafternoon before Cruewell joined with the Italians and launched a
frontal attack from the southwest on the 22d Armored and the 5th South African
Brigades, now isolated between German forces north and south of them. In the
long respite that Cruewell had given them, the South Africans moved most of their
artillery to their exposed flank and formed a formidable defensive barrier.
Cruewell now committed his third error of the day. Instead of following German
tactical doctrine and advancing antitank guns forward and around the flanks to
engage enemy armor and neutralize enemy artillery and tanks before committing
his panzers, Cruewell formed up his tanks in long lines and, ordering his infantry
to follow in trucks, launched a headlong charge. They met a curtain of fire. Tank
after tank split. All of the German artillery had to be thrown in to silence the South
African guns while British and German tanks and antitank guns fought tremendous
duels, creating a sea of dust, haze, and smoke. By late afternoon the panzers finally
punched a few holes in the front and the tank attack moved forward, destroyed 5th
South African Brigade, and killed or captured 3,000 soldiers. As darkness fell,
hundreds of burning vehicles, tanks, and guns lit up the battlefield.
Cruewell's attack had succeeded, but at a tremendous cost. Not only had the
German infantry suffered extreme losses because of its exposure to heavy fire but
Africa Corps lost 70 of its remaining 160 tanks. Although the British 30th Corps
had only 70 tanks left fit for actionand these widely dispersedout of 500 at the
start, the British had large tank reserves, whereas Rommel did not.
The tank losses of this one direct attack on the strong South African defenses
largely offset the gain from Rommel's skillful maneuvers over the previous days.
Although Rommel's offensive power had been crippled, he had lost none of his
audacity and immediately ordered exploitation of his success by a strike deep into
the British rear. His aim was to restore the situation on the SoliumHalfaya Pass
front, cut enemy supply lines, and force the British to give up the struggle. Given
Axis weakness and British strength, this was the boldest decision Rommel ever
Some critics have argued that Rommel should have finished off the remnants of
30th Corps or crushed the 2d New Zealand Division. But Rommel realized attacks
against strong infantry defensive positions would eat up his strength, while the
British cruiser tanks were faster than his own panzers and could avoid battle by
escaping. His only hope of victory was to make a bold strike at the heart of enemy
resistance to damage the morale of the British troops and, especially, to play on the
fears of the British commander.
Leaving a weak force scraped together from various formations to maintain the
Tobruk siege, Rommel struck out at midday on November 24 with 21st Panzer,
ordering 15th Panzer, Ariete, and Trieste Divisions to follow. Rommel scattered the
7th Armored and 1st South African Divisions and, in five hours, reached the
frontier sixty miles away at Bir Sheferzen, twenty miles south of Halfaya Pass. He
immediately sent a battle group through a gap in the frontier wire and belt of mines
to Halfaya to dominate 8th Army's route of retreat and supply along the coast.
The move threw 30th Corps into wild disorder and caused its commander,
Cunningham, to plan immediate withdrawal into Egyptwhich had been
Rommel's intention. The situation resembled that created in the American Civil
War by Confederate General Stonewall Jackson when he descended on the rear of
the Union forces at Manassas, Virginia, in the summer of 1862. Jackson's blow,
like Rommel's, was aimed at the mind of the enemy commander: it was intended to
raise the fear that he would be cut off and thereby induce him to withdraw.
Jackson's move succeeded: Union General John Pope retreated quickly toward
Bardia. Early on November 27 the division's tanks overran headquarters of the 5th
New Zealand Brigade at Sidi Azeiz, ten miles southwest of Bardia, and seized the
commander, 800 men, and several guns. With this success Rommel ordered 15th
Panzer likewise to move toward Tobruk.
Africa Corps had accomplished nothing decisive on the frontier. Now it
possessed only a fraction of its original tank strength, while the British armored
formations, left in control of the Sidi Rezegh battlefield, had repaired many tanks
and received replacements from Egypt. Although British armor now outnumbered
the panzers (130 British to 40 German tanks), Rommel used his tanks in concert
while the British continued to scatter their armor and commit it piecemeal.
Rommel resolved to keep the Tobruk garrison isolated and to destroy the two
brigades (2d and 4th) of the New Zealand Division in the Belhamed area. On
November 29,15th Panzer detoured to the south and west around Sidi Rezegh and,
in a bitter battle, seized Ed Duda in an advance from the southwest. Ariete Division
and 21st Panzer were to assault the New Zealanders from the east and south but
made little headway because British armor attacked them on their southern flank.
Rommel's determination to continue to battle was a measure of his willpower.
His men were exhausted, the weather cold, the country waterless, and the Axis
supply system broken down. Although the New Zealanders were nearly encircled,
strong British armor threatened to bowl over the light forces covering the southern
flank, the 1st South African Brigade was coming up to help, and the Tobruk
garrison was still powerful.
On the morning of November 30,15th Panzer, in cooperation with battle groups
from 90th Light, attacked southward from the escarpment north of Sidi Rezegh,
and by evening it had captured some New Zealand positions, 600 prisoners, and
twelve guns. Meanwhile, 21st Panzer and Ariete beat off a relieving attack by
British armor from the south.
During the night most of the New Zealanders broke out, although the Germans
captured more than 1,000 men and twenty-six guns. British armor and infantry
moved south and east to regroup, once more isolating Tobruk.
The Axis seemed to have won. But the price had been too high. Rommel
realized he had no offensive power left, while British tank strength was growing
daily with shipments from the rear. Knowing he had to extricate his army if he
hoped to fight another day, Rommel retreated westward in a masterful series of
engagements, finally halting at Mersa el Brega, on the border of Tripolitania, on
January 6,1942.
Although the Axis garrison at Bardia surrendered on January 2,1942, the
starving force at Halfaya Pass held out until January 17. With the main travel
routes blocked, the British found it difficult to bring up supplies and reduced their
forces in the forward area about Agedabia to the 201st Guards Brigade and 1st
Armored Division, newly arrived from England and replacing the worn 7th
Armored Division.
Meanwhile the situation had improved greatly for Rommel. Adolf Hitler had
transferred a large German air fleet to Sicily and Italy, and it successfully
challenged British air superiority over the shipping lanes to Libya. On January
5,1942, an Italian convoy reached Tripoli with fifty-five tanks and a number of
antitank guns. These, plus repairs, brought Rommel's tank strength at the front on
January 20 to 111 German and 89 Italian, with 28 more in the rear. The 1st
Armored Division, in contrast, had 150 tanks manned by inexperienced crews.
Rommel decided on a counteroffensive. Keeping his plans from both the Italian
and German high commands in order to avoid security leaks, Rommel lulled the
British into complacency by forbidding all reconnaissance, camouflaging his tanks
to look like trucks, and massing his forces by short night marches.
His blow, on the night of January 20-21,1942, therefore, was a stunning surprise.
Rommel sent a battle group of the 90th Light and some tanks northward along the
Via Balbia, while Africa Corps advanced through the desert along the Wadi el
Faregh, some forty miles inland, hoping to surround the British. But the panzers
used up much fuel in the sand dunes and the enemy had time to escape
encirclement, concentrating east of Agedabia. Africa Corps ran out of fuel, but
Rommel took personal command of the 90th Light battle group and rushed directly
on Agedabia, seizing the town on January 22, and continuing northward on the Via
Balbia, throwing British supply columns into confusion.
Rommel now tried to surround ist Armored, but the bulk of it escaped
northward, although Africa Corps enveloped one combat group and destroyed
seventy tanks near Saunnu, forty miles northeast of Agedabia. The remaining
British armor broke for Msus, forty miles north, in one of the most extraordinary
routs of the war. The panzers, in hot pursuit, sometimes at speeds of 15 mph,
wrecked more than half the remainder of the British tanks.
Rommel now feinted with Africa Corps toward El Mechili, eighty miles
northeast of Msus across the chord of the Cyrenaican bulge. Since Rommel had
made such a move in his first offensive in April 1941, Ritchie fell for the bait and
concentrated all his armor to meet it. Instead, Rommel rushed 90th Light along the
coast to Benghazi. Again the British were surprised, losing mountains of supplies
and 1,000 men from 4th Indian Division taken prisoner. The victor)' induced Hitler
to promote Rommel to colonel general and redesignate the panzer group as a
panzer army, though he sent no additional troops.
Rommel's forces were exhausted and too weak for more offensive action.
Ritchie withdrew all the way to Gazala, only forty miles west of Tobruk, and began
to build a defensive line. Rommel came up to the line on February 6,1942. He had
achieved much with little, regaining most of Cyrenaica and a good position to
attack again as soon as he could rebuild his strength.
Winston Churchill, who continued to pour men and equipment into Egypt,
wanted Auchinleck to take the offensive as early as February 1942. But Auchinleck
would not be hurried and insisted on building 8th Army's strength to ensure great
superiority. In this regard, the British had something of an ally in Adolf Hitler.
Rommel visited Hitler in March, but the Fiihrer, preoccupied with the war against
the Soviet Union, offered no major reinforcements. Rommel's one gain was
increased flows of supplies, since the German Luftwaffe, in almost continuous
bombing, was neutralizing Malta as an air and submarine base.
Seeing that the longer he waited the stronger the British would become, Rommel
resolved to strike at the earliest possible moment. The date he chose was May
26,1942, forestalling Auchinleck, who intended to commence his offensive nearly
a month later.
By May 26 the Axis and the British were about equal in air power, but 8th Army
had 850 tanks in five armored brigades, plus 420 more in the rear as replacements,
compared to Rommel's 560, of which only 280 were gun-armed German Mark Ills
or IVs. The rest were 230 obsolete Italian tanks and 50 light tanks. Rommel's
reserves consisted of thirty tanks under repair and twenty just landed at Tripoli.
The British had a three-to-one superiority for the opening clash and a four-to-one
edge if the campaign became a battle of attrition.
The great difference in armored strength, moreover, was not in numbers but in
quality. The British now deployed 170 decidedly superior tanks: American Grants
carrying a side-mounted 75mm and a turret-mounted 37mm gun and boasting
57mm of armor. They had 230 additional Grants in reserve. The tank's only major
disadvantages were a high silhouette and a limited traverse for the 75mm gun. The
closest German competitors were nineteen new Mark III Specials mounting a longbarreled, high-velocity 50mm gun and 50mm of armor. Older Mark Ills, armed
with a short-barreled 50mm gun, and Mark IVs, mounting a short-barreled 75mm
gun, made up the bulk of Rommel's strength. They could be shattered by the
Grant's gun at ranges beyond either tank's capacity to penetrate the Grant's armor.
The British also armed their motorized infantry with the new 6-pounder (57mm)
antitank gun, with 30 percent more penetration than the German 50mm antitank
gun. The German 88mm AA gun remained the most formidable tank killer on
either side but Rommel had only forty-eight of these weapons.
The British line, defended by 13th Corps, now under Lieutenant General W.H.E.
"Strafer" Gott, stretched from the sea at Gazala to Bir Hacheim, fifty miles south.
In the north the 1st South African Division manned a firm ten-mile sector. Below
it, however, the three brigades of the British 50th Division occupied widely
separated defensive "boxes," flanked only by minefields. At Bir Hacheim, the 1st
Free French Brigade of 4,000 men, plus 1,000 members of the Jewish Brigade, was
especially isolated; its box was sixteen miles below the 150th Brigade box at Got
el Ualeb. The boxes presented the danger that one or more might be bypassed or
surrounded and forced to surrender. An added problem was that the British forward
railhead and supply base was only forty-five miles east of the Gazala line at
Belhamed. It was at once a point that had to be protected and a target for an enemy
As usual, the British divided their armor between three brigades of cruisers
(including Grants) in the 1st and 7th Armored Divisions of 30th Corps, still under
General Norrie, and two brigades of "I" or infantry tanks posted in support of the
1st South African and 50th Divisions.
General Rommel found the static, nonmobile defense at Gazala to be typical of
British military thinking and based on their close association with infantrv warfare
in World War I. British commanders had failed to draw the correct conclusions
from their defeats in the desert. "In anv North African desert position with an open
southern flank," Rommel wrote, "a rigid system of defense is bound to lead to
disaster," since any such line could be turned and the forces manning it forced to
retreat or surrender. Rommel held that defense must be conducted offensively to be
Generals Auchinleck and Ritchie planned to use the two armored divisions to
operate offensively. Strangely, however, Auchinleckwhile not discounting the
possibility that Rommel might strike around the southern flankbelieved he most
likely would penetrate the center along the Trigh Capuzzo, the Arab desert trail. He
gave Ritchie good advice: deploy both his armored divisions astride the trail, so
that he could deal with either a thrust along it or a turning moving around the flank.
Ritchie, however, kept 1st Armored, with the 2d and 22d Armored Brigades,
around the Trigh Capuzzo but sent 7th Armored, with its single 4th Armored
Brigade, southward to support the French at Bir Hacheim and the 3d Indian
Motorized Brigade in a guarding position a few miles east. Thus British armor, at
the outset, was split into three segments: two "I" brigades (the 1st and 32d) in the
north, 1st Armored in the center, and 7th Armored in the south.
Rommel all along planned to strike around the southern flank. But to draw the
British toward the center, he ordered tanks and trucks driven in circles behind the
Gazala line to give the impression that tanks were assembling. And, in daylight just
before the attack, he sent all motorized forces toward the Italian infantry divisions
detailed to demonstrate along the Gazala line, then brought them to their assembly
points after nightfall.
Rommel's striking force consisted of Africa Corps (15th and 21st Panzer
Divisions), the 20th Italian Motorized Corps (Ariete Armored and Trieste
Motorized Divisions), and 90th Light Division. This entire force was to circle
around Bir Hacheim. Then Africa Corps and the Italians were to strike directly for
Acroma and the coast, cutting off and destroying the armor and troops along the
Gazala line. Meanwhile 90th Lightequipped with trucks carrying aircraft engines
to simulate the dust clouds raised by advancing tankswas to push into the El
AdemBelhamed area, about fifteen miles southeast of Tobruk, and cut off the
British from their supply dumps and reinforcements.
On the night of May 26, after Italian infantry under German General Cruewell
made a diversionary frontal assault against the Gazala line, Rommel's mobile
formations, 10,000 vehicles, struck out through a moonlit night and swirling clouds
of sand and dust. They met no opposition, and after halting for a short rest just
before daybreak a few miles southeast of Bir Hacheim, they thrust at full speed
into the British rear.
By 10:00 A.M. on May 27,90th Light seized El Adem and numerous supply
dumps, soon stirring up a furious battle with British forces in the area.
Meanwhile, Africa Corps, now under General Walter Nehring, collided with 4th
Armored Brigade some fifteen miles northeast of Bir Hacheim near Bir el Harmat,
while, on the left flank, Ariete overwhelmed 3d Indian Motorized Brigade.
Contrary to Rommel's orders, Nehring's panzers attacked without artillery support
and also were stunned by the long-range penetrating power of the Grant 75mm
gun. Fire destroyed tank after tank. The Germans only made headway when they
brought up their antitank guns and SSs. while their tanks worked around the enemy
flanks, finally inflicting a shattering defeat on the brigade and pushing the
survivors northward.
In the late morning the British 22d Armored Brigade arrived from the north but
was caught isolated, severely handled in a concentric attack by 15th and 21st
Panzers, and forced to withdraw. Africa Corps advanced to the Trigh Capuzzo but
there met uncoordinated attacks by 2d Armored Brigade on the west and 1st Army
Tank Brigade of "I" tanks on the east, with Grants and Matildas charging
recklessly. German antitank guns and 88s exacted a heavy toll, yet the assaults
disrupted Africa Corps' advance, cut off German supply columns trying to move
up, and forced the panzers. now low on ammunition and fuel, to form a
"hedgehog," or defensive perimeter, at nightfall about three miles north of the
Trigh Capuzzo.
The Axis forces were in a precarious position, isolated behind British lines. Yet
Africa Corps had been able to stop all attacks because each enemy armored brigade
had been sent in separatelywhile Ritchie had not even used the 32d Army Tank
Brigade with a hundred heavy infantry Matildas and Valentines.
To Rommel the piecemeal commitment was incomprehensible. The sacrifice of
7th Armored south of Bir el Harmat especially served no purpose. "It was all the
same to the British whether my armor was engaged tliere or on the Trigh
Capuzzo," Rommel wrote. "The full motorization of their units would have
enabled them to cross the battlefield at great speed to wherever danger threatened^
Rommel's bid for quick victory had failed, victim of the great strength of the
British armor and especially of the Grants. The Axis tanks were stalled, their
supplies forced to be detoured around the southern flank and subject to attacks by
British armored cars. Rommel, against his will, had been drawn into a battle of
attrition. General Ritchie had a great opportunity to destroy Africa Corps on May
28 by a concentric attack, especially since the 32d Brigade was fresh and
undamaged. However, Ritchie took no such action and gave Rommel time to
On May 28, Rommel planned for 90th Light to join Africa Corps for an attack
northward. But, harassed by the 4th Armored Brigade, the division was unable to
extricate itself. Africa Corps and Ariete Division fought a confused series of
engagements with British armored units committed piecemeal. At the end of the
day, Africa Corps had 150 tanks left fit for action and the Italians 90, while the
British still had 420.
During the night, 90th Light was able to withdraw to Bir el Harmat, and early on
May 29, Rommel himself led a supply column to replenish Africa Corps' fuel and
ammunition. Although British tanks attacked throughout the day, they again failed
to coordinate their assaults and the Germans ended the day in a strong position.
Nevertheless, Rommel realized he could not continue northward until his supply
line was secured, since columns circling around Bir Hacheim were being attacked
by British motorized forces.
Rommel now made a dramatic decision that saved the campaign for him: he sent
90th Light westward while Italian infantry advanced eastward along the Trigh
Capuzzo and broke a supply line directly through the Gazala-line minefields while
the remainder of his force went over to the defensive on a shortened front. While
defending this front, Rommel planned to destroy the now-isolated 150th Brigade
box at Got el Ualeb and the Free French box at Bir Hacheim.
The plan presented an enormous danger. With Axis armor stymied deep in the
British rear, Ritchie could have used his seasoned infantry and artillery to crash
through the weak Italian divisions manning the Gazala line on the north and sever
the Axis supply linesleaving Rommel's panzers without fuel and endangering the
very existence of Axis forces in Africa. However, Rommel knew British
commanders would fear he might drive to the sea, although the 400 remaining
British tanks, plus antitank guns, could have blocked his 130 remaining German
gun-armed tanks and about 100 weak Italian tanks. Rommel was confident the
British would fix their attention on the Axis armor and "continue to run their heads
against our well-organized defensive front and use up their strength."^
This is precisely what happened. On May 30 the British made sporadic and
uncoordinated attacks broken up by German 88s and antitank guns. By the end of
the day the Axis forces had shot up fifty-seven tanks and established a firm front
on the east-west Sidra Ridge, a mile north of the Trigh Capuzzo, and the Aslagh
Ridge, about five miles south, enclosing an area the British named the Cauldron.
On May 31, Rommel personally led 90th Light, Trieste, and elements of Africa
Corps against the 150th Brigade box. The British, aided by a regiment of Matildas,
resisted stubbornly, but their position was hopeless. The next day, after suffering a
heavy attack by Stuka dive-bombers and having expended all their ammunition,
they gave up, surrendering 3,000 prisoners.
On June 2, 90th Light and Trieste assaulted the Bir Hacheim box. The battle
turned into one of the fiercest in the war, lasting ten days, the defenders fighting
skillfully from field positions, machine-gun and antitank-gun nests, and slit
trenches. They resisted intense dive-bombing, 1,300 Stuka sorties in nine days.
On June 5 the British attempted to destroy Axis armor in the Cauldron, making
direct, obvious, piecemeal attacks Rommel found easy to counter.
On the north, slow, heavy Matildas and Valentines of the 32d Tank Brigade
lumbered forward in daylight, unsupported by artillery fire, providing perfect
targets for antitank guns of 21st Panzer on Sidra Ridge. They ended in a minefield
and were shot to pieces. The brigade lost fifty out of seventy tanks engaged.
On the east, 10th Indian Brigade drove Ariete Division off Aslagh Ridge. Then
22d Armored Brigade passed through, followed by the 9th Indian Brigade. The
British tanks received terrific fire from German antitank guns and artillery and
withdrew to Bir et Tamar, between Aslagh and Sidra Ridges. At midday, Rommel
launched one of his most brilliant counter-strokes. While 21st Panzer thrust
southeast toward Bir et Tamar, 15th Panzer emerged from a gap in the minefields
south of Aslagh Ridge and struck the flank and rear of Indian troops holding the
ridge. By nightfall the Axis had scattered the 9th Indian Brigade and formed a ring
around the 10th Brigade on Aslagh, the Support Group of 22d Armored Brigade to
the north and four field artillery regiments. The only hope for the British was a
coordinated attack by their armor, but this never developed. By the end of the day
on June 6, Africa Corps had destroyed a hundred tanks, wiped out 10th Brigade,
and captured 3,100 men, ninety-six cannon, and thirty-seven antitank guns. Total
British tank strength had fallen from 400 to 170.
Having stopped British attempts to destroy his armor, Rommel decided to
eliminate Bir Hacheim before bursting out of the Cauldron. On June 8 strong
elements of 15th Panzer joined other Axis forces for a coordinated attack of
extreme violence from all directions against the Free French brigade, under the
inspired leadership of Pierre Koenig. A German combat group finally cracked into
the main enemy position on June 10. The greater part of the garrison broke out
during the night and was picked up by a British motor brigadeshowing how
difficult it is to contain a determined force under a resolute commander. Only 500
Allied soldiers fell into German hands, most of them wounded.
The way was now clear for Rommel to thrust into the British vitals, though
Ritchie had brought up reinforcements and had 330 tanks, twice the remaining
strength of Africa Corps. But British confidence had been badly shaken, while the
Axis forces, though sadly weakened, were smelling victory.
On June 11,1942,15th Panzer swung northeast toward El Adem, with 90th Light
now reduced to 1,000 menon the right and Trieste Division on the left. By
nightfall the divisions were south and west of EI Adem, facing the 2d and 4th
Armored Brigades. Rommel ordered 21st Panzer to swing around to the northeast
the next day and take the enemy armor in the rear. The move cornered the two
British armored brigades. German antitank guns moved forward and began a
systematic execution. When 22d Armored Brigade advanced from the north to
help, it suffered heavy losses from 21st Panzer and Trieste. The two trapped
brigades attempted to flee, the 2d withdrawing in some order with 22d Brigade
toward Knightsbridge box, a few miles north, but the 4th's retreat turning into a
rout. The British lost 120 tanks. The next day, Rommel turned north and squeezed
the British out of Knightsbridge box and continued to harry the fleeing armor. By
nightfall Ritchie had barely a hundred tanks left. Rommel enjoyed tank superiority
for the first time and was in possession of the battlefield, permitting him to recover
many tanks.
The British along the Gazala line were in danger of being cut off, and Ritchie
ordered them back on the morning of June 14. The same morning Rommel sent
Africa Corps past Acroma with urgent instructions to seal off the Via Balbia during
the night. But the German panzer troops were so exhausted they dropped down
short of the road at nightfall. The next morning, 15th Panzer descended the
escarpment and blocked the road, but by that time most of the South African
infantry had escaped, moving quickly back to the Egyptian frontier. The British
50th Division found a different escape route, breaking out west through the Italian
front, moving on a long circuit south, men east to the frontier.
The shattered British armored brigades now were no match for the panzers, and
they retreated into Egypt. Africa Corps swept around the Tobruk perimeter,
avoiding the large British garrison there, and seized airfields at Gambut, thirty-five
miles east of Tobruk, thus forcing British aircraft eastward and beyond easy range
of Tobruk. The panzers then turned back.
Tobruk was a symbol of British resistance, and Rommel was determined to seize
it. The British, seeing the panzers go past, did not expect an attack, but Rommel
mounted one quickly, cracking a hole in the southeast perimeter on June 20 with
artillery and dive-bombers. Infantry widened the gap, then panzers poured through,
overcoming the dazed defenders. Tobruk surrendered the next day, giving up
35,000 prisoners second only to the capture of Singapore by the Japanese as the
greatest British disaster of the war. Hitler was so impressed he promoted Rommel
to field marshal. But Rommel wrote his wife, "I would rather he had given me one
more division."^
The abrupt loss of Tobruk shocked General Ritchie to such a degree that he
abandoned the potentially strong Solium and Halfaya Gap positions on the frontier,
although he had three times as many tanks as Rommel and three almost intact
infantry divisions there, with a fourth on the way up. Ritchie planned to make a
stand at Mersa Matruh, 130 miles east of the frontier. But Auchinleckseeing
Ritchie no longer had the confidence to lead 8th Armytook over direct command
on June 25 and decided to withdraw all the way to El Alamein, 110 miles farther
east and only 60 miles from Alexandria, the British navy's vital Mediterranean
It was a difficult decision, certain to raise a terrible fright in London, for El
Alamein was literally Britain's last-ditch defense of the Middle East. If Rommel
threatened Alexandria, the British fleet would be forced to abandon the
Mediterranean, severing the supply line to Malta, guaranteeing its surrender, and
turning the sea into an Axis lake. Rommel then could have received ample supplies
with which to seize the Egyptian Delta, Palestine, and Syria.
Nevertheless, Auchinleck's choice was shrewd and strategically brilliant. He
knew Rommel was almost at the end of his tether, that he had only a few dozen
tanks and the barest shadow of his former troop strength. Alamein could eliminate
Rommel's only remaining advantage, his ability to maneuver, because the immense
Qattara Depression was only thirty-five miles to the south and its salt marshes and
soft sand formed an almost impassable barrier for tanks. With his tanks, infantry,
and artillery deployed along the short Alamein front, Auchinleck could block
Rommel's few remaining tanks and force him to fight the static, set-piece battle of
attrition in which the British excelled.
If Auchinleck once stopped Rommel, the Axis position would rapidly become
hopeless. For the British were close to their supply sources and had many more
tanks, airplanes, guns, and troops to draw on in any case. Rommel, on the other
hand, was dependent upon the weak Italian navy, which was certain to avoid
sending convoys into Tobruk or Mersa Matruh for fear of challenging the Royal
Navy and would ship supplies to Benghazi or Tripoli, requiring road transport of
750 or 1,400 miles to Alamein.
Rommel recognized the danger and pushed his vehicles and men mercilessly in
hopes of getting past the Alamein barrier before the British could organize a
defense. But he had only forty gun-armed German tanks and 2,500 motorized
German infantry, while his 6,000 remaining Italian infantry were less mobile and
slower coming forward.
Despite Auchinleck's decision, British forces attempted to defend Mersa Matruh.
Rommel, knowing that everything now hinged on audacity, speed, and the moral
effect of his previous triumphs, attacked with his three extremely weak German
divisions on June 26. While 90th Light reached the coast road east of Matruh the
next evening, blocking the direct line of retreat, 21st Panzer made a deep
penetration farther south, threatening the line of retreat of 13th Corps' mobile
forces posted in this area. The corps commander, General Gott, ordered
withdrawal, but sent no word to the two divisions holding the Mersa Matruh
perimeter until the next morning. Nearly two-thirds of the garrison escaped the
following night in small groups, but 6,000 fell prisonera number larger than
Rommel's entire striking force.
Rommel now* sent his panzers all out for Alamein. They arrived on June 30.
Auchinleck had established four boxes along the thirty-five-mile stretch from the
sea to the Qattara Depression, but the intervals between them were covered only by
small mobile columns. Rommel, however, believed Auchinleck had posted his
tanks north of the depression, not realizing they were still in the desert to the
southwest, trying desperately to get to Alamein. Consequently, Rommel halted to
work out an attack.
This halt, however inevitable, was fatal. Rommel did not know it, but he had just
one chance to break through at Alamein before British armor came up. If he had
done so at once he could have rushed on to Alexandria and the Egyptian Delta. He
did not. This was the turning point of the war in North Africa.
Rommel attacked the next day, Wednesday, July 1,1942. His reputation now was
so awesome that, weak as he was, the news terrified the British. The fleet
immediately withdrew from Alexandria and slipped through the Suez Canal to
safety in the Red Sea. In Cairo, chimneys smoked from sensitive files being
burned. Commanders frantically planned to evacuate the delta.
Afiica Corps' attack went in about twelve miles south of the sea at Deir el Shein
and hit a box Rommel did not know was there. Defended by the 18th Indian
Brigade, the box held until evening, when the Germans captured it with most of the
defenders. British armor finally arrived, too late to save the box but in time to
check Rommel's efforts during the night to penetrate to the rear. From this point
on, the Axis presence in Afiica was doomed.
Although Rommel renewed the attack the next day, the Germans had fewer than
forty tanks and were forced to halt when they sighted British tanks in their path and
others moving around their flank. Rommel, determined, tried again on July 3. By
now he had only twenty-six tanks, but they advanced nine miles before British fire
halted them. During the day a New Zealand battalion captured nearly all of Ariete
Division's artillery in a Hank attack, while the remaining Italians took to their
heels. clear evidence of exhaustion and overstrain on the part of the Axis troops.
Rommel realized his troops were too tired and too few, and he broke off the
attack to give them a rest. Auchinleck had at last gained the initiative, and he
counterattacked on July 4. The Axis troops held, and both sides soon stopped out of
sheer fatigue and slowly built their strength. In succeeding weeks they engaged in
savage attempts to break through each other's lines. The tactical situation changed
little, but the strategic situation worsened daily for the Axis, since Rommel had no
hope of matching the immense buildup of British arms and troops.
On August 4, Churchill flew out to Cairo and decided to change Middle East
commanders when he found Auchinleck strongly resisting his pressure to renew
the offensive. Auchinleck wanted to wait until September in order for newly
arrived forces to learn desert warfare. ChurchiD gave the command to General Sir
Harold Alexander and brought out General Sir Bernard Montgomery from England
to run 8th Army. Montgomery turned out to be even more insistent than
Auchinleck on building up his strength, completing his preparations, and training
his troops in his painstaking, deliberate methods of operation. ChurchiB was forced
to give way.
Rommel launched an offensive on August 30, but, despite some gains, the
panzers could not break through the strong British defenses. From this point on the
Axis forces simply hung on, waiting for the British blowr to fall.
Montgomery launched his offensive on October 23,1942, a move designed to
precede the joint American and British landings in Morocco and Algeria (French
North Africa) on November 3. By this time Montgomery had 230,000 men and
1,440 tanks, with 1,000 more in the rear. Rommel had fewer than S0.000 men
(27,000 Genuan) and 210 gun-armed German and 28 0 obsolete Italian tanks. In
the air, the Allies had 1,500 first-line aircraft, the Germans and Italians only 350.
More important, the Royal Navy's submarines were strangling the Axis forces,
sinking a third of all deliveries in September and half in October.
Rommel himself had become sick and was recovering in Austria when the attack
opened. He flew back to Africa the next day, but there was nothing he could do to
save the situation. However, he showed his greatness as a general by conducting a
brilliant retreat into Tripolitania, never allowing his forces to become trapped.^
Although Rommel dealt American forces a stunning blow at Kasserine Pass in
Tunisia on February 19-20,1943, his remaining forces were drawn into Hitler's
impossible effort to maintain a foothold in Tunisia and block both 8th Army and
the huge Anglo-American armies advancing from Algeria. This effort consumed
many times more forces than Rommel would have needed to seize all of North
Africa and the Middle East in 1941-42. When the final Axis defeat came, however,
Rommel had been withdrawn to Europe, where he fought an equally hopeless
The first American troops committed also possessed nothing to stop the T34 and
likewise fell back until, by August 1950, at last armed with tanks of their own and
effective antitank weapons, they formed a small "Pusan perimeter" around the
southern port city of Pusan. The North Koreans launched attack after attack against
the perimeter in an attempt to force the Americans to evacuate. The Americans held
on grimly, because they understood that if they once abandoned the peninsula, it
would be difficult to get support from other UN members to reconquer South
Anyway, General MacArthur, only days after the invasion, had devised a method
to destroy the NK army along with the North Korean state. To achieve his goals,
the bulk of the North Korean army had to be kept pressing with all its strength
against the Pusan perimeter.
While the world watched breathlessly as the thin American and ROK forces
slowed and finally held the North Koreans, an intense undercover drama unfolded
between the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in the Pentagon and MacArthur in his
headquarters in Tokyo. The major issue, over which the Joint Chiefs and
MacArthur differed most heatedly, was whether MacArthur's recipe would achieve
a great victory or threaten a huge defeat.
MacArthur, already highly respected because of his successful campaigns
against the Japanese in the southwestern Pacific and the Philippines in World War
II, got his way over the opposition of the Joint Chiefs. And since his venture turned
out to be hugely successful, he became a larger-than-life figure with a reputation
for omniscience. This increased MacArthur's already elevated sense of his own
brilliance while silencing the Joint Chiefs, who had proved to be so wrong. The
consequence was that MacArthur, only weeks after pulling off one of the most
spectacular victories in American history, led the United States into one of its most
devastating defeats. MacArthur thus proved to be a military' Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde, capable of both brilliant strategic insights and desolating error.
MacArthur realized that the farther the North Koreans advanced southward, the
deeper they fell into a sack that the United States could close at will behind them.
This was because the United States possessed complete control of the sea and
could place an amphibious force anywhere it chose behind the North Korean army.
MacArthur also saw the perfect place to land the blow: the port of Inchon, only
about twenty miles west of the Korean capital of Seoul.
Not only was Seoul of great political and symbolic importance, but through it
ran the only double-tracked railway in Korea and the only roads sufficient to
supply the North Korean forces around the Pusan perimeter. If American forces
could seize Seoul, they would cut the North Korean umbilical cord, for the few
north-south dirt roads east of the capital were inadequate as supply routes for the
NK forces.
combat. Physical problems can be calculated and overcome, but human resistance
is unpredictable.
The conflict between MacArthur and the Joint Chiefs is one of the most
revealing cases in modern times of how one military leader sees opportunity while
other leaders see danger in a given situation. This case is all the more remarkable
because the Joint Chiefs did not recognize that MacArthur's proposal closely
resembled the winning "island-hopping" strategy of the Pacific campaign in World
War II. The Americans bypassed islands or positions heavily garrisoned by the
Japanese and struck at targets beyond, leaving the bypassed Japanese useless for
further military purposes. By landing at Inchon, the Americans likewise would
bypass the NK forces along the Pusan perimeter, forcing them to surrender or
disintegrate in attempting to flee back into North Korea.
MacArthur presented his first argument for the Inchon landing at a meeting on
July 13,1950, in Toyko with Generals J. Lawton Collins, army chief of staff, and
Hoyt S. Vandenberg, air force chief of staff. During the talks he announced his
intention to destroy the North Korean army, not merely to drive it back beyond the
38th parallel. This goal could not possibly be achieved without destroying the
North Korean state.
Collins was skeptical of Inchon as a site, and when he reported to Omar Bradley,
the chief of staff, Bradley responded: "I had to agree that it was the riskiest military
proposal I had ever heard of" He called it a "blue-sky" scheme and said, "Inchon
was probably the worst possible place ever selected for an amphibious landing."i
The Joint Chiefs focused on their opposition to Inchon as a landing site and
along with President Truman and Dean Acheson, secretary of statedid not face
up to the implications of MacArthur's aim to destroy North Korea. This would
present an enormous challenge to Red China, because it would eliminate the
strategic buffer separating Communist China from the United States.
Such a move would be even more provocative because Truman, at the outbreak
of the Korean War, had established a protectorate over the Chinese island of
Taiwan, to which the Chinese Communists' enemies, the Nationalists, had fled in
1949. Truman, believing the conspiracy theory, was convinced that the Red
Chinese were in league with Stalin and helping the North Koreans, although the
Chinese Communists were innocent and were seeking only to reunite their country.
Thus the presence of powerful U.S. forces on the Yalu River, the ChineseKorean border, could only be interpreted by the Reds as a preliminary to an
American or American-backed Nationalist invasion of the Chinese mainland.
MacArthur made a formal presentation for the Inchon invasion on August 23 in
Tokyo to General Collins, Admiral Forrest P. Sherman, chief of naval operations,
and several other high officers. The Joint Chiefs inclined toward postponing
Inchon until they were sure the American forces (8th Army) could hold the Pusan
perimeter, now under renewed attack. But President Truman, Secretary of Defense
Louis Johnson, and Truman's roving ambassador W. Averell Harriman were
convinced, Truman calling it a daring strategic conception. Thus civilians
supported MacArthur's plan, while the top military men, the Joint Chiefs, were
At this moment the NK command launched a last, desperate attempt to crack
through the Pusan perimeter and drive the Americans and ROKs into the sea. They
had assembled about 98,000 men, one-third recruits conscripted in South Korea
and rushed into battle without training. Against them the UN command had
assembled 120,000 combat troops, plus 60,000 support personnel. UN firepower
was several times what the North Koreans could bring to bear. Consequently, the
NK assaults, though carried out with great determination, failed all across the line
and the NK army suffered 28,000 casualties within a couple of weeks.
The Joint Chiefs were frightened by the North Korean attacks and implied in a
message on September 7 that the invasion might best be postponed, since "all
available trained army units in the United States have been allocated to you except
the 82d Airborne Division." The invasion, MacArthur replied with vehemence,
"represents the only hope of wresting the initiative from the enemy and thereby
presenting an opportunity for a decisive blow." The envelopment from Inchon, he
added, "will instantly relieve pressure on the south perimeter....The seizure of the
heart of the enemy distributing system in the Seoul area will completely dislocate
the logistical supply of his forces now operating in South Korea and therefore will
ultimately result in their disintegration."*
On September 8 the JCS at last told Truman they endorsed the Inchon invasion.
But the approval remained grudging to the last. General Bradley wrote: "It was
really too late in the game for the JCS to formally disapprove Inchon. "3
The Inchon assault, on September 15,1950, was the world's last great
amphibious invasion and demonstrated the immense strength and tremendous
capability of the U.S. Navy. Unlike the more nearly even ground battles, the
Inchon invasion displayed the overwhelming imbalance between the United States
and North Korea. A single example: the North Koreans possessed nineteen pistondriven aircraft; the United States had so much air power, jet and piston, that there
was not enough airspace to accommodate it over the battlefield and its approaches.
The UN had assembled 230 vessels, including two escort carriers and two attack
carriers, with a third attack carrier steaming at forced speed from California and a
British light carrier serving in the covering force.
The key to the assault on Inchon was neutralization of a tiny island, Wolmi-do, a
thousand feet wide, just off Inchon and known to conceal high-velocity 75millimeter guns camouflaged in deep revetments. Although the navy and air force
for days had been bombing Wolmi-do, plus numerous other places around the coast
to deceive the North Koreans as to where a blow might land, the naval
commanders knew they had to find and destroy the reveted guns before the
invasion because they could wreak havoc on the thin-skinned marine assault craft
scheduled to land at Inchon.
On September 13, therefore, Rear Admiral J. M. Higgins with two heavy U.S.
cruisers, two light British cruisers, and six U.S. destroyers sailed up the narrow
Flying Fish Channel and commenced shelling Wolmi-do, five of the destroyers
anchoring just off the island, deliberately inviting fire from the 75s in order to find
where they were hidden. The North Korean gun commander waited three minutes,
knowing it was his duty to fire but also knowing it would bring down destruction
on himself and his men. At last his high-velocity 75s opened fire, hitting three
destroyers, inflicting some damage and a few casualties, but revealing the five
guns' positions. The destroyers' gunners laid elevations and azimuths with
sharpshooters' precision, then let go with salvo after salvo aimed directly into the
deep revetments and upon the guns. The Wolmi-do 75s fell silent.
At 6:33 A.M. on September 15, landing craft carrying the 3d Battalion, 5th
Marine Regiment, and nine M26 Pershing tanks landed on Wolmi-do and quickly
seized the island, killing 108 men, capturing 136, and sealing 100 more in caves
when they refused to surrender.
The way had been cleared for the main assaults, the 5th Marines on Red Beach,
over a fifteen-foot stone seawall directly into the heart of the city, and the 1st
Marines on Blue Beach southeast of the city. Both assaults went in around 5:30
P.M. against minimal resistance. Within a few hours the marines had gained
commanding elevations with few casualties. Only a few North Korean forces were
in Inchon, and these were largely ill-trained recruits.
At 7:30 A.M. on September 16 the two marine regiments made contact, sealing
off the city. Major General Edward M. (Ned) Almond, commanding 10th Corps,
which was running the operation, ordered a regiment of ROK marines to mop up
the city. They made Inchon unsafe for friend or foe until they completed the task.
Meantime the 7th Marine Regiment and the 7th Infantry Division landed, while
the two leading marine regiments struck out for Seoul.
The North Korean command was virtually paralyzed by MacArthur's stunning
invasion. Only meager forcesand these almost wholly green outfits never before
committed to actionwere on hand to counter the UN blow. By chance the new
18th NK Division was moving through Seoul on tlie way to the Pusan perimeter
when the Inchon assault came. The NK command ordered it to retake Inchon, and
attention than ever to his admonitions to destroy the North Korean army and create
a unified Korea.
While listening to MacArthur, the administration ignored Red Chinese troop
buildups next to the Yalu River, the boundary between Chinese Manchuria and
North Korea. Instead it concluded that Joseph Stalin would not risk world war over
Korea. Since Truman, Acheson, and other top U.S. leaders were convinced that
Red China was an obedient satellite of the
Soviet Union, they decided that the Chinese Communists would make no
independent move.
This wildly inaccurate appraisal of Red China was the most flagrant example of
the Truman administration's misunderstanding of the Chinese revolution. This
upheaval, led by Mao Zedong, son of a peasant, had resulted in a great civil war
from 1947 to 1949, the flight of diehard Nationalists to Taiwan in 1949, and the
establishment of the People's Republic of China on October 1,1949, with the
capital in Beijing.
The Chinese revolution grew out of oppression of the Chinese peasants and
workers by landlords, industrialists, and merchants. Red China was never a Soviet
satellite. There was plenty of evidence by State Department experts on China to
confirm this, but administration leaders refused to acknowledge their findings,
continued to view Red China as part of a great Communist conspiracy of world
conquest ruled from the Kremlin, and were moving rapidly toward a de facto
alliance with Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists.
Consequently, the administration disregarded the implications of a united Korea
from the point of view of Beijing. For a millennium, China had sought to maintain
Korea as a shield in front of the North China plain against invasions by the
Japanese. It had been grateful for the reestablishment of this buffer in the creation
of North Korea. It could only view as a direct challenge a strong military' presence
on the Yalu by the successor to the Japanese as the danger from the sea, the United
States especially as any UN-sponsored Korea would be dominated by the United
States, which had already shown itself an enemy of Red China by its quarantine of
Yet seizure of North Korea would not have improved the American strategic
position appreciably. The great threat to the United States was the Soviet Union,
which in 1949 had acquired nuclear weapons and which possessed the only
military force capable of challenging the United States.
The Truman administration did not consider Red China in its decision to invade
North Korea, but listened to Douglas MacArthur, whose mind was focused on
driving back the Chinese Communists, and to public opinion in the United States,
which after the Inchon success swung toward its traditional desire for total victory.
UN force could have assembled for a drive northward on Pyongyang, the North
Korean capital. Instead, MacArthur withdrew his only fresh force, 10th Corps,
already concentrated at Seoul, and sent it on a long sea voyage to an amphibious
landing at Wonsan, while 8th Army, exhausted after having driven up from the
Pusan perimeter, attacked north toward Pyongyang.
MacArthur's original idea was for 10th Corps to strike west from Wonsan and
8th Army from Seoul in a huge pincers movement to isolate the NK elements
around Chorwon and Kumwha. But 10th Corps' amphibious movement took so
much time to mount that South Korean infantry had already arrived at Wonsan by
foot on October 10 before 10th Corps troops even got into their ships. Thus the last
few trained NK troops were able to get away and reform the North Korean army.
Omar Bradley said afterward that MacArthur's plan would have been laughed
out of the classroom at the army's Command and General Staff School. Yet such
was MacArthur's reputation that the Joint Chiefs approved it without comment.
Since Inchon, the United States had ignored protests by Beijing and heavy Red
Chinese troop buildups in Manchuria, just across the Yalu from Korea. Early on
October 3,1950, Zhou Enlai, the Chinese Communist premier and foreign minister,
delivered his strongest warning. He informed the Indian ambassadorsince the
United States had no diplomatic relations with Beijingthat the People's Republic
would intervene in Korea if American troops crossed the 38th parallel, but not if
ROK forces did so alone. Washington got the news hours later, but President
Truman and Secretary Acheson discounted it and allowed MacArthur's invasion to
go forward on October 9.
On October 6, the Red Chinese Politburo held an emergency session and made
an astute decision to send "volunteers" to Korea. Although the troops were regular
Chinese Communist forces in Chinese uniforms, as volunteers they preserved the
fiction that the war was limited to Korea.
Red China consequently did not challenge the United States directly, a decision
that prevented American attacks on China and suited U.S. interests, since the
Truman administration feared the Soviet Union might intervene if it felt Red China
was directly threatened. As a result, Washington preserved the Chinese "sanctuary,"
as MacArthur called it, saving Chinese cities from bombardment.
By limiting the war to mountainous Korea, the Chinese were able to exploit their
military advantagesmanpower, digging and tunneling, and light weaponswhile
partially neutralizing American superiority in heavy weapons and air power.
Under General Peng Dehuai, the Chinese assembled 120,000 men (twelve
divisions) along the Yalu, followed by 60,000 reserve troops, and on October 18
sent them into Korea in one of the most remarkable undetected movements in
history. Troops moved only from dusk to 4:00 A.M. and were concealed by 5:00
A.M. every day. Consequently, American air observers saw no activity, and in a
few days the entire force was concealed in high mountains some forty to fifty miles
south of the river.
Meanwhile President Truman, hoping to convince MacArthur of his foreignpolicy views and also trying to reflect some of the generals glory to help fellow
Democrats in the November congressional elections, flew out to Wake Island,
2,000 miles southeast of Tokyo, and met MacArthur on October 15. During this
meeting MacArthur told Truman and General Bradley that the Chinese would not
intervene in Korea and that if they did they would be slaughtered. Although
Chinese threats had been made plainly and war preparations along the Yalu little
hidden, MacArthur's reputation was so awesome that Truman and Bradley did not
dispute his judgment.
The 8th Army sliced through weak North Korean resistance and soon captured
Pyongyang and pressed on northward, while 10th Corps turned up the eastern coast
after landing at Wonsan and sought to seize northeastern Korea. In allowing these
two operations to go on simultaneously and separately, MacArthur divided his two
major military formations. This fundamental failure to concentrate in the face of
the enemy was accentuated by the high mountainous spine running the length of
Korea. These mountains kept the two wings divided and unable to cooperate with
each other. Had the American divisions been kept together, the disasters about to
befall them could have been prevented or at least mitigated.
MacArthur made one additional military error: he allowed Lieutenant General
Walton H. Walker, 8th Army commander, to split his advance into a number of
disconnected columns moving independently up various roads toward the Yalu.
These uncoordinated tactics were suitable onlv for mopping up demoralized enemy
remnants, not advancing toward a possible confrontation with a major opposing
Peng Dehuai saw the "wildly arrogant, dispersed, rash advance of the enemy" as
a great opportunity- and revised the cautious defensive strategy he had planned.
Peng concentrated 90,000 men against 8th Army and prepared to deliver a
shattering warning blow.*
On October 23,1950, leading elements of 8th Army reached the Chongchon
River, a large stream about sixty miles south of the Yalu. There was no evidence of
Chinese forces, but Truman's order to employ only ROK troops was in operation
this close to the frontier. MacArthur, however, removed all restrictions and ordered
American troops to press to the Yalu as well.
On October 25, Chinese Communist forces emerged from the mountains just
beyond the Chongchon, shredded a three-division ROK corps into small,
frightened fragments, and wiped an additional ROK regiment from the order of
battle. General Walker called up a regiment of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division
(actually an infantry unit), but in a series of severe engagements over the next
several days the Chinese destroyed one of its battalions and drove the remainder
across the Chongchon in disorder.
Walker, stunned, withdrew all his forces south of the river. On November 6 the
Chinese abruptly marched off the battlefield back into the mountains to the north.
The Chinese never disclosed why they did so, but it's likely Beijing hoped the
warning blow would stop the advance and both sides could agree on a mutual
cease-fire line somewhere south of the Yalu, which would keep American forces
away from the Chinese frontier.
MacArthur learned nothing from the experience. When the Joint Chiefs timidly
proposed caution, MacArthur responded fiercely that the only way to keep the
Chinese from entering the war was to advance to the Yalu. Yet they were already
emplaced south of the river and had already attacked UN forces! Ignoring the facts
and bowing to MacArthur, the Joint Chiefs went ahead with the offensive.
In the lull between November 6 and the new UN offensive on November 24,
Peng gathered more than 300,000 Chinese troops, 180,000 in the west and 120,000
in the east facing 10th Corps. The UN command had assembled 247,000 men, not
counting air combat personnel, and they had several times as much firepower as
the Chinese.
The Chinese possessed little artillery and relied on small arms machine guns,
and mortars. They had few vehicles and walked into battle, carrying their weapons,
ammunition, and food on their backs. Although this severely limited their mobility,
they did not have to rely on roads and could march over mountains and emerge at
wholly unexpected places. This
flexibility permitted the Chinese to exploit their highly effective tactics: night
infiltration, attacks to the front, envelopments to the sides, and roadblocks in the
The 8th Army offensive made deep penetrations in the first couple of days. But
the Chinese knew the three-division South Korean corps on the right or eastern
flank, less well armed and trained than the Americans, was the weak link in the UN
chain. On the night of November 24-25, Chinese forces attacked the ROK 8th
Division at Tokchon, on the corps' extreme right in the high Taebaek Mountains
twenty-five miles east of the main U.S. positions along the Chongchon River.
Strategically, this was a flanking move against the entire UN position on the
Chongchon, and it achieved instant success.
Using their tactics of infiltration, envelopment, and roadblocks, the Chinese
shattered the ROK corps and by November 27 had penetrated as far back as the
supporting artillery units behind 9th Corps, which comprised the American 25th
and 2d Infantry Divisions and the newly arrived 5,200-man Turkish Brigade and
held the center of the UN line. These penetrations threatened to unhinge the entire
8th Army position.
Shortly thereafter on the 10th Corps front, Chinese forces encircled a large part
of the 1st Marine Division and nearly destroyed three battalions of the 7th Infantry
Division around the southern end of Changjin (Chosin) Reservoir.
On the night of November 25-26, Chinese troops attacked the 25th and 2d
Divisions. The 25th, on and across the Chongchon, was able to withdraw across the
river and retreat southward and miss the heaviest Chinese blows. However, the
15,000-man 2d Division, on the right, caught the full tide of the Chinese attack.
The 2d Division's positions centered about Kujang-dong, on the Chongchon
about fifteen miles northwest of Tokchon. The Chinese hit the division's left-hand
regiment, the 9th, on the front, flanks, and rear, and the outfit staggered under the
Although reserves temporarily halted the Chinese penetrations, the division was in
extreme danger. The ROK collapse on the right flank had eliminated any
possibility of retreat southeastward. There were no north-south roads leading away
from the river around Kujang-dong. This left only one line of withdrawal: a road
leading southwest fifteen miles along the river valley to Kunu-ri, where another
road led southward eighteen miles to Suchon. There the ist Cavalry Division and
the British 27th Brigade had emplaced to block any Chinese move farther
It was imperative to keep open the road to Kunu-ri. Otherwise, the 2d Division
would be blocked about Kujang-dong and forced to surrender. On the night of
November 26-27 the Chinese attacked the 2d Division with the ferocity of the
night before. At daylight, with his right flank in danger of collapse, the 9th Corps
commander, John B. Coulter, sent the Turkish Brigade eastward on the Kunu-riTokchon road in hopes of slowing the Chinese. The Turks got only eight miles east
of Kunu-ri when they collided with a Chinese force, which quickly surrounded
Facing this severe threat, General Walker ordered withdrawal of the entire 8th
Army. Most elements did so quickly, but 2d Division and the Turks remained in
great jeopardy. However, the Turks broke out of their encirclement and pulled back
toward Kunu-ri. They had suffered severely, but had kept the Chinese from sealing
off 2d Division's retreat.
Units of 2d Division formed blocking positions in the mountains above the
Chongchon Valley long enough for the main elements to withdraw to Kunu-ri.
Then they fell back to the village as well. The division, with the Turks attached,
prepared to move southward to Sunchon.
On the morning of November 29, however, the 2d Division commander,
Laurence B. Keiser, got shocking news: a Chinese roadblock had been set up ten
miles south of Kunu-ri on the lifeline to Sunchon. Keiser sent a reconnaissance and
infantry company to crack the roadblock, but it failed. Although the British 27th
Brigade moved northward from Sunchon, it needed time to reach the block.
General Keiser, realizing his division and the Turks were in danger of
disintegration, ordered his 9th Regimentnow down to 400 men, an eighth its
normal strengthto attack astride the Kunu-ri-Sunchon road at 7:30 A.M. the next
day, while the remainder of the division followed behind.
The retreat of 2d Division and the Turks was gruesome. The 9th Regiment
slowly cracked open the roadblock against fanatical Chinese resistance. Meanwhile
other Chinese forces assembled in the hills on either side of the road and fired on
everything that moved. The Americans and Turks soon realized they had to
traverse an avenue of death and mayhem.
Whenever firing commenced from hidden Chinese soldiers, the men hit the
ditches and their abandoned vehicles stalled the column. Although antiaircraft
halftracks armed with twin 40mm cannon sometimes sprayed the roadsides with
fire, the biggest reason the column was able to run the bloody gauntlet was that
U.S. aircraft constantly ranged up and down the road, firing at anything on the
sides that looked suspicious.
When the aircraft were on their runs, the Chinese mortars and guns fell silent.
But as soon as the nose of an attacking plane turned up after a strafing run, the
Chinese opened fire again. Progress accordingly came in short spurts, followed by
halts caused by enemy fire or disabled or burning vehicles. These vehicles had to
be bypassed or pushed aside. The remaining trucks and carriers soon became
loaded with wounded. The dead were left strewn along the road.
By 9:30 fM. the lead battalion had cleared the last blockade and the Turks and
Americans pressed into Sunchon. Most of the Turkish Brigade had been killed or
captured, while 2d Division had suffered 5,000 casualties and had been rendered
Although total disaster had been averted, morale collapsed in the United Nations
forces. The entire 8th Army began a frantic retreat southward. By the middle of
December it was nervously in place below the 38th parallel, having fallen back 120
miles in the longest retreat in American history and having completely lost the
Meanwhile in the 10th Corps sector the 25,000 Americans with a few attached
ROKs and Britons began an agonizing retreat in extremely cold weather, losing
6,000 men before reaching the sea at Hungnam and evacuating to South Korea on
December 24. The great effort to conquer North Korea had failed.
The Truman administration could have avoided the immense casualties and the
humiliation of defeat if it had ignored General MacArthur's pressure and examined
American national interests coldly. MacArthur himself lost much prestige because
of his bad judgment and because the United States suffered severe additional
defeats, including the loss of Seoul and a retreat into South Korea early in 1951.
Only by taking advantage of the primitive Chinese logistical system were the
Americans able to advance back toward the 38th parallel in the spring of 1951.
MacArthur remained intransigent to the end. In March 1951, he deliberately
torpedoed an attempt by Washington to arrange a cease-fire. This treachery was so
flagrant that Truman at last relieved him. Although this ended the general's
influence on military decisions, the Truman administration was so angered by
Beijing's intervention and so convinced of Chinese aggressive intentions that it
spurned a Chinese offer for a cease-fire in .June 1951 and allowed the war to go
on. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower at last ended hostilities in July 1953,
on basically the same terms the Chinese had offered two years previouslya
cease-fire along the battle line.
11 The Enduring Unity of War
IN THIS VOLUME, we have marched alongside warriors through more
than two thousand years of history. Our comrades have included Roman
legionaries, Mongol horsemen, Napoleonic soldiery, American Civil War Rebels
and Yankees, World War I Tommies, Lawrence of Arabia's Bedouins, Chinese
revolutionaries, British Desert Rats, Rommel's Afrika Korps, and Douglas
MacArthur's Inchon invaders.
However varied the weapons they wielded, however disparate their mobility, the
soldiers of all these eras followed commanders who had to overcome virtually
identical obstacles.
Now perhaps it is appropriate to summarize the lessons learned in the campaigns
we have examined and to demonstrate how the principles of strategy have
remained unchanged through the two millennia of warfare we have surveyed. This
will show us there is a unity in war that transcends eras and technology, a unity that
makes the tasks of Scipio Africanus in 210 B.C. practically the same as those of
Norman Schwarzkopf, who commanded Desert Storm in 1991. War remains an
art rather than a science, despite the immense amount of invention, industry, and
technology lavished on war since the beginning of organized society. We have seen
that although the principles of war are simple and can be learned by anyone, the
application of each principle requires much care, skill, and caution. We have seen
that great captains recognize when one principle applied in a specific situation can
bring victory, while another principle, equally valid, can bring disaster. A single
example: faced with the destruction of the Confederate army if it remained united
and inactive, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson violated the principle of
concentration of force and divided the army in order to exercise another principle,
the unexpected descent of part of the army upon the rear of the enemy. This
permitted them to win a victory at Second Manassas in the summer of 1862.
Let us illustrate from examples in preceding chapters how great captains in
different eras applied some of the salient principles of war and demonstrate that the
principles don't change, although the circumstances under wrhich they can be
employed vary profoundly.
Operating on the Line of Least Expectation and Least Resistance
Hannibal took his army through the formidable swamps of the Arnus River in
Tuscany in 217 B.C. rather than face the Roman army directly. Not expecting such
a move, the Romans left the route open, permitting Hannibal to emerge behind the
Roman army with a clear road to Rome. This forced the Romans to abandon their
strong position and rush after the Carthaginians. Hannibal ambushed the dislocated
Romans at Lake Trasimene and destroyed nearly their entire army. (See here)
The Carthaginians in Spain believed Scipio Africanus would strike at their
armies and left unguarded their capital and principal port, New Carthage. Scipio
seized this city in 209 B.C., cut off the main sea connection with Cartilage, caused
several Spanish tribes to come over to the Romans, and abruptly threw the
Carthaginians on the strategic defensive. (See here.)
Genghis Khan focused the attention of the Khwarezmian army by fierce attacks on
cities along the Syr Darya in Turkestan in 1220. He then led a Mongol army across
the supposedly impassable Kyzyl Kum to seize Bokhara, far in the enemy rear,
isolating the Khwarezmian capital of Samarkand and blocking reinforcements from
the south. In a single quick campaign, the Mongols captured Samarkand and
destroyed the Khwarezmian empire. (See here.)
In 1862, two Union armies were advancing on Staunton in Virginia's
Shenandoah valley, while a third Union force under Irvin McDowell was marching
from Fredericksburg to reinforce George McClellan, who was waiting on it to
assault Richmond. Stonewall Jackson, instead of marching against any of the three
armies, crossed to a rail junction east of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Federal
leaders, believing he might attack northward, stopped McDowell in place. Jackson,
without firing a shot, had neutralized McDowell and delayed McClellan's attack on
Richmond. He now moved back into the Shenandoah Valley and forced one Union
army to retreat into the Appalachian Mountains, leaving the other army isolated
and vulnerable to his attack. (See here.)
When strong German forces attacked Holland and Belgium in 1940, British and
French mobile forces rushed northward to block the advance. Erich von Manstein,
knowing this would happen, had convinced Adolf Hitler to send most of his
armored or panzer strength through the supposedly impassable Ardennes to seize
Sedan, which was defended only by second-rate troops. When this occurred, the
German panzers had a nearly clear path westward to the English Channel, trapping
the Allied armies that had rushed into Belgium and ensuring the defeat of France.
(See here.)
Maneuvering onto the Rear of the Enemy
By demonstrating with part of his army at Valenza on the Po River in northern
Italy in 1796, Napoleon convinced the Austrian commander this was the sole
French target, drawing Austrian defenders to that point. Napoleon then marched
the majority of his forces downstream to Piacenza, thereby turning all possible
enemy lines of defense, and forcing the Austrians to abandon all of northern Italy
except the fortress of Mantua. (See here.)
Stonewall Jackson in 1862 convinced the Federal commander Nathaniel Banks
he was driving directly on Strasburg in the Shenandoah Valley, where Banks had
concentrated most of his army. Instead, Jackson crossed Massanutten Mountain,
seized Front Royal in the enemy rear, cut the direct rail link with Washington, and
forced the Union forces into disorderly retreat. (See here.)
In September 1918, Britain's General Allenby feinted against the eastern front of
the Turkish and German army in Palestine but struck unexpectedly against the
western flank near the Mediterranean, breaking a large gap in the enemy line.
Cavalry and armored cars now rushed through, quickly traversed the Plain of
Sharon, seized the passes in the Mount Carmel massif, and blocked all Turkish rail
lines and routes of retreat northward. The Turkish-German army disintegrated as it
tried to flee eastward into the Jordan Valley. British and Arab forces advanced on
Damascus, Syria, and beyond, inducing Turkey's surrender on October 31. (See
In early 1941 a British force led by nineteen tanks got around the Italian army
retreating along the coastal highway in Libya and formed a strategic barrage at
Beda Fomm. There the British armor destroyed most Italian tanks attempting to
withdraw. Without tank support and cut off from their retreat route, the remainder
of the Italian army surrendered. (See here.)
While almost the entire North Korean army was pressing United Nations forces
into a narrow perimeter around Pusan in southern Korea in 1950, General Douglas
MacArthur invaded Inchon far to the north by sea, severed the main highways and
only double-tracked railway in Korea, and, by cutting off supplies and
reinforcements, caused the North Korean army to disintegrate. (See here)
Occupying the Central Position
In the opening act of the Italian campaign in 1796, Napoleon drove his army
between the Piedmontese and Austrian armies in the Apennines west of Genoa,
thereby permitting him to defeat one enemy force before having to deal with the
other. (See here.) Later at Castiglione he got his army between two major Austrian
attacking columns, driving back one, then defeating the other. (See here.)
Stonewall Jackson marched to Port Republic in the Shenandoah Valley in 1862,
where his army kept the two Union armies pursuing him from uniting. Jackson
then attacked one of the armies and forced it to retreat, causing the other Union
army to withdraw as well. (See here.)
Following a 'Thing with Branches"
Although an eighteenth-century French officer, Pierre de Bourcet, coined this
phrase, Subedei Bahudur used the principle in 1241 in the Mongol invasion of
Europe. One column of Mongol horsemen rushed westward into Poland and
Germany north of the Carpathian Mountains, drawing off all forces in this region.
Meanwhile, Subedei sent three columns toward Budapest, on the Danube River,
one by a wide northern circuit, another through Transylvania to the south, and the
third directly on the city. These widely separated penetrations kept Austrian and
other forces from uniting with the Hungarians. Even if one column had been
stopped, the others could have reached Budapest. The Mongols destroyed the nowunsupported Hungarian army a few days later. (See here.)
Napoleon, at the start of his Italian campaign in 1796, advanced several columns
at wide points along the front, knowing that the enemy could not be at all places at
once and that if one French column was blocked, the others could continue to seize
key enemy positions. (See here.) Once the main resistance had been broken,
Napoleon used a variation of the principle by sending three columns, each within a
day's march of the other, against the Piedmontese capital of Turin. Each column,
like an octopus's waving tentacle, could grip any opponent in its path, while the
other columns could close up on it. This threat caused the Piedmontese government
to capitulate (see here).
The Union's General Sherman, after capturing Atlanta in 1864, advanced
through Georgia in several columns. Confederate defenders did not know whether
the columns were aiming at Augusta to the northeast or Macon to the southeast and
divided their forces between both. Sherman burst between them and seized
Savannah. When Sherman turned northward into South Carolina, the Confederates
could not tell whether he was targeting Charleston or Augusta. Sherman went
between both and captured Columbia, forcing the Rebels to abandon Augusta and
Charleston. Again, the Confederates did not know whether Sherman was marching
toward Charlotte or Wilmington, North Carolina. Instead he seized Fayetteville
between the two, then marched on Goldsboro, having virtually eliminated the
Confederate rear and forced the end of the war. (See here).
Early in 1935, the Chinese Communist army was being pressed front and rear by
far superior Nationalist forces under Chiang Kai-shek in Guizhou province in
weakened point. Cavalry and infantry then poured through, breaking the enemy's
equilibrium and causing defeat or disintegration, (See here.)
Great captains, either consciously or unconsciously, have sought to follow an
axiom that Sun Tzu enunciated nearly 2,400 years ago: "Supreme excellence
consists of breaking the enemyhs resistance without fighting." Tliis, of course, is
an ideal, seldom attained in practice. Yet great captains nearly always have sought
ways to reduce the opposition they will face by striking at undefended or illdefended targets of vital importance to the enemy, trying to pit their strength
against enemy weakness.
Sometimes they do this by advancing on the rear of the enemy, a practice that
Genghis Khan, Napoleon, and Stonewall Jackson made famous. Sometimes they
attack the weak flanks of the enemy, as Scipio African us did at Ilipa. Sometimes
they send out numerous columns, which confuse the enemy as to their intentions.
Subedei and Sherman conquered vast stretches of territory by this formula.
A great captain must make his opponent believe he's aiming at a point different
from his actual target or must force his opponent to cede one point to save another.
Since no commander will willingly uncover his Achilles' heel, great captains must
deceive to win. Thus, great generals throughout history have practiced the policy
that Stonewall Jackson put into words in 1S62: to '"mystify, mislead, and surprise"
the enemy.
Selected Bibliography
Alexander, Bevin. Korea: The First War We Lost. New York: Hippocrene,
_. Lost Victories: The Military Genius of Stonewall Jackson. New York: Henry
Holt, 1992. Alexander, E. Porter. Military Memoirs of a Confederate: A Critical
Narrative. New York: Scribner's, 1907. Allan, William. History of the Campaign of
Gen. T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, 1880.
Appleman, Roy. South to theNaktong, North to the Yalu: The United States Army
in the Korean War. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1961,1975.
Aron, Raymond. Clausewitz: Philosopher of War. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: PrenticeHall, 1985. Barnett, Corelli, ed. Hitler's Generals. New York: Grove Weidenfeld,
1989. Barrett, John G. Sherman's March Through the Carolinas. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1956. de Beer, Sir Gavin. Hannibal:
Challenging Rome's Supremacy. New York: Viking, 1969. Bradford, Ernie.
Hannibal. New York: Dorset, 1990. Reprint of 1981 original edition. Bradley,
Omar, and Clay Blair. A General's Life: An Autobiography. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1983. Carver, Michael. Dilemmas of the Desert War.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986.
Chambers, James. The DeviVs Horsemen: The Mongol
Invasion of Europe. London: Cassell, 1988.
Chandler, David G. The Campaigns of Napoleon. New
York: Macmillan, 1966.
von Clausewitz, Karl. On War. Ed. Anatol Rapaport.
Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books, 1968.
Colin, Commandant J. The Transformations of War.
Translated by L. H. R. Pope-Hennessy. London: Hugh Rees,
Collins, J. Lawton. War in Peacetime: The Histoiy and
Lessons of Korea. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1969.
Cooke, John Esten. Stonewall Jackson: A Military
Biography. New York: D. Appleton, 1876.
Dabney, Robert Lewis. Life and Campaigns ofLieut.-Gen.
Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson. New York: Blelock, 1866.
Delbriick, Hans. Geschichte der Kriegskwjst im Rahmen
der politischen Geschichte. Bande 1,3,4. Berlin: Verlag von
George Stilke, 1900,1907,1920. Reprint, Berlin: Walter de
Gruyter, 1964. English translation by Walter J. Renfroe, Jr.
History of the Art of War Within the Framework of
Political History. Vols. 1, 3, 4. Westport, Conn.:
Greenwood, 1975,1982,1985. Reprint, Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press, 1990.
Dorey, T. A., and D. R. Dudley. Rome Against Cai"thage.
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1972.
Douglas, Henry Kyd. I Rode with Stonewall. Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1940,1968.
Dupuy, R. Ernest, and Trevor Dupuy. The Encyclopedia of
Military History. 2nd ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1986.
Flanagan, Lt. Gen. Edward M., Jr. "The 100-Hour War."
Army, April 1991, pp. 18-26.
Freeman, Douglas Southall. R. E. Lee: A Biography. 4 vols. New York and
London: Scribner's, 1934-35.