The First English Translation of Riemann

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The document discusses Riemann's perspective on studying the physiology of sense organs, specifically focusing on the ear. It outlines two routes - the synthetic route and the analytic route - for studying physiology and their relative merits.

The main topic is Riemann's perspective on the methodology for studying the physiology of sense organs, focusing on the ear.

The two routes discussed are the synthetic route, which infers effects from given causes by examining the construction of the organ, and the analytic route, which seeks to account for what the organ accomplishes from given effects.

The first English translation of Riemann's 1866 essay on the ear and the

methodology of science.
The Mechanism Of the Ear by Bernhard Riemann (1866)
This is the first English translation of Riemann's 1866 essay on the ear, which was
first published as "Mechanik des Ohres" in Henle and Pfeuffer's Zeitschrift fur
rationelle Medicin, 3rd Series, Vol. 29, pp. 129-143. It later appeared in the collected
works of Riemann, Gesamelte Mathematische Werke und Wissenschaftliche
Nachlass, edited by Heinrich Weber with the assistance of Richard Dedekind (New
York: Dover Publications, 1953), pp. 338-350.
Introduction to the German Edition The great mathematician Riemann, torn by
premature death from our university and from science itself, was spurred by
Helmholtz's new theory of the sensations of tone to devote the last months of his
life to the theory of the organ of hearing. The material on this subject found among
his papers and communicated here, of course, touches on only a small and
elementary part of the problem. Yet the publication of this fragment is doubtless
justifiedgiven the stature of the author and the value of his dissertationsas his
example of the correct methodology for the treatment of the subject. The first
section and the greater portion of the second were left by the author in a fair hand.
The close of the second, from last page [ paragraph 2] onwards, was assembled
from scattered pages and notes in which Riemann customarily set down his first
draft. The remarks declaring his opposition to Helmholtz's theory of the ear's
motions would only have become clear had he carried through on this work.
Riemann's spoken views give us grounds to suppose that the difference between
the two approaches would only have first come into focus over the problem of
transmission of sound waves to the organs of the cochlea, and that Riemann
thought that the mathematical problem to be solved was in fact a hydraulic one.
1. On the Method Applicable to the Study of The Physiology of the Finer Sense
For the study of physiology of a sense organ, there are aside from the universal
laws of naturetwo necessary special foundations: one psychophysical, the
empirical determination of what the organ accomplishes; the other anatomical, the
investigation of its construction. Accordingly, there are two possible ways of
acquiring knowledge of its functions. Either we can proceed from the construction of
the organ and from there seek to determine the laws of the mutual interaction of its
parts as well as the result of external stimuli, or we can begin with what the organ
accomplishes and then attempt to account for this. By the first route we infer the
effects from given causes, whereas by the second route we seek causes of given
effects. Following Newton and Herbart, we can call the first route synthetic, and the
second analytic.
Synthetic Route. The first route is most familiar to the anatomist. Since he must
concern himself with the investigation of the individual components of the organ,
the anatomist feels obliged to inquire of each part, what influence it might have
upon the activity of the organ. This route could also be taken with equal success
with respect to the physiology of the sense organs, as well as the physiology of the

organs of locomotion, provided that the physical characteristics of the individual

parts of such organs could indeed be determined. But the determination of these
characteristics from observation of microscopic objects is always more or less
uncertain, and is, moreover, highly imprecise.
Therefore, in order to complete such an inquiry, we are compelled to resort to
analogy or teleology, which unavoidably involves extreme arbitrariness; for this
reason, the synthetic approach to physiology of the sense organs leads to results
that are seldom correct and never all that certain.
Analytic Route. By the second route we seek to account for what the organ
accomplishes. There are three component parts to this business.
(1) The search for an hypothesis which is sufficient to account for what the organ
(2) Investigation of the extent to which this is a necessary hypothesis.
(3) Comparison with experience in order to verify or correct it.
I. We must, as it were, reinvent the organ, and, insofar as we consider what the
organ accomplishes to be its purpose, we must also consider its creation as the
means to that purpose. But this purpose is not open to speculation, but rather is
given by experience, and so long as we disregard how the organ was produced, we
need not bring into play the concept of final cause. In order to account for what the
organ actually accomplishes, we look to its construction. In our search for this
explanation, we must first of all analyze the organ's task, the problem it must solve.
This will result in a series of secondary tasks or problems, and only after we have
become convinced that these must be solved, do we then look to the organ's
construction in order to infer the manner in which they are solved.
II. Once we have arrived at a conception that suffices to account for the organ, we
cannot fail to inquire about the extent to which that conception is necessary to
account for it. We must carefully distinguish between those assumptions that are
unconditional, or rather, are necessary by virtue of incontestable laws of nature,
and those classes of conceptions that are completely interchangeable; whereas we
must separate out all completely arbitrary, tacked-on notions. Only in this way can
we counteract the detrimental consequences of the use of analogy in our search,
and this also makes it considerably easier to test our explanation by reference to
experience (i.e., by framing questions to be answered).
III. To test our explanation by reference to experience, we can in part draw upon
what we have concluded from experience about what the organ accomplishes, and
in part upon what that explanation presupposes as the physical characteristics of
the organ's constituent parts. As for what the organ accomplishes, it is extremely
difficult to precisely compare this with experience, and we must mostly confine our
theory-testing to the question of whether the theory is contradicted by experimental
results or observation. In contrast, conclusions about the physical characteristics of
the constituent parts can have universal scope, and can give rise to advances in our

knowledge of the laws of nature, as was the case, for example, with Euler's efforts
to account for achromatism of the eye.
These two diametrically opposed investigative approaches, we might add, only
correspond a potiori to the designations "synthetic" and "analytic." Purely synthetic
and purely analytic research, when taken in the precise sense of these terms, is an
impossibility. Every synthesis rests upon the results of a foregoing analysis, and
every analysis requires a subsequent synthesis so that it may be confirmed or
corrected with reference to experience. With the former, synthetic procedure, the
universal laws of motion are simply the result of a previous, assumed analysis.
The first, chiefly synthetic procedure should therefore not be utilized for a theory of
the finer sense organs, because the requirements for the applicability of this
procedure are only incompletely met, and any attempted completion of these
requirements via analogy and teleology, will remain completely arbitrary. In the
case of the second, chiefly analytic approach, we still cannot entirely dispense with
teleology and analogy, but we are able to avoid their arbitrary use:
(1) We confine the application of teleology to inquiry into the means by which the
organ accomplishes its tasks, but without raising the question of the utility of its
individual components; and
(2) We do notas Newton proposescompletely reject the use of analogy (the
"poetry of hypothesis"), but rather afterwards emphasize the conditions that must
be met to account for what the organ accomplishes, and discard any notions that
are not essential to the explanation, but that have arisen solely through the use of
To begin with, our objective requires that we determine, in accordance with these
principles, what the organ of hearing accomplishes. With what degree of
discrimination, sensitivity, and fidelity does the ear mediate the perception of
sound, its timbre1 and tone, its intensity and direction? This we must determine with
all possible precision by means of observation and experiment.
I shall assume a knowledge of these matters. In Helmholtz's On the Sensations of
Tone As a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music, we find assembled the latest
advances in the extraordinarily difficult inquiry into matters involving the perception
of tone, largely consisting of Helmholtz's own work. Since I am frequently compelled
to oppose the conclusions that Helmholtz draws from his experiments and
observations, I believe I am all the more obliged here to state how much I recognize
the great merits of his work on our topic. These merits, however, are in my view not
to be found in his theories of the motions of the ear, but rather in his improvement
upon the empirical foundations for the theory of these motions. I will also assume a
knowledge of the construction of the ear, and ask the interested reader, if he finds it
necessary, to make use of an illustrated handbook of anatomy. The latest findings
on the construction of the cochlea and of the ear in general, can be found illustrated
in the recent third printing of Volume II of Henle's Handbook of Human Anatomy. My
sole task here is to draw upon this anatomical data in order to account for the
psychophysical data referred to earlier. The parts of the ear that we must consider
for our purposes are: the middle ear or tympanic cavity, and the inner ear, which

consists of the vestibule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlea [Figure 1]. We
proceed first by seeking to infer from the construction of these elements, what each
element might contribute to what the ear accomplishes; then, for each individual
element, we proceed from the task or problem it must solve, and seek the
conditions that must be met for a satisfactory fulfillment of that task.
2. The Tympanic Cavity
It has long been recognized that the apparatus of the tympanic cavity acts to
amplify and transmit variations in air pressure to the fluid of the inner ear.
In accordance with the principles developed above, we must now derive from the
empirically known functions performed by the organ, the conditions which must be
met in this transmission. This arises principally from the sensitivity of the ear in the
perception of sound and from the ear's great discriminationespecially that of the
unspoiled ear of the savage or desert-dweller. If we take "timbre" to mean the
quality of sound, which is independent of its intensity and direction, then this is
evidently communicated by the apparatus with complete fidelity, so long as it
transmits to the fluid of the inner ear the variation in air pressure at every moment
at a constant ratio of amplification. It is safe to assume that this is the purpose of
the mechanism, so long as we do not at the same time neglect to determine from
the functioning of the ear, how far we are justifiedi.e., compelledby experience
to presuppose the actual fulfillment of this purpose.
This we wish to do first before seeking a mathematical expression for the nature of
the pressure fluctuation upon which timbre depends. The curve that shows the
speed of pressure fluctuation2 as a function of time, completely defines the sound
wave except for its direction, and hence defines the intensity and timbre of the
sound. If we take, instead of the speed, the log of the speed, or if one prefers, of the
square of the speed, we obtain a curve whose form is independent of the direction
and intensity of the sound, but which completely determines the timbre, and hence
may be called the "timbre curve."
If the apparatus performed its task perfectly, the timbre curves of the inner ear fluid
would completely coincide with the timbre curves of the air. Because of the
sensitivity of the ear in the perception of sound, we consider it justified to assume
that the timbre curve is altered only very slightly by the transmission. Hence the
ratio between the synchronous pressure fluctuations of the air and of the inner ear
fluid remains virtually constant during a sound. A gradual variation in this ratio [over
a range of frequencies] is therefore quite consistent and probable. This would only
result in a variation in the ear's estimation of the intensity of sound, a hypothesis
not at all ruled out by experience [Figure 2]. Were the timbre curve noticeably
altered, such sensitivity of hearing as indicated by, for example, the perception of
slight differences of pronunciation, would seem to me scarcely conceivable. The
immediate judgment of sensitivity of perceptions of timbre, and especially the
estimation of the differences in the timbre curve corresponding to differences of
timbre, is admittedly still quite subjective.

Differences of timbre also serve in judging the distance of the sound source. From
this difference of timbre we can reckon the mechanical origin; i.e., we can reckon
the alteration of the timbre curve as the sound propagates through the air.
We cannot pursue this subject further here, and will only demand that the
transmission mechanism itself produce no gross distortions of timbre (although we
believe that its fidelity is much greater than is usually supposed).
I. The apparatus within the tympanic cavity (in its unspoiled condition) is a
mechanical apparatus whose sensitivity is infinitely superior to everything we know
about the sensitivity of mechanical apparatuses. In fact, it is by no means
improbable that it faithfully transmits sonic motions that are so small that they
cannot be observed with a microscope. The mechanical force of the weakest sounds
detectable by the ear can, of course, hardly be estimated directly; we can show,
however, by means of the law according to which the intensity of sound decreases
with its propagation in the air, that the ear does pick up sounds whose mechanical
force is millions of times weaker than that of sounds of ordinary intensity. In the
absence of other observations free of methodological errors, I refer to Nicholson's
report that the call of the Portsmouth sentry is clearly audible at night at a distance
of 4 to 5 English miles, at Ride on the Isle of Wight. When we consider the
contrivances that Colladon found necessary in order to detect the propagation of
sound through water, it will be conceded that we cannot speak of a substantial
amplification of sound as it propagates through water; indeed, the mechanical force
of sound in water is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the
source, and probably diminishes even more rapidly than that. Since a distance of 4
to 5 miles is approximately 2,000 times greater than a distance of 8 to 10 feet, the
mechanical force of the sound waves reaching the eardrum is 4 million times
smaller than at a distance of 8 to 10 feet from the sentry, and thus the motion of
the eardrum is 2,000 times smaller.
Admittedly, in measurements of sound perception, we find absolutely no mention of
ratios on the order of 1 to 1 billion or 1 to 1,000. But in light of recent investigations
of the relationship of psychological estimates of sound intensity to physical or
mechanical measurement, this poses no obstacle to the conclusion we have just
reached. This relationship of dependence is probably identical to how our estimate
of the intensity or magnitude of the fixed stars is dependent on the mechanical
force of the emitted light reaching us. As is well known, it has been concluded from
the calibration of stars that the mechanical force of their light diminishes
geometrically as their magnitude decreases arithmetically.
If, analogously, we divide soundsfrom familiar intensity down to those barely
perceptibleinto eight magnitudes, then the mechanical force of a sound of the
second magnitude would be about 1/10, the third 1/100,. . .,the eighth 1/10.000.000
one ten-millionth the intensity of the first magnitude; whereas the amplitude of
motion for sounds of the first, third, fifth, and seventh magnitudes would be in the
ratios of 1: 1/10: 1/100: 1/1000. ln my foregoing considerations of the sound waves
reaching the ear, I stopped with the eardrum, since some investigators assume a
damping of the more intense sounds (because of the tension on the drumskin?).

I must confess that this opinion strikes me as a completely arbitrary conjecture. It is

possible, of course, that protective mechanisms do go into effect when a loud noise
threatens to injure the membranes of the inner ear. But within the nature of audible
impressions I find nothing whatsoever analogous to the eye's response to the
degree of illumination of the visual field, and have no idea what a continuously
variable reflex activity of M. tensor tympani is supposed to contribute to the exact
comprehension of a piece of music. 3 In my view, there is no basis to assume that at
a distance of 10 feet from the sentry, there exists a different relationship between
the motion of air at the eardrum and the motion of the stirrup footplate (stapes),
than at a distance of 20,000 feet; and even if a rather substantial variation in the
tension of the eardrum is assumed, this would in no way alter our conclusions. If, at
a distance of 10 feet from the sentry, the motion of the stirrup footplate is probably
still just barely perceptible to the naked eye, then this motion would be just as
perceptible at a distance of 20,000 feet with a 2,000-fold magnification.
II. If the middle ear apparatus is to faithfully transmit the slight motions that
experience shows it to do, the solid bodies that constitute it must fit perfectly at
their points of effective contact, since obviously one body cannot transmit a motion
to another if the distance separating them is greater than the amplitude of that
motion. Moreover, only a small portion of the mechanical force of the sonic motion
is permitted to be lost through such additional work as the tensing of fibrous
capsules and synovial membranes of the joints. Such loss is minimized by the
extremely small width of the free boundary of the membrane of the oval window or
fenestra vestibuli.4 Were this boundary wider, the vibrations of the stirrup footplate
would be almost entirely canceled out by the vibrations of this boundary, and would
have only a slight effect on the cochlea and round window or fenestra cochlae.
Because of this membranous boundary's slight width, the effect of this boundary on
the stirrup footplate will greatly vary with the various positions assumed by the
stirrup footplate over the course of the sonic movements. Hence we must assume
that the membrane's elasticity, if it is not to distort the timbre, is negligible, and
that not this elasticity, but some other forces are involved in bringing the stirrup
footplate into the correct equilibrium position.
III. Since, if we are to account for the ear's empirically verifiable acuity, the
components of the middle ear apparatus must constantly grab each other with
better than microscopic precision, certain corrective mechanisms would seem
indispensable to compensate for expansion and contraction of these bodies through
the action of heat. Changes in temperature inside the tympanic cavity may be very
small, yet they undoubtedly do occur. The temperature distribution in the human
body, when the external temperature has remained constant for a sufficient length
of time, approximates the law which states that the difference between the
temperature of an arbitrary place in the body and the temperature of the brain is
proportional to the difference between the external temperature and the
temperature of the brain. This law is derived from Newton, along with the
assumption that the thermal conductivity and the specific heat remains constant
within the temperature range under considerationan assumption that is probably
very nearly satisfied. With this law, we can deduce the changes in temperature from
the differences in the temperature of the tympanic cavity and the brain. Even if it

may not be possible to determine the temperature difference between the tympanic
cavity and the brain, there are still several reasons for concluding that a noticeable
temperature difference is highly probable, viz., the communication with the outside
air through the exterior auditory canal or meatus and the eustachian tube, as well
as the manner in which blood is supplied to the tympanic cavity.
By contrast, the pyramid bone5 probably has a temperature very close to that of the
brain, since it contains the carotid canal (Can. caroticus), and therefore we must
assume that the inner lining of the tympanic cavity 6 is a very poor conductor and
emitter of heat. Regarding the other bones surrounding the tympanic cavity, it
certainly cannot be claimed that their temperature is as high as that of the brain or
the pyramid. Yet they do have certain significant sources of heat in blood vessels
large arteries and veinsand are, like the pyramid, protected by mucous membrane
and periosteum from loss of heat to the tympanic cavity. Hence we may assume
that their temperature is significantly higher than that of the tympanic cavity. If the
external temperature drops, then, in accordance with the above-mentioned law, the
difference between the temperature of the brain and everywhere else in the body
will increase in the same ratio (1:2); the tympanic cavity will as a result cool
noticeably, the surrounding bones will cool only very slightly, and the auditory
ossicles will draw together noticeably, while the walls of the tympanic cavity remain
nearly unchanged. Our finding that the auditory ossicles draw together and cool
down much more than the walls of the tympanic cavity with a drop in the external
temperature is about all that can be established regarding the influence of
temperature on the middle ear apparatus, given our total ignorance of the thermal
properties of its components.
IV. I will now attempt to determine the changes in the position assumed by the
auditory ossicles as the external temperature drops, such that all contiguous parts
of the apparatus continue to fit precisely. The part of the auditory ossicle system
that is most firmly connected to the wall of the tympanic cavity is the anvil-drum
joint.7 All distances within composite, solid bodies become smaller with cooling;
hence the distance between this joint surface and the anvil stirrup joint becomes
smaller. The upper handle is probably the part of the hammer that is subject to the
most minimal displacement, at least parallel to the ring of the eardrum. Since with
cooling the distance of the anvil-drum joint from the least mobile point of
attachment of the upper handle of the hammer at the eardrum remains nearly
unchanged, while the distances of these points from the anvil hammer joint both
decrease, the angle produced by the lines running from the anvil-hammer joint
through these points must become somewhat smaller. With these two changes in
position of the auditory ossicles, the hammer is rotated slightly in the anteriormedian posterior direction, and simultaneously (in order to maintain the knob of the
anvil8 ) more slightly in the anterior superior-posterior direction. The long process of
the hammer, as a result, would have to be moved at the fissure 9 upwards and
medially, if it is to maintain one and the same position with respect to the handle
and head of the hammer. By the action of cooling, however, its curvature increases
and it draws closer to the hammer handle, so that during a change of temperature it
probably only gradually draws a bit out of the fissure.

V. We have now specified the conditions that are probably met by the positions of
the auditory ossicles, such that they maintain precise articulation continuously and
hence, neither at the edge of the vestibular membrane nor at the eardrum, produce
any significant asymmetric tension. We now inquire into the means by which the
auditory ossicles always achieve and maintain the correct position. (This is
accomplished mainly through counterposed forces, which achieve a balance with
the correct position of the ossicles and, if they become displaced, pull them back
It is clear that these means must be sought in the two muscles regulating the
position of the auditory ossicles, in the joint capsules, ligaments, folds of mucous
membrane, and the two membranes with which the auditory ossicles are bound
together. In this search for the origins of a specific effect upon the auditory ossicles,
we are often presented with several ways to produce the same effect when the folds
of mucous membrane are also considered. To identify the most probable of these
various possibilities, it is first and foremost necessary to reach approximate
conclusions as to the elasticity and tension of the ligaments, membranes, and so
forth, on the basis of anatomical investigations using freshly prepared specimens.
This is something I cannot do. But by carefully developing the consequences of the
various hypotheses, we may hope to hit up against the improbable ones and weed
these out.
For our present investigation, it is appropriate to distinguish between the alert ear,
adjusted for precise hearing, and the non alert ear, andfor certain questions
between the ear of the newborn and the ear of the adult. The distinction we make
between the alert and nonalert ear is dependent upon whether or not the foot of the
stirrup is pressed slightly against the inner ear fluid by tension of M. tensor tympani,
so that the pressure at the inner ear fluid is slightly greater than that of the air in
the tympanic cavity; in this way the parts of the solid bodies whose contact is to be
ensured are pressed slightly against each other. Those who think that any such
continuous tension of the mechanism is improbable (the eardrum perhaps
excepted) might consider that, with variations in temperature, the auditory ossicles
change their positionsthrough the effects of fastening ligaments and joint
ligaments and the gradual variation of the contraction of muscleswithout being
pressed against each other. We have found, however, that only through tension is
precise meshing of all parts of the mechanism assured.
Our investigation is thus valid for the alert earthe ear deliberately prepared for
precise perception, while it still remains possible that the ear (of the normally awake
person?) is continuously adapted, if perhaps only to a lesser degree.
The apparatus of the auditory ossicles consists of a body composed of two parts
(hammer and anvil), that can rotate about an axis and a stamper (the stirrup) with
which it articulates, and which presses in upon the fluid at the oval window. One end
of the axis of rotation, the short process of the anvil, is fastened by means of the
anvil-drum joint to the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity; the other end, the long
process of the hammer, surrounded only by soft tissue, projects into a gap between
the anterior-superior end of the ring of the eardrum and the petrous bone, and rests
in a furrow of this ring. (This is true at least for the ear of the newborn.)

The determination of the position of the auditory ossicles with respect to the
tympanic cavity is made much simpler by means of Henle's procedure of
considering the tympanic cavity rotated, so that the axis of rotation runs
horizontally posterior-to-anterior, while the oval window stands vertically.
If, through an increase in air pressure, the handle of the hammer is driven together
with the eardrum to which it is attached, the base of the stirrup is pressed against
the membrane of the (oval) vestibular window and the pressure of the inner ear
fluid increases, and thereby the membrane of the (round) cochlea window is driven
For the mechanism to be able to transmit to the inner ear fluid even the slightest
changes in air pressure at a constant ratio of amplification, it is first and foremost
necessary that the pressure of the stirrup always act upon the inner ear fluid in
precisely the same way. To this end, it is necessary that:
(1) the pressure of the base always encounter one and the same surface, and the
direction of motion always be the same;
(2) there can be no attachment of the stirrup to the wall of the vestibular window, at
least none that could exert any noticeable influence on its position and motion;
(3) the stirrup never cease pressing against the membrane of the vestibular
As is readily apparent with a little reflection, the moment one of the above
conditions is violated, variations in air pressure would either have scarcely any
effect on the inner ear fluid, or else would act according to a completely changed
set of laws.
In order to secure fulfillment of the third condition, the pressure maintained against
the membrane of the vestibular window by M. tensor tympani, which draws the
hammer handle inward, must always remain at such a level that it considerably
exceeds the greatest variations in pressure that could ever be expected to occur in
hearing. One effect of this pressure is probably registered at the cochlear or
vestibular window, either as a tensing or a bending (stretching, variation in shape)
of the membrane. Thus M. tensor tympani establishes the most favorable pressure
for accurate hearing.
The pressure depends only on the position of the handle of the hammer, and to
produce the required attitude of this handle, the tension of the muscle must be just
enough to maintain a balance with the tension of the eardrum at this attitude.
Whether the resulting tension of the eardrum is more or less, is of no consequence;
it is only necessary, as we shall now show, that the tension remain so great that
only a very small part of the mechanical force of the waves striking the ear is lost to
the air within the tympanic cavity. When a stretched membrane in the open air is
struck by a sound wave, an oscillation of the membrane is generated, as well as a
reflected air wave and a continuing (refracted) air wave. How the mechanical force
of the sound wave is distributed among these three effects, depends upon the
tension of the membrane. If the tension is very slight, the first two effects are very

weak, and the sound wave proceeds onward, nearly unchanged. If, on the other
hand, the membrane is so taut that its movements are only very small in
comparison with the vibrations of the air particles of the sound wave striking it, it
can impart to the air beyond it only very small movements, and hence can modify
its pressure only slightly, and nearly the entire variation in pressure on the front of
the membrane is absorbed by the tension of the membrane. In addition, when the
membrane is stretched out in the open air, a reflected wave is produced. Thus the
position of the lensbone11 relative to the vestibular window cannot remain
invariable; but by rotation of the anvil about its point of attachment (the drumjoint), the lensbone can only be displaced parallel to the long axis of the vestibular
(oval) window, and thus only in this direction is a rotation of the stirrup about the
center of the anvil joint surface necessary to maintain the stirrup footplate at its
position. Since it is only for this direction that a mechanism (M. stapedius) is
available to freely rotate the stirrup with respect to the knob of the anvil, but not for
the perpendicular direction, one may therefore reasonably assume that such a latter
mechanism is not required, since the knob is already being maintained at an
unvarying height.
VI. A counterbalance for the tension of the tendon of M. tensor tympani is
maintained by the attachment of the handle of the hammer to the eardrum, and of
the eardrum to the sulcus tympanicus. The attachment of the eardrum to the
handle of the hammer reaches only slightly higher (according to Troltsch and
Cerlach) than the point of insertion of the tendon, and its terminus itself lies higher
than the terminus of the sulcus tympanicus. Obviously, therefore, the fastening of
the eardrum at the sulcus tympanicus to M. tensor tympani cannot by itself
maintain a balance. Much more is necessary for this balance of the hammer: there
must be equally large and contrary torques for the part that lies above the point of
insertion, and for the handle that lies below it. We can look for this force necessary
to establish a balance:
(1) either in the binding of the drumskin to the superficial layers of skin of the
exterior auditory canal,
(2) or in the effect of the posterior fold of the eardrum,
(3) or perhaps in the combined effect of the attachments of the hammer head to the
wall of the tympanic cavity by the anvil on the one side, and by the Lig. superior
Arnoldi on the other. These attachments form an angle extended somewhat toward
the vertex of the short process and, when under tension, press this vertex against
the eardrum.
1. Riemann defines "Klang" as "die Beschaffenheit des Schalles" (the quality of the
sound), which derives from "the mechanical origin" of the sound. Therefore, we
translate Klang as timbre, which refers to the relationship between a tone and its
harmonics as produced by a specific sound-source.
2. The speed of pressure fluctuation simultaneously captures both the frequencies
and intensities of a sound.

3. This refers to one of Helmholtz's instructions to concert goers.

4. Riemann here refers to the annular ligament attaching the stapes to the oval
5. The stapedius muscle is attached to the pyramidal eminence or pyramid and to
the neck of the stapes.
6. A mucous membrane.
7. The short process of the anvil is bound to the bony walls of the tympanic cavity or
"drum." Riemann uses the image of the tympanic cavity as a drum, the eardrum as
the drumskin, and the ossicles as the mechanism thatdrums against the oval
8. Its short process.
9. Between the edge of the eardrum and the petrous pyramid bone.
10. Riemann's draft ends here.
11. That is, the stapes footplate.

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