TechNote What Is SFC
TechNote What Is SFC
TechNote What Is SFC
Te c h n o l o g y
What is SFC?
Introduction to SFC
Basics of SFC diagrams
When is it best to use SFC and why?
The objective of this document is to
introduce the basics of SFC. This
is NOT supposed to be a full training for SFC !! There are whole books
dedicated to this topic. However this
document should explain if SFC could
be the right language for you, and if
further training or reading would be
The target audience for this document
is project designers, experienced control engineers or technicians that have
not used SFC, but want to understand
if it would be applicable for them
The document is intended to be
manufacturer neutral (although figures
and examples are provided using
Omrons CX-Programmer)
N ote
February 2008
Figure 1. Steps
Trans 1
FullSwitch = 1
Trans 2
Agiations >= 30
Trans 3
SpinComplete = 1
Figure 2. Transitions
Each Step usually has an SFC Action linked to it and determines the action taken when the Step is active. Steps often
have multiple Actions defined which may be named and then
also reused by multiple Steps. The Action can run continuously
while the step is active, or just once. In fact there are many
action qualifiers defined including running the action for a
certain time, or starting after a certain time. The body of the
Figure 3. Actions
Further special SFC symbols allow complex diagram creation. Every SFC diagram must have an Initial Step, which is
drawn as a regular Step with double lines and is the first step
to become active. For clarity, diagram connections may be
shown as Jumps, but can also branch apart and join together.
Trans 4
Trans 4
StartSwicht = 1
FillValve: =1
Trans 1 FullSwitch = 1
FillValve: =0
Trans 2
Trans 2
Agiations >= 30
Agiations >= 15
Trans 3
SpinComplete = 1
Action An SFC element describing the action or operation to be carried out during this step of the
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission,
standards body
IEC 1131 Old name for IEC 61131 before the change in
numbering system by IEC
IEC 61131 IEC standard for Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs)
Ladder Logic A common programming language for PLCs
where the 2 vertical connections and many
horizontally wired instructions somewhat
resembles rungs on a ladder
PLC Programmable Logic Controller, a flexible
device to perform a control function, where
the function and control logic are customisable and programmable
PLCOpen Organisation for discussing open PLC standards
SFC Sequential Function Chart, an IEC 61131 graphical programming language
Step A key SFC element representing a fixed state
or operation. An SFC program moves from
Step to Step as it executes
Structured Text an IEC 61131 textual programming language,
somewhat similar to the PASCAL language
Transition An SFC element that determines the condition
to be met to move from Step to Step
Top Down A common design technique, where the whole
system is first designed at top level, with
minimal detail, before then designing the
detailed component parts