Chapter 1
1 Om! May the blessing and inspiration of Sri Sri
Lahiri Mahasaya and his chief disciple Sri Sri
Panchanan Battacharya, guide me as
I Yogi
Prabhu Ji now humbly make a brief presentation of
the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita in the light of
Kriya Yoga.
2 The Bhagavad Gita begins at the stage where
Buddhi (Arjuna, the human intelligence) is in the
middle between two opposing armies, hesitating
between fulfilling his dharma or to take the path of
renunciation (sannyasi).
3 Buddhi aims to find an effective strategy to
combat the powerful army of illusions, [represented
by the Kurus,] and reach Peace and Happiness.
4 No one can reach the spiritual knowledge without
accepting the Guru as the charioteer of his life. At
the request of Arjuna, Krishna,[ who is the Guru and
the path of Kriya Yoga,] leads the chariot to the
middle of the battlefield.
5 The insight and the judgment of Arjuna fail before
the voices he hears around him. He thinks, what
benefit will I have to fulfill my dharma - the duties of
my social order (Kshatriya) and life stage (ashrama),
along with my sacrificial obligations? What
happiness or joy can I receive from practice works
and pious deeds?
(To be continued)