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by Mario BUNGE,Delaware, U.S.A.

1. Introduction

Every science is about some class of objects or other. In

particular, physics deals with sets of physical objects : theoretical
physics is supposed to represent certain features of objects of
a kind-namely,
physical systems-and
experimental physics
assumes the task of testing such theoretical representations. And
those objects that are the concern-or, as we shall say, the intended
referents-of physical theory are, ex-hypothesi, self-existent : they
are not mind-dependent. True, some of them, such as the transuranians, might not have come into being without human action
guided by physical theory ;others, such as the magnetic monopoles,
may be no more than fictions. And every idea concerning physical objects of a kind, whether or not i t is an adequate idea, is no
more and no less than an idea. Furthermore, no such idea is ever
a photographic description of its intended referent but a hypothetical, incomplete and symbolic representation of it. Yet the
point a t issue is t h a t physical theory intends t o refer ultimately
to real objects and, moreover, in the most objective (i.e. subjectdetached or operator-invariant) and true (adequate) possible way.
What follows spells out the preceding platitudes and attempts
to analyze some traits of physical theories that often obscure its
intended real reference, objectivity, and partial truth.
2. Reference
When talking of temperatures we intend to characterize the
thermal states of some physical system, such as a body or a radiation field. In this case the referent of our assertions is a physical
Read at the colloquium on (( Objectivite et realit6 dans les diffkrentes
sciences held by the AcadCmie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences,
Bruxelles, 7-9 September 1964.
a Cf. the authors Scientific Research : Strategy and Philosophy (forthcoming)-quoted in the following as SR-Secs. 2.2, 2.3, 3.5 and 3.6



system or perhaps a class of physical systems. This reference is

tacit rather than explicit :it is taken for granted since it is suggested
by the context. Yet by omitting to point out the objective reference we may forget that physical concepts aim a t representing
properties of physical systems. The same holds for every constant
(nonaccidental) relation among physical variables, i.e. for every
law of physics. Thus, when writing down an equation of state
we intend this formula to refer to some physical system or, rather,
to be about an arbitrary member of a certain class of physical systems.
The same holds, a fortiori, for systems of law statements, i.e. theories.
The objective reference can be made more precise by mathematization ; yet a t the same time this refinement procedure, if misinterpreted, will becloud reference. In fact, the aim of mathematization in physics is to represent things and their properties on
a conceptual plane, dealing henceforth with these deputies rather
than with their constituencies. Thus, what is usually focused on
in the mathematical representative of a physical variable is not
the whole concept but just the numerical part(s) of it. Take
again the temperature concept : what we insert in a thermodynamical law statement is not the whole temperature concept but the
numerical variable 6 occurring in the propositional function
(( t (a, s) = 6 o, which is short for (( The temperature of system u
reckoned in the scale-cum-unit system s equals 6 D. The reason
for fixing s, leaving the object variable u aside, and seizing on the
numerical component 6, is clear : only mathematical concepts can
be subjected to arithmetical computation and 6 is, of the whole
temperature concept, precisely that ingredient capable of coming
under the sway of arithmetic. But the momentary focusing on
one of the ingredients of the temperature concept should not make
us forget that temperature is not a numerical variable but a
function mapping a certain set, built in part out of the set of
physical systems, into a set of numbers. (Briefly: let Z denote
the set of physical systems, S the set of scale cum unit systems,
and 0 C R a subset of the real numbers. Then T maps the
Cartesian product of Z and S into 0, i.e. T : Z
, x S + 0. Whereas
every o e Z is supposed t o be in the external world, S and 0 are



(Something similar holds for any of the more complex physical

variables. For example, the full quantum-mechanical representative of the linear momentum should not be written p or even
pop but rather p,,(u)-which
in fact we do whenever we intend
to refer to the momenta of the individual components of a n actual
assembly of quantum-mechanical systems. In the present case
the physical property is not represented by a n ordinary function,
but this is beside the point : the intended objective referent, here
denoted by d,is usually made clear by the context and this is
why, whenever it consists of a single system, it can be dropped
during the computations. But it must be kept in mind under
pain of losing sight of physical meanings and, consequently, of
rendering physical tests pointless.)
The philosopher, and sometimes even the physicist, may overlook the objective referent physical variables intend to point to,
tending to think of temperature, or of any other physical concept,
as a symbol in itself, and likewise of a set of equations as exhausting a physical theory. An analysis of physical variables
restores their intended objective reference, by distinguishing the
object variable (s) u from the remaining variables involved in the
conceptual representation of a physical property. Oddly enough,
while a little analysis may chase realism away, a stronger dose of
it will bring us closer to the view that physics aims a t accounting
for some aspects of reality : t h a t physics is concerned with physical
objects rather than with either mathematical structures or with
our perceptions.
3. Direct and Indirect Reference

The objective reference a physical variable is assumed t o have

must be distinguished from a direct-e.g. pictorial-representation
of physical objects. Take temperature once more: as Mach
recognized, the temperature concept is a brain-child of ours even
though it was introduced in order to symbolize objective thermal
states. Moreover, since there can be infinitely many temperature
scales and units, there is some arbitrariness in our choice of any of
* C f . S R , S e a . 7.1, 8.1 and 8.4



them. (In other words, there is a number-to-body correspondence

since there is a t least one possible physical system t o which any
0 be assigned. But there is no
given temperature value 6 ~ can
converse, body-to-number correspondence (function) unless a
scale-cum-unit system is specified, since only then can we assign
a single number to a t least one physical system. In short, as we
had before, T : 2 x S
0.) The naive realist will emphasize the
reference of every possible temperature concept t o the set of all
possible physical systems, whereas the conventionalist will underline the arbitrariness of the choice of scale and unit and, from this
arbitrariness, he will conclude t o the absence of objective reference.
We must grant each contendor a point. The numerical value
of the temperature of a given system not being unique, a photographic representation of thermal states is out of the question.
But once a scale has been chosen, the favored temperature function
will represent in its own way the set of possible thermal states of
physical systems. After all, not even photographers are required
t o photograph their subjects always from the same angle. Moreover, while the choice of a given scale-cum-unit system is conventional, it is not wholly arbitrary. Thus, the absolute scale is
preferable t o others for most purposes, (i) because it is independent
of the peculiar behavior of any thermometric substance, and therefore one step removed from human limitations, and (ii) because it
fits best the statistical interpretations of thermodynamics. That
is, the convention whereby the Kelvin scale and unit are nowadays
preferred is grounded rather than capricious. The reason absolute
temperature values are independent of any particular real substance
and of any human operator is that the concept was tailored to
specify the thermal states of the ideal gas. Such states are unreal
because the ideal gas itself is a construct. Yet this construct is
not a fiction : the ideal gas is supposed to be a theoretical schematization or model of a real gas. The various equations of state of
the ideal gas that have been proposed so far refer immediately t o
this conceptual model rather than to any real gas.
Physics is not a game : a physical model, however unintuitive,
is always a conceptual sketch of some object assumed t o be out
there. That this existence hypothesis can turn o u t t o be false is



beside the point. The point a t issue, in the controversy over

realism and objectivism, is that the physicist invents some key
concepts (e.g., ((temperaturen) which he somehow assigns t o physical objects (e.g., thermal states of bodies). This concept-physical object correlation is partly stated in the interpretation rules
assigning a physical meaning t o the given symbols (see Secs. 4
and 7). The ideal or theoretical models are supposed t o represent,
in a more or less symbolic-i.e. indirect and conventional wayand t o a certain approximation, some features of the constitution
and behavior of physical systems. Every such model is part of
a t least one physical theory. (What can be regarded as being
essentially the same model serves occasionally different theories :
thus all electromagnetic field theories, whether or not they use
potentials, and whether or not they are linear, share essentially
the same field model even though they differ in the properties
they assign t o it, just as all direct inter-particle action theories
share the black-box model.)
The above may be rephrased in the following negative way:
no physical theory directly depicts or portrays a physical system.
Firstly, because every theory is built with concepts, not with
images, and those concepts, far from being empirical (e.g., observational), are full-fledged constructs, i.e. transobservational contemperature )), and (( field
cepts such as (( mass )), (( charge )),
strength o. Secondly, because such key concepts are comparatively few in every theory and consequently they refer, if a t all,
to just a few chosen aspects of physical objects (those assumed
t o be important), rather than to the real physical system in all
detail, i.e. such as it would be known t o a supremely attentive and
acute observer. In short, every physical theory must be, as
Duhem remarked, both symbolic and incomplete-from which it
does not follow that it lacks an existential import or objective
In fact, every physical theory does intend to represent an
arbitrary member of a class of physical systems. It certainly does
it symbolically and in a simplified way rather than iconically and

1 Cf. the authors The Myth of Simplicity (Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :

Prentice-Hall Inc., 1963), part 11.



completely; still, it does aim to represent such a real existent.

Otherwise the very problem of building a theory would not be
posed. And whenever such an attempt fails badly, the theory is
changed or abandoned: the picture it provides is recognized as
being either unfaithful (false) or operator-dependent (subjective).
When speaking of the reference of a physical idea (variable,
statement, theory) we must therefore distinguish direct from
indirect reference. Every physical construct refers direcfly to
some theoretical model or other, i.e. t o some ideal schematization
embodied in a theory assumed t o account, even modestly, for
a physical system of a kind. The same construct refers therefore
indirectly to some aspects of such a physical object. (See Fig. 1.)



Fig. 1. Objective reference: a correspondence between a model and real object.

Thus, the mediate referent of classical thermodynamics (thermostatics) is any reasonably insulated physical system, which is
represented as a fluid in a perfectly closed container (the fluidcum-walls being the theorys model). Of course there are no such
systems in nature, with the exception of the universe as a whole.



But any system contained in a calorimeter satisfying approximately the closure condition can be said t o be a mediate referent of
In plain words : physics intends t o represent reality but i t does
it in a hypothetical, roundabout, and partial way. (In more
detail : a physical theory T is about a definite conceptual class Uthe universe of discourse of T. U corresponds to-but is notsome subset Z of reality. The phrase (( T refers immediately to U R
means that the formulas of T hold, by stipulation, for any element
of U, i.e. for the model. And the expression (( T refers mediately
to C Dmeans t h a t U is assumed to correspond to Z C R , whether
or not the formulas of T remain true when the members of U
occurring in them are replaced by the corresponding members of Z.
If the theory not only refers t o facts but in addition does it in
a verisimilar way, so much the better. In this case, i.e. for a
good theory, we have

where ((


stands for (( equal [or equivalent] to within the error E u.

U is a definite class since i t is determined by the predicates and

assumptions of the theory. On the other hand the mediate
referent 2 is a nondefinite class : its specification being incomplete,
any number of borderline cases can crop up.) This will force us
to distinguish two kinds of meaning rules in Sec. 7. But before
doing this let the operator enter the stage.
4. Interpretations : Objective and Operational l,

A symbol occurring in a physical theory is either purely formal

(logical or mathematical) or i t can be assigned some nonformal
(factual) meaning. In turn, a factually meaningful sign occurring
in the language of a physical theory can be assigned a n objective
and/or an operational interpretation. Thus (( i H may symbolize
'Cf. S R , Secs. 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 7.5.
Cf. the author's Metascientific Queries (Springield, Ill. : Charles C.
1959), chap. 8.



the (perhaps unknown) intensity of an electric current while no

ammeter is measuring i t ; but the same sign may, on a different
occasion, stand for the measured value of (( the same )) currentafter allowance has been made for the fraction of current dissipated
in the measuring device. In brief, (( i )) may be read objectively
and/or operationally. (The individual values need not coincide in
both cases: for one thing, the measured values will always be
affected by some experimental error that is absent from the theoretical calculations.) On the other hand basic magnitudes such as
field potentials, lagrangians, or pfunctions, can be assigned an
objective but not an operational meaning. Only some of the
concepts built with their assistance can be attached an operational
interpretation (e.g., p = d L/d q in the case of a charged particle in
a magnetic field).
In general, we shall say that a symbol is given an objectioe
interpretation when a rule is laid down which assigns t o that sign
a physical object (thing, property, event, process), whether or not
the object is under observation and whether or not the reference
relation is actually satisfied by the sign-object couple. And we
shall say that a symbol is endowed with an operational interpretation (not definition !) if a correspondence is stipulated between
the symbol and results of actual or feasible operations designed to
observe or measure ((the same )) property of (( the same )) object.
(The quotation marks intend to suggest that the object may change
as a result of such empirical operations.) There will be no harm
in assigning interpretations of those two kinds t o one and the same
symbol as long as the distinction is not blurred.
Every operationally meaningful symbol can also be interpreted
in an objective way. The converse is not true : objective meanings
are more fundamental and universal than operational ones. Thus
the predicates ((free particle )), ((intensity of a light wave in
vacuum )), and (( stationary state of an atom B are all assumed to
have objective referents although they cannot be assigned operational interpretations. The reason for this impossibility is plain :
measurements, and particularly so atomic measurements, involve
a coupling between the mensurandum and some aspects of an
experimental set-up, whereby some of the properties of the



initially free object are altered. And the reason for regarding
objective meanings as more fundamental than operational ones
is this: anything t h a t is made u p of a physical object interacting
with a piece of apparatus constitutes a third, more inclusive,
physical system entitled to be studied as such and consequently
calling for objectively meaningful symbols. Only the test of theoretical statements concerning this wider system will require the
interpretation of some of the terms occurring in them in terms
of laboratory operations.
What has just been said holds for quantum physics as well as
for classical physics. The chief difference is that in classical
physics the theories of measurement are advanced enough to
enable us to calculate (predict) the disturbances introduced by
specified empirical operations, whereas no such mature theories
exist for the atomic and subatomic domains. In other words, in
classical physics we can account for the objective difference between a natural system and another object of the same kind interacting with our physical means of observation : the interaction is
incorporated into the law statements and the result of the calculation can be checked empirically for the system under measurement. If the prediction calculated by means of the theory of
measurement is borne out by measurement, the theory concerning
the natural object is regarded as confirmed (not as verified). On
the other hand, the quantum-mechanical theory of measurement is
not yet capable of yielding similar results. (We shall here disregard the mutually incompatible claims that the available theory
does its full job and that no such theory is conceivable because the
object-subject interaction is ultimately unanalyzable, i.e. irrational.) In any case, there are physical and epistemological
diRerences between a natural system and a measured one, and
correspondingly between the objective and the operational interpretation of a physical symbol.
Our semantical distinction is meaningless in the context of the
operationalist philosophy of physics. So much the worse for this
philosophy, since that distinction is in fact employed in physics,
notwithstanding the strenuous efforts made to reduce every idea
to perceptions and operations taking place in a conceptual vacuum.



Consider the quantum theory, sometimes regarded as a child of

operationalism. One usually starts by stating some problem
concerning what is assumed to be an autonomously existing object,
such as an arbitrary helium atom. This atom may be assumed
to be in its fundamental state, but this we will be unable t o put
in evidence unless we first excite it t o some other energy level.
This problem is not of the theorists concern ; on the other hand
the experimentalist is forced to use some theory concerning the
unobservable stationary states and the possible transitions among
them: in order t o produce those transitions he must have some
idea about the required energy. Moreover, no experiment proper
need be made in order to check the theoretical calculations in this
case, as nature provides us with what we hypothesize as being
helium atoms in various excited states randomly decaying to lower
states. The corresponding measurements will alter none of the
properties of our atoms, since the measurements consist in collecting and analyzing the light spontaneously emitted by the
atoms. On top of this, the atoms themselves may well be located
beyond the reach of our laboratory: they may dwell, say, somewhere in the Crab nebula. In short, it is not true t h a t every
quantum-mechanical calculation concerns a system coupled to
a measurement set-up, much less to the observers mind ; and it is
not true t h a t every measurement relevant t o quantum theory
produces disturbances, let alone wholly unpredictable ones.
The circumstance t h a t in every fundamental physical theory
we handle some natural object or other rather than systems subject to severe test conditions, is tacitly acknowledged when posing
a typical problem in theoretical physics. In fact, in such a problem statement only variables referring to the system under study
will ordinarily occur. (Thus, when using a hamiltonian theory we
start by writing down, i.e, by hypothesizing, the hamiltonian
corresponding to our physical system, or rather to a schematic
model of it, and go on t o look for a n eigensolution of the hamiltonian. In particular, this solution may be time-independent,
thus representing a stationary state, which is unobservable.
Usually no perturbation representing the non-hypothesized interaction of our system with a phony experimental set up will occur



in the hamiltonian : the latter will contain just the position, time,
and momentum coordinates of the supposedly autonomously
existing system-or rather of a sketch of it, such as an oscillator.)
Yet many physicists, misled by what used to be a fashionable
philosophy, smuggle into the theorems something that was missing
in the initial assumptions-namely,
a measurement device and
eventually even its operator, with his thoughts and his unpredictable intentions. This is how Heisenbergs relations are frequently interpreted, although no symbol representing measurement
operations-let alone mental events-occurs in the axioms from
which they are derived. Another example: the possible energy
states of a free helium atom are, in the same vein, interpreted as
the possible results of energy measurements-which measurements
would involve perturbations that had not been assumed to begin
with, i.e. when writing down the Schrodinger equation for the
helium atom. This equation contains no variable referring to the
structure and behavior of the phony measurement device, and i t
is only to comply with a philosophy accepted in advance that the
theorems are interpreted in a way unwarranted by the initial
assumptions. In brief, the solution t o the original problem is
somehow interpreted as the solution to an entirely different problem-a shift designed to introduce the Operator into the innermost recesses of nature. Our quantum philosopher-physicist is
thereby making use of a privilege formerly reserved to theologians :
namely, that of ((concluding)) from one statement to a second
statement referring to an altogether disjoint universe of discourse.
Let us take a closer look at this commonly practised yet ill-studied
5. Conceptual Unity-And

How to Violate it in Q.M.

The move we have just discussed exemplifies an illegitimate

shift of meaning whereby symbols initially assigned an objective
meaning are suddenly interpreted operationally. This manceuvre
is carried out without caring whether such a reinterpretation is a t
all possible. If no such reinterpretation is justified, the (( conclusions 1) drawn in this way remain equally unwarranted. Such



meaning shifts characterize the usual (phenomenalistic, operationalistic, idealistic) interpretations of both the quantum theory
of ((particles o and the quantum field theory, which are thereby
rendered what shall be called semantically inconsistent. Since the
trivial yet important concept of semantical consistency, or conceptual unity, does not seem to have been analyzed, a brief excursus
will be convenient a t this point. A fuller treatment is given elsewhere l.
I t is a desideratum for every theory to possess both formal and
semantical unity. The former consists in the systems logical
togetherness, i.e. in being a hypothetico-deductive system rather
than an arbitrary heap of formulas. The semantical consistency
or conceptual unity of a factual theory boils down to this: the
system must be about some (nonempty) class which, far from
being an arbitrary collection, is characterized by certain mutually
related properties. Let us give a more precise characterization of
semantical consistency.
To begin with, the conceptual unity of a theory requires a
common reference of its formulas to some collection of objects.
In the case of a physical theory, this collection is not an arbitrary
set but a natural (nonarbitrary) class of physical objects. The
class of objects the theory refers to is the latters universe of
discourse. Thus, the universe of discoursz of fluid mechanics is
the class of all fluids: the theory assigns the latter certain properties every one of which it represents by a certain predicate.
It is taken for granted that the universe of discourse or reference
set is not void, and it is hypothesized that the members of it can
be paired to external objects in such a way that the theory holds
a t least approximately. Such a reference to external objects can
be indirect and even false (see Sec. 3), but some reference t o physical objects is always presupposed in a physical theory, and this
is why it is called physical rather than, say, psychological. Theories carry the names of their ultimate referents, even if the latter
turn out not to exist; thus, a theory referring to hyperons will
be called a hyperon theory. On the other hand, a (meta)statement such as ((The statements of quantum mechanics are not
Cf. S R , Sec. 7.2.



about autonomous physical systems but about our knowledge )) is

not only incomplete-as it fails to point out the object of such
a knowledge-but i t is a tacit claim t h a t the quantum theory is
not a physical theory.
Unity of reference is necessary yet not sufficient for a theory
to attain full conceptual unity. A second factor of semantical
consistency is that the predicates of the theory belong to a single
t h a t they be semantically homogeneous. Thus a
physical theory will contain only predicates designating physical
objects (systems, properties, events, processes). On the other
hand a statement like (( The wave-function propagates in (configuration) space and summarizes the observers experimental information )) mixes physical and information-theoretical predicates,
thus muddling the distinction between a symbol y , the state of
the physical system it is supposed to represent (in a devious way
indeed), and the bits of empirical information t h a t may have been
used in hypothesizing its precise form. (On top of this the statement suggests the false idea t h a t p can be built directly out of
data, without making hypotheses concerning the constituents of
the systems, their interactions, and the law which y obeys).
A common universe of discourse U, and a semantically homogeneous family P of predicates, are necessary but still insufficient
to ensure the conceptual unity of a theory. One needs, in addition,
the prohibition to smuggle into the theory predicates foreign to
the field covered by the theory. This third condition, which may
be called the requirement of semantical closure, may be stated thus :
The predicates of the theory shall be just those which occur in the
predicate base and in the definitions of the theory. Were it not
for this semantical requirement, formal logic would consecrate the
semantically dirty trick of validly deducing theorems containing
concepts not occurring among those a t the base of the theory.
In fact, the rule of addition-(( t entails t or u ))-would allow us
to surreptitiously adjoin, to any theorem t of a given theory, a
statement u violating the condition of semantical homogeneity, by
virtue of containing some concept not germane to the predicate
base initially envisaged. This expansion of the initial base might
go as far as to change the original universe of discourse in an



arbitrary way : we might start by talking about atoms as physical

objects and end up by talking about our behavior, whether or not in
connection with atoms.
(Moreover, the outsider u might be a thoroughly untestable
proposition, e.g., an ad hoc hypothesis designed to save the theory
from empirical refutation. As if this were not enough, (( t or u H
is logically weaker than the genuine theorem t, hence easier to
confirm-as easy as we may care. Finally, since any theorem of
the theory may be found t o be wanting in some respect or other,
its negation will allow us t o detach the unwanted u, i.e. to keep
the stranger as the sole survivor of scientific criticism. Even if u
were testable, and furthermore beyond practical doubt, the trick
would defeat the purpose of the theorist, who is concerned with
accounting for the referents of his theorem t , not for those of u.
The rule of semantical closure aims a t preventing such a manaeuvre.
It can be shown that the previously mentioned requirement of
semantical homogeneity is not sufficient to rule that trick out.)
A fourth condition of semantical consistency is that the key
concepts (basic predicates) of the theory hang together, by being
fairly distributed among the initial assumptions of the theory.
This may be called the condition of conceptual connectedness. It
can be stated in a more precise way and it can be shown1 that
unity of reference and conceptual connectedness are necessary for
attaining formal unity, as deducibility relations can only be
established among formulas sharing certain key predicates, among
which U stands out.
Every factual theory should possess both formal and conceptual
unity, if only for methodological reasons, such as avoiding cheap
confirmation. Unfortunately some physical theories, though formally (logically and mathematically) consistent, are semantically
inconsistent, as they violate some or all of the first three requirements of conceptual unity, i.e. unity of reference, semantical homogeneity, and semantical closure. As anticipated in the preceding
section, this is the case with the usual interpretations of the quantum theory : sometimes the eagerness to secure testability, at other

Cf. S R , Sec. 7.2.



times the wish to avoid an ontological commitment, and a t other

the hope of reviving subjectivistic philosophies, motivate the
attempts to smuggle the Operator into a domain to which i t did
not belong t o begin with; finally the Operator grabs the handle
and the physical object is gone-from physics!
Yet no semantically consistent interpretation of quantum
mechanics in purely operational terms (preparation, measurement,
experiment) is available. In other words, there exists no consistent Copenhagen formulation of quantum mechanics : the physical interpretation proposed by t h a t school does not match all
the basic formulas of the theory (see Sec. 4). Moreover, the
present formalism of quantum mechanics does not seem to allow
for it, as such a theory would have to include from the start the
consideration of measurement set-ups, dispensing with every term
which, like (( free particle j), can be assigned an objective meaning
but not an operational one. (Since the fundamental theory would
have t o refer only t o objects under measurement or experiment,
(i) it would make no sense to distinguish in the hamiltonian, the
lagrangian, or any other source expression, the free part from the
one representing the interaction of the system with a macroscopic
set-up, and (ii) we would be deprived from the guidance of classical
mechanics in guessing the adequate quantum-mechanical hamiltonian-a
hard task as things stand.) Even if a semantically
consistent interpretation of quantum mechanics in the spirit of
operationalism were eventually formulated, (i) it would not be a
strictly physical theory but rather a psychological or a n operationsresearch one, and (ii) it would be inapplicable to objects which, like
the atoms in Andromeda, we can afford to leave alone, without
the assistance of the Operator.
In sum, we lack a semantically consistent quantum theory, whether in operationalist, idealistic, or realistic terms. And we should
want to formulate a semantically consistent and thoroughly physical quantum theory that might in principle be applied to either
a n autonomous object : or, mutatis mutandis, t o a system under
experimental control, and moreover such t h a t the latter be handled
as just a physical system of a special kind rather than as a mindbody compositum. Physicalism is a narrow ontology : granted ;



but it does work for the physical universe, and every retreat from
physicalism in the realm of physics is a return to prescientific
anthropocentrism. Why misplace the human mind: is it not a
system of functions of certain bodies made up of atoms, and is it
not enough to credit the human mind with the invention of theories,
the planning of tests, and the interpretation of the latters outcomes ?
(We should note in passing t h a t a realistic interpretation of
the quantum theory does not require renouncing its present fundamental stochastic character. In other words, one does not need
t o introduce extra hidden variables in order to restore objectivity
in t h e quantum domain: t h e hidden variables are already there.
Only, they are miscalled obseruables, although no one can seriously
claim that any of the fundamental variables of the quantum
theories are strictly, i.e. directly observable or measurable.
Hidden variables, in the sense of nonstochastic-nonfluctuating,
scatter-less-magnitudes, are sufficient, yet not necessary, to produce a nonstochastic theory resembling classical dynamics. But
such neoclassical concepts are very likely insufficient, and certainly dispensable, to build the much-needed semantically consistent and thoroughly physical interpretation(s) of the quantummechanical formalism. One should not mix the problems of
reality and objectivity with the problem of determinism : a
realist can consistently maintain an indeterministic stand to any
extent, just as a subjectivist can be as much of a determinist as he
pleases. For realism the precise behavior of physical objects is
irrelevant as long as they can walk alone.)
In order to restore realism in physics all we need is to reinterpret the present formalisms of the quantum theory abiding by the
rules of semantical consistency and keeping in mind the goal of
producing a physical rather than a psychological theory of the
microphysical world. This is possible now, without modifying the
present formalisms-which
need repairs for different purposes.
Such a realistic interpretation of the available frameworks is
Cf. the authors Causality: The Place of the Causal Principle in
Modern Science, 2nd ed. (Cleveland and New York : Meridian Books, 1963),



unlikely to take us back t o pre-quantum physics. For example,

it will not be able t o claim t h a t a n electron h a s a t the same time
both a precise position and a precise momentum, only Heisenbergs
relations tell us t h a t we cannot measure them, i.e. know them
empirically with complete accuracy. Indeed, if Heisenbergs relations are assumed t o hold for every mechanical system, whether
under observation or not, a realist cannot, on the strength of the
usual theory, assign the electron a simultaneous precise position
and momentum. That is, he cannot regard i t as a classical pointparticle-which we also know from diffraction experiments with
extremely weak particle beams.
We are now in a position to handle the problem of physical
interpretation in a more complete and precise way form than was
done in Sec. 4.
6 . Reference and Evidence

We should know both what a physical theory is supposed to

represent and what does sustain the claim to such a reference, i.e.
what its evidence is. If we concentrate on the reference we may
end up in uncritical realism, whereas if we ignore the reference we
are bound to wind up in subjectivism.
Referentially (semantically) considered, a physical theory
points in an immediate way to a conceptual model which is in
turn supposed to symbolize a real system of some kind (see Sec. 3).
Just as the immediate referent is a construct, so the mediate referent can in fact be nonexistent, and in any case it need not be
observable. And evidentially (methodologically) considered, the
same theory points in a devious way to a set of observed and
potentially observable facts-the available and the possible empirical evidence (see Fig. 2). I t is not just that a physical theory
should say more than whatever is expressed by the set of actual
empirical information that triggers and tests the theory since
otherwise it would be just a summary of information on t h e latters
level: a physical theory is supposed to say things quite different
from f h e observational reports relevant (favorably or unfavorably)
Cf. S R , Sec. 8.4.



t o it. Thus, atomic theories are not about spectroscopic observations although they participate (alongside other theories) in the
explanation of such data.

Th co r y


rcfercncc I







Fig. 2. Reference and evidence different.

For example, the immediate referent of the kinetic theory of

gases is any member of a certain set of idealized ensembles of
particles assummed t o possess certain characteristics, whereas one
of the mediate referents of that theory is a nebula. Data concerning nebular kinematics constitute part of the evidence for or
against the kinetic theory and/or the hypothesis that i t applies
approximately t o such systems-a metatheoretical assumption, by
the way. Any future report of the same kind will be a further
evidence of the same kind. In this case the intended referent of
the theory can be observed with the help of instruments built and
interpreted with the help of further theories, chiefly mechanics and



optics, which play here an instrumental rather than an explanatory or substantive role. Another example : any theory of (( elementary o (( particles )) refers immediately to certain unobservables
suspected (hypothesized) t o be entities (real existents), but it only
supplies a hypothetical and most likely a rather crude model of
them. And the evidence relevant t o such a theory-e.g., a set of
tracks on a nuclear photographic plate-differs in nature from the
referents of the theory: the tracks are not referred t o a t all by
the theory and these data become an evidence relevant t o the theory
on condition that they be interpreted in the light of another body
of theory (notably classical mechanics and some theory concerning
the passage of electrically charged particles through matter).
In this respect the job of the physicist is not unlike the task of
the paleontologist, the historian, or even the detective: in all
these cases unseen facts are hypothesized and such hypotheses
and systems of hypotheses are tested through the observable
traces left by the presumptive criminal (extinct animal, hero, or
proton), which traces become evidences only in the light of instrumental or auxiliary hypotheses and/or theories concerning the
possible mechanisms whereby the traces might have been produced ; clearly, the theory under test may take place in such an
explanation, i.e. it may contribute t o produce its own evidence.
(So far we have purposefully avoided talking of phenomena as
data, much less as evidence relevant t o physical theories. The
reason is this. What philosophers call a phenomenon is an event
occurring in connection with some cognitive subject : phenomena
are what appear to us, humans, whence no humans, no phenomena.
Phenomenalism is the doctrine according t o which the world is the
set of appearances ; in particular, physical reality would be the set
of observations conducted by physicists. The programme of
phenomenalism, shared t o a large extent by operationalism, is the
construction of physical objects as systems of appearances. This
programme has failed and is unfeasible. There are various reasons
for rejecting phenomenalism, among others the following. Firstly,
physics is not interested in what appears to me, or in what seems
to me t o be the case : physics is an attempt t o transcend subjectivity,
t o go beyond perspectivism. Secondly, most phenomena involve



macroscopic events which in principle can be explained jointly by

physics and psychology. Thirdly, the programme of phenomenalism has failed, whereas the programme of realism, of explaining
appearance by (hypothesized) reality is working. Fourthly, phenomena are lawless ; only objective (largely unperceivable) facts are
supposed t o be lawful, and there is no science which is not a pack
of law statements).
To return to the differences between the hypothetical referent
and the observational evidence of a physical theory. For one
thing, the intended mediate referent of a theory is supposed to
exist independently of the theory-which
assumption may be
false. On the other hand there can be no evidence without some
theory or other, however sketchy, since the theory itself will determine whether or not a given datum is relevant to it. (What
theories playing a n instrumental role do is to help gather and interpret such data, but the relevance of the data to the theory under
test is determined by the latter.) Thus, a quantum theory of
(( particle )) scattering will
be a ground for accepting measured
values of directional beams, and if the projectiles are assumed
to be electrically charged, the measurable curvature of the visible
tracks they leave behind will also be considered relevant-j ust
because the theory, in conjunction with classical electrodynamics,
says so. On the other hand thousand other pieces of information
regarding the same experimental set-up will be quite irrelevant
to the theory under test-which is a blessing. Observation reports
(data) must be interpreted with the help of a t least one theory in
order to become evidence. If preferred, the empirical support a
given substantive theory enjoys is determined by comparing the
latters predictions with the evidence produced by empirical operations designed and interpreted with the help of a t least one
theory (see Fig. 3). Another way of putting i t is this. No single
fundamental theory can directly explain observations, i.e. can do
i t without the assistance of further theories. (What a single
theory can explain are thought experiments, such as the two-slit
(( experiment )), the actual performance of which requires, in the
case of (( particles )), the employment of real crystals and consequently some theory about crystal structure and another theory



about the particle-screen interaction mechanism producing the

observable fringes.)
Theory 1


Datum 1
Theory 2
(e.g.,chargevalue) (instrumental)

+---- ---Comparison---

Datum 2


Fig. 3. Theories (substantive and instrumental), data and evidence.

To sum up : (i) fundamental physical theories have no observational content, i.e. they contain no purely observation statements,
and consequently they cannot be reduced to sets of data or even
to data-processing devices ; (ii) there is no theory-free evidence in
physics. If this much is accepted, we need not confuse reference
with evidence.
7 . Rules of Interpretation
If the preceding analysis is accepted, then it must be acknowledged that in physics we meet more than one kind of rule of
interpretation (semantical rule). The mathematical formulas of
physics can be read with the assistance of interpretation rules of
two kinds : referential and evidential. A referential interpretation
rule (RIR) establishes a correspondence between some of the
theorys nonformal symbols, and its referent. Consequently, a
rule of this kind contributes to the (core) meaning of the theory ;
in the ideal case of a very simple theory, the set of its referential
interpretation rules makes up the full physical meaning of the
theory. On the other hand a n evidential interpretation rule (EIR)
links a low level theoretical term to some observable entity or
trait, such a visible clock.
Cf. S R . Sec. 8.4.



Since every physical theory has both an immediate and a

mediate or intended referent (see Sec. 3), we must distinguish two
types of referential interpretation rules : (i) type I RIRs, establishing correspondences between nonformal concepts and traits of
the ideal model (which are further concepts rather than real things
or properties), and (ii) f y p e I I RIRs, establishing correspondences
between traits of the theoretical model and features of the latters
hypothesized real referent. Example of R I R s : the geometrical
concept of reference frame is interpreted as a rigid trihedron (type
I RIR), which ideal object is in turn interpreted as a n approximate
model of a real semirigid body (type I1 RIR). Example of an
E I R : a peak in an oscilloscope graph is sometimes interpreted as
an effect of an electric discharge (see Fig. 4).

ttical symbol

/ 9 E IR

Real referent


Fig. 4. Physical interpretation rules.

The referential interpretation rules are necessary, though

insufficient, t o delineate the meaning of a theory: they indicate
what may be called the core meaning of the symbolic system.
(A full determination of its meaning would require unearthing all
the presuppositions of the theory as well as actually deducing the
infinitely many consequences of its initial assumptions-none of
which operations is effectively possible l.) In order to determine
Cf. the authors Intuition and Science (Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :
Prentice-Hall, 1962), pp. 72 ff.



the testability of the theory, and a fortiori in order t o carry out

actual empirical tests of it, we must add a set of evidential interpretation rules. B u t usually such E I R s are not among the formulas of the theory, because every evidence depends not only on
the given theory but also on other theories (see Sec. 6) and on the
available hardware. Thus precision length measurements may
require interferometers and electronic circuitry as well as several
fragments of theory built into them and enabling us to operate
and read them.
(The fundamental quantum theory includes RIRs but it does
not and should not contain EIRs : it is not capable of being interpreted operationally since it applies chiefly to unobservable physical objects : recall Sec. 5 . On the other hand some of its applications, e.g. the half-born quantum theory of measurement, and
solid state theory, do contain some EIRs, as such theories constitute
chains between a hypothesized microlevel and a partially observable
If the preceding distinctions are ignored, the complex character
of the relation of physics t o reality, or else its roundabout relation
to experience, can be overlooked. The intended objective reference
is insufficient to ensure testability, let alone truth. Thus, any
number of (( elementary D (( particle B theories have been proposed,
and will continue t o be advanced, which are either too far from
currently possible tests or collide head-on with available data.
Unfortunately there are no foolproof a priori warrants of objectivity, such as invariance under certain transformations ; even
the invariance of the basic equations with respect t o observer
changes is necessary but insufficient to attain objectivity l . The
adequacy of the objective reference of a theory must be estimated
with the help of experience and further theories : those logically
presupposed by the given theory and those employed i n its empirical test z.
B y focusing on the test of a theory we do not eliminate the
question of its objective (yet hypothetical) reference. In fact,
Cf. the authors Mefascienfific Queries (Springield, 111. : Charles C.
Thomas, 1959), chap. 8.
a C f . S R , Secs. 8.4, 12.4, 15.6 and 15.7.



testing presupposes the objective reality of a t least the instruments

handled by the operator-an assumption which the theory itself
may not make, unconcerned as it may be with any empirical
operation. Thus, a theory about the field generated by a onedimensional antenna deals with an immediate referent which is
a grossly simplified model of a real rod-like antenna. We do not
assume the physical existence of the model described by the theory,
but the test of the theory will call for the manufacturing and operation of a number of supposedly real instruments, no less than
of a real rod-like antenna-the intended referent of the theory.
A test involving neither the intended real referent nor actual
pieces of apparatus is not an actual empirical test but a thought
experiment (e.g., a simulation on a computer). In short, scientific
experience presupposes the reality of the objects it manipulates,
even if i t does not commit itself to the hypothesis that a given
theorys intended referent is actual: after all, the test aims a t
testing such a hypothesis. Since we are a t it we may take a
further step and claim that experience is a proper, and even a
smallish, subset of the total set of facts, and that physics handles
some of them-as well as wholly imaginary ones (see Fig. 5). This
may be regarded as the kernel of critical realism.



Actual facts

8. Concluding Remarks
Every theory is about objects of some kind-which it identifies
as members of a universe of discourse U-to which it assigns
certain definite and basic properties Pi constituting the predicate



base of the theory. These basic concepts-U

and the Pi-are
largely or wholly nonobservational, i.e. they fail t o have experiential counterparts-as
exemplified by (( mass point n, (( mass H,
((electric charge )), and ((isotopic spin 0. U and the Pi are the
building blocks of initial assumptions (postulates) t h a t refer to U
itself, the immediate referent of the theory. From such initial
hypotheses, in conjunction with auxiliary premises (such as data),
logical consequences are drawn with the help of the underlying
logical and/or mathematical theories. Up to this point, a wellorganized (semiaxiomatized) physical theory does not differ from
a mathematical theory.
The key differences between a mathematical and a physical
theory are two : one is semantical, the other methodological. The
former consists in that, although neither the U nor the P i of
a physical theory are snapshots of physical objects, they purport
to symbolize them : the members of U are expected t o mimic real
objects, and the theory as a whole is expected to represent the
behavior and/or structure of these ultimate targets of physical
theorizing. In short, physical theories, unlike formal ones, are
expected to have a real (yet mediate) referent in addition to
a conceptual (immediate) referent.
The methodological difference consists in that some of the
logical consequences of the initial assumptions of a physical theory
should be susceptible to empirical test. Every such test involves
not only the direct control of certain observable features but also
(i) the frequently indirect control of the intended (mediate) referent
of the theory, and (ii) existence hypotheses concerning one or more
links in the chain that goes down to the hypothetical real referents
of the theory. An empirical evidence relevant to a theory can
difer from the latter's intended referent as much as a clinical
syndrome can differ from the corresponding illness. The outcomes
of empirical tests, alongside theoretical considerations (e.g., compatibility with contiguous accepted theories) and metascientific ones
For the phenomenological and the representational styles of theorizing,
cf. S R , 5.4 and 8.5, and Phenomenological Theories )), in The Critical
Approach to Science and Philosophy, ed. by M. BUNGEin honor of Karl
R. POPPER(hTewYork : The Free Press ; London : Collier-MacMillan, 1964).



(e.g., consistency with the prevailing philosophical tenets) provide

some evidence enabling us to argue about the degree of truth of
a theory, i.e., the extent t o which its mediate reference is adequate 1,
The intended objective reference and the empirical test of a
physical theory are distinct but they come together: no real referent (however hypothetical), no point in either theorizing or
testing ; no test, no possibility of estimating the degree of truth of
the real referent hypothesis. This adequacy cannot be expected
to be complete, if only because a physical theory is built by inventing
a simplified and thoroughly hypothetical model of the intended
referent. (Even a black box is such a model.) The realization of
this unavoidable imperfection motivates the invention of richer,
usually more complex theories, some of which succeed in getting closer
to the objective referent, while others miss the target even worse2.
In short, every physical theory (i) is built with symbolic (noniconic) and partly conventional units, (ii) i t is supposed (often
wrongly) t o refer ultimately t o real objects (physical systems) ;
(iii) its reference to such real objects is incomplete, extremely
indirect, and a t best partially t r u e ; and (iv) its test involves
further theories and presupposes the physical existence of certain
objects. Any hypothetico-deductive system has the first of the
preceding properties, but if it fails to have all four of them then
it is not a physical theory.
These traits of every physical theory-and, indeed, of every
factual theory-render uncritical realism obsolete, but they also
make subjectivism (idealism, conventionalism, fictionalism, phenomenalism, operationalism, etc.) untenable. These latter, nonphysical, views of physics were made possible by the failure of
naive realists to recognize the symbolic character of physical
theory, the hypothetical, indirect, incomplete and global (rather
than isomorphic) charac-ter of its reference to physical systems,
the partial adequacy of such a reference, and the physical basis
of the empirical operations whereby such adequacy claims are put
to the test. Once these traits of physics are recognized, the
accounts of it advanced by uncritical realism and by the various

Cf. reference 3, chap. 7, and S R , Secs. 15.6 and 15.7.

Cf. S R , Secs. 8.1, 8.4 and 8.5.



shades of subjectivism are left behind as so many partial viewssimplistic views-of our science. Note that these views are not
here discarded on the strength of philosophical tenets and arguments of a traditional kind but with the help of mathematical logic,
semantics and methodology, the very tools which were once
thought to support the subjectivistic philosophies of physics.
The vacuum left by the (logical) passing away of the abovementioned philosophies of physics should be filled by building a
theory of knowledge subsuming and expanding the seeds of truth
contained in the former doctrines, as well as the realistic hypotheses presupposed and suggested by science 2. Such a critical
or scientific realism could assist (and in turn be tested by) the
construction of a thoroughly physical (rather than psychological)
interpretation of the mathematical formalisms of the quantum
theory. The new realistic epistemologist should both stick his
neck out and be prepared t o have it cut : he should advance daring
(yet grounded) assumptions, none of which he should regard as
uncontroversial. Thus, while the naive realist may take the reality
of electrons for granted, the critical realist will say t h a t present-day
physics assumes t h a t electrons are real things4.e. he hypothesizes
that the electron concept has a concrete counterpart but, a t the
same time, he would not be too surprised if this assumption turned
out t o be false and electrons were replaced by something else.
Needless to say, whatever form the new critical realist epistemology may take, it would fail t o meet the standards of scientific
research and consequently i t would fail t o help this enterprise if it
were conceived as one more ism, i.e. as a set of tenets beyond
criticism and above science. Wanted: a name for this nascent
epistemology, one not ending in ism, for whatever ends in ism is
apt t o put a n end t o the quest for truth.
Cf. S R , Sec. 5.9.
See the following recent defenses of critical realism : P. BERNAYS
contribution to the discussion on quantum mechanics in the Revue de
(1 Matter Still Largely
Mitarphysique et de Morale, avril-juin 1062 ; H. FEIGL,
Material )), Philosophy of Science, 29, 39 (1962) ; K . K. POPPER,
and Refutations (London : Routledge and Kegan Paul ; New York : Basic
Books, 1963) ; and J.J.C. SMART,
Philosophy and Scientific Realism (London :
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1963).



A semantical and methodological analysis of physical theories is performed in order to And out their relation to reality and to human experience.
I t is shown that every physical theory refers immediately t o an idealized
model of what is supposed to be a piece of reality-the mediate referent
of the theory. Two kinds of physical interpretation of physical symbols
are distinguished : objective and operational, and the difference between
reference and evidence is stressed. I t is claimed that for a theory to be
physically meaningful i t is necessary that it includes rules of objective
reference. In some cases a theory contains, in addition, evidential reference
rules, i.e. correspondences between some of its concepts and empirical
items. But the test of any theory requires, rather than operational rulcs,
further theories t h a t can bridge the gap between what the theory refers t o
(e.g., the passage of a cosmic ray) and its remote symptom (e.g., the click
of a counter). The conditions for the semantical consistency are sketched
and i t is argued that there does not exist a semantically consistent interpretation of any of the formalisms of quantum theory. From this analysis
arguments in favor of critical realism are drawn.

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