Geometric Group Theory
Geometric Group Theory
Geometric Group Theory
Andreas Ns Aaserud
Department of Mathematics,
11 March 2013
Fundamental observation
Fundamental observation
Gromovs criterion
Let be a finitely generated (f.g.) group and fix a finite symmetric
generating set S (i.e., s 1 S whenever s S). Then we can
define a metric dS on by setting dS (g , h) = kh1 g kS , where
k kS denotes the word-length with respect to S, i.e., the number
of factors in a reduced decomposition.
Let (X , d) and (Y , d 0 ) be metric spaces. Given constants 1
and C > 0, a (, C )-quasi-isometric embedding of X into Y is a
map f : X Y with the property that
d(x1 , x2 ) C d 0 (f (x1 ), f (x2 )) d(x1 , x2 ) + C
Let S and S 0 be two finite symmetric generating sets for a group .
Then (, dS ) and (, dS 0 ) are quasi-isometric.
We claim that the identity map is a quasi-isometry. Indeed, let C
be the largest S 0 -word-length of an element in S, and C 0 the largest
S-word-length of an element in S 0 . Then dS (, 1) C 0 dS 0 (, 1)
and dS 0 (, 1) CdS (, 1) for all . As dS and dS 0 are invariant
under left-multiplication, this completes the proof.
Geometric properties
Now, we may define a geometric property of a f.g. group G to be a
property (P) that only depends on the quasi-isometry-class of G .
Examples: The following properties are geometric.
(i) Growth rate (polynomial of degree d; intermediate;
(ii) Hyperbolicity;
(iii) Number of ends;
(iv) Amenability;
(v) Being virtually free;
(vi) Being virtually free abelian;
(vii) Being virtually nilpotent (= having polynomial growth by a
deep theorem due to M. Gromov);
(viii) Being virtually infinite cyclic;
(ix) Being finitely presented.
Non-geometric properties
Counterexamples: The following properties are not geometric.
(Below, we say that two groups are commensurable if they have
isomorphic subgroups of finite index.)
(i) Being commensurable with a solvable group;
(ii) The sign of the Euler-Poincare characteristic;
(iii) Being commensurable with a simple group;
(iv) Being commensurable with a group which has a non-abelian
free quotient.
Open problems: It is not known whether the following properties
are geometric.
(i) Property (T);
(ii) Being virtually polycyclic.
Fundamental observation
Let be an action of the group G on the topological space X .
Let X be a metric space. Then
Define metric d on X / by
d(x, y ) = inf{d(x 0 , y 0 ) | x 0 x, y 0 y }.
It is positive-definite because X is proper.
Put r = inf{d(B, B) :
/ S {1}} > 0.
S generates :
Define a map f : X by f () = x0 .
Gromovs criterion
We will next prove a topological criterion for quasi-isometry of f.g.
groups due to M. Gromov.
Let be a f.g. group. Then is quasi-isometric to the opposite
group op .
We leave the easy proof of the lemma to the viewer.
1 only if: Assume first that there exists a (, C )-quasi-isometry
and let X be the set consisting of such maps.
Pierre de la Harpe.
Topics in Geometric Group Theory.
Chicago Lectures in Mathematics, Chicago and London, 2000.