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Series and Parallel circuits.

When there are two or more electrical devices present in a circuit with an energy source,
there are a couple of basic means by which to connect them. They can be connected in
seriesor connected in parallel.
Suppose that there are three light bulbs connected together in the same circuit. If
connected in series, then they are connected in such a way that an individual charge would
pass through each one of the light bulbs in consecutive fashion. When in series, charge
passes through every light bulb.
If connected in parallel, a single charge passing through the external circuit would only pass
through one of the light bulbs. The light bulbs are placed within a separate branch line, and
a charge traversing the external circuit will pass through only one of the branches during its
path back to the low potential terminal.
The means by which the resistors are connected will have a major effect upon the overall
resistance of the circuit, the total current in the circuit, and the current in each resistor

The main questions of concern in a lab activity such as this are typically the following:

As the number of resistors (light bulbs) increases, what happens to the overall current
within the circuit?
As the number of resistors (light bulbs) increases, what happens to the overall resistance
within the circuit?
If one of the resistors is turned off (i.e., a light bulb goes out), what happens to the
other resistors (light bulbs) in the circuit? Do they remain on (i.e., lit)?

Exploring Series Connections

In conducting the lab activity, distinctly different observations are made for the two types of
circuits. A series circuit can be constructed by connecting light bulbs in such a manner that
there is a single pathway for charge flow; the bulbs are added to the same line with no
branching point. As more and more light bulbs are added, the brightness of each bulb
gradually decreases. This observation is an indicator that the current within the circuit is

So for series circuits, as more resistors are added the overall current
within the circuit decreases. This decrease in current is consistent
with the conclusion that the overall resistance increases.
A final observation that is unique to series circuits is the effect of
removing a bulb from a socket. If one of three bulbs in a series
circuit is unscrewed from its socket, then it is observed that the
other bulbs immediately go out. In order for the devices in a series
circuit to work, each device must work. If one goes out, they all go
out. Suppose that all the appliances in a household kitchen were all
connected in series. In order for the refrigerator to work in that
kitchen, the toaster oven, dishwasher, garbage disposal and overhead light would all have to
be on. In order for one device in series to work, they all must work. If current is cut from
any one of them, it is cut from all of them. Quite obviously, the appliances in the kitchen are
not connected in series.

Exploring Parallel Connections

It is clear from observing the indicator bulbs in the above diagrams that the addition of
more resistors causes the indicator bulb to get brighter. For parallel circuits, as the number
of resistors increases, the overall current also increases. This increase in current is
consistent with a decrease in overall resistance. Adding more resistors in a separate branch
has the unexpected result of decreasing the overall resistance!

If an individual bulb in a parallel branch is unscrewed from its

socket, then there is still current in the overall circuit and
current in the other branches. Removing the third bulb from its
socket has the effect of transforming the circuit from a threebulb parallel circuit to a two-bulb parallel circuit. If the
appliances in a household kitchen were connected in parallel,
then the refrigerator could function without having to have the
dishwasher, toaster, garbage disposal and overhead lights on.
One appliance can work without the other appliances having to be on. Since each appliance
is in its own separate branch, turning that appliance off merely cuts off the flow of charge to
that branch. There will still be charge flowing through the other branches to the other
appliances. Quite obviously, the appliances in a home are wired with parallel connections.

Equivalent Resistance and Current

The equivalent resistance of a circuit is the amount of resistance that a single resistor
would need in order to equal the overall effect of the collection of resistors that are present
in the circuit.

For series circuits, the mathematical formula for computing the equivalent
resistance (Req) is

Req = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...
where R1, R2, and R3 are the resistance values of the individual resistors that are connected
in series.

For parallel circuits, the mathematical formula for computing the equivalent
resistance (Req) is

1 / Req = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 + ...
where R1, R2, and R3 are the resistance values of the individual resistors that are connected
in parallel.

Mathematical Analysis of Series Circuits

The above principles and formulae can be used to analyze a series circuit and determine the
values of the current at and electric potential difference across each of the resistors in a
series circuit. Their use will be demonstrated by the mathematical analysis of the circuit
shown below. The goal is to use the formulae to determine the equivalent resistance of the
circuit (Req), the current at the battery (Itot), and the voltage drops and current for each of
the three resistors.

As the number of resistors in a series circuit increases, the overall resistance __________
(increases, decreases, remains the same) and the current in the circuit __________
(increases, decreases, remains the same).

4. Three identical light bulbs are connected to a D-cell as shown at the right. Which one of
the following statements is true?
a. All three bulbs will have the same brightness.
b. The bulb between X and Y will be the brightest.
c. The bulb between Y and Z will be the brightest.
d. The bulb between Z and the battery will be the brightest.

Mathematical Analysis of Parallel Circuits

The above principles and formulae can be used to analyze a parallel circuit and determine
the values of the current at and electric potential difference across each of the resistors in a
parallel circuit. Their use will be demonstrated by the mathematical analysis of the circuit
shown below. The goal is to use the formulae to determine the equivalent resistance of the
circuit (Req), the current through the battery (Itot), and the voltage drops and current for each
of the three resistors.

As more and more resistors are added in parallel to a circuit, the equivalent resistance of the
circuit ____________ (increases, decreases) and the total current of the circuit
____________ (increases, decreases).

2. Three identical light bulbs are connected to a D-cell as shown below. P, Q, X, Y and Z
represent locations along the circuit. Which one of the following statements is true?
a. The current at Y is greater than the current at Q.
b. The current at Y is greater than the current at P.
c. The current at Y is greater than the current at Z.

d. The current at P is greater than the current at Q.

e. The current at Q is greater than the current at P.
f. The current is the same at all locations.

Series Circuits
The current is the same in every resistor;

this current is equal to that in the battery.

The sum of the voltage drops across the

individual resistors is equal to the voltage

rating of the battery.
The overall resistance of the collection of

resistors is equal to the sum of the individual

resistance values,
Rtot = R1 + R2 + R3 + ...

Parallel Circuits
The voltage drop is the same across
each parallel branch.
The sum of the current in each
individual branch is equal to the current
outside the branches.
The equivalent or overall resistance of
the collection of resistors is given by the
1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 ...

Analysis of Combination Circuits

Example 1:
The first example is the easiest case - the resistors placed in parallel have the same
resistance. The goal of the analysis is to determine the current in and the voltage drop
across each resistor.

Example 2:
The second example is the more difficult case - the resistors placed in parallel have a
different resistance value. The goal of the analysis is the same - to determine the current in
and the voltage drop across each resistor.

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