Selection Interview Assignment

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Assignment 2: Selection Interview Assignment

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give each student the opportunity to
improve his/her skills in the selection interview. This goal will be achieved by critiquing
a simulated interview.
Procedures: The procedures for this project are detailed on a day-by-day schedule
Preparations for Day 1
Two basic documents need to be prepared for the next class period:
1. Develop a current resume according to the guidelines presented in class and the book.
2. Construct a 1-page typed job description of an actual job you wish to apply for upon
Day 1 (activities should take about 10 minutes)
3. Divide into groups of three.
4. Designate a person A, person B, and person C within the group.
5. There will be 3 rounds of interviewing according to this schedule:

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3







6. The EE should give the respective ER a job description and resume.

7. Agree upon some method so that all interviews will be tape-recorded.
Preparation for Day 2
8. The ER should prepare an interview guide (author calls it Interview schedule) with
the introduction (include means of building rapport and orienting the EE with the
purpose, agenda, etc.), the body with an appropriate sequencing of questions and probes,
and the conclusion (summarize what has taken place, what will happen next). (See the
sample interview guide of a mutual fund study in this guide.) The ERs should plan an
interview for the EE such that the ER represents a specific firm that could hire the EE.
(The EEs job description and resume will help the ER plan questions.)
9. Observers should develop some method for systematically analyzing the interview
according to the principles discussed in class and the book. Remember, one of the basic

purposes of this exercise is to provide specific feedback to the ER and the EE. Be sure to
mention both the positive as well as the negative.
Day 2
10. Conduct rounds 1,2 and 3 according to this schedule:
Round 1
20 minutes:
5 minutes:
oral critique
observer analyzes ERs interviewing technique
observer and ER evaluate EEs interviewing style
observer and ER critique EEs resume
Round 2
20 minutes
5 minutes

oral critique

Round 3
20 minutes
5 minutes

oral critique
Preparations for Day 3

11. Observers prepare a 1 - 2 page critique of the interview including both positives and
negatives (areas of improvement). The report should include specific communication
recommendations for the EE. The major focus should be on the EEs style. Make 3
copies of your critique--1 for the professor and 1 each for the ER and EE. You may also
include a critique of the assignment.
12. Analyze the cassette tape when you were the EE. Prepare a 1 page critique of your
own interview style.
13. Draft a thank-you letter to your ER.
Day 3
14. The following items are to be prepared in a professional form and handed in for
your own resume
your own job description
your critique as the observer (step 11)
your critique of your own interviewing style as EE (step 12)
your interview planning (6 strategies)
your interview guide
your thank-you note

Interviewer/Interviewee Evaluation
1. The interviewer demonstrated sensitivity to the interviewee.
Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

2. The interviewer was prepared and organized for the interview.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

3. The interviewer used a good opening for the interview.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

4. The interviewer used a good closing for the interview.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

5. The interviewer allowed the interviewee ample opportunity to sell him/herself.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

6. The interviewee demonstrated sensitivity to the interviewer.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree

7. The interviewee was organized in the interview.

Strongly Agree

8. The interviewee expressed energy in the interview.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

Strongly Disagree

9. The interviewee was physically poised.

Strongly Agree

10. The interviewee presented a positive picture of him/herself.

Strongly Agree

Strongly Disagree

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