Noun 2
Noun 2
Noun 2
Q.1-19. Read each part of the sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will
be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error,
mark your answer as (5).
Q.1. Some girls students (1)/ of the college are suggested (2)/ to make a silence (3)/ in prayer hall.(4)/
No Error (5)
Q.2. Order has been issued (1) / for my brother’s transfer to (2)/ another location (3) / but he has not
received them so far (4) / No error (5)
Q.3. Though she has learned (1)/ English for almost 2 years (2) / she is yet to learn (3)/ the alphabets
(4) / No error (5)
Q.4. It was not your business (1) / to give an advice to (2)/ those who are not serious to (3)/ deal with
their own troubles (4) / No error (5)
Q.5. La Martinière (1)/ girls college provides a liberal education (2)/ and the medium of instruction (3)/
in English language (4)/ No error (5).
Q.6. The questions are (1)/ very tough and the problem (2)/ is that they are not dealt (3)/ by these
arrogant aspirant. (4)/ No Error (5)
Q.7. These days ration has run out (1) / and the District Officer (2) / has been informed (3)/ about it (4)/
No error (5)
Q.8. The committee (1)/ were divided (2)/ on a very (3)/ minor issues. (4)/No Error (5)
Q.9. The student (1)/ and the teacher’s (2)/ motivations were (3)/ in conflict (4)/No Error (5)
Q.10. He can’t come (1)/ to me now (2) / because a lot of works (3) / is to be accomplished (4)/No error(5)
Q.11. Countries after countries were(1)/ conquered by Asoka(2)/ but still he found(3)/ no peace at
all.(4)/No Error(5)
Q.12. He said that (1)/ he always kept in his pocket (2)/ a bundle of one hundred (3)/ rupees notes. (4)/
No Error (5)
Q.13. When I was(1)/ in conversation with(2)/ his family I found that(3)/ it was his uncle’s friend’s
car.(4)/No Error(5)
Q.14. In the college(1)/ she heard the news(2)/ that her Principal’s sister’s son(3)/ had expired.(4)/No
Q.15. Arabian Nights are (1) / a collection of (2) / very interesting (3)/ episodes of adventure (4) / No
error (5)
Q.16. The teacher taught (1)/ the moral (2)/ that “ethics (3)/ demand honesty”.(4)/No Error(5)
Q.17. The jeep could not (1)/ ascend the vertiginous hill (2)/ because it was in (3)/ the wrong gears.(4)
No Error/(5)
Q.18. Madhav was advised (1)/ to take three spoonsful (2)/ of syrup (3)/ thrice a day.(4)/No Error (5)
Q.19. Yesterday he called(1)/ and said that there(2)/ was no place to sit in the(3)/ compartment of the
train.(4) /No Error (5)