Energy Uncovered: Reactor Design and Modelling, The New Blue Print

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com NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Energy uncovered
Reactor design and modelling, the new blue print

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Energy crisis
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Can fusion and fission
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Email: [email protected] CONTENTS

Editorial 1
Energy crisis
Can fusion and fission harness a new hope for our energy needs?

Comment | Bruce Mendelsohn 6

Transforming Engineers into Engineering Leaders
A Snapshot of the Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Engineering
Leadership Program

Research News 8
Pencilled in: graphite’s ferromagnetism | Magnetricity: The new
magnetic electricity | New nano-sensor speeds up DNA detection | 8 Magnetic moments captured in graphitic defects
Butterfly wings inspire new research | Small and powerful nuclear battery
developed | Every silver-lined solar cell | Origami tubes

Opinion | Sanjeev Mukerjee et al. 62

The scientific symposium “Materials Challenges
for Clean Energy in the New Millennium”
The global energy problem is rapidly intensifying due to escalating
competition for resources from emerging, populous countries such as
China, India, and Brazil and compelling evidence pointing towards the
imperative need for controlling greenhouse gas and carbon emissions.

9 Butterfly wing replica
Diary 64

Cover Image
Functionalized Dendrimer with SWNT for hydrogen storage
Hydrogen has been recognized as an ideal energy carrier and is difficult to
store. Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes, SWNTs have been suggested
as suitable gas storage because of its few nanometers in diameters size. Pores
of molecular dimensions can absorb large quantities of gasses; hydrogen can
condense to high density inside the narrow SWNTs. Computational techniques
shows that by carefully chosen functionalized Polyamidoamine dendrimer with
the critical dimensions of SWNTs have 8.57 weight % storage capacities at room
temperature under modestly high pressure. 85% of adsorbed hydrogen can be
released under atmospheric pressure and room temperature.
Leela Rakesh, Prof. Stan Hirschi, Mark Kujawski (University of Maryland), Mike
10 Typical polymer solar cell material
Lalko, Pratik Chhetri, Bard Fahlman and Anja Mueller, Central Michigan University.



Lead story 12 Next issue

Structural materials for fission & fusion Materials Today will
energy feature the current state
In many cases, a key strategy for designing high-performance of play in the fascinating
radiation-resistant materials is based on the introduction of a world of metamaterials,
high, uniform density of nanoscale particles that simultaneously current research trends,
provide good high temperature strength and neutron radiation applications and future
damage resistance. direction.
Steven J. Zinkle and Jeremy T. Busby Optical nano-
antennas and
Energy uncovered A review of some of the recent
approaches to transmission
enhancement and light harvesting.
Review 20
Discovery and design of nuclear fuels
Multi-scale models and simulations are used to predict
irradiation effects on properties such as thermal conductivity, devices
oxygen diffusivity, and thermal expansion. Recent progress on the parametric
design of transformation devices
Marius Stan
is covered in this review article.
Review 30 Phononic crystals
Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale and acoustic
With the renewed interest in nuclear energy, developing new
materials able to respond to the requirements of the next-
Current research and trends in
generation fission and future fusion reactors becomes a priority.
phononic crystals are covered in
Emmanuelle A. Marquis, Jonathan M. Hyde, David W. Saxey, Sergio
this paper.
Lozano-Perez, Vanessa de Castro, Daniel Hudson,
Ceri A. Williams, Samuel Humphry-Baker and George D.W. Smith
Review 38 wave in 2D
photonic crystals
Modeling plasma facing materials for fusion power Progress on the negative
Duffy describes the methods used for modeling the response of refraction and the abnormal
plasma facing materials to the conditions experienced in a fusion transmission of electromagnetic
waves in 2D photonic crystals is
D. M. Duffy covered in this paper

Review 46 Resonance
Multiscale Modelling: the role of helium in iron properties of
This review discusses the modelling paradigms used to investigate metallic ring
and obtain an understanding of the mechanisms at play in helium
bubble nucleation and growth in ferritic steels.
A rigorous mode-expansion
Maria Samaras theory is proposed to help
understand resonance properties
Review 54 of metallic ring systems.
Neutron scattering and hydrogen storage
Hydrogen has the largest scattering interaction with neutrons of Mie resonance-
all the elements in the periodic table making neutron scattering based dielectric
ideal for studying hydrogen storage materials. metamaterials
A. J. Ramirez-Cuesta, M. O. Jones and W. I. F. David Novel applications are
discussed in this paper


Gold Medal 2009
Acta Materialia, Inc. is pleased to announce that the
recipient of the 2009 Acta Biomaterialia Gold Medal
Award is Dr. Buddy D. Ratner, Professor of
Bioengineering and Chemical
Engineering at the University of
Washington. The Award recognizes
excellence in the research and the
BUDDY D. RATNER practice of biomaterials.
Professor Ratner’s seminal explorations
of biosurfaces and biomaterials / tissue
interactions as applied to tissue engineering,
understanding biocompatibility and developing medical
products have profoundly contributed to the
advancement of biomedical science and technology.
His record of over 400 scholarly works, over 18 issued
patents and extensive leadership in education, academic
and professional service has resulted in many awards
and honors over his distinguished forty year career.
Professor Ratner formally received his award at the 2009
meeting of the European Society for Biomaterials in
Lausanne, Switzerland, on September 11, and presented
a plenary talk entitled: Biocompatibility Vitalized:
The Paradigm Shifts in Healing and Regeneration.

Transforming Engineers into Engineering Leaders

A Snapshot of the Bernard M. Gordon-MIT

Engineering Leadership Program

Bruce Mendelsohn | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA | [email protected]

In its recent report The Engineer of 2020: Visions MIT education, helping to prepare our engineering alumni, concerned industry representatives, all of
of Engineering in the New Century, the U.S.-based undergraduate students for the leadership roles in life. whom interact synergistically with undergraduates.
National Academy of Engineering outlined the various “In the Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program, Both at the introductory (freshman and sophomore)
fields in which students educated in engineering students develop their integrity, discipline and a and advanced (junior and senior) levels, the Gordon-
might go on to be leaders, including research, product stronger character and an understanding of other MIT ELP enhances current hands-on, project-based
and system development, business and even broader human beings,” says Program Benefactor Bernard courses and inspires the design and development of
professions. The NAE concludes that: M. Gordon (MIT ’48, M.S. ’49), whose Bernard M. new and authentic project-based courses throughout
“In preparation for this opportunity, engineers must Gordon Foundation donated $20 million to start the MIT’s engineering disciplines.
understand the principles of leadership and be able program. “These essential leadership qualities — “To my knowledge, this program is unique in what
to practice them in growing proportions as their along with their technical ability — will help them it’s offering,” says Dr. Ruth Graham, whom the
careers advance. Complementary to the necessity for prepare for the real-life situations they’ll confront in program commissioned to conduct a benchmarking
strong leadership ability is the need to also possess the competitive technical world.” study of engineering leadership education programs
a working framework upon which high ethical Housed in MIT’s School of Engineering, the Gordon worldwide (see Materials Today, September 2008).
standards and a strong sense of professionalism can ELP aim is to transform today’s engineering
be developed.” “Most programs I highlight in the report are extra-
undergraduates into tomorrow’s engineering leaders. curricular and cater to only a small proportion of the
Echoing that sentiment, in Spring 2006, a The program strives to do so through a unique engineering cohort. In contrast, the Gordon-MIT ELP is
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Task Force combination of project-based learning, extensive offered to all MIT engineering students and provides a
on the Undergraduate Educational Commons stated: interaction with industry leaders, hands-on product range of curricular and extra-curricular experiences. It
“A MIT education should be designed to encourage development, engineering leadership labs, and also has an aggressive external distribution objective,
students to assume leadership roles in a global authentic leadership challenges and exercises. which will provide much needed support and
society.” The program’s educational objective is therefore to information to other engineering schools interested in
MIT’s existing academic engineering programs provide opportunities for all engineering students developing the leadership abilities of their students.”
provide a firm basis of disciplinary knowledge and to further develop, deepen, and broaden their Finally, she adds, “Through the Gordon-MIT ELP, MIT
the modes of thought critical to the particular engineering leadership attitudes and skills. is developing a model that others can learn from, and
field—principally problem solving and research for In specially designed “short courses”, students
that will potentially contribute to developing the next
engineers; and courses in the humanities and social accepted into the Gordon-MIT ELP are exposed
generation of engineering leaders.”
sciences offer other disciplines with new ways of to relevant frameworks, models, and cases. “What’s important in engineering education?
thinking and experiencing the world. A select group of approximately 30 “Gordon Making universities and engineering schools exciting,
We acknowledge, however, that while MIT produces Engineering Leaders” apply and practice the creative, adventurous, rigorous, demanding and
some of the best-educated engineers in the world, approaches gleaned through that exposure in empowering environments is more important than
many of our graduates do not possess strong weekly “Engineering Leadership Labs” (ELLs). Guided specifying curricular details,” says Dr. Charles Vest,
leadership skills. We further acknowledge that we learning activities in the ELLs include role-plays, NAE President and former President of MIT. “The
could do a better job of preparing our students simulations, design-implement activities, and Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program is an
in the broader array of personal and professional analyses of case studies, films, and books related to example of how MIT is working to empower today’s
capabilities from which they will draw in life: engineering leadership. engineering undergraduates with critical leadership
skills that will help them to become tomorrow’s
The Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership The program’s engineering leadership lessons are
engineering leaders.”
Program responds to the calls of the engineering delivered through an alliance of program faculty and
profession and seeks to fill the gaps in the traditional staff, MIT departments, related MIT programs, MIT For more information, visit


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In-Situ Nanomechanical Testing Techniques:

Opening Doors to a New World of Materials Characterization
Date: Now available on demand (Webinar recorded: Wednesday 18th November 2009)
Registration: Free
Moderator: Jonathan Agbenyega, Commercial Editor, Materials Today Magazine
Panelists: Dr. Oden Warren, CTO, Hysitron, Inc.
Dr. William Gerberich, University of Minnesota
Dr. S.A. Syed Asif, Director of R&D, Hysitron, Inc.

Next generation materials research is highly dependent on the development and application of innovative nanomechanical testing
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Pencilled in: graphite’s ferromagnetism

Graphite should not be ferromagnetic measurements at room temperature
because it has none of the high-level in conjunction with magnetic force
3d and 4f electrons seen in iron that microscopy (MFM). The MFM tip itself is
can align to produce a magnetic field. magnetized in two opposite directions and
Graphite contains only sp electrons, which so disturbances caused by it being in close
produce only weak magnetic signals. proximity to another magnetic material
However, researchers in The Netherlands can be detected.
[Flipse et al., Nature Phys. (2009) DOI: The researchers have now uncovered
10.1038/NPHYS1399] have now obtained ferromagnetic order at the points where
direct evidence for ferromagnetism in defect structures are present in the HOPG.
pyrolytic graphite. Their discovery could The ferromagnetism arises solely because
have applications in sensor technology and of the way the electrons become arranged
ultimately, spintronics. at the boundaries between crystal grains,
The idea that graphite might display they say. Two-dimensional arrays of
permanent magnetism, or ferromagnetism, point defects between individual carbon
has remained controversial for at least sheets become magnetically coupled
a decade. Although several independent giving rise to the permanent magnetic
teams have hinted at the possibility through Magnetic moments captured in graphitic defects. behaviour of the bulk graphite. They emphasise
their experiments, it is well known that that they also have evidence to show that
graphite possesses only weakly magnetic sp graphite, some degree of ferromagnetism the ferromagnetism is not due to magnetic
electrons and its Curie point is above room has also been demonstrated in polymerized impurities in the HOPG.
temperature so ferromagnetism seemed to fullerenes, carbon nano foams, and proton- The team’s theoretical analysis of the system
be precluded from its repertoire of properties. irradiated thin carbon films as well as nanoscopic corroborates their experimental results, offering
The earlier research hinted, however, that diamonds implanted with nitrogen and carbon a value for the magnetic measurements close
imperfections in the graphite crystal lattice ions. These experiments imply that carbon could to that seen in the experiments. The results end
might underpin any demonstration of display inherent ferromagnetic behaviour despite a decade or more of debate about graphite’s
ferromagnetism. the controversy. magnetic properties and could open up
Researchers at Eindhoven University of The team has studied a particular form ferromagnetic graphite for use in biosensors and
Technology and Radboud University of Nijmegen of carbon, highly oriented pyrolytic spintronics.
point out that besides the experiments with graphite (HOPG), using bulk magnetization David Bradley

Magnetricity: The new magnetic electricity

A magnetic charge can behave and interact just Onsager’s 1934 theory of the movement of ions in never yet been observed as freely roaming elementary
like an electric charge in some materials, according water onto magnetic currents in a material called particles. These monopoles do at least exist within the
to new research led by the London Centre for spin ice. They then tested the theory by applying spin ice sample, but not outside.
Nanotechnology which could lead to a reassessment a magnetic field to a spin ice sample at a very low “It is not often in the field of physics you get the
of current magnetism theories, as well as significant temperature and observing the process using muon chance to ask ‘How do you measure something?’ and
technological advances. relaxation at ISIS, a technique which acts as a super then go on to prove a theory unequivocally. This is a
The research, published today in Nature [Bramwell et microscope allowing researchers to understand the very important step to establish that magnetic charge
al., Nature (2009) 461] proves the existence of atom- world around us at the atomic level. can flow like electric charge. It is in the early stages,
sized magnetic charges called ‘magnetic monopoles’ The experiment allowed the team to detect magnetic but who knows what the applications of magnetricity
that behave and interact just like more familiar electric charges in the spin ice (Dy2Ti2O7), to measure their could be in 100 years time.”
charges. It also demonstrates a perfect symmetry currents, and to determine the elementary unit of the Dr Sean Giblin, instrument scientist at ISIS and
between electricity and magnetism – a phenomenon magnetic charge in the material. The monopoles they co-author of the paper, added: “The results were
dubbed ‘magnetricity’ by the authors from the London observed arise as disturbances of the magnetic state of astounding, using muons at ISIS we are finally able
Centre for Nanotechnology and STFC’s ISIS Neutron the spin ice, and can exist only inside the material. to confirm that magnetic charge really is conducted
and Muon Source . Professor Steve Bramwell, LCN co-author of the paper, through certain materials at certain temperatures –
In order to prove experimentally the existence of said: “Magnetic monopoles were first predicted to just like the way ions conduct electricity in water.”
magnetic current for the first time, the team mapped exist in 1931, but despite many searches, they have Jonathan Agbenyega



New nano-sensor speeds up DNA detection

A team of scientists at Singapore’s Institute of
Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) has
developed a novel ultra-sensitive electronic
biosensor for DNA testing that offers a faster,
more accurate and cost-efficient alternative to
the conventional methods involving the use of the
polymerase chain reaction. First laboratory tests
obtained by the IBN scientific team, led by Dr.
Zhiqiang Gao, were published in last September’s
issue of the Journal of the American Chemical Schematic illustration of IBN’s Nanogap Sensor Array (photo credit: IBN).
Society [Roy et al., doi:10.1021/JA901704T].
The high performance of the new sensor, called solution exclusively developed by the IBN. This sensor offers “a scalable and viable alternative
the “Nanogap Sensor Array”, comes in part from treatment facilitates the capture and adherence for DNA testing” and “holds significant promise
its unique design which consists of a vertically of the DNA strands to the surface, thus resulting for the detection and diagnosis for debilitating
aligned nanostructure and a two-surface in a faster and more accurate analysis. diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular problems
configuration based on electronic transduction. The new biosensor, which translates the and infectious viruses”.
The sensor includes a pair of micro-sized metal presence of DNA into a measurable electric The Institute of Bioengineering and
electrodes separated by a so-called “nanogap” signal, has shown an excellent sensitivity in first Nanotechnology (IBN) was established in 2003,
(5-20 nm). Another feature of the sensor is its experimental results. Not only it is capable of as a National Research Institute under the Agency
ability to capture DNA strands in a very unique detecting trace amounts of DNA as efficiently for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore.
manner by “sandwiching” them between the as conventional DNA biosensors, but its unique More information on the Institute is available at:
two surfaces of the sensor. Those surfaces are features make it very suitable for cost-effective
coated with a chemically treated “capture probe” mass production. According to Dr. Gao, the new Elisabeth Lutanie

Butterfly wings inspire new research

A technique that enables replicas of biological problems, as it is employed at room temperature and
structures, such as butterfly wings, to be made on a does not require the use of toxic substances.
nanometric scale has been developed by a team of In order to create new biomaterial, the team employed
researchers from the State University of Pennsylvania a technique called conformal-evaporated-film-by-
and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain. rotation (CEFR), which combines thermal evaporation
The study, published in Bioinspiration & Biomimetics and substrate rotation in a low-pressure chamber to
(doi: 10.1088/1748-3182/4/3/034001), could have replicate the surface, and used immersion in an aqueous
many applications, such as in optical diffusers and orthophosphoric acid solution to dissolve the chitin.
coverings that maximize solar cell light absorption, As well as butterfly wings, the compound eyes of
as well as in fabrics, textiles and surfaces based on insects such as flies, bees and wasps are also possible
the nanoscale photonic structures responsible for the sources for a range of new applications, including
vibrant colors in many butterfly wings. It could also be miniature cameras and optical sensors installed in cars,
possible to have swatches of fabrics that would sense Butterfly wing replica. mobile telephones and displays. There is also potential
such things as magnetic fields and temperature changes. for use in surgical procedures and the security industry.
Insects’ colours and their ability to change colours As Lakhtakia points out, there is the possibility of The scientists are confident that the technique can
depending on the angle, or their ability to appear “replicating highly convoluted surfaces down to the also be used to replicate other biological structures,
metallic, are determined by tiny nano-sized photonic smallest feature size, thereby reproducing some of such as beetle shells.
structures that can be found in their cuticle. The their most desired optical, electronic, mechanical and The researchers admit that only bio-replication that
research has focused on these biostructures to develop chemical functionalities.” could be scaled up and not deplete natural populations
devices with light-emitting properties. The team of Up to now, the few methods that can be used of the species whose surfaces are being replicated is
Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Raúl Martín-Palma, Michael Motyka to replicate biostructures on a nanometric scale going to be industrially viable, humane and ethical.
and Carlo Pantano, studied successful natural systems often damage the original biostructure, because However, they are confident that they can achieve this
with the aim of deriving the essential design elements, they are used in corrosive atmospheres or at high through the further study of biostructures.
and hence improve man-made systems. temperatures. This new technique overcomes these Laurie Donaldson



Small and powerful nuclear battery developed

A team of researchers have built a very small Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry [doi:
and efficient nuclear battery, which is intended 10.1007/s10967-009-0157-9], have therefore
to power various micro/nanoelectromechanical developed a nuclear energy source that
systems. The radioisotope battery is tiny – the is smaller, lighter and more efficient than
current model is about the size and thickness previously created, based at the university’s
of a penny – and innovatively uses a liquid research reactor.
semiconductor rather than the usual solid one. Microscale devices, smaller than a computer
One of the main problems up to now has been chip, are already used to deploy airbags, sense
that these systems need power to function, and tire pressure, work in jet printers, measure Fuel cell.
the battery for such a device can be much larger biological contaminants, and perform scientific
and heavier than the device itself. The ambition tests. But there is a great need for systems that any of the problems that the public associates
for the research team has been to develop an contain more power and last longer, which is with nuclear energy.
energy source that is both small and light, and why the radioisotope battery has been created, As Dr. Jae Kwon points out, the research “has
produces more power for a longer time. as a means of producing power with a high shown a new path for the nuclear battery
Another barrier to overcome was that the use energy density. The device that the team is research”, and it is expected thats further
of a radioactive battery normally means, when working on can provide power density six orders promising results will follow. The team will
you harvest the energy, that part of the radiation of magnitude higher than chemical batteries. now move on to developing and improving its
energy can damage the lattice structure of the The researchers are quick to allay concerns over efficiency and higher output power, as well as
solid semiconductor; however, by operating with safety, arguing that nuclear power sources are decreasing its size (perhaps, one day, to the
a liquid semiconductor, that problem can be already powering a variety of devices, such as width of a human hair), as well as testing various
minimized. pace-makers, space satellites and underwater other materials. Although there is a long way to
The team, from the University of Missouri, systems. In addition, andmentioning that due to go before the battery is ready for commercial
whose research has previously been published the advanced sealing and packaging technologies marketing, such an efficient and long-lived power
in the Journal of Applied Physics Letters with lower shielding required materials, the source would be a popular one in the industry.
[doi:10.1063/1.3160542] and Journal of nuclear power source will safely power without Laurie Donaldson

Every silver-lined solar cell

The future of lighter, cheaper, and more-flexible solar by absorbing solar energy from a wider range of
cells looks bright thanks to US research into silver wavelengths.
nanoparticles. Scientists at Ohio State University Previous researchers have attempted to use capped
have added the nanoparticles to their polymer silver nanoparticles to boost solar energy conversion
semiconductor photovoltaic materials and observed a efficiencies. However, those experiments were
relative efficiency boost of 12 percent. The discovery inconsistent, producing a broad range of nanoparticles
could pave the way to flexible organic photovoltaics sizes and so did not achieve the efficiency boost that
with all the advantages of ease of manufacture and Berger and his team have now observed.
inexpensive starting materials. Typical polymer solar cell material (right) and one Berger explains that implications of this development:
To prepare their modified organic photovoltaic containing silver nanoparticles (left). (Photo by Jo “The light absorption of polymer solar cells is
materials, the team created a colloidal solution of McCulty, courtesy of Ohio State University). inadequate today,” he says, “The top-performing
silver nanoparticles. Organic capping groups stabilize Paul Berger of Ohio State University and his team materials have an overall efficiency of about 5
the nanoparticles and prevent them from sticking report [Berger et al., Solar Energy Mater Solar Cells, percent. Even with the relatively low production cost
together, Transmission electron microscopy reveals (2010) in press] that they get 70 amps per square of polymers compared to other solar cell materials,
that the particles are highly uniform in size, with an metre with the silver nanoparticles but only 62 amps you’d still have to boost that efficiency to at least 10
average diameter of about 4 nanometres, and align without the additive. percent to turn a profit.”
into a regular mosaic with controlled spacing between Their initial tests revealed that the nanolayer “By changing the organic coating, we could change
them, which could be key to light absorption. boosts optical absorption and photocurrent for the spacing of the particles and alter the size of each
The team then applied this colloidal preparation the photovoltaic devices. This occurs because an particle,” adds Berger, “By fine-tuning the mosaic
to their organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaic increased electric field is induced in the photoactive pattern, we could move the enhanced absorption to
devices, which are constructed from a polythiophene- layer by the excited localized surface plasmons different wavelengths, and thus get even more of an
fullerene material on an indium-tin oxide/glass of the silver nanoparticles. In other words, the improvement. I think we can get several percent more.”
substrate. nanotechnology essentially amplifies the signal David Bradley

10 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11


Origami tubes

A new approach to nanoelectronics could see

researchers using DNA origami to self-assemble (a)
circuits from carbon nanotubes and other
In 2006, Caltech scientist Paul Rothemund
invented a DNA origami technique to make
different structures on the nano scale. The (b) (c)
technique exploits the well-known self-assembly
properties of single-stranded DNA to make
almost limitless shapes and patterns that can be
programmed by synthesising appropriate DNA
sequences. Amusingly, Rothemund produced
nanoscopic smiley faces, snow flakes and even a
map of the Americas.
Hareem Maune, at the time a graduate student DNA origami
in applied physics working under Marc Bockrath
on carbon nanotubes, Si-ping Han, a material in placing the nanotubes into the correct the nanotubes the ability to sit on one of two
science graduate student working for geometry in a scalable way. different positions demarcated by complementary
William Goddard III, and then undergraduate One challenge is to provide molecular attachment DNA sequences on their breadboard. Thus, they
Robert Barish, working with Erik Winfree, points on the featureless carbon nanotube can essentially “paint” a device pattern in two
reasoned that DNA origami might provide surface that could both anchor the nanotube and colours. “A standard DNA origami is a rectangle
a neat way to construct nanoscale devices. identify different nanotubes. “This difficulty with about 100 nm in size, with over 200 ‘pixel’
[Maune et al., Nature Nanotech. (2009) 10.1038/ chemically grabbing a nanotube at a well-defined positions where arbitrary DNA strands can be
nnano.2009.311] ‘handle’ is the essence of the problem when attached,” Winfree says. By “painting” a stripe of
Fundamentally, the researchers figured that DNA you’re trying to place nanotubes where you want one DNA sequence perpendicular to the other,
origami could be used to make two-dimensional them,” Winfree explains. DNA could provide the they were able to get the carbon nanotubes to
“breadboards”, the patterned base layer for needed hook. attach and form perpendicular crosses, resulting
building a circuit from components, in this case “DNA is the perfect molecule for recognizing other in field-effect transistors (FET), one of the most
carbon nanotubes. Sophisticated devices might be strands of DNA, and single-stranded DNA also basic devices for building semiconductor circuits.
built by attaching the components to a template just happens to like sticking to carbon nanotubes,” Indeed this approach can be extended to many
pattern on a breadboard assembled with the right explains Han, “so we mix bare nanotubes with different colours to enable the assembly of
DNA sequences. DNA molecules in salt water, and they stick all complex devices.
“For nanoscale devices to become commercially over the nanotubes’ surfaces. However, we make Although there are challenging problems to
useful,” says Goddard, “it is essential to have sure that a little bit of each DNA molecule is overcome, the approach is, in principle, highly
a technology that is scalable, that is, allows protected, so that that little portion doesn’t stick scalable. A DNA origami template could one day
thousands, millions, billions to be manufactured to the nanotube, and we can use it to recognize be used to self-assemble complex logic units, and
simultaneously.” Until now, attempts at making the DNA attached to the DNA origami instead.” to do this for billions or trillions of units that self-
nanoscale devices incorporating multiple carbon By creating DNA-coated nanotubes with two assemble in parallel, the researchers point out.
nanotubes have been hampered by the difficulty different labelling sequences, the team gave David Bradley

Corrections to the text. On page 23, 4th sentence from the bottom of column 2,
Materials Today (2009) 12 (10), 22-32. “Revolutionizing “crystalline” should be replaced with “thin”. On page 24, 5th line down first column,
Biodegradable Metals” by Yun et al. reference 5 should follow “Song et al”. On page 29, 8th sentence from the bottom of
column 2, reference 76 should be 83. On page 30, the correct citation in the caption
Add references 113 to 118 to make the literature survey more current. of Fig. 9 is 113, not 91. On page 30, 4th sentence from the bottom of column 1,
replace citation 80-91 with 76-79.
113. Witte, F., et al., Biomaterials, (2006), 27, 1013.
114. Witte, F., et al., Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science, (2008) 12, 63. Please add to the acknowledgment: The Mg Y 4% alloy material used in experiments
115. Witte, F., et al., Acta Biomaterialia (2009) DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2009.10.012. described in this article was provided by Dr.-Ing. Norbert Hort of the GKSS-
116. Hermawan, H., et al., Acta Biomaterialia (2009) DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2009.10.006. Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH, MagIC – Magnesium Innovation Center, Head
117. Hänzi, A.C., et al., Acta Biomaterialia (2009) DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2009.10.008. Magnesium Processing Group, Max-Planck-Str. 1, Geb. 47, D-21502 Geesthacht,
118. Hort, N., et al., Acta Biomaterialia (2009) DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2009.09.010. Germany.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 11

Structural materials for
fission & fusion energy
Structural materials represent the key for containment of nuclear fuel
and fission products as well as reliable and thermodynamically efficient
production of electrical energy from nuclear reactors. Similarly, high-
performance structural materials will be critical for the future success
of proposed fusion energy reactors, which will subject the structures
to unprecedented fluxes of high-energy neutrons along with intense
thermomechanical stresses. Advanced materials can enable improved
reactor performance via increased safety margins and design flexibility,
in particular by providing increased strength, thermal creep resistance
and superior corrosion and neutron radiation damage resistance. In
many cases, a key strategy for designing high-performance radiation-
resistant materials is based on the introduction of a high, uniform
density of nanoscale particles that simultaneously provide good high
temperature strength and neutron radiation damage resistance.
Steven J. Zinkle* and Jeremy T. Busby
Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 37831-6132 USA
*Email: [email protected]

A diverse portfolio of energy options (encompassing renewable fusion energy reactions3-5, suggest that fission and fusion energy
energy, biofuels, nuclear power, and fossil energy systems with can be important components of the overall energy portfolio for
improved thermodynamic efficiency and improved control of the 21st century and beyond.
effluents), coupled with improvements in energy efficiency for
buildings, transportation and industry, is an attractive strategy Fission: an increasingly reliable supplier of
to achieve cost-effective and environmentally sustainable energy baseload electricity.
resources that will enable improvements in the worldwide Currently, over 430 nuclear fission reactors in 30 countries provide
standard of living. Sustained improvements in the operating about 15% of the world’s supply of electricity6. The vast majority of
performance of fission reactors1,2, along with advances in the these reactors are based on uranium dioxide fuel pellets arranged in
plasma physics knowledge required for heating and controlling long cylinders (“fuel rods”) with surrounding flowing water channels.

12 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 ISSN:1369 7021 © Elsevier Ltd 2009

Structural materials for fission & fusion energy REVIEW

A typical power reactor core contains about 50 000 fuel rods with a corrosion deposits, and effect of hydrogen on cracking and corrosion.
height of ~4 m and diameter ~1 cm. Since the 1980s, fuel burnup The ~100 tonne reactor core is secured in place by a variety of fuel rod
and cycle length for nuclear reactors have steadily increased due constraint and reactor core support components typically constructed
to improvements in water chemistry control and development of of austenitic stainless steel and some Ni-base alloys such as X-750.
improved corrosion-resistant steam generator and fuel cladding These core internal structures must reliably operate for over 30 years
structural materials, and are the primary reasons that the average in a high radiation environment (resulting in higher accumulated doses
capacity factor for U.S. fission reactors is now >90 % (compared to than the fuel cladding in many cases) at ~300 °C without substantial
~74 % for coal fired power plants)7. dimensional changes or degradation in mechanical properties due to
As illustrated in Fig. 1, a diverse range of structural materials stress corrosion cracking or radiation damage. The reactor pressure
are used for a wide variety of important roles in fission reactors8. vessel (quenched and tempered Mn-Mo-Ni low-alloy pressure vessel
The fuel cladding serves to reliably contain the fuel and radioactive steel) serves as the critical safety boundary between the reactor and
fission products while simultaneously efficiently transferring the the environment, and is generally considered the key lifetime-limiting
intense nuclear heat from the fuel to the coolant. The typical heat (irreplaceable) component for a nuclear reactor. A key concern is loss
flux through the cladding is ~1 MW/m2 (~1% of the heat flux at the of fracture toughness due to radiation-induced defect cluster hardening
surface of the sun). Zirconium alloys are used as fuel cladding in most and radiation-induced precipitation. The embrittlement is monitored by
commercial reactors, due to their compatibility with UO2 and water, regular mechanical property testing of surveillance coupon specimens
their adequate thermal conductivity and ease of manufacturing. Wire located at the inside wall of the pressure vessel. Piping and heat
wrap is used to prevent constriction of coolant channels from slight exchanger materials (ferritic steels and Ni-base alloys such as Alloy
fuel pin bowing. The fuel typically remains in the reactor for several 600 and 690) are designed to enable reliable and thermodynamically
years, with the cladding continuously exposed to high temperature efficient conversion of thermal energy from the reactor into steam
(~300 °C), mechanical stress, and intense radiation. Key concerns that drives turbines to generate electricity. Due to the desire for
include oxidation, hydriding, build-up of low thermal conductivity reliable operation for decades at elevated temperatures in an aqueous

Fig. 1 Schematic of key components utilizing structural materials in pressurized water fission reactor8.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 13

REVIEW Structural materials for fission & fusion energy

environment at 300 to 350 ºC, key concerns for the piping and
heat exchanger materials include thermal aging and complex water
chemistry issues that may induce corrosion or stress corrosion cracking.
Aqueous corrosion is a complex form of degradation that is
dependent on temperature, material condition, material composition,
water purity, water pH, water impurities, and dissolved gas
concentrations. The predominant corrosion mechanism varies
with location in the reactor core and multiple mechanisms may
be simultaneously operating9,10. These include the mechanisms of
uniform corrosion, boric acid corrosion, flow accelerated corrosion,
and/or erosion corrosion which will occur over a large area in a
fairly homogenous manner. Localized corrosion modes occur over
much smaller areas, but at much higher rates than general corrosion
and include crevice corrosion, pitting, galvanic corrosion, and Fig. 2 Schematic of key components in a magnetically-confined fusion reactor,
microbiologically influenced corrosion. Finally, environmentally assisted based on the ARIES-AT tokamak reactor design study5.
cracking includes other forms of degradation, which are closely related
to localized or general corrosion with the added contribution of stress. reactions and transfer the heat to a coolant for electricity generation,
In a light water reactor, a number of different environmentally assisted and to create and extract fresh tritium fuel (by utilizing nuclear
cracking mechanisms are observed: intergranular stress-corrosion transmutation reactions with lithium-containing liquid or solid
cracking11, transgranular stress corrosion cracking, primary water stress materials) to enable continuous operation of the fusion energy system.
corrosion cracking, irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) A wide variety of structural materials, reactor coolants, and tritium
and low-temperature crack propagation. While all forms of corrosion generation materials systems have been evaluated for potential use in
are important in managing a nuclear reactor, IASCC has received future fusion reactors. Table 1 summarizes the material combinations
particular attention over the last four decades due both to its severity that are considered to be the most promising based on thermodynamic
and unpredictability12. Despite over thirty years of international study, efficiency, neutronics, chemical compatibility, and other engineering
the underlying mechanism of IASCC is still unknown, although recent considerations19,20.
work led by groups such as the Cooperative IASCC Research Group has High-performance structural materials will be critical for the future
identified several possible causes. success of proposed fusion energy reactors, which will subject the
structures to unprecedented fluxes of high-energy neutrons along with
Fusion: a potentially attractive but intense thermomechanical stresses and high temperature coolants that
technologically challenging endeavor. may induce corrosion19,21-31. Steady-state heat fluxes for first-wall
Sustained progress over several decades has taken fusion researchers and divertor components in proposed magnetically-confined fusion
to the brink of demonstrating the plasma physics feasibility of fusion energy reactors are projected to be in the range of 1 to 10 MW/m2,
energy via magnetically-confined4,13,14 and inertially-confined13,15,16 which is substantially higher than the highest heat flux for structural
concepts. Major fusion facilities recently completed (e.g., National materials in fission reactors (~1 MW/m2 for the fuel cladding). The
Ignition Facility)17 or under construction (e.g., ITER)18 are designed to
explore the key remaining plasma physics issues near reactor-relevant Table 1. Summary of leading proposed structural
operating conditions. If successful, the focus of attention will shift materials, coolant and tritium generation concepts
towards large-scale next-step fusion facilities that will examine the for fusion energy systems19,20. The filled cells in the
daunting technological hurdles to practical fusion energy. table indicate material combinations that are under
A schematic of a prototypic magnetic fusion energy reactor5 is consideration for fusion energy blankets. FLiBe is a LiF-
shown in Fig. 2. The fusion reactions are induced within a toroidal- BeF2 molten salt.
shaped high temperature ionized plasma that is shaped by powerful
Coolant/Tritium Generating Material System
toroidal and poloidal field magnets. The heat and energetic neutrons Structural
Material H2O/ He/Li H2O/Li FLiBe/
produced by the deuterium-tritium (D-T) fusion reaction are absorbed Li/Li He/PbLi
PbLi ceramic ceramic FLiBe
by the surrounding first wall, blanket, and divertor components. The Ferritic steel
fusion reaction occurs inside a vacuum vessel to prevent atmospheric V alloy
contamination of the D-T plasma. The major functions of the blanket
region are to efficiently capture the energy produced by the fusion

14 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Structural materials for fission & fusion energy REVIEW

design lifetime doses for the first wall and blanket structural materials from its lattice site. For reactor operating temperatures, there is
are about five times higher than the core internal structures for existing sufficient thermally activated diffusion of the radiation-induced
fission reactors. In addition, the high average neutron energy associated defects to enable recombination of many of the vacancies and SIAs
with the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction compared to fission tends so that the retained displacement damage is a fraction of the dpa
to produce much higher levels of transmutant solutes such as H and value. A key strategy for designing radiation resistant materials is to
He in the structural materials that generally magnify radiation-induced promote very efficient recovery of the defects: Very little can be done
degradation processes. to alter the instantaneous displacement damage from exposure to
A key additional constraint for fusion structural materials is the energetic neutrons, but substantial resistance to radiation damage can
international mandate for intrinsic safety (i.e., no public evacuation be engineered by efficiently facilitating the recombination of these
in case of a loss of coolant accident) and minimal long-term defects. Considering that dimensional instabilities above a few percent
environmental impact (i.e., no long-lived radioisotopes that would generally cannot be tolerated in large-scale engineering structures
require deep geologic burial or equivalent sequestration) for the and that future reactor designs call for structural materials that will
fusion reactor structures21,23,26,29,32-35. Consideration of this reduced- be exposed to damage levels in excess of 100 dpa, the challenge is to
activation mandate, along with the requirement for high performance, engineer “self-healing” defect recombination processes into structural
leads to three major options for fusion structural materials21. Ferritic/ materials that are ~99.99 % efficient. A further challenge is that these
martensitic steel (where high activation solutes such as Mo and Nb engineered defect recombination structures must be resistant to the
in commercial steels are replaced by W and V) is the most mature vigorous transient (~1 fs to 1 ps) atomic mixing that occurs within
option21,36-41, with natural leveraging of the extensive worldwide fast neutron-induced displacement cascades; the magnitude of this
expertise and industrial infrastructure in steelmaking. Oxide dispersion transient atomic mixing is roughly two orders of magnitude higher
strengthened steel represents a potential future higher-performance than the dpa value58,60,61 and could result in dispersal or dissolution of
option if key issues such as property nonuniformity, joining, and nanoscale precipitate structures.
high cost can be resolved39,40,42-46. Refractory alloys based on Radiation damage poses five main threats to the operation of
either vanadium47-50 or tungsten30,51-53 alloys represent a higher structural materials, emerging at different operating temperatures
performance, higher risk option. Vanadium alloys are particular and damage levels60,62. These phenomena are summarized in Fig. 3.
attractive for self-cooled lithium blanket systems19, but are not At low temperatures (below 0.3-0.4 TM, where TM is the absolute
considered to be viable for other blanket concepts21. SiC/SiC ceramic melting temperature), radiation-induced defect clusters (predominantly
composites offer the potential for the highest thermodynamic created directly in displacement cascades) serve as strong obstacles to
efficiency and best safety and waste disposal margins, but are dislocation motion. This radiation hardening is usually accompanied
the least developed materials system for large-scale structural by substantial reductions in uniform elongation and macroscopic work
applications21. Numerous issues including structural engineering design hardening capacity, and can induce loss of fracture toughness in body
rules, how to achieve leak-tight boundaries for gas cooled systems,
joining and other fabrication issues, radiation stability uncertainties,
improvement of thermal conductivity (and minimization of radiation-
induced degradation), and fabrication cost need further research
and development to enable this materials system to achieve its full

Radiation damage: A multi-faceted challenge

to structural materials in fission and fusion
The energetic neutrons produced by the fission and fusion reactions
have sufficient kinetic energy to dislodge substantial numbers of
atoms in structural materials from their lattice sites over the projected
operating lifetimes of the reactors, creating defects associated with
the missing lattice atoms (vacancies) and the dislodged atoms
that reside in the lattice interstices (self-interstitial atoms, SIAs).
The amount of radiation damage from these ballistic collisions is
quantified58-61 in terms of displacements per atom, dpa. A damage Fig. 3 Summary of five radiation damage threats to structural materials
level of 1 dpa corresponds to “stable” displacement of every atom performance.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 15

REVIEW Structural materials for fission & fusion energy

centered cubic metals and alloys63. Since the radiation hardening replacement can mitigate these factors, although failures may still
emerges at relatively low doses (0.001 to 0.1 dpa), radiation hardening occur. Considering the potential for power uprates (resulting in higher
and embrittlement often defines the lower operating temperature operating temperatures) and for reactor life extensions to 60 years or
limit for structural materials in neutron irradiation environments. At beyond, many components must tolerate the reactor environment at
intermediate temperatures, three distinct radiation effects phenomena temperatures near or slightly higher than their original design limit for
are of potential significance for doses above ~1 to 10 dpa: radiation- very long times. This may increase the susceptibility to failure for some
induced segregation and precipitation (0.3-0.6 TM) that can lead to components and may introduce new degradation modes. While all
localized corrosion or mechanical property degradation such as grain components (except perhaps the reactor pressure vessel and concrete
boundary embrittlement64, void swelling from vacancy accumulation support structures) can be replaced, it may not be economically
(0.3-0.6 TM) that can create unacceptable volumetric expansion65, and favorable. Therefore, understanding, controlling, and mitigating
radiation induced creep65 and/or anisotropic growth66 (0.2-0.6 TM) materials degradation processes are key priorities for reactor operation,
that can produce dimensional expansion along directions of high stress power uprate considerations, and life extension.
and/or specific crystallographic directions. At very high temperatures The Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) is the largest component in
(>0.5 TM) and under applied mechanical stress, helium produced the pressure boundary of a light water nuclear reactor. It provides
by neutron transmutation reactions in the structural material may the primary line of defense against a release of radiation and
migrate to grain boundaries and form cavities, thereby causing the steels used for RPVs must maintain conservative margins of
intergranular fracture with limited ductility in stressed materials67. This fracture toughness so degradation does not threaten the integrity
high temperature helium embrittlement of grain boundaries typically of the RPV during either normal operation and maintenance cycles
emerges for helium concentrations above 10 to 100 appm (~1 to or under accident transients69. Neutron irradiation can degrade
100 dpa depending on material and neutron spectrum) and becomes the fracture toughness of these steels and in some cases severely.
increasingly severe with increasing temperature and applied stress and Extending the operating lifetime of a reactor to beyond 60 years may
decreasing deformation rate. Along with chemical compatibility and require a careful evaluation of these irradiation-induced embrittlement
thermal creep strength, high temperature helium embrittlement may effects69.
define the maximum allowable operating temperature for a structural Structural components within the reactor core (commonly 304
material in neutron irradiation environments. or 316 stainless steel) are often the most critical for safe and reliable
operation as the failure of a core internal component may have very
Structural materials issues for fission severe consequences. There are a number of key issues that must
reactors: life extension of existing reactors be considered and evaluated when considering extended reactor
and deployment of next generation reactors lifetimes, including thermal aging, fatigue, corrosion, and irradiation
Nuclear reactors represent a harsh environment for components, damage. The extended exposure of core internal components to
combining the effects of high temperature water, stress, vibration, and elevated temperature may be sufficient to induce a variety of phase
an intense neutron field. Degradation of materials in this environment transformations and potentially reduce fracture toughness. Fatigue has
can lead to reduced performance, or in severe cases, sudden failure. been identified as a potential concern for existing service conditions
When polled during a recent Electric Power Research Institute study on for a number of different components and subcomponents9. Extension
the most challenging issues facing further life extension, two-thirds of to longer service lifetimes may exacerbate the susceptibility to fatigue.
the 47 US nuclear utility executives cited nuclear power plant reliability Over a forty-year operating time period in a light water reactor,
as the key issue, with materials aging and cable/piping degradation internal structural components may be exposed to fast neutron
listed as the primary concerns. fluences up to ~1022 n/cm2 and ~1023 n/cm2 (E > 1 MeV) in a boiling-
Materials degradation in a nuclear power plant is complex due to and pressurized-water reactor, corresponding to ~7 dpa and 70 dpa,
the wide variety of materials, environmental conditions, and stress respectively. Extending the service life of a reactor will increase the
states68. Over 25 different metal alloys can be found within the total neutron fluence to each component. Fortunately, radiation effects
primary and secondary systems of today’s light water reactor fleet in stainless steel are relatively well known to high damage levels24,65,68,
(cf. Fig. 1) and additional materials exist in the concrete containment in part because these materials are also of interest for fast-spectrum
vessel, instrumentation and control systems, cabling, buried piping fission and fusion reactors that require operation to very high fluence.
and other support facilities. As a result, the dominant forms of Allen and Busby recently reviewed key modes of irradiation-induced
degradation may vary greatly between different reactor systems, degradation of structural materials for light water reactors and
subsystems, and components. However, material degradation of any concluded that the effects of radiation-induced segregation, swelling,
system can have an important role in the safe and efficient operation and/or precipitation may require the most evaluation for continued
of a nuclear power plant. Routine surveillance and component operation70.

16 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Structural materials for fission & fusion energy REVIEW

In addition to elevated temperatures, intense neutron fields, and A pathway to improved structural materials
stress, components must also be able to withstand a corrosive aqueous for fission and fusion energy.
environment71. The presence of stress may also promote varying Existing structural materials have rather limited operating temperature
forms of stress-corrosion cracking (e.g. irradiation-assisted stress regimes where they can be utilized in a neutron irradiation
corrosion cracking, primary water stress corrosion cracking, etc). Since environment30,79, as summarized in Fig. 5 for moderate damage
the operating corrosion mechanism generally varies with location in levels of 10 to 50 dpa. At low temperatures, the reduced ductility
the reactor coolant circuit, a number of different mechanisms may be associated with low temperature radiation hardening creates
operating at the same time. Clearly, even moderate rates of corrosion conditions where modified (larger safety margin) engineering design
are not acceptable for the safe and reliable operation of a reactor rules must be used80. In cases where fracture toughness is reduced by
under extended lifetime conditions. As a result, the various corrosion low temperature irradiation, the operating temperature is restricted
mechanisms must all be understood and evaluated for different reactor to higher temperatures where embrittlement does not occur for
components and sub-systems to ensure safe extended service. anticipated normal and transient operating conditions. The upper
For advanced future fission reactor systems such as proposed operating temperature limit is typically determined by thermal creep
Generation IV reactors, structural material performance and integrity strength or high temperature helium embrittlement considerations.
are just as important and likely even more complex than light water Advanced materials can enable improved reactor performance
reactor applications24,27,72-77. Qualifying a material for service in via increased safety margins and design flexibility, in particular by
a liquid metal, molten salt, or gas environment would be based on providing increased tensile strength, thermal creep resistance and
principles similar to those in water reactors. While the material superior neutron radiation damage resistance. A key strategy for
of choice may be a different alloy (or even ceramic), the material designing high-performance radiation-resistant materials is based on
must still have well-established and high-performance mechanical the introduction of a high, uniform density of nanoscale particles that
properties (including good thermal creep resistance), long-term phase simultaneously serve as obstacles to dislocation motion (providing
stability, and compatibility78 with the reactor coolant. It must also be high strength) and point defect recombination centers (providing good
able to pass the licensing process and be supported by an extensive radiation damage resistance)29,39-41,45,81-86.
and reproducible set of data on relevant properties. Finally, since Development of structural materials for large-scale energy
the materials could be used in an intense high-energy neutron field, application is historically a long and costly process, due to the
it must exhibit good dimensional, mechanical and microstructural extended period to develop a new alloy followed by an even longer
stability to neutron displacement damage. The radiation-resistance proof testing period to validate the performance of the material in
is often the most challenging requirement to evaluate since the prototypic environments for appropriate licensing authorities. For
key degradation mechanisms are sensitive to the specific radiation example, Fig. 6 shows the historical rate of progress in improving the
conditions. Fig. 4 compares the proposed operating temperatures and upper operating temperature limit of steels for general (non-nuclear)
lifetime displacement damage levels for structural materials in the structural applications has averaged ~2.5 °C/year for the past 60
six Generation IV concepts and three fusion energy systems with the years87. Materials science tools such as computational thermodynamics
existing knowledge base. and multiscale radiation damage computational models, in conjunction

Fig. 4 Overview of operating temperatures and displacement damage dose

regimes for structural materials in current (generation II) and proposed future
(Generation IV) fission and fusion energy systems. The six Gen IV fission Fig. 5 Estimated operating temperature windows (dark shaded region)30,79 for
systems are Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR), Super Critical Water structural materials in nuclear energy systems for damage levels of 10 to 50
Reactor (SCWR), Lead Fast Reactor (LFR), Gas Fast Reactor (GFR), Sodium dpa. The light blue and red regions represent lower and upper temperature
Fast Reactor (SFR), and Molten Salt Reactor (MSR). uncertainty bands.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 17

REVIEW Structural materials for fission & fusion energy

Fig. 6 Historical rate of improvement in the maximum operating temperature

for four generations of structural steels, based on results summarized by Fig. 7 Tradeoff between fracture toughness and tensile strength for
Viswanathan87. conventional and advanced92,93 steels.
with focused experimental validation studies (nonirradiation and This suggests that it may be possible to develop alloys with
irradiation environments), may offer the potential to reduce the time substantially improved mechanical properties compared to
period to develop and qualify structural materials for advanced nuclear conventional alloys by appropriate use of either evolutionary ingot-
energy systems. It is worth noting that many structural materials based steel metallurgy or alternative processing techniques such as
currently being used in fission reactors are based on alloys that were powder metallurgy production of oxide dispersion strengthened steels.
originally developed in the 1950s and 1960s. In either approach, development of a high density of thermally stable,
There are numerous examples where high-performance materials nanoscale hardening centers produces good mechanical properties. The
are being developed with the assistance of modern materials science 14YWT nanocluster-strengthened alloy also exhibits very good high
tools37,41,81-84,86,88-90. For example, first principles atomistic modeling temperature particle stability and thermal creep strength94, and has
results91 provided important insight that the formation of highly stable demonstrated good resistance to low-temperature neutron irradiation
nanoscale clusters enriched in Y, Ti and O from initial Y2O3 and Fe-Ti embrittlement in preliminary low-dose irradiation tests. Limited success
master alloy powders in a nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steel may has also been obtained in creating high strength structural alloys
have been enabled by the high concentration of vacancies produced that simultaneously convey improved high temperature oxidation
during ball milling as part of the powder metallurgy processing of this resistance86. The prospect of developing new corrosion-resistant
steel. This nanocluster-strengthened ferritic steel has exhibited very high-performance structural alloys tailored for specific coolants and
high strength and good fracture toughness down to 120 K, and did not operating regimes is an exciting goal worthy of future research.
exhibit the sharp degradation in fracture toughness following neutron Additional comprehensive validation of the performance of these types
irradiation to moderate doses near 300 °C that caused embrittlement of advanced structural materials in prototypic operating environments
in conventional ferritic/martensitic steel44,92. Similarly, ultra-high will be a key step to obtain acceptance of these advanced materials by
strength precipitation-hardened steels with adequate fracture reactor vendors, utilities, and licensing authorities.
toughness have recently been developed by carefully controlling the
formation of fine-scale (Mo,Cr)2C precipitates93. Fig. 7 compares the Conclusions
fracture toughness versus tensile strength behavior for the Aermet In order for fission and fusion energy systems to reach their full potential,
precipitation-strengthened steel93 and the 14YWT nanocluster- high performance structural materials are needed that encompass
strengthened steel92 with the behavior for conventional bainitic and improved mechanical strength, adequate ductility and fracture toughness,
ferritic-martensitic steels. In all steels, the classic tradeoff between high good radiation resistance, and corrosion resistance. Development of a
strength and high toughness is evident. However, the critical tensile high density of uniformly distributed nanoscale hardening centers that are
strength above which fracture toughness is reduced to low values is stable to thermal coarsening and radiation-induced growth or shrinkage
approximately 700 MPa in the conventional steels, whereas it is nearly is a conceptually attractive method to create a high-performance
2000 MPa in the nanocluster-strengthened and fine-scale (Mo,Cr)2C radiation resistant material. Emerging results from several classes of
strengthened steels. ferritic and austenitic steels suggest that substantial improvement

18 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Structural materials for fission & fusion energy REVIEW

in the performance of structural materials might be achievable. Acknowledgments

Considerable experimental validation will be needed to demonstrate the This work was sponsored in part by the Light Water Reactor Sustainability
superior stability of these new alloys under prolonged exposure to high Research and Development program, Office of Nuclear Energy and by the
temperatures, mechanical stress, and neutron irradiation. Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy.

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NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 19

Discovery and design
of nuclear fuels
To facilitate the discovery and design of innovative nuclear fuels,
multi-scale models and simulations are used to predict irradiation
effects on properties such as thermal conductivity, oxygen diffusivity,
and thermal expansion. The multi-scale approach is illustrated using
results on ceramic fuels, with a focus on predictions of point defect
concentration, stoichiometry, and phase stability. The high performance
computer simulations include coupled heat transport, diffusion, and
thermal expansion, and gas bubble formation and evolution in a fuel
element consisting of UO2 fuel and metallic cladding. The second part
of the paper is dedicated to a discussion of an international strategy
for developing advanced, innovative nuclear fuels. Four initiatives are
proposed to accelerate the discovery and design of new materials:
(a) Create Institutes for Materials Discovery and Design, (b) Create
an International Knowledgebase for experimental data, models
(mathematical expressions), and simulations (codes), (c) Improve
education and (d) Set up international collaborations.
Marius Stan
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA.
Email: [email protected]

Nuclear fuels are complex, multi-component materials containing fuels requires a strict control of composition, thermal treatment,
actinides such as Th, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm and their compounds in pressure, and atmosphere1-3. The large number of control
specific fuel forms (oxides, nitrides, carbides, alloys, composites, parameters and the uncertainty associated with them often leads
etc). Adding to the complexity and creating time-varying to intractable problems. Similar issues impact the casting and
composition, the presence of fission products such as Xe, Cs, stability of metallic fuel rods4,5. Once in the reactor, the fuels
Sr, He, I, and Tc makes understanding the evolving properties of and structural materials (pressure vessels, pipes, ducts, etc.) are
nuclear fuels a major challenge. For example, sintering of ceramic subjected to radiation environments that continuously alter their

20 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 ISSN:1369 7021 © Elsevier Ltd 2009

Discovery and design of nuclear fuels REVIEW

Box 1.
Scientific discovery and design of materials Although the scientific method is observed, to various degrees, by
The definitions below are only intended to clarify the use of various the entire materials science community, there are notable differences
concepts in this paper. For this purpose, science is defined as a rigorous, in the scope and methodology, depending on the goal of the research,
systematic use of observations and logic to support or falsify possible the resources, and the scientific or engineering targets. Materials
explanations of natural phenomena. This is not that different from discovery (see17 as an example) involves exploring and identifying
the Britain’s Science Council definition, discussed in15. The scientific existing materials with desirable properties and functionality. The
method of investigating natural phenomena (recently under serious and emphasis is on conducting sound research in areas that are likely to lead
loving scrutiny16) consists of a series of steps that involve experimental, to materials with outstanding properties. As with any other discovery
theoretical, and computational methods. enterprise, being capable and ready to identify the value of specific
An experiment is a procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test results is the key.
a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. This concept is strongly Materials design (see18 as an example) aims at creating new materials
anchored in immediate reality although recently the concepts of with predefined properties and functionality. After defining the properties
“computer experiment” and “virtual experiment” have gained some of interest, the focus is on optimizing specific parameters of existing
popularity. A theory is a formal statement of ideas which are proposed materials or creating completely new materials that exhibit the sought
to explain a class of facts or events. Computation is a procedure used after properties. The design methodology (Fig. 1) is quite cumbersome
to determine the solution of a mathematical problem by means of a and involves a series of steps and iterations that may or may not
computer. converge toward a set of optimal parameters.

thermo-mechanical properties6-10. It is well documented11 that

fuels exhibit radial and angular cracks and the severity of the
structural damage increases with burnup. Root causes of these
phenomena are fission-product migration and accumulation in gas
bubbles12-14 that create porosity and significantly slow down the
transport of heat.
To create improved nuclear fuels for the next generation of reactors,
scientists and engineers are partnering in research and development
work that follows the steps of the scientific method. Modern materials,
including nuclear fuels, are often developed using a combination of
discovery and design (see Box 1), with a certain emphasis on discovery.
To facilitate the discovery and design of innovative nuclear fuels and
structural materials, models and simulations are used to predict
irradiation effects on properties such as formation of point defects and
clusters19-27, chemical species and fission-product migration28-31, gas
bubbles formation32, thermal conductivity33-35, oxygen diffusivity36,37,
dislocations38-41, thermal expansion42, and phase stability/
transformations43,44. One of the most challenging aspects is modeling Fig. 1 The materials design methodology involves a series of steps, iterations,
and periodic feedback between theory, experiment, and computation.
the complex electronic structure of materials in general45, and the
actinides (especially Pu) in particular46,47 as well as the stability of their For example, atomistic models of point defect have been used
phases48. Another challenge is modeling high temperature effects such to develop continuum thermo-chemical models of point defect
as entropic contributions to the free energy of liquids49. concentrations and oxygen diffusivity in uranium oxides19 and
plutonium oxides56. Several models include the dependence of the
Conventional nuclear fuels properties on the oxygen content. Building on thermochemical
Recent applications of a multi-scale methodology (see Box 2) to oxide studies57-59, the models are further used to predict fuel thermodynamic
nuclear fuels resulted in predictions of irradiation effects on properties properties such as the free energy, and to simulate oxygen diffusion at
such as thermal conductivity, oxygen diffusivity, and thermal expansion. various temperatures and oxygen pressures.
The methods cover a large spectrum of time and space scales, from Another example, this time at the meso-scale, is related to phase-
electronic structure to atomistic, to meso-scale, to continuum55. field simulations of gas bubbles formation and evolution in the fuel60.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 21

REVIEW Discovery and design of nuclear fuels

Box 2.
Multi-scale models and simulations representation of a model or simulation is established and the errors
This section builds upon a recent discussion of modern epistemic in its solution are quantified. Validation is the process through which
concepts42. A model is a logical description of how a system (material, the scientific community comes to accept that a particular model
in our case) performs. Models can be empirical or theory-based. or simulation reliably describes real world behavior. Most validation
Empirical models are collections of experimental observations fitted to processes involve comparison with experimental data. A critical
mathematical expressions, such as (but not only) polynomial functions. component, uncertainty quantification is the process of characterizing
When accurate, empirical models are highly valuable for technological and reducing uncertainties of measurements, model predictions, and
applications. Theory-based models are built upon fundamental principles simulation results.
developed within or across scientific disciplines (physics, chemistry, etc). To account for all the important materials properties and reactor
The multi-science models avoid trial-and-error exercises and aim at phenomena, the multi-scale models and simulations must address a wide
providing a deeper understanding of material’s (fuel’s) behavior. Theory- range of space and time scales, starting with the nucleus and the atomic
based models are expected to have better predictive character. electronic structure (nm) all the way to the reactor components (meters),
A simulation is the process of conducting experiments or running and from defect formation (pico-seconds) to the operating characteristic
computer programs to reproduce, in a simplified way, the behavior of a times (months, years). Fig. 2 illustrates some of the theoretical and
system (nuclear fuel, in our case). Simulations describe the evolution of computational methods used in the multi-scale approach42,51-53. The
the system along a certain coordinate, most often the time (correlated information is transferred between scales via characteristic parameters
with the burnup level for the case of nuclear fuels). such as density, energy, temperature, or grain size distribution54. Meso-
Both the models and the simulations must be subject to verification scale and continuum methods are often “atomistically informed”, in the
and validation50. Verification is the process by which the fidelity of a sense that some of the parameters in the methods are optimized against
numerical algorithm with respect to underlying mathematical the output of atomistic calculations.

Fig. 2 Multi-scale theoretical and computational methods used for materials model development and computer simulations.

Fig. 3 shows a comparison of experimental61 and simulation62 results. or carbides (with application to coated particle fuels67,68), as well as
The simulations capture well the nucleation, growth, and coalescence studies of surrogate materials based on cerium69 or dysprosium66 are
of gas bubbles in the fuel grains and at the grain boundaries. The most encouraging.
simulations also predict the thermal conductivity dependence on the Fuel performance (see Box 3) is another area that has benefited
porosity associated with the gas bubbles and the impact on the heat from advanced models and simulations70. Understanding complex
release. phenomena in fuel elements provides important input to reactor
Similar results have been reported on PuO2 fuels56,63,64. Although simulations, currently based on homogenization techniques77. Recent
not as extensive, the work on other ceramic fuels such as nitrides65,66 studies have examined in more detail the thermochemistry of the

22 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Discovery and design of nuclear fuels REVIEW

BOX 3.
Fuel performance capabilities the use of nested (linear + non-linear) solvers74,75, multi-level
A fuel performance capability (FPC) consists of a computer code or preconditioning, running parallel on large-scale supercomputers, and
a set of codes that contain models of fuel properties and are able to easy adaptation to heterogeneous computational platforms.
simulate phenomena in the nuclear fuel during operation71,72. In a Fig. 5 shows various paths for fuel performance code development,
more general version of this concept, the fuel performance is evaluated using as starting point the USA empirical codes FRAPCON and LIFE.
in the entire fuel element (fuel plus clad) and validated “in-pile”73. In The blue line represents the path of using “of the shelf” Advanced
addition to experimental Post Irradiation Examination (PIE), the fuel Scientific Computing Initiative (ASCI) codes that have been developed
performance capabilities are increasingly complex tools in support of at national laboratories for national security applications, followed by
fuel characterization and optimization. the addition of physics-based models specific to nuclear fuels. The red
A preliminary design of a new generation Advanced Fuel line represents the path chosen by scientists who are interested in first
Performance Capability (AFPC) was recently proposed42. To testing the science-based models in commercial codes such as Comsol
address the nuclear fuels material properties and phenomena, the and Abaqus, and only later migrating the codes to high-performance
capability includes specific computational modules and interacts computers. The best solution might be a balanced approach to
with an external database that is continuously updated with the designing a new fuel performance code (green line), based on the
most advanced models of fuel and materials properties and the experience accumulated by the European scientists in developing
necessary nuclear data. To achieve a consistent predictive character, Transuranus and Pleiades.
many such capabilities are moving away from empirical models and As the predictive capabilities continue to improve, fuel performance
include theory based models65,70. Other requirements are related to codes are expected to become an integral component of nuclear fuels
numerical algorithm design, uncertainty quantification, and software design and licensing, and of nuclear waste certification processes76.
engineering, including

fuel-clad interactions78,79 and the influence of temperature and fuel

stoichiometry changes on the coupling of heat and species transport in
a UO2 fuel element with stainless steel clad80. The results show that
the counterbalancing of the Soret and Fickian fluxes is responsible for
the variation of oxygen concentration in the fuel pellet. Furthermore,
the simulations demonstrate that including the dependence of thermal
conductivity and density on non-stoichiometry can lead to changes
in the calculated centerline temperature that exceed 100 K (Fig. 4).
Additional simulations involved transient regimes and the examination of
the time lag in the response of the temperature and non-stoichiometry
distributions with respect to sudden changes in heat generation rate and
oxygen removal rate. Current work at Los Alamos includes studies of the
effects of porosity on thermal conductivity and thermal expansion81, and
simulations of clad deformation.

Advances in theoretical, experimental and

computational capabilities
Addressing the materials challenges requires a closely coupled
experimental, theoretical, and computational effort directed at
both the scientific and the engineering issues. In this partnership,
new experimental investigation methods such as synchrotron light
sources and proton radiography increase the potential of “in-situ”
characterization of radiation effects on nuclear fuels and provide new
validation opportunities. In addition, theory and high performance
computing expand the investigation space to identify and resolve new
scientific problems.
All top 500 fastest supercomputers in the world can now reach
Fig. 3 Top: Fission gas bubbles in UO2 irradiated in a Pressurized Water Reactor
at burnup level 25GWd/t. The sample was annealed at 1275 ºC for 5 hours. over a teraflops (1012 operations per second) and the number of
Bottom: Phase Field simulations of gas bubble evolution. petaflop (1015 operations per second) supercomputers is increasing

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 23

REVIEW Discovery and design of nuclear fuels

Fig 4. Simulation of heat transport in a UO2+x fuel element with metallic clad. The temperature profile demonstrates that including the stoichiometry x in the
thermal conductivity model changes the predicted centerline temperature by more than 100 K.

at a fast pace82. Already, neutron diffusion calculations, as well as • Quantum Mechanical calculations of electronic structure properties
some reactor hydrodynamics simulations83,84 are being performed on of systems consisting of trillions of atoms, compared to the current
such resources. As exaflop computers (1018 operations per second) hundreds of atoms. Such simulations will predict properties such as
are being designed, there is a tremendous opportunity for involving free energy of formation of multi-component metallic and ceramic
high-performance computing in nuclear fuels design. However, fuels.
high-performance computing requires far more than high-speed • Quantum Mechanical calculations at finite (room, high)
computing. It requires science-based models, innovative numerical temperature, in contrast to the current (mostly) 0 K results. This
methods, and the ability to generate new ideas85. Here are a few will enable predictions of properties such as phonon spectra, heat
predictions of exascale computing results and how they can spark capacity, bulk moduli, and stress-strain curves in temperature
transformational science in support of nuclear fuels discovery and regimes relevant to manufacturing, operation, and storage of
design: nuclear materials.

Fig. 5 Classification of some of the codes currently used for fuel performance and paths towards designing a new generation fuel performance capability.

24 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Discovery and design of nuclear fuels REVIEW

• Atomistic (e.g. Molecular Dynamics) simulations of a much larger scale” in sync with a smart transfer of information between scales
number of atoms (1020), compared to the current state of the art remains the best approach.
(108). Such capability will allow for simulations of radiation effects
and damage in heterogeneous regions of the fuel, such as grains and Innovative nuclear fuels
interfaces. Discovery and design will play a crucial role in developing innovative
• Atomistic simulations (e.g. coupled Molecular Dynamics and nuclear fuels and structural materials for the new generations of
Monte Carlo) of coupled neutron transport and radiation fission and fusion reactors87-91. Besides the optimization of the current
cascades in systems consisting of trillions of atoms, for hours or fabrication methods, high performance computing will open many
even days. This will open up an unprecedented investigative space doors to investigating new phenomena in materials. Advances in
to include: simulations of fission-products diffusion in the grain and theory, experimental techniques, and computational science will lead
at the grain boundary, gas bubbles nucleation, and swelling. It will to completely new ways of doing science. What will be next? How
also enable access to critical phenomena such as stress corrosion about building materials “atom by atom” to create structures capable
cracking86. of accommodating the local radiation environment? How about “self-
• Meso-scale diffuse-interface (phase-field) or sharp-interface (level- healing” nuclear reactors that recover after accidents? The range of
set) simulations of microstructure evolution under irradiation. These innovative science is only limited by our imagination.
simulations will most likely be “atomistically informed” and will An integral component of the innovative fuel development is the
include defect formation and recombination processes occurring in understanding of thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties of the
radiation cascades. These simulations will assist the optimization of fissile materials, the source of energy in a nuclear reactor. The multi-
advanced, innovative nuclear fuel forms and the design of radiation scale approach described in the previous section for U-Pu fuels can
resistant structural materials. be extended to multi-component systems containing Th (ThO2 based
• Multi-scale, embedded simulations, covering large time and fuels are already here92), Am (already in some mixed oxide fuels93),
space domains. Such simulations will improve on the “first Np, Cm and their mixtures, in fuel forms such as ceramics, alloys, and
principles” character of the multi-scale methodology. However, composites. That requires several essential steps:
including all atoms in the simulation of a specific reactor
component is not only impossible but is also undesirable. • Developing theory-based models of the free energy of the
Developing comprehensive models and running simulations “at subsystems, such as the binary and ternary phases.
• Developing theory-based models of the mobility of species
(actinides, fission products, oxygen, nitrogen, etc).
• Performing simulations of coupled thermal and neutron transport,
species diffusion, and deformation in the multi-component
materials that are major candidates for innovative fuels.

Such a study is extraordinarily complex, requires a tremendous

amount of work, and should start now. It takes years to develop a
good understanding of the properties and phenomena in new, multi-
component materials.
One of the goals that bring together the scientific and engineering
communities is to control the properties and phenomena in irradiated
nuclear fuels and materials. As shown in the previous sections,
to achieve this goal the international community must engage in
developing theory-based models that enhance the understanding
of irradiation effects on materials properties and developing the
computational science required to perform high-performance
Another important goal is to discover or design new, innovative
fuels and materials for nuclear energy applications. That involves
creating an integrated theoretical, experimental, and computational
Fig. 6 Schematic representation of the main components of an Institute for validation process and engaging the national and international
Materials Discovery and Design (IMDD). communities in solving problems of high complexity.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 25

REVIEW Discovery and design of nuclear fuels

Achieving these goals requires a new paradigm that favors a much knowledge-base will be updated with information from the IMDDs
stronger coupling of the various components of the multi-scale model and will serve as a resource for national laboratories, universities, and
and simulation methodology as well as a new level of collaboration companies.
and integration among experimentalist, theorists, and computational No doubt that such an effort will face numerous challenges,
scientists. The sub-sections below outline a few components of a especially in the area of proprietary information, licensing of fuel
strategy intended to increase the chances of both controlling properties performance codes, and non-proliferation. There is however a
and discovering and/or designing better nuclear fuels and structural significant amount of fundamental scientific information, such
materials for the new generations of nuclear reactors. as thermal, mechanical and chemical properties of generic multi-
component fuels and structural materials, phase stability (phase
Institutes for materials discovery and design diagrams), and transport (diffusion) of elements, that can be shared
Creating national and international institutes (centers, hubs, etc) without infringing upon restricted data.
dedicated to accelerating the discovery and design of improved
materials is an immediate and potentially most rewarding initiative. Education
The mission of such centers is to provide the scientific environment The most important resources for creating innovative nuclear fuels
and resources (people, supercomputers, and funding) for the are the nuclear engineers, materials scientists, physicists, chemists,
development of theory-based models, simulations, and computational computers scientists, etc. Their contribution is essential in advancing
tools able to assist the discovery and design of nuclear fuels and the integrated experimental, theoretical, and computational work
structural materials. and they are the supreme validation authorities. In recent years, the
The institutes will bring together scientists that are trained in nuclear engineering community has taken steps toward engaging
all three areas: experiment, theory, and simulation, and experts in prestigious scientists in nuclear fuels research via conferences and
one. The model development work will cover a wide range of space workshops. Scientists are often tempted to direct their studies toward
and time scales requiring a well balanced portfolio of expertise. The the most interesting and challenging scientific areas rather than the
participants will collaborate in developing and performing atomistic, most technologically relevant ones; their attraction to nuclear energy
meso-scale, and continuum simulations of irradiation effects and research is rooted in curiosity. To increase the scientific interest, well-
transport phenomena in reactor materials, to predict and control point funded national programs must be created to support fundamental
defect formation, microstructure evolution, and materials performance science in the area of nuclear energy and increase the likelihood of
in reactor environments. breakthrough discoveries and creative design.
The centers will include state of the art laboratories for small- Computational scientists and software engineers are major
scale experiments, computational materials science hubs for model participants in designing and writing fuel performance codes. However,
development and remote simulations on high-performance computers, strong teaming among engineers, scientist, and software developers
meeting rooms equipped with advanced visualization capabilities, and is key to creating science-based, high-performance codes capable of
offices for staff, guest scientists and students (Fig. 6). It is critical for running on the present petaflop and the future exaflop computational
IMDDs to bring together both mature and early career scientists, in a platforms. To expand and improve the quality of the models and
work environment that allows for uninterrupted time for science. simulations, the international nuclear fuels community must develop a
large pool of experts to cover the necessary theoretical, experimental,
Knowledgebase for data, models, and computational tasks. That can be achieved by including “Models
and simulations and Simulation of Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials” in the
Every day, a tremendous amount of data is created as a result of materials science and nuclear engineering programs at universities
performing experiments and running simulations. Besides numerical across the world.
data storage, analysis, and retrieval much progress was made on The involvement of the national and international decision factors
the management of information regarding models (mathematical (politicians and managers) in the scientific meetings is an encouraging
expressions), simulations (codes), and the visual representations of their recent development. More and more decision factors are becoming
results (pictures, animations). aware of the scientific and computational challenges faced by the
As a consequence, creating, updating, and maintaining an nuclear fuels community and can better provide guidance and financial
international “knowledgebase” that includes experimental data, models support for the future research and development programs.
(mathematical expressions), and simulation results (tables, graphs,
diagrams), all linked to publications and web sites, is now possible. The International collaborations
knowledgebase will have a user-friendly interface and will use advance In addition to improved experiments, models, simulations, and
query techniques capable of retrieving numbers, text, and images. The computational capabilities, a coherent nuclear energy program requires

26 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Discovery and design of nuclear fuels REVIEW

national and international collaborations. To cover the necessary Summary and outlook
areas of expertise, organizing workshops and sessions on models and New generation, innovative nuclear fuels will be complex, multi-
simulations of nuclear materials at international conferences is a component systems that must perform well in the radioactive
natural strategy component. Only two of the many important scientific and corrosive reactor environment. The development of such fuels
meetings in this area are discussed below. involves scientific methods focused on both discovery and design.
The Materials Models and Simulations for Nuclear Fuels (MMSNF) In this context, multi-scale models and simulations are capable of
workshop series aims at stimulating discussions and research to investigating a wide range of space and time scales and interact with
advance theory-based model development, high-performance fuel performance capabilities to create complex tools in support of
computer simulations, and experimental validation for nuclear fuels fuel characterization and optimization. In particular, high performance
applications. The workshops series started in June 9-10, 2003 in computing can contribute to increasing the predictive character of
Santa Fe, NM, USA with support from the Advanced Fuel Cycle models and simulations and can inspire new ways of doing science.
Initiative program, funded by the USA Department of Energy, This approach is expected to become an integral component of nuclear
and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The workshops usually fuels design, licensing, and waste certification processes.
bring together around fifty experts in experiments, theory, and A new strategy for nuclear fuel development, that involves
models and simulations from twelve countries or more. The most discovery and design as equal partners and drivers, is discussed in this
recent edition of the workshop (Albuquerque, USA) resulted in an paper. The strategy promotes a much stronger coupling of the various
evaluation of atomistic, meso-scale, and continuum simulation components of the multi-scale model and simulation methodology and
methods and their impact on nuclear fuel design. The next edition a much stronger collaboration and integration among experimentalist,
(MMSNF-9) will be part of the Nuclear Materials Conference, NuMat theoreticians, and computational scientists. To this end, it is important
2010, in Germany. to create research institutes for materials discovery and design and to
The Working Party on Multi-scale Modelling of Fuels and Structural create and maintain an international knowledgebase for data, models,
Materials for Nuclear Systems (WPMM) was created in January and simulation results. The strategy advocates for direct interactions
2008, with guidance and support from the Nuclear Energy Agency among scientists, engineers, and decision factors (politicians and
(NEA), to address scientific and engineering aspects of fuels and managers) via international workshops and conferences.
structural materials. The main goal of WPMM is to establish multi- Such initiatives, complemented by other ideas from the international
scale models and simulations as validated predictive tools for the community, will provide the framework for a stronger integration of
design of nuclear systems, fuel fabrication, and fuel performance. theory, experiments and simulations, leading to an improved control of
The main tasks include: identification of fundamental problems, the properties and phenomena in reactor materials, and the discovery
development of atomistically-informed models and simulations of and design of new, innovative nuclear fuels and structural materials.
nuclear fuels and structural materials properties, promoting high
performance computer simulations, and maintaining synergy with Aknowledgements
experimental work. Validation of simulation and model predictions is This work was occasionally supported by the U. S. A. Department of
also a priority as well as the development of new applied mathematics Energy via the Advanced Fuel Cycle Initiative (AFCI), the Global Nuclear
and software tools. Energy Partnership (GNEP), and the Nuclear Energy Advanced Models
More initiatives of this type are needed to increase the quality and Simulations (NEAMS) Programs.
and intensity of the debate over scientific and engineering problems
relevant to nuclear fuels (including spent fuels94) and nuclear energy Further information
in general95. In many areas, such as the thermo-mechanical and Interesting web pages:
chemical properties of the fuels, the number of components of the MMSNF-7:
system subject to investigation is so large (thousands) that no country ID=164&iEntryPID=68
alone can study all of them in a reasonable timeframe. Partition of NEA:
work and good international collaboration form the best strategy for Roadrunner supercomputer:
increasing the understanding and controlling the properties of such High Performance Computing workshop:
materials. workshops/extremecomputing/nuclearenergy/agenda.php.

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24. Oates, W. A., et al., Acta Mater. (2008) 56 (18) 5255. 71. Rusch, C. A., J. Nucl. Mater. (2008) 383 (1-2) 41.
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26. Victoria, M., et al., Fusion Eng. Des. (2007) 82 (15-24) 2413. 73. Ronchi, C., High Temperature (2007) 45 (4), 552.
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28 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

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Nuclear reactor materials
at the atomic scale
With the renewed interest in nuclear energy, developing new
materials able to respond to the stringent requirements of the next-
generation fission and future fusion reactors has become a priority.
An efficient search for such materials requires detailed knowledge of
material behaviour under irradiation, high temperatures and corrosive
environments. Minimizing the rates of materials degradation will be
possible only if the mechanisms by which it occurs are understood.
Atomic-scale experimental probing as well as modelling can provide some
answers and help predict in-service behaviour. This article illustrates how
this approach has already improved our understanding of precipitation
under irradiation, corrosion behaviour, and stress corrosion cracking.
It is also now beginning to provide guidance for the development of new
Emmanuelle A. Marquis1*, Jonathan M. Hyde1,2, David W. Saxey1, Sergio Lozano-Perez1, Vanessa de Castro1, Daniel Hudson1,
Ceri A. Williams1, Samuel Humphry-Baker1 and George D.W. Smith1
1 Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PH, UK
2 National Nuclear Laboratory, B168 Harwell, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QJ, UK
* Email: [email protected]

There has been significant renewed interest in nuclear energy because is also extremely attractive with no generation of carbon dioxide or
of the pressing need to respond to the increasing worldwide energy long lived radio isotopes and potentially limitless energy production.
demand whilst addressing climate change. Many of the current An experimental reactor, the Joint European Torus, is currently
generation of fission nuclear reactors are seeing their use extended running in the UK and ITER2 is to be built in France by 2020. ITER
beyond the original 40 years lifetime despite the risks associated is an internationally-supported project, intended to be a large scale
with materials aging. Consequently new plants need to be designed demonstration of the feasibility of producing energy by fusion. The
which are more efficient, more economical and safer. Generation IV next step, DEMO, aims at a sustainable production of fusion energy
(Gen IV) fission nuclear reactors will be responding to this economic by 20403. Whilst a significant amount of work has been devoted to
need by optimizing use of natural resources, improving safety systems fusion plasma physics, much less effort has focused on developing the
and reducing waste production1. In the longer term, fusion energy infrastructure required to build these reactors and develop materials

30 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 ISSN:1369 7021 © Elsevier Ltd 2009

Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale REVIEW

able to withstand to the more extreme operating conditions associated Considerable progress is now being made towards an atomistic
with Gen III, Gen IV and fusion reactors. understanding of materials degradation. This article provides a series
Whether materials are designed for Gen IV fission or fusion of examples on how the above described state-of the art techniques
reactors, the requirements are similar: good tensile and creep strength, may be applied, focusing first on irradiation-induced or accelerated
as high as possible operational temperatures, a low ductile to brittle precipitation in steels and W alloys, followed by some development
transition temperature, resistance to irradiation, high thermal on corrosion studies in Zr alloys and stress corrosion cracking in
conductivity, low residual activation, compatibility with cooling steels. Recent results on oxide-dispersion strengthened steels are then
media, and good weldability4-6. It is anticipated that the blanket presented to demonstrate how atomic-scale characterization can
structures of DEMO, will have to sustain doses of the order of >50dpa/ provide a unique feedback into the development of new alloys. Some
year7, accompanied by the introduction of ~10 appmHe/dpa and 45 outstanding challenges and future directions for research are also
appmH/dpa, as compared to a maximum of ~1dpa/year and 0.2-0.3 identified.
appmHe/dpa in current fission reactors. For improved thermodynamic
efficiency, structural materials will need to operate at temperatures Irradiation-induced embrittlement
above 350, 390 or 600 °C for Gen IV reactors depending on their Irradiation-induced accelerated ageing is a crucial issue that limits the
design6 and above 500 °C for fusion reactors. Although the detailed lifetime of nuclear reactors. The phenomenon of irradiation-induced
designs of these reactors differ, in each case similar microstructural or -enhanced precipitation has been studied in many model systems
issues will need to be addressed, particularly materials degradation using conventional TEM methods and this work has been reviewed
due to accelerated phase decomposition, accumulation of defects and by Russell23. Continued scrutiny of actual surveillance samples and
accelerated corrosion kinetics. candidate materials irradiated in test reactors is necessary to aid
The development of new alloys has in the past relied on empirical the prediction of microstructural changes, and consequent potential
approaches and it is clear that these methods are very valuable changes in structural integrity, of materials used in service.
to select materials based on their tensile or fracture resistance Extensive research on ferritic steels used to manufacture reactor
performance. However, in order to have confidence in the safety pressure vessels (RPVs) has demonstrated that irradiation-induced
and durability of reactor materials, a fully mechanistic insight into damage can be classified as a combination of matrix damage resulting
the evolution of microstructures when materials are exposed to from radiation produced point defect clusters, the radiation-enhanced
combinations of heat, irradiation, stress and corrosion for extended formation of 1–2 nm diameter clusters containing solutes such as Cu,
periods of time is also needed. An essential part of that understanding Mn, Ni and Si and the radiation-enhanced segregation of elements
has come from studies at the atomic scale, following the development
of high-resolution experimental techniques such as small angle neutron (a) (b)
scattering (SANS), atom-probe tomography (APT), and transmission
electron microscopy (TEM).
Atom-probe tomography has benefited from remarkable technical
advances in the last decade with the development of faster voltage
pulsers, larger detectors (and therefore a wider field of view) and
shorter laser pulses with faster repetition rates8. These developments
have allowed significantly more efficient data collection and opened
atom-probe tomography analysis to brittle microstructures such as
oxide/metal interfaces and less conductive materials9,10. Moreover,
progress in focused ion beam (FIB) technology11,12 has also permitted
the development of novel sample preparation techniques13 and analysis
of samples containing pre-selected features14,15. Electron microscopy
has also seen significant developments. With the advent of aberration
correctors16, high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
(EELS)17, energy filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM),
Fig. 1 (a) 3D atom-probe tomography reconstruction of an irradiated RPV
and advanced data analysis approaches such as multivariate statistical
steel. Each dot represents an individual atom in a volume of ~90x90x380 nm3.
analyses18 to improve signal/noise ratio19 have extended analytical The left hand image shows the location of carbon atoms and the right hand
TEM approaches to much smaller features than previously possible. image the location of Cu atoms. A grain boundary, a large Cu precipitate, two
carbides, several dislocations and several hundred small Cu-enriched clusters
Moreover electron tomography20 and confocal microscopy21,22 have can be identified; (b) Enlarged view of a single irradiation-induced cluster
now enable electron microscopy to provide three-dimensional imaging. (extents of outline box 8x8x8 nm3).

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 31

REVIEW Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale

such as P to grain boundaries24-26. Despite the very small size of the (a) (b)
irradiation-induced clusters, they can have a dramatic and deleterious
effect on materials properties27. The irradiation-induced clusters
act as barriers to dislocation movement resulting in an increase in
hardness leading to embrittlement. Irradiation-induced segregation of
P to grain boundaries can lead to non-hardening embrittlement, by
reducing the energy required to propagate an intergranular fracture.
Using microstructural information to develop an improved mechanistic
understanding of RPV embrittlement contributes to the safety cases
for commercial RPVs. For instance, APT can be used to study the early
stages of precipitation. This is an area of increasing interest on two
counts: 1) the mechanisms of cluster formation are poorly understood,
and 2) modelling has predicted the formation late blooming phases
(LBPs) in RPV steels containing relatively high Ni28. The latter issue
is an increasing concern as plant operators are looking to extend
plant life beyond the original design life of the RPV. There is a need
to ensure methodologies are in place to detect the early stages of Fig. 2 5 nm thick slices through atom-probe tomography reconstructions
LBPs. A significant amount of work in a number of laboratories has obtained from a W-25at.%Re alloy. Only Re atoms are shown. (a) Re is in
solid solution before implantation (a) and (b) clustered after implantation by
been dedicated to characterizing these small clusters using electron 2MeV W ions at 500 °C to 2.8 dpa. (b) The concentration distributions confirm
microscopy29, small angle neutron scattering30,31, and atom-probe the random Re distribution before implantation and non-random one after
tomography32-37 as well as modelling38. APT data obtained from implantation.

an irradiated RPV steel is presented in Fig. 1. Fig. 1a illustrates the at.%Re alloy before and after implantation revealing the formation
complex distribution of small (1-2 nm diameter) irradiation-induced of nanometer-scale Re-rich clusters after only 2.8 dpa at 500 °C. Our
clusters, some of which are spatially correlated with dislocations and understanding of irradiation-induced precipitation in W alloys is still
some found within the matrix. In addition larger precipitates (>10 nm inadequate, in great part due to the lack of knowledge of the phase
diameter) such as carbides and fcc Cu are also observed. Many of diagram. While the high temperature part of the W-Re phase diagram
these will have formed during the fabrication of the weld or during predicts complete solid-solution up to 22 at.%Re, the lower part of the
the post-weld heat treatment. The figure also shows the presence of a diagram (T<1500 °C) cannot be assessed experimentally for kinetic
grain boundary that is enriched in C (as shown) and also elements such reasons48 and therefore relies on Calphad predictions49. Systematic
as P (not shown). Fig. 1b shows a highly magnified view of a single atomic-scale experimental and theoretical work50 may pave the way
irradiation-induced cluster containing Cu, Mn, Ni and Si atoms. The towards a better understanding.
P atoms tend to be found at peripheries of the clusters. This example A more recent issue involves the stability under irradiation of
demonstrates how microstructural characterization, using techniques Fe-Cr based alloys, in particular Fe-7-18 at.%Cr alloys that form
such as atom-probe tomography, is imperative because it underpins the the basis for oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) ferritic steels, a
mechanistic understanding of the damage processes and can therefore promising class of structural material for nuclear applications. They
help provide confidence when predicting materials properties at higher have the advantage of low swelling characteristics compared with
doses or in materials of different composition. the austenitic stainless steels and adequate mechanical properties.
Another example of precipitation under irradiation relates to W Ferritic Fe-Cr alloys, however, have the disadvantage of possible α’
alloys to be used as plasma facing components in fusion reactors39. precipitation under irradiation that would cause loss of ductility51
Neutron irradiation induces significant transmutation of W into Re and and corrosion resistance52. The ability to predict microstructural
Os39,40. Precipitation of these alloying elements could dramatically stability and understand irradiation effects starts with thermodynamic
modify the properties of the initial material. Using atom-probe phase diagrams. The case of the Fe-Cr system is interesting since the
tomography, Seidman et al.41,42 showed that neutron irradiation conventional low temperature phase diagram53 following Calphad
could trigger the precipitation of nanoscale precipitates of the σ and χ calculations54 is erroneous. The magnetic frustration in this system
phases in W-10 and 25 at.%Re alloy irradiated between 575 and 675 leads to a negative heat of mixing at low concentrations and the
°C to 8.6 dpa. More observations of precipitation in irradiated W alloys recalculated phase diagrams, based on density functional theory
have been made since43-47 and more recent atom-probe tomography calculations, predict a maximum solubility of Cr in Fe of between
observations of W-implanted W-Re alloys revealed the onset of phase 6 and 9 at.%Cr at room temperature55-60. Whether precipitation
separation at low doses. Fig. 2 shows 3D reconstruction of a W-25 under irradiation is accelerated61,62, induced63,64 or occurs by

32 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale REVIEW

different mechanisms depending on Cr concentration65 remains an 3D microstructural observations at, or near, the atomic scale. FIB 3D
open question that would strongly benefit from further atomic-scale slicing70, electron tomography and atom probe tomography have
analyses. already been applied71. Such characterizations of SCC crack tips
Knowledge of thermodynamic properties, solute/defect interactions have proven to be an excellent tool for accurately measuring crack
and diffusional paths are important elements to support informed opening, understanding 3D crack morphology and visualizing atomic-
predictions for reactor lifetime and provide solutions to retard scale crystallographic features, such as sub-boundaries, deformation
materials degradation. As illustrated in the previous selected examples, bands and oxides. As shown in Fig. 3a, 3D FIB slicing has revealed
atomic scale analyses in combination with atomistic modelling provide how accelerated oxidation takes place along the twin deformation
a unique approach towards solving some of the problems outlined bands (TDBs) that intersect the crack flanks. In Fig. 3b and 3c,
above. atom-probe tomography was used to illustrate the complex surface
oxidation processes that take place in cold-worked stainless steels. The
Corrosion resistance reconstruction was taken from a sample tested in an autoclave under
Degradation of materials involving corrosion and environmentally PWR primary water conditions for 1500 h. It developed a Cr-rich oxide
assisted cracking (EAC) are significant issues for nuclear power plants. layer of around ~200 nm in thickness and analysis of the 3D chemistry
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in particular is a major concern in both below the cap oxide also revealed significant and complex oxidation of
pressurised water reactors (PWR)66 and boiling water reactors (BWR)67 sub-surface features. The influence of these features on the corrosion
and has cost billions of dollars to the nuclear industry in repair, properties of the steel is not well understood. Further 3D analyses of
inspection and replacements. suitable SCC materials at, or near, the atomic scale should provide
SCC of cold-worked austenitic steels has recently been reported in insight into the mechanisms of SCC and will help the development and
operating PWR plants68 as predicted by autoclave testing69. Although validation of accurate, predictive models.
crack initiation and propagation usually take place in three dimensions, Zr alloys are currently heavily used as fuel cladding materials but
conventional characterization techniques are typically restricted to their corrosion rate limits the operating lifetime of the fuel assemblies.
two dimensional observations. This has made the interpretation of Alloying has turned out to provide a significant improvement to the
cracking phenomena a very challenging task. Cold worked stainless corrosion resistance, but an empirical approach is still taken for the
steels, in particular, present an extremely complex interaction between selection of alloying additions72. Solving corrosion issues, including
the microstructure, stress and environment which can benefit from preventing the breakaway regime73, where the protective nature of the


(b) (c)

Fig. 3 (a) Reconstructed volume from a collection of FIB sliced images showing an open crack (blue) and oxidized TDBs (green), in a 304SS with 20 % cold-work
oxidized under simulated PWR primary water (b) Atom-probe reconstruction of a near-surface region showing the distribution of Cr and Fe atoms within oxides.
Complex patterns of oxidation are revealed by the distribution of Cr- and Fe- oxides (green-blue dots) and surfaces of approximately 10 % oxide concentration
(green). The dashed line (black) indicates the location of the oxide-metal interface. The vertical cylinder shows the region from which the 1D concentration profile
shown in (c) was generated. In (c), all complex ions are decomposed into atomic species. The left side of the profile corresponds to the surface oxides with Li
incorporated in the oxide after exposure to primary water. The O-rich region on the right side is a sub-surface oxidized feature71.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 33

REVIEW Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale

(a) (b)

Fig. 4 (a) Atom-probe tomography reconstruction of the metal/oxide interface of pre-transition Zircaloy-4 specimens oxidised in 360 ºC primary water. The
reconstruction displays Zr (green), ZrO (blue), O2 (orange) and Fe (red) ions. The metal/oxide interface is normal to the analysis direction. Iron is seen to be
segregated to the Zr/ZrO boundary. This material is rejected from the sub-oxide during the progression of the oxide front into the metal. (b) 1D concentration
profile across metal/oxide interface reveals an intermediate ZrO oxide phase.

oxide layer suddenly fails and corrosion progresses at a significantly layer, e.g.75,76, resulting in considerable disagreement on the structure
greater rate, is crucial if Zr alloys are to be used in high fuel burn-up and composition of the oxide/metal interface. Atom-probe tomography
scenarios. A full mechanistic understanding of the processes that occur at analyses of the metal/oxide interface (Fig. 4) have revealed that the
the metal/oxide interface is required for the control of oxidation kinetics. composition of the intermediate layer is that of ZrO, while the ceramic
Once again, atomic-scale characterization offers the possibility of a new oxide is ZrO2. The oxygen content in the metal adjacent to the interface
insight into old outstanding issues. Past investigations using surface appears high and corresponds to the limit of solubility for O in Zr.
analysis techniques74 have indicated the possible existence of a sub- As illustrated by the above two examples, three-dimensional
stoichiometric oxide layer between the metal and ZrO2 during the initial imaging coupled with atomic-scale analysis are revolutionizing our
oxidation of zirconium. A number of TEM studies have also been carried understanding of oxide formation during surface oxidation as well as
out on various zirconium alloys to investigate the nature of such an oxide environmentally assisted cracking.



Fig. 5 Grain boundary chemistry in an ODS Fe-12wt.%Cr alloy measured by APT (a) and EELS (b); The APT 1D profile across the grain boundary and the EELS profile
along the red line reveal similar Cr segregation levels at these two grain boundaries. (Material courtesy of Prof. Pareja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).

34 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale REVIEW

Solute/defect interactions (a) (b)

Understanding microstructural evolution under irradiation requires the
detailed knowledge of defect formation, mobility and interactions with
solute atoms. Irradiated microstructures have been extensively studied
for the last forty years. Defect formation, mobility, and dislocation
structures in particular have been described in many materials systems
under different types of irradiation (e.g.77). More recently, Jenkins et
al.78,79 have revisited the issue of loop formation in Fe and Fe-Cr alloys
during in-situ Fe ion irradiation, and in conjunction with theoretical
modelling were able to describe in detail the formation and development
of geometrical loop patterns as a function of irradiation temperatures.
Under irradiation conditions, interactions between solute atoms
and point defects (vacancies and interstitials) can cause coupled
transport of solute atoms by point defect fluxes, giving rise to
non-equilibrium segregation phenomena80,81, first postulated by
Anthony82 and observed by Okamoto and Weidersich83,84. The
segregation of alloying elements towards or away from dislocations,
Fig. 6 (a) TEM and APT reconstruction of ODS Eurfer97 steel showing the
grain boundaries and other types of defects has been observed
presence of larger particles along a grain boundary than within grains (material
in a wide range of irradiated structures (e.g.85-89), and a great courtesy of Dr. Lindau, FZK); (b) 3D reconstruction from an ODS Fe-12wt.%Cr
deal of experimental and theoretical research has been directed alloy showing the inhomogeneous distribution of particles (material courtesy
of Prof. Pareja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).
towards developing a basic understanding of this phenomenon.
Solute segregation will not only influence the surface-composition- clusters, nanofeatures, etc.) confused. The mechanisms and kinetics by
sensitive phenomena such as corrosion, and preferential sputtering, which these clusters form, their structure, composition, and interface
but will also affect bulk properties such as void swelling and phase character need elucidating and the nanoscale character of the features
instabilities90. The technological impact of irradiation-induced solute requires atomic-scale characterization.
segregation or depletion should be of serious concern, and has yet to Atom-probe tomography analysis of oxide particles was first
be fully understood91. In particular, grain boundary orientation, alloy performed by Larson et al. who revealed 1-2nm Y and O-rich features
composition and the role of impurities need to be clarified. Atomic- in a 12YWT alloy94. Following this work, Miller et al. characterized
scale studies already provide valuable information as illustrated in several ODS steels focusing on the composition of the nanoscale
Fig. 5 with the analysis of Cr segregation at grain boundaries in oxide features, revealing high Fe concentrations95,96, partitioning of Ti
dispersion strengthened steels. when present in the steel95,97, and strong resistance to coarsening at
temperatures as high as 1400 °C98. The three-dimensional approach
Oxide dispersion strengthened steels to characterization has allowed quantification of composition and size
In the search for structural materials capable of higher operating distribution. It has revealed the presence of larger particles at grain
temperatures while resistant to high neutron fluxes, oxide dispersion boundaries, as illustrated in99 and in Fig. 6a, thereby suggesting a
strengthened alloys have emerged as the most promising candidates. strong role of defects in the kinetics of growth. It has also shown the
The particular need for limited swelling, limited residual radioactivity, difficulty in realizing perfectly homogeneous materials as illustrated in
good corrosion resistance, have narrowed the search to ODS ferritic Fig. 6b.
Fe-9-14at.%Cr steels. These are produced by ball milling, using Y2O3 Determining the compositions of the oxide clusters is particularly
powder mixed to a base composition powder, followed by either hot challenging because of the small sizes. The amount of Fe for instance
extrusion or hot isostatic pressing. The resulting microstructure can found in the clusters depends strongly on alloy composition, processing
be complex with sub-micron sized grains and a very fine distribution routes, experimental conditions, and analysis methods (small angle
of nanoscale oxide particles that contributes to the improved high neutron scattering, TEM, or APT) as reviewed in93. Atomic-scale
temperature strength properties92. The nanoscale particles also improve methods have, however, revealed a core/shell structure (Fig. 7)
resistance to irradiation by providing a high density of trapping sites93. 100,101 in different ODS alloys of different compositions. The non-
Optimizing properties and microstructure is an on-going task that stochiometric compositions measured experimentally suggest that
requires careful control over the precipitate size, number density, the oxide particles may be nucleating with a metastable structure and
interfacial properties, etc. Yet the exact nature of the oxide particles is theoretical calculations have started to tackle this question. Fu et al.102
still unclear and the terminology (particles, precipitates, clusters, nano- suggested that vacancy/solute interactions promote the nucleation

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 35

REVIEW Nuclear reactor materials at the atomic scale

(a) (b)

Fig. 7 Core/shell structure of nanoscale oxide particles in an ODS Fe-12 wt.%Cr alloy as revealed by EFTEM and APT. (a) EFTEM elemental maps were extracted
from a dataset reconstructed with multivariate statistical analysis101. A line profile across the biggest precipitate reveals a Cr-rich shell of around 2 nm width. (b)
APT reconstruction of a particle exhibiting a Cr rich shell (blue dots) around a Y-rich core. The 1D profile across the particle confirms the presence of Cr at the
matrix/oxide interface100. (material courtesy of Prof. Pareja, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).

of non-stochiometric phases and positron annihilation spectroscopy TEM and APT approaches. Although not discussed in this article,
experiments appeared to confirm this103. It is only by closely other techniques, such as small angle x-ray and neutron scattering or
combining atomic-scale experiments with theoretical calculations that positron annihilation spectroscopy, are also essential for a complete
the exact nature of the oxide nanoclusters, their stability and the role understanding of materials. Future developments should include
of vacancies will be elucidated. small scale testing of selected materials features in combination with
atomic-scale characterization as well as atomistic modelling to provide
Conclusions a full description of defect behaviour under irradiation, heat, stress and
While most of the issues outlined in this article have yet to be solved, corrosion conditions.
atomic-scale characterization has a vital role to play in ensuring the
safety and integrity of the power plants that are needed to provide the Acknowledgements
world with reliable, 24-hour per day base load capacity for electricity EAM acknowledges the UK Royal Society for funding; SL-P acknowledges
generation, with ultra-low carbon emissions. The issues associated INSS (Japan) for support. All APT analyses were conducted within the UK
with material degradation in a nuclear reactor environment continue atom probe facility (Opal) at the University of Oxford, funded by the U.K.
to push the limits of available experimental techniques but fast Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under grant
progress has already been achieved with high-resolution analytical EP/077664/1.

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NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 37

Modeling plasma facing
materials for fusion power
Plasma facing materials, the materials that line the vacuum vessel,
experience particularly hostile conditions as they are subjected to high
particle and neutron flux and high heat loads. Plasma facing materials
must have high thermal conductivity for efficient heat transport, high
cohesive energy for low erosion by particle bombardment and low atomic
number to minimize plasma cooling. These contradictory requirements
make the development of plasma facing materials one of the greatest
challenges ever faced by materials scientists. Modeling has made, and
continues to make, a valuable contribution to the understanding of the
various processes involved in the radiation damage of plasma facing
materials. The techniques used to model the effects of high thermal
and particle flux range from ab initio techniques that study processes
occurring on femtosecond timescales and nanometre length scales,
to molecular dynamics for intermediate length and timescales and
finite element models for macroscopic length scales and experimental
timescales. The synergy between the effects of the plasma, high heat
flux and particle flux presents particular challenges for modeling. In
this review we summarise the potential candidates for plasma facing
materials and describe the methods used for modeling the response of
these materials to the conditions experienced in a fusion reactor.
D. M. Duffy
London Centre for Nanotechnology and Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK
EURATOM/CCFE Fusion association, Culham Science Centre, Oxfordshire, OX14 3DB, UK
Email: [email protected]

38 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 ISSN:1369 7021 © Elsevier Ltd 2009

Modeling plasma facing materials for fusion power REVIEW

The successful commercialisation of fusion power would offer a Plasma facing materials
safe, carbon free solution to the world’s energy supply problem1 The materials that line the vacuum vessel are subjected to a high
but there are formidable scientific and technological problems neutron flux, a high particle flux and a high thermal flux, therefore they
that have yet to be solved. Several experimental tokamaks around experience the most hostile conditions of all the materials in the fusion
the world have successfully fused hydrogen isotopes to produce reactor8,9. The plasma wall interaction issues for ITER are discussed by
energy, but all require significantly more power to heat the Roth et al.10 and Fig. 1 shows a diagram of cross-section of ITER, with
plasma than is produced by the fusion reaction. The Joint European the current material selection. The magnetic field in a tokamak confines
Torus (JET) currently holds the record of producing 16 MW for an the plasma and keeps the hot (100 million °C) ions and electrons away
input power of 24 MW. ITER (International Tokamak Experimental from the vessel walls. Some plasma ions do, however, diffuse across the
Reactor)2, due to be commissioned in Cadarache in 2018, will be field lines collide with the walls. The grey shaded region shown in Fig. 1
the first fusion experiment that will produce more power from represents the region of the vessel where the magnetic field lines are
the fusion of deuterium and tritium (DT fusion) than will be open, that is they terminate on the vessel walls. This field configuration
used the heat the plasma to the required temperature (around is designed to direct, or divert, particles that escape from the plasma
100 million °C). The goal is to produce ten times as much power to a particular part of the vessel where they can be removed in a
than is consumed; 500 MW of power with a pulse length of seven controlled way. The region of the vessel the particles are directed to
minutes. The energetic (3.5 MeV) alpha particles that are produced is known as the divertor. The divertor experiences exceptionally high
by DT fusion will heat the plasma by ionic collisions, which will thermal and particle fluxes and presents an enormous challenge for
compensate for radiation losses and result in a self-sustained materials selection.
reaction. Plasma facing materials have two main roles; they protect the first
ITER is, however, still fundamentally a plasma experiment. It will wall from the high particle flux and they transport thermal energy
not produce electricity. The next step on the road to fusion power will away from the surface. These roles lead to the requirements of
be to design and build a demonstration power plant which will present
new challenges. The tritium required to fuel the reaction has to be
produced in situ and the fusion energy must be converted to electricity.
Last, but not least, materials will be required that will be able to
withstand the extremely hostile environment without significant
degradation in their functional properties3-6.
Some of the radiation effects experienced by materials in fusion
power plants will be similar to those experienced in fission power
plants; the radiation enhanced embrittlement of metals caused by
the obstruction of dislocation motion by radiation defects in metals,
for example. Other effects are unique to fusion materials. The high
energy (14 MeV) neutrons produced by the fusion reaction penetrate
the wall to a depth of around 15 cm7 and result in transmutation
events. Transmutation produces copious quantities of gas (H, He),
which is insoluble in the material and will eventually degrade the
properties. These effects are discussed by Samaras in this issue. The
conditions experienced by the materials that line the wall of the
vacuum vessel are also unique to fusion reactors. These materials,
known as plasma facing materials, will experience extreme heat and
particle flux. The development materials that will withstand such
conditions is one of the main challenges faced by designers of future
fusion power plants.
In this review we summarise the conditions experienced by
plasma facing materials and the current choice of materials. We
describe how materials modeling can contribute to the understanding Fig. 1 Diagram of the cross-section of ITER, showing the confined plasma (red)
of the effects of the high thermal and particle flux on the materials and the plasma facing materials (Be, blue; W, purple; C, black). The area
shaded grey shows the region where the magnetic field lines terminate at the
and finish with a discussion of the areas where further research is divertor to direct particles that escape from the plasma away from the wall of
required. the vacuum vessel11.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 39

REVIEW Modeling plasma facing materials for fusion power

high thermal conductivity and high resistance to erosion by particle main disadvantage is the potential for tungsten to contaminate the
bombardment12,13. Some of the atoms will be ejected, or sputtered, plasma and cause large radiative losses.
from the wall and enter the plasma. These atoms will be stripped of Diamond is also being considered as a possible plasma facing
their electrons and cause radiative cooling of the plasma. The lower material22. The exceptionally high thermal conductivity, low thermal
the atomic number of the atoms the lower the cooling, therefore low expansion, high resistance to sputtering and low Z make it a strong
atomic number (low Z) materials are favoured from the perspective potential candidate. Preliminary experiments on diamond coated tiles
of the plasma. However low Z materials tend to have low cohesive look promising23,24 although their long term durability has not been
energies and so they are susceptible to sputtering. The contradictory established. A particular concern is the resistance to graphitisation
requirement of low Z to minimise plasma cooling and high Z to and amorphisation under high heat and particle flux. Such damaged
minimise erosion is typical of the challenges faced by reactor designers. material would be susceptible to chemical sputtering.
Carbon has traditionally been used as a plasma facing material
because it has a favourable combination of low Z, high thermal Modeling plasma facing materials
conductivity and strong bonding. It has, however, a significant Thermal flux
disadvantage; its susceptibility to chemical sputtering by hydrogen The divertor region of a fusion reactor will experience extremely high
isotopes14. Chemical sputtering is the process whereby ion thermal flux. In ITER, the thermal flux will be 10 MW m-2 during normal
bombardment enhances, or enables, a chemical reaction between operation13 and even higher during plasma disruptions. This energy
the bombarding species and the surface atoms, resulting in weakly must be transported away from the surface efficiently in order to avoid
bound molecules15,16. The energy threshold for chemical sputtering is surface melting. The divertor is actively cooled by water to extract the
significantly lower than that of physical sputtering, where atoms are energy from the reactor and an accurate model is required to calculate
ejected from the surface via elastic collisions. The rate of chemical the temperature distribution under various scenarios. Finite element
sputtering is enhanced by bombardment with other ionic species, which programs are used solve the heat diffusion equation using numerical
is a particular problem in a fusion reactor. Bonds that are broken by the methods (Cast 3M25 for example). The HEIGHTS computer package26
bombarding ions are instantly passivated by the hydrogen isotopes in calculates 3-dimensional temperature distributions of materials in
the plasma, resulting in weakly bound hydrocarbon species17,18. response to energy distribution processes and it includes the effects of
The main concern is not the erosion of the plasma facing material, surface vaporization, phase changes and heat transfer to the coolant.
but the tritium inventory19. Safety and resource considerations mean An example of the temperature distribution in a copper mock-up is
that the majority of the tritium used to fuel the fusion reaction must shown in Fig. 2. Such thermal diffusion models play a valuable role in
be accounted for at the end of the experiment. Any tritium that reacts the validation of divertor designs but they are sensitive to the material
with the carbon surface, to form volatile hydrocarbons, will redeposit parameters input to the model. The thermal conductivity of most
elsewhere in the reactor vessel and it will be difficult to trace and materials is well characterised under normal equilibrium conditions at
recover. Tokamaks with metal walls have displayed a huge reduction reasonable temperatures, however divertor materials experience very
in the tritium inventory20, in comparison to tokamaks lined with high temperatures and they are far from equilibrium. The thermal
graphite coated tiles. For this reason carbon, in the form of carbon fibre conductivity will decrease over time as radiation damage accumulates
composites, is only used for the strike points (the region where the flux in the materials and the defects scatter the electrons and phonons27,28.
lines intersect the wall) in the ITER design (Fig. 1). Heat transfer coefficients across interfaces between different materials
The low atomic number of beryllium makes it a prime candidate are less well characterised than thermal conductivities and these will
for a plasma facing material and it is used as a lining for the first wall also degrade as radiation defects accumulate at the interfaces.
in the ITER design (Fig.1). Be has the disadvantage of low resistance to Another area of concern is the effect of high thermal load on the
sputtering and low melting temperature and therefore it is not used microstructure and crystal structure of the plasma facing materials. The
in the divertor region, where the particle flux is highest. One major recrystallization of tungsten alloys could be one of the main limitations
concern is that a plasma instability could cause a sudden increase in to the upper operating temperature of a tungsten divertor30. Diamond,
the thermal load which would melt the beryllium and severely damage a potential plasma facing material, is metastable with respect to
the plasma facing material. graphite and the crystal structure will transform if held at a high
The high erosion rate of beryllium means that it is unlikely to be enough temperature for a sufficient time period. Such transformations
suitable for a commercial power plant, therefore alternatives need to can be investigated using molecular dynamics simulations, by gradually
be considered. Tungsten, a refractory metal with high resistance to increasing the simulation temperature. This method has been used to
sputtering, high thermal conductivity and high melting point, may be a investigate the stability of the diamond structure for different surface
viable alternative21. It is used in the divertor region in the ITER design terminations and doping levels. An example of the results of such a
and it is being considered as first wall armour for future designs. The simulation is shown in Fig. 3.

40 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Modeling plasma facing materials for fusion power REVIEW

Fig. 2 Temperature distribution (calculated using the HEIGHTS code) of a copper mockup with 5mm W coating (inlet water temperature of 403 K, water flow
velocity of 12ms−1) for 60 MJ m−2 deposited energy of 0.5 s duration29.

will be ejected, or sputtered, from the surface. The number of atoms

ejected from the surface (the yield) can be estimated from transport
theories of Thompson32 and Sigmund33 or calculated using computer
simulations34-36. Computer simulations fall into two classes; those
based on the binary collision approximation (BCA) (MARLOWE37, TRIM
SP38), where the collisions between the atoms are approximated by
two-body elastic collisions, and those based on molecular dynamics
(MD). MD simulations are more computationally expensive than BCA
simulations but they provide a much greater level of detail about the
basic mechanisms and the surface damage. The simulation is initiated
with an atom a short distance above the surface of a crystal and the
atom is given a velocity directed towards the surface. The damage
created in the crystal and the number of sputtered atoms can be
monitored as the simulation progresses.
Fig. 3 A (111) diamond surface with hydrogen terminated bonds on half of The type of damage created by a bombarding atom is sensitive to
the surface, heated to 2034 K, at a rate of 6.8 K ps-1. 3 coordinated C atoms
are shown in blue, 4 coordinated C atoms are shown in orange and H atoms the position and direction at which the atom bombards the surface
are white. The clean part of the surface has transformed to graphite but the and to the bombarding energy39. For single crystals, particular impact
diamond structure was maintained on the hydrogen terminated part of the
directions result deep penetration into the crystal between the
slab, demonstrating the stabilising effect of hydrogen termination (Dunn and
Duffy, unpublished results). atomic planes and few sputtered atoms, a process which is known as
channelling40. Linear cascades occur at relatively low energies, when
Sputtering only binary collision events are relevant, and they result in little surface
The erosion caused by the high flux of atoms and ions experienced damage and a small number of sputtered atoms (Fig. 4a). When the
by plasma facing materials is a major concern for future fusion power energy is high, many body collisions are important and a thermal
plants. The particle flux is predicted to be of the order of 1018 m2 s-1 spike, a disordered liquid-like region, forms in the material. When the
at the first wall and 1024 m2 s-1 (10-6 nm-2 ps-1)13 of ITER. Most of the thermal spike forms close to the surface of the material the “hot”
particles will have energies of a few eV but the energy spectrum could atoms are ejected from the surface and the sputtering yield is high
spread to a few keV31. Particles that impact the surface impart some of (Fig. 4b). A detailed analysis of the damage during the simulation helps
their energy to the atoms near the surface of the material and, if this to elucidate the dominant mechanism. Linear cascades are described
energy is high enough to overcome the surface binding energy, atoms well by the binary collision approximation, where each collision is

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 41

REVIEW Modeling plasma facing materials for fusion power



Fig. 4 Schematic representation of surface damage caused by different types of sputtering events. (a) represents a linear cascade where 2- body collisions
dominate. (b) shows the thermal spike where high deposited energy creates a disordered region of the crystal, which results in sputtered atoms and adatoms.

considered to be an independent event, but more complex models are

required for the regime where many body effects are important41. (a)
Classical molecular dynamics simulations represent the interactions
between atoms by interatomic potentials, which range from simple
two-body potentials, that depend only on the interatomic separation
of two atoms, to more complex embedded atom or environment
dependent potentials, in which the interaction between two atoms
depends on the position of their neighbours. Any role the electrons
have in the material is included only at the level of the interatomic
potentials. In some situations the electrons have a more active role
that cannot be described by classical potentials. This was noted for
sputtering42 and cascades43-45 several decades ago and there has
recently been a revival of interest in these effects as computational
power has increased and sophisticated theoretical techniques have
been developed46. The electrons have a number of related roles.
They act as a viscous medium that removes energy from moving
atoms44,45,47, they store and transport this energy and redistribute it
to the atoms. Different approaches have been developed to include
these effects in cascade48 and sputtering simulations49 but a complete
description is still lacking. Recent simulations have demonstrated that
the damage resulting from ion bombardment of metals is very sensitive
to the thermal transport properties of the electrons (Fig. 5)50 and
the stopping power of the metal51. Fig. 6 shows the evolution of the
electronic energy during the early stage of a sputtering simulation of
Ag52. For a typical cascade simulation the electronic temperature is out Fig. 5 Vacancies (gold) and interstitials (blue) created by bombarding a
of equilibrium with the lattice for several picoseconds53. W (111) surface with a 5 keV W atom. In simulation (a) the total energy
is conserved whereas in (b) energy is exchanged with the electrons. The
Sputtering simulations are generally carried out in a vacuum at simulations demonstrate how energy transport and storage by the electrons
room temperature, very far from the conditions in a real reactor. affect surface damage. (Data taken from50).

42 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Modeling plasma facing materials for fusion power REVIEW



Fig. 7 Schematic representations of two chemical sputtering processes on

graphitic carbon. In (a) two H (blue) atoms bond to a C atom (grey), a 3rd
H atom has sufficient kinetic energy to break the C bond and create a weakly
bound methyl group, which subsequently desorbs from the surface and reacts
with H to form methane. In (b) four H atoms bond to neighbouring C atom.
A fifth H atom breaks the neighbouring C-C bond and the ethene molecule
readily desorbs from the surface.
potentials for hydrocarbons are all suitable for modeling chemical
sputtering of carbon.
The surface erosion of a-C and graphite has been studied using
molecular dynamics60,61. Many types of reaction of low energy H are
possible, depending on the bonding conformation of the surface atoms.
Two particular examples are shown in Fig. 7. Low coordinated surface
atoms will be particularly susceptible to chemical sputtering due to
Fig. 6 Snapshots of a 5 keV Ag → Ag(111) bombardment. The atoms are weaker binding and their affinity for H.
represented by blue (bulk) and green (surface) dots and the electronic energy One of the major advantages of modeling is that it can be used
density (eV Å–3) is represented by a colour map52.
to investigate processes at a level that is inaccessible to experiment.
Some simulations have been performed at high temperatures54,55 but Detailed analysis of sputtering simulations have resulted in the
the effect of high temperature and presence of the plasma on the discovery of swift chemical sputtering, where a hydrogen atom moves
sputtering yield and surface damage has not been fully investigated. between two bonded carbon atoms and consequently breaks the
The plasma may enhance the sputtering yield because the ejected bond62. The process only occurs for a well defined range of energy. If
atoms will be ionised by the plasma and the charged ions will the energy is too low the atom cannot penetrate the bond and if it
accelerate towards the surface under the influence of the local electric is too high it spends too little time between the atoms to break the
field, knocking further atoms from the surface56. The effects of the bond. The bond breaking does not necessarily eject the atom but, when
synergy between the plasma, heat flux and particle flux on surface combined with other interactions, the mechanism makes a significant
erosion requires further investigation. contribution to the sputtering yield.
Modeling studies suggest that the susceptibility of diamond to
Chemical sputtering physical sputtering is comparable to the (0001) surface of graphite63
The previous section discussed how molecular dynamics is used to but models of chemical sputtering have not yet been published for
model physical sputtering, when atoms are ejected from surfaces by diamond. Experiments have demonstrated that diamond is more
elastic collisions with bombarding particles. In the case of chemical resilient to low energy hydrogen bombardment than other forms of
sputtering the bombarding particles undergo a chemical reaction carbon64, although this may be due to surface impurities. Radiation
with the surface atoms, which weakens the binding to the surface. damage may, however, decrease its resilience due to modified surface
Such reactions are challenging to simulate using classical molecular structures and defects, and the high thermal flux may result in
dynamics, but significant progress has been made in recent years on structural transformations (section 2). The divertor region experiences
the development of interatomic potentials that can describe bond high particle flux, particularly alpha particles, which will damage
breaking and forming accurately. The REBO57, EDIP58 and AIREBO59 the surface and decrease the resilience to chemical sputtering, as

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 43

REVIEW Modeling plasma facing materials for fusion power

was found for Ar bombardment of graphite17,18. Enhanced physical methods ranging from ab initio techniques, to understand fundamental
sputtering in the presence of low energy hydrogen has been observed mechanisms, to macroscopic materials modeling, to evaluate the
in MD simulations65. stress and temperature distribution of real components. The synergy
between the various radiation effects (the decrease in thermal
Outlook conductivity due to radiation damage, the increase in sputtering in
The erosion of plasma facing materials could be one of the main the presence of a plasma and the increase in chemical sputtering by
factors that influences the operational schedule of experimental ion bombardment, for example) presents enormous challenges for
fusion reactors and future power plants66. The materials selected both experiment and theory. Nevertheless, an integrated approach
for current designs will not withstand the conditions of a power involving modeling, testing and design67 should enable the problems
plant for a commercially viable period of time, therefore further to be overcome and the dream of commercial fusion power to be
materials development is essential. The design and development realised.
of plasma facing materials will require a detailed understanding
of the processes that occur when a material surface is bombarded Acknowledgements
with an intense flux of heat, particles and neutrons simultaneously. We acknowledge support from EPSRC and the European Communities
Modeling will play a major role in this development, by using under the contract of Association between EURATOM and CCFE.

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44 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

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Multiscale Modelling:
the role of helium in iron
The mechanisms and processes of bubble nucleation and growth are
still not completely solved and research in this field is ongoing. This is an
important issue for materials used in fission and fusion reactors. In such
environments, one of the main gaseous by-products is helium, whose
presence and further production is known to decrease ductility, fatigue life
and weldability, induce creep and stress rupture properties of materials,
as well as promote swelling. These effects lead to the drastic modification
of the material’s mechanical properties. In the past, experiments have
been used to offer clues into the structure of the materials; now,
modelling offers the possibility to understand the structure of the material
and from this information, to elucidate a fundamental understanding of
material properties. This review discusses the modelling paradigms used
to investigate and obtain an understanding of the mechanisms at play in
helium bubble nucleation and growth in ferritic steels.
Maria Samaras
HT-MAT, LNM, NES, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Email: [email protected]

Confronted with an exponentially growing populous of energy equations, are reaching their limitations. Thus a new ideology
consumption, and the need to reduce CO2, peaceful nuclear has evolved to understand the basic physics and chemistry of the
energy facilities (both fission and fusion) have been labelled as a material and incorporate the processes and mechanisms occurring
piece of the future energy pie solution1. Materials development at smaller time and length scales, to try and understand the
and design have been pinpointed as one of the limiting factors properties of the material. Relevant processes encompass a range
in extending the lifetime of current reactors and optimising of scales from the pico- scale to length scales of large components
future reactors2,3. As material and financial resources become and time scales of 60-100 years. Modelling such a broad range of
limited, the large experimental programs undertaken in the past issues on relevant length and time scales requires a multiscale
have become too expensive to operate. Furthermore, traditional modelling approach coupled with validation experiments4-7
modelling concepts of materials prediction based on constitutive e.g. see Fig. 1.

46 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 ISSN:1369 7021 © Elsevier Ltd 2009

Multiscale Modelling: the role of helium in iron REVIEW

Fig. 1 Looking at the figure clockwise: 1) from a nuclear power plant2, a small sample can be cut 2) into a micropillar of tens of mm108. Modelling reduces the size
investigated further and looks at 3) Molecular Dynamics simulated samples (3) of tens of nm (4) with grain sizes of 12nm. This enables studies of atomistic events
of, for example, irradiation with the production of defects (5). To understand the stability and mobility of such defects it is important to study the interatomic forces
present using small samples of up to 100 atoms using (6) DFT calculations of the elements of interest.

Materials exposed to extreme conditions undergo deformation events occur on a variety of time and length scales, modelling provides
processes of the microstructure which lead to hardening, swelling, the perfect setting in which to investigate such issues. To present the
fracture, creep, blistering, corrosion and a loss of ductility, with a modelling toolbox as a multiscale approach, this review will focus on
shift in the ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT)8. For a the modelling efforts performed to investigate He bubbles. Due to
more detailed discussion of these issues, the readers are referred to the plethora of candidate materials and simulations performed, the
the other papers in this edition9-11. In an irradiation environment, a review will centre on He effects in ferritic steels. Although ferritic (bcc)
material is constantly bombarded by high energy neutrons which leads materials are resistant to swelling18, the role of helium, helium-vacancy
to radiation damage and to the production of helium. Helium affects (He-V) clusters and helium bubbles in the ferritic steels, irradiation
structural materials, cladding and fuels. The presence of helium in hardening, swelling, crack nucleation and cleavage fracture are only
metals can drastically alter their mechanical properties, even at low partially understood. Such phenomena are important factors that need
concentrations12. Helium acts as a precipitate due to its extremely to be evaluate when determining the lifetime of a material in a reactor.
low solubility13 and as a consequence interacts with microstructural A multiscale modelling methodology is applied by implementing
features such as voids present in the material14. Void formation is a density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) to
microstructural phenomenon that is sensitive to the helium production obtain the energetics and state of He, Feint-He and He–V clusters
rate15 and bubble nucleation comes as a natural consequence which in Fe; kinetic Monte-Carlo (KMC) techniques to understand the
leads to the material’s degradation. Once inside a vacancy, helium thermal stability and migration behaviour of the clusters with a direct
is known to be deeply trapped therein, decreasing its mobility and comparison to thermal He desorption spectrometry (THDS); rate
enhancing the aggregation of further vacancies and helium atoms theory (RT) methodologies to investigate longer term diffusion and
which can be trapped at dislocations and grain boundaries (GBs)16,17. growth mechanisms; dislocation dynamics (DD) to study issues of
The effect of helium is of concern over a wide range of hardening through studies of He bubble–dislocation interactions; and
temperatures. At high temperatures the clustering of helium bubbles continuum methodologies to investigate issues such as embrittlement,
in GBs results in embrittlement. The creep lifetime expectancy of a in order to obtain lifetime predictions (as shown schematically in Fig.
material is also affected by the accumulation and fast diffusion of 2). The investigations undertaken with these methods will now be
helium in GBs. Indeed, segregation of precipitates into bubbles can discussed in more detail. The references cited herein are examples
induce both trans- and inter-granular brittleness even in intrinsically rather than a comprehensive bibliography of the work undertaken in
ductile materials. Swelling driven creep is closely related to void studies of helium in iron.
swelling. Experiments and continuum models on bubble formation and
helium embrittlement have been found to be limited in the information Microstructure
that can be obtained from them. Energetics
These issues clearly indicate the necessity to understand the In bcc metals, studies of the mobility of helium carried out with
dynamical processes involved in bubble nucleation and growth. As the atomistic simulations date back to Rimmer and Cottrell19. Two main

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 47

REVIEW Multiscale Modelling: the role of helium in iron

configurations have been seen to contribute to helium accumulation - Table 1 Presents the formation energies of a
interstitial helium with low migration energy, and substitutional helium substitutional and interstitial (octahedral and tetrahedral
which has a large trapping energy. More recently, DFT calculations have position) helium atom in an iron matrix. The top two
been employed to study the dissolution and migration mechanisms and results are DFT calculations, and the rest of the results
energies of helium in iron20. Such studies reveal that the tetrahedral are calculated from empirical potentials. The second and
site is energetically more favorable for the He interstitial than the
third columns describes the Fe-He and Fe-Fe potentials
used. FS stands for Finnis Sinclair; D-D for Dudarev-
octahedral site20,21.
Derlet. All calculations use the Beck He-He potential.
Magnetism stabilised the bcc iron matrix and affects the stability
of self interstitial clusters formed. As such the role of magnetism on Fe-He Fe-Fe Oct Tetr Subs
helium in iron has been investigated by DFT calculations, where some DFT Seletskaia 4.60 4.37 4.08
authors believe it influences the movement of helium atoms in the iron Fu 4.57 4.39 4.22
matrix21. This has been refuted20 and very recently shown to have a MD J-N AMS 4.512 4.385 4.099
negligible influence23. Thus at zero Kelvin, an Fe-He potential doesn’t
J-N D-D 4.444 4.326 4.212
explicitly need to include magnetism. As the temperature increases,
J-N FS 4.406 4.290 4.116
however, the role of magnetism in Fe-He interactions cannot be
Wilson FS 5.25 5.34 3.25
calculated within the DFT framework. Indeed, in the next paragraph
Seletskaia FS 4.54 4.5 3.91
the reasons for including magnetism in fitting an Fe-He potential will
become apparent. Yang FS 5.25 3.25

Although, DFT calculations provide more accurate values of the Morishita FS 5.25 5.34 3.25
solution, migration and nucleation properties of helium in a bcc iron
matrix24 compared to MD simulations25, MD is necessary to investigate for interstitial and substitutional helium energetics obtained by DFT
larger system sizes and times. In MD, the forces between atoms are and MD simulations (with the Wilson, Seletskaia, Juslin Nordlund (J-N)
provided by empirical potentials. Unfortunately, earlier Fe-He empirical Fe-He potentials, Beck He-He potential29 and Ackland (Finnis-Sinclair
potentials22,26 produce the octahedral site as the most stable interstitial type)30 and Dudarev-Derlet (D-D)31 Fe-Fe potentials ).
helium position, in contrast to DFT calculations. More contemporary As table 1 shows, to study helium in iron with MD, it is also
Fe-He empirical potentials27,28 are fitted such that the most stable necessary to include Fe-Fe30-32 and He-He29,33 potentials. For Fe-Fe
helium interstitial sits at the tetrahedral position. Table 1 shows results interactions, magnetism influences the stability of the interstitial

Fig. 2 Studying helium in the iron matrix on the multiscale- figure taken from5 and references therein. Various computing facilities are used for the modelling
(e.g.109). DFT calculations are used to calculate binding energies as a function of helium20. MD simulations can study larger helium clusters and helium going to
GBs41. At atomistic longer time and length scales, rate theory allows results such as the fraction of release of helium104. Moving to the mesoscale, DDD calculations
provide information on the critical shear stress of a dislocation moving through a field of ODS and He particles and reveals the role of helium in the sample89. The
ultimate goal being to reproduce what is seen experimentally: e.g. TEM samples110.

48 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Multiscale Modelling: the role of helium in iron REVIEW

defects formed24,34,35. To investigate issues such as loop punching, When comparing small helium bubbles, DFT obtained a 1.3 He/V
where iron self interstitials are created (see below), a proper description ratio and a dissociation energy of 2.6eV45. MD simulations predict a
of iron interstitials needs to be included in the MD simulations ratio of 1.8 and a dissociation energy of 3.6 eV (A-W-B potential)36. As
(provided by the Mendelev32 or the magnetic D-D31 Fe-Fe potentials). the bubble size increases, the equilibrium helium pressure in the bubble
decreases46,47. Larger He clusters have lower He/V ratios44,48-50, and
State of He-V clusters emit SIAs (and SIA clusters) more easily, leading to loop punching43.
MD simulations using (Ackland-Wilson-Beck (A-W-B)) potentials Such results clearly show that nucleation and growth phenomena need
found that interstitial helium jumps into vacant lattice sites, becoming to be separated.
substitutional with a large binding energy (strongly trapped) and For large helium bubbles with low He/V ratio, where the bubble
forming a He-V cluster36,37, in agreement with DFT calculations37. is stable, surfaces take on a polyhedral morphology51; such faceting
Helium is strongly bound to the He-V cluster and can stabilise it, has also been seen from electron holography experiments50. The
thus increasing its lifetime by reducing thermal vacancy emission36,38. structure of the helium in these larger bubbles was found to be in an
Interestingly, the position of He in a di-vacancy is delocalised with a amorphous phase (A-W-B potential)51. Multiscale atomistic simulations
symmetrical location preferred over a vacant lattice site39. are therefore bringing forth a picture of the structure and formation of
DFT has shown that small He-V clusters (up to 4 helium) will lead He-V clusters and thus of helium bubbles.
to bubble nucleation in initial vacancy-free lattices20. MD simulations
have enabled the investigation of larger numbers of helium atoms and Radiation damage of single crystal
found that 6 helium atoms in the matrix induces the kick-out of an When compounded with the presence of irradiation and defects
iron atom26. This phenomenon occurs when helium interstitial atoms produced therein, the system becomes more complex. In an irradiation
are placed at a far distance in the case of the Wilson26 and Seletskaia environment, a material is constantly bombarded by high energy
(less frequently)21 potentials but only when the He interstitials are in neutrons, which leads to radiation damage and to the production of
close proximity for J-N27,40,41. Comparison of the Fe-He Wilson and helium. At low temperature, irradiation can lead to radiation hardening
Seletskaia potential showed a difference in the point defect and Fe-He and embrittlement. At high temperatures, irradiation has less of an
cluster creation42. As the Seletskaia Fe-He potential overestimates effect on the material, however, since all materials are exposed to a
the formation energies of Fe interstitials24, the kick-out of the iron large range of temperatures as a consequence of reactor shut downs
interstitial requires larger energy and will occur less frequently than and start ups, these materials will also be subjected to radiations at
with the Wilson potential. As the Seletskaia potential is least accurate low temperatures. Furthermore, for modelling purposes, irradiation
at describing the properties of iron in the interstitial region, it is not simulations introduce defects in a non-preempted manner, and are
the ideal potential for investigating this phenomenon. As the vacancy therefore a good method of investigating short timescale helium -
formation energy in iron is 2.15 eV43, under ambient conditions a He-V defect interactions.
cluster may absorb vacancies from the surrounds rather than produce a Radiation is introduced in atomistic samples by simulating
self-interstitial atom or a SIA loop through the kick-out mechanism. displacement cascades with MD. Such simulations provide a 3D
visual landscape of the density and proximity of defects in relation
Helium bubbles to the primary knock-on atom (PKA) which takes full impact of the
Helium bubble investigations find that the binding energy of helium collision in terms of an energy and a direction. Such simulations have
to the cluster is independent of the cluster size but dependent on the been performed with pre-existing substitutional He (1-5% He)53-57;
(helium to vacancy) He/V ratio (A-W-B potential)36. The binding energy 0.1%He58,59 as a function of temperature (100 K53,54 – 600 K55,
is found to increase with more helium, such that the helium increases 10-523 K59); with interstitial He58,59; and with HenVm clusters56,57.
cluster lifetime by reducing thermal vacancy emission. When the He/V Simulations look at a range of 500 eV – 40k eV PKAs (A-W-B
ratio is high (He/V >10)38, the pressure in the bubble is so large that potentials). It was found that helium doesn’t influence the
there is spontaneous creation of vacancies due to their low formation Frenkel pair production and that that there is no difference in
energy43 and therefore the thermal emission of self interstitial atoms interstitial or substitutional He during the collisional state, but
(SIA) and SIA clusters (emission energy of SIA is 4.88eV36) and helium differences occur in the distribution of iron dumbbells during the post
(emission energy 5.25eV36). These SIAs preferentially form in prismatic collisional stage60.
loops as shown by the simulation of a 20-He clusters which induced As a substitutional helium atom moves to neighbouring vacancies
the kick-out of a 5-17 SIA loop38. A study of dissociation energies with 0.015 eV36, during a melt where many Frenkel pairs are produced,
surrounding He-V clusters was undertaken with a comparison of helium will move very quickly. Additionally, helium atoms knocked
potentials (A-W-B; A-JN-B, DD-W-B; DD-JN-B)44, finding that only the or activated from their substitutional position into an interstitial
(A-JN-B) potential agrees with DFT calculations. position during the irradiation will also move quickly (interstitial helium

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 49

REVIEW Multiscale Modelling: the role of helium in iron

activation energy is 0.078eV36). If these helium atoms move to the Diffusion and helium absorption at GBs
periphery of the cascade they will not be able to recombine with the The recognition in the 1920s that atomic mobility is enhanced in
vacancies situated in the cascade core. With the removal of 5% Fe metallic GBs started a long history of GB diffusion investigations
atoms to include 5% substitutional He atoms, such fast mobility away leading to the finding that it is 4-6 orders of magnitude faster than
from the cascade core is indicative that a larger number of vacancies bulk self-diffusion. Helium bubble formation seems to occur at GBs
and vacancy clusters will be formed than in the displacement cascades after annealing above 723 K68. Continuum models employed to study
performed at the same PKA energy in defect free, single crystal GB diffusion69 cannot capture the non-uniform point defect formation
matrices. This is similar to irradiation damage simulations performed energy present in GBs. This has lead to investigating migration and
in nanocrystal iron, where the presence of GBs with free volume diffusion atomistically.
therein led to the formation of larger vacancy clusters than seen in the The study of diffusion using atomic simulations have shown that
single crystal simulations61. Additionally, one study showed that the the prevailing theory that GB diffusion is purely vacancy dominated
helium will also be trapped by iron interstitials, such that the helium (similar to bulk diffusion)70, deduced from continuum calculations,
cannot move into substitutional positions and will thus produce more does not hold in all cases, with self-interstitial atoms also found to
vacancies in the matrix60. Interestingly, what is not discussed in any of influence, if not act as the dominant mechanism for diffusion70 in
these papers is the final configuration of the helium and how it clusters certain GB structures71. An advantage of atomistic simulations is
within the vacancies as well as the He/V ratio. Furthermore, it would that the atomic mechanisms of GB diffusion are not postulated but
also be interesting to know the spatial range from the PKA atom which inferred from MD simulations. GB diffusion studies show that there
encompasses the affected He and how far outside of the displacement are much stronger correlation effects compared to diffusion in the
core this reaches. regular lattice since GBs represent fast diffusion paths for helium
Studies went on to investigate the effects of irradiation damage atoms since their defect formation energy and migration energy are
on pre-existing He-V clusters and found that the resulting damage lower than in the single crystal lattice. Simulations of GBs show that
is He/V ratio dependent (based on A-W-B potential simulations). their structural properties influence their deformation and point defect
A high He/V ratio leads to a larger vacancy cluster since Frenkel motion therein72. It is important to note that the GB is not a true sink
pair recombination is not possible57) and due to the decrease of but is composed of regions which favour the segregation of vacancies.
iron binding energy to a He-V cluster36. A small He/V ratio led to Atomistic computational studies of GB diffusion therefore emerge as a
dissolution of the cluster as a result of the kick out of helium (during method that can overcome the limitation of experimental results and
the collisional phase)56, such that vacancies recombine with nearby continuum models to provide an insight of GB diffusion at an atomic
iron atoms. This is in agreement with DFT calculations which show that level70.
clusters with large He/V ratios tend to emit He interstitials and clusters Trapping of helium by vacancies in GBs has been shown to be
with low He/V ratios tend to emit vacancies45. The He/V ratio differed rather strong in experiments73 and by simulation in nickel74 where
in the core of the cascades, where it was less than one, and at the their accumulation in clusters of as little as five helium atoms produces
periphery of the cascade they were greater than one62. vacancy formation75 and bubble nucleation within the GB, which leads
It is important, to note that the discussions on the stability of He-V to intergranular embrittlement76. In bcc iron, atomistic molecular static
clusters which are irradiated53,55 can only focus on the helium and iron simulations of GBs undertaken in near and symmetric GBs77 map the
movement within the simulation samples since the vacancies do not helium trapping efficiency at substitutional and interstitial sites, with
move throughout the simulation timeframe (20ps). The independence interstitial helium found to be more strongly bound to the GB core
of the mean size of the He-V clusters remaining after irradiation55, than substitutional helium. The binding energy of helium was found
which contradicts experimental results63,64, could be a consequence to increase linearly with the excess volume in the GB, with a capture
of the timeframe used, since the vacancies have not had the time to radius to the GB of between 0.3 to 0.7 nm depending on the properties
collapse into their more stable configuration, the potential used and/or of the GB77. Furthermore, the helium activation energies and diffusion
the visualization method implemented to define vacancies (which also mechanisms are GB dependent78. The Σ3 {112} GB was found to have
plays a role in the interpretation of the results). the lowest GB energy and produced the lowest capture radius77.
On the longer spatial and time scales, bubble super lattices form Moving to slightly larger helium clusters, the di-He vacancy has
as a consequence of irradiation65. These spatially self-organised revealed that mobility depends on the trapping sites and the free
microstructures have been described using stability theory and non- volume, with di-He interstitial clusters migrating rapidly along the
linear dynamics in terms of the Ginzburg-Landau type equation66,67. Σ3 GB at low temperatures, but not along the Σ 11 GB77,79. Indeed,
Results found that the cavity structure adopts the same 3D structure as in the GB the di-He interstitial cluster can kick-out a SIA at high
the host lattice67. Combining these results, a picture of bubble growth temperatures, forming a He2V complex77,79. This is a much smaller
and dissolution in the presence of irradiation slowly evolves. number of helium atoms than is needed in the single crystal, where

50 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Multiscale Modelling: the role of helium in iron REVIEW

six helium atoms are necessary to invoke such a kick-out mechanism.

What emerges is the necessity to know the formation energy of a
vacancy in the GB of pure Fe to understand the interplay between
vacancy formation and SIA kick-out (see section 2.2).
Investigations of helium in absorption at GBs have also been
performed by RT with the inclusion of a sink strength theory80
and established that helium immobilises vacancies, formulating a
‘constrained’ model of cavity growth81. In the absence of irradiation, it
was found that GB sliding is the driving force for GB cavity nucleation.
High temperature helium embrittlement was defined as a four step
process and a mechanism for retarding GB cavity growth by limiting
GB vacancy sources by dislocation interactions was given82. However,
rate theory was not able to include higher swelling rates near GBs than
in the grain interior.

Dislocation interacting with voids and He

Dislocation-helium interactions, the attraction of helium to dislocations Fig. 3 Experimental TEM of a dislocation pinned by helium atoms. As the
and the pinning effect of helium on dislocations are important dislocation breaks away from the helium bubbles, it forms spiral shapes88.
DD simulations which include climb reveal the same pattern of the dislocation
materials issues due to their hardening effect that contribute to the climbing around the helium atom to surpass it87.
changes of the material properties as a result of the helium present.
MD simulations of the binding energy of interstitial helium to a helium production rates, fluence, sink density, temperature, and defect
screw dislocation has been calculated to be half that of the edge parameters. To understand longer term microstructural evolution,
dislocation83. In contrast, the mobility along both types of dislocations growth of bubbles and swelling, it is important to study phenomena
is approximately the same83. Helium interstitials have been found to be such as migration, diffusion, defect stability and interactions on longer
strongly attracted to the tensile region in the dislocation and jogs act time and length scales which can be undertaken with KMC and RT.
as stronger sinks84. The He/V ratio determines the binding energy of Initial KMC simulations of helium in iron with vacancies found
the cluster to the dislocation as well as their trapping site85. that the helium density determined the size and lifetime of clusters,
Simulations of large voids and helium bubbles (for MD standards) which affect the migration of the He-V cluster36. Furthermore, it
which are visible by TEM (2 nm and above) interacting with was shown that the long term evolution of He-V clusters depends
dislocations have been performed50,86. These simulations found that on the initial damage state91, showing the importance of the spatial
a 2 nm void is a stronger obstacle than a He bubble with a low He/V distribution obtained from MD simulations. Such KMC results have
ratio, whereas at high He/V ratios, the He bubble becomes a stronger obtained qualitative agreement with experiment on the dependence of
obstacle [86]. Loop punching attained at the highest He/V ratio temperature on swelling.
increases the resistance of dislocation movement through the bubble KMC simulations also show the formation of 3D He-V cluster
[86]. complexes, the 3D mobility of small He-V clusters and the role of
Due to the unnaturally high stresses necessary to model a cluster coalescence events in assisting He-V cluster nucleation92.
dislocation moving though a sample using MD, DDD offers a more Bubbles are seen to act as biased sinks for point defects, absorbing
realistic method of studying moving dislocations. Furthermore, the helium and vacancies and enlarging93,94. For a review see95. Pore
larger time and length scale of DD allow investigations of the climb formation has also recently been investigated with KMC96. Results of
of a dislocation in a spiral path around bubbles, as can be seen in KMC simulations are often made to helium desorption experiments,
Fig. 3 via simulation87 and experiment88. DD simulations performed which provide indirect information on the effective migration and
on ODS-dislocation-helium interactions show that the inclusion of dissociation energy of helium and He-V clusters97.
helium doubles the critical resolve shear stress89, in agreement with Bubble nucleation and growth have been investigated for a long
experimental results90. time using RT methods, simply by studying the stability of He-V
clusters. Although, in standard RT only vacancies and single SIAs are
Microstructural evolution mobile, inhomogeneous microstructures are not described, and the
He-V cluster formation and stability are studied at short time and void size distribution is truncated98, the definition of bubble nucleation,
length scales. These He-V clusters are controlled by damage rates, determined as occurring when 2-3 heliums bond with a vacancy99, is

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 51

REVIEW Multiscale Modelling: the role of helium in iron

still valid today. Also, the importance of separating bubble nucleation experimental results are limited, with laboratory experiments unable
from growth using RT66 was concluded much earlier than from to include the complex and long-term effects of service exposure.
atomistic simulations (see Helium bubbles section). Currently models of fluence and neutron flux in such embrittlement
The production bias model (PBM)100 changed the concept of modelling is not good. Despite the master curve method being a
standard rate theory by included the thermally-activated presence better method than the Charpy ∆T based models, it too suffers from
of SIA clusters and vacancy clusters, which are produced directly in unresolved issues based on the limitations of experimental results.
displacement cascades101. PBM successfully explained high swelling Although continuum model methods have been successful in
rates at low dislocation density and near GBs, finding higher swelling predicting known materials (where service exposure effects are known
rates in materials with smaller grain size. The PBM has been extended and baseline data are plentiful), when used for unknown materials,
by introducing an additional parameter which allows the inclusion of or changes to the rules set out (for future nuclear reactors for
spatial correlations between voids and other lattice defects102. example), then the method is no longer accurate. For such reasons,
Regardless of the simplifications in RT, it is important to note that expansion of the current database to include results of modelling at the
a comparison of KMC and RT results reveal variation in results at low meso and atomistic scale has been initiated to improve overall code
temperatures, but agreement at high temperatures103. Indeed, KMC104 performance.
and RT simulations105 reveal that the characterising mechanisms are
the vacancy formation and migration energies, and that carbon is a Conclusion
strong defect trapping sink95. For the extension of current nuclear reactors and the design of future
It is important to remember that RT has evolved to address the long reactors, the lifetime prediction and design of materials to be used
term evolution of microstructures such as helium bubble nucleation therein is a fundamental issue. Even today, lifetime assessment
and growth. Due to a lack of atomistic information, the models have codes used for materials prediction are based on simple rules.
been limited and this has led to a shift to model the processes at Service exposure leads to the drastic modification of the material’s
shorter time and length scales, and a move away from RT over the mechanical properties with possible consequences of crack, fatigue and
past 20 years. Incorporation and linking of atomistic results discussed embrittlement even at low concentrations. These issues are influenced
in the earlier sections of this review into these well established and by the microscopic properties and mechanisms within the material.
evolving RT models is expected to bring forth more accurate results, For lifetime assessment codes to forge ahead, to tackle unknown
and as such a new surge of interest in the simulations possible with RT reactor service exposure, and new materials, inclusion of data from
is developing. smaller scales has been pinpointed as the next step in nuclear materials
research and development.
Embrittlement with continuum codes To address the types of multiscale modelling methodologies
Regardless of the fact that helium is not specifically included in underway in the nuclear energy field, this review has focused on the
continuum models, in this section, continuum models will be briefly nucleation and growth of helium bubbles in ferritic steels. Predicting
touched upon, as it is the improvement of such lifetime assessment the mechanism of bubble nucleation and growth which is at the crux
codes which has triggered the large international movement of of crack formation and fracture which in turn dominate the creep
applying atomistic and mesoscale multiscale modelling methods to lifetime of a material will have long term implications on materials
nuclear application. Lifetime assessment codes are based on a set of research. Such methodologies are expected to culminate in the
variables: laboratory experimental data, constitutive laws and simple possibility of developing and designing materials with the incorporation
rules. For safety reasons, these codes include generous safety margins. of fundamental physics from a modelling perspective. Model validation
Embrittlement has been investigated at large length and times experiments, likewise are a necessary element within such strategies.
scales using DBBT (∆T) continuum models106 which includes a large Bubble nucleation and growth is not explicit to nuclear energy
experimental database (IVAR107) and has delivered a good statistical environments and modelling of such issues impacts a broad spectrum
fit to other databases (e.g. PREDB)106. It must be noted that the of scientists.

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NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 53

Neutron scattering and
hydrogen storage
Hydrogen has been identified as a fuel of choice for providing clean
energy for transport and other applications across the world and
the development of materials to store hydrogen efficiently and safely
is crucial to this endeavour. Hydrogen has the largest scattering
interaction with neutrons of all the elements in the periodic table making
neutron scattering ideal for studying hydrogen storage materials.
Simultaneous characterisation of the structure and dynamics of these
materials during hydrogen uptake is straightforward using neutron
scattering techniques. These studies will help us to understand the
fundamental properties of hydrogen storage in realistic conditions and
hence design new hydrogen storage materials.
A. J. Ramirez-Cuesta1*, M. O. Jones1,2 and W. I. F. David1,2
1ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Science and
1Innovation Campus, Didcot OX11 0QX, U.K.
2University of Oxford, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QR

*Email: [email protected]

The reduction of our dependence on fossil fuels and global climate are essentially unlimited. It can be used to store energy produced
change implications are amongst the toughest challenges that we from sustainable energy sources during periods of low demand,
face at the beginning of the 21st century1. While we know how to that energy then used during periods of peak demand. However,
produce energy from a variety of sources, we do not have efficient as a gas, its volumetric energy density is very low. Consequently,
ways of storing such energy. The most efficient way of storing it is a great imperative to identify methods of storing hydrogen
energy is in its chemical form, in batteries or as hydrogen gas. in high gravimetric and volumetric densities. For vehicle-based
The retrieval of the stored energy is straightforward in the case applications, a series of targets for hydrogen storage materials
of the batteries but in the case of hydrogen requires an additional have been set, and recently updated, by the Department of Energy
step that may be performed via fuel cell (conversion to electrical (DoE) of the United States to be used in the freedom car2, and
energy) or by burning (conversion to thermal energy). Hydrogen these are summarised in Table 1.
can store the most energy per unit weight of any element in the Hydrogen can be stored as a gas in high pressure vessels and
periodic table, and its potential applications as an energy vector also as a liquid. However, because of its low density at room

54 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 ISSN:1369 7021 © Elsevier Ltd 2009

Neutron scattering and hydrogen storage REVIEW

Table 1 shows the targets set for hydrogen storage Hydrogen can be stored in the solid state by two means;
materials in vehicle based applications, recently updated physisorption and chemisorption. In physisorption, the hydrogen retains
by the Department of Energy (DoE) of the United States its molecular form and interacts with an adsorption centre or surface,
to be used in the freedom car. and high surface area materials are needed to physisorb hydrogen in
New targets (2009) large quantities. As the nature of the physisorption interaction is via
Storage parameter Units 2010 2015 Ultimate Van der Waals forces, low temperatures (<77 K) are usually required
System gravimetric capacity kWh/kg 1.5 1.8 2.5 to prevent thermal desoption of the hydrogen molecule from the
wt% H2 4.5 5.5 7.5 adsorption centre/surface. Here, the main technological challenge is
System volumetric capacity kWh/L 0.9 1.3 2.3
g H2/L 28 40 70 to increase the operating temperatures so that it approaches room
H2 delivery temp. (to FC) °C −40/85 −40/85 −40/95–105 temperature. Physisorption systems have the advantage of fast kinetics
Operating pressure (min./max.) MPa 0.5/1.2 0.5/1.2 0.3/1.2
Kinetics (g H2/s)/kW 0.02 0.02 0.02 for the hydrogen ad- and desorption (temperature controlled) with
Cost $/kWh net To be determined direct refuelling of such systems possible from hydrogen gas alone
(although at cryogenic temperatures).
temperature (0.0899 kg/m3), and very low boiling point (20.3 K) In the case of chemical hydrides, also known as complex hydrides,
these techniques require either very high pressures (>350 bar) hydrogen is stored by chemisorption, so called chemical storage. Here
or very low temperatures (22 K), respectively, to achieve high hydrogen is in its atomic form and it is chemically bound to other
volumetric and gravimetric storage densities. For example, elements, forming hydrides. The formation of these hydrides requires
hydrogen gas requires approximately 750 bar to reduce 4 Kg breaking the molecular dihydrogen bond, and the release of hydrogen
of hydrogen to 100 l at room temperature (40 g H2/l, the US require breaking the hydride bonds, both of which can require large
DOE 2015 target) and while liquid hydrogen has a volumetric energies. The advantage of chemical, or complex, hydrides, is that
density of 71 g H2/l, it requires cryogenic temperatures, with the they offer high gravimetric and volumetric densities. For example, the
concomitant energy penalty, to achieve liquefaction. The Japanese volumetric density of hydrogen in chemical hydrides can be two or more
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization times that of liquid hydrogen (MgH2 ~130 g H2/l, LiBH4 ~120 g H2/l,
(NEDO) suggest 2010 targets for hybrid (high pressure and Mg2FeH6 ~148 g H2/l)1 at relatively low pressures with high gravimetric
reversible hydrogen storage material combined) storage tanks of densities hydrogen (MgH2 ~7.7 wt% H2, LiBH4 ~18.5 wt% H2/l,
5 Kg of H2 at 350 bar with an outer system volume of 100 l and a Mg2FeH6 ~5.5 wt% H2)1.
weight of 145 Kg, which is equivalent to approximately 3.5 wt% Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of the current state of the
H2 and 50 g/l. art in hydrogen storage materials, highlighting the operating pressures

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the temperature and pressure ranges for different practical hydrogen storage systems. The shaded area corresponds to the range of
pressures and temperatures of possible but non optimal conditions.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 55

REVIEW Neutron scattering and hydrogen storage

and temperatures of the various systems. The green area represents the neutrons ideal to measure bulk properties of samples within
optimal operating conditions for the material and the shaded area the controlled environments;
possible use conditions. The best technologies at the present moment • INS spectrometers cover the whole range of the molecular vibration
lie in the circled areas. An excellent review of the field is given in spectra, 0-500 meV (0-4000 cm-1).
The scattering law determines the spectral intensity. For a given atom,
Why using neutrons? l, and a vibrational mode ν that involves a displacement vu1, the
The nature of the interaction of neutrons with matter make neutrons scattering law is:
an ideal tool for studying the structural and dynamical properties
of materials. In particular, the sensitivity of neutrons to low atomic 2 n
[(Q· v u1) ]
number elements makes neutron scattering an ideal tool for the study S(Q,ων)ln ∝ σl exp(–(Q · ∑ν vu1)2) (1)
of hydrogen storage and battery materials. Neutrons are scattered by
the nuclei whereas photons (X-rays) are scattered by electrons and Where Q is the momentum transfer, ων is the vibrational frequency
because of their wavelength, thermal neutrons can simultaneously of the ν mode, σl is the cross section of atom l and n is the final state
measure structure and dynamics. In inelastic (spectroscopic) processes of the mode that has been excited5.
the scattering conveys information on the dynamics across the
Brillouin zone, and it has no selection rules, unlike Raman and Infrared Rotational spectra of molecular Hydrogen
spectroscopy (IR), making the assignment of the spectra relatively In the case of physisorption of hydrogen, neutrons can measure the
straightforward. Neutron scattering is particularly suited to the study rotational transitions of the hydrogen molecule. The rotational spectra
of hydrogen atoms as the incoherent cross section of the hydrogen of molecules lie in the low energy transfer region. Pure rotational
nucleus is 80.26 barn, which is over 10 times larger than most other transitions are observed with INS around the elastic line. In particular,
common chemical elements4. This makes incoherent inelastic neutron due to the geometry of the hydrogen molecule, hydrogen rotational
spectroscopy a very powerful tool to observe the dynamics of hydrogen transitions are easily measured using INS. The rotational energy levels
containing materials. of the hydrogen molecule in vacuo are given by:
The spectroscopy of hydrogen EJ,M = J · (J + 1) · — = J · (J + 1) · Brot (2)
storage materials
The vibrational properties of solids and molecules are studied by where J and M are the rotational quantum numbers and I is the
spectroscopic methods. Infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopies are moment of inertia. The hydrogen molecule has the lowest possible
well established optical techniques. Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) moment of inertia; this translates as the highest rotational constant4,
spectroscopy is another method of obtaining vibrational spectra that Brot=7.35 meV (96 cm-1).
has the following advantages: Because of the Pauli principle, the hydrogen molecule exists in
two different forms, para-hydrogen (paired nuclear spins) and ortho-
• INS spectroscopy is sensitive to the vibrations of hydrogen atoms; hydrogen (unpaired nuclear spins), the transitions between these
whereas Raman and infrared are more sensitive to the motion hydrogen species are usually forbidden in optical spectroscopy; when
of heavier atoms (because of the larger number of electrons), excited with neutrons, transitions between species are allowed because
hydrogen due to its neutron cross section is ten times more visible the scattering event causes a nuclear spin flip.
to INS than other elements; The rotational spectrum of solid parahydrogen, when measured with
• INS is not subject to optical selection rules. All vibrations are active an instrument like TOSCA6, consists of a very sharp rotational line at
and, in principle, measurable; 2B or 14.7 meV (118 cm-1) corresponding to the J=1←0 rotational
• INS observations are not restricted to the centre of the Brillouin transition and a series of recoil features. The changes in the position
zone (gamma point) as are the optical techniques; of the rotational line of hydrogen, when interacting with different host
• INS spectra are readily and accurately modelled: The intensities materials are used to determine the nature of the interaction potential.
are proportional to the concentration of elements in the sample Hydrogen deuteride (HD) has its rotational line at 11 meV7.
and their cross sections, the measured INS intensities relate The relative cross sections for neutron scattering for the different
straightforwardly to the associated displacements of the scattering transitions was first presented by Young and Koppel8. A very
atom and manipulation of backgrounds is straightforward; comprehensive review of the hydrogen molecule in the condensed
• Neutrons penetrate deeply into materials and pass easily through phase was given by Silvera in 19809. When interacting with a surface,
the walls of metal containers, aluminium or stainless steel, making the rotational line position and shape are dependent of the nature of

56 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Neutron scattering and hydrogen storage

the interaction with the local environment. A simplified model for such extremely well with respects to structure, thermal expansion and
interaction consists of representing the interaction of the molecule dynamics25,26.
with the surface as a function of the polar angles that define the Studies of the effects of nanostructuring and the introduction
orientation of the molecule with respect to the surface10. This model of defects in the loading and release of hydrogen from MgH2 have
was first used by Silvera11 to interpret the position of the rotational been studied by neutron scattering. The authors found that Nb and
line of para-hydrogen when adsorbed on γ-Al2O3. V in very small quantities act as a catalyst during the hydrogenation
process. They observed the formation of sub-stoichiometric magnesium
Chemical/Complex hydrides hydride (MgH1+x, 0<x<1) and also a decrease in the temperature of
Metal hydrides have been the object of neutron studies since the hydrogenation18. They attributed the improvement in the kinetics to
very beginning of the INS technique12-14. In 1996 Bogdanovic15 the presence of vacancies in the structure. INS studies of the same
reported the use of additives that catalysed the hydrogenation/ material were consistent with this interpretation17,27. The power of
dehydrogenation of NaAlH4. Since then a new impetus has been this technique was more recently demonstrated by Kathmann and
given to the hydrogen storage field. A series of studies have been Schenter, who used INS to probe the effects of dihydrogen bonding on
performed on light metal chemical hydride systems using neutron the vibrational dynamics in the molecular crystal of ammonia borane,
scattering16-23. Isotopic substitution has been used to identify the a high weight percent (~19.5wt% H2) complex chemical hydride. They
mechanism of hydrogen storage and release as well as the effects showed that the thermal neutron energy loss spectra of 11B enriched
of the catalysts in the case of TiCl4/NaAlH420 and, recently, this ammonia borane isotopomers ((BH3NH3), (BD3NH3) and (BH3ND3)
concept has been expanded to include identification of mechanisms compared extremely well to the vibrational power spectrum calculated
by Raman spectroscopy24 with complementary computer modelling using ab initio molecular dynamics in the 50-500 cm-1 region. A similar
(Fig. 2). Here, comparison between experimental data and free energy approach has been used by Yvon et al., to investigate LaMg2PdH728 and
ab initio optimisation of the structure shows that the alkali metal by Buchter et al., to investigate alkali metal tetrahydroborates22. INS
hydrides are better described by LDA instead of the most commonly has also been used to confirm hydrogen uptake and to identify hydride
used GGA functions. Indeed, using LDA modelling it was possible to species by Jalowiecki-Duhamel et al. who showed CeMZNiXOY (M = Zr
accurately reproduce the structure and thermodynamics of the alkali or Al, Z = 0 or 0.5, 0 ≤ X ≤ 3) to be hydrogen reservoirs containing OH
metal hydrides. The calculated and observed experimental data agreed and H– hydride species29.

Fig. 2 The proposed mechanism for hydrogen transport for NaALH4.24 (© Royal Society of Chemistry).

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 57

REVIEW Neutron scattering and hydrogen storage

Molecular hydrogen in porous materials very small shift of 0.1 meV (0.8 cm-1)39 is observed. A high resolution
and surfaces study of hydrogen adsorption on carbon nanohorns36 presented a 2:1
There are several general systems that are the focus of active splitting of the rotational features broadened by the presence of the
research in the field: metal organic frameworks (MOF), zeolites, “tip” of the structure.
active carbons, nanotubes, polymers with intrinsic porosity (PIM) On alkali metal-graphite intercalates, on the other hand, the
and hydrogen clathrates. This is not an activated process so rotational line of hydrogen was extensively affected. Here the
reversibility and kinetics are not an issue. However the nature of the rotational line produced features at 0.5, and 1.5 meV (4 and 12 cm-1),
interaction, (Van der Waal’s)30, is rather weak and there seems to and a further transition at 48.5 meV (391 cm-1). This last interaction
be a requirement for strong polarising centres so that the induced has been attributed to the electronic configuration of the hydrogen
polarisation of the hydrogen molecule can improve the strength of the molecule when interacting with the metal centre and a quantum
interaction. delocalisation effect40. It was concluded that the interaction between
H2 and the metal centre was strong enough to produce an appreciable
Activated carbons nanotubes, nanohorns splitting of the rotational line.
and graphite
Following the initial interest generated by the report31 of more than Zeolites and metal oxides
10 wt% hydrogen uptake on single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) Zeolites are porous, high surface area materials that find applications
which proved to be irreproducible, a great deal of effort has been in a variety of processes in the chemical industry. They are cheap to
devoted to the study of carbon based compounds (Fig. 3). The produce, the world production of zeolites is in the order of millions
interactions of the hydrogen molecule with carbon, graphite and of tonnes and their properties can be tuned by changing the cations
nanotubes have been extensively studied by INS30-37. The rotational that are usually present to charge-balance the structure. They are
features indicate that the rotational barriers are very low and also also very strong materials, with the majority of zeolites stable at
the adsorption energies are modest35,38. On carbon nanotubes, two high temperature, so the removal of water and contaminants may
different experiments at different loadings produced very similar be performed highly efficiently. They are also used in a variety of
spectra. In the first case, peaks at 13.5 and 14.7 meV (109 and hydrogenation reactions, giving the study of the interactions of
119 cm-1) were fitted to an area ratio of 2:1, implying a planar
orientation of the molecule35 while the second reported a 1:2 ratio,
but for the same peak positions38, implying a perpendicular orientation
to the surface. The peak positions in these spectra were critically
dependent on the chosen fitting procedures to analyse the spectra4.
Since these experiments were undertaken, better samples of higher
purities have been examined but the assignment is still unresolved
and the situation complicated by the confirmation of the presence
metallic impurities by the slow conversion of ortho-hydrogen into
para-hydrogen at low temperatures. On graphite the rotational line
of hydrogen is very slightly affected by the surface interaction and a

Fig. 3 Representation of hydrogen in carbon nanohorns. Fig. 4 The INS spectra of the molecular hydrogen in cation substituted X zeolite.

58 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Neutron scattering and hydrogen storage

hydrogen with these materials a high significance with reference to

understanding of the catalytic behaviour of these materials. Although
it has been recognised long ago that zeolites are too heavy for use as
hydrogen storage media in transport applications30 even when the
strength of the host/H2 interaction is quite strong, they may find a use
in stationary or mass storage applications.
The rotational features of molecular hydrogen in zeolites are
markedly changed from those in free H2 – they range from 2 meV to
14.7 meV (Fig. 4). The nature of the interaction is electrostatic and
the induced dipole in the hydrogen molecule is responsible for these
shifts in the dihydrogen rotational spectra41-44. In particular studies
of the effect of the cationic substitution, the interaction energy has
been studied with vibrational spectroscopies42 and in particular with
INS41,44. It was found that the interaction energy increases linearly
with the polarising power of the cation substitution, as determined
by the vibrational frequencies of the centre of mass of the hydrogen
molecule when adsorbed in the material with different substitutions.
INS spectroscopy can provide unique access to the vibrations of the Fig. 5 The hydrogen positions in Cu3(BTC)2 as determined in64 The hydrogen
are represented as balls of different sizes according to their adsorption site.
hydrogen molecule as a whole against the metal centre.
diffraction was used to determine the adsorption sites of hydrogen
Crystalline phases in Cu3(BTC)263-65 (Fig. 5). Six different adsorption sites for the D2
There are few studies of hydrogen adsorption on the surfaces of pure molecule were identified, that fill sequentially as the load increases,
crystalline phases using INS. This is due to the relatively low sensitivity and with the strongest interaction between the hydrogen molecule and
of neutron scattering and thus for surface studies high surface area the metal centre. There is therefore a lot effort targeted at tuning the
materials are essential. However, it is possible to prepare45-47 MgO interactions by substitution of the metal in these materials, a combined
particles with predominantly (100) facets and the authors have studied INS and DFT study of the same system indicates that the anisotropy
the interaction of hydrogen with a very well defined surface. The of the potential energy surface on the adsorption site of hydrogen on
rotational line is not split, but instead it is located at 11.25 meV. As the Cu is responsible for the very strong shift of the rotational line features
coverage increases the line shows a shoulder, but the centre of mass of in this system66. The packing of hydrogen in some of these materials
the whole peak remains fixed. The authors’ interpretation of the result achieves densities that surpass the density of liquid hydrogen67. A
is a reorientation potential of the surface on the hydrogen molecule comprehensive review of the field of MOFs and hydrogen storage can
that tends to put the molecule in a flat orientation. be found in reference68

Metal organic frameworks Ice clathrates

Metal organic frameworks (MOF) are crystalline structures that are Ice clathrates are structures that consist of an extended network of
formed by linking metal ions using organic ligands48. The structure is water molecules that form cavities that contain amounts of non-
an extended three dimensional network of channels and pores. These polar gases (Fig. 6). The most common clathrates have carbon dioxide
materials are very versatile in their structures, shapes and sizes. These and methane as guest molecules, although hydrogen can also be
materials also have very large surface areas, once the solvents used for a guest molecule in a clathrate69. The nature of the motion of the
their production have been removed. The large surface areas and pore hydrogen molecule in a clathrate has been studied with INS and the
volumes make MOFs very interesting candidate materials for hydrogen vibration and rotation of the hydrogen molecule can be seen in the
storage, and consequently they are currently one of the most active spectra (Fig. 7). The vibration and rotation of the molecule has been
areas of materials research in energy storage49-59. In an early paper, deconvoluted in these materials using high resolution spectroscopy
Rosi et al.60, used INS to determine the adsorption sites of hydrogen and the use of different para-hydrogen/ortho-hydrogen ratios in
in MOF-5. The authors concluded that the hydrogen molecule adsorbs clathrate occluded dihydrogen molecules70,71. With the spectroscopic
in two different sites, nominally next to the organic ring and on the information on the molecular hydrogen vibrations it is possible to
ZnO units. Much work has been devoted to determining the hydrogen calculate the potential energy surface that the hydrogen molecule
adsorption sites with INS by tracking the position of the rotational experiences inside the cavity. The spectra presented by Ulivi70,71
line and using a sequence of different coverages61,62. Neutron powder were measured on clathrates that have the large cages filled with

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 59

REVIEW Neutron scattering and hydrogen storage

penetrate deep into matter and so to obtain high sensitivity, a high

surface to bulk ratio is needed as well as an adsorbent that contains
hydrogen. In that respect, INS is simultaneously a bulk and a surface
science technique, with a sample size of, usually, 10-150 g. In the
case of industrial samples, the large amount of material required
is not problematic and also acts to average effects that happen at
a microscopic level. A variety of systems have been studied using
neutrons, for a comprehensive review on the applications of neutron
scattering to catalysis see75.
Fuel cell catalysts have been investigated using INS to characterise
hydrogen adsorptions sites and the spillover phenomena32,39,76,77. Fuel
cells under realistic operation have also been studied using neutron
radiography and tomography, studies to visualise the water distribution
and flow on an operating fuel cell are given in references78-81.

Fig. 6 The structure of the sII ice clathrate. On the right, a view of the large cage Conclusion
from two angles, and a depiction of the small cage at the bottom right. Inelastic neutron scattering has proved itself an exemplary tool for
investigating hydrogen storage materials, providing information on
tetrahydrofuran instead of hydrogen making the material easier to host-hydrogen interaction, molecular dynamics and the nature of
prepare, but reducing its hydrogen content. the hydrogen containing species. A great many different hydrogen
storage systems may be studied by inelastic neutron scattering,
Catalysis and fuel cells and the technique is ideally suited for these materials as it provides
Catalysis is the key to both life and lifestyle. There are fundamental direct information on the nature of the interaction of hydrogen with
catalytic processes related to fuels and energy, emissions, polymers matter. The combination of inelastic neutron scattering and Density
and plastics, life, health and food. Catalysts and catalytic processes Functional Theory modelling methods to understand the fundamental
have been used for a long time in industry, however, in many cases, dynamic processes of these materials has been well established.
we lack an understanding of the operation of the catalyst and the More recent studies have begun to focus on complex hydrides and/
impact of catalysis in hydrogen storage and fuel cells cannot be or host/hydrogen systems whose functional properties approach those
ignored. required for commercial application. Future studies will shed light on
INS investigation of catalysts has been undertaken for over 30 the mechanisms of reaction, dehydrogenation and rehydrogenation, so
years72-75. INS is not a surface sensitive technique since the neutrons that the operating regimes for these hydrogen storage materials can

Fig. 7 The INS spectra of hydrogen in an ice clathrate showing the spectrum de-convoluted into the para- and ortho-hydrogen contributions70,71.

60 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

Neutron scattering and hydrogen storage

be tailored to fall within the required targets for these applications. Acknowledgements
Furthermore, developments in the method of data collection will permit The authors want to thank Prof Lorenzo Ulivi for providing some of the
variable temperature measurements to be performed and thus allow the artwork presented in this paper, Stewart F Parker and John Tomkinson for
processes of hydrogenation and dehydrogenation monitored directly. helpful discussions.

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33. Georgiev, P. A., et al., Carbon (2006) 44 (13), 2724. 74. Udovic, T. J., and Kelley, R. D., In Hydrogen effects in catalysis, Paál, Z., and
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NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 61


The scientific symposium “Materials Challenges

for Clean Energy in the New Millennium”

The global energy problem is rapidly intensifying due to

escalating competition for resources from emerging, populous
countries such as China, India, and Brazil and compelling
evidence pointing towards the imperative need for controlling
greenhouse gas and carbon emissions.
Sanjeev Mukerjeea, V. Renugopalakrishnanb, Bernardo Barbiellinia, Sowmya Viswanathanc, Michael Chind, and P. Somasundarand
aNortheastern University, Boston MA 02115, USA
bChildren’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
cNewton-Wellesley Hospital/Partners Healthcare System, Newton, MA 02462, USA
dLangmuir Center for Colloids and Interfaces, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA

A topical symposium of current global interest (MIT) provided overarching views of the clean transmission losses for more compact engines.
entitled “Materials Challenges for Clean Energy energy generation landscape. While Professor These breakthroughs in tandem with progress in Li
in the New Millennium” was held on April 29 at Whitesides listed advancements in solar conversion intercalated materials are pushing the cutting edge
Northeastern University and inaugurated by the and improvements in catalysis as the keys for of plug-in hybrid technology in transportation.
former President of India, Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the future and discussed the need to explore new
a visionary engineer. The event was co-sponsored chemical pathways for CO2 conversion to “clean” Professor Sanjeev Mukerjee (Northeastern
by Harvard School of Engineering and Applied hydrocarbon fuel. Professor Dresselhaus’ illustrated University) discussed ways to design new materials
Sciences. The symposium aimed to formulate the engineering of materials for clean energy using for hybrid flow through batteries enabling safer
cutting edge solutions for challenges facing the bottom up approaches; For instance, nano-building storage devices with greater energy densities
next generation clean energy technologies. blocks can be used to optimize thermo-electric and rate capability. Based upon advances in
devices, solar cells, fuel cells and batteries. nanotechnology, special materials could be tailored
As the bio-nano interface holds most promise for a transition to non-noble metal electro catalysis
for benign technologies, the program featured Solar energy was a particular focus of the in conventional low and medium temperature acid
distinguished visionaries working at this symposium, as it has long been an attractive source and alkaline exchange membrane fuel cells. The
scientific frontier in terms of materials design of clean and abundantly renewable energy, despite need for nanofabricated electrochemical interfaces
and manipulation at the atomic scale. The only representing a tiny fraction of the produced was also emphasized for improving transport and
common goal was to develop novel materials and energy mostly due to economical reasons. charge transfer efficiencies.
techniques capable of satisfying the demands Fortunately, the advent of new nanomaterials
for clean energy in the new millennium. Exciting is expected to significantly reduce the costs of Professor Charlie Lieber (Harvard) showed how
solutions based on improved catalysts, green solar energy production. It was also noted that, advances in the synthesis and the doping of
membranes, superconductivity, hybrid technology atomic level engineering can be used effectively semiconductor nanowires make this class of
for batteries, polymers and photosensitive proteins on surfaces for catalysis or in bulk materials for nanostructures a powerful platform for testing
for robust solar cells were considered by the H or Li intercalation. As far as transportation is fundamental concepts and limits of photovoltaics
speakers. With these in mind, Professor George concerned, recent progress in superconductivity down to the level of single nanowires. His
Whitesides (Harvard) and Mildred Dresselhaus was noted to provide solutions both for mitigating investigations have demonstrated very high short-

62 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11


Professor Venkatesan Renugopalakrishnan (National

University of Singapore, Harvard, and Northeastern
University) reported advances in the feasibility
of bacteriorhodopsin as bio-photosensitizer in
excitonic solar cell. His Lab has engineered mutants
of bacteriorhodopsin to enhance thermo-stability
and to favor the charge separation when the
photons are absorbed. Professor Gerald Audette
(York University Toronto) discussed bio-fuel cells
based on Glucose Oxidase (GOx). These devices
are assembled with anodes from cross-linked GOx
clusters localized on multiwalled carbon nanotubes.

In an inclusive approach to the state of nano and

interfacial science in regards to environmentally
responsible energy recovery, Professor Somasundaran
(Columbia) delivered a comprehensive overview on
green nanostructures for enhanced energy recovery.
A consequential outcome of correlation between
structure and performance makes the importance
of naturo-structures in terms of both orientation
and conformation at the nanolevel that will prove
powerful in enhancing the efficiency of energy
extraction, whether from coal or oil or nuclear or
solar sources.

Partial list of speakers at symposium

It is clear that as natural models are
circuit current densities resulting from efficient Konarka’s organic photovoltaic cells are expected to environmentally benign, it is incumbent on us
carrier collection in radial or coaxial p-i-n structures soon be into commercial production. to explore development of such structures for
and robust photovoltaic elements even under designing biosolar cells. Evidently, accurate
highly concentrated solar illumination. Professor Robert Blankenship (Washington probing of all the above phenomena requires us
University in St. Louis) demonstrated how the to have new and improved equipment to explore
Professor Shriram Ramanathan (Harvard) photosynthetic membranes can be considered as phenomena in the super thin fast world. As an
introduced the science of ultra-thin oxides, natural bio-energy conversion devices. He listed example, application of scanning electrochemical
particularly tuning microstructure-electrochemical several molecular complexes that serve as antennas microscope in the discovery of photo catalysis for
property relationships in fluorite-structured by absorbing photons and delivering the energy to was illustrated by Professor Allen J. Bard (University
systems. By utilizing oxide superlattices and the reaction centers. of Texas at Austin).
by controlling the oxygen partial pressure,
novel energy materials can be synthesized. The Photosynthesis is a collection of the most advanced The best processes will result from a confluence of
fabrication of on-chip solid oxide fuel cells utilizing and efficient systems Nature has crafted to convert ultra small science with ultrafast engineering. It was
ultra-thin oxide films for high performance portable solar energy into an electrical potential and again clear during the meeting that the future is indeed
energy was subsequently explained in detail. into chemical compounds for energy storage. promising but challenges are enormous, warranting
Thus, Bio-solar cell and bio-fuel cell represent the attention of the best minds in the world and
Dr. Gilles Dennler (Konarka Technologies Inc., the emerging frontier in green energy sources. collaboration amongst them.
Lowell, MA) reported encouraging progress on Professor Eric Diau and co-workers (National Chiao
conjugated polymer-fullerene bulk-heterojunction Tung University, Taiwan) have reported a detailed For further reading
solar cells performed in collaboration with Professor study on excited state dynamics of porphyrins
Alan J. Heeger (UC Santa Barbara). The new sensitized solar cells with various linker lengths.

NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11 63



3 – 8 January 2010 24 – 29 January 2010 15 – 19 February 2010

IEEE International NanoElectronics 34th International Conference and Polymers: Science, Engineering and
Conference (INEC) 2010 Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Applications
Hong Kong (PR China) Composites (ICACC) University of Surrey – Surrey – UK
Daytona Beach – FL – USA
INEC2010 will feature plenary and This course combines a comprehensive
invited talks by famous scientists This conference showcases cutting-edge study of the science and engineering
in nanofabrication, nanoelectronics, research and product developments in of polymers with an up-to-date
nanophotonics, and nanobiology. A advanced ceramics, armor ceramics, appreciation of the development and
special symposium on nanoscience and solid oxide fuel cells, ceramic coatings, application of polymers in traditional
nanotechnology in China featuring all bioceramics and more. Investigate the and new areas. The course starts with
invited talks by academicians of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese
Academy of Engineering, and Academia
Sinica will be held during the conference.
11 symposia and 4 focused sessions
planned for 2010.
a good insight into the physical and
chemical structure and the various
types of polymers. Polymer synthesis,
chemical and physical processing
conference-exposition-on-advanced- techniques and manufacturing Each month we publish brief ceramics-composites/ technologies are presented for the details of current and forthcom-
htm development of polymer structures and ing meetings. The forthcoming
the manufacturing of polymer products meetings are listed for a 3
for various applications. months period of time starting
10 – 14 January 2010 01 – 05 February 2010 3 months after the current
37th Conference on the Physics and Introduction to Physical Metallurgy issue, leaving sufficient time
Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces pageid=822,2436682&_dad=portal&_ for registration. This list is not
University of Surrey – Surrey – UK exhaustive.
(PCSI-37) schema=PORTAL
Santa Fe – New Mexico – USA The course aims to provide a general If you are organizing a future
introduction to the field of Physical conference or workshop and
21 – 25 February 2010 would like to have it listed in
The 37th Conference on the Physics and Metallurgy. It covers phase diagrams,
Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces transformation diagrams and the Materials Challenges in Alternative & Materials Today please contact
(PCSI-37) will be held at Hotel La associated thermodynamics, diffusion, Renewable Energy 2010 Jonathan Agbenyega –
Fonda in Santa Fe, New Mexico from liquid-solid transformations, ferrous and Cocoa Beach – Florida – USA [email protected].
Sunday at 3:00p.m., January 10, through non-ferrous materials and cold work, Events Materials Today has a
Thursday noon, January 14. The annual recovery and recrystallisation. Designed to bring together leaders in contra deal with and that are
PCSI conference is devoted to achieving materials science and energy, Materials relevant to the current issue of
a fundamental understanding of the Challenges 2010 aims to facilitate the magazine are listed in the
physical, chemical, biological, structural, pageid=822,1938865&_dad=portal&_ information sharing on the latest box below.
optical, magnetic and electrical schema=PORTAL developments involving materials
properties of surfaces and interfaces. for alternative and renewable energy If, as an organizer, you would
systems like to discuss a contra deal, 8 – 9 February 2010 please contact Francesca Webb
RIEG course on the Behaviour of – [email protected]
Rubber Materials in-alternative-renewable-energy-
20 – 22 January 2010 sources-2010/
Kolnmessa – Cologne – Germany
Electronic Materials and Applications
2010 This course is designed specifically
28 February – 5 March 2010
Orlando – FL – USA to give a detailed overview of all the
core concepts involved in the design of Pittcon 2010
Jointly programmed by the Electronics rubber products. Orlando – Florida – USA
Division and Basic Science Division of
ACerS, this is the first in a series of Pittcon 2010 will again offer the latest
annual meetings. The 2010 focus is on short-course-behaviour-rubber- advances in laboratory instrumentation,
electronic ceramics for energy storage materials?c=2822 supplies and services; comprehensive
and conversion applications and the solutions for research problems; new
complementary fundamental science methodologies and techniques for
issues 10 February 2010 – One day event improved productivity; and a wide range
RIEG conference on Advanced of educational opportunities. Analytical Techniques in Elastomers
and-applications-2010/ Kolnmessa, Cologne, Germany
This session concentrates on new and
23 – 28 January 2010
emerging trends in the rubber research
SPIE Photonics West 9 – 12 March 2010
San Francisco – USA 2nd NanoImpactNet Conference Lausanne – Switzerland
Experience SPIE Photonics West—the session-tiretech-conference?c=2822
worlds leading photonics, laser, and This training workshop is aimed at PhD-
biomedical optics event students, postdocs and early-career
scientists and provides training on handling protocols, choices of control
materials, dispersion procedures, and
hazard evaluation procedures.

For further information please visit

64 NOVEMBER 2009 | VOLUME 12 | NUMBER 11

The Institut national de la recherche scientifique, a university institution dedicated to research and postgraduate studies,
seeks to fill a tenure track position in Nanobiotechnology, associated with a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair, at its Énergie
Matériaux Télécommunications Centre (for information on the Canada Research Chairs program, visit: A Tier 2
Chair is intended for exceptional emerging researchers who have the potential to become leaders in their field. This position is
incorporated within an environment where about forty professors-researchers undertake leading-edge research and teaching in
diverse fields of energy, materials and telecommunications.
One of our main axes of strategic development is in the field of nanobiophotonics, broadly defined as the synthesis, processing
and imaging/characterization of nanosystems relevant to biology, including, but not limited to applications in health and the
environment. Research topics of interest for this position may include the use of nanomaterials and processes in the broad areas
of infections and cancer, both diagnosis and therapy, gene therapy, tissue repair/regeneration/engineering, the modification and
characterization of biocompatible materials, advanced imaging of molecular systems from simple biomolecules to viruses to
living cells (including animal studies in vivo).
The Institute is located in Varennes, on the South Shore of Montreal. More information is available on the web site:

(Tenure Track – Tier 2 Canada Research Chair)
The candidate should have:
Dr. Jean Claude Kieffer, Director
Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
1650, Lionel-Boulet Blvd.
Varennes (Québec) J3K 1S2, Canada
[email protected]

W W W. I N R S . C A

Centre - Eau Terre Environnement

Centre - Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications
Centre - INRS−Institut Armand-Frappier
Centre - Urbanisation Culture Société
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