Ms Word 2007 Tutorials
Ms Word 2007 Tutorials
Ms Word 2007 Tutorials
Screen Layout
When you begin to explore Word 2007 you will notice a new look to the menu bar. There are three features
that you should remember as you work within Word 2007: the Microsoft Office Button, the Quick Access
Toolbar, and the Ribbon. These three features contain many of the functions that were in the menu of
previous versions of Word. The functions of these three features will be more fully explored below.
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Getting Started in Word 2007
The Microsoft Office button performs many of the functions that were located in the File menu of older
versions of Word. This button allows you to create a new document, open an existing document, save or
save as, print, send (through email or fax), publish or close.
The Ribbon
The Ribbon is the panel at the top portion of the document. It has seven tabs: Home, Insert, Page Layout,
References, Mailings, Review, and View that contain many new and existing features of Word. Each tab is
divided into groups. The groups are logical collections of features designed to perform functions that you
will utilize in developing or editing your Word document. Commonly used features are displayed on the
Ribbon, to view additional features within each group, click on the arrow at the bottom right of each group.
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Getting Started in Word 2007
The quick access toolbar is a customizable toolbar that contains commands that you may want to use. You
can place the quick access toolbar above or below the ribbon. To change the location of the quick access
toolbar, click on the arrow at the end of the toolbar and click on Show Below the Ribbon.
You can also add items to the quick access toolbar. Right click on any item in the Office Button or the
Ribbon and click on Add to Quick Access Toolbar and a shortcut will be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.
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Working with Documents in Word 2007
You will notice that when you click on the Microsoft Office Button and Click New, you have many choices
about the types of documents you can create. If you wish to start from a blank document, click Blank. If
you wish to start from a template you can browse through your choices on the left, see the choices on
center screen, and preview the selection on the right screen.
Saving a Document
Click the Microsoft Office Button and Click Save or Save As (remember, if you’re sending the document
to someone who does not have Office 2007, you will need to click the Office Button, click Save As, and Click
Word 97-2003 Document), or
Press CTRL+S (Depress the CTRL key while pressing the “S”) on the keyboard, or
Click the File icon on the Quick Access Toolbar
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Working with Documents in Word 2007
Renaming Documents
To rename a Word document while using the program:
Click the Office Button and find the file you want to rename.
Right-click the document name with the mouse and select Rename from the shortcut menu.
Type the new name for the file and press the ENTER key.
Document Views
There are many ways to view a document in Word.
Print Layout: This is a view of the document as it would appear when printed. It includes all tables, text,
graphics, and images.
Full Screen Reading: This is a full view length view of a document. Good for viewing two pages at a time.
Web Layout: This is a view of the document as it would appear in a web browser.
Outline: This is an outline form of the document in the form of bullets.
Draft: This view does not display pictures or layouts, just text.
To view a document in different forms, click the document views shortcuts at the bottom of the screen
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Working with Documents in Word 2007
Close a Document
To close a document:
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Customize the Word 2007 Environment
Word 2007 offers a wide range of customizable options that allow you to make Word work the best for you.
To access these customizable options:
These features allow you to personalize your work environment with language, color schemes, user name
and allow you to access the Live Preview feature. The Live Preview feature allows you to preview the
results of applying design and formatting changes without actually applying it.
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Customize the Word 2007 Environment
This feature allows you to modify how the document content is displayed on the screen and when printed.
You can opt to show or hide certain page elements.
This feature allows you personalize how word corrects and formats your text. You can customize auto
correction settings and have word ignore certain words or errors in a document.
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Customize the Word 2007 Environment
This feature allows you personalize how your document is saved. You can specify how often you want auto
save to run and where you want the documents saved.
This feature allows you to specify options for editing, copying, pasting, displaying, printing and saving.
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Customize the Word 2007 Environment
Customize allows you to add features to the Quick Access Toolbar. If there are tools that you are utilizing
frequently, you may want to add these to the Quick Access Toolbar.
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Customize the Word 2007 Environment
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Editing a Document in Word 2007
Selecting Text
To change any attributes of text it must be highlighted first. Select the text by dragging the mouse over the
desired text while keeping the left mouse button depressed, or hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard
while using the arrow buttons to highlight the text. The following table contains shortcuts for selecting a
portion of the text:
Selection Technique
Several words or drag the mouse over the words, or hold down SHIFT while using the arrow
lines keys
Entire document choose Editing | Select | Select All from the Ribbon, or press CTRL+A
Deselect the text by clicking anywhere outside of the selection on the page or press an arrow key on the
Type Text: Put your cursor where you want to add the text and begin typing
Copy and Paste Text: Highlight the text you wish to copy and right click and click Copy, put your cursor where
you want the text in the document and right click and click Paste.
Cut and Paste Text: Highlight the text you wish to copy and right click and click Cut, put your cursor where you
want the text in the document and right click and click Paste.
Drag Text: Highlight the text you wish to move, click on it and drag it to the place where you want the text in the
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Editing a Document in Word 2007
You will notice that you can also use the Clipboard group on the Ribbon.
Undo Changes
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Editing a Document in Word 2007
To undo changes:
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Formatting Text in Word 2007
A style is a format enhancing tool that includes font typefaces, font size, effects (bold, italics, underline,
etc.), colors and more. You will notice that on the Home Tab of the Ribbon, that you have several areas that
will control the style of your document: Font, Paragraph, and Styles.
Click the arrow next to the font name and choose a font.
Remember that you can preview how the new font will look by highlighting the text, and hovering over the new
font typeface.
Click the arrow next to the font size and choose the appropriate size, or
Click the increase or decrease font size buttons.
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Formatting Text in Word 2007
Select the text and click the Font Styles included on the Font Group of the Ribbon, or
Select the text and right click to display the font tools
Select the text and click the Colors button included on the Font Group of the Ribbon, or
Highlight the text and right click and choose the colors tool.
Select the color by clicking the down arrow next to the font color button.
Highlight Text
Highlighting text allows you to use emphasize text as you would if you had a marker. To highlight text:
Copy Formatting
If you have already formatted text the way you want it and would like another portion of the document to
have the same formatting, you can copy the formatting. To copy the formatting, do the following:
Clear Formatting
To clear text formatting:
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Formatting Text in Word 2007
Click the Styles dialogue box on the Styles Group on the Home Tab
Click Clear All
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Formatting Paragraphs in Word 2007
Formatting paragraphs allows you to change the look of the overall document. You can access many of the
tools of paragraph formatting by clicking the Page Layout Tab of the Ribbon or the Paragraph Group on the
Home Tab of the Ribbon.
Indent Paragraphs
Indenting paragraphs allows you set text within a paragraph at different margins. There are several options
for indenting:
First Line: Controls the left boundary for the first line of a paragraph
Hanging: Controls the left boundary of every line in a paragraph except the first one
Left: Controls the left boundary for every line in a paragraph
Right: Controls the right boundary for every line in a paragraph
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Formatting Paragraphs in Word 2007
Select the area of text where you want the border or shading.
Click the Borders Button on the Paragraph Group on the Home Tab
Choose the Border and Shading
Choose the appropriate options
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Formatting Paragraphs in Word 2007
Apply Styles
Styles are a present collection of formatting that you can apply to text. To utilize Quick Styles:
Create Links
Creating links in a word document allows you to put in a URL that readers can click on to visit a web page.
To insert a link:
Click the Hyperlink Button on the Links Group of the Insert Tab.
Type in the text in the “Text to Display” box and the web address in the “Address” box.
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Formatting Paragraphs in Word 2007
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Formatting Paragraphs in Word 2007
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Word 2007 Styles
The use of Styles in Word will allow you to quickly format a document with a consistent and professional
look. Styles can be saved for use in many documents.
Apply Styles
There are many styles that are already in Word ready for you to use. To view the available styles click the
Styles dialog box on the Styles Group in the Home Tab. To apply a style:
New Styles
To create a new style:
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Word 2007 Styles
Style Inspector
To determine the style of a particular section of a document:
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Word 2007 Styles
Insert cursor anywhere in the text that you want to explain the style
Click the Styles Drop Down Menu
Click the Style Inspector Button
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Adding Tables in Word 2007
Create a Table
To create a table:
Place the cursor on the page where you want the new table
Click the Insert Tab of the Ribbon
Click the Tables Button on the Tables Group. You can create a table one of four ways:
Highlight the number of row and columns
Click Insert Table and enter the number of rows and columns
Click the Draw Table, create your table by clicking and entering the rows and columns
Click Quick Tables and choose a table
Click the table and notice that you have two new tabs on the Ribbon: Design and Layout. These pertain to the
table design and layout.
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Adding Tables in Word 2007
To format a table, click the table and then click the Layout Tab on the Ribbon. This Layout tab allows you
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Graphics in Word 2007
Word 2007 allows you to insert special characters, symbols, pictures, illustrations, and watermarks.
Place your cursor in the document where you want the symbol
Click the Insert Tab on the Ribbon
Click the Symbol button on the Symbols Group
Choose the appropriate symbol.
Word 2007 also allows you to insert mathematical equations. To access the mathematical equations tool:
Place your cursor in the document where you want the symbol
Click the Insert Tab on the Ribbon
Click the Equation Button on the Symbols Group
Choose the appropriate equation and structure or click Insert New Equation
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Graphics in Word 2007
To edit the equation click the equation and the Design Tab will be available in the Ribbon
Place your cursor in the document where you want the illustration/picture
Click the Insert Tab on the Ribbon
Click the Clip Art Button
The dialog box will open on the screen and you can search for clip art.
Choose the illustration you wish to include
To insert a picture:
Place your cursor in the document where you want the illustration/picture
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Graphics in Word 2007
Smart Art is a collection of graphics you can utilize to organize information within your document. It
includes timelines, processes, or workflow. To insert SmartArt
Place your cursor in the document where you want the illustration/picture
Click the Insert Tab on the Ribbon
Click the SmartArt button
Click the SmartArt you wish to include in your document
Click the arrow on the left side of the graphic to insert text or type the text in the graphic.
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Graphics in Word 2007
Resize Graphics
All graphics can be resized by clicking the image and clicking one corner of the image and dragging the
cursor to the size you want the picture.
A watermark is a translucent image that appears behind the primary text in a document. To insert a
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Graphics in Word 2007
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Proofreading a Document in Word 2007
There are many features to help you proofread your document. These include: Spelling and Grammar,
Thesaurus, AutoCorrect, Default Dictionary, and Word Count.
Place the cursor at the beginning of the document or the beginning of the section that you want to check
Click the Review Tab on the Ribbon
Click Spelling & Grammar on the Proofing Group.
Any errors will display a dialog box that allows you to choose a more appropriate spelling or phrasing.
If you wish to check the spelling of an individual word, you can right click any word that has been underlined
by Word and choose a substitution.
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Proofreading a Document in Word 2007
The Thesaurus allows you to view synonyms. To use the thesaurus:
You can also access the thesaurus by right-clicking any word and choosing Synonyms on the menu.
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Proofreading a Document in Word 2007
Customize AutoCorrect
You can set up the AutoCorrect tool in Word to retain certain text the way it is. To customize AutoCorrect:
On the AutoCorrect Tab, you can specify words you want to replace as you type
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Proofreading a Document in Word 2007
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Proofreading a Document in Word 2007
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Page Formating in Word 2007
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Page Formating in Word 2007
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Page Formating in Word 2007
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Macros in Word 2007
Macros are advanced features that can speed up editing or formatting you may perform often in a Word
document. They record sequences of menu selections that you choose so that a series of actions can be
completed in one step.
Recording a Macro
To record a Macro:
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Macros in Word 2007
Under Choose Commands: Click the Macro that you are recording
Click Add
Click OK to begin Recording the Macro
Perform the actions you want recorded in the Macro
Click on Macros
Click on Stop Recording Macros
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Macros in Word 2007
Running a Macro
Running a macro depends on whether it’s been added to the Quick Access Toolbar or if it’s been given a
Keyboard Shortcut.
To run a Macro from the Quick Access Toolbar, simply click the Macro Icon
To run a Macro from the Keyboard shortcut, simply press the keys that you have programmed to run the Macro.
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Table of Contents in Word 2007
The easiest way to create a Table of Contents is to utilize the Heading Styles that you want to include in
the Table of Contents. For example: Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. based on the content of your document.
When you add or delete headings from your document, Word updates your Table of Contents. Word also
updates the page number in the table of contents when information in the document is added or deleted.
When you create a Table of Contents, the first thing you want to do is mark the entries in your document.
The Table of Contents is formatted based on levels of headings. Level 1 will include any text identified with
the style Heading 1.
If you don’t see the style you want, click the arrow to expand the Quick Styles Gallery
If the style you want does not appear click Save Selection as New Quick Style
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Table of Contents in Word 2007
Put your cursor in the document where you want the Table of Contents
Click the References Tab
Click the Table of Contents button
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Table of Contents in Word 2007
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Creating Web Pages in Word 2007
Simple web pages can be created in Word using the Save as Feature. In a web document, you can insert
pictures and hyperlinks. To view the document as you would a web page:
Entering Text
To enter text into the document, simply begin typing. If you want to adjust the layout of the page and text,
you should use tables to format the page properly.
Hyperlinks, or links, allow the reader to click on text and go to another web site. To create a hyperlink:
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Creating Web Pages in Word 2007
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Creating Web Pages in Word 2007
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Lists in Word 2007
Lists allow you to format and organize text with numbers, bullets, or in an outline.
Place your cursor where you want the list in the document
Click the Bulleted or Numbered Lists button
Begin typing
Nested Lists
A nested list is list with several levels of indented text. To create a nested list:
Formatting Lists
The bullet image and numbering format can be changed by using the Bullets or Numbering dialog box.
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Lists in Word 2007
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References and Citations in Word 2007
Word 2007 offers great tools for citing sources, creating a bibliography, and managing the sources. The
first step to creating a reference list and citations in a document is to choose the appropriate style that you
will be using for formatting the citations and references.
To choose a publishing style:
To insert a citation in the text portion of your document:
If you are creating a New Source, choose the type of source (book, article, etc.)
Complete the Create Source Form
If you need additional fields, be sure to click the Show All Bibliography Fields check box
Click OK
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References and Citations in Word 2007
Placeholders can be utilized when there is a reference to be cited, but you do not have all of the
information on the source. To insert a Placeholder:
Manage Sources
Once you have completed a document you may need to add or delete sources, modify existing sources, or
complete the information for the placeholders. To Manage Sources:
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References and Citations in Word 2007
To add a Bibliography to the document:
Place the cursor in the document where you want the bibliography
Click the References Tab on the Ribbon
Click the Bibliography Button on the Citations & Bibliography Group
Choose Insert Built-in Bibliography/Works Cited or Insert Bibliography
Insert Footnote
Some types of academic writing utilize footnotes. To insert a footnote:
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References and Citations in Word 2007
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Track Changes in Word 2007 Tutorial
Track Changes is a great feature of Word that allows you to see what changes have been made to a
document. The tools for track changes are found on the Reviewing tab of the Ribbon.
Document Views
There are four ways to view a document after you have tracked changes:
Final Showing Markup: This shows the document with the changes displayed
Final: This shows the changed document, without the changes displayed
Original Showing Markup: The original document with the changes displayed
Original: The original document without any changes.
To change the view, click the appropriate choice in the Tracking Group of the Review Tab on the Ribbon.
The Show Markup feature allows you to view different items (comments, formatting, etc.) and choose to
view different authors’ comments.
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Track Changes in Word 2007 Tutorial
The New Comments icon also lets you add comments to the document. To add a new comment, put your
cursor where you would like to add the comment and click on New Comment.
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