High Speed Rail in Australia - FINAL - REPORT
High Speed Rail in Australia - FINAL - REPORT
High Speed Rail in Australia - FINAL - REPORT
A report by the
High Speed Rail Advisory Group
August 2013
Ms Jennifer Westacott
Chief Executive
Business Council of
Mr Bryan Nye
Chief Executive Officer
Australasian Railway
Mr Bob Nanva
National Secretary
Rail, Tram & Bus Industry
Cr Jenny Dowell
Mayor, Lismore City
President of the Northern
Rivers Regional
Organisation of Councils
Executive Summary
High speed rail has been hotly debated in Australia for many decades. There have
been numerous reports, proposals and investigations during this time, but none has
progressed beyond the study stage.
The latest study (hereafter the HSR report), prepared by a consortium led by
AECOM and released earlier this year, is by far the most wide-rangingincluding its
work on long-term travel demand and route selection, highlighting future pressures
on our existing infrastructure and population centres, as well as some of the
opportunities afforded by high speed rail.
But the importance of this study lies particularly in its timing and context. Australia
today is not the same country that flirted with the idea of fast trains in the past. We
have experienced decades of economic growth and prosperity, though not without
challenges. We now have cities struggling to house and employ their populations,
alongside regional communities striving to grow and attract residents, business,
skills and services. We have increasing challenges for the movement of people up
and down the east coast, alongside significant pressures on transport costsfor
industry and individuals alike.
It is against this backdrop that the Deputy Prime Minister has asked us to look
carefully at this reportalongside the views of stakeholders obtained through the
extensive consultation process he initiated in April 2013and provide him with our
practical advice on the implementation of high speed rail in Australia.
We were not asked, and have not sought, to critique the HSR report, and as such are
not in a position to endorse its specific findings or methodologies. But in the time
available we have concluded that, as the product of several years work, it
represents a comprehensive basis for considering next steps. It presents
recommendations underpinned by wide-ranging analysis and clear economic
justification for route selection and staging.
That said, however, our advice, recommendations and proposed actions augment
the HSR reports conclusions in several key areas, based in part on feedback from
consultation. The feedback from consultation was generally supportive of high
speed rail with most wanting it delivered cheaper and sooner than the HSR report
Our first and most important conclusion is that high speed rail has the potential to
be an integral part of Australia's future.
The evidence is clear. It would build capacity and resilience into the major east
coast transport networks, alleviate pressure on the busiest intercity air services, and
thereby allow growth of international and new domestic aviation operations, and
help diversify infrastructure investment into more energy efficient technology.
More fundamentally, high speed rail would contribute to national productivity and
open up greater opportunities for regional development, help shape transport
planning for cities, and improve service provision, connectivity and accessibility.
Both these issues reinforce the need to retain sufficient flexibility to let the private
sector demonstrate the capacity to, for example, lower costs, quicken delivery or
finance innovatively.
Equally, it is important to acknowledge the potential for cost blowouts in projects of
this scale, noting examples of other infrastructure projects, both in Australia and
globally (including some high speed rail developments). We believe that addressing
the threshold issues identified in this report would significantly reduce the
likelihood of such problems arising for high speed rail in Australia.
Finally, we concur with the recommendation that a new dedicated Authority be
established to progress work on high speed rail. But this should be a more
immediate prioritythat is, ideally within six months, and its initial work plan
should include a number of the other priority tasks we have recommended in this
report. As well as providing the appropriate vehicle to undertake the necessary
work expeditiously, the mere act of establishing an Authority will itself add to the
momentum we believe is essential.
Recommendation: Establish a High Speed Rail Authority
It is now almost forty years since the Snowy Mountains Scheme, Australias last truly
visionary and transformative national project, was completed. Fifty years have
passed since high speed rail operations commenced in the Asian region of which we
are a part. Some may question whether we, as a nation, are even capable of
embarking on such a journey ourselves. High speed rail represents not only an
opportunity for the next great nation building project, but the imperative for doing
The time for studies has passed. Now is the time to commit to high speed rail and
begin implementation: moving immediately to corridor protection, creating a
dedicated Authority, opening the project to private sector innovationand
turning the vision into reality.
On 11 April 2013, the Deputy Prime Minister released the second and final report of
the implementation study into high speed rail on the east coast of Australia (the
HSR report) and initiated a period of consultation and feedback. This included the
establishment of a new High Speed Rail Advisory Group (Advisory Group), to advise
the Australian Government on key industry and community issues arising from the
Members of the Advisory Group are:
The Hon Tim Fischer AC former Deputy Prime Minister and former
Ambassador to the Holy See
Mr Bob Nanva National Secretary of the Rail, Tram & Bus Industry Union
The Advisory Group has met formally on four occasions and had numerous informal
interactions in the time available. The final terms of reference for the Group is
provided at Appendix A.
Under the terms of reference, we have considered the following issues:
Those aspects of the HSR report the Advisory Group considered particularly
important for examining next steps, including:
- alignment
- corridor preservation
- overall project staging and timing
- financing issues
- operating environment
- opportunities for cities and regions
- labour market impacts and workforce skills requirements.
Summaries of the issues the Group considered around the HSR Report are provided
at Appendix B.
At the Deputy Prime Ministers request, the High Speed Rail Unit in the Department
of Infrastructure and Transport has undertaken a comprehensive consultation
process to seek feedback on the HSR report from governments, industry,
communities and international stakeholders. The Advisory Group has been
extensively briefed on this consultation and drawn heavily on it in formulating its
advice to the Deputy Prime Minister.
The consultation process has confirmed a high level of support for high speed rail
and a prevailing view that the Australian Government should seek to build on the
HSR report by moving to the next stage. The most common view was essentially
that high speed rail is a good idea and we should get on with it.
There is strong support for finalising and preserving the corridor so the option to
develop high speed rail is not lost. But many stakeholders are concerned that the
proposed timeframe is impractically long, that the costs appear prohibitive and that
there are risks of the impetus being lost through indecision.
Many recognised the benefits of high speed railfrom being a cleaner form of
transport through to the transformative opportunities it would have for cities,
regions and economy as a wholeand argued that these far outweigh any cost or
perceived negative impacts.
Notwithstanding this support, a number of challenges around high speed rail were
raised by stakeholders. The timing was seen as making the project virtually
irrelevant for current generations, while some thought the cost estimates so high
that governments would simply back away from the project, citing prohibitive
expense as a reason.
The consultation has provided a clear set of threshold issues that we consider
must be dealt with systematically in order to take the next steps for high speed rail,
Leadership: the need for the highest levels of government, from all jurisdictions, to
work together to make high speed rail a reality
Corridor preservation: recognition that inaction in preserving the corridor will result
in higher costs in the future or in the worst case, abandoning high speed rail
Staging and route: the need to retain flexibility over route and station options to
best cater for development and growth, and also to resolve broader transport
Costs: the perception that the headline figure of $114 billion is beyond reasonable
comprehension, and the need to explore options for reducing cost and
disaggregating high speed rail into smaller, discrete and therefore more achievable
Financing options and commercial case: while acknowledging high speed rail will
require significant public funding, there may be the potential for innovative
financing options to reduce capital outlays and spread the risk
System specifications: the importance of selecting the right mix of technologies for
Australias needs
Labour preparedness: recognition that a project of this scale would have a
substantial effect on the labour force and the importance of early planning to avoid
negative flow-on effects
Timeframes: the need to deliver high speed rail in a timeframe that is perceived as a
reality for the current generation of Australians.
Consultation Process
The High Speed Rail Unit met with 151 stakeholder organisations along the
proposed route, including 60 local governments, senior officials from the states and
the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and a range of other interested groups
around 319 individuals in total. Consultations were also held throughout Asia and
Europe with 51 high speed rail operators, constructors, technology providers and
governments involved in the development, construction and operation of high
speed rail systems globally. Stakeholders were also consulted and contributed their
views through a formal reference group, which included representatives from
relevant state and territory agencies, as well as key stakeholder groups including the
Australasian Railway Association, the Australian Local Government Association, the
Cooperative Research Centre for Rail Innovation and Infrastructure Partnerships
In response to the Deputy Prime Ministers call for public feedback, there were over
32,000 visits to the high speed rail webpage and 328 written submissions were
received from individuals, governments and industry.
A list of all stakeholders consulted is at Appendix C.
Feedback from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and ACT Governments
welcomed the HSR report and acknowledged the level of work that had gone into it.
Two formal submissions were subsequently received, which were supportive of high
speed rail and recognised its long term potential to improve transport and bring
economic benefits. All states have agreed to participate in further consideration of
high speed rail through the Ministerial Group established by the Deputy Prime
Local government feedback was also generally positive, though the comments and
suggestions were varied. Several councils recommended local adjustments to the
route and station locations, staging of construction and timelines for
implementation, in order to reduce impacts or deliver additional benefits to their
Many councils in the Sydney region raised alternative station locations to serve
western Sydney more effectively. Some expressed concerns that the proposed
location for the southern periphery station at Holsworthy is not well connected to
the region and suggested that a station could be in an established hub such as
Campbelltown, Liverpool or Glenfield.
Two councils were not supportive of a station being located in Hornsby with some
councils suggesting there should be a station at Parramatta or Olympic Park to
better serve the region. It was suggested that this should be instead of a station
being located at Central (to reduce the cost of the project by not accessing the CBD).
A number of local governments thought that wherever a second Sydney airport may
be built, that options should remain open to allow for a high speed rail connection.
Regional councils are very supportive of high speed rail, recognising the
considerable opportunities it would have for their cities and local economies in
attracting much-needed skills, tourism anddepending on their locationnew
residents who could commute to capital cities. Some also expressed preferences
for slight changes to the route and station locations. Alsoagain depending on
their locationsome councils had opinions on which section of the system should
be built first, with many north of Sydney citing the high levels of growth and
commuter potential as justification for Sydney to Brisbane to be built first,
commencing with Sydney to Newcastle.
Councils and state/territory governments did not raise any objections to the
proposed route or station locations for Brisbane, Canberra or Melbourne.
Some Victorian councils suggested a connection to Tullamarine was important and
warranted further consideration, while others expressed disappointment that
particular cities or regions were excluded from the proposed route, such as Geelong
and Gippsland.
South East Queensland councils were generally supportive of the proposed system,
though some expressed a view that a coastal route (via the Gold Coast) would be
preferable to a spur line, as recommended in the report. There were also concerns
as to how long the link between Brisbane and Sydney would take to be completed
given the overall timeline suggested in the HSR report.
Relevant state and local government bodies in both Melbourne and Brisbane
indicated that planning for development along the proposed city access routes
would proceed soon, unless firm action is taken to account for high speed rail.
Some local community groups raised concerns about the proposed route and its
potential impact on local areas of high conservation value or amenity. Some also
identified different route and technology options not recommended in the report,
including more expansive networks, tilt trains and magnetic levitation (Maglev)
Feedback from industry was again, mostly supportive of high speed rail. Responses
tended to focus on the impacts of high speed rail on their particular business (both
positive and negative), options for being involved in the implementation of the
project and suggestions for implementing high speed rail. There was also a
considerable amount of feedback, both in meetings and submissions that identified
innovative financing solutions that could be developed and applied to high speed
rail in Australia.
Peak bodies, relevant to the rail industry, highlighted key issues to be considered in
undertaking such a project, such as skills requirements. The Australasian Railway
Association argued that the potential of high speed rail has not been fully realised in
the HSR report. It outlined a more ambitious vision, for a network that could service
airports, carry freight and be built more quickly and cheaply than estimated.
A number of businesses identified potential impacts from the proposed alignment
on their operations and some suggested alternative alignments that would either
remove or reduce that impact.
Several businesses propose alternative approaches to developing high speed rail,
including different route and station options and using existing rail where possible.
Two hundred and sixty four submissions were received from individuals, with just
under half coming from NSW. The majority of these submissions expressed outright
support for the project. Most of the submissions, whether expressing outright
support or not, discussed a range of issues, options and concerns around the
proposed system. These included route and station locations, timing, cost,
environmental and community impacts, as well as how the project could be
undertaken (financing, labour demand and sequencing) and alternative
infrastructure and technology options. A small minority were opposed to the
project, arguing that funds could be better spent elsewhere.
International Stakeholders
Consultation was undertaken with 51 (public and private sector) entities across
China, Japan, Korea, Italy, Spain, France and the United Kingdom. Feedback from
stakeholders on the experience of high speed rail in their countries was
overwhelmingly positive. While stakeholders identified that there are inevitable
challenges associated with such a project (including costs, technology and
environmental sensitivities), the consistent message was that the decision to
implement high speed rail had been a good one, and that, with very few exceptions,
it had successfully integrated into the broader transport networks and facilitated
positive changes and opportunities for both cities and regions.
There was a high level of international awareness and interest in Australias current
consideration of high speed rail. There was also a generally good understanding of
Australian demographics, population density and economic characteristics.
The majority of companies consulted indicated they would, if given the opportunity,
seek to participate in the project. Consistent with feedback domestically, there was
surprise expressed at the proposed timeframe, with most indicating that the
network could be constructed much soonerhowever some noted that a staged
implementation approach, especially for a network of the scale proposed in
Australia, could be rolled out over several decades. There was also a common
opinion that the cost of constructing the network would be lower than forecast, and
that this would become evident when and if the project proceeded to market
A number of international stakeholders emphasised that, in their domestic
experience, the key impetus to a successful high speed rail project was a clear
government commitment to proceed, a publicly known date for services to become
operational and a known and firm timetable met.
In the second half of the 20th century, Australian cities spread rapidly outwards
driven by the manufacturing boom. Now the focus is again on central business
districts with the emergence of the new service economies and knowledge-based
Our major cities generate around 80 per cent of our gross domestic product and
employ 75 per cent of our national workforce. Cities are centres of economic
activity where labour, industry and social institutions are concentrated.
Maintaining, let alone improving, social and economic equity in this period is
becoming increasingly challenging, particularly in the context of Australia having
some of the highest population growth rates in the developed world.
Cities are predicted to house their growing populations in high-density housing, a
trend which is already well underway, particularly in Sydney. There will also be
further low density development on their outskirts, stretching the capacity of road
and transport infrastructure to adequately cater for these growing areas and
These largely unavoidable trends will place enormous pressure on our transport
infrastructure, and on governments to alleviate congestion, improve planning and
enhance services. As a result there will be significant challenges in moving people
and goods that, under the status quo, must be met entirely by conventional public
and private transport meansroad, (standard) rail and aviationeach of which
already faces substantial capacity, cost and logistical constraints.
Continued investment in maintenance, upgrade and expansion for traditional
transport will be essential under any scenario and can reasonably be expected. But
it is by no means certain that this will adequately maintain, let alone improve, the
efficient and effective movement of people on the east coast.
Brisbane is the centre of the fastest growing region in Australia. It has experienced
unprecedented growth for the past 30 years and this is expected to continue for the
next 20 years. Population growth has essentially meant that the physical size of the
city has grown, overreaching its boundaries and melding with neighbouring cities.
Between 1991 and 2006, the urban footprint increased from 1708 km to 2801 km ,
and housed an extra 1 million people. Brisbane has now come to refer to an urban
agglomeration which stretches from the Sunshine Coast in the north to the Gold
Coast in the south, known by some as the 200 kilometre long city. In 2050, its
collective populationat over seven million peoplewill rival Sydney.
Public transport and road networks have been heavily expanded to cater for this
growth, but despite this, the transport network remains under significant pressure.
By the end of this decade, congestion in Brisbane is expected to cost $3 billion
annually, which equates to $1,350 per person.
Roads and public transport systems struggle to cater for the long commute times,
particularly as more people choose to live on the coast and work in Brisbane. Within
20 years, traffic on the major regional highways between Gympie, Brisbane and the
Gold Coast is expected to double.
High speed rail offers the opportunity to create vital fast links within and beyond
the existing metropolitan area. Not only would it further enable Brisbane and the
Gold Coast to function as a single, integrated economy but it would help ease
housing pressure and commute times by offering viable alternatives further south
(including northern NSW).
High speed rail would also ease pressure on Brisbane Airport by significantly
increasing the inter-city transport capacity. This would bring with it economic
opportunities through extra capacity for international connections, particularly in
attracting tourism, and increased business and investment.
Sydney is currently at a crossroads, and struggles with system constraints within a
network where demand regularly exceeds capacity. Road and motorway expansion
to deal with the crippling congestion comes at a premium price (and there is little
space left for it), and public transport systems flounder under the daily demand.
Melbourne is also the hub of one of Australias best regional rail networks, linking
regional cities such as Bendigo, Ballarat and Geelong and the Gippsland region. As a
consequence of a range of targeted policies fostering regional growth, regional
cities in Victoria have robust local economies. Nevertheless, infrastructure has
struggled to keep pace with the growth, particularly in Melbourne. The city now
experiences major congestion problems right across its transport network.
Melbourne will grow to nearly seven million residents by 2050. Predicted growth
will generate even higher levels of congestion. How people and goods move into,
around, and out of the city will determine its future productivity, its
competitiveness, and its rank as a destination of choice to work, live and play.
High speed rail would deliver much needed fast rail links to growth areas in the
north, reducing pressure on housing and current transport networks, and creating
new opportunities. Shepparton, a vibrant regional city, would be just over forty
minutes from central Melbourne.
But importantly, high speed rail between Sydney and Melbourne would link
Australias two biggest cities, transforming the way these cities interact with each
other and the regional cities in between. It would open up Melbourne to even more
international investment, business development, tourism and appeal as a
destination for arts and cultural events. High speed rail between Sydney and
Melbourne would eliminate it being a decision of an either/or destination.
High speed rail is not merely a transport project. It is about enhancing accessibility
between capital cities and regional centres, thereby acting as a catalyst for growth
in the regional areas. It would deliver positive economic flow outward from capital
cities such as Sydney and Melbourne, and create powerful regional connections
within the Australian economy.
It would also have a transformational effect for regions. Regional cities could
experience increases in property prices, improved amenities and services, and
increased social and economic mobility of residents in regional Australia. While the
cost of developing new infrastructure in our major cities has increased significantly
in recent decades, improved access resulting from high speed rail brings the
opportunity to focus more investment in regional areas. Service industries,
especially those with large footprintssuch as universities, training centres and
hospitalsmay be more attracted to regional areas that are serviced by high speed
rail. Complementary planning and regional development policies could help
facilitate this investment. High speed rail will help governments plan for growth in
areas where providing infrastructure, facilities and amenities is often cheaper than
retrofitting them into major cities.
The benefits of high speed rail to regional areas are reflected in overseas
experience, as consistently emphasised by international stakeholders during
consultations. High speed rail has quickly led to regional development, including
land and property value increases in regional towns and smaller cities in the United
Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, China, Taiwan, and Japan.
High speed rail offers numerous potential benefits for regions, including:
High speed rail is a transformative project that could help reduce the growing social
and economic divide by reducing travel times from home to work and enabling
greater access to a wider range of employment and housing choices and services. If
integrated into our existing and planned transport networks, it will promote greater
accessibility for our expanding population, allow greater opportunities for business
agglomeration and encourage higher density mixed use activities around transport
nodes. It is a key piece of infrastructure that will help drive Australias social,
economic and environmental wellbeing.
The capacity to deliver this infrastructure will rapidly reduce as time passes. As
cities become denser and the pressure for housing increases, there will be fewer
feasible options to place the necessary transport infrastructure to service the
population adequately. Consequently, either the cost of providing this
infrastructure rises significantlyor the opportunity to do so diminishes altogether.
The consultation process has demonstrated that new developments are imminent,
which may prevent high speed rail from accessing Melbourne and Brisbane in a cost
effective way. The HSR report shows that currently, minimal tunnelling is needed to
access these cities. Howevereven in the near futureaccessing these cities with
high speed rail could require tunnelling on the scale that Sydney already requires if
steps are not taken now to shelter the corridor from development.
More broadly, it is clear that the magnitude of the constraints and challenges
alongside the tremendous opportunitiesfacing our cities and regions warrant
solutions that go beyond business as usual. They require genuine, long-term,
transformative reforms. High speed rail is one such reform.
Threshold issues
High speed rail is not just a question of should we do this for transport? It is a
question of should we do this for our economic future as a nation and our quality of
life as citizens.
If high speed rail is to become a reality in Australia, it is incumbent on all levels of
government to commit to a project that goes beyond just delivering transport
benefits by transforming how we live, work and travel in the decades ahead.
For initiatives such as this, which will necessarily be developed and implemented
across many election cycles, support across all levels of government is essential to
provide the confidence for all stakeholders to plan and invest for the long-term.
Whilst the Australian Government should spearhead this critical initiative of truly
national significance, it is the relevant states and the ACT that will, to a very
significant extent, benefit from the profound changes high speed rail will bring to
cities and regions alike.
While noting the broadly positive disposition to further consideration of high speed
rail from the states and ACT to date, this needs to be taken to the next level in the
form of firm commitment and active engagement.
Given thisand the transformational nature of high speed railwe believe that as a
matter of early priority, it should be considered at the level of the Prime Minister,
together with the Premiers of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland and the
Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory, with a view to settling a firm
agreement of next steps. This needs to include:
in-principle support for high speed rail and commitment to make it happen
commitment from states and the ACT to work co-operatively with the
Australian Government on the next stages for the project, in particular,
preserving the corridor
The High Speed Rail Ministerial Group, announced by the Deputy Prime Minister
upon releasing the HSR report, will also be critical in ensuring clear leadership from
and between governments. It should be convened as soon as possible and play an
ongoing role in the years ahead.
Corridor preservation
While we believe there is scope to accelerate the timeframes and vary the
sequencing, it is clear that high speed rail is a long-term proposition regardless.
There are a number of issues to resolve immediately if high speed rail is to remain a
viable proposition. Foremost is preserving the corridor on which high speed rail
would be built.
The east coast is already experiencing high levels of population growth which puts
enormous pressure on the ability of governments to build infrastructure to cater for
resulting demand. This is particularly critical for the outskirts of regional centres
and cities and will have significant implications on any future rail or road
development, but particularly for high speed rail given its alignment constraints.
In this context the alignment for high speed rail is highly vulnerable to
encroachment and development which would severely constrain or even prevent
high speed rail from being built. Delaying the preservation of the corridoreven for
a short whilewould likely result in much higher costs, a sub-optimal alignment or,
in the worst case, abandonment of the project altogether.
Examples, such as the M4 Motorway in Sydney, which had a corridor identified as
early as 1950s but parts of it subsequently sold, show what can happen when
corridors are lost. Recent proposals to connect the M4 from Strathfield to a tunnel
entrance at Petersham are likely to be significantly more expensive than if the
original corridor had been preserved.
Conversely, the F6 Freeway corridor between St Peters and Loftus has been
reserved in planning instruments for more than 50 years and remains available for
future development. Had the corridor been overbuilt during that period, any future
highway proposal through the area would likely be significantly more expensive.
The other important consequence of early protection of the corridor is that it will
allow the immediate commencement of work to integrate high speed rail into longterm transport and land use planning. The earlier this occurs the better, particularly
given the impact that such plans have on government funding decisions.
A two-stage process, similar to that proposed in the HSR reportthough fasteris
Firstly, a number of initial steps would be undertaken to establish the high level
agreement between the Australian, state and territory governments for the
protection of the corridor. Secondly, once the necessary work had been undertaken
to confirm the final alignment, site protection would be undertaken on a staged
The multi-jurisdictional nature of the project, and the inconsistent and varying
powers for corridor planning and protection, means that working with the states,
the ACT and local governments in settling what to protect (and how to protect it) is
vital to this stage of the project.
speed rail into transport networks). It is also essential that staging, route and
station locations are fully integrated with state and local planning strategies.
Retaining flexibility around the route and staging will allow the above issues to be
thoroughly explored and, importantly, alternative innovative approaches to be
considered (for example, there may be potential to commence revenue operations
on some shorter sections before an entire line is completed.)
The outcomes of further work to be undertaken on costing (in terms of market
testing), examining the commercial case for high speed rail, and the geotechnical
analysis may well impact on decision-making about when, where and how to
proceed with each stage.
Maintaining this flexible and open approach will also open up other opportunities
for state and local governments and the private sector to get involved in the project.
This would allow a range of stakeholders to work with the Government on
developing discrete sections of the network.
In recommending this flexibility around route and station options, we are not
advocating a go slow approachon the contrary, it is vital that these issues are
settled as soon as possible. But there is a risk for the overall project if the HSR
Report findings in this area are treated as sacrosanct: governments should not
inadvertently overlook alternative approaches that could help directly tackle the
sorts of public policy challenges we have identified (as well as increasing the utility
and effectiveness of high speed rail itself).
For our part, while not having time or indeed seeking to make definitive alternative
recommendations around the route and stations, we have certainly seen sufficient
feedback to suggest further work is warranted on opportunities for synergies with
other infrastructure projects. For example, high speed rail could well link with a
future second Sydney airport. Similarly the route and stations through Sydney could
alter depending on the New South Wales Governments broader intentions around
transport planning, land use and density. In the Victorian context, the high speed
rail corridor could be shared if the Victorian Government decides to proceed with a
rail link to Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne. Also, the stages north of Sydney
(including to Newcastle) could well be sequenced much earlier than currently
envisaged. All such possibilities should be canvassed fully.
While perhaps self-evident, it is worth emphasising that commencement of
operations on the first route constructed will be a watershed moment for high
speed rail in Australia. The success of the first servicein capturing the publics
imagination and demonstrating the benefits high speed railwill be fundamental in
garnering public support for further investment. This consideration should feature
prominently in decisions about the route and staging.
Much of the focus since the HSR report was released has been on the headline
figure of $114 billion, the estimated cost of construction. Such a figure dwarfs any
other infrastructure project and, even when committed over 30 plus years, would
represent an unprecedented level of investment. Clearly costs are a significant
threshold issue for all concernedand perceptions of high and/or unacceptable
costs must be overcome if high speed rail is to proceed.
One important way of achieving this, as discussed further below, is to frame high
speed rail (including its costs) the same way as occurs elsewhereas a series of
smaller finite projects, still with significant, but more palatable, costs. However an
equally critical issue is the actual costs the project would incur (for example the
headline cost estimate of the first section recommended the HSR Report, SydneyMelbourne, beginning with Sydney-Canberra for $23 billionis a much less
intimidating figure than the $114 billion estimate for the entire Brisbane-Melbourne
Feedback from consultations, particularly from international stakeholders with
practical design and construction experience, has indicated that opening high speed
rail in Australia to competitive global tender could achieve capital cost reductions of
somewhere between 15 to 20 per cent. This is significant given it may equate to
savings of up to $20 billion on the entire project, and consequently serve to render
the constituent parts of high speed rail more modest in costthis should be tested.
There are also opportunities to work with consortia that offer a range of services
across design, planning, construction, operation, testing and evaluation
international consortia with experience working together are likely to identify
synergies that could provide further savings. For example, Japanese firms have
developed narrower, lower cost tunnelling technology that is compatible with
certain Japanese high speed rolling stock.
Capital cost reductions may also be achieved through consideration of alternative
route and station options, as suggested above, as well as how the high speed rail
system is built (including its technical specifications). We have provided a list of
possible measures in Appendix E, noting of course, that while they may deliver a
capital cost saving, they would likely result in reduced patronage and revenues.
Further financial and economic analysis would be required to determine the extent
of these impacts.
We therefore recommend that detailed market testing of each potential section of
high speed rail be undertaken to refine estimated development and construction
costs. This could commence once further investigation of the alignment has been
completed and the results of engineering and geological investigations are known.
Opportunities to refine the system specification and/or capitalise on technological
advances should also be investigated during the design phases, to improve the
efficiency and further reduce the cost of construction for high speed rail.
We also believe there is a broader need to de-risk in the project which, if not
managed properly, could result in cost blow-outs. Addressing the threshold issues
identified in this report would significantly reduce the likelihood of problems during
the projects development, in particular:
using tried and tested technologies for the infrastructure and rolling stock
to minimise system development time, cost and risks
minimising the risk and exposure to volatility for the private sector in the
financing and packaging arrangements for the project.
the overall role for the private sector in its development and
The arguments for high speed rail are less persuasive if it is perceived as a
government-only initiative, and the scope for innovative approaches to financing
and commercialising are also greatly diminished.
Whilst the HSR report addresses these issues, we believe they can be investigated
further. In our view they are integral to the eventual success or failure of high
speed railparticularly in maintaining momentum.
Referring high speed rail to Infrastructure Australia to consider its merits in relation
to other investment priorities is essential to developing the commercial case and
assessing funding and financing issues.
Infrastructure Australia is best placed to consider high speed rail, using their criteria
and methodology, in the context of Australias existing and planned infrastructure,
andconsistent with its well-established processesto provide advice on how to
further develop the high speed rail proposal. It is also well placed to reflect on
lessons learnt from financing previous major infrastructure projects in Australia and
advise on the most appropriate options for high speed rail.
Feedback through the consultation process has shown that there is considerable
commercial interest in the high speed rail project from across the globe. Many
private sector entities (both domestically and internationally) would welcome the
chance to work with government on these issues.
Several submissions have raised such options and there is clearly merit in taking this
work further.
In suggesting this, we also note the Australian Governments current work, including
through the Infrastructure Finance Working Group, on infrastructure financing.
High speed rail represents the excellent opportunity to pursue the sorts of options
being canvassed in that context.
A more detailed list of possibilities in this area is provided at Appendix F.
Maximising value capture
The HSR report takes a conservative view on the ability of land sale/value capture to
contribute to the projects commercial financing. Particularly in its conclusion that,
it is highly unlikely that all of [the value capture] measures would be implemented.
Most value capture mechanisms operate at the state and local government levels,
as they most commonly operate through property and development related levies.
The extent to which value is captured therefore depends heavily on local factors
and incentives.
If the states and local governments were responsible for funding the development
of all stations (regional and city-centre), there would be a clear alignment of
incentives to maximise the value capture opportunities which, in turn, will reduce
the capital outlay for the Australian Government.
Considering risk allocation
Given many recent high profile public private partnership failures, there is now
much greater demand for mature, operational infrastructure assets where investors
can avoid construction and potentially patronage risk. Many long term investors
perceive greater risks with greenfield projects than with fully operational assets.
We therefore believe that high speed rail presents an opportunity for new,
innovative delivery models which can:
System specifications
There are numerous potential technologies, systems and technical approaches to
high speed rail, and the importance of prudent decision making in this area cannot
be understated. The operational efficacy of high speed railincluding the reliability
and the highest levels of safety of the systemis fundamental to its success.
The critical point in this area is that a single, consistent approach must be taken in
developing high speed rail in Australia. Past experience in this country has amply
demonstrated the adverse consequences of not establishing and maintaining
consistent parameters for cross-jurisdictional rail networks. Feedback from
international stakeholders validates the need for a consistent and standardised
approach in Australia.
We consider the system proposed in the HSR Report to be the right one and this is
supported by practical experience. The use of standard gauge and wheel-on-track
technology has considerable cost and development benefits, and we agree that the
use of Maglev technology would not be suitable for this project.
Labour preparedness
Without proper planning, a project of this scale could have adverse impacts on the
labour market in Australia and potentially threaten successful completion of the
project. However, rather than seeing this risk as a show stopper we consider high
speed rail a great opportunity to enhance Australias labour force size, skills and
High speed rail will require a wide range of expertise across planning, preconstruction, development, implementation, testing and operations. Australia is
capable of meeting this challenge. Although not in a position to forecast labour
supply and demand years into the future, we suggest careful planning be
undertaken to clarify the workforce requirements and identify capacity constraints
early, so that appropriate measures can be taken to avoid skills and workforce
shortages and ensuing bottlenecks and cost blowouts in the future. Previous
examples of ramping up investment in Australia have demonstrated the need to
manage labour force impacts to avoid flow on effects to other sectors of the
As a newcomer to high speed rail, which has been refined over decades in other
markets, the best outcome for Australia will be achieved by utilising a combination
of domestic and international firms and labour forces. Nearly all of the international
stakeholders that were consulted expressed interest in participating directly in the
high speed rail project.
The final and most all-encompassing threshold issue is timeframes.
Given the number of previous attempts in this country, and the international
experience with progressing high speed rail, it is clear that impetus will be critical to
achieving the reality of high speed rail in Australia.
The biggest hurdle high speed rail faces in the eyes of the public is its cost. But
more fundamentally is the perception, reinforced by the HSR report, that high
speed rail will not be a reality for many decadesbeyond the lifetime of many
Australians. This renders high speed rail almost impossible to conceive for many
peopletoo intangible to warrant serious consideration.
There are two key aspects of the timeframe issue that must be dealt with in moving
forward with high speed rail. The first relates to how high speed rail is characterised
theoretically and treated commercially. Currently high speed rail in Australia is
commonly denoted as a singular project with a possible completion date
(according to the HSR report) of 2058. This timing refers to the entire network of
1,748 kilometres between Brisbane and Melbourne. It is an unhelpful and indeed
counterproductive way to depict high speed rail. Internationally, high speed rail is
characterised, and packaged, on a line by line basis.
France, for example, in 2011 completed the first phase of the LGV Rhin-Rhne. This
brought the total high speed rail network in that country to almost 2,036 kilometres
(similar to the total proposed network in Australia) and it has another
757 kilometres currently under construction. The journey to this point in France has
taken over three decades.
At no stage did the French Government present high speed rail to the community as
a 30-plus year project. Instead it has been treated as a series of discrete high speed
rail lines, each taking a finite number of years to complete, each involving a
standard construction schedule, public debates and consultation over route and
station locations and so on.
A similar approach is essential in Australia in order for high speed rail to become a
reality in the minds of the community. The Government must demonstrate a vision
for high speed rail that Australians can relate to and truly believe in. This means
dividing the development of the system into smaller, achievable projectsin terms
of both time and cost. It also means that within these projects, planning and
construction timelines need to be clear and realistic, and punctuated with regular
milestones marking the completion of each step.
The second significant aspect of timeframes relates to the specific timing envisaged.
Much of the feedback obtained through the international consultation suggests that
the timeframes in the HSR report are, even when broken into constituent parts,
highly conservative. The feedback suggests that once put to market, industry is
likely to propose a construction schedule significantly shorter than envisaged. We
believe this proposition should be tested as soon as possible.
Similarly we believe there is scope to accelerate the timeframes around the
preparatory and pre-construction phases of high speed rail. A degree of ambition
within Government is vital in this context, minimising the potential for bureaucracy
to unduly delay or prolong this aspect. In this regard, we believe the early
establishment of an independent High Speed Rail Authority would be highly
beneficial. An Authority with a clear mandate and delineated timeframes will be
well placed to undertake many of the tasks we have identified above. A draft
charter for the Authority is at Appendix G.
Finally, as has happened overseas, we are strongly of the view that once an initial
section of the high speed rail is operational and successful, its popularity will be the
catalyst for subsequent stages to be built. However, the success of the first stage is
crucial for this to happen.
gauge and test the market to refine the capital and other cost estimates
and identify any innovative financing opportunities (including the potential
to capture value as stations are developed)
b) analyse alternate route and staging options
c) settle arrangements with state, ACT and local governments about the route
protection mechanisms and timing
d) ensure that the development of high speed rail is reflected in, and
consistent with, the planning and investment frameworks of the States and
the ACT.
We also recommend that the Authoritys activities should be undertaken with a
specific and finite remit of five years. A draft charter for the Authority is at
Appendix G.
Indicative timetable
Based on these recommendations, our suggested high-level timetable for key milestones in
the first three years is:
31 December 2013
Intergovernmental arrangements settled
28 February 2014
High Speed Rail Authority established
30 June 2015
Corridor protection arrangements settled and
Commonwealth legislation passed
30 June 2016
Authoritys initial work on market testing and business
plan development completed
31 December 2016
Authoritys work on site suitability and analysis (including
geological and land survey work) completed
Ms Lyn O'Connell PSM (Chair) Deputy Secretary, Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
The Hon Tim Fischer AC former Deputy Prime Minister and former Ambassador to the Holy See.
Ms Jennifer Westacott Chief Executive, Business Council of Australia.
Professor Sue Holliday Professor of Planning Practice, Urban Policy and Strategy, UNSW. Member of
the Urban Policy Forum.
Professor Peter Newman Distinguished Professor of Sustainability at the Sustainability Policy
Institute of Curtin University, and board member of Infrastructure Australia.
Mr Bob Nanva National Secretary of the Rail, Tram & Bus Industry Union.
Councillor Jenny Dowell Mayor City of Lismore and President of the Northern Rivers Regional
Organisation of Councils.
Mr Bryan Nye Chief Executive Officer, Australasian Railway Association.
Gathering, analysing and commenting on the views of communities, local governments and Regional
Development Australia committees on the HSR report - including the level of public understanding of HSR,
the implications and opportunities for urban and regional development associated with HSR, and specific
planning, environmental, and social and economic matters relating to the preferred alignment and
Gathering, analysing and commenting on the views of domestic and international industry stakeholders on
the HSR report - including issues around the projected travel market, transport products, system
specifications and construction logistics; and
In light of 1 and 2 provide practical advice on the implementation of HSR in Australia including:
corridor preservation,
The Group will be supported by the High Speed Rail Unit in the Department of Infrastructure and Transport. It
will consult as required, for an initial period of up to twelve months, and provide regular updates to Minister
The work of this Group will help inform the Australian Government's consideration of next steps for HSR in
A coastal corridor between Brisbane and Newcastle, with potential variations around coastal cities and the
Gold Coast. This was mainly due to their proximity to larger population centres.
The Central Coast corridor between Newcastle and Sydney which performed best across a range of
considerations including travel time, cost, environmental impact and proximity to key markets.
The Hume Highway and Princes Highway corridor between Sydney and Canberra, via Southern Highlands.
Potential variations for accessing Wollongong and Canberra were set aside for further examination in
phase 2.
The Hume Highway corridor between Canberra and Melbourne, via Riverina, Murray, and with a potential
route option via the Goulburn Valley. These options, which skirted the Brindabella Mountains to the
north, performed well compared to those which exited Canberra to the west through the mountain range,
which were much more costly (by up to $3.5 billion more), would cause significant impacts on the
Canberra urban area, and would be damaging to sensitive environmental areas to the west of Canberra.
Phase 2
From the short-listed corridors identified in phase 1, phase 2 further examined alignment options with the use
of alignment planning software. These were again narrowed based on user benefits (primarily travel time
determined by distance and speed), accessibility (proximity to population and transport hubs), environmental
and social impacts, comparative cost estimates and construction risk.
Based on the findings of phase 1, city-centre and city periphery locations were preferred for stations in the
major cities (Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne), while sites close to, but not directly impacting on,
intermediate cities and towns were preferred for regional stations. Regional stations, unlike city stations,
would have express trains passing the station at high speeds. This would cause significant noise, safety and
severance impacts if the line went through towns.
A number of other factors were considered in the selection of urban access alignments in the large cities.
These included consideration of using existing and future rail corridors. The suitability of construction options
(i.e. viaduct, tunnel and at-grade) was also considered for urban alignments, particularly on how it would
The phase 2 study proposes a coastal alignment between Brisbane and Sydney, with a spur to the
Gold Coast, and an inland alignment between Sydney and Melbourne, which bypasses Wollongong
and serves Canberra via a spur.
New tunnels were found to be the best option in accessing a Sydney station at Central. Tunnelling
would have a significant cost advantage at $171million/km compared to $230 million/km for viaduct
and $252 million/km for surface in densely populated cities. Viaduct and surface would also accrue
additional costs for amelioration of noise and severance impacts of the surrounding communities.
The preferred alignments in tunnel would also be easier to construct than at-grade options, as they
are more direct and would allow higher speeds. Tunnels also cause minimal disruption to
communities in terms of noise, safety and severance.
Accessing Wollongong was ruled out. Not only would construction cost $7.3 billion more, the
alignment would need to pass through two long tunnels with coal seams. This raises significant safety
concerns for the operation of the HSR. If methane levels were to exceed an allowable level, the
operations of the HSR between Sydney and Melbourne would be disrupted.
The Gold Coast is an important market for HSR but problematic to access due to sensitive
environmental areas, including the hinterland, numerous waterways and widespread residential
development. A spur alignment was therefore considered the best option to access the Gold Coast.
This option would cost $300 million less and would largely avoid impacting residential and sensitive
environmental areas. It would also reduce travel times for Sydney to Brisbane direct services by
approximately nine minutes.
A spur alignment was also considered preferable for accessing Canberra. As noted above, exiting
Canberra to the south or west was ruled out in phase 1 on the basis of environmental impacts and
cost. A diversion of the main line to Canberra and then back up to the vicinity of the Hume Highway
would add a time-penalty of 13 minutes to the majority of passengers not travelling to or from
Canberra. This option could also cost up to $2.2 billion more, depending on the extent to which
tunnelling would be required to avoid extensive property acquisition and severance impacts on the
Canberra urban area. By comparison, the preferred spur alignment would enter the city under
Mount Ainslie which minimises impacts on communities and foregoes noise and safety impacts of
trains travelling through Canberra at high speeds.
Where opportunities exist to share existing or new infrastructure and/or corridors, the study found
In general, there were few opportunities to share the existing regional rail alignment with
HSR due to the sharp curves of the existing tracks. Sharing corridors also generally requires
them to be widened, which can result in impacts on surrounding property and road networks
at a similar scale to that of a completely new corridor.
With the exception Melbourne (both in terms of sharing existing rail corridors and potential
synergies with a future rail link to Melbournes Tullamarine Airport) synergies with current or
future city access alignments were minimal. In Sydney and Brisbane, the current rail
corridors are already at capacity or had expansion planned for the current rail network.
In Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne there are good opportunities to leverage off the existing
station infrastructure at the preferred sites, which also provide readily available connections
to other transport modes. Most regional and peripheral stations are not located within the
vicinity of an existing transport hub and would need new connections to be established.
Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne would be served by a city-centre station and a peripheral station
(Sydney would have two to serve both the north and south lines out of Sydney). A city centre location
was also preferred for Canberra as it would deliver $2 3 billion more user benefits compared to
other alternatives, including Canberra Airport.
Regional station locations were selected on the basis of their proximity to large population centres
(>50,000), or in the case of the Casino station for example, where the station can serve a region with a
dispersed population. For example:
a Southern Highlands station would serve approximately 60,000 people in 2036 and be
accessible for other large centres in the area (such as Shoalhaven), compared to a Goulburn
station, which would serve a regional population of approximately 30,000 in 2036; and
the Central Coast station location at Ourimbah was chosen because it is within 30 minutes
drive for 85 per cent of the Central Coast population. Locations nearer to either of the
regional centres of Wyong and Gosford were not preferred because they would limit total
Gold Coast, Casino, Grafton, Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Taree, Newcastle and the
Central Coast.
Sydney (Central)
$3 45 billion
Canberra (Civic)
$2 3 billion
$4 billion
$1 2 billion
Sydney has the greatest difference in user benefits, depending on where the station is located. The phase 2
report states that locating a station at Parramatta would result in a $45 billion reduction in user benefits
compared to a station located at Sydney Central due to its distance from the CBD, the need to transfer modes,
and the potential lack of car parking. Parramatta also has additional constraints to building a new HSR station
due to the configuration of the city centre, heritage buildings and the highway system. As a result, locating a
station in this vicinity would require it to be 30 metres below the surface, making it difficult and costly to
Consideration would need to be given to the additional cost of providing alternative transport option to deliver
fast and direct connections to CBDs to ensure this market is served.
Airport stations
Phase 1 did consider airport HSR stations (for Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne specifically) on the basis that
they could provide for interchange between air and HSR passengers and have interchange facilities for other
transport modes. Brisbane was not considered due to its location.
Evidence from established HSR systems overseas consistently shows that airports are not significant drivers of
demand for a long distance HSR network. This is because long-distance HSR systems are generally most
successful when they operate as a competitive mode (rather than a support mode) to aviation. If HSR stations
were located at airports instead of city-centres, it is likely HSR would lose its advantage as a competitive mode.
Consideration would also need to be given to how passengers then make their onward journey to their final
destination from the airport.
Evidence suggests that this would also be the case in Australia. The current proportion of people accessing
airports via public transport in Australia is very low, despite the presence of rail links in Brisbane and Sydney.
Melbourne has the highest (at 15%) via the Skybus service.
For these reasons, direct HSR connections to city airports (either as a secondary station or alternative to a CBD
station) was ruled out early in the study. There were further concerns that airport stations could cause a time
delays for passengers not travelling to or from an airport, and that the cost could be prohibitive. For example,
diverting the HSR line and constructing a station underground at Sydneys Kingsford-Smith Airport could be
difficult and therefore expensive (noting that further work would be required to calculate the specific cost of
such a development, as it has not been considered in detail in the study).
Due to the planning of Canberra, demand does not tend to originate from a single CBD location and therefore,
trip start and end points were much more dispersed across the urban area. ACT planning documents showed
a possible future HSR corridor servicing a station in the vicinity of the airport.
The option for a station at Canberra Airport was given greater consideration. However, this option was not
considered in light of making Canberra Airport the second Sydney Airport. The recent Sydney Aviation
Capacity Study concluded that Canberra is too far from Sydney (even with a HSR link) for it to serve this
purpose. Based on demand (and Civics position as preeminent town the centre of the transport network),
the phase 2 report concluded that a HSR station at Canberra Airport would deliver less economic benefits than
a station located in Civic.
HSR Infrastructure and Planning Corridor width considerations
This paper explains how the corridor width was considered in the development of the preferred alignment.
Engineering considerations
Corridor width for the HSR program would be primarily influenced by:
engineering considerations such as maintaining a smooth vertical alignment for the railway, site
stability and drainage;
type of structure (bridge, viaduct, cutting); and
noise mitigation.
The corridor width (or corridor boundary as it is known in the phase 2 report) for the HSR system would, as a
minimum, be 30 metres. This would be for normal, dual-track configuration with no incline/decline or
additional features (such as cut or fill construction).
The phase 2 report details typical corridor boundaries. For example, regional alignment in cut would require
a further 13 metres of width (ie 43 metres), on fill a further 31 metres of width (totalling 61 metres). In urban
areas, typically a cut or fill construction with walled boundary would require a further 9 metres (totalling 39
The report notes that the maps provided reflect the inaccuracies inherent in the published data sets used
(including cadastral data sets which can be +/- 25 metres). Therefore the corridor boundary shown on the
maps is wider than what would be required following the completion of detailed design.
The report also considers road and rail diversions to allow for the HSR as a sealed system. In most cases road
and rail connections would be maintained as underpasses or overpasses. Final decisions on diversions and
connections would need to be determined in the detailed design stage.
Additional land may also be temporarily required adjacent to the corridor to allow for road access during
construction. At certain points along the alignment, major urban worksites would need to be established
(typically 50,000 to 80,000 sqm) for the construction of tunnels and bridges. At-grade construction of the
railway and grade separation where necessary (road/rail underpass/overpass) would be undertaken using
temporary linear worksites adjacent to the corridor. This will keep temporary land reservation to a minimum.
The identified major urban worksites are listed below.
Sydney North
Sydney South
Majura Road
Noise management
An HSR train set would be slightly louder than an existing passenger train operating on Australias rail network
today, although given its greater speed the duration of the noise impact would be shorter. However, the
predicted frequencies of HSR trains would be significantly greater than current service levels, leading to a
potentially greater noise impact overall.
An assessment of the noise impact was undertaken to establish the extent and type of mitigation that would
be required. The cost of noise mitigation was included in the commercial and economic appraisals.
Two types of generational noise were assessed:
Airborne noise emitted by passing trains across open space (noise being created by the bogie, front of
train and pantograph); and
Groundborne noise transmitted through the ground arising from trains moving along the track.
At 25 metres from the centreline of the track, a train passing at 350 kmh will produce a noise impact of
approximately 90 - 100db for 5 seconds.
The applicable noise standard currently in NSW and Victoria is 60 db and this was adopted for the assessment
of mitigation requirements. Noise emissions were then plotted against the distance from the track. The table
below shows the distance from the centreline of the track and at what distance compliance with the adopted
standard is achieved.
Rural area
230 m
70 m
51 m
25 m
21 m
21 m
The results shown above indicate that the approximate distance at which noise receivers would be affected
range from 21 metres to 230 metres depending on location and type of mitigation used. To ensure
compliance, further noise mitigation treatments may need to be considered in the detailed design phase,
should a decision be made to proceed with HSR. Whilst mitigation in built up areas would normally comprise
physical barriers, mitigation in sparsely populated areas would generally comprise architectural treatments
including door and window seals and mechanical ventilation.
Rezoning land and restricting planning approvals within and adjacent to the corridor to preserve the
land for the future.
Assessing time value of money considerations of acquiring and/or purchasing land prior to HSR
construction and delaying payment until just before construction starts, except in hardship cases.
Assessing time value of money considerations of maintaining land currently held that is vacant/poorly
utilised prior to HSR construction.
Prioritising the funding of land purchase over competing government priorities.
The responsibilities of each jurisdiction for protecting the preferred sites and alignments would be agreed with
land identified as a preferred site for the HSR corridor sheltered from development until construction of the
HSR infrastructure is due to begin. Rezoning and restricting planning approvals would limit the range of land
uses permissible on a site or change the development controls applicable to a site.
By rezoning land as appropriate to support HSR, both for the corridor and land adjacent to the corridor, land
can be preserved for possible future use by a HSR program. Rezoning considerations may also apply to land
adjacent to the corridor. Encouragement of compatible land use within and beside rail corridors may be via
strict zoning or via policies that promote land use in accordance with jurisdictional plans.
While rezoning activity is generally performed by local councils, the report suggests that advice be sought as to
the cost of amending state and territory legislation to streamline zoning powers for the corridor and avoid the
need for jurisdictions to negotiate with multiple local councils along the HSR corridor.
The phase 2 report views corridor protection as a high priority in the event a decision is made to proceed with
It also advises that if a decision to proceed is not taken now policy-makers, whether or not convinced of the
merits of committing to HSR, could also legitimately weigh the possible consequences of not taking actions to
preserve that option at some time in the future. Inaction in regard to corridor protection is not benign. In the
absence of a protected route, the spread of cities and other developments in the preferred corridor will
gradually reduce the constructability and increase the potential capital costs of a future HSR program,
rendering it increasingly more difficult to implement, even while the fundamental trends towards HSR may
become increasingly favourable.
HSR Economic Analysis Operating environment
This paper describes aspects of the proposed operating environment for HSR, as recommended in the phase 2
The operating environment described in the phase 2 report has been tailored to meet the forecast demand for
east coast travel in 2065. Modelling undertaken for the study found that:
Inter-city and long distance regional travel (>250 km) is expected to account for 85 per cent of total
passenger trips and 97 per cent of total passenger kilometres on HSR;
Short regional travel (<250 km) would represent only 14 per cent of total trips and 3 per cent of total
passenger kilometres on HSR; and
Business travel would account for around 35 per cent of total trips and 42 per cent of total passenger
kilometres on HSR.
As HSR would primarily serve the intercity and long distance travel market, the report found that
approximately 55 per cent of HSR trips would be diverted from aviation, with the remainder diverted from
surface transport modes (private vehicle, coach and existing rail) or induced travel. Accordingly, the report
recommends an operating environment that would be competitive with aviation in terms of fares, frequency,
travel times and amenity.
Fares: Modelling in the report assumes average fares for business and leisure travel to be
comparable to, and competitive with, airfares on the main inter-capital routes on the east coast. In
practice, a range of fares would be offered, targeted to market segments and influenced by seat
utilisation patterns and competitive pressures, as is currently the case with the airlines. For example
fares between Sydney and Melbourne are recommended to be in the range of $86-$141, in 2012
The phase 2 report recommends fares be set significantly lower than airfares on shorter routes (i.e. Sydney to
Canberra in the range of $42-$69) because HSR would be competing with both air and car travel over shorter
distances .
Frequency: In 2065 the report projects 114 services per direction per day on the SydneyBrisbane/Gold Coast line and 130 services per direction per day on the Sydney-Melbourne/Canberra
line. This would include up to 5 inter-capital city express services per direction per hour during peak
periods with trains carrying up to 780 passengers.
Stopping Patterns: Stopping patterns recommended in the report have been designed to maximise
utilization by balancing regional access with travel times. A range of express, limited express and
regional services would be offered to meet market demands. For example, on both the SydneyMelbourne and Sydney-Brisbane lines, there would be express inter-city services during non-peak
periods, but these would also stop at the outbound peripheral station during the morning peak period
and the inbound peripheral stations during the evening peak period.
The phase 2 report recommends that inter-regional services not serve all stations, but be tailored to prioritise
high demand trips . For example, on the Sydney-Melbourne line, there is no service recommended that stops
at both the Albury-Wodonga and Southern Highlands stations, because this is forecast to be a low demand
route. Anyone seeking to make this trip would need to change trains in Wagga Wagga.
Tables of indicative stopping patterns and frequencies for each station are included on pages 113 and 114 of
the HSR Report.
Travel Times: As there are a range of express, limited express and regional services recommended,
there would be a range of travel times. Express services would take:
2 hours 37 minutes
2 hours 44 minutes
64 minutes
37 minutes
On-board facilities: The report recommends that in-service amenity and catering be akin to airlines.
HSR operators would offer a range of services to meet market demands it is envisaged that there
would be both business and economy travel classes.
Passengers would also be able to use mobile phone and other devices for the duration of the journey, an
advantage over the current aviation operating environment.
HSR Program Overall project staging and timing
This paper describes the phase 2 reports conclusions on staging for high speed rail (HSR) along the east coast
of Australia, including the consequential timeline envisaged.
The report concludes that the size and complexity of HSR, together with the overall estimated capital cost, are
such that it would need to be delivered as a series of stages rather than as a single project. This would reduce
the upfront funding demands and smooth future capital requirements, as well as better matching network
development to market growth and allowing revenue to be generated on sections as they are completed. The
optimal order of stages and timing for construction is primarily driven by passenger demand, economic
outcomes and funding considerations.
The phase 2 report identifies five primary route segments connecting the major centres of expected future
demand. The recommended staging of development is:
The line from Sydney to Melbourne is identified to be connected first because it has stronger forecast demand
than the Brisbane to Sydney line (18.76 million forecast annual passenger trips against 10.86 million
respectively, in 2065). The report shows that once fully operational, a Sydney to Melbourne line could deliver
a positive net economic return and cover its operating and asset renewal costs on an ongoing basis. This is
also the case for the full network.
The recommended timeline includes some overlap between stages, with planning of the next segment
beginning a number of years before construction of the previous segment is completed. The report notes the
potential for loss of skills and expertise if there are delays between the stages.
See GANTT charts on pages 500-501 of the HSR Phase Two Report for indicative timing of each section.
The phase 2 report assumes implementation would occur over a period of 45 years from 2013 to 2058, with
actual construction commencing in 2027 and taking around 30 years.
The report recommends 6 years, from 2013 to 2018, be allocated to preliminary arrangements for establishing
an HSR system in a multi-jurisdictional context, including:
Governments considering the reports detailed case for investment and making a decision to proceed
with next steps (6 months)
Governments agreeing responsibilities and timeframes for the HSR program and incorporating these
into a Memorandum of Understanding (6 months)
Work leading to agreement of the first Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) including:
Following the signing of the first IGA to protect the HSR corridor, work would include:
confirmation of the rail corridor (including any refinements required by jurisdictions) and
agreement of the plan for its protection (6 months)
site suitability studies and geological analysis including establishing a work plan, arranging
funding, securing the agreement of land holders, testing and analysis activity, and
considering the results of the site studies. This work would form the basis of environmental
impact statements and support government budgeting and approval processes (8 months)
Following the signing of the second IGA for HSR development, work would include:
From 2019 to 2021 the implementation of HSR would commence. The tasks of preliminary design,
environmental impact statement (EIS), and public consultation would be undertaken for all five segments of
the network during this period. This would be followed from 2022 by the remainder of the implementation for
the Sydney to Canberra segment. All of these tasks, except testing and commissioning the system, overlap and
occur within a 10 year period. This work includes:
testing and commissioning of the system including staff training (drivers, etc), static testing, dynamic
testing of track, test running and trial operations (34 months).
Operations between Sydney and Canberra would commence in 2035. Prior to this, the same process would
start in 2026 for the segment from Canberra to Melbourne, with HSR operations from Sydney through to
Melbourne, commencing in 2040. Similarly implementation for:
an MoU be agreed between the Australian, ACT and state governments that sets out the process for
at least two formal intergovernmental agreements (IGAs);
an initial IGA to provide the policy mandate for the protection of an HSR corridor;
a second IGA to provide the policy mandate for implementation of the first stage of an HSR program;
legislation to provide the legal framework for implementation of the HSR program.
The report recommends that prior to negotiating the MoU, the Australian Government:
compiles a summary of investigations completed and gap analysis of remaining tasks for distribution
to the jurisdictions; and
formulates a proposition to take to the jurisdictions for the conduct of a future HSR program.
Memorandum of Understanding
The MoU would set out:
the HSR program objectives, mechanisms for program governance and responsibilities of the parties;
the process to be followed and the timelines for resolving issues; and
a framework for public consultation in the lead up to a formal IGA.
The phase 2 report envisages up to 12 months for this process with the MOU to be signed in late 2013/early
First Intergovernmental Agreement for corridor protection
This IGA would formally commit jurisdictions to protection of the HSR corridor. It would include:
confirm the preferred alignment for HSR, including station locations and other critical infrastructure;
prove the chosen sites are technically suitable;
develop a whole-of-government approach to assessing environmental impacts; and
agree on the mechanisms for protecting the corridor.
The report envisages 14 months for this stage of work, with the first IGA to be signed in early 2015.
public policy objectives and commercial performance aims of the HSR program (such as the extent to
which the pricing should prioritise financial return on capital or patronage and economic benefits);
operating principles and arrangements for HSR (such as the minimum technical performance
capability of the system and minimum service frequency at each station);
broad principles by which the infrastructure and train operator(s) would be procured;
overall public governance structure to be instituted, and the organisation that would be responsible
for the delivery of the HSR program on behalf of the governments the HSR Development Authority
agreement to implement any enabling legislation to vest the necessary powers in the HSRDA;
the role of each jurisdiction in the development of the preferred HSR system, including the potential
for state and ACT-led station developments;
confirmation of the agreed first route stages for construction, with an anticipated decision date for
final commitment to its implementation; and
guiding principles for an effective and consistent policy approach for promoting an integrated regional
development corridor.
The report envisages up to 42 months for this stage of work, with the second IGA to be signed in 2017.
Enabling Legislation
Following the agreement to implement the first stage of an HSR program, the phase 2 report recommends
enabling legislation be enacted. The legislation would formally establish the public entities required to
develop and deliver the HSR program, with appropriate functions and powers to deliver their objectives. It
would also commit the necessary funding, as agreed between the jurisdictions, to allow the entities to
establish contracts to further develop and procure the system.
The introduction of Commonwealth legislation and complementary state and territory legislation would help
to harmonise an approach to the large volume of planning regulations the program would likely face.
The report envisages 12 months to prepare the legislation and eight months to introduce and pass it, with the
HSRDA established late 2018/early 2019.
HSR Program Private financing issues
This paper examines the phase 2 reports conclusions on the commercial performance of high speed rail (HSR)
and potential opportunities for private investment.
The future HSR program and the majority of its individual stages are expected to produce only a small positive
financial return on investment, which falls well short of the financial returns expected by commercial providers
of debt and equity. The financial internal rate of return for the HSR program as a whole (under the central
case) is 0.8% per annum. For a project of this size, timing and risk, commercial providers of debt and equity to
infrastructure projects would typically require returns of 15% or more per annum.
Based on this, the phase 2 study finds:
Significant private sector equity investment would not be available given the programs financial
returns. It is expected only 14% (or $16.3B) could be funded by private debt. Even with a fare yield
increase of 30%, the debt carrying capacity of the program would only amount to 24% (or $27.4
billion) of the total program cost of $114B (2012).
The debt-carrying capacity (or ability to access debt) of the future HSR program would largely be a
function of the programs ability to generate sufficient free cash flow.
Therefore, the projected low financial return significantly constrains the amount of private finance that it could
support on a free standing basis i.e. without guarantees or support from governments. (It is important to note
that the study did not assume any such guarantees or underwriting.)
Increasing the proportion of private finance
One option to increase the amount of private finance is for governments to provide a sovereign guarantee to
lenders for debt servicing. Such de-risking could allow the HSR program to achieve higher levels of gearing.
Alternatively governments could provide only a guarantee for critical risks, for example, revenue risk.
However even with governments underwriting, debt servicing would still be required which will limit the
amount of finance that could be arranged.
The provision of a full (or even partial) government guarantee transfers significant risk to governments, which
could limit the attractiveness of providing a guarantee over the direct injection of public equity (which could
be funded via governments issuing debt in their own right).
Closing the commercial financing gap
The phase 2 report examines three methods to close the commercial financing gap.
Value capture
International experience shows that well integrated, thoughtfully designed and strategically located transport
infrastructure can serve as a catalyst for urban renewal and higher density development in urban areas.
Good examples are Union Station in Washington DC, Grand Central Station in New York and Nagoya Station in
Japan. All three have spurred modern high density retail, entertainment, commercial and residential
As revenues from value capture mechanisms are difficult to predict and quantify, the phase 2 report used the
Central Station precinct in Sydney as an example of what could be done to capture value for station precincts
for Sydney and elsewhere. Mechanisms considered include stamp duty, land tax, parking levies and other
rates, and the sales of government assets and bonus floor space.
The report concludes that, while value capture has the potential to partially close the commercial financing
gap, it is likely that the contribution would be small (around $3 billion in present value terms). This is in part
due to who captures the benefit, if (and when) the measures are implemented, and that the opportunities
would be primarily around city-centre stations.
Tax concessions
Tax concessions typically involve a reduction in corporate taxation to increase the after tax return on
investments. The HSR program is not expected to pay significant corporate tax during its operational life (due
to the accumulation of tax losses from depreciation of the asset base). It therefore seems likely that tax
concessions would have little or no impact on the commercial financing gap.
Government loans
Finance could potentially be provided by governments to the future HSR program via a loan arrangement.
However the same limitations would apply as apply to obtaining private sector debt including the debt
carrying capacity of the program.
HSR Economic Analysis Cities issues
This paper examines the potential benefits of HSR for cities.
Cities are responsible for approximately 80% of Australias GDP and improved productivity is central to
continued economic growth. Functional and efficient transportation systems, for both metropolitan and intercity travel, is integral to a citys productivity and growth, as they directly affect access to jobs, workplace
productivity, the availability of goods and services and competition with other cities for employment,
investment and tourism.
The phase 2 report concludes that HSR would be expected to produce a positive economic benefit (2.3 benefit
to cost ratio for the whole network and 2.5 for the Sydney Melbourne line only), much of which would be
attributed to cities. This was derived from the benefits to the users and operators of a HSR system, and the
broader economic benefits the building and operation of a HSR would have on the broader economy (in terms
of contribution to GDP and employment).
The study found that while business travellers only made up 36% of overall patronage, they would derive twothirds of the total user benefits from the introduction of a HSR system. This is because the value of time is
much higher for a business traveller and the introduction of HSR could offer the availability of fast, reliable and
frequent inter-city services.
Most business travel occurs between cities and currently, workforce productivity is negatively affected by
issues such as time delays (across all modes of transport) and the inability to continue working while travelling.
Employment Density and Access to Jobs
Agglomeration refers to the external economies available to individuals or firms in large concentrations of
population and economic activity. These arise because larger markets allow wider choice and a greater range
of specialist services. The theory of agglomeration explains how productivity improvements can be gained
through improved linkages between jobs.
For example, HSR could have wider economic impacts on cities through its impact on effective employment
density, that is, by bringing places of residence and employment closer together by a reduction in travel times.
For example, as the HSR system is constructed, travel times to major cities from areas such as the Central
Coast to Sydney would reduce from 1 2 hours to 27 minutes by HSR, allowing employers to access a larger
labour pool and providing employees with a wider choice of employers.
Benefits can then arise in a number of ways:
It is easier to match workers to specific vacancies and to find employees with appropriate skills.
It enables greater specialisation of supply, leading to more efficient production of goods and provision
of services.
It leads to knowledge spill-over (i.e. greater opportunities for formal and informal contact through
increased accessibility).
Employees have a greater choice of jobs.
There is more competition between companies and between individuals.
Importantly, these productivity gains would be additional to the time savings measured in traditional transport
benefits. Generally used to assess the impacts of urban mass transport systems, agglomeration can be used to
assess, over the longer term, how employment would respond to the change in accessibility delivered by HSR
in other ways, with different types of jobs being created, and some jobs moving out and others moving in.
Internationally, positive economic benefits have been attributed to these agglomeration benefits, and included
in the quantitative assessment of the benefits of investments in transport infrastructure. However, because of
the uncertainty of these effects in the current context, the phase 2 study did not specifically quantify or
account for them in the economic returns of the project.
Regional Cities
Agglomeration benefits would not be limited to the capital cities. Regional centres in HSR corridors generally
benefit from improved accessibility to major metropolitan areas. In essence, regional centres in proximity to
major metropolitan areas are able to take advantage of concentrations of population and economic activity to
exchange information and technology, thereby increasing the productivity of the HSR corridor. This could
result in:
Enhanced regional centres as alternatives to metropolitan centres and stem the steady drift of people
and jobs to the more congested and expensive capital cities.
Improved regional productivity.
Changes in tourist spending patterns.
Changed commuting patterns for regions closer to the capital cities.
However, the key difference between the larger capital cities and regional cities is that the responses of the
latter can vary greatly, and economic growth is not assured simply by introducing a HSR service. It depends on
the economic environment, key industries and assets (for example, if it has a university or is a popular tourist
destination), and the nature of local policies and plans of the regional city to capitalise on the opportunities
presented by HSR.
HSR can change the way cities and towns interact. Where smaller towns have traditionally accessed mediumsized service centres for jobs, goods and services, the introduction of HSR can mean that both small and
medium centres now access the larger markets in major cities, which are usually able to provide the same
goods and services for lower cost (and hence some local industries may eventually disappear). Furthermore,
those regional centres without HSR stations can lose employment, services and investment to those that do. A
similar pattern has been observed with other transportation projects in Australia (historically, improvements
to transport have reinforced the concentration of activity in larger centres).
Value-capture Opportunities
International experience shows that well integrated, thoughtfully designed and strategically located transport
infrastructure can serve as a catalyst for urban renewal and higher density development in urban areas. The
phase 2 study considered the potential for value-capture mechanisms to be used for HSR-related
developments (direct) and as a catalyst for urban renewal around HSR stations (indirect).
To demonstrate the potential, the study used Sydney Central station as an example of what could occur if an
HSR station were accompanied by a targeted program to redevelop the surrounding precinct.
The proposed value-capture program would provide a new cultural and recreational precinct where the rail
yards and Prince Alfred Park currently are. The redevelopment could provide an additional 2.5 3.7 million
square metres of commercial and residential floor space, which would nearly double the number of residential
dwellings in the precinct (currently 21,000).
The program would offer a revenue stream (in the order of $24 33 billion over 30 years) which could be used
in financing the HSR (or components of it, such as the station itself). It would also offer a number of benefits
for transforming the area into a hub of employment and services, well served by local and interstate transport
connections. In addition to the transport benefits, increased local productivity could also be derived from new
jobs (from construction and growth in the retail and services sector associated with the new precinct) and an
easing in the supply constraints on commercial and residential space.
Similar opportunities would exist at other capital city station locations and some peripheral and regional
station sites, such as Hornsby and the Gold Coast. However, no value-capture programs were incorporated
into the financial or economic modelling of the study as it is uncertain to what extent such mechanisms would
be used.
HSR Economic Analysis Labour market impacts and skills requirements
This paper summarises the workforce issues to be considered should a HSR system be built and operated in
Workforce requirements for building and operating a HSR were considered as part of the phase 2 studys social
appraisal. Due to the long-term nature of the project, quantitative forecasts are difficult to obtain and verify.
The study did draw on Census and other national data, particularly current industry characteristics and trends.
It also analysed particular issues in qualitative terms.
In doing so, the phase 2 study makes the following conclusions about the capacity of Australias rail industry in
meeting the future needs of a HSR system on the east coast of Australia:
The workforce needed to construct and operate a HSR network is difficult to estimate because some
roles relevant to HSR do not currently exist in Australia (and are potentially unique to HSR). Some
stakeholder estimates indicated that a dedicated workforce exceeding 20,000 would be necessary
during construction.
The workforce required for operations and maintenance is similarly difficult to estimate. Some
preliminary estimates suggest the workforce will steadily grow as the network develops and
patronage increases in key regional station locations such as Newcastle, the Central Coast and Albury
Construction of a complete line (such as SydneyMelbourne) would likely far exceed the current,
national labour capacity in both skilled and unskilled resources, exacerbated by the declining and
ageing workforce in the Australian rail industry.
Labour market competition with other sectors, including mining industries, could result in above
average wage increases, especially in engineering and construction.
HSR could attract skilled and unskilled labour into those states with HSR and away from other states.
Should a decision be made to proceed with HSR, it would be important to plan for workforce
requirements including:
implementing policies or remedial actions including education systems to meet the human
capital demands of constructing and operating a HSR; and
Determining the level and type of labour that may need to be brought into the country to
supplement the local workforce.
Figure 2-4 on page 24 of the report plots international mode share against travel times.
The acquiring authority serves a Notice of Intention to compulsorily acquire particular land.
In some jurisdictions, the landowner has the opportunity to lodge an objection.
A notice of the acquisition is published in the Government Gazette.
The land is compulsorily acquired by the government authority.
The Valuer-General determines an amount of compensation to be payable to the claimant.
The Claimant can negotiate with the Authority and then either accept or reject the offer of
If the offer is accepted by the claimant, the claimant receives the compensation and vacates the land.
If the offer is rejected, the claimant, through their legal representative will seek an alternative
compulsory acquisition valuation and the relevant Court will decide on the amount of compensation
payable to the claimant.
Compulsory acquisition processes vary in operation depending on the jurisdiction of the acquisition.
What legislation governs compulsory acquisition in Australia?
Compulsory acquisition legislation in Australia varies by state. In addition, the Commonwealth also has the
power to compulsorily acquire property.
Overview of process by jurisdiction
The Coordinator-General facilitates many of the large-scale infrastructure projects that underpin Queensland's
economic development. Sometimes, the Coordinator-General needs to compulsorily acquire, or take, the land
on which these projects are to be built.
The Coordinator-General can compulsorily acquire land for:
undertaking works
state development areas
other purposes, including a 'private infrastructure facility' (previously called an 'infrastructure facility
of significance').
The Coordinator-General can take land with any type of tenure, including freehold. The Coordinator-General
can take:
all of a property
part of a property
an easement over a property
native title rights and interests
resource interests.
Throughout the process, representatives of the Coordinator-General are available to assist affected
Relevant legislation
Sections 82 and 125 of the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 give the CoordinatorGeneral the power to acquire and deal with land, when necessary.
The process for compulsory land acquisitions is set out in the Acquisition of Land Act 1967.
How is land taken?
The Coordinator-General can compulsorily acquire land:
Open market
In addition to taking land, the Coordinator-General can purchase properties that come up for sale on the open
The Coordinator-General would normally only do this if there was an identified project, need or purpose.
*Source: http://www.dsdip.qld.gov.au/compulsory-land-acquisition/about-compulsory-land-acquisition.html
Retrieved 11 July 2013.
Section 54 of the Act requires that compensation must be such amount, having regard to all relevant matters
under Part 3, to justly compensate the former owner for the acquisition of the land.
The relevant matters determining compensation are:
The Act applies to land acquired, by agreement or compulsory process, by an authority which is authorised to
acquire land by the compulsory process.
Section 5 of the Act provides that the Act does not apply to land which is available for public sale and which is
acquired by agreement.
An acquiring authority may not acquire land by the compulsory process unless the authority has given the
owners of the land, written notice of its intention to do so.
A proposed acquisition notice need only be given to all the owners of the land who:
a) have a registered interest in the land, or
b) are in lawful occupation of the land, or
c) have, to the actual knowledge of the authority of the State, an interest in the land.
As soon as practicable after expiration of a notice of proposed acquisition, the Authority must acquire the
land. On the date of publication in the Government Gazette of an acquisition notice, the land or interest
acquired is vested in the acquiring authority. An acquiring authority may acquire land or an interest in land
such as an easement.
The Roles of the Valuer General and LPI
Where an acquiring authority cannot negotiate a settlement for land to be acquired, the land is compulsorily
acquired and the Valuer General is required to determine the amount of compensation to be offered to a
dispossessed owner. Land and Property Information (LPI) manages this process under delegated authority
from the Valuer General.
The Valuer General is an independent statutory officer appointed by the Governor to oversee the valuation
system. The Valuer General is independent in the compulsory acquisition process and does not act for either
the former owner or acquiring authority. The acquiring authority manages negotiations with landowners and is
required to offer the Valuer Generals determination to a former owner or persons with a registered interest in
the land.
*Source: http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/valuation/compulsory_acquistion_of_land Retrieved 11 July 2013.
Under the provisions of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986, land required for a public purpose
can be acquired/resumed by government departments and agencies. This can be done either compulsorily or
by negotiation. The legislation sets out the process to be followed and how compensation is to be determined.
Valuations are needed to assess the amount of compensation to be paid. Valuer-General Victoria (VGV)
provides valuations for these acquisitions in accordance with Management of Government Valuations
Compensation can also be paid under the provisions of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This occurs
where loss is assessed following the sale of a property affected by an acquisition overlay or, where a planning
application is refused on the grounds that the property is required for a public purpose. VGV also assesses
compensation in respect to these situations.
Properties are acquired, either in total or in part, by the state for purposes such as new roads/freeways, road
widening/deviations, parks, reservoirs, sewerage works, drainage reserves etc.
Compulsory acquisition of land is governed by the Policy and instructions for the purchase compulsory
acquisition and sale of land (August 2000).
Compulsory acquisition
Negotiated agreement
Urgent acquisition
Compulsory acquisition
The Commonwealth can use compulsory acquisition to obtain an interest in land anywhere in Australia.
Compulsory acquisition can be used whether or not an owner is willing to sell their interest in the land, when
the land has no title, when an owner has difficulty establishing proof of title, or even if the owner cannot be
Negotiated agreement
The Commonwealth can also obtain land by negotiated agreement. Acquisition by negotiated agreement
involves the owner and the Commonwealth agreeing to the terms of the agreement and the amount of
Urgent acquisition
In some extraordinary circumstances, such as in time of national emergency, the Commonwealth may need to
acquire land urgently and therefore the process may go more quickly that the usual procedures for compulsory
acquisition. In such a case, the Minister may issue a section 24 certificate in place of the pre-acquisition
If a section 24 certificate is issued, the Minister has to provide a copy of the certificate to both Houses of
Parliament within three parliamentary (3) sitting days and, as soon as possible, give the owner a copy. A copy
of the certificate may also be published in the Commonwealth Gazette and in a local newspaper, but this is not
compulsory. This certificate overrides any pre-acquisition declaration already issued, and means that the
owner cannot appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal about the Minister's decision to acquire the land.
All compensation rights remain unchanged.
*Source: http://www.finance.gov.au/property/landsacquisition/docs/Compulsory_Acquisition_of_Land_Brochure-May-2011.pdf Retrieved 11 July 2013.
Australian Capital Territory
The ACT Government does not publicly provide further information on compulsory land acquisition processes
to what is provided in the Lands Acquisition Act 1994, which can be found at:
Investigate alternatives to
tunnelling on city access
alignments into Sydney.
May reduce
upfront capital
May deliver
project (and
revenues) sooner
May be issues
associated with
sharing the line
delays) which
resulting in less
patronage and
impacts and
associated costs
for mitigation.
The existing city access rail alignments
into Sydney (and stations such as
Glenfield and Central) could be shared
while only the Sydney Canberra stage
is complete. While travel times would
temporarily be longer, it would reduce
costs for this section and provide
revenue earlier than otherwise
forecast. Sydney access tunnels and
station reconfigurations could then be
completed to coincide with the
completion of the whole Sydney to
Melbourne line, maintaining the intercity speeds required for Sydney
Melbourne to be competitive.
Sharing the existing rail lines into
Sydney over the long-term (i.e. once
Sydney Melbourne is complete) or
permanently would likely cause
significant negative impacts on travel
times (and hence lower demand and
Increasing the use of viaduct and
construction of the line at-grade on the
approach to Sydney could be
investigated as a way of decreasing
costs. The HSR report found that
tunnelling would likely be significantly
cheaper ($170m for tunnel as opposed
to $230m and $252m for viaduct and
surface respectively, primarily due to
the cost of land). However, this may
change if a different decision was made
on the alignment and station locations
in Sydney.
Consider alternative
station locations for
Sydney including
Parramatta, Badgerys
Creek and Glenfield
May reduce
capital costs
May have urban
benefits and
patronage and
Provides a more
direct alignment
for travelling
through Sydney
Reduces capital
cost of the
Canberra station
Would reduce
patronage and
May be contrary
to broader
planning in the
Alternative station locations for Sydney
would likely achieve significant cost
savings and pose urban development
opportunities. For example, a station at
Parramatta would reinforce its
importance as a second Sydney CBD.
There would also be significant
opportunities for the Commonwealthowned Badgerys Creek site which could
be developed into a new city and HSRAviation hub. Glenfield station has
recently been upgraded as part of the
$2.1b South West Rail Link project and
now serves as a transport hub.
Each of these options would require a
recasting of the demand and economic
analyses on the basis of decreased
patronage and potentially fares (as
willingness to pay may also decrease in
line with passengers perception of
value). Consideration would also need
to be given to alternative fast transport
connections to the CBD (such as a
metro rail service).
Canberra Airport has proposed building
and funding an HSR station on airport
Comments (pros/cons)
Government bonds
Options would include a general infrastructure
bond market or bonds issued for HSR specifically.
Attracting investors
The long-term nature of the HSR project could
provide the level of certainty that superannuation
funds require when investing in infrastructure
More favourable taxation treatment could
encourage superannuation funds to invest in HSR,
particularly more favourable treatment of early
stage tax losses.
Procurement strategies
Using smaller and competitive performance-based
contracts by splitting up project construction
stages into components. Means that several
contractors can be engaged separately to
undertake the work (i.e. avoids winner-takes-all
project design and tender structures).
Reducing bid costs wherever possible.
Availability payments
Under the availability payment model the private
sector would develop, finance, operate and
maintain HSR over a concession term. Periodical
payments would be made by government for the
availability of the infrastructure asset once the
infrastructure is operational.
Value capture options
State and local governments cover the costs of
station development for city and regional stations
Comments (pros/cons)
Reduces the overall capital cost to the
Opportunities for value-capture would be
left to the private sector to leverage
May impact on where the station could be
located. Would require these impacts to
be assessed
The Authority will operate under the governance of a board. The Authority will undertake the work identified in
this charter within five years of its establishment, at which time its status will be reviewed.
The Authority will commission the necessary public and community consultation and geotechnical work
(geological surveys, site inspections and detailed environmental and engineering assessments) required to
confirm the HSR alignment. This will enable a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the construction
requirements and costs, and inform the process leading to the preservation of strategic parts of the corridor.
In doing so, maximum flexibility will be retained for the route and station locations in order to permit a range of
stakeholders to work with the Authority on developing discrete sections of the network. This flexibility will help
enable the private sector to demonstrate any potential capacity to lower costs, speed up delivery or develop
innovative options for financing.
The development of a strategic assessment will also commence. This will bring together the outcomes of the
environmental and engineering investigations and other stakeholder input (such as any refinements to the
alignment to support state or territory government objectives) in support of the preferred HSR alignment and
station locations. Key findings and recommended management measures would be compiled into a draft
strategic assessment document for public review.
Gauge and test the market to refine capital and other cost estimates and identify any innovative financing
The Authority will undertake market testing to gauge the private sectors appetite and ability to undertake a role
in supporting the implementation of HSR, including through engagement with domestic and international
consortia likely to be interested in bidding for various stages of the project. This will, importantly, help refine
estimated construction costs once an analysis of the route has been completed and the results of consultation,
and engineering and geological investigations, are known.
Opportunities to refine the system specification, and/or capitalise on new technological advances, will also be
investigated, with a view to maximising the efficiency and minimising the cost and timetable for the construction
of HSR.
In addition to the physical components of capital cost (land, earthworks, structures, track, equipment and
facilities), the re-examination of cost estimates will also include design, program and construction management,
and asset renewals.
To help reduce potential sunk costs to governments and propose an accelerated timeline for HSR, the Authority
will pursue opportunities for commercial innovation and private sector competition, including an examination of
a comprehensive range of potential financing, funding and packaging options. In doing so, the Authority will
draw on work such as that of the Infrastructure Finance Working Group, and undertake a further examination of
the potential of HSR to:
Settle arrangements with the relevant state, territory and local governments about the route protection
mechanisms and timing.
In consultation with the east coast mainland states and the Australian Capital Territory, the Authority will pursue
relevant agreements on the mechanisms and timeframes to confirm and protect the corridor, as well as station
locations and sites for other infrastructure critical to the implementation of HSR. In doing so, the Authority will
consider options to:
Develop and utilise national legislation, to be mirrored by the relevant states and Australian Capital
Territory, to enable corridor preservation and the harmonisation of relevant state and local governmentbased transport, urban, regional and other relevant planning; and
Propose HSR-specific legislation to standardise statutory planning regulations, including environmental
assessments, at each level of government along the corridor.
Help ensure that development of HSR is reflected in, and is consistent with, the planning and investment
frameworks of the east coast mainland states and the Australian Capital Territory.
The Authority will collaborate with the east coast mainland states and the Australian Capital Territory on work to
help ensure that HSR is planned, developed and delivered in a manner that supports and facilitates its integration
with precinct and corridor master planning. This will include considering how relevant metropolitan and regional
planning policies integrate HSR stations at the site, precinct, town and regional planning levels.
Precinct master planning would address relevant regional population, employment, environmental,
infrastructure and land use issues, while the focus of corridor master planning would be on more detailed
metropolitan and urban renewal planning, and transport planning. This should include measures to ensure that
HSR will be integrated with existing and proposed transport networks in order to maximise its contribution to
Australias transport capacity and connectivity.
To help maximise the benefits of HSR to the regions, integrated corridor planning strategies will need to consider
land acquisition and land use planning, regional development projects and stakeholder engagement, and
complementary HSR projects.
Liaise with Infrastructure Australia, including in further developing the business case for HSR.
Following referral of HSR to Infrastructure Australia (IA) by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the
Authority will work closely and iteratively with IA to improve and refine the business case for HSR.