Cuarteto Cuerda y Piano Mahler

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cuarteto mahler en ingls

Mahler's extraordinary ever-increasing popularity in the presentday has led to his long
neglected and lesser known works being introduced and accepted into the musical
consciousness. Thisapplies as much to the enigmatic
Seventh Symphony
(1904/1905)as to his earliest known work to date
Das klagende Lied
(1878/1881). This latter work in particular (taking into ACCOUNTMahler's later
elimination of the
) has provedextremely valuable in providing insight into the roots anddevelopment of
Mahler's highly individual mature style. In the light of this, it is especially interesting to
make the acquaintanceof the Piano Quartet presented here - a work, written my
Mahleras a student in Vienna, and published for the first time in1973, nearly a hundred
years after its conception.It's not generally known, that, apart from at least four "youth"
symphonies, Mahler composed a series of chamber works.This dates from the period
between 1875 (the year Mahlerentered the Conservatory at the age of fifteen) and
approxi-mately 1883. Many of these scores, however, he later destroyed; other sections
are reckoned today to be missing.As regards the origin and dating of the Piano Quartet,
we must,for the time being, content ourselves with the indication onthe title page;
'1876'. Unfortunately, the information to begleaned from the literature on Mahler
available is so sparseand contradictory as to give us no definite indication.It would seem
at least that the quartet can not have anyconnection with the one performend on the 12th
September,1876 in Jilahva (Iglau) with Mahler himself at the keyboard(because the
programme there shows an instrumental settingof piano, two violins and viola). Nor do
either of the prize-winning quintet movements of 1876 and 1878 at the
ViennaConservatory come into consideration.It is far more probable that the quartet was
mentioned byMahler in a conversation with Natalie Bauer-Lechner about his"youth"
compositions, and which she reports in her
Erinne-rungen an Gustav Mahler
(Memories of Gustav Mahler):
"The best of them all was a piano quartet composed at the end of the four years spent at
the Conservatory, and which excited a good deal of enthusiasm. Graedener kept it with
him for months and it pleased him so, that he had it performend at Billroth's. In the end
I sent the quartet to Moscow for a competition and it got lost."
To give a precise dating on the strength of this informationseems to me to be practially
impossible. Mahler is known tohave attended the Vienna Conservatory for only three
years - from the autumn of 1876 until the summer of 1878. Thisconversation, which
took place in June, 1893 (seventeen yearsafter the assumed date of composition of the
quartet) seems torefer almost undoubtedly to this quartet, but unfortunatelysheds no
further light on the exact date of composition.The title page of the manuscript, on which
this edition isbased, bears the following: Clavierquartett - 1.ten Satz -Gustav Mahler 1876 (the second and fourth lines of possiblediffering handwriting). Also on this page,
is the stamp of theBruckner-publisher Theodor Rattig who, however, never pub-lished
the work. The title on the outer cover, bears, in AlmaMahler's handwriting, the simple
fruhe Compositionen
(early compositions).Compared with other manuscripts dating from this period,the
autograph is RELATIVELY carefully written. The extremely rareindication as to
phrasing and articulation, and the almostnon-existence of dynamic markings, lead one

to believe that the manuscript in question was one in Mahler's PERSONAL use.The
study aids, letters C to N (A and B were accordingly added)would imply preparation for
rehearsals.Mahler's piano quartet has many highly interesting characte-ristics that
elevate it above the level of mere historical factualinformation and transform it into a
facinating document. Themelancholy sinking a-minor close negates any conventional
exterior one might expect to find in a sixteen year old. It might be said that this key
(always an important one for Mahler, also used in one of the "youth" symphonies)
signified for him the unconscious anticipation of things to come. Especially moving is
the subdued intermezzo before the reprise, and also the unusual and eruptive violin
cadenza just before the Coda.The thematic ideas already have a personal profile - form
andtreatment show clearly the influence on the young Mahler of Brahms, Schumann
and Schubert.It is to be hoped that this early composition of Gustav Mahler,important as
it is in gaining an understanding of his musicaldevelopment, will have a wide and
smpathetic reception
Extraordinaria popularidad cada vez mayor de Mahler en el presentday ha llevado a sus
obras siempre olvidadas y menos conocidos de ser introducido y aceptado en la
conciencia musical. Thisapplies tanto a la enigmtica
Sptima Sinfona
(1904/1905) en cuanto a su primera obra conocida hasta la fecha
Das Lied klagende
(1878/1881). Este ltimo trabajo, en particular, (teniendo en adelante la eliminacin de
ACCOUNTMahler del
) Tiene provedextremely valiosa en la prestacin de penetracin en el desarrollode
races de estilo maduro muy personal de Mahler. A la luz de esto, es especialmente
interesante para hacer el acquaintanceof Cuarteto Piano presenta aqu - una obra, escrito
mi Mahleras un estudiante en Viena, y publicado por primera vez en 1973., casi cien
aos despus de su conception.It no es generalmente conocido, que, adems de por lo
menos cuatro sinfonas "juveniles", Mahler compuso una serie de fechas de cmara
works.This del perodo comprendido entre 1875 (el ao Mahlerentered el Conservatorio
a la edad de quince aos) y aproxi-madamente 1883. Muchos de ellos partituras, sin
embargo, ms tarde destruidas; otras secciones se cuentan hoy para ser missing.As se
refiere al origen y datacin del Cuarteto de Piano, debemos, por el momento,
contentarnos con la indicacin enla pgina de ttulo; '1876'. Desafortunadamente, la
informacin que begleaned de la literatura sobre Mahler disponible es tan sparseand
contradictorio como para darnos ninguna indication.It definitiva parece al menos que el
cuarteto no puede tener anyconnection con el performend en el 12 de septiembre 1876
en Jilahva (Iglau ) con el propio Mahler en el teclado (ya que el programa no muestra un
instrumental settingof piano, dos violines y viola). Tampoco ninguno de los
movimientos quinteto premiados de 1876 y 1878 en el ViennaConservatory entrar en
consideration.It es mucho ms probable que el cuarteto se mencion byMahler en una
conversacin con Natalie Bauer-Lechner sobre sus composiciones "juventud", y que ella
informes en su
Erinne-Rungen un Mahler Gustav
(Recuerdos de Gustav Mahler):
"El mejor de todos ellos fue un cuarteto de piano compuesta al final de los cuatro aos
en el Conservatorio, y que despert una buena dosis de entusiasmo. Graedener mantuvo
con l durante meses y le agrad es as, que lo tena performend en Billroth de. Al final
me envi el cuarteto a Mosc para una competicin y que perd. "

Para dar una fecha precisa en la fuerza de este informationseems a m ser practially
imposible. Mahler se conoce tohave asisti al Conservatorio de Viena para slo tres
aos - desde el otoo de 1876 hasta el verano de 1878. Thisconversation, que tuvo lugar
en junio de 1893 (diecisiete yearsafter la fecha supuesta de la composicin del cuarteto)
parece torefer casi sin lugar a dudas a este cuarteto, pero unfortunatelysheds sin ms luz
sobre la fecha exacta de la portada composition.The del manuscrito, en el que isbased
esta edicin, lleva las siguientes: Clavierquartett - 1.ten Satz -Gustav Mahler - 1876 (la
segunda y cuarta lneas de possiblediffering escritura a mano). Tambin en esta pgina,
es el sello de theBruckner-editor Theodor Rattig que, sin embargo, nunca-ci pub el
trabajo. El ttulo en la cubierta exterior, osos, de puo y letra de AlmaMahler, el simple
FRUHE Compositionen
(composiciones tempranas) .Compared con otros manuscritos que datan de este perodo,
el autgrafo es relativamente cuidadosamente escritos. El extremadamente
rareindication para fraseo y articulacin, y la almostnon-existencia de marcas
dinmicas, llevar a pensar que el manuscrito en cuestin era uno de ayudas al estudio
adelante.Los PERSONAL de Mahler, letras C a N (A y B se aadi en consecuencia)
implicara preparacin para cuarteto de piano de rehearsals.Mahler tiene muchas
caracters-ticas de gran inters que elevan por encima del nivel de la mera
factualinformation histrico y lo transforman en un documento fascinante.
Themelancholy hunde un menor cerca niega cualquier otra exterior convencional podra
esperar encontrar en una de diecisis aos. Podra decirse que esta clave (siempre muy
importante para Mahler, tambin usado en una de las sinfonas "Juventud") signific
para l la anticipacin inconsciente de lo que vendr. Especialmente conmovedora es el
intermezzo sometido antes de la repeticin, y tambin la cadenza violn inusual y
eruptiva justo antes de las ideas temticas Coda.The ya tienen un perfil personal - forma
andtreatment muestran claramente la influencia sobre el joven Mahler de Brahms,
Schumann y Schubert.It Es de esperar que esta composicin inicial de Gustav Mahler,
importante como lo es en profundizar en el conocimiento de su musicaldevelopment,
tendr una recepcin amplia y smpathetic

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