Authority To Port Mobile To Telstra Form (C149 JUN13)
Authority To Port Mobile To Telstra Form (C149 JUN13)
Authority To Port Mobile To Telstra Form (C149 JUN13)
New contract
By transferring this number to Telstra, youre entering into a new contract with us.
If you agree to this transfer, we will speak to your existing service provider to validate your request.
We wont be able to complete the transfer if its not validated. If we run into any issues, well call you
on the number you have provided. Once its validated, well initiate the transfer. Subject to any cooling
off period, the process may take a couple of days and your service may be interrupted during this time.
Well send you a text to let you know the transfer is complete and that you can start to use your new
service. Youll also receive a Welcome Pack in the mail.
If the transfer takes more than a couple of days, we suggest you try turning your phone off and on.
If after 30 days the transfer has failed and we gave you a handset or SIM card, you must return it.
If not, we might bill you for it.
Company trading name (if applicable)
Mobile number(s) youd like to transfer (you may attach a list of numbers if more than one)
BYO handset
If you want to use a non-Telstra device, be sure to check that your device is Next G compatible,
otherwise you may not be able to get the full benefit of our Next G network. To check if your device
is Next G compatible, visit If you intend to use your existing handset, you may
need to unlock or re-set the handset before the transfer.
Transfer enquires
If you have any questions about the transfer, please call us on 13 2200. Call this number any time
to confirm that the transfer has occurred, to lodge an enquiry or complaint, to determine equipment
compatibility or any other service related matter. If youre experiencing any faults with your service
whilst it is being transferred to Telstra please contact your current provider.
Todays date
and are trade marks and registered trade marks of Telstra Corporation Limited ABN 33 051 775 556
C149 JUN13
I confirm:
I am authorised to request the porting of the mobile telephone number(s) listed on this form; and
I have been advised by Telstra Mobile that by porting the mobile telephone number(s) listed
on this form, the service and/or related services associated with that number(s) may or may
not be disconnected from my existing mobile telephone provider, and may result in finalisation
of the account for the service.
I authorise:
the disclosure of my number and details of this transfer to the Telstra Mobile Network to other
service providers, suppliers and financial institutions for the purpose of call and message
routing, transferring this service, complaint handling, managing network faults and preventing
and investigating fraud; and
Authorised representative
Please note: You must not deactivate your existing service when porting only active telephone
numbers can be ported. You need to be contactable during the porting process.
I am satisfied that the details provided on this form apply to the Applicant and that the Account
Holder/Authorised Signatory has shown me 100 points of current identification (in original form)
to meet Telstras ID requirements. I confirm that I have provided a copy of Telstras Terms and
Conditions Things You Need to Know About Your Service Booklet and written program and
service details to the Authorised Signatory or to the Applicant. I confirm that I have explained
to the Applicant that they may incur an early termination charge if this application involves an
upgrade or a recontract of their existing Telstra mobile service that is still within a contract term.
Dealer name
NAC operator
Authorisation number
Rep name
Rep ID
Rep signature
Seller code
Premise code
and are trade marks and registered trade marks of Telstra Corporation Limited ABN 33 051 775 556
C149 JUN13