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C CPP Development Environment Setup

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Wachendorff Elektronik

GmbH & Co. KG

Wachendorff Elektronik
C/C++ Development Environment Setup Manual

Introduction ...........................................................................................................................2
General ..........................................................................................................................2
Supplied files .................................................................................................................2
Tips ................................................................................................................................2
Operating System installation ...............................................................................................3
Create a bootable CD or USB stick ...............................................................................3
Burn ISO image to a CD .........................................................................................3
Create a bootable USB stick ..................................................................................3
Installation .....................................................................................................................4
Toolchain and Rootfs Setup .................................................................................................8
Copy files to Ubuntu ......................................................................................................8
Toolchain installation.....................................................................................................8
Rootfs installation ..........................................................................................................9
Testing the toolchain .....................................................................................................9
Development Tools Setup...................................................................................................11
Qt and QtCreator .........................................................................................................11
Install the Qt SDK ........................................................................................................11
Configuration ...............................................................................................................11
Creating a test project..................................................................................................12
Summaries and FAQ...........................................................................................................19
What to do only once after installing? .........................................................................19
What to do for each new project? ................................................................................19
What to do when I want to develop for another OPUS device?...................................19
How to connect and log-in to an OPUS A3?................................................................19
Where can I find more detailed manuals? ...................................................................19
Linux and Ubuntu .................................................................................................19
C/C++ ...................................................................................................................20
Programming for OPUS devices...........................................................................20
How can I configure an application to start automatically when starting the OPUS
device? ...................................................................................................................................20


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Wachendorff Elektronik
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1 Introduction
1.1 General
This manual provides instructions on how to setup a PC or Laptop for developing embedded
applications for the Wachendorff OPUS operator panels.
This manual concentrates on the OPUS A3 panel, but the installation and setup for OPUS A6
and OPUS RVC are basically the same.
1.2 Description
The OPUS operating panels run an embedded Linux operating system. To create applications
that can run on these devices, a special development system needs to be set up. This development system consists basically of 3 components:
A Linux operating system.
A toolchain and rootfs which enables one to build applications for the OPUS devices.
Development tools that make software development a little easier.
The operating system can basically be any Linux distribution. This manual uses the Ubuntu
distribution because it is easy to setup and maintain. We use the Long-term support version of
Ubuntu (10.04).
The toolchain consist of cross-compiler and libraries that produce executables that can run on
the OPUS devices. Each CPU needs a specialized toolchain to be able to generate binaries
that can be interpreted correctly. Specific libraries and header files come in a rootfs archive
that represents the file structure of the operating system of the device.

Supplied files
o A disk image with the Ubuntu Linux operating system
o The OPUS A3 toolchain (for BSP version >= 1.0.0)
o The rootfs of the OPUS A3
o The Qt SDK including QtCreator


In a Linux terminal shell use the TAB key to auto-complete file names or paths (start typing, then hit TAB for auto completion).


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2 Operating System installation

As operating system we use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Long-term support). To install, we need an ISO
image to create a bootable CD or USB-stick. You can find ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso either along these instructions or you can download it here:
If you already have a working Ubuntu disk, you can skip chapter 2.1 and continue with chapter
2.1 Create a bootable CD or USB stick
To install Ubuntu to your PC, you need to either create a bootable CD or you can also create a
bootable USB-Stick.
All instructions for the following and other methods can also be found here:
2.1.1 Burn ISO image to a CD Windows 7
Right-Click on ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso
Select "Open with -> Windows Disc Image Burner"
In the opened window select the CD-Burner drive and insert an empty CD in that drive
Click on "burn" Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Vista: Infra Recorder
Download and install Infra Recorder, a free and open-source image-burning program.
o http://infrarecorder.sourceforge.net/
o Or use any CD-burning tool that is capable of burning ISO images to a CD
Insert a blank CD in the drive and select Do nothing or Cancel if an autorun dialog box
pops up.
Open Infra Recorder and click the 'Write Image' button in the main screen.
o Alternatively you can select the 'Actions' menu, then 'Burn image'.
Select the ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso file, then click 'Open'.
In the dialog box, click 'OK'.
2.1.2 Create a bootable USB stick
To create a bootable USB stick, you need the tool Universal USB Installer. It can be
downloaded here: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3
The tool consists only of one window and is easy to use:
Step 1: Choose Ubuntu 10.04.X from the drop-down list.
Step 2: Click browse and select ubuntu-10.04.3-desktop-i386.iso
Sep 3: If you dont see the drive letter of your USB stick in the drop-down list, set the
checkmark in the Show all Drives (USE WITH CAUTION) checkbox.
Click Create to create the bootable USB stick.


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2.2 Installation
First you have to make sure that your PC or Laptop is configured to boot from CD or USB.
Please refer to the user manual of your PC for how to setup the BIOS to boot from external media.

Insert the CD or USB stick into the PC and switch it on.

Make sure that your PC is configured to boot from CD / USB first.
After some seconds you can see the Ubuntu logo.
Wait some more until Ubuntu has started and you can see the Installation Dialog

On the left side of the dialog you can select the preferred language (since this manual
describes everything in English, you should select English there).
Now click on the button Install Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS.


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The next dialog lets you choose your time zone. Choose the region you live in from the
Region list and the corresponding time zone from the Time Zone list. After that click on

Now the Keyboard layout dialog appears. Choose your keyboard layout from the list if
you know which one fits to your keyboard. If not, select Guess keymap and press the
Guess button. Follow the instructions that are shown. After the correct layout has
been selected, press the Forward button.


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Now we have to configure the hard disk for installation. This manual only covers the option to erase the whole disk and use the entire disk.
If you are an experienced user, you can also install Ubuntu along with another OS (like
Windows), for instructions for that see http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Lucid#DualBooting_Windows_and_Ubuntu
Select Erase and use the entire disk. Click on the Forward button.
WARNING: If you use this option, you will LOOSE ALL DATA on your hard disk.


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In the next dialog, a user profile has to be configured. Fill in all required fields with your
user information. Make sure to set a password and to check the option Require my
password to log in. After entering all data, click on the Forward button.

The next dialog shows a summary of all installation options. Check that information and
if you find any errors hit the Back button to go to any previous dialog.
If everything is OK, press the Install button.
Wait until the Installation Complete message appears and hit the Restart Now button.
Ubuntu will now ask you to remove the disk and close the tray. Please do that and then
press Enter on the keyboard. (If you installed from a USB-Stick, remove that also before
The system will now do a restart. When finished, you can login with the chosen username and password.


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3 Toolchain and Rootfs Setup

This manual describes the installation of the OPUS A3 toolchain for the BSP version 1.0.1, the
file names of the toolchain and the rootfs may change accordingly with a new release. The toolchains for the other devices are very similar to install.
For the toolchain installation you need the archive files tc_arm_gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1multilib-1.0.i386.tar.gz and the rootfs archive rootfs-opusa3-1.0.1.tar.gz.

Copy files to Ubuntu

Copy the files tc_arm_gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1-multilib-1.0.i386.tar.gz and rootfsopusa3-1.0.1.tar.gz to an USB-Stick or use the supplied CD.
Insert the USB-Stick / CD into the Linux PC
A file browser should pop-up after some seconds showing the two files.
Copy the two files to the Desktop.
(You can use any other directory but this manual refers to the Desktop of the current
Close the file browser when the copy operation has finished.

3.2 Toolchain installation

The toolchain can be installed anywhere on you Linux PC. A common approach is to install it to
Open a terminal (Applications
The commands in bold need to be typed in the terminal.
Change directory to the root directory
o cd /
Extract the toolchain archive
o sudo tar xvzf ~/Desktop/tc_arm_gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1multilib-1.0.i386.tar.gz
o Enter your password
This will extract the contents of the archive to /opt
You can now find the cross-compiler in /opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1-multilib1.0/arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi/bin
To make the usage of the compiler and other build tools easier, you can add that path to the
Linux PATH variable so that the executables can be directly executed without having to use the
full path. To do this open the bashrc file in an editor:
gedit ~/.bashrc
A text editor will appear now
Scroll to the bottom and insert the following line:
export PATH=/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1-multilib-1.0/arm-fsl-linuxgnueabi/bin:$PATH
Save the file and close the editor.
Close all terminals that are open so that the new PATH setting can take effect.


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3.3 Rootfs installation

We will install the rootfs in the home directory in a new directory called rootfs. Inside this directory we will create another directory called opus_a3. In the rootfs directory you can later also
install the rootfs of other OPUS devices.
Open a terminal (Applications
Create a new directory:
o mkdir rootfs
Go into that directory
o cd rootfs
Create a new directory
o mkdir opus_a3
Go into that directory
o cd opus_a3
Install the rootfs
o sudo tar xvzf ~/Desktop/rootfs-opusa3-1.0.1.tar.gz
o Enter your password
Now the OPUS A3 rootfs is installed in ~/rootfs/opus_a3/rootfs
3.4 Testing the toolchain
If the toolchain was successfully installed and works can be tested with the following easy test:
Create a file called hello.cpp and open it in an editor:
o mkdir ~/toolchain_test
o cd ~/toolchain_test
o gedit hello.cpp &
Insert the following code
#include <iostream>
int main(int, char **)
std::cout << Hello A3! << std::endl;
return 0;

Compile the code for OPUS A3

o arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi-g++ -o hello hello.cpp
Copy the hello executable to an USB stick and insert it in the USB slot of the OPUS A3
Connect to the A3 via serial console and login (see chapter 5.4)
Copy the hello executable to the A3
o cp /disk/usbsda1/hello /opt
Make sure that the executable can be executed
o chmod +x /opt/hello
Execute it
o /opt/hello
You should see the text Hello A3! printed now.


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4 Development Tools Setup

4.1 Qt and QtCreator
The Qt framework is used on all supported OPUS devices. You can either use any editor you
like to create Qt applications manually or you can use the QtCreator IDE to assist you.
Some configuration steps are necessary so that QtCreator can be used to develop OPUS applications.


Install the Qt SDK

Copy the file qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.04.1.bin to a USB-Stick.
Insert the USB stick in the Linux PC
Copy the file qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.04.1.bin to the Desktop
Open a terminal
o Change directory to your Desktop
cd ~/Desktop
o Make sure that the installer can be executed:
chmod +x ./qt-sdk-linux-x86-opensource-2009.04.1.bin
o Run the installer
Enter your password
Follow the instructions of the installer. You can keep all default settings.

Open a terminal and type

sudo ln s ~/rootfs/opus_a3/rootfs/usr/local/Qt /usr/local/Qt

o enter your password

Open QtCreator (Applications
Go to Tools -> Options

In the left tree choose Qt4




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On the right side of the dialog click the + button

Enter QtEmbedded in the Version Name field
In the Path field enter /usr/local/Qt
In the Default Qt Version select QtEmbedded
Press OK button

Creating a test project

Choose File
o In the tree in section Projects select Qt4 GUI Application and Click OK

o As name enter helloA3, enter a directory to store the new project in Create in
(or keep the default). Click Next

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o Click Next

o As Class name enter helloA3 and click Next


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o Click Finish

Now the new project was created and some settings need to be done
o On the left click on Projects


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Select your new project

Click on Build Environment
Check the option Clear system environment
Select the PATH variable and click Edit
Enter the following text:

Select Build Steps and enter the following in Additional arguments:


o On the left click on Edit

Double-click on helloA3.pro
Insert the following two lines:

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LIBS += -L/home/dirk/rootfs/opus_a3/rootfs/usr/lib
INCLUDEPATH += -I/home/dirk/rootfs/opus_a3/rootfs/usr/include
Press CTRL + S to save

Editing the GUI

o Double-click on helloA3.ui
On the right side select the QMainWindow
Set the geometry to 480 x 272 (the pixel size of the A3 screen)


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Drag a Label to the designer area and double-click it

Enter Hello A3! and press Enter
On the right property pane, you can select another font and font size
Resize the label so that the text fits in.
Press CTRL + S to save

In the lower left corner click on the Build All button

Now the finished built application should be inside the project directory.



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o Copy the helloA3 application to a USB stick
o Insert the USB stick into a running OPUS A3
o Connect to the A3 via serial console or using ssh over Ethernet and log in (see
chapter 5.4).
o Copy the application from the USB stick to the /opt directory of the A3
cp /disk/usbsda1/helloA3 /opt
o Change directory to /opt
cd /opt
o Set execution permission
chmod +x helloA3
o Run the application
./helloA3 qws
o You now should see the window displaying Hello A3! on the screen of the A3


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Wachendorff Elektronik
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5 Summaries and FAQ

5.1 What to do only once after installing?
When toolchain, rootfs and Qt were installed, QtCreator has to be configured as described in
section 4.3.
o Create a symlink to the devices Qt directory in /usr/local/Qt
o Create a new Qt version in QtCreator that points to /usr/local/Qt

5.2 What to do for each new project?

For each project the settings described in section 4.4 have to be made:
o Change the build environment PATH variable so that Qt binaries, the cross compiler and
all other binaries can be found by QtCreator
o Disable psabi warnings in Build Steps
o Edit the .pro file with the link and include pathes to the rootfs
o LIBS += <pathToRootfs>/usr/lib
o INCLUDEPATH += <pathToRootfs>/usr/include

What to do when I want to develop for another OPUS device?

Install the provided toolchain of the other OPUS device (should be very similar to this
manual, see chapter 3.2)
Install the provided rootfs of the other OPUS device (should be very similar to this manual, see chapter 3.3)
Change the softlink pointing to the old rootfs to the new rootfs
o sudo rm /usr/local/Qt
o sudo ln s ~/rootfs/opus_XX/rootfs/usr/local/Qt
o (make sure that the path matches the new rootfs installation path)
When creating a new project or if you want to use an old one, make sure that the PATH
variable in the project settings (see chapter 4.4) and the LIBS and INCLUDEPATH settings in your .pro file (chapter 4.3) point to the correct (new) paths.
QtCreator should now automatically use the other devices Qt version and cross compiler for building.

5.4 How to connect and log-in to an OPUS A3?

See chapter 11.1.2 How can I connect to the serial console of the OPUS A3? of the
The login username is:
The password is:


5.5 Where can I find more detailed manuals?

5.5.1 Linux and Ubuntu
o Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/index.html
o Linux Guide: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Linux_Guide
5.5.2 Qt

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o http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.5/

5.5.3 C/C++
o A lot of books are available about the C/C++ programming languages.
o Good C++ reference and documentation: http://www.cplusplus.com/

5.5.4 Programming for OPUS devices

Developer guides are available for every OPUS device. Usually they are called
OPUS_XX_C_CPP_Developer_Guide.pdf. They contain important information on how to access the devices hardware (e.g. I/O, keys, video input, etc.) and use the available system daemons and libraries (e.g. power management daemon).

How can I configure an application to start automatically when starting the OPUS
See chapter 11.2.3 How can I use own user startup scripts? of the
Here is an example start script called 00_myApp placed in /opt/etc/init.d.
It will start the application myApp stored in the directory /opt/myAppDirectory
# Copyright 2010 Wachendorf Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
# Stop the running application
if [ "$1" == "stop" -o "$1" == "restart" ]; then
echo "Stopping myApp: "
killall myApp 2>/dev/null
# Start the application
if [ "$1" == "start" -o "$1" == "restart" ]; then
echo "Starting myApp: "
# System setting
export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin
export HOME=/root
# Touchscreen settings
export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0
export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/ts0
export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf
export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/opt/etc/pointercal
# if touch wasn't calibrated yet, do calibration
if [ ! -f "/opt/etc/pointercal" ]; then
mkdir -p /opt/etc

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chmod 644 /opt/etc/pointercal

# application and Qt settings
export PATH=/usr/local/Qt/bin:$PATH
export POINTERCAL_FILE=/opt/etc/pointercal
export QWS_DISPLAY="LinuxFb:mmWidth=95.04:mmHeight=53.856:/dev/fb0"
export QWS_SIZE=480x272
export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=Tslib:/dev/input/ts0
export QWS_KEYBOARD="USB:/dev/input/keyboard0
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/Qt/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
cd /opt/myAppDirectory
./myApp -qws &


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