3g Integration PDF
3g Integration PDF
3g Integration PDF
1. Preparation
This section mentions the software and test tools required to do the RBS integration.
1.1. Laptop with the below software installed
1. Tera Term Version 4.61
2. Filezilla Client) or any other FTP client
3. FileZilla Server Version 0.9.31(FTP Server)
4. RBS Element Manager P7
5. Java1.6.0_14jre-6u14-windows-i586-s
6. RBS 6000 Basic Software P7.1.6
1.2. Cable and accessories
1. Serial to RJ45 cable
2. USB to Serial Adaptor
3. LAN cable
1.3. Node B Scripts and License
Total of 7 integration scripts are used during the RBS integration.
The license file/integration unlock is mandatory. Without the license/ file or integration unlock the
5_ HS_EUL_Parameters.mo cannot be run successfully.
3. Node B Commissioning
This section explains in detail the steps mentioned in the previous section.
3.1. Format DUW
Connect the serial cable to the LMT A port of DUW and run Tera Term software.
Make sure that you see the command prompt $
Put the Node B in BackUp mode, by issuing the following command.
Since the /c2 is not automatically mounted, we will have to manually mount the drive by issuing the
following command.
Now we will proceed with the formatting of the hard drives /c2 and /d. The commands to do
the format is given below.
formathd /c2
formathd /d
Once the format is done, reload the RBS. After this is done, we again move to the back up mode to
start the configuration. This is done by issuing a reload – command
The next step is to proceed with setting the IP address in the nodeB. The command issued is
ifconfig le0 netmask
Make sure you select the root directory ‘/’ at the RBS side.
Transfer /c2 and /d directories to the RBS as shown below.
Once the transfer is completed make sure the size of /c2 is 129M and /d is 39M. This can be done by
issuing the volscommand
3.3. Restart Node B with basic software
Now we have to restart the RBS with the basic software. The command to be issued is
reload. Wait till the RBS restart is completed
We login to the RBS using the element manager software. The local maintenance IP address of the
RBS 6201 is always
Checking the Finger print
This section shows a series of screenshots on how to check the finger print of the RBS. The finger
print is used to generate the license key file for the RBS.
3.4. Run Cabinet Equipment Wizard
The RBS is configured with the cabinet type when we run the Cabinet equipment wizard. Also some
basic sector and IP definitions are done in the Cabinet equipment configuration. The script to be run
is 1_Cabinet.xml.
From the tools menu, select Cabinet Equipment configuration. We can choose the wizard or the
scripts option. Since cabinet equipment configuration is quite simple, we will be running the wizard
manually. Please follow the screenshots below.
Click Next
Since we are running the wizard manually click Next. The RBS will proceed with a restart and it is a
normal behaviour. Wait for the restart to complete.
Once the restart is completed, you will see a screen as mentioned below. Click Next
In the next screen you will select the RBS cabinet type, key in the cabinet information and select the
Radio Building blocks for the sectors. We will be using the radio building block RBB12_1A. In this
example we will be configuring two sectors. Click next once done.
In the next page you will see the power supply and the battery configuration. Key in the number of
PSU’s and the battery backup in Ampere Hour if applicable. Click next once done.
The next page shows the Local maintenance IP address and the subnet mask. The default IP address
for the RBS is and netmask is Click next once done.
Please confirm the parameters and select the option to restart the RBS after cabinet equipment
Observe in the Teraterm that the RBS is starting up in the Initial CV
Since we will be using the 2_OAM_Script.xml select Use Configuration file and browse the file from
the folder where the OAM file is stored.
Once the current configuration is loaded, click next.
The following screens show the parameters that have been defined through our scripts.
This screen shows the Local Maintenance IP address and the subnet mask.
The next screen shows the OAM IP, OAM VLAN, OAM Gateway and OAM subnet mask
configuration. Also we select the Transmission type (TNB). TNB is used for Optical Gigabit
Ethernet through SFP and is required for IPRAN sites.
This screen shows the Iub IP address, Iub VLan, Iub Gateway,Iub Subnet mask and the IP Sync Ref
IP addresses.
The next screen shows the next HOP IP address which s required for OAM access. The next hop IP
address will be the OAM Gateway IP address.
The next screen shows the Server configuration inside the Singtel network and they are standard
values. Click next once done.
The next screen shows the NTP servers for the time setting in the RBS.
The next screen shows the Network Synchronization available. We have configured two IP
Sync Ref’s in the RBS. Therefore we will see 2 entries here.
Confirm the parameters that have been entered in the OAM script. Click Finish
3.6. Run Site Equipment Configuration
The next step is to run the Site Equipment configuration. We will be running
The site equipment configuration defines the site name, number of carriers/sector, defines the
external equipment such as ASC, and the feeder cable settings.
To invoke the Site equipment configuration, go to Tools Site Equipment configuration.
The next screen shows the SAU and the PSU configuration. SAU is currently used only for the 6102
The next screen shows the Sector Data info including the latitude and longitude.
The next screen shows the Carrier configuration on per sector basis.
The next screen shows the ASC configuration.
The next screen defined the band at which the RU’s will operate.
The next screen shows the Antenna feeder configuration.
The following screen shows the parameter numhscoderesources and numeulresources. Set the
parameters according to the requirement.
Confirm the parameters in the next screen by clicking Finish.
Once the Site Equipment configuration is done, you will see the following screen.
3.7. Run Iub Transport script
Now we will proceed to run the 6_Iub_script.mo. This will define the Iub link towards the RNC
From the tools menu select Run Command file
From the screen below select the Iub script by clicking Browse.
Make sure you select “Halt on Errors” and Verbose logging” before clicking the Start button.
Once completed you will see the following messages.
In the Element Manager go to Licensing View. Go to MO properties and select “Update LicenseKey
Now in the following page, key in the following details of the FTP Server(our Laptop). Username,
Password, IP address and the License File Name. It is shown in the screen shot below.
Once all the details are keyed in clock on “Execute”.
Once the CV name and the operator comments are keyed in click Create.
Make sure that the created CV is visible in the CV list. If it is not click refresh. Set the CV to
startable and restart the RBS with the CV.