Yeshurun International - Publication No.20: Messiah Ben David

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Shabbat 08/02/5993 (27th Apr 2015)
Messiah ben David. Who is He?
We invite all the true people of Israel to
consider and examine the Jewish Holy
Scriptures to see exactly what kind of person
MESSIAH ben DAVID would be. Carefully
examine each passage which Moses and the
prophets left. You to can know the eternal
peace and joy that the Messiah can bring to
every willing heart.


Seed of the Woman

"Her Seed, He shall crush thy head (i.e. Satan's)
and thou shalt bruise His heel!" (Genesis 3:15)
Seed of Abraham
"Thy Seed shall possess the gate of His enemies,
and in thy Seed shall all the nations of the earth be
blessed" (Gen 22:17, 18)
Seed of Isaac
"For in Isaac shall there be called to thee a Seed!
- In thy Seed shall all the nations of the earth be
blessed" (Gen 21:12, 26:4)
Seed of Jacob
"And in thee and in thy Seed shall all the
families of the earth be blessed" (Genesis 28:14)
Prophet like Moses
"I will raise them up a prophet from among their
brethren like unto thee; and I will put My words in his
mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall
command him" (Deut 18:18)
Seed of David
"I will raise up thy Seed after thee, Who shall be
of thy sons; and I will establish His throne forever" (1
Chronicles 17:11) - "And there shall come forth a
Shoot out of the stock of Jesse...(He) shall stand for a
Banner (Rallying-Signal) to the peoples, unto Him
shall the Gentiles seek (i.e., of Him shall the Gentiles
inquire and in Him shall they trust)" (Isaiah 11:1,10)
Son of the Virgin
"O house of David....the LORD Himself will give
you a sign: behold, the virgin shall conceive, and
bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel (God
with us)" (Isaiah 7:13,14)
The Son of God
"I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to Me
a Son," (2 Samuel 7:14) - "I will tell the decree: the
LORD said unto Me: Thou art My Son, this day I
begotten Thee" (Psalm 2:7, Isaiah 7:13-14)
The Mighty God
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is
given: and the government shall be upon his
shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

Born in Bethlehem
"Out of you (Bethlehem) shall One come forth
unto Me that is to be the Ruler in Israel" (Micah 5:2)
The Eternal One
"Whose goings forth have been from of old, from
everlasting." (Micah 5:2)
Preaches, Heals, Saves
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because
YHWH hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto
the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the
brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to them that are
bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD,
and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all
that mourn; (Isaiah 61:1,2)
Enters Jerusalem
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O
daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto
thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and
riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an
ass. (Zechariah 9:9)
Scourged, Crucified, Buried
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he
was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of
our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are
healed. (Isaiah 53:5) -"they pierced My hands and
My feet." (Psalm 22:17) - "They shall look on Me
Whom they have pierced." (Zech. 12:10) "They
made His tomb with the rich" (Isaiah 53:9)
Our Sin-bearer
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have
turned every-one to his own way; and the LORD hath
laid on him the iniquity of us all (Isa 53:6) and he
was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare
the sin of many, and made intercession for the
transgressors. (Isaiah 53:12)
"My flesh also rest in hope: For thou wilt not
leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine
Holy One to see corruption. Thou wilt show me the
path of life" (Psalm 16:9-11) And the graves were
opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept
arose, And came out of the graves after his
resurrection, and went into the holy city, and
appeared unto many. (Mat 27:52-53)
Ascends to Heaven
"The LORD saith unto My Lord (i.e. David's Son):
'Sit Thou at My right hand until I make Thine enemies
Thy footstool.'" (Psalm 110:1) - "Thou has ascended
on High..." (Psalm 68:19) "In Thy Presence is
fullness of joy; in Thy right hand bliss forever" (Psalm
16:11) - Who has ascended up into heaven or
descended? What is His name, and what is His Sons
name? (Proverbs 30:4)
Coming Again Visibly

"And behold there came with the clouds of
heaven One like unto a Son of Man, and He came
even to the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:13) Setting up
His Feasts every one that is left of the nations shall
go up to Jerusalem & worship the King, YHWH of
Hosts. (Zech 14:16-19)

carcases of the men that have transgressed against

me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their
fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto
all flesh. (Isaiah 66:24)

To Rule the World

"And there was given Him (an everlasting)
dominion and glory, and a kingdom that all the
peoples, nations and languages should serve Him,"
(Daniel 7:14) - "Then shall He be great even unto the
ends of the earth" (Micah 5:4) And it shall come to
pass, that from one new moon to another, and from
one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to
worship before me, saith YHWH. (Isaiah 66:23)

Candidates for Messiah have always been an

interesting read, but who has truly fulfilled all of
the 365 prophecies of Messiah Ben David/Ben
Joseph? Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri claimed he knew
the answer.

To Punish the Wicked

And they shall go forth, and look upon the

Recount of Jewish Feast Days Fulfilled in Brit Chadashah:

Zecharias Is Called ("Sivan 1- 14"). He was visited by the angel when it was his turn to do the priestly duties.
The Division Of Abia (Abijah). There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of
the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. (Luke 1: 5)
David divided up the priests into 24 groups (1 Chronicles 24: 1-18). Each served the sanctuary for one week from one
Sabbath to another (2 Chronicles 23: 8). All
came to serve during the three great feasts
(Deuteronomy 16:16). Zecharias was from
the division of Abijah which was the eighth group. They
served in the week after Pentecost
(Shavuot). Since all priests had to serve at Pentecost it
meant that He served two weeks before
going home.
Week 52. Forty eight assigned tours of
duties and three feasts only accounts for 51 weeks.
We assume that since the tours are from
Sabbath to Sabbath and two feasts are a week long
(one is 8 days long) that since the feasts do not start on a Sabbath that there is overlap which most likely occurs during
the fall.

Elizabeth Becomes Pregnant ("End of Sivan"). Zecharias comes home and Elizabeth becomes pregnant. In the worst
case he could not touch her because she would be unclean for two weeks. In the best case she immediately became

Mary Becomes Pregnant ("Kislev 25"). This date is the first day of Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication), the miracle of the
festival of lights. It announces the One Who would be the Light of the world who was born by a miracle.
The angel visited Mary when her cousin Elizabeth was six months pregnant (Luke 1: 24-27, 31). Then Mary went to visit
her and stayed 3 months (Luke 1: 56-57). So she stayed until the birth of John and the Passover festival.
Assumptions. In this proof we have only made two assumptions.

Pregnancy. Elizabeth became pregnant within one month after Zecharias came home.


Abijah. He was serving the first course of his term in Sivan, not the second which is in Kislev.
If he was serving in the second course then Yeshua was born on Passover and John was born during
tabernacles. However, since Yeshua was 33.5 years old when He died at Passover, He could not have been born
during Passover.

Fruit Of The Womb In The Fourth Period. The first fruits were offered to God in the fourth year.

Mary. Mary stayed three months and she must have gone to the temple during John's circumcision in her fourth
month. So the fruit of Mary's womb came to the temple during His fourth month in the womb to be presented to
God as required (Leviticus 19: 23-25). Yeshua also began His ministry in his fourth decade.


Elizabeth. Her fourth month was in Tishri. Since all Jews were required to go to the temple, the fruit of her womb
was also presented to God during His fourth month.

John Is Born On Passover ("Nisan 14"). John was born forty weeks after he was conceived. We placed the
birth on the fourteenth because the Passover seder prophesied that Elijah would come during the Passover
Seder to introduce Israel to the Messiah. The scriptures identified John as the fulfillment of the coming Elijah. So
he was born at Passover and thirty years later, when he was legally a priest (Numbers 4:3), he baptized Yeshua

and introduced Him to Israel. Since a pregnant Mary might have been present at his birth, John may have even
introduced the Messiah to Israel at Passover.

Yeshua Is Born On Tabernacles (Succos) ("Tishri 15"). Six months later Yeshua was born, September to early
October, not December 25. Mary delivered right on schedule. His birth was neither premature nor overdue.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. (Luke 2: 6)

Yeshua Is Circumcised (Shemini Atzeret) ("Tishri 22"). He was circumcised eight days later. This was the day
Yeshua joined the covenant people. The next day the Hebrews officially began a new season and rejoiced in the
Torah and could pray for rain. During this week of Succos they would parade with palm branches, saying "Lord
save us!"

The Climate & The Shepherds In The Field. There were shepherds in the field of Bethlehem watching their
flocks the night of His birth. People dismiss December 25 as the birth date because it was the cold of winter and
they would not be out at that time. We are thinking like people in the north pole.
Tabernacles generally occurs during September-October, but December is not as cold in Israel either. Israel has
a mostly Mediterranean climate. The temperature in Bethlehem between August to October ranges from a high of
86-79F to a low of 66-59F. So during tabernacles shepherds could be herding sheep. The criticism about a
December birth is the cold climate. The average temperature in Bethlehem in December is between 57-45F.

The Feasts. So Yeshua was probably conceived on Hanukkah and born on the Feast of Tabernacles. John was
born on Passover and he may have been conceived right after Pentecost.

CONCLUSION: The Jewishness of the Messiah of Israel has never been in question, although the waters have been
muddied over 2000 years, we can narrow down our search to one man. Like Joseph, he had to be rejected by his
brothers before he could rule the earth. Like David, his branch is the righteous branch, and his reign is established
forever. No Jewish Kings have ruled Israel after the King of the Jews rode in on a donkey (as foretold), was hailed
by the people of Jerusalem as their King, then bled and died at Passover for the iniquities of his people (Dan 9:2427). But there is good news, he rose from the grave, and did not do all this for Himself, so will come again to
establish the ( )Kingdom without the curse of sin to ever stop it. See Jeshuruns calendar (flyer 10) for more
information on how the name of our Elohim reveals who the Messiah truly is. Shalom Aleichem!!

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